4 WANT AD RATES WANT AP8 for the evening edition must reai h The Bob Offl- befor 12 o'clock nnon. WANT ADS for th morning end Sundsv editions itinrt reach The Be Office before 7 46 p. rn. WANT APS received after these ho will m their first . anc under "looUt to MaIO CASH RATES. On time. S rent a word Two r more onn ru I v t cents a word, each "" 'nt Seven consecutive tlrpe. nl word, each Insertion CHARGERATF. On time. 1! cent Vn;K .,. Three consecutive time. 10 cent a tin. each Insertion. Sevan consecutive times. cmU Hn- each lnertlnn Thirty rit'v times, 7 cent. line. ch Insertion. Count six a vet age word to line. No advertisement taken leas than a cervl. tha for NOTICES. Catda of Thank. Death. Funeral and Lod Notiw. '.'' rent line each Insertion. M'nlmiun chsrg U tenia. Parties advertising 1" theaa col umns an;1 having their anawera artdresa-d In ear of The Bee will pleas ask for curd to enan'e them o ret their letters. none will b delivered except on pre sentation of tarda. An advertisement Inserted to b run until discontinued mvtt stopped by written order, i Th Pe will pet be TpnnelM; for mora thsn the first incorrect Inaenlon of any advertisement. Tha Pee reaervea the -tcht io reteot or rewrite all aavoil'.sc mentg, Tou ran Plare your went ad '.n The Bee bv telephone. TELEPHONE TTXF.F. 1000. DEATHS AND rtXEn.tl. NOTICES 2. at his ePTaLMAN-TUjTTtond, sued reeMence, 2'l Orant street. runeral Wedneeday at 8 1 from rast denre, to Pacrel Heart rhun-.h at a. m. Interment Holy rtcpulrhre cemetery. niRTIli AM) DEATHS. !tiri.t I.'i tioUfn and Oiilsenna An lot,e, 14 Smith Fourteenth, boy; James and J-Arnr: Aln. fill Houth Klghteenth, einevt-loyd and Catherine IMnstork. 7 Lrth Thlrtltli. girl; Mlkel and Mary T -mi Miuiii Twentv-slxth. boy; r.-Joaepli and Roxle Coory, 1U , Kleventh, boy; Krenk and Bosa Chula, 1 t'17 Pierce, bov; Antornlno apU Marlanna Il hlefeno HiT2 Houtn rifth. girl; John " end Kliiabelh Pellniikl, 2 fiouth Twen- tteth avenue, biy; Frank and Olive . Hayes, Thlrteenln and Monroe, boy; t'hsrlea end Kllabelh Chahu. Twenty , sixth and U. girl; Alfred and Rva fcJy, f i' North Tweniy-fiint, girl; Kug-ne and Kdlth Warren. Tlilrty-second and E. boy; Jnwnli and Marv Halny. 31ft South Twenty-fourth, boy; Bernard and Frances i Mnn, I'fls ftoiun i wenijr-emn, ui.u Side, bov; F.dwBj-d and Henrietta Henrel, " "i North Kortv-fourth Potitli Mde. girl K. I anl Catherine Jameeon, Koutn Nineteenth, girl; llward and Helen 1 ' . Lynch. 31'l'j Couth Seventeenth, girl; Wal- Isce and Paulina Ltnns, Soil Ames avenue. I girl; Clarence and Kstlier Lind, 4014 South . 'Twentieth, bov; Vlllam and Edna Mc kt 'ale. R107 Capitol avenuo, girl; bteve and i.' Paulino Mlnalnakl, Wl South Twenty f eim.tti, boulh Bide, girl: falvatore and ' i erenlna, Mlcele, 1 10H houth Seventh, boy; f Potor and Klltabeth Meloy, a"7 Harney, ' Plrl; Vrenklin and Hasei Plf fer. , llll , North Thirty-third, girl: Paul V. and .! Adele E. Stelnwlnder. 42OT Routh Ntne .jtefnth, girl; Charles and Ella Whitney, , 4", r. North Fifteenth, boy. IV- lVatha Thuml Taylor, J, St South i' !'"ortl-th; Tonald A. Wrede, 10 months, v , liomiiui; Mrs. Mary Bovce. 74, hospital; ' Nellie Cunningham, 21. 1145 South Twenty- c' ninth: Mrs. Carrie Rite. 23, 1015 Houth , i;iventh; Richard II. Morgan, 7H, 1IS V ''api'ol avenue; William O. Houghton, JS, ' outn Bixteentn. MIRHIAGB LICKMStl. Licenses to wed have been Issued the lollowlng couples: Name and Address. Waller Todd, Waterloo l"erl Taylor Ouy, Waterloo .. "art Relmer, Jr.; Omaha Elisabeth Kuhlman. Omaha .. . K. Harry Lanlx Pomeroy, la Stella Hosenfleld, Ontaha .... Herman Kromrle, Casey, la.. Mary Fester. Uuthrie Center, Age. at ;j M at) 4.1 la 3 C!reni R. Frey, Dea Moines la....... 34 Janet. Warren, Ls Molnea, la 31 eorge H. Wallen, Aberdeen, S. D,.., !S laisy D. Dunn, Aberdeen, 8, V 26 Wiihur l. Wills. Nellgh 27 ( Ksther C. Conery. Nellgh 37 . Hoy F. Johnston, Watertown, S. D.over SI Alice Maude Gales, Omaha over IS BC ILD1NG PERMITS. 1 fl. Payne, tn South Thlrtv-elghth aveme. auto shed, IniO; Helena Maloney. M'A V. f-ame building. IVo: Jeff W. Bed. frd A Son, frame dwellings as follows: i '4 North Thirty-fourth avenue. l.. ; North Thirty-fourth avenue, ll.l. ' 40I1 North Thirly-fourth avenue. It. 400; 43ln Norh Thirty-fourth avenue, tl.tuu: 1 Nortii Thirty-fourth axenue, Sl,a; n Norm Tiilrty-rourtti avanue i.n; Ltd N. Jerome, r..-4 North Twenty-fifth, 'itint dwelling, !i. , MOVIES w.C FEATURES 0X)DAY i ' i rTrrrr-axgM- f'tE J4TH AND N. "Dota Thou:as,' 4-reel Blograph. i GRAND. 1TU AND BINNEY The Strife Eternal. Vclu! Meeferr.e-ture. I reels llieodore Roberts In 'The Circus flin." iJONKOE. " HH FARNAM. "Throiitrii feat ure. Turb'ilrnt Wateis.' 