Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 19, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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1 Fair
'OL. XLVNO. 27.
Take i Position that Commander of
-t rr-i i -rf w- . t i r A -r -,-r- t v Tl m it vi T "rY T MF.
Submarine is Not to Blame. "
for Disaster.
Wilgon and Wife Leave Capitol
After Simple Ceremony on
Their Way to Hot
Springs, Va.
Pair United in Marriage in Pres
ence of Less Than Thirty
WASHINGTON, Dec. 18. Presi
dent Wilson and Mrs. Edith Boiling
Gait were married in the bride's
home In the presence of less than
thirty guests, virtually all of whom
were relatives. They left soon after
11 o'clock for a two weeks' honey
moon at Hot Springs, Va., In their
private car attached to a epecial
The president dined as usual at
the White House at 7 o'clock with
his daughters and afterward drove to
his bride's home about a mile from
Jng rain which swept the city all day
cleared off at sunset and the evening
was cool and pleasant. Because the
wedding arrangements and the hour
of the ceremony had been kept a
close secret there were few on the
streets . about the White House, but
near the bride's home the crowd was
held back by police lines spread dur
ing the afternoon.
There la No Muatc.
Everything1 was in readiness for the
ceremony when the president arrived and
Mr proceeded without mitlc. Nelthor the
president nor Mrs. Gait had any attend
ants and there were r.o ushers nor
luwer gir's Ncfther the army, the navy
nor the dli'lm-patlo corps waa represented
and th occai'on was essential! y what
both jf the ciiuile bad wished it to be
-a homo wed d m.
On tre flnit flcor of the bride a home,
in two communicating' rooms, a wedding
bower had been arranged with a back
ground of farteyanse and maidenhair
ferns which extended from the floor to
the ceiling-.
Overhead there was a canopy of green
In the form of a shell lined with Scotch
heather. In the background amidst the
center was placed a large mirror framed
with orchids-" iiwi'e-ftactteg - tfaa scene.
Above the mirror was a spray of or
chida across a background of ferns and
the corners of the canopy were caught
with orchids. American beauty roses were
n hnth aides of the canopy, beneath
which was a prayer rug on which Presi
dent Wilson and Mrs. Gait knelt during
the ceremony.
Descend to Uwet Floor.
Jnat at tha hour for the ceremony the
president and his bride appeared at the
head of the staircase, which was dec
orated with ferns, asparagus vines and
American beauty roses. They descended
to the lower floor where the guests were
grouped about Informally.
Rev. Herbert Scott Smith, rector of St
Margaret's Protestant Episcopal church
of which the bride is a communicant, was
the ceremony, and with him to assist,
was the president's pastor. Rev. Jamea
II. Taylor of the Central Presbyterian
Mrs. William H. Boiling, the bride' a
mother, gave her away. The president
etood to the right of the clergymen and
the bride stood on their left. At once.
Dr. Smith began the words of the Epis
copal marriage service, the president
making his responses first and then the
bride making net's. After the bride
promised to "love, cherish, and obey,"
the president placed the wedding ring, a
ploln band of gold upon her finger and
then, after a prayer, and while the
couple clasped their right hands together
Tr. Smith declared them man and wife.
The brief and simple ceremony was over.
Mrs. Wilson Cuts Cake.
The entire party then turned to the
dining room where a buffet supper was
served. "The decorations there were in
pink and on the buffets were banked
Browing ferns and pink roses. The tables
were decorated with Lady Stanley rose
blossoms. On a table In the center was
the wedd'ng cake a fruit cake of several
layers high, ornamented with sprays of
pink orchids in the center. Mrs. Wilson
cut the cake without formality and no
arrangement was made for bestowing
ts of it upon guests of the wedding
Puring the ceremony and at the lunch
eon afterwards, during which a string
orchestra, nlaved. the bride wore her
(Continued on Pose Two, Column Three.)
The Weather
Forecast till 7 p. m. Sunday:
For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity
Temperature at Omilii Testerdoy.
Hour. ueg.
6 a. in
a a. m. ....
7 a. m. .........
I a. m
S a. in
10 a. in
11 a. in
12 m
1 p. m
1 p. m
5 p. rn....
4 P. in.
6 p. m
.. i
.. n
.. 1i
.. 1
.. 39
.. 20
.. a
.. as
.. 23
.. U
p. m...
1 114. .. ...
