NUI1 Tin; tiee: omaha. Wednesday, pecemheu is. una. , Y1LLA CARRIES OFF ' PRETTY WOMEN ; Torcei of Outlaw Lay Waite Conn- try, Burning, Murdering and Ravishing Everywhere. ALL GIRLS ARE MADE CAPTIVE DOUGLAS, Aril.. Dec. 14. Gen- L eral Frsnrlsro Villa left a depolate I trail behind him In hi eastward fliRht to Madera, Chihuahua, after hla defeat north of Hertnoslllo, ac- cording to delayed official reports received tonight by General Alvaredo Qbregon, the Carranza commander ft A sua meta, across me Doraer rom here. Accounts of plundering, " tarine and executions ngure promi- j kently In the reports S Tnkf t.lrl A I J (After leaving the floMhr I f-ay Villa route led thr W Srto mines, Prletss, Bun P rrn Pacific rall- roiiBh Xs. Colrtr Pedro and listuo. all of which plftre and the auroundlng ountry bersuse of the practical frea- dom from previous raids, were rich and prosperous. There blscc wera slrttned ' ftre. according to the advteea received. ft ,nd the Inhabitant left with little or v.' ot!iln for their own mistenawe. -; I The only resistance offered wa at 8an p fedro. where the advance guard i re- pulsed, though later Villa and Vn picked " in are said to have taken the town and ri to have e.Mitrf -r ih. tanw, aparlnK rnly fmty young ulrls, who. v1 report states, were forced to aecom- nny the Villa troopa. At Amis Prleta, Villa la said to have personally directed tha looting of twenty Chinese atore and tha execution 6f their ewner. Similar reporta wera received tonight t tha headquarters of General Calles, ho returned from Agua Prleta yesterday rom Coloena Mora. . sixty-five mile loutheast of here In Bonora, where it If Sld that on Friday night tha retreating lorcea or Oeneral Joae Rodrlguea con fiacated all they could carry away and destroyed what waa left. Thla. tha re- 4rt stated, applied also to Bavlsps Pacerace, and In both placea youngest and prettleat women and girla were mis treated and then forced to accompany the retreating aoldicra. Carransa cavalry under Major Fran loco Ortega waa ordered by Oeneral Callea to Colonia, Oaxaca. to Intercept ftodrla-ue If possible and attempt the fescue of the women and glrla said to be k'-'ld prisoners. Hls Uraemia Yield. LAREDO, Tex., Dee. 14 General Max- fcno Osrcla. famoiui g-uerilla warrior, to iether with five Villa general, surrend ered to C'arranxa aoldicra today, accord ing to advlrna received by Oarransa ail ihoritlea In Nuevo Laredo, Mexico. Mex ican official alao claim former Villa eneral Roaallo Iiernandes la fighting for 'arranxa. In Oilhuahua. Sigh School Students Hurt by Explosion KEAItNET, Neb.; Deo. J4.-(Brclal Tel- Kram.r-Miaa Adelln Wjmn and Leonard Turner, two high achool atudenU. wera "llthtly Injured today when an expert-' j ient waa being made In the laboratory at the local achool. A arnerator ex- r loded, ca,ulng paitiul, though not rt- oua Injurlea. (nil,.. .,,.-.. i .t ' . ' tumiiia in tun ruoiii wpni noi urt, though glaaa from tha damaged etort flew about the room. 4 RICHARDSON ASSESSMENT THIRTY-EIGHT MILLIONS FALLS C1TT. Neb., Dee. H.-KpeVtal ) -Oeorg fmllh. county aaseaaor, ' atatea that the value of Ibe peraonal and real property of Rlchardaon county la J.