Tin: bee: omatia. wkoxesday, dkckmhkk inir. SCHOOL SITE FIGHT BEFOREJHE BOARD Citiiem of Northwest Federation Make Descent Upon School Authorities. -. jro . VAX cvs a at "CIER3, A delegation of members of the JJorthwest Federation of Improve : meat clubs attended the Doard of Ed ucation meeting last evening and . urged that the proposed new Clifton HIU school building be located on the present site at Fortjr-aecond and , Corby streets, Inatcad f on a new tte bought two years ago at Forty fifth and Maple streets. They also ' contended for a new school on the Fairfax achool alte. President Ernst impressed the vls t itori with the thought that the better ' way would be to wait until the com ; inltteea of the board shall hare been elected the first of the new year . and then bring their propoaltlon be fore the bulldlnga and grounds com ' jnlttee. During the asehaniro of arguments tha ; prosldrat of the board Mid It wai not , Woman Insists That Postmaster H imsclf Weigh Her Packages Th most careful woman In the world ppearrd at the postofflc Tuesday She currlrd an armful of parksg-rs. la ToMmawter Wharton InT alio In quired of Tarcrl rout Pat MrOovern. "Not Just now," raid Tat. "When will b hs be in?" aha Inquired ahsrn!r. "Probably in about an hour. Did yon want those packages welched?" askod rt. "Tea, I do, but 1 want the poatmaater to wslrh them. Then I'll know they're welche risht," she answered. She left tho bulldlna;. la about an hour sho returned. la tha poatmaater In?" she demanded. "Nlxle" Bowles referred her to the postmaster's office. In a minute or two aha returned, accompanied by the gentle manly, accommodating and gallant John C. Wharton. "I un'lerstund, madam," he wan savin. "You want your packacra weighed rlKht. Quite rlirht." Tha toslmnstrr took Ma place b-Vilnd the scales, with Mcfiovern close at hai.d. "Eh-h, one pound to Berkeley, Cat., that will he" "Nine centa," whispered McOovcrn. "Nine centa, mnd&m," said the p. m. And ao it went through nine packages. The poatmaater then assisted her In buying; the atampa and h affixed them with hla own lily-white fhiicers. The woman thanked him. "Now I can fool thai, they are aafe," aha mid. "Absolutely aafe, madam, absolutely," said John C. "Call again, tnndam." REVOLUTION OHJN CHINA Eeport from Shanghai to San Fran cisco CcJeitial Sayi Five Ptot inces Declare Independence. RENOUNCE YUAN SHI KAI RULE Santa Claus Makes Early Visit to the Progress Auxiliary Santa Claua. bearing a alight reaem blenee of Henry Wulf, wae tha guest of honor at the Chrlattnaa tree celebration given at the Labor temple laat night by fair for those directly Interested In the rrse Auxiliary of the Omaha Car Clifton mil and Fairfax achool dlatrlcta Pentcra' union lodge. The program wa to enlist the aupport of residents living Ita other achool dlatrlcta aa had been done lo this instance. Haw Cltlsoas t4. Member Williams explained that when the new Clifton Hill alle waa secured tiia committee met to hear both aldea and enly three at that tint favored the old aite while 14 favored the aite at Forty fifth and Maple atreeta. After the meeting had adjourned a group of the vlsltora and Prealdent Ernst continued the dtaeuaalon en the aldewalk In front of the city hall, Mr. Ernat tell. 5 Ing the dtlcent that he la giving the city i $3,000 worth of grafultoua eersacea eacli , year ae a member of the Board of EJu ' ration and believed the people of the j northwest predncta ot the city should get together and settle their difference a without taking up the time of the entire uwwumm . board aa had been done on aevaral recent occaalona. ?; The vlaltore told the board they wera ; asking for what they believed waa fair and In the beat Interea'e of the commun r Ity they represented. rN Social C'eater Dam-Ins;. f The board denied a request from t'as- . -11 . t,Anl l.l.i. t mUImi.m u K . . L n .1 that dancing be allowed at the eoclal center of their achool and t!ie board went further by going on record ae oppoalng dancing at any of tho achool aoclal ecu tert . The Northwest Improvement club en- I dorsed the nlffht