4 A THE OMAHA SUNDAY I IKK: DMJEMP.KK 1013 BANK CLERK STEALS REG ORDSFOR KOENIG Rockefeller Employe Confesses Sell ing Cablegrams and Bank Se cret! to Kaiser's Agent. WOULD WRECK W ELLA NT) CANAL H ungry Man Can Easily Get a M cal if He Shows an Inclination to Work NEW YORK, Dec. 18. Detectives following the trail of plotters seek- street ing to destroy ships bearing ammnul tlon to the allies today arrested Fred erick Srhleindl, a clerk, in the Na tional City bank, whom they charge with larceny of documents, cable grams and messages, which, It is al leged, he turned over to representa tives of the German government. These documents, the detectives say, gave information as to which ships bore ammunition across the seas. Schletndl is also alleged to have Whpre can a hunsry man without the price of a meal or a friend In the city gpt his breakfast ?' asked a woman who has had several callers at her back door this week. The best answer to the question was furnished by Captain Kline of the Salva tion Army Industrial home on Dodge The captain says he has had many years' experience with down-and-outers and was one of them himself once upon a time." At his Industrial home the work test Is applied and th applicant Is (rlvm at least a "once over" before being- fed. In substance the can tain said: "We have various claases of men who come to us for breakfasts and other meals. I might say that ho man who Is wlllln to work goes hungry. We have a class of men who work for us for a week or several weeks and we furnish them given information to the German rep- Vln n ln. to (rive them a st . ,. . , 1 1 ftm frank to eay that If a man An meals and lodgings and pay them some- start. - i -I.-, el-.,,. I ' " " "" "'"'" ,"f",,u'" " u " to our place and asks for breakfast and manufacturing war supplies in this ih, app,r, to be a bum we do not feed country and also the amounts of j him. You can distinguish between the money placed in certain banks to the I really unfortunate man and the hobo, credit of the allies. Schlelndl was - taken to police Headquarters for ' further examination. "Schlelndl," detectives said, "confeased to having obtained Information regard ing shipments of munitions and other matters, savins that ho d.d that at the direction of Paul Koenl. head of the bureau of Investigation of the Hamburg American line, who was arrested yester day on the charge of plotting to destroy the Wetland canal." Detectives said they found Id Schlelndl's pockets a telegram relating to a ship ment of 2.000 rifles to the allies. The mes sage was from the Banque Beige l'our L'Entrangere to a New York bank. Schlelndl told of meeting Koenlg, who, he said, used an alias last May, accord ing to detectives, and having kept In touch with the German consul here since the opening of the war. The prisoner, who aald he was a Gorman resorvUt, de clared that when he met Koenlg at an uptown hotel arrangements were made for him to obtain cablegrams and other documents at the National City bank. For this work, Bchlelndle told the police, he has been receiving about 126 a week. Police claim today that they found among Koenlg's effects, papers Indicat ing that he had' bad relations with Kchlclndl. The arrests of Schlelndl, Koenlg and Richard Kmll Leyenbecker, a New York antique dealer, were directly due to a confession mads several weeks ago by George Fuchs of New York, a relative of Koen.g. v Bchlemdl was held in $3,000 ball for examination Monday when arraigned today before a police magistrate on a short affidavit charging suspicion of grand larceny In connection with the disappearance from the National City bank of papers and documents which tho police said were valued at 1100,000, Detective Parnits testified at the ar raignment that documents alleged to have been furnlohed to i'aui Koenlg by Schlelndl doscrllwd in detail the cargo in No. I hold of the steamship Minnehaha when fire was discovered aboard tho vessel while in midocean on a voyage to Europe. Paul Koenlg and Richard Emtl Leyen decker were held In I&0.000 and 1.10,000 ball, ' respectively, by I'nited States Commis sioner Houghton today when they were arraigned before him on charges of con spiring to destroy the Welland canal. We feed men who are Just out of a hos pital without any question. We sell tickets to business men snd others who distribute the tickets to applicants for aid, the tickets being honored at our place. I know of a recent cane of a man bought a book of TO tickets and he dis tributed every ticket, but only sixty of the lot appeared at our place for a mesl, or meal and lodging, as the ease mlht have been. The answer Is that most of the ninety asked for money with which to buy drink and did not care to come to our place for a meal. I realise the force of the ergument that it is no time to moralize and argue when a man comes to you and says he is hungry. And I want to add that no man able and witling to work need go without his breakfast or any other meal In Omaha. But we do Intend to head off the professional mouchers In order that we may assist those deserving of assistance." Major McCormlck of the Volunteers of American does not maintain a restaurant at his headquarters, but he Issues tickets on restaurants and maintains lodgings. Two years ago be conducted a "bread line" during the very cold weather and fed hundreds every day. AUSTRIA'S REPLY TO ANCONA NOTE (Continued from Fage One.) ence to the special circumstances of the Incriminating events upon which it Itself lays stress, and why, in lieu thereof, it refused an exchange of Correspondence, which It has conducted with another government In other cases. 