-'A.OOO.Ofl. and thla la not tha full value Of tha property aa alwayi a certain amount la never Hated, or' la not luted at Ita actual value. The Increase In the aaaeaaed valuation from 1914 to 19U bi 11M.00Q. Tba real eatate valuation la fJ3.00.10. ( Owing to tha damage to roads , and bridge by tha heavy ralna the paat aea on an emergency tax of t mills waa levied In Auguat. Richardson Is one of the wealthiest agricultural counties In Nebraska, and Etella la th richest town j In tha count per capital. BUFFALO MAY HAVE ROAD COMMISSIONER KEARNEY, Neb., Deo. 11 (Special.) pcllevmg that a road commissioner for liuffalo .county will solve the road prob lems and feeling the final expenditure will not be' mora than there is at pres ent spent on the roads, member of the Kearney Commercial club will ask the county cupcrvlaora to havs the matter submitted to the voters at the next ven tral elect km in April.' : Two provision are made by the statute t get the proposition on the ballot (Cither the supervisors can aslc to have it put on. or a petition signed by one feurth of the voter from two-fifth of the precinct in the county can make It taandatory on the board to submit the dUmUon. HASTINGS WILL HAVE ' ELEVEN MILES OF PAVING HASTINGS. Neh.. Dec. 14.-(Speclal Tel- grain.) The preliminary preparations were completed by the city council last rttKht for eleven mile of street paving In Haul lugs. This will give Hasting a total f more than sixteen mile of paed fctreeta. A few more orolects are twins- proposed and city offlciala would not be surprised to see the total brought to taenty mites before the end of next year. Another bond election will probably have to be held to provide for all of the Inter ' tlon In the district already ordered. K.irlr Hours U.vatlsa. WCOOK, Neb.. tM.. 14.-Bpeclal ) Tuitday morning at W o'clock a forty lour 3votlonal rvre waa commenced lu Sf Patrick' Cathulto church, by Re. A, If. Kan. O. M. I., pastor, who Is ea tisied by K. Dr. Emery of Clyd.. Kan., and Rv. Kathcr Stapf of Csjnbrldje, Ntrb. T!i church I specially decorated for lit d-caaion- . Tha rrfa. Grip 1 suRM-itiing ul a Joke to tbu who hsv never hd It. but when they f ft It they become desd to all en of Suimer. No disea. s ever more ap propriately bs.m d because grip take bold of the ei;'.'r irwtew To get rid of It tan Chamrerlin' Hough Remedy and carefully observe lbs directions with each bottler. This remedy is highly rt:oemmeml.d by those who have ud it slid kuoTr it real vlu. Obtainabi er a lre. AdvertisenienC Omaha Business Men Serve as Tea Room and Take Some ;?yr " f i 'PS'': , v r'y'y- "v ' ' Fifteen umially sane and dignified buslnesa aod professional nien of the city acted as waiters Tuesday In the tea room that women of the First Presbyterian church are conducting at Orchard & Wllhelm's. The tea room was a ' riot of fun and amusement,' as the circus posters would say. The capacity of the tables was taxed to the limit, and Miss Amy Uilmore, hat girl, held back a long line of patrons. And the way those waiters watted. No watchfi.1 walling, mind you. No. sir. They were right on the Jump, serving thlr patron with nratnesn and dispatch and with the respectful servility that belong'! to their stations. Yesslr. Imnulno if you can. rtoherl I input or arrayed In a large white apron, hasten ing through the tea room carrying a cuf, of coffee held out In front of Mm ft arma length Imperiling a doxen gowns. Imagine C. M. Wllhclm wearing a dainty tea apron tied with a big bo at the back. Imagine Frank Juriaon, John C. Wharton, N. H. Ixiomls, V. A. Fraicf "Matty" Black, Jsnics II. Adams, ()oig a. II. Kelly, M. C. Peters, Clement Chsrt, Rev, K. II. Jenks, Ir. W. Ii. Henry aril Robert. Updike similarly arrayed, carry ing trky and hastening emoiig the tables and In and out of the kitchen. Shout of laughtter filled the room nnd the grinning