4-reel ANNOINCLMENTH Imported Russian Pony coal. J125: lll sell at a bargain. cl connitien. alxe ; also fancy dait- irg dre ii.r stage or mas iiiersde. Pboue v ,-om. r K', or A "1 drees O 4'0. Bee o . tjl'K'W dei.ivi.hy. Hnste nj exniTes. Call W-hm-r ) l4"!'f'jA AKlTd "Lucky vcddUig ' l:inet lMh nd l"ouls B's Xr.H'iSK AT Y.MX'.A. Busmes, Lease For Sale on two offices " UlCClV lOCatCd On KOOOnrl flnr. - Cf The Bee Building luquire of tha SuprlnUnclea. Ruorn 103. ( il I K i 11 i I h-. i.iil aovialroeot. I on .U'-'tkaf iil.v itmrit tK cause cf r'wuroaiKm. lli.r, stomach, puralysta, orvo'.ao-es and r nulo itkm.a,l. Ex. li'lT V, "ii. KNOLLENBERG E .ite ?i K-i nH. Tyler 1 Imported RussfarT I'ot.y net. cot $i, will t t a tar. x.-ti, o...i cot.ilitiun. sie sr. -lao fancy . i-'i.. iin f ir ataae or niaa.i,erk.j, i H.-i,. or AJ4iva u i. fcee. TODAY'S MOVIE PROGRAM empressd"wi5"&"'douglas Tha Key to a Fortune, 3-r. feature. The Losing Game, 1 reel. The Deceiver. Hearst-Sellf No. 100. PRINCESS. 1117-11 DOUGLAS. Four reels of good pictures. North. GRAND. 18TII AND BINNEY, "SPECIAL FEAT URE PROGAM" By request we hev secured a special FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN feature which we will run today In addi tion to our already big program, which U aa follows: DOROTHY GISH, featured In "Her Mother's Daughter," 3 parts. Keeping Up With tha Joneses, cartoon. BILLT VAN DUBBN and tha "Merry Widow," and Vaudeville. LOTiitiOP. L'4TH AND LOTUUOP. Paramount presenta Theodore Roberts In The Circus Man." South. APPOLO. 2824 LEAVENWORTH. Hearst-Bel Ig No. K. "The Ghost, of the Twisted Oak." l-reel Lubln. "The Conquest of Conatantla." Vita. Weat. MONROE. 2556 FARNAM "Through Turbulent Waters," featuring Gertrude MtrCny. 4-reel feature. Jane Novak In "Hunllng a Huaband." lonlk stale. BESSE. 24TH N "Dora Thomaa, "On, Ioctorl" ' 4-reel Blograph. Kalem. OHPUEUM. J4TH AND M. Four reels of good pictures. A rTOMOHILES TIRES You can get 2.000 to MOO miles out of your worn nut tires at a coat f 13 to IS. Ask us how. D. 47. Duplex Tire Co., Ll Karnam St. Whenever you are considering selling or buying used car and you want full value for your money or you want people who are willing to pay for what they are getting you will have no regret If you buy or advertise through the used car column of The Bee. Phone Tyler 10UO. NEBRASKA Hoick Service .station. JSarnam St. Phnna Doualaa 7rt. ll Industrial Garage "Co.. 20 lT atney Stair AUTO, clearing houae. Buy, sail and ex change u: 'd ears r'arnam D. rtig AUTO T1RHS RF.RUILT, 12.00 TO IS.flO. DUO T1RB l.. 1611 Chicago St. FOR SALE tV-paaaenger Ford; mechani cal condition perfect; 4 new tires; lull equipment. Right price for quick sale; cash. HI Hartley St. Phone Doug. M'M. Ilu KEWArtl) for any magneto we oan't repair. Colla repd. Bayadorfe.. 310 N. 1IU. ntSlNESS CHANCES If your business Chance will stand rigid Investigation and Is Just what It la advertised, or If you are looking to start In business for yoursolf you will be per fectly satisfied If you use the Business Chance column of The Bee. When buy ing or selling a bustneaa Phone Tyler lout. FOR BALE OH TRADE General atore and butcher shop located at Winnebago. Nebraska; old established business; large sales; good profits. Will sell on eaay terms. Stock and fixtures In first-class condition; Invoiced about $13,01), build ings S,0u0. Will sell either business se. parately, with or wltnout buildings. If interested, write or call on F. L. M CU RB. Second and Pearl streets. Sioux City, la. OFFICE for real estate or Insurance; same floor as Be office; 13x71 fuel; loO. Tb Bee Uldg., Office Room 103. TO SELL or buy a buainesa, call on Rttaeh 4k Borghotf, Frenser Blk. D. 8311. Office For Real Estate or i Insurance Same floor as Reo Office The Bee Building Office Room 103 ASK for my Heal Estate Bulletin. It includes lamest and beat list of bar gains In II states. V. U. Templeton. W Bee Bldg. tXAoOOn stock of dry good for sale cheap; no trade: must be run; stock must be moved. Write Clements A Co., Lyons, Neh owners. TO GET in or on i oc business call on OANQEtrTA.D. n Bee Hk1 Ijo'. lr. LIST your business with ma for qukg results: buy. veil and exchange. RELIABLE BARGAIN U. Room r. Balrd Bldg Tel. Pous as 341 17TH AND POUGLA8 UTS. i SEE Omaha Theater Supply Co. for bat- ga-ui In eetabluhed ahoa. D. Kg). THKATEK9 Buy, lease or sail your the- ater. niachlne and supplies through Theater Kxch. Co., 1404 Farnam. D. 1W7. A CHANCE to luy a good paying bust neaa fur 1150: news, mag., cigars, to bacco, randy, notions, etc; good location; ail raati business; good reason for sailing; wife ran laJie car of alor while rui- band works. Call Colfax 1-S3 for further information. IN KSTMKNTS. Oup Nebraska farm mort gagee are not affected by European ars or tnics. AntounU lou to 330.000. W tollect all luteiett and 7 principal free of rharge: Ju years In the Nebraska farm loan field Ithout a loss la our record. KUIKK, INVETMENT COMPANY, mi Omaha Nat I Isnk liidg., uniaha. o EDUCATIONAL GET BOYLES GREAT OFFER FOR THE MID-WINTER TERM Just send me you name and 1 11 giv .you by return mall the gieatest, moat it. I tractive offer ever made by a reputable I hii.in... l..i.,l., 1m. linn ir. a ... n,,ol. premium-and-casti-rebste offer that will both mak you ruoney and a I you money, i MID-WINTER TERM OPENS JAN UARY 3D IN BOTH DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL. In Bookkeeping. Shorthand, Stenotypy. Touch Typewriting. Telegraphy and rivil Servtc preparation. Write, tei piione or tall for big 114-pae cata logue and last Issue of cullvgo journal. BOY LES COLLEGE, H. R BOYLi:S. PRESIDENT. llh and Harney Sis , Tel. I. lii. Omaha. Nebraska FOR sale, the following schoUrslupa U a fifst-rlasa CHnaha tiusliteas colKaa: On unlimited oomu.ation bu. suiaag gnd ahorthaod cours. (irve unlnuitd atcutographic cours. On ttar-inunlha bust-ea or stecto grat'lilo cuurM. A1" ! "iscauat at Us atflca ? 