THE- DEE: OMAHA; DECEMBER. 1915.. 1 1 f i WANT AD RATES WANT ADS for th evening edition must reach The Bee Office before li o'clock noon. WANT ADS for the morning nt Bundev edition must reach The Be Office before !:4S p. tn. WANT AM revived after hour, will me their first "PP?",; eno under "Too Ut to CIslfv.M CASH KATES. On time, t wH word. Two or rrmr consecutive times, ltt MMti a word, each "?,0". , fsv.n consecutive time. 1 cot word, each Insertion. CITAJIGK RATES. , Oh timo, I ent a '',. Three tonsecutlv time, 10 cnts line. wh Insertion. Seven concuttv timet. cent line eai-h Insertion. . Thirty con seen f've time. T eents ft lino, each Insertion. Count st svr- word to th Me. No advertisement taken for I'M than 20 will notices. Cirds of Thnnk, rwath, Funeral Sltd Lodge Notio, 10 cents a Ime each Insertion. Minimum chart 64 cents, i . Partle advertising In these eol tomns and hevlna their tiwr ddressed In car of Th Bee V' please auk for card to nbl tnem to rt their lettere, nn will ba delivered except oa pre atitatlon of card. An advertisement Inserted ta fca run until discontinued must t topped br written order. Tha Be will not be rpotTble for mora thn th first Inoorrect insertion ot any advertisement Ton can plan rour want ad In Tr.a Bee bv telephone. TELKrHONK TYfcElt tOOO. PID ATKB A BID rtTHERAl. HOTICM CARtJON-Charla 3., Daoambor li. 1W. rd a yeara . . rneral Wedneaday at t P-riv frjrn raaldenoa ot Mr. Amanda Bars, m (North Twonty-aevanth avenue. Inter- rnect, Voraot Lawn cematary. jVtMtET-Rpy, aired M year. At hUraaw Funeral Tuaaday at 1 p. m. froia Ta (art obapok. Interment Tvrast las. riETimRBN-Jatia Andrew, at4 Tea ifi innnthe. U.v Deramber U. Wk. ra. Funeral at o'clook Wadneaday atur Boon from reeidenco, K0 Miami to tprintwll cemetery, frlenda InrlteA. iHERWOOD Henry B.. 14 Monday. Iwroember II, etd M year. . j . Funeral aarvice will ba held Wedna dey. lomber 16, at t o'clock at Hula 2Uon'a chapel. Wl CWiuth Sixteenth atrt. C. T. Ilcklnaon of Mrat Church f Cliriat, flctentlat, offlclaUnt Friend waloofna Interment, Walnut Hill cern taey, Council Bluffa, la. , , CAUD or THANKS. WS wlah to axtend our alnoera thank to our many friend and Knltht of vthlaa lod for their aympathy ahown and flower given at tha death of our ElUabeth Vlrtlnla. -,., .B. . C. BRAOON1RS AND WirB. Wa wlah to expraee our alnoaraUianka to tha . friend and nl;hbora for tha a4nM exiendea and ratDathy ahown Vy Wi beautiful floral offering at tha lesth of ouf beloved daugntey. ijemiro. , WH. 8CHOMBR AND FAMILY. . '. BIRTHS AKO DBATHt. Plrthe FYed.acd- Anna Hn. W Bouth Thlrty-aeoond, girl; .Lawla and Kthel llaye. Ralaton, boy; Joe and Matfil Laato, 1J20 South Twelfth, boy; Paul and Him' Martin. Mil IvcniNjrt. clrl: J. rla and Mary A, Puilen, Sine Grant, alri; Oerar and Virtorli Solqulat, etlO fiouth Seventeenth, boy; W. H. and Mary W9trrKardl, 1031 South Twn VtaClAV aind Vlj.rv VaU. MS nty-thlrd. alrt; 1 Ptx1, boyi utecaher. 4f7l ttlawivtrta m nA HM.rurm. Cu4 Aa.u 4ut. ak aal TTIIaiAKeatK tHHrv J a.g y . l WUIt "mil Maay.'i.g a (Nrl I Jia Atiaa. npy; wiiuam to. ana muuna lNuti-h. 1T) Van Camp, boy; Io J. and MICMIIn pomankl. tjifl B"Pf" . byi R, L. and Marjory Hoyt. . Webater, Ntrth Flfty-yrjth, girl; 1, C. and tou U Baker, I.Pratf, aiW: Albei-i and Oiilaa Conn. 4410 Pleroe, girl; BebeatUno and Lucia Platrttto, 1114 South ilghth. fu-l; Benjamin and.Eatella Harrtaon. i23i louglaa. boy; John B. and Jal Brain, SIM Burt. boy. iMathe Jena A. Feteraen, tO, 0?0 Miami; J. . , Cally. X8, hoaplikl; Albert P. IlbucK, 77. 364 Knimet; John Ballard, t month, 141 Kouih beventeenth; Bertha levtne. Iff, hoepltal; Arthur Welkup, IMS North Twenty-first; Margaret Tana nay, It, Fifteenth and Jackaon; Mra. Al mlra P. Clark. M, 17 (touth Thtrty-eo-on 4; Inning Ah Que, tt, hoeplta); Roy ldndny. 86, tm Orant ,Jv V. 7 ' I. Tli Vi n . 'T'rr, . MAItniA&S) LICKHTBES. The followtng permit to wed bare &a . . . x . UffHVUi i . , Nehs and Beeidetlce Irving lltndmareh, Fremont .... Maine Burke. Valley Age. BeV-rt W. Brown, Blanchard, la. M laaoall F. Alien, Oakalooaa, la St Fmtl D. ITanaon, Iloldreg K jUerthA Findmaa. Omaha tt Jot FvAytior, Merrill, la Over st Mary iMlenka. Lama re, Ia. Over U) John M. Andrews. Omaha.. tt X'ortha Kloeer. Omaha It BCILDINO rBRMITt. F, Marshan. 420. K, franva dwening, l.p"0; foiiOK rravxr Hroa.. rram dwe.llnir a ! South Deer I "ark boulevard. ti.M); leii lar Park boulevard, tj,n Deer Park boulevard, tl.tmA; fcus ue-'i 41 l w wnr g gvin viaiMUi itjK'( gauow 6outh f eventeenth, U,; iSJb South Sevw enieentn, si.auu. TODAY'S MOVIE PROGRAM Dwata. EMPRESS 15 & DOUGLAS Hearat-Sellg, No. M. Wasted Lives, A fcociety Sohamar. The Merry Model. prince a: IliMi d6O0iLa.b. Harold Iockwood and May Aillsoa In Th Buuaxd's tshadew, ( aota, a thrill ing siory ot ureal American Deeert Jistest war picture, current events, eto. nu w -riw-tgqftTyirnni comeay, Swik. GRAND, 16TH AND BINNKT. vorld Film Corporation presents The rsnuiy cupooeura. parts, leaturtng Paramount presents H. The (ihost Breaker. Bv Warner In Seal. APPOLO. S824 LEAVENWORTH Dancer Ahead. Kalem: A Child In Juda. ment, ! tee', kkllscal Sonny Jim and in rarmiy rarty, vitaffrapn. West. J'OVROE. 