waiter had to submit to all aorta of curt orders, jibes and Jest from the patrons. ( , Pata . Tkamit iw Sons. ' "Here, waiter, you've got your thumb In my oup," Indignantly rxcla'med a patron to Walter N. II. Lootnls. "S'all right, air, 'Uln't hot," cheerfully replied the waiter, , I "I ' found u hair in thla app'.e aauc? boy." said another patron to Walter W. A.'Krater. ' "That's hlmposslble, sir," said Waltar Frxer,"benaii that happl sauce, waa made' frofn" RalJ'w ns, sir." . "Oarcon, tnko ny order,"- a' close busi ness friend called curtly to M. C. IVtois. r"Ve. sir, right away, lr," responded Walter Peters, and stood at respectful attention while hla friend aerlously and uii:iiiiiijr s'-v ilia mum. A sign posted said "Don't flirt with the waller. They must devote all their attention to their work." John C. Whar ton waa the only waiter who wan repri manded for violation of thla rule, the poHtmaster'a gallantry not being proof agulnst the attractions of tha fair ladies at hi table and he la reported to have been entirely too fain liar for a waiter. Waiter Robert Vpdlke atood respolf ully waUlDf tho order of a buslnesa friend. ' J C Miller, Please Write, "Roy, bring me two eggs, one fried on one' ld and the olTirr on tha other," said the friend. Mr. Updlk had heard this chestnut. So ha hastened to the kitchen, dlaarranged hi collar and ti and returned. "Would you mind, air, 'aving your egg VETERINARIAN INJURED BY BUCKING MOTOR CAR KEARNEY, Neb.. Dec. 14.-(tpeclal Tel egram.) J. J.- Waters, a veterinarian.' suffered a broken shoulder, hi left arm broken In two placea and flngrra crushed today when standing in a local garage. He was thrown twenty feet against an other car whenv an automobile being driven Into the place became unmanage able. The ' Injured man wai standing near, the, manager, of. the place, who escaped Injury by Jumping to one side. According to the attending physician. If no Internal Injuries develop, Water will recover. Falrbarr New N( FAIRBCRT, Neb.. lo. M.-Spwlal.H-Charlea Ransom, a Rock, lelunil cont ductor, la off duty thla week on account of Injuries sustained in the wreck near Deshler, Neb., Saturday evening. The Falrbury tuabor and Fraternal Picnic arAot'latlon held a nine ting and elected the following- officer: President, C C Mayi first tie president, R. H Coffin; second vlca pr.sidiMM, Waller Hichardson; treasurer, El Carr; secre tary. Homer C. Emery; trustees. Free Hlrsch, Ray Acklry and B. Z. Milllken. James Smith, a fireman on the local ' fr,"ht run) between rwileville and Philllpsburf. Kan., wa Uken 111 thl morning. ...... Ptvlsion Superintendent H. B. Alien has Inaugurated a "prevent claim" depart ment at Falrbury and bold regular meetings. Not only Rock Island employe, but the public a well, I Invited to at tend these meetings. Tit varioea organisation and societies of Falrbury have organised a city charity board. Mrs. ?. . Walton I preaidont Mr. D. U. Crvpsey, secretary: Mrs. T. 1 Hatfield, treasurer. Karh church and or. gsnlsatlon In Falrbury ha an officer. A Wlal.r (.iik II arts tae I. a as. lr. Bell Pine-Tar-Honey stops the cough and prevent your cold getting worse, it's guaranteed. Oitly ZLo. All druggist. Advert laement. News otes f Aattara. ACKl'RN. Neb., Dec. 14.