THE OMAHA SUNDAY TVRE : PECTCMBETt IP, 1015. 2-C Tattooed Tar Has Body Nearly Covered With Pretty Pictures ncari Matinee Dally, 2:13 Every Night, 8:13 Phone "Dong. 494 THE REST OF VAI DKV1LLE. 5 s if : u- in rni m .. w ac. ! . . " .... .' r .. X . -AX vf. II I TzyloZ UJAJ- )n'7h. Parish ftf Z 11 I mprc NE of the most popular legends In English history Is that of the outlaw, "Robin Hood," the story of which forms the basis for the plot of the opera "Kohln Hood." which the Da Koven Opera company will present at t"is Brandeta theater Tuesday and Wednes day, December 28 and 29, with matinee Wednesday. The story of 'the opera, as written by Harry P. Smith, deala with young Robert of Huntington on the day that he at tains his majority, when he comes to claim hla title and estates from the lord high sheriff of Nottingham, who haa been appointed his guardian by Richard, the Lion Hearted, tben at the Crusades. lie haa won the prise at 81. Bartholomew's fair as the best archer and has attracted the attention of the outlaws who Infest Sherwood. The wily sheriff hopes to pass his dupe, Ouy of Olsboume, off for the real earl of Huntington. Knowing that Ouy will divide the estates with him. he also wants to marry Mm to Lady "Marian Fltswalter. his wealthy ward. who haa been commanded by the king to marry Robert, though she has never seen htm. fihs disguises herself as a page to have a look at her 'future, but Robert detects the disguise and they fall mutually In love with each other. When ha claims his estates, he is repudiated by the sheriff, the king then being at the Crusades, and la Invited to Join the out laws' band, which ha does. Maid Marian la kept under lock and key by the sheriff until she agrees to marry Guy. Meanwhile, the sheriff, Ouy and some of his man, start for the forest to capture Robin Hood, which they suc ceed In doing, as he Is betrayed Into thelp hands by Alan-a-Dale, a young tlade, who is Jealous of Robin's playful atten tions to his sweetheart. He Is brought into Nottingham and confined In prison, but Will Scarlet, his trusty friend and the armorer who has been engaged to forge his chains, makes them so slight that Robin escapee, previously having changed places with Friar Turk. Ha fills the rhapcl where Marian la to be married to Uuy with his foresters and, at the time fjr the wedding, recaptures hts bride. A herald from the king. Just re turned from the wars, brings full pardon to him and his band; and disgrace to the wily sheriff and Ms dupe. Mr. Smith baa thereby given plausible reaaun for Robin becoming aa outlaw, bit in other respects sticks very Closely to tlie legend. The part of Sherwood Forest sill standing contains many landmark of the olden day. There Is a giant tree there called the Major Oak, within whose hollow trunk aa many a nlxteen persons may be aqueesed and reven have breakfasted there. A long and beautiful drive leada to another famoa oak known aa Tho Shambles, where tradition has It that Robla was vont to hnn? the deer ha killed to dry end perhaps he did. Wlin It rl hneas of humor and tender love story, "peg o My HeerV Oliver Morcsco's great comedy euccea. Is headed tr tins direction and will be the Important attraction at the Brandel theater for three daya, beginning Thursday, Deoem- U r m. At the Brandeta theater for four days, beginning Kun-lay. January f, Omaha folks will get a chance to see "Twin ivd, a rollicking far- of life among the fiat dwellers, by Salisbury Field and liurgaret -Mo, author of "Bby Mine." In conformity with It tltl the scene of the play are laid in a Bleeping chamber. The appearance there of aa Italian tenor, la the bibulous misapprehension that It U Lie own Inauad of his neighbor's, pro- m.