Comparative Local Record.
WIS. 1911 19JS. 131
Highest yesterday ( S 30 4(1 SO
1 .nw est yea'eraay J ail 97 23
Mean temperature T3 25 M 2
1 .i-cipuatiuii I Mi . .Cm
Temperature and precipitation depar-
M urea rioin wih nunuai:
Noin:l leiiiperuture ?T
I I'l.r.t.J'V inn uay 0
Tot il ilefliieno' n'nce March 1 US
Normal precipitation 3 Inch
juHimey for the uiy .03 inch
rTnlu) I M I i. full since March 1...26 ! in lica
1 h, .i-m-w aince March 1 1 x
lwift. irncy for cor. period. 1914.. J7 inrhfs
LieCiclrncy fr cor. period, iw.1. 6.3S Inchia
X indicates tjji.-iir Jjiecijulatiun.
Evangelist Says Results Have Come
Up to High Standard He Pic
tured Before Coming.
SYRACUSE, N. Y Dec. 18.
(Special Telegram.) "Syracuse in
its results has come up to a high
standard I pictured in my mind be
fore I came here. The department
work has run along smoothly. I
have never been in a place where each
individual has go fully made the
campaign his personal affair as has
been the case in this city. Mrs.
Sunday and myself feel pleased with
the showing. The preachers have
worked hard and earnestly end the
congregations have all done wonder
ful wpufc,'!,., ,wr-
That was the way "Billy" Sunday
summed up the accomplishments of his
seven weeks' revival in Syracuse tonight
Just four more services remain before
the local soul-saving fight closes with
the departure of the evangelist for his
Winona Lake home at 10:10 tomorrow
night Today was devoted to tletng up
the loose ends of the campaign, in addl-
ton to the usual three sermons.
Attendance Nearly Million.
In round numbers, 860,000 have heard
Sunday up to today, this estimate includ
ing tonight's attendance. It is predicted
that the total campaign attendance will
reach 900,000. The trail hitters total over
8,500, and when tomorrow night ends lo
cal revival leaders assert that the total
(Continued on Page Two, Column Two.)
Four Classes of
the Derby Recruits
Called to the Colors
LONDON, Dec. 18. Four classes of re
cruits who enlisted under the Earl of
Derby's plan, were called out today by
royal proclamation.
All recruits on the Derby roll who,
did not enlist for Immediate service were
placed on the army reserve rolls and
therefore the first call for service of
four classes is made by the same formal
ity as In the case of the old army reserv
ists who hertofore have been called
to the colors.
The appearance of placards topped with
the royal arms caused a stir In the
streets. The public Infers that the Derby
enlistment plan has been a success, and
that conscription at least Is postponed.
If it should develop that any large per
centage of unmarried ellglbles failed to
enlist It la expected they will be sub
jected to conscription, as foreshadowed
by Premier Aaqulth. before any calls are
made for married men who volunteered
under the Derby plan.
It Is Inferred the government Intends
to consider the first class consisting of
18-year-old boys, as corresponding to the
class of 1817 in continental countries, and
will defer indefinitely putting them in
training. 1
The classes called but are groups 2,
S. 4 and 5 of the Derby recruits. The an
nouncement placards by the war office
states that their services will begin Jan
uary 30.
These groups are composed of unmar
ried men from 19 to 21 years old.
Any Farmer With
Now Make His
"When Is a cream separator a distil
leryr That is what a certain conscientious
field deputy out in the state wants to
know, and he has written to Deputy Col
lecor of Internal Revenue North at the
Omaha headquarters to find out.
It seems that some inglorious Edison,
some unsung Marconi who pursues the
even tenor of his way as a tiller of the
rich soil of Nebraska, devised. In a burst
of genius, a scheme for making "apple
jack" out of cider by the use of no other
machine than the well known cream sep
arator. The operation is reported to be the es
sence of simplicity. The cider Is poured
into the milk receptacle, the separator
handle Is turned in the usual manner and
the "apple Jack" appears In the cream
f tLa diacavarr auraail lika the
Seven Persons Killed and Ten In
jured by Fall of Structure Over
Spokane River.
SPOKANE, Wash., Dec. 18.
Seven persons were killed and ten
were injured today, when a street
car Vent through the Division street
bridge over the Spokane rive?. The
injured were removed to a hospital.