-Speclal I The body of William Holroyd waa burled her. yesterday. lis died at HjU-na, Kan.', where he moved about two year ago after the daath of hi wife. He was, a nallva of fcngWnd. and located In this county In the erly fifties and resided here almost aUty yeaia. He a as over JOHN C. WHARTOM. H, It. E!LDiaia (,.,4.. rve. -Rd,' word, with the' cook.? bo said.' much to" the amusement of the iatron. ' Walter Dr. W. O. Henry wore a sign on his back Inscribed. "Some Dumb Waiter." v . r : .s Ami let im not ferret his-lortlahlp the hcHd waiter. Casper Yost. (sper la naturally gifted with a dignity , and solemn bearing almost equal to tha( of a real head .waltwr. Maltre do. hqtel .Yost .paraded 'pompously about his little I est u rant seeing t.hat his "garcons" gave satisfactory service to "se patrons" and suiiitiin-'lir)uig back into ihu KiUlun to rcprlpiand pne for some slip In service. :' ,. liftn Have Tip. Thahla work was appreciated 1 proved by the liberality of the patron. . "Monsieur, ' 1 wish to express my ap- -rH -is ' " i , ' t year of aitlhe time of hla death. The body Was .a-compa.nled by hi ton; Edwin Holroyrl end Wtlfrrd Holroyd. , Wort ha reached here of the death of Mrs. Carrie Murdnck at Indianapolta. 8he was ithe. widow "of Joseph Murdock and resided licre for over twenty years. , William .Meyer, who was birn and reared here, died, at his home In 1'hllllpt; burg. Ken., Monday. Minuter lu t ouuly Jail. CITY. Neb, Dec. 14. (Spe cial Teleiit-am.) IU v. John J. Ma rat en was arrested at Hen.llev, eUht m'lea west of here, last nlhl by Hherlff 8ovler and IIIIIIIIIHH IIIIHIIIIipj ll lf!J!lli:i!ll1!tl!ll!!!!:i!l!!!!ll!lll!l!ll!!ll!!:i!:i!!i!!lll!!l!i:i;ill!il!!in ?i & JV 1 rf? V f 3 5 Vt ft t ri. V 1llll1.llli,lMlllllllMIIIII.I'lll:lllllliiinilnl,lfillllMI'IIIHlMlirll"llf1"l"llll!:l! IliH, "" V ,'ll !' II 1 9s4,Uii'UliiIiUUlitttUlliUH..lilHI i U.U1 1. lUili tUl Waiters at the Yuletide Fancy Tips from the Patrons A.Z.2ies CK'SldcIc II.. LOOM 13. preclatlon or the service which you give here," said Victor Caldwell to the maltro de hotel. . . ' v o strive to please, sir,' said- Mr. Yost. - ' "Accept thl trine." said Mr. Caldwell. And he sli'ppe4 a tM bill Into,thehands of the head waiter. - -.";"'.' - . ' ' A11 ' tips and .proceedsVgo .to the First Presbyterian church. Signs were displayed about the tea room. "An oysfor In every tew,' count 'em.' "Children. in .arms not admitted. We're ; neutrafV "Leave ,rord car In the' elevator." v-- '' ' 5 . I now In the county Jail, charged with Issuing bad checks upon banks at Cam bridge and Trenton! Jtev. Mr. Marsten has been conducting a war picture fea ture for movie, traveling from -place to place. He claim that the charges are all-a mistake.- .. V-.. ... .x. :, . ... Twet Have' Nrrov J-'.seeia, FALLS. CITY. , Nb,,;. Dec.. 14.(Ppe. ial Telegram.) K. Jrvla Donte.'iHe. 18-year-old soft of-W...O. Derate of JStift town ship, while in Rulo Saturday undertook to do t kindly act by taking James -Tangy, who has 'been crtprled by rheumatism the last few weeks, to his home in tbe north. T VATafv aU-the-way" The Texas .siftya,. 1 1 ii 11 "i I"-" 1 - -jr , ? , ..TV - J 1 6 1 VC S"'"""" sly GEORGE H. KELLT. . j N. A ncri Vain, on a new scKcduIcr-a schedule shoncr, no p- minue$, W, by hours! Five Kours fajfer from Kansas Cjy o Dallas and Fort Worth, seven hours quicker (o San Anonio. .' .-- i ' j Lve-Kansas City.. 10.30 p..m Arr. Waco 35 p. m. j Dallas. . . , . , l 40 p. in.' Art. Austin 5:45 p. m. KortWortk.. I .OOp-jn. .; Art. San Antonio. 