'The Imperial and royal government Is the less able to follow the Washington cabinet on this unusual path, since It by no means possesses authentlo knowledge of all of the pertinent correspondence ot the government of the United Btates, nor Is It of the opinion that such knowledge might be sufficient for it in the present case, which, in so far as It Is Informed, Is In essential points of another nature than the case or cases to which the gov ernment of the United States seems to allude. The Imperial and royal govern ment may therefore leave It to the Wash ington cabinet to formulate the particu lar points of law against which the com manding officer of the submarine Is al leged to have offended on the occasion of the sinking of the Aneona. . Knows of No Berlin Precedent. "The government of the United States has also seen fit to refer to the attitude which the Berlin cabinet assumed In the above mentioned correspondence. The imperial and royal government finds In the much esteemed note no Indication whatever of the Intent with which this reference was made. Should, however, the government of the United States thereby have Intended to express an opinion to the effect that a prejudice of whatever nature existed for the Impe rial and royal government with respect to the Judicial consideration of the affair In question, this government must. In order to preclude possible misunderstand ings, declsre that as a matter of course It reserves to itself full freedom of main taining Its own legal views In the discus slon of the case of the Ancona. In having the honor to have recourse to the Kindness or his excellency, the am bassador of the United States of Amer ica, with the most respectful request to be good enough to communicate the fore going to the American government and on this occasion to state that the Impe rial and royal government. In no less degree than the American government and under all circumstances, most sin cerely deplores the fate of the Innocent victims of the Incident In question, the undersigned at the same time avails himself of this opportunity to renew the expression of his most distinguished con stneration to nis excellency, the am bassador. (Signed) "BtTRJArf. (Signed) "PENPIELD." WEEKS UNABLE TO SPEAKJH OMAHA Senator from Massachusetts Wires McKinley Clnb Press of Busi ness Prevents Engagement. OTHER SENATORS INVITED Senator John V. Weeks of Massa chusetts has Just wired the McKinley club that he will be unable to speak before It during the holidays. When passing through here a few weeks ago Senator Weeks promised to try to arrange to be here about Decem ber 28, but he finds that on account of personal matters requiring his at tention at his home in Massachusetts and congressional matters in Woh. ington ho will be unable to come here. The club hopes to have him epeak here later in the primary cam paign. Senator William Aldcn Smith of Michi gan, who will be home for Christmas at tirand Rapl'ls, Mich., has been in vited to speak liciore the club. ."inator Cummins Is reported to have changed tils mind about mnklng political speeches, and will -"peak before a club In St. I'aul during the holidays. He may be Invited to speak during the Christ mas holldsys before the McKinley club. On account of tho inability of the presidential candidates, most of whom are senators, to leave Washington during the session of conKre.i, the club has Invited Senator-elect James W. Wads worth of New York to come here early In the spring. Hcnator Wadsworth was recently chosen as the successor of Sena tor. Hoot. He Is a very young man to be elected senator, and has had a very rapid rl-e In his political career. Hrnlnard Store nobbed. UFIAIXAHD. Nib., I ec. lS.