schools and reroin-j mended that thla educational feature be 'oitemled to alt schools of the c ti . Tho : Jcommunlcatlon waa placed on f le. On account of the unexpected aiten-i fdance at the Omaha Lvnirj High; ;aohool the aalary of Principal Adums wusj Incrsns.'d to I10J a month. j IMiaaka to Daadeeltea. ! The to, id thanked Ire former Djndes ', liool ti-uiteca for Interest In nupervlalng completion of the new Dundee achool. j The Association of Collegiate Alumnae was granted pemitai'on to maintain a 'desk on the fifth flotr of the c ty hall for propoacd vocational guina;ice woik t, -among puptla of the public achoola. j gt J Tha amohe atack at the Kama in v liool ja jwitl be ex:naea ai a com oi .hj . i t ora Stringer. ra Shlelda a.xl I.ulu fv-.thee were confirmed ei tie new ex .'anting lommlltce for proaprct.vc iciMh- -TT Jtoreiatners iiam Foundation for tlie Churches of Today i In commemoration ot the : Sth annl- ..... - .. . feraary of the landing oi ino pusnin. jj J Congregational churcliea of umena ami k ivlctnlty gave a Forefathera' day program N at the Flret Conrrcganal church. Nine-: H prepared by a committee of three, com prising Mn. Nina Varquart, chairman; Mr a. B. Moran and Mra. Toung. Follow ing thla, a dance waa held, and a eupper ecrved the crowd. Tlie entertainment which waa entirely by youngatera, waa given before a big aaacmbly of grownupa, who enthualaatlcally applauded every niimlwr. Muaio for the dance waa furntahed by W. Braden'a orchestra. Kaga of candy and other goodlea were given the chil dren by SantA Claua after they had obliged with the following numbers: Recitations, Olen and Wlllard Williams, P.ay Miller, Thetma Weatland, Helen Tllater, Mildred Chrlattanaen, Carl Henry, I4111an BUter. naechel Wulf and Clifford ChrlFtlaneen; aonas by Thelmi ani Harleen Young,, Audrey Weatland. and "Pllent Night, Holy NlRht," by all the children. AVERY LABORER SAYS COMPANIONS ROBBED HIM With sixteen salp wounda In hie head, Frank Hn'f.k. a hnrveat hand, walked nil the way from Avery, to the Bouth Fide police station for help. The police aont Mm to the Bouth Side hospital for treat ment and within an hour .Toe Jusch and Sam Angyel, former friends, were ar rested, charged with the assault. Com plete confessions were obtained. The two men ere said to have leaped upon Hajek from ambush and taken (75 from him. He gave descriptions of them to Captain Tony Vanous and within 'an hour Detective George Allen had them under arrest. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS John K. Hucklngham. general baggave. agent of the Hurllngton at I'hiraKo, In town yesterday. HucklnKhnm was formerly assistant general passenger agent for the Hurllngton here. He aays that he got a good apple crop off Ills orchard tract In the Big Horn baaln ami expecta a larger yield next year. SAN FRANCISCO, Dee. 21. Tong King Chong, president of the Chinese Republic association received a cablegram from Shanghai, China, to night which stated that five Chinese provinces had declared their Inde pendence against the rule of Yuan Shi Kai. Tho provinces concerned in' the revolution were, according to the cablegram, Kwangtung. Klangel, Yuannan, Sichuen and Kwelchau. Mr. Tong, who baa presided re cently at several mass meetings of Chinese from all parts of Callfronla, said tonight he believed the action of the five provinces would be followed by similar declarations from all parts of China. He said the Chinese In America were strongly opposed to the return of China to the monar chal form of government. Large sums, he said, had been pledged by California Chinese to finance a general revolution. roller skating to a catchy melody aa there is In dancing. Laat night waa "ladles' nl ;ht." and sev eral hundred women exquisitely gowned appeared to take advantage of the City Audltoiium'e facilities. Manager Franks haa appointed "Butch' Brhardt, a well known professional skater, to have charge of the .large corpe of In structors and each night scores of gtrla and women are taught the intricacies of the art. A hockey game last night between teams representing The Dally Bee and World-Herald, pleased a big crowd. The game waa declared a tie. JOHN J. LARKIN DIES AFTER BRIEF ILLNESS John 3. Larktn. 