THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1IU5. 10 Barkalow Bros New High-Class Store ers SMOKERS CAN GET CIGARS THEY WANT AT THENEW STORE Salesmen Skilled by Long: Serrice Will B On Hand at All Timet to Satisfy Demand of the Patrons. CAIfDY OF HIGH CLASS TOO It's the CigarNot the Dressing Welcomes Omaha Smok 1 Excellence of Quality and Workmanship Are Combined in CUESTA REY Fine Havana CIGARS A Cigar That is Appreciated by Discriminating Smokers ALL SIZES, AI L P.UCES N. Mantel Co. Distributors 321 So. 14th St., Omaha, Neb. Phone Douglas 1505 Says PEP to MINT: They are selling our twins Peptomint Gum Peptomint Mints Healthy Confections 2 Better than the kind You tho't was so fine. When a moker cells for a clear of a certain shape or alsa or color ha wanta Just what ha orders and he wanta It In a condition to his liking-. Ha wanta to buy where ho ran place confident In the man who stand behind the show rase. That is whet George Pchell, gen eral manager of the Bsrkalow Bros, new company, says. Mr. Brhnell has been busy getting ready for the open ing of the company's new store In the corner of the Rose building at Sixteenth and Karnam streets. He declared It has been no easy Job, but he feels he has attended to every detail and has the sat isfaction of feeling that he can reoom mend the store to men and women of this city. When the cigar trade learned that the Barkalowa would open this store there was much activity among cigar sales men to get their lines In the store. Mr. Schnell made a careful examination of the cigars he selected, because he wanted to stand behind every article sold at the store. It was the same In selecting the stocks of boxed candles. And the same might be said of smokers' articles. The selection of clerks for the store Was done with the same thought. Mr. Bcbnell states that when a smoker calls at the new "up-to-the-minute" store and asks for a cigar a clear Havana wrapper he will receive Just what he asks for. and the same when he expresses any other particular choice. Catering to smokers has developed Into something more than handing a box out iind receiving the money. The success ful cigar clerk- must have an extensive knowledge of many sixes and shapes of cigars and must remember the likes of patrons. The Barkalows feel confident that In their new store they have expressed the last word In the art of retail cigar und candy salesmanship. They are ready to meet nearly 40.0UO people who pa. 4 bixteenth and Karnam street every day. A Room for the oomei, or a Roomer for the Room. Be . Want Ads Do the Work. . m ; ft) JO () o Of a: S)(D) c 3 c You Can Get the Ideal Gift For Every Man A crystal glass humidor jar containing one pound of Tuxedo, the mildest, most fragrant tobacco. At every store where tobacco products are sold. Last Christmas more Jars of Tuxedo were given to men through out the United States than any other single trade-marked article! Because Americans are learning to make suitable gifts at Christ mas time and learning that Tuxedo is the best gift of all for a man. Tuxedo is the mildest, pleasantest pipe tobacco in the world made absolutelynon-biting and delightfully mellow by the original "Tuxedo Process" that has never been successfully imitated. Last Christmas the demand for Tuxedo Humidor Jars was 60 great that the supply of many dealers was exhausted, and thousands of people were disappointed. The safe plan is to place your order with your dealer now. He will bo glad to set your jar aside for you until Christmas. TCXEOO IS BOLD IX MANY OONVKX1EXT BIZLS. Sa Olasa ataailAora. BOa aaa . la Tta Kajalaare, aO aaa aoa. la Carved Vaekat Tta, loo. la aOtataiaJTreor roaaa, ea. THE AMERICAN' TOBACOO COMPANY, 111 Fifth Aenu New York. This Tuxedo Christ mas Humidor Jar la beautifully decorated with hoUy, ribbon and Christmas card, and parked In a handaom carton, for tending by mall or messenger; price complete 90c lifclliiilg A Boodn.OallagherG. DISTRIBUTORS OMAHA, NEB. M .' ? jV.'j.V-.V. -. f .V.'.;.1 M f n ; t :'-.;.'-'-- v' x. y, ... wfi 7 - mwyym VICTOR THORSCH CO. THE QUALITY 5c CIGAR Van 4 10c and 2 for 25c Masher Cigar Co, Distributors 1 I