-(Hpecial.) The general merchandise store of John I'lala was robbed Ust night. Six dollars in cash was taken from the register and about SI') to worth of silks. Noth ing else In the store was taken. There Is CO clue to the thieves. Xmas Gifts of Seasonable Wearables For Boys and Girls 77 Boiled Down Reasons Why You Should Use Only "Vulcan Coke It takes one or more good REASONS switch former COAL users to" Vulcan Coke," but wellAVE tho reasons. Vulcan Coke, in the first place, has proved itself less expensive than Hard Coal. In the second place it is Dustless, Smokeless, Clinkerless and almost Ashless; is vastly lighter, piece for piece, than coal, and last, but not least, it gives out a heat that would be a young Inferno if it were not possible to regulate it to a nicety. Phone Tyler 1754 $9.50 Per We Are Wholesale Ton and Retail Agents 2 1 0 South 1 7th St. Brandeis Theatre BIdg. QEC9Lii pniiMiiiii;nin IGflaEie Dt a Fuirnltiuire.hrisfcma I'LOT TO RUIN WELLAND CANAL fc I'aal Koealai wad Three Other Mrs Arm Arrested la New York. NEW YORK, Peo. It Charged with conspiring in a military enterprise to de stroy the Welland canal, the Canadian waterway which connects Lake Erie and Lake Oatarlo, three men are under ar test here today awaiting , arrangement before a United Btates commissioner, while a fourth man Is In the custody ot the government authorities. Those under arrest are: . . j Paul Koenlg, formerly head ot the bureau of Investigation of the Hamburg American line, who, It Is charged, has been the head of the German secret ser vice In the United Btates since the be ginning of the war. Richard K. Lyendecker, a retailer of art goods In this city, a naturalised Amer ican, alleged to have been employed by Koenlg. Frederick Metsler of Jersey City, re ported to have been a clerk In the of fices of the Hamburg-American line and secretary to Koonig. The fourth man held In custody Is Uuorge Kuchs. who was formerly In Koenlg's employ and who has given the authorities valuable Information. to far as Is known, he Is not alleged to be a party to any conspiracy. The arrests were made last night under the direction of the agents of the De partment of Justice. The evidence which led to the arrest ot the three defendants, was gven by George Kuchs. who, It Is charged, quar reled with Koenlg over the payment ot ftS, which be claims Koenlg owed him. The purpose of the alleged attempt to block the canal was. It Is charged, to prevent the movement ot supplies down the Great Lakes and through the Wel land canal and fit. Lawrence river to the entente allies. t Chicago, inilladclphla. Detroit. Boston ' jt rj ana oiner tuns are sam to nave oeen discovered among documents seised by the authorities In a raid upon the offices of Koenlg and Lyendecker. The penalty for the crime charged In this case Is three years In prism, or 3,(w fine, or both. 3fJ? jntaCTTT 11 U r-A UII Til StV f XLX.USTKA. (l TIOST AMD vwrf t j) masb or n M?f Disuns A iQv MailOg, If KOTKSB OS lay wrrsf wiu If And make your glertlons at the UNION OUTFITTING COMPANY, because our IntxpensiTe location enables ns to sell you (rool nierchan fllse at IAJVKK prices. SPFiCIAli CHRISTMAS 1FT Or'FEH: TO THK PlliHT THKKH HUNDRED l'L'RCHASKHS (no matter how small the pnrcbaae) vre will irlve a beautiful colored Christmas Carol with Christ inns seal anl red streamers; ea'h one comes In a separate box, OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL C1IKISTMAS. OTrtVXlTD MAMOtJAICT COLOVIA.Ii BBWIMCt TABI.B. Built of genuine ma. bogway aad Jtts as ploturad above. sliding, removable work tray for sewing things. These qnaint, old colonial style sewing' tables are woaderruL. ft ly popular with the ladles. A4.!i 3 Tola ene specially prloed at.. w Select Your Columbia Grafonola flow or It may be too late If you delay to get the one that you want Twenty latest selections; and this Columbia (irnfonola, Ar)l CZf only PI eOll This "lender" Columbia Grafonola and twelve latest se lections, complete for "Hi wiik puts a col trans i a J I OBAJroirOLA XX TOUM KOltH. $78.90 j Boys' Sweaters Of all wool. In light, medium or storm weights, made with rurr neck or Byron collars; colors, navy, gray or maroon. The quality Is unquestionable and the values will please the most exacting $1.50, $2, $250. $3, $3.50 Boys' Mackinaws Of all wool, weather resisting macklnaw cloth, in rich red, brown and gray checks and plain colors. Belted and pleated styles wnn generous collars and pockets $3.95, $5.00, $6.50 "The Hoy Scout Junior Suit." The same accoutrements as we furnish bis big brother: coat, iftints, hat, dQ Cf gaiters, haversack and belt; ages 4 to 14 years $miDU Boys' Storm Boots Medium high or high cut. In tan or black, buckle tops, neavy waterproof sewed soles. They delight the boy 9 to 13, $3.00 2 to 6, $4.00 Girls' Sweaters Of guaranteed all wool. In light, medium or heavyweight made with belts or belted backs, some with pleats; good looking, girlish colors, deep collars and cuffs; very well made, some hand knitted Ages 2 to 14 Years, Priced From $1.50 to $3.50 Girls' Scarfs . Of angora wool, In a great variety of pleasing colors G9, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 Girls' Flir SetS Ages 2 to 16 years In white or red Fox, Brook Mink, white or gray Marten, American Ermine, Thibet, Summer Ermine, black or silver Coney and Mole Prom $1.25 to $12.50. 