2555 FARNAM Wlilinm Famum, tbe tlO.oDO atar In "i'ne Wonderful Adventure.' , a lot f-sture In five ree!s. awMiai tUi, BKSSE. 24TH ft N "Tl-e tnamlt Train. Kalem. "The tisry Trail." -t. Vitagraph. "Stiake vlilc' hi.enlq Xtarnage' Ksaauay. " l.ov,'' Eelig. 24TU AND M World Film Corporation presents 'CaiVSUuO Neil." n ru. MOVIES FEATURES TODAT GRAND, 1ITII AND BINNEY. Tha Family Cupboard. I part. LOTHBbP. kati AND LcVniROP. II, B. Warner In The Ghoat Breaker. MONHOK, ibti rARNAsl. The Wonderful Adventurs' ft To feature in live reel. ORPHKUM, 24TH AND M "Salvation Nell." fly parta. . iiii-it dougLIb.' Harold Lockweod and Msy Allison to me gumra i Bftaoow, s aote. ANNOrNOEMlCIftS CHIROPRACTIC. Kl ine I edjualmant 1 ten tiecefullv remove tha cause of rteiirnetUm, , -liver, aton-iech. psralyafe, nervousness and: female weaknesses. Ex- amlnatton frea, DR. W. II. KNOLLENBERO. Bult til Ba BM(. Tyler fiRODKOAAAD'8 ' Lucky Weddlnf Rlnae' at lth and Douftlaa Bta. Lease For Sale on two offices nicely located on second floor of The Bee Building Inquire of the Superintendent, Room 101. &XBRCI8E ATT.M.C.As-Buainaaa man. ACTOMOmXJiS Whenever you ara oonaldaHna; rtiln or buying a uead oar and you want full void for your money or you want people wba ar willing to pay for what they ar getting you will hava no regret If you buy, or advert lee througb th uaed car column or Tba uae. rnon xyiar iwu, S-PA 8PENO It Ford for aale. Call Rel tm, tnomlng or afternoon. 4,100 MILE 9 of mlleag In your old tiro Ifll Chicago t - . w, Indue trial Qrae Co., Harney Bt. tlRAhKA Uulok Oervioe Station Uu f amam fit' Phone pouglaa Itl. AUTO. lating huue. Buy. ll and hange u d car, m mnv . i. ma Two RtWAKU for any maaneto w oan't repair Poll a repd Baydort. . 10 W. I'tw. fenf'Bll runabout, rhAap. Omaha cVn oreta Stone Co., tth and Sahler Bta. -jeiepnone t.'Oira w. TlHK-etrxl .7B: t3H. S.7; guaran teed I.hO; limited number at till price, y.wlehel Bro.. 1 Farnem. P. wnf. J(F3 MTMi'TtlTSTuto rermTrinf at jSOdHa fitate Oaraga. I'hon Tyler 207. Xn KATH Ha buy, laaaa or U your tb.' ater, machine and aupplle' through Theatar Kxflh. Co., i Famam. D. ISA?. ir your pualnea Chanea will atand rigid Investigation and I just what It la advertlaed. Of If you ar looking to a tart In bualneaa for yourself you will ba nor fectly aatiafled If you uaa th ,Bulua Chance column of The Baa. Whan buy. tng or ealllng a bualnaaa I'hon Tyler lOilO. FOR BaHb Iteetaurant and oontectlon- bualnaaa .til mwa4a ab raon for eelltng, other bnitlnee require my attention; for further lnfor- mefoi, ai'd'R O fat, cer Bee. iXjABB and furniture for aala of a IU . hol ln orant. Neb., doing a fin huelnea. Vaenonger train take dinnar j,.re ,lllo freight train takee dinner and "upper. . county seat town. Only Hotel in Grant F. B. Lance. OKr'lClfiTfbr. real tiatata or Inaurance; . itml floor a Bee of fine; Uxfl feet M The Bee Bldg.. Of floe Boom lu. TO SELL Or buy a bualnene. call on Fuacn a Horgnorr. Franser Blk. u. Hit. WANT taleaaa my ahop and garage and aell my tool and etork of good on hand. .A fin location. Write me at onoe. 3. C. Klrkpatrlck. Athelatan, la. , ;. . Office For Real Estate or Insurance Bame floor as Bee Office The Bee Building ; 'Office Room 103 AfiC for my Real Esvate Bulletin. It Includae laraest and beet Hat of bar pains fn U atat. V. O. Tatnpltton. gg Be Widg. ' FOR SAijb-Reataurant In a wide-awake town, doing good buslfieea. For Infop- matton write T IAS, Bee. . IOuO.40 stock of dry goods for sal heap; no tradet muat be cash; stock must be moved. Write Clements s Co., Lyons, Nb., ewnera TO OK T In or JF.STAD. out o( business eall qa 4121 Bee Bfelg Doug. 14", OANCI KK Oreaha Theater Supply Co, for bar gain In rstablls'ned shows P. SMB. Ob'f yur business with ine for quick refluiis: ouy, -wu ana excnanK. BEI,.IABtl BARGAIN CO.. Room 1, Balrd Bldg. Tel. Doualag KM HTH AND DtJIjrtUAB HT. ROOMINO HOUSES FOR BALK. ' SIX-ROOM, steaia-beated flat 8. 1XM. . , EDUCATIONAL The VAN BANT SCHOOL STENOGRAPHY BOOKKEEPING. Pay aenooi ior xoung w omen. Evening Uchool lor Youaa? Men and women. Saturday morning claaa ta typewriting. Ion C Duffy, Owner sad Manager. . KM S. llth St. Omaha. PAT SCHOOL, BOTI.13 COLLE43B. N1UUT SCHOOL. Every dy 1 enrollment day. Book, SeeplBg. Hbortoaaa, eienotypy, TypewriU las. Telecraphy. Civil toervlce All Coin. merciat aua s.ngua utmocaee. vatalogu ire. . BOTL.ES CULUCQB, Uth and iiainey six Tel. Douglas IM. BUSlNKtid COLJUEOS STUDENTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSES- For , wun gooa reason ior euing. a variety of eourses In a rU labia Busi ness School, one of the leading business coUefee of Omaha. Will be sold very reaswitable aaay below regular ptice. if you aie oumuoering taking a eouree InveatigeU this at oiuta, Uio Fall tcrin Define eoon. can ornce. umana ttee. FOR sale, the following scholarships la a flret-clase Omaha ttuslusaa College: One unlimited combiuatlun business ana enartnan coiu-se. l'i unlimited tenorraphlo course. Ona three-iiK-nthr business or stn. trsphlo course. win b sola at a dlsoouat at tb