- the situation from wblcn a variety of ludlcroua complications result. ously this tenor and his wife and another I newly-married pair ha ben neighbor In another apartment house. The tenor persist In forcing attention upon the girl-brl. whose husband InaUts upon moving. So, also, does the tenor's wife, and, of course, the two couples, unknown to each other, move Into the same build ing. ' i "The Winning of Rarbara Worth," a dramatic version-of the cwebreted novel, by Harold Hell Wright, comes to .the Brandel theater for four days, beginning January . Thurston the Great will appear at the Prandel theater, January 10 and 11, when he will present an entire new program of sensational mysteries. The Urandel theater will have Cyril Maude, on of th finest actor that Eng. land haa ever sent to this country, a an attraction for three day, beginning Jan uary 12, In hi international malodramatla success, "Grumpy," Mr. Maud will have exactly the same cast la hla support a he had at the Bmplra theater, New York. this tall 'upon th occasion of his second Broadway engagement in this play, Th New Tork Fashion show, vaude . ville's lateat novelty, com to th local Orepheum for the week of December H, This big sartorial speotacl proved the most magnetlo feature of th season at th Palace In New Tork. Quoting th wore or aavano billing, there are a million dollars' worth of gems, gowns, furs, negligee, lingerie, hats, feathers. sport clothes, boots and what not. loaned by the supreme creative artist of style. (resented by twenty models fair as Diana, seven magnificent scenes showing Cinderella become the best dressed woman In the world." Th model of beauty and graoe selected to display the fashion creations are May Hopktaa, Belle Denes. Maude Zimmerman. Gladys Nick ereon. Madge Oalnbrtdge. Grace McKee, Florence Bcott. Dorothy Zimmerman, Blanch Engermaa, Grac McCurdy. Ruth Hlggtns, Celine Edwards, Gladys Mo- Clure, May Csrny. Louisa Cass and Messrs. Albertson and Vernon inree Headline features mark th bill that open th week at the Orpheura with a matin today. One of these topping feature Is the faroe. "A Tele phone Tangle, which Is now on the last leg of Its Orpheura tour. The comedy gives the aadlono a fw minute of th telephune operator' busiest time and pithy exposition af funny as well as try. tng incidents that are calculated for fun. Th stag setting how central at work at th switch board and th audleao sees the different connections made and the different people who are parties to th con venations. Frank Fogarty. knowa as "Th Dublin Minstrel." a man with Individuality, clean and brilliant sens of native wit and talk that (Park las with humor. Is also Hated aa a atar. Hi Celtic folklore and character stories are different from th average and are rife with good nature and the charm of method of the story teller himself. The third feature offer. I rut I Lcng Tack Sam. a Chinese whose illusions and mysteries have seen much talked about elaawhere. 1-ong Tack Sam la distinguished as th first Chinese, also to find favor over the circuit as a Chinese humorist. MUs Brownie Dupont, the living Venus, will appear to advantage In "Th Aurora or Light," aa act of un common character designed and executed by Charles De Korta. Eugene, at the ge of 21. be Is one of th youngest con cert violinists In the world. "Sweet to the fcmeei" is the title of the one-act play otfrrea by Mr. and Mrs. Norman n ; i At the OrpAeum Phllllpps. Brooks and Bowen, known as the dark spot of joy, have an act In which there la aa much fun as there Is clever singing. Especially Interesting will be the new series of motion pictures to lie projected by the Orphcum Travel Weekly. The subjects will bo scenes of Crimea, In the Black 8ea, at tho south of Russia, a ramble through Calcutta and pletureaqu Franc. Patrons of th popular Oayety theater will welcome the announcement that an entirely new show la In the field of mualcal burlesque and will be seen In Jean Bedlnl's "Puss Puss,' which is now appearing at that theater. Thia play house has presented many good shows that have been new In this popular field of amusement, but here is said to be th beat of all. It I considered that the first requirement of a successful bur lesque attraction Is Its chorus, and In this "Pus Puss" excels, Jean having se lected from over 800 applicants, the twenty-five that filled the requirement necessary for a choru girl to have, namely, beauty of face, and above all. a voloe. Next to consider I the versatility