Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 19, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 6-A, Image 6

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    a a
Tnletide Muiio to Be Feature In a
Number of Proteitaat Chuxchei,
Morning and Evening1.
In Janre number of the Protestant
church of th. cltr. at nnr the morn
lnic or rmln services, Christmas music
will be the rule. For weeks the cholra
have bn rehearsing and eome elaborate
program have been prepared. For the
oecaalon. In many Instances, the cholra
have been greatly strengthened. Soloists
hare been added ao that, on the whole,
aome unusually fine music la eipected.
Special Christmas music at the Hans
com Fark MethoduH Episcopal church
will be in charge of Walter D. Graham,
director; Mrs. Florence Anderson, organ
ist. The program follows:
Chonia Jehovah ItcUns Holrly
With duet lv .Mcmlames Thomas
and Alhrlght.
Soprano Solo birthday of a King....
Miss Inrothv Williams.
Anthem A wakfnlug vhorua Oshrlel
Boprano 80)0 Hoanna Van Alstyne
Miss Marie Gordon.
Anthem Oood Tldlnes Partlett
Solo by Mis Jessie McDonald.
Anthem Nassrelh Gounod
Kolos by Mlos Mary Virtue, Mensra
Walter Wood row and Harold Thorn.
Tha quartet of the First Presbyterian
church will render the following program
at the Toung Men' Christian association
auditorium Sunday evening:
Quartet Arise! Hhlne Hawley
la Solo Naaareih Gounod
Mr. Hunt
Quartet O. Coma to Mv Heart. 1orA
Jests I'aul Ambroae
Contralto Bolo Virgin a Lullaby, from
Coming of the King Dudley buck
Airs. Miner.
Soprano and Alto Duct-Holy Night..
Mrs. wylle and Mrs. Miller.
Quartet Holy Night! Teat-etui Night
Soprano, Mrs. Iyoulae Jansen Wylle:
contralto, Mrs. Verne Miller; tenor and
director, George B Johnston; bass, Will
jiuni; organist, n. . Warner.
At Westminster Prenbyterlan, Twenty-
. ninth and Mason, the special musical
service, under the direction of Henry Cox,
will begin at 10:15. Tha program follows
, (a) Cradle Song Godnrd
b) Cradle Sonii Schubert
Violin and Organ.
(c) Magnificat lilumenscheln
The Choir.
Unison Song O, Uttle Town of Beth
lehem (four-fold violin obltgato)
The Choir Women.
Anthem There Were Shepherds. ...Marks
l'ostlude March of the Magi Dubois
At St. Mary's Avenue Congregational
church the program will be as follows at
tha morning aervlcea:
Organ Prelude Chant Pastorale.. ..Dubois
Processional Hymn 1K7 Hark! the Her
ald Angels Hing Mendelssohn
Organ Solo Offertory on Christmas
Noels (requested) Gullmant
Carol A Hunter Would a-Huntlng
From Heaven Go Hrahms
Tha Magnificat," or hymn of Mary
In tha house of Zai-tiarlaa, after
Elisabeth greeted her aa the mother
of tha Lord
Muslo by Kir Charles Stanford
! Hymn 17 While bhepherda Watched
; Their Flocks Carol
(Congregation please rlae and sing
without announcement I
Violin Bolo Lgendo Wlenlawakt
Mr. tiriii.
' Anthem While Bhepherda Watched I
Their Flocks sir George Martini
(The Kolo by Mr. Kelly. I
The Ofertory I
Organ Solo (Requested) Cradle Song..
Anthem Tha Shepherd's Story
Tha Solos by Walter Dale, IxmiIi Iyor
Ing and Mrs. Martin bush.
Carol Sleep. Holy Habe Dykea
Solo (Requested) The lllrthday of a
King Neldllnger
Mrs. Kelly.