Two street cars were on the bridge
at the time of the accident They were
owned by the Washington Water Power
company. One of the cars was leaving
the bridge when the whole structure col
lapsed. One end of this car fell to the
water and the other rested on the abut
ment The car crew and two passengers
were rescued uninjured.
The Astor division car, which fall Into
the river, was Inbound and carried about
twenty passengers besides the craw. . A,
heavy steer beam fell lengthwise on the
car as It went Into the river. The beam
crushed the passengers on one aide of
the car and two hours after the accident
they could be seen pinned under the
water. The passengers on the other side
of the oar were Injured, but firemen res
cued them.
The bridge took with it the water and
gas pipes that supply the northwest sec
tion of the city with water and gas.
Commissions of
Eight States Meet in
Omaha December 22
TOPEKA, Kan., Dec. 18. In an effort
to secure a reconsideration of the In
terstate Commerce commission's ruling
announced December 11. permitting rail
ways of the middle west to ' Increase
their Interstate passenger rates, a meet
ing of the utilities commissions of eight
states affected, has been called for
Wednesday, December 22, at Omaha. An
nouncement to this effect was made to
day by the Kansas utilities commission.
The formal call for the meeting was
Issued by Clifford Thome, chairman of
the Iowa utilities commission, follow
ing a conference with the Minnesota
URBANA, III.. Dec. 17. A new method
of producing pure Iron, by which It Is
estimated $15,000,000 will be saved yearly
to the electrical Industries of the coun
try, has been discoverea by Dr. Trygve
Yensen, an assistant in the engineering
experiment station of the University of
Illinois, It was announced today.
No patent will be taken out on the
process, the university and Dr. Yensen
feeling that it should benefit all In
Dr. Yensen's method. It was an'
Bounced, consists In melting eleotrolyt-
Ically refined Iron in a vaccum.
The magneuo property or iron so
fused, it ts asserted, has proved to be
as remarkable as its purity. Its mail
mum permeability la said to be two
or three times higher than for the most
magnetic iron or iron alloy previously
The announcement of the discovery
says that by alloying thta iron . with
silicon, the maximum permeability was
very much Increased,
Separator Can
Own "Apple Jack"
well known wildfire, though the name of
the discoverer, as stated before, la In
glorious and unsung. No longer Is "apple
Jack" a luxury obtainable only at the
price of a long and tiresome bolllng-down
process, but It can be scoured by any
family possessing a cream separator se
cured in a jiffy.
However the problem is not as vexed
as that other one put up to the federal
authorities last week, "Wfcat is the dlf
fere nee between a spade and a shovel T"
In the case of the cream separator used
as an "apple Jack" separator the classifi
cation Is simple.
It is not a still br distillery for the sim
ple and sufficient reason that it doen
dtBtiU the "upple jack." but makes It by
centrifugal force. Ha the cream and "appl
jack" separators need not be registered
and need not pay any internal revenue
Central Empires Preparing to At
tack Entente Forces that Are
Fortifying; Saloniki.
LONDON, Dec. 18. The unpre
cedented military situation in Greece
has developed a new crisis.
The allied troops, which, accord
ing to the estimates of British news
papers, number 200,000, are fortify
ing themselves about Saloniki, dig
glng trenches and placing guns. It
ia reported that the Germans are
preparing to advance Into Greek ter
rltory to attack them.
. Whether the Bulgarians also will cross
the border Is a vital question to the
Greeks. It is believed a Bulgarian ad
vance would rekindle old enmities, and
might draw the, Oreek people Into, the
The Cfreek' tfenerat election will bsTheid
tomorrow, but it la not eapeoted the re
sult will have any controlling influence
on the policy of the government. The
party of Former Premier Venlaelos -has
refrained from putting candidates into
the field, and the soldiers under arms,
who constitute a large proportion of
the electorate, will not vote. King Con
stantino remains indisposed.
According - to the Athena correspond
ent of the Times, the Qerman minister
at Athena told Premier Bkouloudls that
the Germans would be compelled to at
taok the British and French forces.
The landing of Italian forces In Al
bania is likely to prove an Important
factor, as the Italians may be able to
attach themselves to the remainder of
the Serbian army for concerted action.
Murder Suspects
Taken at Leola, S,D.