office e. 1 1 1 uiuana no. FOR BALE , . H M.M ILMa:. BARGAINS IN FURNITURE AND HARDWARE, 1M N. 4TH V KB. t7. "OH kAI.i. Her la a classif it-aiion tnat Is of th utmost ImporiAac to every reader, aa this column offeis some exer tion. I c;Kirtuulttee every day and a sti. want ad iU sell your artcle at lis full value, phon TjUr LlO. iyH rUlB i " 1 iti;hb., n?fc1ta. ' o"fht' and aold. J. C. Heed, kjlJfRSj t HA f' ifv lt claaa condition IIOHIKA AU, EHICLKIi . rAM aon. 1i; haroeei. P: bolh rw. Johnton-lJ.rvforth CO..' Itch and ClerH Btrela ' ' - i J( Btfrorn the oountrv, three farm marej f riM 1,1V t! t,- Ida.; from to 11 yeeia. Wil eell cheap. iKAef of horeee.. weisTTiii J.fao toJnda apleoa, on year old. th other tari; . weaon and harneea. t420 Dec tur. ,tyeher-M)7r ; - r6t I. f BY AHU r&T ITOtK. WXD tnkXtif ll jh, $1.7.1 Vner, "1 N.l. -c ::. . - rrr. BEUAMCB Rlhban and Carbon Co cr baw taper and Inked rlhWona. P.-KW. yTPBiWRIT for rn Hee HMtT TlTHByi HlT.Ra oolo, . ierid. repalrad. oritral Tj newrtter Fe. iw nrnim. MllCULLARAOtt. ron SALW Nw and aerond-hand tarera Ilier and aeceore; br. fUture f il IhI pfi'Ket btlitaro tania ana oewima air fain.! i aay pymnl. lii urumwii CVllinder Co..'7T- fi. toih at. ONE Tfounf Oek Vt ohaTatov Tor !, tSW. tTion Bed 7V,r' , : FOR 8ALB-Canrrt rflior; ran by SSi It. B. engifie, aid loader, all on truck; nearly new; all toole go with mixer, or will tr o-for -11S. Ford carl muet be In food oomlltlon. iddreea C. E. Lunbtrry, rig. Neb. Phone M. .,-, ' ;. : . New Becoao-oana motor, aynaraoa. magneto, :o, . lc-i mecnanicai reoalr. Xm Bron Kiectrlo Work 3l-fn fl 12th Bt CHRJUTM4 tree from Puge aound, where they grow to per feotjon. For l I will end. all . charge prerald, .a1 Carefully aeleoted, freehly.' cut; , cleanly fraarant Idliglaa, jffr.;! . feet high, guaranteed to reach you on tinie. in good condition, and to pleeee . Veu. or yoijr check refunded. My dad he for many year ahlpped carload ot of theea treee to aaticflad cua tomera all over the oountry, o I know what I am doing. Faqk are of ganuln CnglUh holly with order Mw!rrt by peoera br 17. R. W. tT. HI D. Av., TacovA. Wei, t elertrlo motorey Koom a, ba HMg. TICKKT rrtiitlng National eaah ragleter, enoap, u ao. tn, rnmw tnnig. KTie Bii.vr Kef ana ancond-hand oarora . and pocket billiard table and. bowling alley and aeraaeorle; bar future f all hind: eaer tayfnen.' Tha Brunawlck. Hala-COlHrtier CO.. .evr-na a. win ok TF"baaketa deiTvarod. Ill lUlnola ilitl But Of lump, par ton. 'v,t.: Bona .SfeL . !NriiT Vlerl . ttr.hlffftar .A vMarz lutta. amalf iea; taken, on a. debt; regul' retail prlea US, a long- a they laat at ... Ceokley Pro., oppoalt. Foatoffkie. - ' FOR HALB CHEAP. - , -' - tenatniaa Colleae Cnuraa. Full and eompleta arholarahlp In one or tna . Wt umana ouaineea 1 acnooia. Oood raaaon for aelllna: perfectly relia ble' wnrU full nrloe. but wll be aod very reaaoneby. If Interaeted Inveatlgat at once, neraune rail term oegina aoon. There ara a varletv nf eotireea for aala For .partlaular Inquire at th office of tm umana -wee.; ;.' , CLtCHICAL AND OKFICS). WATT 8 RBF, CQt. tM-H0-i Brand. Thea. StENOORAPHKR, Oliver IS0 BTI'i.'VyUKAPMPilt i eo. w 1THH CANO AOENCTt enO Bee Bldg. FACTORS'' ABU TRADES. , . . ' oiltt, to learn hatrdreglntr.' Oppenhelin. DOMUlSTICa. I Tit 71 Servant Otrl ProbUm- Bolvad. The Bee will run a Servant Olrt Wanted Ad FKIilC until voil set the deatred reaulta. Thi a Oman i Th B iDDiiea to rea dent or umana. iMtutn a. end counall Bluffa. Brtna sd to He office of telephone Tyler lfr). VVAKTFP-Mlddle aged lady for go: aral noueewora, I in lanmr. . uouglaa 4011. VXNTfcD Experienced girl for seneraT houaework, email family 1 no washing; good wage: nice room with bath. Ad 8 reas aalf Wool worth Ave. MTODLU-AaED lady to help with light houaework and ta be oompanlon for an elderly lady; just one In the family; 'no wages e pec ted. Web. $Vik TM Qrahd. WAN'riilDExperlenced white girl for general housework; small famliy; good eriigea: washing don. Wei. IMO. hlUi aa, WAlfTiuD An experienid houaemaldT no oooklng or laundry work. Private family. - W per week. Mr. John L. Kennedy. Walnut 636. WANTitD Experienced maid for gen- oral nousework. jnsnuiy or 1; no shlnr: beat waaea 1M No. S8th Ave. WaNT1v5 Experienced wliite glrTtor . genarsi housework where a second meld Is kept Omaha references required. Wages 7.TOt CeU Mrs. w. f. Megeain, Harney 702X ; - : COMP1CTENT girl for general housework; ne wasiung or ironing, gooa wages, references. 1B Burt HX. WaSiBiCoJnpetent girl for saneral houaework; no Kb South N'-th St. upstairs work to do. WASTED Coio potent floor maid. , Apply ciarason nospniii, . 1 . . WANTKD Extnnctd maid for general housework; inlist ft :ood eook; no lauedry, 41 P. rth Bt. tier. M60. ' TKm T Eili WhlU. girl for general house, worki 1 In family: tilnlrt tooKlna ahd no laundry. Web. )74, tin N. Wh Bt TWO nloe. neat, colored women for Kltcnen neipcrs, einaay joo 'r i" right pertles. Apply to Arthur W. Brgn- ham, r"w Me. i" "r"v.r' . VvNTiiiD-A aecond girl. i2J4Fanuua. Tel, H amey tx. WAN rKl lod girl tot general low work, small family; forr.:uer pitferi HI erred. rted ,a7. Tis n. awh st. wTJT TliD AT ONCB-O Irl for general Jhjusework. Har. 741. 