Tha Nuno Dimlttls, or hymn of Simeon
Music by Ht on ford
Recessional O, Com All Ya Faithful
Adeste Fldelea
Postluda , Weicy
At the North Presbyterian church
Christmas aervlcea will be held at 11
o'clock with tho following program:
Prelude Shepherds In the Flnld. .Mailing
Anthem With Tenor Solo And Ther
Were Shepherds Vincent
iticnara iteynoias and ("holr.
Carol. Soprano ilo. Violin Obllato
Chorus Child J emu Comes Manner
Mrs. Hoy Flanagan and Joseph F.
Woolery, Jr.
Offertory Prayer and Cradle Song..
, Gullmant
Anthem With Women a and M..n m
Chorus UiUhteat anil liest Murk
Postlude March Kvllgouse Gullmant
Prelude Bethlehem Mailing
Male Chorus With Soprano and Viol n
Jesus la King Krati
miss ttoberta coulter. Miss Ruth Knapp,
nrrertory Pastoral Symphony Handul
jininem wun Alto nolo ana Soprano
Obllgato-Hark, Hark by Soul.. Shelley
MIms Helen Falea and Mra. Flanagan.
Post lude Hallelujah Chorus Handel
ansa r.ioise rtest, organist; Le. G.
vr, vuoiriiuuiier.
Christmas muslo at th first Methodist
church will be by a chorus choir of fifty
voices, Sunday morning:
Choral Prelude (Tower) Silent Night.
u ruber
unn ririuuo- (-asiorai tsyinpnony
(Messiah) .. . Handel
verso ine io ra la in sua Holy Tem-
P' Harrington
iiyiun jia
The Lord's Prayer (chanted)
Anthem The birthday of a Klnir
V iv v.;- Nw linger
c. .arni anu norus.
Hymn 13
Or ic u Offertory Shepherds' Plpes.Hnrrls
. Aniitrm Oh, Holy N ght Adam
mim iias i suver ana (. liorus.
Hymn ill
Organ Postlude For. L'nto l'a a Child
la Born (Messiah) Handel
In tha evening at 7:30 the oratorio.
The Holy City," by A. K, Gaul, will bo
given by tha chorus choir of fifty voices.
J. T. McCart will be tha tenor soloist
Miss llaxel Silver, aoprano; Miss Alice
rintel, alto; Mr. Carnal and Mr. Near.
lng bass: Mlaa Margery Shackelford.
Vim V.rna Fowler and Miss Sadie Hoi
land will sing tha unaccompanied trio
and Miss Shackelford and Mlaa Holland
will sing tha duet Miss Marguerite Car
nal will b special piano accompanist.
James Edward CarnaL director; Miss
Nora NaU organist.
Sunday morning tha program at West
minster Presbyterian will be:
SuecUl Prelude
it Cradle tong Godard
(b) Cradle Kong bctiubvr
Violin ana Organ.
(c) Magnificat WumenshUn
The Choir.
luvw aiion Th Lord's Prayer, Gloria
lain v
Unison Song O, Little Town of Beth-
Oheiu Hartlett
The Choir alio Violin Obligate
' (iritory Tbr. Were Shepherds.. Marks
i'ueilude March of the Magi Dubois
The West Farnam Men' Forum will
hold lis regular meeting toulght In th
iM:Ct MttbodlBt church. Forty-first
eud Farnan streets. Llmer . Thoma
will sddits tha forum on th subject,
"Nebiakka lry, 111"
t the First Baptist church Sunday
io"iio.( the iiiuit'til irograin will be aa
I'lf-n i'relude. "Khepherds to the
i . - I 1" Mailing
' y.tiij UiJt li.';r.
Solo, Th Birthday of th Kin;" ...
Miss Marl French,
"O, Come,
Let t?a Worship"
Anthem, "Tb New Born King....
Benediction and poatlude "Festal
March" Calkin
IPTelude. "Larahetto" Reed
Service of aong (Tabernacle Song Book).
Anthem. "Old English Noel" ....Knlaht
Offertory Nevln
i-ostnme, "Msrch In G" Smart
it. w. Thornton, Organist and Choir
master. Trinity tstkedrsl,.