87 years old and father of Deputy Coroner Barney Larkln, died Inst nlrht at his home following a brief Illness, which suddenly developed Into bronchial pneumonia. He had been connected with the Cud ahy Tacking company for a number of years and waa well known on the South Clde. Four aona and four daughters aurvlve. They are: Mike, Barney, John and AJoysus and Mra. Ed Anderson, Alice Cecelia and Marjorie. Funeral arrangements have not yet been made. ROLLERGLIDE SUPPLANTS ALL OTHERS FOR TIME Vernon Caatle wouldn't know hla old walk now. There'a been a change. In stead of hopping, walking and eliding It's now one long, drawn out glide and with very little exertion. The new vogue of roller akatlng haa assimilated all the modern dance steps but with roller skatea, and the ladles who Introduced the transformation at the municipal rink last night showed to a big gallery that there'a aa much fun 3E ram. ti wan laaaiwemjuj nimwi BUILDERS WILL ELECT OFFICERS IN JANUARY The annual election of the Omaha Builders' exchange Is to be held January 8. Nominations for the various offices were made a short time ago. K. O. Ham ilton and W. P. Deverell are the candi dates for president. Trendall Wins. KANSAS CITT. Md.. Dec. 21.-Harry Trendall, St. Louis welterweight, won the decision here tonleht over Johnny Salva tor of St. Paul after ten rounda of slow fighting. Stags Will Outfit New Club Quarters With Omaha Goods Fifteen hundred members of the Order, of Stags attended the meeting held last night at Swedish auditorium to mark the closing of the charter In Omaha. Dr. W. R. Dupree of St. Louts, supreme di rector. Installed the officers who were as follows: Harry B. Fleharty, exalted director. William T. Cole, prelate. -D. O. Miller, senior wsrden. Perry Miller, Junior warden. Joseph Lovely, recorder. J. Id. Schlecht, treasurer. Dr. Harold Cole, Inside guard. James Keenan, outsldo guard. Joseph P. Butler,- trustee for three yea re. H. A. Dsv. trustee for two y.rs. Charles Miller, trustee for t year. A collection of goodly proportions waa taken to be distributed among the three dally newspapers of Omaha to be used for their Christmas funds. The sum of $7.10 was sent to each paper. A vote to furnish the club rooms with matertala bought In Omaha was unani mously passed. Two new droves are to be established at once, one here and one at Council Bluffs. Among the head officers of the order who attended the meeting were: R. A. Caulfleld, International director; Fred H. Corthell. Derry, N. H.; W. A. Haynes, Richmond, Va.; deputy supreme director: P. R. Jamleson, Grand Rnplda, Mch., grand senior warden, and Robert U, Dunlap of this city, grand Junior warden. FIELD MARSHAL FRENCH IS RECEIVED BY POINCARE PARIS, Dec. 21 Field Marshal &r John French, who was recently succeeded by Sir DouglM Halg aa commander-in-chief of the British forces In Belgium and France, was received tonight by President Polncare. Long before the arrival of the field mar- sliai at tie I'elncc of l e U..f c i ivj- had gathered to grcrt lilm anl when hi. automobile entered the court yard there were cheers for the distinguished Pritl i soldier. Manifestations of regard for th field marshal were repeated as he left th-palace. Employ the Needy Upon City Work is Plea Before Board The many problems which daily are brought to the attention of charitable organisations were threshed out last night In the offices of the municipal at torney before the Welfare board, . the city council and a number of the leading charity workers of the city. Employment conditions were the chief topic of discussion. Rabbi Frederick Cohn pleaded with the councllmen te offer employment on city work to the needy ones. Hophus Neble . and John Rtne also made brief talks outlining the needs experienced In establishing a city employment bureau. Nothing definite was accomplished ex cept the expression by the council thst "we're for anything the Welfare board doea." Bealdea members