1M S. (n Bt WANTlii) A sir! for general house- work: sman noun; smaii aauix isjiuiy. 1K w knti St Q1RL Ior general houaework. 7 a week; no cooking. aSfiS Cast St. WANTKD Competent girl for general li 1 C heuoework. Har. 1104. l'JW) 8. Kth Ave. wTNTK.n AT ONCE A white aeeomi girl with references; muat like child- dren. liar, t&l. ' Wa'NTJvD A young girl about IS to as sist with housework: would consider a colored or achool girl. Harney LAC El curtains andbundles carefully laundennl. weoeier tzM. MlSCELL.ANk.OLS. WOMEN Become government clerk: 7 -month. ''Write Immediately. Franklin Institute. Pep't era, K. Rochester, N, Y. YOUNt! women coming to Omaha as 'strangers ere mmw 10 visit tne 1 ounsi Women s Christian Association building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th St.. where they Will be directed to Suitable boarding -es or otherwise assisted. Ixmk for eur travelers' guide at Union station. ll&LP WANTED MALB CLERICAL AND OFFICE. MTJLTICIRAPH' Operator, $40. WATT HEP CO.. tJS-40-a Brand. Th. SgrARW PKUS IN SQUARE HOLES. W find a position that fits you. CO-OPtRATIVK REFEHHNrp CO.. it City Nat. nk Hiig.; HI liTPU li AD E coiniiMtrtuat poelUuns. N.ST, Ili!.KltRE.NClil 4V tONU ASSN.. Vt Omaha Nat. Bank Uld ACa.N is. fALktMKN, kOUtltoHl. COAI. agents wkntsd In vry town; get a trt&l car- I . M. Co. .N. Platte, Neb. ROAD SALESMAN. . ' Experienced In turnlluie business, for standKi'd Hue of low and mxdlum prloed upholstered furniture. Territory, south western loaa. Nebraska.- Kansas ana Oklahoma. Uood trade already estab lished. Cer load dellvertea. for resh'p- nwnt distribution at Couuoll Mlaffs and Kansas t :tv. Address The farlor Furni ture Mnn(aoturlng Co.. Cedar Rapid, la. bAl.kMAN aanted: hav an opining fur a htyii-grad aatcaman; no bo or In- enpertencwi luen neU opply aa the posi tion require men wbo ( vrodueer. Ad ilisas A t4. Be. IIF.IJ WANTKD MA IB FACTORir AKIU TMIIEI. Drtif Bfora ftnapa. job. gnMat, Wea TOUNO MAN. be a barber I taaeh yoa anlrklr. cheeolr. thoronahly. Tool furnlKhed. ' 1 glva yea actual ahop work. loi have chance to work 8atur1T and keep half the rarelpta. My atudenta in bit demand. I hav collet " all frln rlpal cltlea In U. n. nd Canada. Call, wrna or pnon A. , Moler, l reeiaent MOL.KH BAIillKR COLLKOE, Omekt. nriM-T TivJjLr. ' BIB Otm SPECIAL. HOL.IRAT OFTTBtt. If you can t attend day aenooi -yotl can hold your job and at tb aam time get your automobile education if you enroll Invtb . . NIGHT CLASS. or Nebraska Atrrowtoeitva SCTtCXlU IP!AVBN WORTH. 1,KRN TUB BARB 15 R TRADE. TH'Clty Barber Aollen: low rat tuition. Including torl; wife paid) aWo trio maeeaa. hydranllo chair; catalogue fr. llM IMHiklM ft.. Omaha. ( MISCKLLANUOIS. OdOD MEN 'WANTKD at one to' learn auto ; works to fill ' poattlon which r open right now and ire waiting for com petent men. I .earn by our ayatant ,. of actual work, on autoa, tractor. lor.trto starting . ayatem. Free , catalog at once. AMERICAN AUTO COTAKOtt. jh Fern em Uf. Omaha. Ne. WANTEuNamea of amblUoua na ll or over, wentlnar rellwev mall rlerk position. ITS TO month. Answer immedt teiy. Y 179 Pea. OMAHA railway mail clem examineilona coming, 17$ month. Sample question free.. Write ImrMdlatety. Franklin In stitute. Dept. ill K. Rocheater. N. T., ' . mCLP WANTED Ht AMD AWP PHHAlEi t WILL tt -pewrTfe nd rev.M . your advlea nanarloa And ahnrt atoriea and Where to aell .frlna ll Mnflol TtnlnX Co.. Box 694, Indianapolis. Tnd. SITTJATIONS WANTKD MAN with Ford car. arailalnted "with oltr, want wante Aellvertntf on rnntract or by day. Walnut 11W. Fl hAT-CLASfl clarinet player wants poi tion to play, with o reheat ra, band-or anywhere: can fnrnlnh . re'orenee from mil ;Tarv nana. ' can Trier u.w It trot In leave nomber. . BXPRHT acoonntant wants tioerltlon aa bookkeeper while atadvina atenoarabhv at oollego; fottr years' experlenae; two to V roxT -y 10 worn.. Adsrasa ju A., jscon oc. WANTED Job as . houe oarpenter Tn tor or office building by competent EXPERIENCED : eelesman, traveling, open for engagement at onoe: only, re T V" 1 : ... w 1 . liable, stable uroDoaltlon Mttaldetwd- tiu rerereneea. Aaareaa J. Caseldy, oar Oen, Del., city. OOLORKD young man want offlo olean Ing. Good workman; references. Hartley HKHPEx:tARLH elderiy woman would like a respectable home for th winter and aaalat with light Work. Am handy WANTKD Clt Work Vi v mmrrimA mar Indoor work preferred. Can give good references. Call or write, 1J Dewey Ave , in r, j WAl?TfcD Position bv ffajrf. ste- uumiinia-f experiences, co LADY wlahea position aa houaektepet;, Red TT96. WOMAN wtshe poaltlon aa chamber- mald. either in hotel or tyrtvata family or oien viiner in reeiaurani. POSITION as atore clerk, handyman or neiir tor a noi aav ruan. win MimwiKr any oner rrom any store. Beat of refer- one; trustworthy, active, oapablo, Please Phone Douglas STSt. Call for John ston. FIRST claaa plurabe r ana teamrltter wishes situation. Douglas Bt. 1 W. .liartman. 