1ti Omaha Be. EDUCATIONAL Th i VAN SANT SCHOOL STENOGRAPHY BOOKKEEPINQ. Day School for Young- Women. Evening bebool (or Young lien end Women. Saturday morning rises In typewriting. Iooa C. Duffy, Owner and Manager. w P. 1th fl. Omaha. BUSINESS COLLEGE STUDENTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSES. For aa, nn good reasons for selling, a Variety of courses In a reliable Buj neee School, one of the leading hnjnet colleges of Omaha. Will he sold very reasonable away below regular price. If you are considering taking a course Investigate this at once, slnre F all term begins soon. Call office. Omaha Bee. roil HALE KURNI I LHE. BAPGAINR IN FURNITURE AND HARDWARE. 13 N. 24TH LB 1H07. FOR PAI,K-Mrr Is a -Innsirirallon thai la of the utmost Importance to every reader, as this column offers some excep tional ounortunlties every day and a small want d "HI "ell your article at Its full value. J'hone Tyer 1.o'4. flotL-a bought an. I eold. .1. :. Heed, M Io'ila "Ml. llOHXKS AM) lilllt l.FS. FARM ason. I): harness, t"ti both new. Johnson-Danforth Co., 16:h and Clark Streeta. MISIt AI. ITRI tlET. A STANDARD make, I'prlght piano. In good condition. Cheap for eath. Col fax 40HS.S POILTRY AU PET STOCK. MXD grain. 1) ihe II. 7R. Wagner. Wi N.l. FOR SALE Fine canaries, singers and; females. Bchradcr, 3405 Ave. B. Council ! Bluffs. TYPEWRITERS. wtt i.iiuu ycr t i Have WllllarnV visible typewriter No. 2, j ail tne latest Improvements, almost new. enly used about one montn; cost u. v in sacrifice at ;, Address B. i'.27. Kee. RELIANCE Hlhbon and arlion Co., car bon paper and inked ribbons D. 1'4- TTPEWRITK.It!4 for rent ii Hce T'ldg. TYPEWKITEU.S sold, tented, repaired. Central T) p writer Exc. 1ft Farnam. mTsckli. ANi:4US. FOR BALK New and aecotid-hand tarom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and aceeaoiios; bar fixtures of alt kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick. Balke Collender Co. 407-409 S. 10th St. ELECTRIC MOTORS J-H. P., 2i0 volts, 3 phase, new t n S-IL P.. -M volts, 3 phase, new 40 l-H. P., 220 volts, 3 phase, new To t-H. P., ZM volts. 3 phase, new 67 IJYN A.MOS. I-K. W., 110 volts, D. C. new -K. W., 110 volts. D. C, new 2'4-K. W.. ir0-0 volts, new l-H. P. gasoline engine $70 l'i SO S-H. P. gasoline engine, throttling governor I'll LB BROS ELECTRICAL WORKS, 318 S. 12th St. o - ii K.k.ta delivered, si: Illinois ! I .03 I nut or lump, Ij.M per ton WU1 Ioti. MM. ' FOR 8A L1C New and second-hand oarom , and pocket billiard tablea and bowling j alleys and accessories; bar fixtures of ail kinds) eaay payments. The Brunswick. Balke-Collender Co.. 407-4U B. 10U Bt For Sale Bargain In moving picture ma chine. Nat. Thea. .Hervice. Uamge Bld. FOR SALE CHP:AP. Business College Course. Full and complete scholarship In one of the best Onmht buslnesa schools. Good reason for selling; perfectly relia ble; worth full price, but wll be sod very reasonaby. If interested Investigate at once, because fall term begins soon. There are a variety of courses for sale. For particulars Inquire at the office of The Omaha Bee. FORTY Hail, Scliaffner & Marx suits. small alxva; taken on a debt; regular retail price t. aa long aa they lust at C,Cack1ey P ros. . onpoalt ""tofflce. DIAMOND IXX'KICT. men's and ladles' watches, reasonable. Friedman, 1211 Doug. 1IEL1 WANTED -.FEMALE FACTORY AND TAAIIUS. OIRL, to learn halrdrenlng. Oppenhi-im. DOMEsiicin. THE Servant Girl Problem Solved. The Bee will run a Servant Uirl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired results. This applies to residents of Omaha. South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler 1000. Wll IT El WOMAN, experienceu, would llko Ironing and washing to do. Coll. 410. WANTED Ms n and wife without chil dren to work at my home. Apply Sn City National Bank Bldg. GOOD girl for general housework: small family. Har. 2104. KGO South S5th Ave. WANTED Good girl for shihII family. Apply 2c7 N. housework; 2th Ave. WANTED Competent white girl for gen. eral housework; city references. Mrs. John MclHnald. 615 N. 38th St. Har. 2.M. L.ACI3 curtains and bundles carefully lauiidered.webater 428S. A" GIRL or middle-aged woman wanted for general housework. Small family. Good P2,l??.Jlu.r!- , WANTfc-D Good while girl or woman for general housework; 3 In family. Call personally or phone Tyler 1M7, forenoon or after 4 p. m. 2?:. S. PUh St. WANTED Middle aged lady, have furni ture and would like housekeeper for re liable pr, rty. t lood home and good cook. all Harney bK,U. daytime. ANTED Experienced girl for general housework: must be good cook; no laundry. 