Tin; P.EK: OMAHA: KATITHDAYT DKCKMIlKU 1ft, 1015. TRU3T A GIRL TO BE ATTRACTED by the Jewelry win dews during1 this great holiday display. tee Or rtaeet Yb Mleurrs, Sheepskin V1 Mil V' hfr Mulee "V (re IJIere aad yL fee -ea, wlrtt ' . ' . -.1. .- , . -gvJraaVC fer Mee O aad Mom- tj r i i ' - v- j l ; ' Jf f f T. w.." vrmt ' . ' rt. eer AH -:rr r X75cXX50cX -5 5 j OPEN EVENINGS TO Q O' user vti l.laeti V lle.s. V Hi Monday night irom 7 to 9 o'clock we erTH offer some rery special salps, which do gift buyer should mlse. mil psj-tlculars wilt he pnbllshed la Sunday' papers. tVi wrork. - -n awit. mi Ml fori hi I- IJi J 7 jm a r txl W$ r f . 3," L .A1S& 3,15c X . tT Q ( At mm X s X r ;i !. C'' WfyirWt4 ft . :1 - : v' wv-4 t - - A V'V-' :.v. - r-. 8 FARMERS' UNION YOTES FOR OMAHA I4p(t f'mldrnt Ntlonnl Kqiilty I'nlnn lec:TM to )loll l onrrii. lion Xct Ver llrro. VAH Ni:!l(.li KKHOUTIONH For tb first t!in la lu bUtory, tb NUonl I'urniftH' Equity union, now cloiloj Us teisloni tt Hotel Caatle, hm dortdod to mft twice In nieces Mon In the tame city! Oniaba hai n de uch a hit with these bulnes . Iik farmer deteRatei that they have oted to com to the Oat City again In December, It It, for their next an r.ual convention. KanMa CUv, Mo., wta balm atronsl connlrtra k the MM pluoa of maetina; for tha Rqulty t h'on. Hut Thuraday veiling Manager I:. V. Parrlah of tha Omaha bureau of publicity got buay with tha board of directors and tha latter tiulrkly voted to come back to Omaha nt year. They alao had eonaldered Aberdeen, 8. V.. aa a prominent bidder for tha con vention. . However, they decided that Oinalia'a a4vantaea aa a, convention city were ao attractive that they could not do better than come here again. (tree Diaaka Booet. frealdent C. O. Drayton of Oreen vine. 111.. ald that Omaha had treated the Equity I'nlon better than Other cities had during former national conventions nd that Omaha was the logical and beat place for the annual Convention, ao it waa choeen a seeond time In evlta of pi r cedent and euatom. Incidentally, he said. It was noted that the prevent convention at Omaha had enjoyed an Incrtasrd attendance Of at Iraat one-third ever attendance at any previous convention. Indicating that Omaha 's cprtalnly favored by the del galea as a good place to hold their meet ingj i The convention of the Equity union will cloee thle afternoon. Reaolutlons adopted Included eapreealens of thanks to the publicity, bureau, the Commercial club, and all oilier Omaha organlzntinna and Individuals that .helped make the ef--ilons se sutrceaeful. Holiday Travel On Railroads , is Unusually Large The holiday movement Willi the rail roxla hae alarted and railronil paaeenger off kin In are looking forward to an un Uiiinlly lrn amouni of travel during the K'-xt len dnyn, or two weeks. Parties oonlemplatiiifr long tripe away to aicnd Chrletmaa hnve atartod and trains both going and mmlng are carrying ettra gulpmeht, With theiiy ai hool clo'od. there was an enodua uf teachers to .their country homes, or to the homes of friends, where the holiday aeaaon will' ba apent. Most of tha trains going out In tha afternoon were heavily loaded. ' Htudente who are at, colleges away from Omaha are eapected home early neat "k-eek and some are - expected to arrive Saturday or Humtuy. Travel, aalde to that attributed to thft holiday movement,' a hvler than usual at this seaahn of the year. There la a heavy travel eouth and that to California Is fully up to the average at this season, something that was not' esieuted on ac count of tha low rates that wore mails to the Pacific coast all last' summer on account of the exiwaiUune, . . FINDS STOLEN GOODS ARE HIDDEN IN VACANT HOUSE Keealatleat A4tt. resolutions were aluo adopted. ) Police Officer Itobey received Informa tion that In a vacant house at Frank lin street ssvsral . stolen ; vid'sa''" nad been aeorvted. lie Investigated and found two boxes Of cut- flowers Intended for patient at fct. Joseph's hospital, one be ing addreaed to Pr.