of the principal, who. of course, aupply th comedy. Th coatumlng of this or ganisation Is wonderful; the scenic ves ture Is aa good. If not better, than tb majority of th so-called 22 girl shows. So everything taken Into consideration. "Pus Puss " should give satlofactlon and play one of th moat euccessful engage ments at the Oayety theater thia seaaon. Next Thuraday Just after 1 (noon). Mir. Beldlnl will endeavor to Impale a fork held between hi teeth, a one-pound turnip to be hurled at htm from th roof of th sixteen-story City National bank building, at Harney and Blxteenth streets. Tired shoppers' matinee dully all week. - The Krug theater management an nounces for this week, beginning with matinee today, "Th Pariah r rlest," with Sport North and Genevieve Russell In th stellar roles and a competent sun- porting company, offering thia play for the first time hr at movie prices. 'Th Parish Priest" will be presented by th North Bros". Perpetual Stock company to day, tonight and all week, with family matinee on Thuraday and Saturday. Bport North will appear as Father Sul livan, and Oenevleve Ruasell will be seen aa Nellie Welen. The other members of the company have been cast according to their respective abilities. Quaint Irish wit is woven Into a etory of (wart in terest and brotherly love. It la a clean and wholeaom drama of the kind that elevates and inspires. - Heading th bill for Sunday at the Rm press th Fir Komlkal Kops, offering a riot of fun In "Front of a Police Ma-1 tton." This act consist of four men and on woman, whose line of comedy U ex ceptional and lnteraperaed by comedy ong numbers. Jo Kennedy offers his specialty In a roller akatlng novelty and la billed "A Oraduat of Skatology." Tay lor and Drown offer a dainty singing kit. entitled. "Mis Forget It." Th bill I closed by Lai a Belbinl and company, her company of cyclist. Th feature photoplay Is a three-reel Isanay drama, entiled. "Th Losing (lame." with a cast including I 'are. In Kerr and Ansonetta Moore. Aa assorted program completes the bill (or the fliat half of the week. Two headline attraction are offered for the show alerting Thursday and foi th last half of th wek. Heading th bill U th Jeeell comedy trio, "The Th tattorwil tur that la what CharlM C. Mellun is. Chiir1' r-nlt!ed at the lopl rKT-iiltlnn offir aftr elirht monthi out of th tcrvlco. He dtplyed an hon .orahlo illsrhrK from the battlmhlp I "Pout h Pakota." and received a hand- ! an oi rlrer on the "uth uaaota ior eluhteen month. But to return to the tattooing taste fully tinted on the tattooed tar. Mellua la a welkin picture irallery. When he j movea you aee "movlna; plcturea." i Stripped for phyelral examination the beauty, colorlna; and variety of the epecl I mena of the tattooer'a art excited ad- mlratlnn mnA rurtrtaltl' On hla left arm la a larfe draxon, a lnnu Armnwi Ifnw nan vnll t M if ! a a Jaraneee and not a Chtneao draoo? Iindlul.hera can't tell, hut' any aallor knowa that a Japanese dragon haa threa clnwa on Ita feet, while a Chinese dre iron haa five. Other plcturea on hla completely-plc-ture-covered arraa are a cowgirl, a j woman, a ahleld, an eagle, a ehlp, hunch of flower, an anchor, a heart and i recond dragon. On hla lega are a mermaid standing on MTrthful Merrymakers," In songa and tnlka. The Chin troupe is the second headllner. Then sensational oriental novelty acrobats are he last word In ex pert jiiFgllng and hair gymnasts and fin loh their number with a sensational slide for life. Wright and Dancing Hugs are t.ovelty singers and terpiechorean enter tainer. And the bill Is closed by Mardo and Kunur In a military comedy sketch, "The Craxy Kecrult." The feature play for Thursday la "The Hand of the Law," a three-part modern drama, with bcssln Learan and Edward Earlo In the leading roles. "The Fabl'i of Fister Mae, Who Pld as Well aa Could l Be Kxpected," by Oeorge Ado, and an aa aorted progiam completes the bill for tbs , last half of the week. STAGE HANDS TO HAVE ANNUAL BALL NEXT MONTH Omaha local No. 42, International Al liance of Theatrical Stage Fhnployes, will hold Its