1T WANTED by elderly lady of refinement and no Incumbrance position as house keeper In small family or adults, or for eiueriy couple, neat and competent Ad dress A 677 Bee. ' YOUNO man. 81, wants any kind of a taay jod. write 11. peters. 1013 b 3d fit. YOUNO man wants, situation, either a ciertcai powiuon or selling in a ciotmng store. Have had.- experience) fat both lines: elty referenoea. Tel. T. MOO. Y. M. C, A., Room 6S0." CtLORED man want position as oook. In or out city. Web. 3. LOST AND FOUND LOST 41711 REWARD 1100 for canture and conviction ot thief. tiS for return of team, buggy and harness. Team of bay mares, weight 1,160 each) one a little darker than other, front white foot, star forehead, tip of ears clipped; other rougher looking solid bay. Mohair top buggy, light colored from weather, orig inally brown; side curtains almost white. Will probably be seen driving single and leading other mare, as shafts were sub stituted on buggy. Also took single har ness. If seen, pleaee notify me Imme diately. A. 8. Edwarda, Sheriff Mills County, Olenwood, la. . . OMAHA ft COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Parsons having lost soms article would do -well to eall up the office of the Omaha ft Council Bluff Street Railway company to ascertain whether they lrt It In tha street ears. ' Many articles eaoh day are turned In end the oompany la anxious to restore thtm to the rightful owner. Call Doug. 41 Lost or Found ads tn Omaha's lost and Found medium mean th immediate re turn of that article If (advertised In The Pee, the Loat and Found paper. LOST, strayed or stolen. I hay geldings, weight 1.400 lbs. Call Walnut laut. MEDICAL 1 ' PILES. FISTULA. CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry sure riles, fistula and other reotal dlaeaeo without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid untu eured. Write for book on reotal . diseases with, tsatimcnlals. DR. K. K. 1AKKI, W B Bldg. rupture tisrir operation. Call or write Drs. Wray, e Mathany. SO Mee Blog., umana. . rTiKUMATIPM treated uccsi ully. re sults guarnt'd. Dr., Bowser.. U4 Bee Bldg. PERSONAL $3,000 TO PENSION, INVALIDS The ladles' Heme Journal......'. The Saturday livening Post ....MM .. IM The Country Gentlemen 1, i W 4iJ SUBSCRIPT ION 8 IN DECEMBER praeticaiiy earns tne s.vw ror tne im. VALIDS' I'ENSION ASSOCIATION.1 Your order or renewal mean sua. Pleas phone Douglas Tins or man to - GORDON, THE MAGAZINE MAN, 1 Omaha, "Neb. ; . YOVR furoac cleaned. Hi work guarao- leej. i nirai-i in nnop. 4-ouaia era " Tilt! Salvation irmv liJ jsLrtsPni". T llcits jour old clothing, f una H are, s-sssr-atnea We eoUeot We distribute. Phone Douglas 4u ana our w4oa win cell. Call ano inspect our nw tu-rue, . uie-iui- lit Loue ov YOt'Nel women coming to Omaha a transer are Invited to visit the Youna Womu Christian association building t lith St. and bt Mary Ava. where they will be directed to suitable boartling tlkcea or othemwe aasislsx Look tor our uav:rs guia st U caiua stauos. UEADT nEFKnK.VCB DTJvECTORT. AHtlkAvlll vm tli J. RlcftD ABSTRACT CO.. ffice ln Kebraaka. -M oMeat abat.raft Biandel Thea. Kerr. TIM Guarantee ah Abrt t o., a modern anatract ornce. V l"th Bt. Tel. P. MK7. E. A. DWORAK, 0..P. A. 4.1-4S7 Ramge Bldg. Tel. Pong 4L ADtfe.RTiai.NU MOVEiLtlKg. M. F. Bhafer Co.i lfth-Farnatn. X. T474. ARCHITECTS. '. - t Krrett 8. Dodd. tl Pakton Blk. D. Inl. AHAtfiliH FlNISHI.IO. FILMS developad fre If purchaed froth noioraii tnop. 41 ee tuug. uepi. v. ATIORMKTS. C. T. Plcklnaon, 1U Pgaton, Blk. P. 104. Al'tTIIMEKHti Dowj Aactoh co.t ,-liio-U w'o.W. R DM. At7T4 nttnA.icn. AVTOMbBILE MUTUAL INSCRANCB CO., Douglas 1 AUTO n APIA TOR HKPAIRt. ,;. Omaha BadKtor Ren. Co. KH Far, P. BATHI, BATH B4 Baird Blk.. 17th and Douglas. - ... . ,1 , 1 1. ..1 1 . MRPTCATKD vennH-eHil mArfsm Tn,lh bath for ladlee and gentlernen; lady attendant for tadlea; Swedish massage, . BAKF.RIES. Z. , RttKDER' 1M N. 1th. Weh Jtftr. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES ; PaytOTt-Mttohell ro.-, rth and Martha SS. CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS. 8TaVENflON. . m S. JM. Douglas BOd. la sard Son, im Cap. Are. T. lip. C W. Hokanson. 50 Ia nwth. Tyl. tttJ-J. . COrFBM f MAIL. . fssjE-CsJ 8e- money. If bettir V1- W 4kgF kkV rvgaWl tNAak wSM.iSaal A S3.M. W. A. Balf A. Co.. Omaha, Nab. CMIHOPRACTIC SPINAL, ADJU'KTS. D , BUORN 18th and Farnam, wsd Bldg., D. tat?; Palmer school graduate. tt. J. C. Lawrenca, 1 Baird Bldg. D. Mel Dg- W. H. KNOLLRNBKRO, Suit til J 111, xTier tuw. ' 'CHIROPODIST. , Carrie J. Buford, taa Pas. Blk. Red 4&ST. JBANETTB QRBT. B0 Balrd Bldg. D, sW . DANCING ACADEMIES. FALL term open st Mackle's. Dong. sXt, DH LUXE ACAPBMT. Ill 8. lth 8t . DRESSMAKING COLLEGE. Keittera'a Pretamaklng Col., 13 City Ns. DRESSMAKING. LADIES' JACKETS remodeled In the tat. et style: reasonable price. 1U Far nam St Phooe Douglas 2S2D. . Terry Dreeamak'a; collete. soth Farnam - UVERS AND CLtHAMmixi. STATE Pry Clng. Co., 1 N, lfth. P. t071 DSTECTIVKS. JAMES ALLAN, lit Neville Block. BfvJ. toict eecureq in aii oaaea. Tyler IMS: DHNT1STS. Pf. Bradbury.No pain. H W.O.W. Bldg, Pyorrhea. Dr. Fickle. 