- Dune)!, who'waa seriously Injured In .a. recfnt .eocident. Alao a live ehloken. Timely lllale 0er Battns. Christmas, New Tear's and other feast day causa many disturbed digestions. The stomach and bowels should not pormltted to remain clogged up. for Ift dtgaatlon and constipation are often fol lowed by serious diseases, resulting from undigested poisonous waste matter. Foley Cathartic Tablets should ba In every home, ready for use. No griping) no us teaant after effect Relieve distress after eating, regulate bowels, sweeten stomach 'end tone up the liver, gij everywhere. Advertisement. Ultlng leciaiattv and othar changes, outlined aa fallows: That the preicnt farm conditions, now alleged to be depressed and unprofitable. be Improved and encouraged by th estsbllahinent of government 4 per cent, twenty to thirty year limns of money direct to farmera for farm purpoaea. It being eseerted that present conditions are so unfavorable that thousanda' of fanners have deserted their vocation and gone to the cities, and that aome have even committed aukide In deepondenc over present conditions, aaid to be partly due to high and usurious interest rates. That all money of the Equity union be teed solely for educational purpoees and for the establishment and Improvement end extension tf co-operative local or ganlxations. Thtt favorable national and state legis lation be aecured for rural credits, adequate frrltM rates and adjustment of ear shortage claims. That a co-operative graJn market be established by the qulty union at Kait sss t-'l'y. with a soat on the regular grain ecohang there. That th Denver ce-oneiatlva union be Strengthened and extended. Omaha After Rural Teachers' Meeting Maaegtr E. V. Fairish ( the Omaha bureau of publicity has high hopa ef so curing tha thtr aaausj national confer ence on teachers' training for rural schools, to meet kere la November, line. He has received a letter from President Hayes of Peru State Normal school indi cating favorable conatderatioa of Omaha es '.ba next meeting place and expressing the oiinloA that thk city may be choeen for that purpose. The conference Is aa Important one education!! and would bring to Omaha SuO leading normal school frosidunfs, officials and other educators irom .!! verts of the United titates. A Gift for a Boy It. - V You can pi Hmf lifoir b JO ease hoy Chrlstmaa morn Ins; by making him g TuU - riedg ed'' Drexel Kid. Give him a pair of (C3 t2) TEEL HOD HOES They are the test ehoes made for boys and have all the style and appearance of "Dad's'' ahoe. They are built to stand hard knocks. Button and Blucher. 1 to 5 4. 'J.5U. Little Gents', U 13H. 9M. Buy a cer tificate if you don't know tt Cie. tTe Iny Tarcel Pot. Drexel !419 FrnamSt. s is U Han. u Aementa V, I, see ll'S'k'fa, 3 ,w;,k-i ft M Silk f'repe de t Mee It'd'k'fe, -y''t: laee re X25c T-r,r:.' ST M SBt" Cr7 e'w' Slea's sjuS J&t Alll.t.ea fAV CZr M'd'kfe, V hand pi f jN1? InJtlala. l7 JW e X 25c of Wei, jSl CT gkeer VAjk Llees) l'lt;,. IPi'ia, uft sis- Lfil rstk oJa 7Cf Llaee Via ' ' weave J m 25c& riker yvl ey si a. Knit Nk Searfa, X 3" JeitkK rklftea rM. mi vfa iW tstaa VJ. t Setts. ZZL ri'ri X I) 8 cr rw sKA '-.VIj al mix null- fr.:: ead Silk Jft) it a re. ekroU.ve-l A collection that will appeal to seekers of fine gifts Gijr quality, beauty and value. . J "14 V Fine Gift Jewelry in Newest Designs Diamond Jewelry f Leather Tr a t e 1 1 n r (Rolls, Toilet Seta, Man iMctire Seta, Medicine 'Cases. Music Roll.. Tourist Tablets Her man Pcheupr a sample lines at Half the Regu lar Price. Two Bag Special Real Seal Bags, allk , lined. The best value) ver had. ....$1.00 Large Real Seal Bags also a large lot of sam ple begs. e fen Worth double P 1 . V O Sterling Silver Toilet Ware AT HALF PRICE Sterling Silvef. Toilet Beta, Manicure Seta, Military Sets. Manicure Pieces, Files, Cuticle Knives, etc., at positively half price. .t,.24:00.R:t':.$11.98 1 atV ..$7.98 Then ar wonderful values. Sterling Toilet Seta, comb, brush and mirror. Regular $10.00 values, special... Quadruple Sliver Plated Toilet Sets, In nice lined box. Saturday, $6.00 values.... Very Fin Ivor? Brushes, concave back, at 6-Inch Ivory Mirror. Special, Saturday, at . ., $4.98 $3.69 $1.00 .$1.00 Solid Gold La Vallleres, beautiful solid gold pend nts, on solid gold chains. M.oo values, it $1.98 Solid Oold ' Pendant La ' VallUre. Worth M 00, t. ch .... $1.00 Samp. ? Leather XT .1; . lvovemes a. Pure White Perfect H Cut Diamonds, weigh-1 i lng about 62.100 to 3 ( 60.100-carat $$0.00 val ues, special Satur day. f " r" r r (J at 4)OO.UU Pure WhlU Perfect Cot Diamonds, clean and without flaw. 1-6-earat. Regular $27.0 a7,ur: . .$17.50 'Diamond Set La Val lieree), solid gold pend ant and solid gold chain. ' rallies $5.00 Q Diamond Set Scarf value . ....