414 8. IMh St. Harney M. Family washing done cheap. Web. W2S. WANTED A young white i-lrl to aasiat with housework; ho cooking and no washing. Aprly '4 X. .list Ave. Har. 3941. WANTED A neat fureiKO girl to assist with general housework, liar. 4.W. WANTED Competent white rlrl for gen eral housework, no washing. Good m aes. Walnut la"H. -'l No. nt h St. MISC ELL A t . WOMEN--BeHms goveinrnent clerk: 170 month. Write Immediately. Franklin Ii'Sitme..lep t o."J. K. ItiH-lirster. N. Y, syll!l!Ara 'iL' " rne.". YOl'NO women coming t cnisha as stranger are Invited to .ia.it I he Young Women Christian Am ct.Unn Sullding at St. Mary s Ave. and Cth St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding -ea or otherwise asaisied. Look for eur tiavelere' guhla at l'nnn station. A RAPE opportunity; curnfortabl liv. lnic: home sewing; plain cloth aeama: any sewing machine: etea.y: n,, canvass ing; no triflera wanted; san.nlca Ic; re. turned If not aatlfactor-. Ifoine Sewer Co. Jobber Snwtng. Kehoboth, Del. COMPETENT Catholic Rlrl fl. Honw,a, housework: run "'V, wages a month. Laundry optional Aildiess A a-fc. Pee. HELP WANTEDMALE 4 LEH1C A L AND OFFICE. BOOKKEEPER, experiemel, tTj, at,ao. ; iito. and clera, le. CO-Ol'EHATIVK KEFKHENCE CO., lol..-l City National. UK L KTmA nT"$o J ateito.. o.il of lown. $40. ATTS K E i'-Ji!r 4'rand.Tlia. HIijil-GUADE C"iunitai iomUo,.;. IVFiT. UEFERKNCE At bOND Aao.N., 73 omaha Nat. Hank Hldg AG EN T s7 A LL. M r: N , but. u TlUHS. COAL agent wanted In every tows; get a trial car. 1 . ':..' N"j. Platte. N. b Y A "NTFD Salesman lor country: one with auto ircfenvd: only nrt-rlaa men. capable of niakmg m jw-r week or inoi iie-4 applv. A4-l furnl-li firet-t laaa jtalereno,-. Aovan ed evoensc and font. c-l l'iy 1'-' Hnmin ri , riunmn iidx. AAl.ESMA N W A N T E 1 Eiprien.d candy aalesinan. on, who is rapbl of selling a well known Hue that Is complete and perfect la detail; sural y bond required; answer In own hand w ru in X and ! record cf oinploviuciit. , alary expevted. Address i. 572. car bse. HELP WANTED MALE At.F,.T, ILF.MRV SOI.lt ITWRS LIVE WIRK plumbing salesman on obtain exclusive territory for the most efficient gas water beater on the mar ket. The water Insulated Jacket ptila It In a class hy Itanlf HotVr water with SO per rent less ga. than any other heat er. Bonanxa side line to man with es tablished trade. Write for proposition to (Jeyser Pales Co., Builders' Exchange, Minneapolis, Minn. nm s. WANTED AT ONCE-Rcy for office work. Permanent position open for bilgl.t, clean, ambitious boy. who is anx ious to leain. At pll aula who live at ho.ne with parents will receive rreferred consid eration. A plication for this position must be In arpllrant a own hand writing. Ad dress i i Xiv. rare pee o FAtTORIF.S AND TRADKS. Drug Store Snars. Jobs. Knlt, Bee Bldg. T.KAKN TUB BARBER TRADE. Trl-Clty Barber college; low rate tuition. Including set of tools; wagea paid; eleo trlo matsage, hvdraullc chairs; catalogue free 1124 PooglHs St.. Omaha. YOI'NO MAN. be a barber. I teach you quickly, cheaply, thoroughly. Tools f.irnlaliod. 1 give ou actual ahop work. ke-p half the tecetpta. My atudenta in I big demand. I have colleges in all prin cipal cities In r. S. and Canada. Call, write or phone A. MoWr, Preeldent MOLKI lB ARBKR COI J.KHB, Omaha. Hl'RRT, HURRY. riON'T DELAY. SEE OUR SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER, If you can't attend day school you can hold your .lob and at the tame time get your automobile education If you enroll In tha NIGHT CLASS OF NEBRASKA A UTOMOBILB SCHOOL, 3406 LEAVENWORTH. KLU SUV i U J 11 . IO O ..1 IIFl U.T BUln .- class planet, screw meenme, 'oonnn mill, milling machine and lathe handa Also tool und die makers; for out of town work. Good wages and bonus Tranaportatlnn advanced. State three bet references. Address R. E. Feabody, Ml Schiller Bldg.. Chicago. HI. MISCELLANEOUS. GOOD MEN WANTED at nnre to learn auto work to fill noaitiona which are ODen 1 tight now and are waiting for com petent men. I-earn by our aystcra ' of actual work on uutra, tractore. electric start Inc system. Free iHtslog at once AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, Kainam St Omaha. Neb. WANTI-a In the near future, a fanner with help enough In the family to run a farming and dairy jproposltlon In west ern North Dakota. His wife must be a good butler maker." I milk from ten to sixteen cows and deliver the butter In town. No Urge, families wanted. Horses and machinery furnished. References as to qualifications and experience required. Statu salary and all In first letter. Ad dress Y. 174 Boo. 4 WANTED Young married man to work on farm: house, garden plat, etc., fur nished. Hox K. Roberts. Mont. W E have here a two-etory, frame hotel building. 30x75 feet, that we want moved three blocks and want to hear fioni some one In the moving business. Address Bonesteel State Bank, Bone steel, s. D. WANTED Men to try examinations for government Jobs; 170 month. Common eoucntlon sufficient. Tull unneceeeary.'