Trinity cathedral will have special mu
sical services for Christmas day and fot
the Sunday following.
7:10 a. m. The choral communion serv
ice In G. by W. J. Clemson, with appro
priate carols and .anthems. It la urged
that as many aa can communicate at this
10:30 a. m. Momlna Jiraver. sermon anil
holy communion.
Orean Prelude Handel
Processional Hymn, "Hark! the Her
ald Angels Bins-' Mendelssohn
Venlte Exultemus Domino Roberts
To Ieum Uudimui Kins- llnll
Jubilate Deo Woodward
Hymn. "O, Littl Town of Bethle
hem" Keriner
Offertory Anthem. "Before the Heav
ens were Hnread Abroad.. 11. W. I'arker
communion Service In F...W. J. Clemson
Hymn, "Bread of the World" Hodges
communion Hymn. "Calm on the Lis
tening Air ot Night" iynes
Nunc Dimltls Unmlon
Amen W. J. Clemson
Recessional Hymn. "O. Oom All Ye
Faithful" Reading
Organ Postluda Handel
11 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon.
Processional Hymn Mendelssohn
Venlte Exultemus Domino Woodward
Te I'cum (festlvsl In R flat). .Dudley Buck
Juniiate Deo In K flat inidley lluck
llvmn. "Once in Roval David C t'v
Anthem. "There were Shepherds Abid
ing In the Field" Miles B. Foster
Offertory Anthem. "Before the Heav
ens" Parker
Recessional Hymn. "Sing. O. Slnr .
Organ Pnstlude Handel
Processional. "Angels from th Realm
of Glory" Kmart
Msirnlftcat Somervell
Nunc Iilmltla Somervell
Devotional Anthem ....Redner
Carols (hymnal) Nos. 19. 840 61
Offertory Anthem, "While Shepherd
Watch Their Flock by Night"
W. T. Best
Recessional Hymn. "O. Com All Ye
Faithful" Reading
Choir, rhbrus of fifty voices. Soloists:
Mrs. Stanley, soprano; Miss Illgglns, con
tralto; Mr. Vlckery, tenor: Mr. Potter,
bass. Ben Stanley, organist and choir
Oscar A. Satre of Sioux Falls. 8. T.. en
listed In the navy at th local recruiting
Harold Stenre, ion of Asel Sleere, Jr..
deputy clerk of the district court. Is
home from Kemper Military academy of
Missouri, to spend th holiday season
Pr Mlllenee. custndlnn of the Union
Paclflo building. Is back on tha Job after
a two weeks siege or aicgness, during
which he had the grip and waa threat
ened with pneumonia.
Starts Friday and Not Looked For
Until Monday Most Pack
ages Now Insured.
Early indications are that the
parcel poet service Is going to be
used this year as It never has been
before. At the Omaha pontofflce
they say it will be Increased 50 per
cent over last year. The Christmas
rush started Friday, although it
wasn't looked for until Monday. Two
weighers are already busy and
rushed all day long in the postofflce
"Insuring of parcels has lncressd
enormously, too," said Tat Parcel Post
McGovern. "I believe seven out of every
ten packages are being lneured. Under
tha new rule Insurance up to IB costs only
I cents, and up to 10 only t cents."
Omaha Is leading In a new departure
In tho Insuring of parcels which was
devised here and Is being tried here for
the first time this year. Th! has to d
with filling out the elaborate three-piece
tag attached to Insured parcels.
There are sixteen blanks to be filled
out on thl tag. Instead of leaving this
to each sender to be filled out and al
most nobody ever filled one out without
making mistake several clerk are kept
busy filling them out. All Information
to go on the bags Is found on the pnek
age with name of Bender and addreaseo.
Under thla system the sender, havlnif
paid his I centa for Insuranre, la handed
a numbered receipt torn from the tag.
It take but an Instant. Then tha clerks
nil out tha tag with tha rapidity that
comes with experience. No mlstakea are
mad and the sender lose no tlma whatever.