second annual ball on January 1.1. at Washington hall. Otto Schnelderwlnd, Herman Kohn and I Ernest Waller, the committee In charge, i promise a g"od time. A large orchestra ! will be In attrndnnce and all theatrical ; people playing In the city on thn even- me w:ii ue present. The proceeds of the event will be usd for the benefit of the death fund of the ranlsatlon. Public officials will partici pate In the grand mure).. MRS. PHOEBE FREE DIES AT AGE OF ETGHTY-TW0 Mrs. Phoebe Free, aged 83 years, died Friday afternoon at 90 Dodge street of Illness brought on by old age. Funeral services will be held this afternoon at the above number at t o'clock, aftar which the body will be taken to Glen wood, la., for burial. First HslfTODAY Firil Half LA LA t SELBIM & CO. IWAutiful Lain in "A Cycling Novelty" TATZ.OB ft BKOWZT "Miss Torge It" joa uznrxDT "katology" 5-Komical Kops--5 MA miot of rna la Trent of a Polio Station." Comedy Song .u Comedy Talks "Xrnas Week Special" TO. CXXX.BUZr' A present giva by Baata Claos, fjm the lapim Xmas tree, will be given to every oalld attending- our maUneea, starting Koaday. "The Losing Game" wHk'DAJtWIaT BtAJUr Aa JBxoeptlonal reatmr llay. The Key to a rortuaa" "Th DeoelTer" Bart-Ujr Me, 100 Admission lOo aVs'd Seats 10o Bstra "0-lABA" POTt CXaTTXa Bally Uts..lS-as-0 vnga, ls-aao.Tes JEAN BBDINIS PARISIAN NOVELTY. "Puss-Puss" f Klltea Chora ef Malodlou r- L-J lwliarlu Array at tturprl Plllvlr th BurUequtMt BurlaaqQ erer pro duced. I'nms an hlp th Douh, Otv Mlstiu. Tired Shopper' Matinee Week Days. CENTRAL TAXI CO. Up-to-date limousines or. touring care. Special rate for shopping by hour. Our car a look like private cars; they have no nionograma, carry no meters and our chauffeur wear n uniforms. PHONE DOUGLAS 802 STAND FAXTOX HOTEL. Hymie llorsky, Prld at. jr MUSIC CULTURE W-a It t-aplres Beaaty of Patoa Is a Gift Unsurpassed Omaha School of Orchestral Instruments KJTBT COX, Director, IS A MASTER SCHOOL Voeeeesea of th three treat srets ef saas'oal pedatory, aa 4ioate to the servloe of ail was love th aaaaianeiy aisUaeuv la muslo. It auariLutrea th quality of the progress of its faith ful students. Write for rataloc i- .areas a hall, another cowgirl, a roso, a cupld. a third dragon, a Scotch girl In kilts, an other girl, a sailor. And on his left foot la tattooed a rab bit. Thia la for luck. "Most old tars," said Untenant Tip ton, "have a pig tattooed on the left foit, which they belelve Is a sure charm against drowning. It's a superstition that belongs to the same school as the ol 1 belief that a Bailor 'can t spit to wind- I ward till he's rounded the Horn." Melius declares h is golrg to have more pictured tattooed on his body. "I've got lots of room yet." he said. I "But you'll never be a real sailor till you have a flag and a union Jack tat tooed on your chest with an eagle be - ; tween," aald lieutenant Tipton. i The lieutenant saya he believes 98 per cent of all men Who "go down to thj sea In ships" carry tattoo marks. j Melius will go to the receiving ship at I Pan Francisco. j 6TH BIG WEEK 71st rxmroRMAircm toiioht OZfXT EIGHT MOBB DATS TareweU to Omaha on next San day "evening, December 16, when It Will Kay Sea Given at 88 Coa. secatlv Performances. Hurry! All Tour Friend Have Advised Ton to See It. ONLY O More Matinees JUST & More Nights ! Mat. Daily, BUS; Erasing, :15. i DDIfTC' MATS., 950 to 91.00 I" It I W K- rugs., 800 to 99.00 3 tSSSSEBSBSSSi HIPP MS8 10c Home of Paramount. Pictures Special Today Only UiUIAII MARTIN 1 -Ta Captivating oomeaieana, w th Screaming Pare, "OVER BIGHT"- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday FANNIE WARD The Tremler Emotional Artists, Supported by th Japan Star, Su Kayakawa, la a Tremendous Sensation "THE CHEAT" Thursday, Friday and Saturday aclyn Arbuchlc Th Vopolar Comedy and Drama, tlo Star, In a Stirring Bomaa tlo Drama of Mom aad roll tic a. "The Reform Candidata" TODAY fr NEW Tonight 2:30 k R. U 8:20 ror Tea rerfarmaaoea. STAITDAKD STOCK DsasUJ At Movie rrloes. the NORTH DROS. Omaha's Best Theatrical. Bargain i n&rBTTAXf STOCK CO. First presentation