74 city Nat Oank. Teft Dental Rooms, 1517 Pottglaa, D. tlM .!t DHUUB. DRUGS at cu: brlceat rel eh t mIA . lis orderc; oataloguea free, bberman ek llg. v-onneu m ug co..- umana. Neb. ELECTROLYSIS. Vloa Allender, M Bee Bldg. Red 80ES. tSLBCTRIO MOTOR RKPAIHlJtU CAHTLL ELECTRIC CO., Bee' Bid, D.Jai. KVKRYTHlNO FOR WOMEN.. ACCORDION, aide, knife, sunburst, box pleating; covered button, all slse and Style; hmtltohing, point edging; m brddery. beading, braldinc. eordinv. eve. lei cut work buttonhole, pennants. Ideal tenting co., sw uougiaa Block. Doug IMliUB. .... , . FtHNACMS .AND TIN WORK. HABBRSTROti. 4018 Hamilton. Wei. tm. FLiitllsTS. BATH'S, florists, .1104 Farnam Bt D. lOOOi , -"r .lis h U HENDERSON.' 1814 Douglas. D. ISA Member Florist Telegraph Del. Asi'n. HESS 4 BWOBODA, 141J Farnam St A, DONAQMUB, 1 Harney. Deug. lost. SAM KNKSTER, lt9 Farnam. Red ISU H. Rothhola. taiS Leavanworth. H. tttk a: u kolovralek. tit b. tnk hl ' tlISTOHlCAl, . CO l VMMS. THE largest stock ct masqusrade Sd tketrlnl MntUMM - In the Country. . . Theo. Lfebea Son. 114 Hownrd. IX 411. INSTRUCTION Eogllah. French Initnictlon. SM Lyrto Bid. JUSTICES OF Tit SI PlSACaii, H. h. CLAIBORNE, 611 Part on Blk?. Red Ttui. notary ; pu D)ic 1 arpwiuia s louo. .W. BRITT. atri'Barkr Blocs.' LIVE 'STOCK -COMMISSION. MARTIN BROS, as CO. Exchange Bldg, LIOH'IIt..Pl.VTUHES. DURK1N ...Sk cWnrst.'51?- MASSEURS. Massage, women. Cafl P. tMT for apptiwt MOIOBCVCLBS. KARLBT-PAVTDSON MOTORCYCT.'E. Barsaln ln need machlnee. viotor Hoos. The Motorcycle Man," I7v Leavenworth. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. OMAHA' Film Ex., 14tb and Deng. M. tion picture machine ana turn bargains. " ! OCt LISTS. Eyss examined, glasses fitted, pay as yea can, Drs. MoCarty, 1111 W. O, W. Bldg. 1 OSTKOPArUY.PMlSlClANS. ... JO6EFIIINB ARMSTRONG, til Be Bldg. . PATENTS. P. O. Barnell, Paxtott Blk. Tel. Red till. H. A. fetiu-gea, - Brandels TheaUr Uli PILLOW ASU SsUllllSU, OMAHA PjiLDW CO.-attreese mad over j uwt lis new, us'i cunung. p. mi. FLUMES CLEANED. CURLED; dyed, d! t'leel. UM City Nat PIANOS SVH HUNT. 88 St per month.' A.. Mospe. 1818 Douglaa FM1NTINU. , . WATERS-BARNHAKT ptg. Co.. nalRy piluuug. Tel. Doug, tlsa. 82 B. UiB fit CENTRAL PrinUng Co. DOUGLAS ML POUOLAS Printing CO. Tel. Poaglau 4C . aCALhl Ra.PAIblI.1U. Om Standard Seal Oo., 838 8. 12th. t. Wll. rukfl AND OrriCM FlXTCl.S. DESKS, safes, sea lea. aho wcasea, shsl ng, etc We buy. aell. Omaha Flatura ft supply Co.. 414-14-18 8. Uth. Dug.l7M. flEADT RKFKKi;NE DIRECTORY. ikWi.XU eACMI!BS. We rent, ' repair, . sell needle and part for all sewing machines. , NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15tr and TTSrhey. - ' Potlgla lfl . SHOia, MKfAIRISO. Karley Shoe R-r CM.. M Farn'tn. R. t444 -STKKU tRILIWOS. CARTlT.R Seet Metal Company, 1W 8. la. SlOS).AlVD PVknAtS HKPA1HS. A LT RfPAIBS Wafer front, fumc oolla eto. Quick aervloe.--Omaha Stove Repair Work. l4-i Douglas Bt Tyler W , ,.TO.WEL.JICPPl.IE. OMAWX Tgwel ffur-P'rl ?W 8. tllh. P. 83. THINK AND VvU tAt,, FRBt4KC A STF-TnLK.' vni Famam Bt . v TVPK WJUTtRS FOR UKN I. '' i,' RT??CT art Oliver typewriter t mo. for tS. Oliver Typewriter Agency, ltdg Farnam. BrTT-8 Typewrite Rsohange. t1 rf. lth St. All titaktg for sal or .ront RSNT a' ''RAmlogton' not last a type- wmer. I.w rent. Call CorU 12M. TACIHH t LkA.ER. ALti rnaVed, ,Tr)r imi. E.'B. WUllsm. Wi 9. tttb. ' , WATCH SFB4.IAt.ISTg. ,- . - . . . . Chrfatldnaah, Id flPaston Bk .t t yr. ep. - ; TVf.DDI.N4i STAI'loHEAYi Weddlhg Shnoijnrefnante, -poag. Ptg. Ce. WKUDIK8 H1NOS. BBODlCaAARD'S i'lucky yfeddliig rings" st 1th and Douglas Bt. ... WINK AND LIU toils.) T ALEX JKTKS.I.Wl S. llth. St. Wine, liquor, cigars. Flat dinner 41 to t. 10c HrTNRY pdj.LOCK LlqTTOR rfOUSB, tb ana CsfiltoJ Ave. Tn-oeni luncn. BUT yoor Oxmlly. liquors at .Klein's Llquer hous, KB N. lfth, Douglas law. iWAPM5R8 COLUMN Wanted to S'wan. Why not advertla onoethlng that ed no longer hava any use for and Set somathtna Vou taUiv need? Write Boom it4. Be Bldg.. or phone- Tyler 10n, ALL furniture In 4-rooni hotel; reason able rant on bulldlna: South Side: will exchang tor real estate; value ll.S.-O. Ad dress s. O. sin. Bee. ACXOMOBlLhi.s For other automobile bargains see th "Automooua" ciassiii- eatioa. EDISON PHONOGRAPH with 100 rec ord, to swap for Windheter pump gun. JUL FINE stamp oollectlon will swap for auto. Address 0. C i, Bta GOOD r roll top desk and chair and re volving bOOkca to swap ior anyinmg I can use. Addre 8. O. 75, Bee. HIGH grade ptfloe furniture, oak roll top doak, four net top aesae, wo iyyw- writer desks, office chair, filing captnet. bookcases, - letter duplicating - macnin (not a neostyle), printing press arm w fonts of type, ti bounds newspaper type, make offer. Can use lumber, oarpenter work and tailoring. Add, re so J 6M. Bee. HUDSON -paenKer, In A-l eondltloni will swap for horses, mules, cattle or anything 1 tan use. .Address 8. C. 860, iAVE vkilin, to swap for folding bed. Addreea S. C. 74, Bee, I will trade Geo to 1,000 of my ,000 Shares of preferred treasury - oil stock for motorcycle, r auto truck rriv Osed - car in good condition.