of the Welfare board and the city council, the meeting was attended by E. F. Denison of the Toung Men's Christian association; Captain Kline of the Salvation Army; Major Mc Cormlck of the Volunteers; Dr. Gtfford. Rev. C. H. Savldge and several others. M ALONE UNDERGOES SUCCESSFUL OPERATION E. J. Malone, credit manager for the. Brandels stores, underwent a successful operation for gall stones yesterday by Dr. C. C. Allison at St. Joseph s hospital. He la resting easily today. E1SEM That Insure a Merry Christmas is fcE. I Surprise Delivery KYlado at AHY DAY You Roquo GIFTV that is to last a lifetime should be chosen deliberately and these st Vwaessesjseeaaasajaaejaaajgaaaai This Luxurious Turkish Rocker $ -zrJo c Iteenth and Davenport streetaMeat even-1 ilr.g. Although the ettendsnce was mt loverly large, the speakcra had a eiy in terested and attentive audience. William If. Russell presided and the .-following program waa carried out; !-' 'votlonal eserilse. Rev. W. P. Hampton; , address. 'The Forefstlicre." Rev. O. A. iliulhert of fit. Mary's Avenue Congrega .tlonal church: "Congrcgatlcatl Instttu-' itlons." Rev. V. T. Um.se of the First (Congregational church; solo, "Let We' IForget. by Ueorgo C. Hclntyie: "Evan-j Jgellsm In Our Church." Rev. i. T. Jones, , land an anthem. Tllgtima of the Nlfcht" j 'by the First Church quartet. Special ! "honors were paid te those who during th ' present year Joined th Pons and Daus'.i- ters of Pilgrims. j ; Rev. a. A. llulbert In his tnt't urgrl i hla audience te airlve for a portion at ', least ot that fire end spirit that caused th pilgrim fathers to (ace of all cliff 1-' culty not te relinquish one lota of their i belief. "It la to these forefathera who I suffered ao much for their rluhts that we ; ewe more than ae realise, not only the foundation of eur present educational yaUm, but th fundamentals of our gov-' ernment, and a principle of theology, a! psychological thought that more than equaled any cxpreased by th great Mar tin Lather, namely, that ther la nothing 1n the guiding spirit of religion so Im portant as the spirit of God speaking te the aou! of man. "It waa adherence te thla rule that made the pilgrims such a worthy example for to follow, oca which will help us above all others lo brtiig the kingdom ef Os4 to the Inner life." are the very last of the shop at - leisure days. Never before have we gone into the Christmas season with such a complete stock. For this year, in addition to all our regular designs,, we are mak ing' an advance showing- of all the new 1916 models. This means superior shopping1 advantages to those making their selection here. GRAND PIANOS$450 and Upwards This is the home of the celebrated Steinway. The standard piano of the world. Buying one of these in struments means settling the piano question for a life time. Here you will also find such world renowned makes as Weber, Hardman, Steger & Sons, Emerson, McPhail, Lindeman & Sons and our own sweet-toned Schmoller & Mueller Grand, a $600 value for $450. Easy terms, with three years in which to pay. PLAYER PIANOS-$350 and Upwards This is Omaha's Player Piano Headquarters. Here you will find over twenty different styles and finishes. Heading the list is the Aeolian Pianola ' Piano with its exclusive features, the Themodist and Metrostyle, which enables one to play the most dif ficult music correctly. No complicated levers or buttons and yet perfect control. Here you will also find the Schmoller & Mueller Player; $200 lower in price than any other former inner player. Easy terms of $2.00 a week pays for a High Grade Player. HIGH GRADE UPRIGHTS.