1516-18-20 FARNAM STREET. JEWELRY OMAHA'S GIFT STORE Hundreds of Suggestions. Everything in Fine Jewelry. POPULAR PRICES. Reese Jewelry Co. 403 South 16th Street. City National Bank Building. Omaha, Neb. T SOLID MAHOOAITT ROCKER. Jnst like the Illustration, and built of solid mahogany, finished dull. This Is a splendid, blgh-gTade period etyl. roca.r ana every line or It shows its highest charao-2 ter. Bp. daily priced, at. , MA.H0SPEC0. J? I $9.75 limp T2C2 rOLDISTO TOT pretty Uttle Soloing lunch box contains thirteen assorted toys, which alone are worth more than the price that we ask for the eom. plate outfit. It Is a sample of the big toy values you get 94n here. Btpecial i M-r B S D T a a a J Everybody loves them. 7Q .. . s f yiy atAASTTB ooioiul aj""r BUWm. just like il lustration, finely made and fin ished la American quartered oak. This is an extra, spl.ndid value in substantial buffet. Will make a most acceptable glff for wife or Snomer.. special price for tMs $19.75 TOYS CTIAROED IP YOU WISH. Or-i'W.- .-V : J - 11 f 1 i I lb npSi i?rrf Q- A b' value BEAUTITTJI. TEA WAOOSS. Just like Illustration, and fin ished in a dull mahogany or fumed oak. Makes a handsome gift that wl.l he greatly appreciated and the prio. we quote is positively tn. lowest whloh these tea wagons ever sold. Special . 3 Thls Is Talk No. ft of a Series on (0 "The True Story of Real Estate.") i that wiii C: a . $4 P9 5 1 y Apartment House as an Investment fl essBs.sssaiaMsesness ammmmmm mm wmmmmmmKmamm SPXCIAI. EAST TIBUI. UllilT TABIC. Alwsys acceptable. One like illustra tion, but baa open Instead ef slot ends) golden finish! worth rsgularly 1 10.00, BpMial X. price t5P x xm w" 8 T O CK- XSTOfl. pe- 47 I b ATJTOMATXO BATXITFOBTS. Just like illustration, solid oak frames, fabnoord upholstered. A lor sue wnoie family Specially prtoed. at YORK CITIZENS FAVOR PUBLIC OWNERSHIP PLAN g YORK, Neb.. Deo. 1 -SpwlaJ Trl- , t3 gram.) At a mass meeting ot the cltl- j-' ecus of York FYlday evening, caUed for i the purpose of discussing public owner- t ship of public utilities, a resolution to I : this cnect was unanimously aaoptea. r There appeared to be very little opposi- i E j lion to public ownership, and on motion j 3 the fullowins: resolution on the Question ' was adopted: "That we go on record In favor of municipal ownership of public utilities, and that we be sin with the water works and In ilnte In t all an elect rio IjKht plant in connection therewith, and that the chairman of ri.ls mvetlng be authoriisd to aiporit a committee of five to perfect n oranUalion of citizens to tarry into i.'ffft this rveoiutiun." Tho cum mil tee consists of W. I Kirk-la-trt. K, Wllltain Collon. C. R. Keckley, Jl. W. fcrilt and J. i. I'rice. with A. U. Wrs, T. V. Owen, William Ik-lcher, litui J .wr aii J. i- Curiin, frllciimlc. CC Qt !tnnfnrtf i iu j z 3 w. -aarro tiiitq rraa sXOCXBBS. Similar to illustration I large aad comfy, upholstered la Spaa- isa rabrloord leather, worth 17.60. Special. $12.75 Goods sold out of town on easy pay. ments. Let the Union's easy credit help all Santa Clauses. I EXTRA SPECIAL Child's Rccker Just like illustra tion, painted in a durable red i has no advertisement on it. Is not a toy. On sale Monday while they last at only. 11 s iWlisaalilW'lli I .rfij EST tM i Jv H 4vd -A . ri is l - 517.5U fc Z-1 - JsV OAK K.AsTX TOP rXDESTAI ZZTSVSIQW TaSLfi. Just Ilk. ua.L....ili, mad of solid oak. Specially v fi . ir o)W0 m mm Whea a man or a woman with very little business experience wants a safe and profitable Investment It's a pretty good plan to follow the example of executors of estates, and others holding trust funds. Men In such positions will only put the money given Into their care Into Investments that are properly safeguarded and yield a good Income. A form of Investment that ranks very high with them Is apart ment buildings in large cities. Let us see how an apartment building compares with some other form, of investment. Suppose your are considering the purpose of a four-family, frame flat, valued at $16,000. Mch a building la assumed to have a commercial life of forty years. Suppose at the same time that you could invest your $16,000 in standard, tax free, 5 per cent bonds, running forty years. riotn Investments are competing for your money. How will you decide which is the more favorable? To begin with, every Investor is entitled to safely, and the re, turn of his capital with Interest. The bond Investment will return you $800 interest each year, with a return of the principal In a lump sum at the end of the term, ail wivhout expense of collection or management. 3 n Tbe flat Investment Is more complex, requires more close ,i figuring and careful attention; but if wisely chosen, its returns are ;j apt to be much larger. I l ru. ll 1. 4 11- I.ii.lll. Next week's talk will be given over to standard methods of figuring the returns from apartment house investments. (Signed.) K. It. IlKXSOX, C. K. IIAIUUSOST, O. G. WALLACE, Committee, ii Si U rJ