Dundee Kept Full
Eecord of Its Dogs
The dusty tomes of Dundee history are
revealing th going and comings of of
ficial of that pretty precinct prior to tho
recent merger. These records ar kept
In an old trunk In the city comptroller's
office, and when buslncsa Is alack around
tha offlc th trunk la opened and In
formation leap out a from Pandora's
box of old.
Comptroller McDonald found a report
of J. D. Wilson, foretime village marshal
of Dundee. The report reads:
Dog tags sold 14
Dogs driven from Dundee 2
Iiogs shot 2
Doks still untagged, whoso owners
claim to keep tied up S
Dundee now being part of Greater
Omaha, it become the duty of the of
ficials to determine whether th three
Dundeeltea In question still have their
dogs tied up and whether th two dogs
driven from Dundee by the marshal have
returned to their former haunts.
Cadillac Eight
Makes New Stock
Car Speed Eecord
George Relm, local agent for tha Cadil
lac, has received word that down In
Florida last week this machine picked off
another world's record. It was at At
lantic beach, out from Jacksonville, when
Claude NrHan stripped his Cadillac eight
and with J. F. Leonard, mechanlo at th
wheel, sent It over the sand at a speed
of nlnety-slx and one-fourth miles per
hour, making the best mile In thirty-two
and two-fifths seconds.
The Cadillac eight that made th re
markable speed at Atlantic beach was
on of the regular stock cars. The time
was caught by stop watches held at each
end of the course traveled. The watches
agreed to the second, so that there can
be no question atout the time made.
The record set by the Ondlllac gives It
the distinction of being fastest stock car
In the world, seven miles per hour faster
than the record made by "Howdy" In
1911, and which until now has been th
test tlma of any machine ever turned out.
Whitlock Prefers
Motor to Pullman
WASHINGTON. Dec. 1.-The fishing
schootier Minomet wa blown up and
sunk about twelv miles off Thatcher's
Island, near Cap Anna, yesterday, coast
guard headquarter her was notified
today. Four of the crew landed at Rack
port. Mass., but ten others were reported
missing. Officer her believe the Mano
met waa blown up by a gasoline explosion.
Preferring an automobile to a private
car. Brand Whitlock, United States am
bassador to Belgium, made his home
coming trip from Washington to Toledo
In an Overland "Six" touring car.
Although Mr. Whitlock arrived at the
capital tired and worn from the great
strain he has been under, he decided that
he could secure greater rest and recrea
tion by making tha trip to Toledo In an
automobile than In a Pullman. And In
spite of the fact that th weather waa
severely cold during the entire four daya
of the Journey, and the roada froxen and
rutty, both Mir. and Mra. Whitlock en
Joyed the trip Immensely.
Th other member of the Whitlock
party who enjoyed tha winter trip were,
Mrs. Whitlock' mother, a maid and
Mleke, tha little Pekinese dog brought
over from Belgium. Th driver, an em
ploye of the Harper-Overland company
of Washington, waa chosen by Mr. Tu
multy, secretary to the president, from
among a doxen willing applicants.
Many Disorders Com from the Liver
Constipation, headache, bilious spells
Indicate a sllgglsh liver. Th tried remedy
Is Dr. lng's New Life Pills, Only 25c,
All druggists. Advertisement.
Ma Special m
Ztfb&i For this Week )&
$75.00 m
ftSa Jiamond Ring sA
We Save You
25ofe on Every
Before Buying See
Our Stock of the
Finest Line of
308 SOUTH 15TX gT.
Agency for McDoagall Kitchen Cabinets
Beaton & Laier Co
415-17 So. 16th St. Phone Doug. 335
All Toys Sacrificed
Nothing Reserved
Entire Stock Must Go
"Close out every dollar's worth of Toys
before Christmas," Is a watchword at
Iteaton & liitier'g now. The price of every
Toy in the store will be cut to cost and less
Monday.. Best assortment of really good
Toys in the city to choose from, too! Be
wise shop early. Buy Much'
Toy Values Unparalleled
Iju-fte 24-lnrh Double Jointed Bolls, with
blonde or black ha'r. beautiful automatic
closing eyes; Jl." values, each 05c
Velocipedes Heavy r'Jb'ier tired, ball
bearing. Sale prices S 5.2", and 1
No other Talking
Machine plays a Victor
Record like a Victor
Victrola plays it.
mr- 7 ni ll'l.n ITfK. V - .
fame- rim
"We've a full fledged
Mail Order Dept. to
care for the wants of
out-of-town folk.