! . . . . . i . . . n..i. . i.i , j j rj ' I' 1 -T " ' L'lJ. luui WBII'fl, Pew. OMAHA leliwny mail clurk' exa.ninationa coming. Hi month. Sample question free. Write Immediately. Franklin In slltote. Dept. 121 K. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Young or middle aged man to assist flashl'glit photographer. Apply at once. Room 312, Rlvard Hotel. 1810 Farnam; straight salary. A. lirlsbois. SITUATIONS WANTED YOUNG married man with several years' experience as manager general store, also experienced bookkeeper, would Ilka to get started In a bank. Address Y 170. Bee. v EXPERIENCED salesman, married man wants position; sober. gUe references or bond. Address l'jott North 2Mb. bt., or phone Wejister 4o4.t. SITUATION wanted by first clasa cook Hotel. Mrs, A. G-oraghty. Central ; lif, fscti. SIT CATION wanted. No. 1 cook. PrN veto home, a hospital, or school day, or steady. Good wages, Write Mia Manson ltllD lodge St. EX PERI ENC KD grocery clerk. Also handy In the meat department. Can furnish referencce. Webster 2CTj. "PASTRY CHEF wauta work in or out of town; thoroughly understands French pastry, can turnieh A-l reference. D. 3447. P. Kocharu. Apt. S, Shelby Court. PERMANENT clerical position wanted with some reputable Omaha firm, be ginning Jan 1: good business education and some experience; city references. Tel. Tvler 1600 Room 830. YOUNG man, good education, wants steady, any kind, work In or out. Ex perlenced In carpentering and painting. Can do anything. J. E. Vans, General delivery, city. LOST AND FOUND LOST LARGE GOLD FRATER NITY RING. PRESUMABLY NEAR ROME HOTEL. LIBERAL REWARD. CALL CASHIER. FON- TENELLE HOTEL. LOST Red Carnelian cross, gold tipped. Liberal reward. C. L. Dundey, I'hone Tyler UV CMAHA A COUNcTiTBLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY, Feraons having lost soma article would d', well to call up the office of the Cmaha A Council Bluffs Street Hallway tou.pHiiy to ascertain whether they leit it In tha (treat cars. Many articles each day are turned la rnci the company la anxlou to restore them to tha rightful owner. Call Doug. 41. Lost or Found aCa in Omaha's I ost and round medium itimiii the Immediate re ti rr. of that att'cle If advertised In The I'ee. the l ost and Found paper. GOLD brscelet. between Mth and Doug laa and 20th and Harney. Thursday evening. Phone Harney 14. Reward. LOST Small black pockethook coma In trig" money and three keys. Finder ran keep money if they return key to Taft's Dental Rooms. 1M7 Donglss Street. LOST Votch LCollle dog. Tel. Web. Mai. LOST A gray envelope purse with blue kid glove attached, between 16th and 31st on Farnam; reward. II. 1188. MEDICAL i PILES, F1STUIV CURED. nr. c n. uurs puea. fistula and other rectal disease without surgical . i iiu no money paid until cured Writ for hook or rectal disease with testimonials. DR E. K. TAKHY. 4 Be Bldg. . OTTPTTITi.T""'. Successfully treated lkUl i. LI tv whhout surglcaa operation. Call or write Drs. Wray A Matheny, 304 Be Bldg.. Omaha. RHEUMATISM treated aucewsaf ully. r. suits gruarnt'd. Dr. Bowser. 314 Has Bldg. PERSONAL $3,000 TO PENSION INVALIDS The tidier' Hme Journal $110 The Saturday Rvemng Post lii Tli l ouniry Gentleman 1 uj t SUBSCRIPTIONS IN DECEMRJ H practically earns the S3.ai0 fr the IN. VALIDS IfcNSION ASStX'LATION. Your order or renewal means 0c Pleat phou Douglas 'aa or nuUI ta GORDON, , THE MAGAZINE MAN. Omaha. Neh. , PERSONAL fiRKSf-MAKINO by the day. Web TO! U furnace cleanod. fl ; work guaran teed. Central Tin 8hop. Dotiglaa YOI'R fiimar cleaned, fl; work guaran teed, fentral Tin Shop Douglas 4A4 TUB Calvatlotj Army Inlustrfal liome no llcltg vour old clothing, furniture, maga- llnea. We rollect. We distribute. Phone Douglaa 41V, and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-lLi;- 1114 Dodge St. TOCNO women coming to Omaha aa strangeie are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th 6t. and t-t Mary s Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at tha Union station. READY REFERENCE MRECTORY ABSTRACTS or TITI.K. RF.tin ABSTRACT CO.. oldest abstract office in Nebraska. 206 Brandels Thea. Kerr Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern abstract office. f 8. 17th St. Tel. D. 447. ACCOUNTANTS. E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A. 433-4.T7 Ramge Rldg. Tel. Doug. 4flS. AlJIKHIUIXi NOVKLTIES. M. F. Shsfer aV Co . irth-Fsrnam. D. 7474. A Rt II run T. r.verelt S. Dodd. SI? Pawton Blk. D. ami. l" AMATECR fTlSlllU. t , FILMS developed freo if purchased from Photo Craft Shop, 411 Bee Bldg. Dept. D. i ATlORNbJYS. C. T. Dickinson. 811 Paxton B'k. P. 04. ACCTJo.Mj.fe.lls. Cowd Auction Co.. 111.V1S W.O.W. R.SWij. AUTO INSlHA.Mt, AUTOrOBTL75 MUTUAL INSURANCE! CO.. Douglas 2811 AUTO RADIATOR REPAIR!), Omaha Radiator Rep. Co. 3fiM Far. D. 2001 BAKERIES. 7 H. REEPEtt 1504 N. 1th. Web. 3397. HAT MS. BATH-214 Bslrd Blk.. 17th and Douglas MEDICATED vapor and modern Turkish attendant for ladles; Swedi'h massage. 