$3.98 Stirling Silver Clutch Pencil with clip, th large sis. Worth $2.00, at mnaont H $1.00 Oold Filled Pencil, Urge all. Worth $1.00, :m $1.00 Nice Solid Oold Hat' Plna, on cn la box .........OUC-j, Fin French' Pearl Beads, put up In , nice nurpl velvet lined box . .r.. $i.oo ' 1 ! tiding i . ri J SSaaSBnafaaBaeBTaSsi BS-aBaTaaaaaaBBBBaaaBBBaBfaaaH Tif tmmmmmnmmmmimlm e 1 " IOOOOO' Solid Oold Circle Christmas ) ri box, special ...JLDC Oold Filled Bar and Beauty Plna, tnree In special .. 50c ; Fine Gold Filled Pendant and Chain, put up la nice Corlstma .special $1.00 ) Hair Ornament ;make beautiful Christ' Ei present. We have largeat and most v utlful assortment In Omaha, WM TOYLAND h And tnls, aside from the unusually att and linger for there ar countless toys to engage th attention and excite the ad: thuslastlo over th great variety of lmpc scarcity rn this store. And Santa Claus 1 and glrL Santa Claus Has Anotlie Present Saturday Santa Clans will present vry little be or girl who come to Toyland Saturday wit his or her parent, wtth a pfretty little 191 calendar. .-3 Wlckei size for and brt i running Oesnln Flezlbl Flyer Sleds. 2.50. np to the Big Racers, for MIbp Saturday . . it i i i cveryooay say iner nerr saw so r hare this year. Roma at enr new 2.r. Of s The Bull la th China Shop. Ring Toss liagnetto Fish Fond Teytown Telegraph aytown Postoffir.e Idlewlnks Donkey Party Handkerchiefs for Xmas Giving Man' aad Women's Irish Linen, fcxtr Fin Imported Handkerchiefs, band-smbroldered In itials. 3 In box 0 In box 8 in box $1.00 1.60 $3.00 Men's Pure Linen Handkerchiefs, many hand embroidered Initials. Six In box. 76c, II, IM.' Hundreds of styles la Women's .Hand-Em-, broldered Corner Handkerchiefs, Madeira and Armenian Laos Edges. Special Saturday, each, at 26 and. 6Qe. Unen Handkerchief g, 26o A splendid assortment awalU all thoae girt chooser who, of course, are Including handkerchiefs In many places in their Christmas list These women's imported Irish linen handkerchiefs hare hand-embroidered cor ners and are offered In a large assortment of patterns, at see eacn. Of Course You Will. Give Glo-ves Prudent holiday shoppera will find this glore etore f till with at tractive and beautiful glove at reasonable prices. , And in giving iliom as a present, they have the additional gatisfaetion of knowing that evcry pair of gloves we sell in this department is guaranteed. Women's Elfrida Kid Oloves, 1-clasp. full pl que sewn, either plain or contrast stitching. black and 1 1 ft white, 8at...)l.iy Woman' 3-Clasp Im ported ' Lamb Oloves, light or medium weight, in black, white, tan or gray. Specially Olr prioed, pair "wv Women' 1 or 8-chwp Real Kid or Lamb glo-rea, full pique sewn, either plain or with con trmsttngr aUtohlng, as black on white aad whit on black; also several beautifully iT s r r To Be Remembered for All Time 0 a VICTROLA A Wonderful Christmas Gift That Strikes a a Responsive Chdrd in Every Home, If there is ono Christmas gift Above all others which will be enjoyed by the recipients, certainly it is a Victrola. You can conceive of no other to take the place of this instrument to make for complete satisfaction and happiness in a music-loving home. The great artists of fh world ar all at your disposal. With the Victrola it is possible to gh a ccnocrt every evening of a greater variety of famous artist than were ever seen together in any one house ii ii t 1 The Victrola affords a splendid accompaniment for dancing. The latest and best popular music is all reproduced on records. A Christmas Victrola SpecialVictrola X. With Choice of Ten Double Face Victor Records Twenty Selections in All. This Victrola is like the illustration and is one of the prettiest made. This special Christmas outfit cannot be equaled as a holiday gift This' outfit will be sold on terms of $3.00 and $6.00 a month. Victrola Dept. Pompeian Room. J Candy i For Satur Our Crisp Home-Mad almond, filbert and Br JTVItUM. TJellcJou Opera Fru of fruit. Special, pound Cream " Peanut Nugg chocolate. Special Sati pound . ... Oar " Delicto aa Pomp and Swiss Style Milk CI Pound box,M. ......... Beautiful line of Ch: Table Decoration. Hunt boxes for beautiful appr style of tilled boxes fro Come Here to Pure Spun AUa Banc Pans lor all shopping place In all Cr clea of the "1892" lineal lent Christmas gifts. "1I9J- Double Lipped proximate capacity 6 pin riveted haadle th same about tn this week' Om Saturday, Mh '. xinr FLOOR f if 51D0 JL a WaWss Tfc Wfc aft M 1 - I J Wl'l Bilk 01ara. . ff'wmmwmm'. fir W re- 1 ii . m r m i Ci3 v rs Ullet1 CtMtar. a . tela. ire U te f. 25c ri, a. M'Wa . ' . T ft -ea Ji-fi' A79C A. aaaa iM'Swir it --- Verfaa. a.-.