ABERDEEN, 8. D., Dec. 18. (Special
Telegram.) Sheriff McGee of McPherson
county, has arrested Sidney Herman and
Peter Robert, suspects wanted for the
shooting and fatal wounding of Police
man J. H. Bllven at Orand Forks, N. D.,
week ago. Sheriff Turner arrived this
morning from Grand Forks to get the
men. who are confined In McPherson
county Jail at Leola. The men were stay
lng at the borne of Herman s mother at
Leola. They were traced by Chief of
Police Hurst of Aberdeen.
Employes Strike
SPRINGFIELD, Mass., Dec. 18. Four
hundred employes at the . Westlnghous
company plant struck today for increased
wages, union recognition ana reinstate
ment of a union steward, who was dis
charged Tuesday. '
HASTINGS, Neb., Pec. IS. (Special Tel
egram.) An unprecedented Increase in
the consumption of electric current
threatens to necessitate shutting off
street lamps next week, when the load
on the muulclpal plant is expected to
reach a new high record. Now generat
ing apparatus is being Installed, but It
will not be ready for operation until after
tho winter's high point Is reached.
The Day's War News
classes of rermlta who enllated
adr the Karl of Derby's plaa to
solve Great Britain's recreating
problem Is takes by the British
aMle to suaa tha the plan has
been a access aed that there will
b ao conscription for the prea-
L eat, at least.
BULGARIAN A KMT on the Serbe
Greek frontier ts estimate to
bar 100,000, a Daloalkt dispatch
states. Soms rorrespoadeate there
believe the Balgarlaas1 halt Is
only temporary aad that they will
co-operate with A eat ro-iiermaa
forces la a auovemeat e Saloalkl.
the A mroua case wae beajaa by
I'realdeat Wllsoa la Washlactea
Rebel Chief Says Time Has Come to
Retire and He Tells Officials
to "Take Care of Them
Will Come to United States, if Fer
mitted, and if Not Will Go
to Europe.
EL PASO, Tex., Dec. 18. General
Francisco Villa has withdrawn from
the Mexican revolution, according to
authentlo advices today from Chi
huahua City, where a council ot war
has been in session. The retirement
of General Villa, it is said, was af
fected through the pursuaslon of
members of the council among whom
were Villa's staff and advisers.
Mrs. Villa also, it was said, urged
her husband to retire and enter the
United States. The advices state
that Villa announced his Intention ot
proceeding to the border, and, if
permitted, come to the United States.
Officers in Juares have been advised
to "Take care of themselves."
Time to Go.
Villa, addressing the council. Is said to
have realized the time had come for his
I have been surrounded by traitors,"
he Is said to have declared, "and my men
will no longer fight. I sent 1.G00 men to
defend Santa Rosalia, and they joined
Carranxa without a struggle. I do not
want to sacrifice you. I will go to the
border, cross to the United Btates if
am permitted, and there live with my
family. If I am not permitted to do so,
I will go to Europe."
Substantiation of the advices from
Chihuahua appears In telegrams from
General Obrcgon dated at Guaymaa on
the western coast, quoting a telegram
from a prominent Villa general In full and
stating that the Villa general had secured
from Villa a promise to retire and ask
ing a conference with Obregon upon the
fate of the Villa organisation's personnel.
' Without the Law.
In reply, General Obregon said he had
stated to the Villa general that Villa was
without the law, and whether he re
turned was a matter of no moment; that
ha 'would be shown--no--consideration.
The- officers, he said; would o given
guarantees If they surrendered uncon
Miguel Diss Lombards, foreign minister
of the Villa government, admitted the
truth of the advices from Chihuahua, but
declared General Villa would not retire to
the United States.
The household goods of General Villa
and his brother, Illpollto, financial agent
of the Villa government at Juares, were
brought across the border here today.
The officers' quarters In Juares were re
ported dismantled and troop trains were
said to be proceeding to Chihuahua City.
Report Not Confirmed.
The State department tonight had re
ceived from Its agents in Mexico no con
firmation of the report that General V illa
had decided to abandon his campaign
against Carranxa. Department advices, on
the other hand, Indicated that Villa had
planned a movement south of Chihuahua
against General Obregon.
Austrians Beaten
by Montenegrins
PARJB, Dec, 18. A success for the
Herzegovtnlan army of Montenegro in
forcing back the Austrians, after a hard
battle, Is reported In the Montenegrin
official statement received here today.
The statement says'.
"Our army In the Sanjak was attacked
on December 16 by superior forces along
the entire front. Our troops were given
orders on the day following to expect
movements which permit them to occupy
new defensive positions.