8 30 p. m.. How, a trU of fast Katy traU froa Kaaaaa City to Tsias, ' For lull information, address Ce. A. McNalt, Dulrict AgttlT Wslaat St., Kaasas Cily, M. Utl li iiitt iiUi, 1 1 ii i 4 4 1 1 ii j j i . i j i i 1 1 m ti ii k n ii ti j tt t F.W.Judsozt part of town via automobile. The auto mobile refused to go after crossing the Hurlington track half way lust as the through ppnsenRcr train approached. The men saw the tinln In time to escape ba forej the automobile waa demolished. I REE TO ..... ASTHMA SUFFERERS A Kw B03i Our Thmt Auyon Cvn Vi Without Dlioonxfort or IiOis of Time. liv New MvUickI that caret Asthma. o4 w want rou to try It at our xpenM. So mi tr whlhr tun cum la of long uinritn; or rt rent dwrlopniffnt, whthr It 1 prcat-at oo caton of c Uroii 1? ;Att n)fr. yon rhnild jtej.rt tvt fre trrni' Of our ' muthnil; No - mrtpr In whkt rlitnat you llvr? n maltcr wrmt ynv nf : cvoiHHatloffi. If ym ar trwubfetf with- kaihkVA, ou method wlil rrllrrr you promptly. W especially want to It tn them appr ntiy hopel iwrMi, whfw all (orm of lnhal tra, diucha, upturn. prppraUonM, lumaa. 'paint aniokea.' etc., hav failed. Wa waiu to ahnw wry one ait our own exTtnM. that thta new tnethotl 1 dealKtif-J to end all difficult hrauthtne. all wheeilnn, and all tho-te lerrlbla proyam- a( on e and for all time. ' Thla freo offrr la ton- Imoortant to nenlect a atnl- day. ' Write now and (hfn b in thi method at onre. Hend no money. Simply mill CbUoon telow. Do It Today. FRi:rc ASTHMA CM)CIOV FHONTIRR AHTIIMA CO.. Kooti M. Murari and Hudaon Kt.v. Muf alo. N. T. Baud tree trial ot your method to: , ELL"AS3S Absolutely, Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. V; .As Mil 1 U 1 1 M' II! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M II 1 1 ! ! I !l I !M I limit I llllll 1 1 II Mill itt44 i.t it . ii 1.1 1 li ti 1 1 1 J it i u 1 1 . 1 i i i ii i i it 1 iu ti i ti lUii iii 1 1 ""vi5:.S ! fC- ; Transient Dealers Are Driven Away by Use of Old Laws IOWA FALL, la., Dec. 14 (Special.) Rvery retail merchant In Iowa will be Interested in the manner in which some tmnnlent merchants were handled by the holm? nierrhnnt under the new Inw that trtUm a penalty for fraudulent or de ceptive advertising. When son Kansas City jnen dropped into town with a stock of goods 4n trwlr trunks and opened up for a t'.tree-clay sale, with a flash of ad vertising that promlfied a thriving busi ness," tho local merchant held a council of -war tind decided to Invoke the new law-.that makes a merchant deliver, the goods he advertises, or coma across with a f rc. Warrants were sworn out, coun k.I whs hired and chemical analysis of good offered by the transients wera After a few hours of bombard ment',, the men from Missouri decided to capltulntc and the term of surrender wan the forfeit of thre three days' li cense, (.mounting to t-V. the payment of all uoqta lii the case and ia close up shop V.kI 'r out of town. They accordingly moved on to greener fields, where the belligerency of the local merchants was of a loss pronounced type. I aevTiirrl Itrvlvil (loses. I SEWARD, Neh.. Dec. 14 (RpeelaD ; Sunday night In tha big tabernacle here 1 ot the close of the revival meetings undeirl the dli'ecflon of Evaneeist W. D. Ham ilton, eluhty-slx people came forwarl WHY NOT A FOR A GIFT? 5 BIG ROCKER VALUE (Like Cut) This fine rocker Is very comfortable, good gen- 1 rroua size, Cushion Spring Beat, upholstered lu fine tapestry, frame dark oak finish 1 This White Enamel Medl- . rlne bandy Cabinet, nickel trimmed, has mirror In ddorv Inside fitted with I, '"ill '.h-'lf shelves, 15 Inches wide, "r... $4.00 J i- TUCK A WAY Is an Ideal Name for this Table. You can tuck It away folded up In a minute beautiful figured art brown mahogany finish, top is oval, 18 Inches