1911 Farnam St. Dougtaa S437. BRASS AND IRON FOCNDItlfeiS. Faxton-Mltchell Co.. I7th and Martha Sts. COFFER BY MAIL. j """""" f tC ' Save money. Use better l-OIICC coffee. 15 lbs. high grade .7.. . by parcel post, prepaid, I3.80. W. A. Skaife & Co.. Omaha, Neh. t HlnOPRACTIC SPINAL AUJU'AITS. DR. BURIIORV. 18th and Farnam, Wcad Bldg., D. 5347; Palmer school graduate, a Lr. J. C. Lawrence, t Balrd Bldg. D. I4!i DR. W. H. KNOLLENBF.RO, Suit 313 Bee Bldg. Tel. Tyler 1!K. CHIROPODISTS. Carrie J. Buford. MO Pax. Blk. Red 4517. JEANETTE GREY. 30 Balrd Bldg. D M'4 IAHPE.VTGHI AND 4 lit ACTORS. STEVENSON. S13 S. t2d. Douglas 6O0. Lesiard A Son. 1908 Cap. Ave. T. 10X C. W. Hokanson, 25QB I.vnwth. Tyl. S192-J. DANCING ACADEMIES. FALL term open at Mackte's. Doug. 1110 PTfl LUXE ACADEMY. Ill 8. 13th St DRESSMAKINU COLLEGE. K sitters' Dresarnaklng Col.. 1S2S City Na. DRESSMAKING. LADIES' JACKETS remodeled In the 1st. eat atyle; reasonable price. 1911 Far nam St. Phone Douglas 28291 Tar Dreasmak'g college. "Oth A Fernara DYERS AND I LEANER. 8TATE Dry Clng. Co.. 1J N. Kth. D. 6072. DElECTIYilS. JAMES ALLAN. 312 Neville Block. Ev. eence secured In all case. Tyler 1130. DENTISTS. Dr. Brt-dbury. No pain. 112 W.O.W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Fickle, 724 City Nat. GanX Taft Dental Rooms, 1617 Douglas. D. 21S4. DRUGS. DRUGS at cu'. prices; freight paid on $11 order; catalogue free. Sherman A Mc Connell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. ELECTROLYSIS, t'loa Allender. 824 Bee Bldg. Red 30M. ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRING CAHILL ELECTRIC CO.. Bee Bid. P.MTt. ILRNACEa AND ILvnuHK, HABEBSTR3K. 40LS Hamilton. Wal. 1971. EVERYTHING l-'uK WOMICN. FOR WOMEN. We do high grado work in French. American, accordion, knife, side box pleating, hemstitching, plcot edging. W make covered buttons in the ew shapea, all alxes. All work guaranteed. 431-3 Paxton Hldg. phone Red 4941. Nebraska Pleating A. Button Co. ACCORDION, aide, knife, eunburst, box pleating; covered buttona, all a.ses and iylee; hemstitching, point edging; em broidery, beading, braiding, cording, eye let cut work buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Fieatlng Co., 200 Douglas Llock. Doug. Iu 14 FLOMISi'S. BATH'S, florist, lw4 Farnam SL D. 9000. I. HENDERSON, 1114 Douglas. D. 1351. Member Florists Telegraph Del. Aas'o. HESS A SWOBODA. 1411 Farnam St. A. DONAGHUE. 142 Harney. Doug. 1001. FURRIERS. SAMCNEETEH. 1930 Farnam. Kd VU. H. Rothhols. till Leavenworth. H. ra. A. L. KOLOVRALEK, 717 S. 24th St HISTORICAL COSTUMES. THE largest stock of masquerade and theatrical costumes In the country. Theo Lieben A Son. 1514 Howard. D. 4115. INSTRUCTION. English, French Instruction. X Lyrte BIA JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. H. H. CLAIBORNE, ill Paxton Blk. Had 744L Notary public; deposition steao. C. W. BRITT. SOI Barker Bloch. " LIVE STOCK t'oMMlSSION. MARTIN BROS. A CO. Exchange Bldg. LIGHTING rUTlHFI. DURKiN u7n,;s.l51, MOTORCYCLES. HARI.ET-DAYTPSON MOTORCTCLES. Bargain In used machine. Victor Rooa, "Th Motorcycl Man." 2701 Leavsnwortb. SI 6 V I N G f 1 CT U RE M A C II I N Ksi OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug. Mo. tion picture machine and film bargains. U( I LISTS. Eyes examined, glaase fitted, pay aa you can. Dra Mo arty, llll W. O. W. Bldg. ! OSTEOPATHY I'ttlaiClANS. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG. 414 B Bldg PATENTS. p. O- BArnell. Paxton Blk. Tel Red Till. H. A. Uuigs. J4 Brandels Tbeatar Bid PILLOWS AND BEDDING. OMAHA PILLOW CO.-Mattresses mad rr Jiast ilk new, DV Cuouug. D. Uoi. tEADV REFERENCE DrRECTORY l'Ll.Ml; (I.KAfcll. C6RLF.D, dyed. I). Eisele. 1134 City Nat. PIANOS Ftm BBNT. tXb per month.' A. Hoape, 1S13 Douglas STORK AAU UKKIt II FIXTURES.. PRSKH. safes, sciles. ahowcasei, shelv ing, etc. We buv, sell. Omaha Fixture ft Supply Co . 414-14-18 8. 12th 'oug. FRINTINU. WATERS-BARNHART Ptf. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 21W. &.".4 8. 13th fit. CENTRAL Pv'ntlng Co. DOUGLAS KH. poroi Printing Co. Tel. Douglas S44. Kt..ll,U RUPAIHIIKU. Om Standard Scale Co.. R13 8 12th. D. mi. ttnl.NU MACHINES. tlT rent, repair, aell needles and VV part for all sewing machines. VYC "MiCKEL'S," NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., ISth snd Harney. Pouglss 1L shoe: repairing. I TTarley Shoe Ttep'r Co.. ?rt4 Farn'm. R. 3444 STEEL 4KILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company. 110 8. 11. STOVE AND FL RN ACE REPAIRS. ALL REPAIRS Water fronts, furnace coil, etc. Quick service. Omaha Stove Repair Work. 12og-g Douglas St. Tyler 20 TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply. 07 8. 11th. P. 421. TRUNK AND SLIT CASES. FP.ELING A BTEINLE. 106 Farnam St. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. KENT an Oliver typewriter 3 mo. for $&, Oliver Typewriter Agency, 190S Farnam. BUTT'S Typewriter Exchange, RtS S. 13th St. All make for sale or rent. RENT a "Remington" not Jtit a type, writer. oLw rent. Call Douglas 1284. VACUUM 4LEANERS. ALL makes. E. B. Williams. 