Our llerxcgovlnlan army succeeded after
Moveral hours of furious fighting in
forcing the enemy to the other side of
th river Subeska and Inflicting on them
serious loases."
CLEAR LAKE, la.. Dee. 18. -('special.)
The body of the late Hurry M. New
comber arrived here today from Mc
Oregor, where he was killed, while Jump
ing off his train to go to the lunch coun
ter. No one saw the accident, but the
supposition Is that he slipped and rollod
beneath the wheels of thy wall car. His
body was cut in two near the waist line.
He was the chief mall clerk on the Mil
waukee railway running between Du
buque and Algona. For twenty years he
had been a resident of this city. The
deceased Is a member of the Knights
of Pythias, of this olty and tho Antlooh
Commandery No. 43, Knight Templar, of
Mason City. He was held In very high
Mayor Thompson
Police Force Honeycombed with Graft
CHICAGO. Deo. 1.-The first step In a
campaign to clear up the Chicago police
department, which he declared was honey
combed with graft, and protection for
criminals, was taken today by Mayor
He called Into conference the chief of
police, the aselatant chief, and prealdent
of the city civil service commission.
After the conference the mayor said
both he and the chief of police were
convinced that there was collusion be
tween the police department and the
crook of Chicago and that criminals were
jelng protected.
"As soon as w (lad out where the
WASHINGTON. Dec. 18. The
official text ot Austria's reply to the
American note on the Ancona, made
public here today, reveals that the
Vienna government denies that the
views presented by the United
States, even if correct, warrant the
blame for the disaster being placed
upon the commander ot the subma
The full text of Austria's reply to
the American note on the sinking ot
tho Italian liner Ancona, as made
public today by the State depart
ment, follows:
Text aif Note.
Dec. 15, 1916. Secretary of State,
Washington! Following note re
ceived from minister for foreign af
fairs noon today:
"In reply to the much esteemed note
No. 4187 which his excelency, Mr. Fred
erick Courtiand Pen field, ambassador
extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the
United States of America, directed to htm
In the name ot the American govern
ment under data of the ninth Instant In
the matter of the sinking of the Ancona,
the undersigned, preliminary to a tho
rough, meritorious consideration of the
demand, has the honor to observe that
the sharpness with which the government
of the United States considers It neces
sary to blame the commanding officer
of the submarine concerned In the affair.
and the firmness In which the demands
addressed to the Imperial and royal gov
ernment appear to be expressed, might
well have warranted the expectation that
the government of the United States
should prec'aely specify the actual cir
cumstances of the affair upon which it
bases Ha case.
Commander Not to Blame.
'As la not difficult to perceive, the
presentation of the faoU In the case
In the aforesaid note leaves room for
many doubts, and even if this present
tlon were correct In alt points, and the
moat rigorous legal conception were ap
plied to the judgment of the case. It
does not In any way sufficiently war
rant attaching blame to the command'
Ing officer of the war vessel or to the
Imperial and royal grovernment.
"The government ot the United States
has also failed to designate the per
sons upon whose testimony it relies, and
to whom It apparently believes It may
attribute a higher degree of credibility
tften t the coiiiandrof the imperial
and royal fleet. The not also falls
to' give any information whatsoever as
to the number, names and mora precise
fate of the American citizens who were
on board of the said steamer at the
critical moment. '
"However, in view- ot the fact that
the Washington cabinet - has now made
a positive statement to the effect that
cltlxens of the United Statea of Amer
ica came to grief In the incident in
question, the imperial and royal govern
ment is In principle ready to enter Into
an exchange of views In the affair with
the government of the United Statea
Wants nil! of Particulars.
'It must, however, In the first place.
raise the question why that government
failed to give Judicial reasons for the
demands set forth In Its note with refer-
(Continued on Page Four, Column Two.
Police Department
of Chicago Rotten,
Says the Mayor
CHICAGO, Deo. IS. Roused by a recent
wave of crime. Including murders and
numerous robberies and holdups nightly.
Mayor William Hale Thompson, today
charged the police department with
shielding criminals and grafting.
"I know the police department Is abso
lutely . rotten," said the mayor. "It Is
honeycomed with grafters I know holdup
men, murderers and ptcknockets known to
the police are walking the streets every
day '. and '. are not arrested. I would not
be surprised to learn that In the depart
ment are men who have planned murder."