wide. 24 inches long spindle turned legs; they're 6o cute and useful, we are sure you will buy one the minute you see them a Mnilted number, at, earn, - . - $8.00 "1892" Pure Spun Aluminum Utensils A Special Introductory, offer of thla Aluminum Sauce Pan 5 plnt capacity worth regularly 80c," special for 39. i.99 pure 8pun Aluminum. We show a full line of these ex cellent utensils. Orchard & Wilhelm Go. 414-416-418 South 16th Street "BABY99- We can't think of any name but BABY for the doll we are go lug to give away this week. If you girls want to see the prettw-at. sweetest baby doll la all tbe world. Just come down to The Bee office this wreek and ee "BABY" you'll be glad ywu came. Just to look at her. Everything about her looks "BABY;" her dress, shoes, hair, heeks, mouth, everything Is Just dear, innocent, pink BABY. Wouldn't you like to hold her In your arma Just a wee monientf And think of It -Rhe Is going home with one of you next week to be ALL YOL'R OWN. How happy that little girl will be. jU) be, tluit little girl Yon. v ' r r e V - 7 A' "V A . ... ; - . ' - ' -. .."....- .' i , . ... ' YOU CAN SEE " BABY" The four weeka showed a grand total of Jw decisions. KEARNEY GOOD ROADS FAIR IS BIG SUCCESS KEAR.NET. Neb.. Dec. 14 (Special.) Today there la something over CVO fn the treasury of the farmers' and mer chants good road fair committee here after checking up of the funds, following the fair' ending on Saturday evening. Of u.;s amount 11.900 came In In the form of private subscriptions, and a tri fle over waa raised by the sale of donated merchandise. The amount on hand will be need! to the best advantage In getting county roads In ahape for next year. According In Chairman Patterson of the committee, who conceived the fair Idea, the work of raising fund ha Just started. What other meana of getting money will next be employed he doe not state, but his succeH so far Indicate the Idea will be a good one. " A committee of business men called upon the merchants and got them to donate all kinds of merchandise, such as shoes, clothes, drugs, hardware, and even a live goat was among the thing sold at the fair. Farmers gave chickens, egg settings and farm produce. Klaaj Gives Ansraaeea, , LONDON. Dec. W. The king of Greece, In the course of an audience, accorded the members of the diplomatic body at Athens on Saturday, gave personal as surances which are regarded as atl factorv Thla Information la conveyed. In a dispatch from Athens to Keuter'a Telegram company. CEDAR CHEST This one (like cut), best Tennessee red cedar, heavy colonial design, 40 inches' long, ISY2 inches wide, 17 inches deep, $10.00 ' seat and back $12.50 LLs5' IN THE A TOY SiiOP A very special offer on a large assortment of Dressed Character Dolls, selling reg ularly up to $1.25, while th?yla3t,ea. 50c A -2L Two more beautifully dressed dolle, but not so Urge as "Baby," will be. given aa second and third ' prizea. "Baky will ke flrea to the little girl, aade 10 year of age, tuat bring or mails a tha largest Bassbes of doll' plotare eot oat of in Daily aad Baaday -Be before 4 a. aa. Bator, day, Beoembe ia. Her picture will be in The Ik-e every day this week. Cut them all out and ask your friends to save the pictures in their paper for you, too. See bow many pictures of "BABY" you can get, and be sure to turn them la to The Bee office before 4 p. m. Saturday, December II. If you don't win this Dollie, perhaps you can get one next week. Only one doll will be given to any one person. AT THE BEE OFFICE.- )