308 S. 13th- Tyler 1011. WATCH SPECIALISTS. Christiansen. 3d fl. Pairton Bfc . 14 yr. exp. WEDDING STATIONERY. Wedding announcement. Doug. Ptg. Co. WEDDING RINGS. BRODEOAARD'S "lucky wedding rings" at Jtith and Douglas Sts. WINES AND LlttUORB. ALEX JETES. 201-3 8. 13th St. Wines, liquors, cigars. Plate dinner 11 to 3, 10c HENRY FOLI.OCK LIQUOR HOUSE, 15th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUT your family liquors at Klein's Liquor house. (23 N. ltfth. Douglas ISO. SWAPPERS' COLUMN ADDING machine; cost 1300 new; excel lent condition; want Jewelry; book case, filing cabinets, automob'le. Good lock or anything of value. Address S. C. fcS. Bee. BILLIARD table, sine 3Vx7; home size. What have you? Make me an offer. S. C. 627. Bee. Wanted to Swap. Why not advertias something that you no longer have any use for and get something you iilly need? Write Room 104, Bee Bldg, or phone Tyler 1000. ALL furniture In 45-roora hotel; reason able rent on building: South Side; will exchange for real estate; value 9LS0O. Ad- drees S. C. e"3. Bee. 3,000 PREMIUM books. 10c each; will swap for real camera, clothing, meal tickets or useful articles. S. C. 447, Bee. 05 NEW cut-your-own-hair machines; value, $2 each. Swap for what have you. 8. C. 44. Bee. ONE TEAM, harness and wagon. In good condition, to awap for late model Ford car. S. C. 533. Bee. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargains ge the "Automobile" classifi cation, . CHILD'S electric train, traiisfouier, wir ing, extra tracks, complete; cost $10.50. Wants child's bed, or what have youT S. C. 51x, Omaha Bee. ONE small hunting case watch, 10-year case; good time keeper; nice Xmat present, want phonograph, typewriter or wnat nave you Jvaoresa p. v-. . nee. One pair men's akatea, Remington hani merlesa repeatly .23 rifle; .22 single shot rifle; .32 break open revolver: S ft, river seine, 6 ft. deep, l'i-lnch mesh; tMnch fish spear; 7x7 new miner's camp tent; want , phonograpn, typewriter or wnat nave . J 1 o , 1 . you. AQurr?, o. v. . n6, pgr, 450 ACRES of Tennessee timber and coal land; 60 acre broken, and houae: all clear; I hold it at. $13 an acre. What have you. S. C. 538. MOTORCYCLE 1914 model Excelsior motorcycle, fully equipped, run 4,(0) miles and In the best of shape: will trade 1'or diamonds. Address S. C. 450, Be. FULL drees suit In good condition- cost I0 new; will trade for anything I can use. S. C, COLORED girl wishes position as cham bermaid. Ked $500 EQUITY in IS50 player-piano, will trade for vacant lot or used car of equal value; piano 1 year old. Address S. C. 444. Bee. HAVE twin Indian motorcyle 1912 model, clutch machine, and diamond ring to awap for piano. Address 8. C 441, Bee. PHONOGRAPH lEdison) with 200 rec ords, cabinet and 100 records, 3 and 4 minute; will exchange for diamonds or Indian motorcycle. S. C. 631, Bee. ROADSTER, lightweight, two-pasenger, 11U5 model, juat overhauled and fully equipped. Will awap for the beat lui model motorcycle or motorcycle and side car outfit I can get; but It must be A-l con dltlon. Artdres H. C. i. riee. MANDOLIN, good as new, to awap for shotgun, a. C . 44.. f 6 Swap 180 acres good wheat land for 7-iiassenger auto. J-670., care of Bee. "ARGO" Roadster. 1915 model, completely equipped. Machine not run over 60 mllea since motor completely overhauled. Might swap for high clasa Viotrola out lit, player piano or towarda a touring car, as need larger car. Address S. C. Ii uee RgMINGTON Typewriter, good as new; will swap to the value of $25. S. C, 448 Be. FI'LL SET '24 vols.) Encyclopaedia Brit tanica; worth $16, and coin collection worth $3: trade for what hav you? 8. C. W4. Pee. WILL exchange good i-lb. capacity 1c box and Oriole go-basket, with hood. for something useful. S. C. 632. Bes WOOD turnlnsj lathe, motor, counter shafts, belting, shafting, emery wheel and stsnd; outfit complete, in running condition, for anything I can us. Ad dies 8. C. 419. Bee. WANTED TO BUY Btrlctl- hlsh rrsd plsno. Web. I74. WANTED To buy on monthly payments, small ator room, with living rooms abov. in Central school district- Phone rren ,so WANTED No. 6 Pearaon Hainer Ma rhlne. Stale time used. Alfred John son. Shelby, la. WE pav Chicago prices for aluminum wrsp casting. Paxton-iichl ra. OFFICE furniture bought and sold. j. C Reed. L7 Faraam. Doug. 4.44. WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT Small family wants 4. I or 4 rooms furnished cottage or apartment. Must b clean and comfortable. Not too far from rhool. Write, telephone or tall on C. I Oliver. Omah Be. WANTED Two furnished rooms with bath snd hoard, in Dundee, for man wit and child. L 630. car Be. RENTALS AP4.RTMF. NTS AMI FLATS. 0 ROOMS. o03 S. 28TH. Close in. walking dlst.. first floor; snap t fy. summer; 124, winter. 3 ROOMS, .717 DEWEY, NEW, has bullt-ln bed. close In. no car fare; M 50, summer; 127.60 winter. 4 ROOMS, 3005 HARNEY. NEW, aub-lee: haa sun parlor, built In bed, outside room; 137.50, summer: $42. &n, winter. 4 ROOMS, 2&i2 HARNEY. Sub-lesse, NEW; has sun parlor, screened porch: very beautiful; $40, sum mer; $45, winter. 