hare at "aTie" Prices The Parish Priest Daal Sully's Oraateot Play Sport sTorth's Pest Character Irraalatlbl Prloas A Paw at X5e Keeerred Seata On Week la Aavaaee 10c 10c Mext Wek - Ja. A. Hearn's "SHORE ACRES" Francls Potter TEACH EH OF MANtXlUN, GUT Alt and BANJO. ASTsVMD XOTXXh 14ta aaa raraam Streets. aoi - S - S - 4 ratt-rsoa -uoea. WEEK VuhoSy, DEC. 19 "a telephone i frank tangle;; fogarty With XAJOS CALDWELL nst Somsthliuyhae. Ooonra STry Qnml Hnmoroll. ana Huma Direction Joseph Xart. Observatlnna. "THE AURORA OF LIGHT" EUGENE DAMOND TTffTB LI V I ft r TTT1TU8. Th Monarch of Tlollnlat. MS. AHD MBS. NORMAN PHILLIPS Rnnnk'c ? Dnucu Freaent Their Vnlqu Comedy DllUUNO CL BUllCH Playlet "tWIBTi TO TH.E BWIEt." Two Dark Spots of Joy. LOW T A- SARA Aud El Company of Wonder Worker. OKPHKL'M TUAVKIj WEEKLY The World at Work and Play. Around th World tb Orphnm Circuit' Motion Picture Photographers. L o E X X A De LONE 305 LYRIC BLDG. DOUGLAS 8704 Harps lien ted to Students. BOY Today Until Xmas A Gold Rooster Drama dm: - The ieloued , Uagabnd A STORY OF LOVE, PATHOS & HUMOR Mats. 10c. Rights, 10c, 20c in Color A Fox Masterpiece A Paramount Special A Metro Feature De Luxe constitute our program this week, vrhich is one of the strongest we have offered since the STRAND has been opened. Sunday and Monday comes Robert Mantell, the eminent American actor, supported by Genevieve Hamper, In a modern society problem play, "THE UNFAITHFUL WIFE." While Miss Hamper has only been seen in one picture so far, she has estab lished herself In the first ranks of motion picture actresses and Ler portrayal of the unfaithful wife in this production is a work of art. Mr. Mantell has a role that fits him wonderfully and the entire picture has been staxed on the grounds of the beautiful summer home President Wilson has selected for his honeymoon. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday we present the Famous Players Film Company's biggest and most widely heralded spec tacle. "THE ETERNAL CITY," featuring Pauline Frederick. There 'are eight parts to this wonderful production which was made in the identical spots in Rome and London where Hall C&lne laid his brilliant novel, and this production ran for months at the Astor Theater, New York, at a dollar admission price. While this Is one of the most expensive pictures ever shown in Omaha,, no change in admission price will be made, and we wish each and every picture fan in Omaha could witness this most wonderful of photodramatic spectacles, where for the first time in motion pictures the Vatican Gardens, the Coliseum, St. Peter's, the Castle of St. Angelo's and many other historic and Impressive spots In the Imperial City have been used as stage settings. Dramatically, artistically and educationally we present "THE ETERNAL CITY" for your approval and consideration as one of the best pic ture bets of the season. Friday and Saturday comes debonnoire, graceful Wm. FAVER SHAM in a thrilling mystery story, "ONE MILLION DOLLARS." No expense has been spared to make this a truly wonderful of fering, and we know you will like this picture from start to fin ish 'tis so different, yet so engrossing and gripping. This is our Christmas offering and we know you will not be disappointed. In conclusion, we wish you a Merry, Merry Christmas, a Most Happy New Year and assure you we appreciate more than we can express your patronage which has enabled us to make the STRAND a success, and not a failure as so many "wise" ones predicted. We truly have much to be thankful for and we want you to know it. IbS . . . . . . . . .... . 1 1 iff preaiciea. we truiy nave roucn to ne tnanaiui ior ana we want jjj ' you to know it. 1 i l " Mr irmwrvoum ,1 ii!tiS!lilll!luAtiilliilliillil(iiiiiiijiii!t!li!l 1 ;l : A Room for the Roomer, Want Ada do the work. Prices: Matinee, Gallery, 10c; beat eats (except Saturday and Sun day). 26c. Nights, 10c, 25c, SOo and 75c. w A L T E WHEATLEY YOICTJ ittn OPtaA INSTRUCTION. Apply Satnrday RIOQg S BJ.LOSIDUB IbV Phone D. 7837 mm In m or a Roomer for the Room. Bee Every One Should See This Movie Play