Come Now! It Won't Take Much Urging to Induce You
to Buy for Your Home the "Gift Universal"
vHft Victor victrola at SI00
; , ; ;'
m. I. )i t 4 ( ,,i i .i t t. it ..1. .it ;, . - a. i, u -i. 1 '
R' 1 tJ ,;.rt, ! !!'!! !'. s 1 s i it.
t-a;i:p! iifjiif r "1V
In I y ! i ' i in ii 1 . . ( .,
vm i i'
T'S tho Model XI Victrola Exquisite when
viewed from the ornamental standpoint won-
j derful when considered from the scientific, me
chanical end. And as an entertainer it is almost
human. It will play any Victor record in the bril
liant, flawless manner you enthuse overit has a
"Baby" tone or a "Giant" tone it possesses every '
typical "Victrola" characteristic and will prove
The- Most Earnestly Desired
Thoroughly Welcomed Xmas
Gift Ever Placed in a Home
Buy it for cash, or on eaty time payment 8,
or have it shipped to any address on FREE
TRIAL --- Nice selection of Records with it
on trial also We prepay charges.
The "Victrola Family" is a large one and it's still
growing. There's a Victrola at $15, $25, $40, $50,
$75, $100, $150, $200, $250, $350 and we have the
whole family right upon our floors 150 instruments
Come show the "Christmas Spirit" Buy a
Victr.ola to give to your folks Buy it at
MdkePs Nebraska Cycle Co.
Corner 15th and Harney Streets, Omaha. Neb.
Also at 334 Broadway. Council Bluffs. Iowa.
, .:J."c, 75c and $2.00
Washing Machines, with wringer attached.
Sale prices 31c and 60c
Doll Houses, made of wood, nicely decor
ated; hare windows, doors, etc. Sale
prices 65c, 8c and $1.50
Electric Trains, complete with tracks,
switches, engines and cars. Biggest values
la Omaha 92.25, $3.73 and $5.75
Mechanical Trains, complete with track
and cars 75c, $1.15 and $1.10
nobby Horses, built on frames with natural
mane and tall $2.50 and $3.50
Child's Tea Sets Imported decorated
china. Sale Prices. .18c, 85c, 40c, 50c, 05c
Boy Scout, Firemen's, Police and Soldier
Uniforms 60c to $1.22
Humpty Dumpty Circuses. Sale
prices 65c $1.00, $1.20 and $2.20
Building Blocks Large sets, packed in
boxes 80c, 84c, 55c and 65c
Pianos All sizes and styles; big
values 18c, 50c, 70c, $1.30
Structo Steel Building Sets Every boy
should own one. Sale
price 60c, $1.20, $3.00 and $0.oo
Automobiles Big 'ones, large enough to
ride in, at about half
price ... $3.75, $1.50, $5.75, $8.00 to $15
Choose Early Monday
Headquarters for Gift Furniture
N'INEoutof tenmen
who come finally
. to Goodyear Tires
find them so satisfactory
that they go right on
using them.
That is why Goodyear
sales to the consumer,
and to the motor car man
ufacturer, are greater than
those of any other. tire.;
tio odSear
European war dcmandi
hav. caused a shortage
in the vforld'i supply of
materials used in the
manufacture of White
Tread Tires.
The color of Goodyear
Tiret may ultimately be
changed from White to
Our supply of the required
materials assures the
greater portion of our
1916 season's output of
tires being furnished
with White Treads.