4 ROOMS, 313 S. 27TH. Possession Jan. 1: NEW. sun Parlor. screened porch; choice; 140, summer; $4A, winter. " e have other. Send for our weekly printed Hat. HASTINGS A HEYDEN, 1514 Har. St.-o . THE DEWEY Now Completed 3 Rooms with 5-Room Accommodations. Located at 3301 Dewey Ave., strictly up- to-date; very choice: hag bullt-ln bed, nicely decorated, latest fixture, every room an outside room, good light, well ventilated, individual porches; in fact, everything to make it one of Omaha's choicest apartment houses. Good loca tion, r arnam car line, janitor win snow you through, cr call our office for ap pointment. Douglss 1W. HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 1614 Har. fit-o The Colbert 39th and Farnam Elegant, strictly modern apartment, large room and servants' rooms. D. V. Sholes Co. Tel. Douglas 49. 91S City Nat. Bank o The For Bent advertisement sppearlng In the For Rent eolumn of The Be dally cannot be heat for variety that will plea and fill the need of any on desiring ta rent. Phone Tyler 1000. ST. CLARE 24th and Harney, 4-room apartment. Call Harney 047. FLATS. 5-r.-Shelby Court, close-in, mod. ex ht. 111. 8-r. im . Jfxtn sr.. near ceavenwortn, iia. PETERS TRUST CO.. DOUGLAS 895. o APARTMENTS. 4-r. AlHatlan, US S. Wth St., KV5-S40. 4-r. Athlone, loth A Douglas. I37.0-$42.S0. 4-r. Georgia, 1040 Georgia, $37.50. 6-r. Barnard, 29th and lav., $7.50-142.50. 6-r. Winona. 2th and Dewev, $47.50. PETERS TRUST CO.. DOUGLAS gdg. o FOR RENT, new, 3 and 5-room apart ments, disappearing beds, pneumatio cleaner, shower batha, first claas in every pa rtlcular. Flora Apt.. 2641 Jones St. o. FOR RENT Best 4-room apartment in city. Paxadena Apt., 420 Park Ave. D. !'919 or Har. 4oS3, FOR RENT 3-r. Apt. In St. Claire Apt., all mod. and newly furoiahed; refer ence. Phone Tyler 2026 or Janitor at Apt. FURNISHED APARTMENTS. STAR HOTEL, S04 South lDth SL Furn ished flats and rooms, steam heated; first class. A SNAP 3-room fiat, furnished, $15 per month: nice woodwork. 2422ft Leavenworth. J. I. Kemp. Douglas 987. BOARD AND BOOMS. Furnished Rooms that offer ever mod ern convenience and comfort In private families or boarding houae of the high est class will be found in the Furnished Rooms column of The Bee. Phone Tyler 1W. LARGE south front, steam heated room. elegant furniture; in mod. home; good board. Har. 7080. FURNISHED HOUSES. UP-TO-DATE furnished house or apart ment for the winter; must ba first claae. Address O 443 Bee. FURNISHED ROOMS. NICELY furnished room, close in; all modern. Ml S. rtd St NICELY furnished room, privet home, nice neighborhood, close to car. Phone Webster 1307 HOTEL SANFORD. HOTEL HARLET. luth and Farnam. 2vth and Farnam. Special Rates to Permanent Guests. FURNISHED or unfurnished with couple. 2ti01 Jones. Call Tyler 8?5. Large furnished front bedroom in modern home, close In; rent reasonable. H. 4S4S. Large room, newly furnished, prlv. fam., good loca tlon. Har. 8419. 1 S. 30th SI . LARGE auite of room, newly furnished, well iiealed, walking distance. 101 8. 76th St. MODERN room. furnllied or unfurn ished; light housekeeping if desired. 81 N. 41st Ave. Walnut 3331. NICr furnished room, private family. 2 gentlemen preferred: close m. T. 551. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. FIVE good rooms: modern except heat. 1423 N. 31 at St. $1S. Web. 7678. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. FARNAM, 2m Two nice housekeeping rooms, electricity, steam, gas rang. DAVENPORT 201-Two NICETY-fUtY-N1SHF.D HOUSEKEEPING ROOMb; NEW FLAT. " HOUSES AND COTTAGES. NORTH. FOR RENT l-room. new. modern up-to-date brick flat 2323 Willis Aa. Rent Do. Tel. D. 1530. 5-ROOM, strictly modern cottage, hot water heat, close In; rents for $-6. 03 Lincoln Blvd. W H. Dorranoa. Tel. P. 524 or H. 1161. WALKING distance, 2644 Dodge, 8-rooiu modern house, $. Key next door. W. W. Mitchell, owner. Phone Web. 4876. (-ROOM. Dearly new, modem exceuffur- naoe- only $18. Colfax I09. 8EVEN rooms, 1423 Lothrop, clean and modem. Web. 4iU9. FREE Rent to January I. 4-r. cottage. $v. Colfax 485. FIVE-ROOM fiat, $701 N. 34th. WebaTeV 454; all modern except heat. NEAR Sh and Dodge Sts.. 8-r.. all mod? home. In fin repair; vary luabl lot, A bargain tor some one; term or small property taken In exchange, RASP BROS.. Vti McOa-u Bldg. J3u4 CALIFORNIA. 7-room. modern LJC C. G. CARLBERG. IU Brand a The. Bids, SOUTHk l-R. HOUSE -f'e'P'"' Porch, t screen porch. 104 8. 3oth At. Haroey 3X24. NINE-ROOM cottage, aix dowrthr-eTus" .school close, t-minut car, furn.. sat tv.' VAer-,n'.,hbrhooJ; reduced to : 2747 South lh; also new one-aiorv nIl',Ki.iV,1,."PAI?mnt- rour co- "Jom't cMium yt n. Tyler lul 4.8t- all mod. house, well arranged for renung rooms; cloee In. U0 RA8P BROS.. Pougla 1S5J ??.h,',A AVE- NEAR MASON"" JE.ght rooma.good furnacealrrwdern. 114 21' EXPENSES PAID ' e.iiLf' n'L house, In ex- ''"t repair, close In. $i6 S. lMh, 6-r., cot., part mod r.u RASP BROS. rJoVgl. I, WEST. for'rent. h Hw"'y rnwi- 10-room O-Bnrn. Tel. ;i. ion, L'. 1. it 4