- 8C Bee. ' MINNEAPOLIS- HEAT1' REGULATOR J4ew; reguiat your amaung pians ana have an even neat In your houesieave 25 peri cent. in. yoor, coai, diu. . win u-aae for rutnlture. Aoarees n. www,- txm. MOTOROYCLB 1314 .Twin., Iudlan with side-car; outfit ran about 800 miles; lUlty SSUIJlirwi i juun, Wr 1 1 , lvw .row, coat about Idm. - Will trade tor auto ot equal value,, any make. Andrea B. c. (884, Bee. u- 3M - PIANO, 1 gksollne, ' range, 7 -drawer mini machlna larre i-.-hole ranae nearly newt , will trade -for good light oar'iOr merchandise. Address 8. C S1 -Bee. : , . - TYPEWRITER Underwood, No. 4; Just 1 ren til 11 ana in- line ms; wui traae to value of twenty-five dollars. . Addre B C. 702. Bee. - KICS UttU eaoirlnc tiotur.nB4)htns wRh .one reel of hloturea; intake your own gas: to swap for doll house, doll buggy or flexiw riyer sien. e.-c. 7ro, nee. ROADSTER, lightweight, Iwo-paseenner, . model, just overnauieo' ana tuny il - swan for ' the heat iui equipped. - Wll model motorcycle-or. motorcycle' and side car outfit. I can but 11 must be A-l condition. 'Aanress 'AR6O" koadnter. lSl& model, coniuietelv eauinoed. - Machine hot run over W hiilea slnos motor completely overhauled. Might -swap for high class Vlotrola out fit,, player N piano or towards a touring car,- as head larger car. Address 8. C. Tut Be. ' - ' - 1-N)T. blow-torch snd soldef Iron! 1 t-lnrh, 1 l"(nch Snd - L M-lnch Cresoent auto wtenchi, 1 t-lneh, l-lnch and 10-Inch screw driver, bracket .brace and I bits; 1 t-lnoh Seals, Td. 8 -atnrhr, H-lb. 1 lb. and 8-lhg.i 1 Itey-hOI . I chisels, and draw knllei tool box; anything I can U, Aadreaa, 8. C. 6M, Bit.. - , TRUNKSTeameri good, condition: will trade for larger .trunk or sell.. Call Har ney ty. - MANDOLIN (Burton), is Instrument, In , per'ct order; also-git mandolin, good a new: 1 Savage automatic .tb. cost 112.W: like new, . and ona Smith Premier type writer, it,. Any or an to swap ror dia mond. , What have youT Addreau 8. C. 6v0,..Be.V v v " -- ; : TO aii.L or trade your shotgun er rifle. see r r. if.u.iiA.'M. u,u j'ouyias. VIOLXN-HUood ; violin for bass viol; the viol must be .In good -condition. Ad- WILL Irad large, lot with two cottage valued at M.wV' one mile from Omaha pnatoffio. In good residence district for acreage or small farm. Address 8. C. 870," Bee. . ' V1,uki. worth of sood ftr . trade at halt value, a fine artiole used In every home. What have you? Address B. C. 878, Bee. CAMERAS Two small camera to swap for view camera, . large sue. a. c wc Bee. ; 1 VIOLIN To . swap for email moving cloture machine ror nome use. s. c. C63. Bee. - - , ... WANTKD TO BUY Strict' high a-rad piano. Web. ',t. WANTEUr-To buy on monthly payments, small ttofe room, with living rooms above la Central chool district. Pboa Red -i4. WASTED 108. carloads ecrsp Iron; also metal and rubber. Write for price. Ne- braska Iron and. Metal Co., twnsha OFFICE furniture bought Snd sold. J. C. Reed. IrVf l arnanu Doug. 8148. WH AR8? on the market for 100 carloade of country mixed acres Iron. Write for pnoea. A. B. Alpern, 7th and Dougl. WANTED 8 cats.. 1812 CaPttol Ave. wXntkd to rent - w'ANTED-ti 'o- rent aiuall blsoe for ch TTI parlor. Call. D. 4t, Mr. Madrid, iotAa 8. 10th St BiyNTAXfl.. . APARTMSiNTS AND FLATS. 1 1 , , ' " - --Th For Rent advertisement appearing tn the ror Kent column of Th Bee daily cannot be beat for variety that will please and (ill the peed ol any one 01 ring te tut rr.on Tyier !.' MODERN T-f. apartment Including beau. tlful east gun room. In weat Farnam district, for rent Hapay 1., o REKTAIA AFAttTMENTS AND. LAI S. ST. CLARE; I4th and Harney, 4-room SPaiUnebU Caii Ham i7. RESTATES AI'AHVURMH AND FLATS. VERT choice 4 or S-room. ateatn-heated partment on West Fmm Ft. JOHN W. RPBBIN3. lag FA RN AM BT. ' VERY DESIRABLE. y,' One 4-room apartment In the Califor nia; close to your htislne; save car fare. e Janitor. Pougle 6M7. E9TA BROOK APTfl.. 4 room. t?0, near poKtoffloe. J. P. gtehbln. '11 Chlrago. Fl RNI Jllt.D APARTMENTS.. WILL sub-rent and sell th furniture. eto. In a very nicely furnished apart, ment: four room and bath; very desir able location (Sist St. and Harney); steam heat end every convenience. This I truly a bargain. I will vacate If desired Deoem ber SI. Addrees O Bee. . - BOARD AND ROOMS. Furnished Rooma that offer ever mod em convenience and comfort ln private families or boarding Louse of the high est class will be found ln the Furnished Rooms column of Th Bee. Phone Tyler won. LARGE south front steam heated room: elegant furniture. In mod, noma, goea board. Har. TWO. FURNISHED HOUSES. FOR RENT. -NEW FURNISHED BUNGALOW. 11 N. 41st Ave., strictly modern, new and beautifully furnished. This 1 a very ooey five-room bunirslow, with ell built in feature; n'cely decorated throughout; will leaae to right party. This la a rare opportunity for any one wanting a fur- Ulahed bungalow. . HI ATT-F AIRFIELD COMrANT. 