-5175 & Upwards The Sweet-toned Schmoller & Mueller Piano sold direct to the home, saving you the middleman's profit from $75 to $150. Many different styles and woods to select from. Our 25-Year Guarantee Bond goes with each instrument. Easy terms pay $5.00 a month. Free i stool, free scarf, free life insurance. TERMS: $1.50 Cash; $1.00 a Month. Tins MASSIVE OVER STUFFED TURKISH ROCKER is without doubt the greatest rocker bar gain ever offered in the city. They are absolutely guaran teed and far superior to any rocker generally sold for $20. The platform is stoutly made, with heavy carved claw feet. Upholstered in black or Spanish imitation leather. Back la diamond tufted, has neatly ruffled edges, while the seat Is broad and Is ot smooth covering. Upholstered over oil tempered springs. Our tremen dous buying power enables us to of fer you this most exceptional bar gain at the low price quoted above. J J mm mt i 1 mmm rlsa yJ I mm n WW Store Open Every Evening ' Until Christmas. Beautiful Convex Pictures on Glass Size 13x16 inches L!RS. CRUMPACKER WILL j ENTER IOWA CAMPAIGN ! ' Wra. 3. V. Crumpackar ot tha National Association Opiosed ta Woman fcuf fraca returned to Omaha, for a fw days ftr spending tha laat few monllia In tha campaign In Ktw Tork and Nsw Jorasjr. Mra. Crumparker waa an activa works asainat Buff rafts In tha cast, mada apeachaa and assisted In tha orgwn iL&iloa cf many local branch of tho Inaiioaal association. Mrs. Crumpackcr will nutks a short vts'.l to Canada during tho holidays, aft'r whlh sha will Join (ho anti-workers In Iowa. EP.0THER OF ELMER BED0EO PASSES AWAY IN ILLINOIS , T!mr tWddeo, proprietor ef tho Boddoa rioir.lr.g cotnny. received word yota- iy tl, at ills t'to'.i.er, Francl. died till bums In Orikoiga. 1U., (tr a kral t n-. 11 r. ll.Mco left last veutng- fur CHRISTMAS SPECIALS Kitrtner Kale lrlco rtc. 450 Kurtantan, square lano. . . . , .5 25. OO oWOO ( bristle & ttne, square piano. .5 JJ5 qij fJ23 .mnll 1'i.rtKhP RO.OO 150 Vcse A Sons, upright planu. 8100 .OO HK lllnaie. uprltfht plno 8135.00 ?.&Q rkbumHS, uiricht piano 8175.0O 100 Kmenon, uprlvht $185.00 $:00 tKiinaoller Mueller, itprUht, S150.0O 9 1 ISO fitrger Son, upriHht 8175.00 IN GOOD USED PIANOS Sale ITIc S175.0O 8 85.00 8385.00 Frmf v lrice 800 Tryber, upright 9 223 Kile, utlht . $ COO AVelnr, upright J5o I .... . I i; ; l . ! An Ideal Xmas Gift i These remarkable pictures are attached to convex glass, by a new process that in sures the retention of all the rich color ings from the original paintings. The frames are very heavy and made In dull powdered gold finish which is guaranteed not to tarnish. Should you purchase these pictures in any art store they would cost you at least $2. All copies of the world's famous Masterpieces. While they last at the very low price quoted. .Will Your Home Have a Columbia Graf onola This Christmas It is the one gift that will make a blighter home n Christmas morn and through the year. We will gladly demonstrate any Grafonola from the one at f 15.00 to the many other models ranging In price to $600.00. !t 550 Neinny, upright $425.00 fl,MM Ottrktrlutf A Sun, grand. . .$105.00 $1,100 Melnway, grand $395.00 $ 450 Stliutwrt Vlajer Piano $105.00 $500 dough 4 Warrrn llajer 1'Uno $220.00 OCLCCT YOUR PIANO FOR CHRISTMAS PAY NEXT YEAR SehmolSer & ueller Piano Go. 131W3 PARNAM ST., OMAHA, NEB. The CX3et TUm IXoum U tbe Weat, Established HUB. Open Frmtnirs Untlll 0 o'clock. 1 S P'i; I f "s csjtjt k 9 If com. K II Plets II stock rooords We illustrate here our leader," a marvelous instrument in every way. Quartered oak, mahogany or satin walnut, non-vibrant motor, plays four records with one wind in. Holds 76 records. All expos ed metal parts heavily nickel 4 plated. 800 needles, four needle cups, etc., only $75 SB.OOaah, $5.00 Month ft The Columbia "METEOR" and 10 selec- t 1 Q O C tions plOea0 $2.00 Cash, $2.00 a Month. THK "METEOR" In tono, quality, construction and finish la In every way a Columbia, which nieana noth Idk has bean allsjhtod. Quartered solden rablnot. non-vibrant motor, rtrt rt'llfi. fir. The "Mltruonette" model, greatest dollar for dollar value ever of fered. Beautiful carved case, wal nut or mahogany. Plays four ree ords with one winding. Wonder ful tone control. This is an ex emplary sample of what, the best American craft- mansnlp ran produce. $100 $5.00 Ca.h. $5.00 a Month Free Concert Every Evening This Week. 17 h W - S ft a Ml m f N con ibt AJTD KUS THE COltTMBIA QSUTD- S3O3.00 eli orai c ninno aKATOKOI.1 i T-aannir. -I "jst a -.'-as. f 4 VS. M