Mayor Thompson said he would Im
mediately start a wholesale cleaning up
and rid the police departments of crooks
"even though It costs me my life."
Mayor and Chief
of Police at Tulsa
Removed by Court
TVSJiX, Okla.. Deo. IS. On accusations
that they received money for furnish
Ing protection to keepers of gambling
houses and lluuor selling establishments.
Mayor Frank H. Wooden and T. J.
Qulnn, police and fire commissioner,
were ordered removed from office by
Judge Conn Linn of the district court
The aocusatlons were brought by the
Tulsa county grand Jury. Foster N.
Burns, chief of police was removed on
similar charges four weeks ago.
Says the Chicago
protection is coming from," said the
mayor, "we are going to clean np the
'As to plots within the department to
murder Its own members," continued the
mayor, "I can only say that murders of
policemen have been numerous of late,
and that James Mitchell, the partner ot
Policeman Hurke, the latest victim, was
murdered a month ago, and probably by
the same persons who killed Burke."
Captain John J. Helptn, former chief
of detectives, found guilty of accepting
bribes, to protect seers, waa denied a
new trial by Judge Baldwin In tha cir
cuit court today.
Authoritative Statement that Con
tinnance of Friendly Relations
Depends on the Answer
of Austria.
President at Once Begins Writing
Draft and Will See Secretary
Later in the Day.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 18. -Presi
dent Wilson began work today on the
second note to Austria on the sinking
of the Ancona.
Friendly relations between the
United States and Austria, It was
stated authorltatiely, are searing the
breaking point and their continuance
will depend entirely upon the reply
Austria will be asked to make imme
diately to the note being framed
today. .
While the word ultimatum was not
used by officials in discussing the note. It
was Indicated that the reply will etate
clearly the alternative which will follow
If Austria's reply Is unsatisfactory.
The gravity of the situation will net.
however, cause President Wilson to post
pone his departure tonight for the south
on his wedding tour.
Laming; Sends Oatllne.
Secretary Lansing sent to the White
House early in the day a memorandum
outlining his views as to what the seoond
American note should contain. The pres
ident Immediately began work on draft
ing he note and will confer with Secre
tary Lansing later. The note will go to
Vienna within the next few flays.
Close study of Austria's reply to the
American demands that there should be
a disavowal ot the act ot the submarine
commander In sinking the Ancona. his
punishment, reparation for American
lives lost and assurance that the Incident
would not oe repeated, did not reduce the
gravity with which officials viewed the
New Note Will Give Faete.
Count Zweldlnek, charge of the Auatro-
Hungarlan embassy, oonferred with
Count von Bernstorff, the German am
bassador today, and soon afterwards had
conference with Secretary .Lansing.
The charge was understood to have re
ceived more tnstruotlon from his govern
ment. The veracity of at least one. of the
Americans saved taera the Ancona, who
made an affidavit, is being attacked.
' eeoretary Lansing's memorandum sent
to the president contains excerpts from'
affidavits and that was taken to Indi
cate that tha new note to Austria will
give some ef the facta, requested by
German Big Guns
Pass Sofia on Way "
To Saloniki Sector
SALONIKI, Greece, Dec. IT. (Via
Paris, Deo. 18. Dispatches received by
the entente army officers here, report
the arrival at Sofia. Bulgaria, of eight
batteries, each made up of three seven
and one-half-lnch guns, which are bound
for Saloniki.
The work on tha fortifications here
is being pushed as rapidly as possible.
The entente officers are advertising in
the newspapers for workmen, and are
employing on the work all Serbians who
are not subject to service in the army.
It is expected that - complete - control
of the railways, the station and the
railway yards will be taken over by
the Anglo-French forces Sunday. .
Entente troops and munitions continue
to arrive hers.
Grease, Dirt and
Scale Are Found in
Minnesota's Boilers
Grease, dirt and. much scale, found in
the boiler tubes of the Great Northern
steamship Minnesota, were responsible;
for the vessel's recent breakdown, fed
eral Inspectors working on the case said
today. The examination continued today,
with the expectation of finding further
evidence of what stopped the Minnesota
off the lower California coast, enroute
from Seattle to London.
At the time of the accident C. W. Wiley,
marine superintendent of the Great
Northern, asserted that the blowouts were
caused by foreign matter in the boilers,
and suggested acids.
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