23ft Omaha Nat. Bank. Bldg. Pong. 4w Lf'iU'UAlEj luriueneil liuuio vr tuari ment for the winter; muat be flrat cine. Address O 448 Bee. ( FURNISHED ROOMS. NICF.LY furnished room, close In: all modern. Mt a. rtd tt NiCKLY furnished room, private home. nlr neighborhood, close to oar. Phone Webster 1307. NBAT, modern rooms, Jail Fierce. Tyler 940-W. NICELY furn south room; strictly mod.; private family. H. I41S, 120 S. 80th St. SPECIAL LOW RATF.8 TO PERMANENT QUESTS. HOTEL BAN FORD, IPth and Karnarrt. HOTEL HARLEY. ?0th and Fernem. VERY beautiful library room, on first floor, for rent: close in. IjOo Farnam. Tel. Douglas 4CTS. LARGE, beautiful room; tn private fam Uy; modern. Colfax ZlW. -.' IFOR RENT Large furnished room; prl- vate bath; large cioaet; have gooa rei erwnces. Well located. Harney 1399. , o 8023 MARCY Largo front room, private family; references exchanged. Har. 7149. FOTjR nicely furnished rooms for colored people. Call Webgter 7467. Steam heated sl'p'g r'm, close ln. R. 4443 ELEOANT four room, furnished, strictly modern, 1. S rooms, furnished or un- furnished, either. IIP. 2411 H. 24th. U0 S. 21 ST AVE. Modern furnished room; walking distance; quiet home. Phone Pmig. 781 a. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. THREE extra Is rite, well-heated room I . . t . . . v... -. 1101 una coin nninr, i- nniru.uir, r North &"th street. Walnut 121S. HOUSEKKKl'l.NU ROOMS. FOR RENT Strictly modern, newly fur. pished rms , heat turn. ; private. H. 3iyt. 3 tmit l furn rooms; ground f'oor. H. 4001. 8, 10TH ST., 1618 Two unfurnished rooms ror light noueekeeping; moo. Tyler . Houses and cottages, north. -ROOM house, modern, new furntoe, never used. 2Z1S Burt. Ked 6W. POR RENT e-room. new. modern, up- to-date brick flat. Z2Z8 Willis Ave. Rent $26. Tel. P. 1830. t-KOOM, nearly new: modern exoept fur nace;- only couax ivm. NfaWLT decorated, T-room, modem - houee; largo barn and yard; near car line: reasonable rent Tel. D. 8739. t-ROOM. - strictly modern cottage, hot Water heat cloee In; rents for KX 4U2 Lincoln Blvd. . W. H. Dorrance. Tel. D. 62 or H. tL WALKING distance, 2644 Dodge. 8-room modern house, $25. Key next door. W. W. Mitchell, owner. Phone Web. 4B7S. t-KOOM, nearly new; modern exoept fur nace: only H. coirax toss. MODERN (-room house with bath. 2801 Franklin. Phone Webster blot). ALL mod. 7-room house; beautiful leca tlon, Beml park; 82a. Wal. 2799. 7-R.,.2aH California, I36.O0. C. G. CARLBKRq, 811 Brandels Theater. 9u.t N. 17TH. -r., all mod. apt., steam heat and water furnished. 836.60. 1104 N. 22d, 4-r. flat, steel range, gas stove, kitchen cabinet water paid, lit. RASP BROW, Douglaa 1668. - gOUTli. FREE RENT 4 mo., on some of thea Choice new brick flat 6-r., mod.. 220 rf. 22d, ; -r , 2318 6. 18th, 8.2; 5-r., mod.. 463 S. 17th, 116; 4-r.. 837 B. 24th Bt, $10; 4-r., neat home, 2 lota, chicken yds., 3tiOS Val ley, 88.50; 8 others, 85 to 830. McKltrlck K. E. CO. D. 14Z. iy. ZI4U-J. 8-ROOM HOUSE, modern except heat 814; good neighborhood; convenient Omaha, South Side and Olbion. Bo. 8W7. fc-H. MOUSE. porch. SOS S. 86th Ave. arney 3PM. 8-ROOM cottage; atrictly mod.; walking diatance; good con.; 820. Wal. 716. COTTAGE 4 rooms, 1028 80. 26th St., only 89. Peters Trust Co.. 16?4 Famam. PARTLY moaern -rojm house, one block from car line, H-fM V'nton. Harney W7S. t-R. MOD , 2d"n.. brick. 707 8. 2th, newly dee. and varnished. P. 6967, Red 72:8. 6t1 8. UTH ST.. 8-r, all mod. house, well arranged for renting rms.; close In 840. KAar MKU. uouglaa 16.A MOVING EXPENSES PAID. 114 S. 29th, 7-r., all mod. house. In ex cellent repair, cloee ln, 303 S. 11th, 6-r. cottage, part mod., 110. RASP BROS. Dougla I608. WEST. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A NICE WARM HOUSE THIS WINTER. I have a new 8-room bungalow that I well built and all modern, furnace heat. Thla house has a brick fireplace ln living room. It la a house that can be kept warm and comfortable economically. It la only H block from car line. You can move in any time. This bouse can tie rented for 832.60 per month. s. j-none owner at wainut eiier : p. m. tonight. FOR RENT. . . fSJ Harney St., modern lo-room brick ...... l ... H . , lnajlra T. J. O'Brien. Tel. H. im. D. 1?1S MISCELLANEOUS. MAROARD Vn ft Storg Co.t Moving packing, jtqran and hlpplng. D. im FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE " SEPARATE, locked rooms, for house hold gooda and piano; moving, packing and ahipplng. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. ft 80. 16th St. Doux. 4ia. J.C.Reed fe5 moving t 4k atorag rnam. D. . A14K. Gordon Van Co.S?:: tit N. llth St. Tel. D. 894 or Har. 17. JUST from the country, three farm mare from l.luo to 1.5U) lua, from 8 to 11 year old; will aell cheap. 2018 Douglas. SEE th Central Furniture store's FREa RENTAL UaT HAVE you got the money? If you have Investigate this. 83,mi will buy a busi ness worth 84.000. if taken before Deo. It). Address p. 83. care Bee. iloQSeS Crelf h So" Co., Bee Bldg! uuua" In ail part, of the city. Globe Van &Storage Stores, move, pack, ships: S-horae van ana I men. u s per nr ; storage, 13 pr, me Batlsfactlon guar. D. 4T. Tv. Liu IS u '4 ef FIDELITY liWJ. VHE Phoua Douala 288 for comDlete list vacaut housva and apartments: also for Store sa, moving. lth snd Sis. SIX-ROOM, first floor, niodern except heat, with email, vtater pa d. CheaD rent to reliable iK upl. . Hgx,