TIIE BEK: OMAHA, TUESDAY. DECEMPEU 14, 1915. HU IWV Ili'l'Y N KWM "Tewaeead's fe Sportier Oeeee." Wedging mings Sflkeln, fewel ,, Llgkttag rutttm BuritM -Ornaa Bar Boat Prist IV Now B.aoon rreaa. f rreyerty Outd To To rent VPr,y j see J. H. Dumint, Keeline building. ! Today's Mori rregraiii" eieeelfle 5 auction today. It appear In Tha Bee KAUiuNtuui, una um rloua moving picture theeUre offer, Coafe with Coaaoll Tha City Plan ning board will confar Thuraday morning with the city council regarding tha coj of work to be undertaken. An appropria tion for neit year will be dlaouaaed. Bock Adda Aaeth.ee XAa William E. Boch, city passenger agent of tha Mil waukee road, haa been appointed local agent of the new Swedish-American steamship line between New Tork and Stockholm. BRETHREN OPEN . FINE NEW CHURCH Biihop 0. B. Royer of IUihoii Preaches Dedicatory Sermon to Congregation. GOOD CHURCHES ARE NEEDED The new building- of the First Church of the Brethren at Twenty eeond and Miami streets was dedi cated Sunday. It is a commodious and well-arranged church consisting of base ment and main auditorium,, the latter having a gallery. Tha auditorium Is handsomely furnished with pews Presby- Quiet Xmas at -T" A special ureaa- bou ht from the 0,d nTti feat for dormitory men will be the only -Christmas activity at the Young Men'e j tr,ttn church. ins emnce wg uuui Djr rhiintlan association. Aside from that, the holiday will be unusually quiet at the building. Bntleed te Bonding, Robbed Joe riti- , iat he was enticed Into a building at i nvinn wiiu it.nua Duu..r robbed of $14. lie could not describe tha Individuals who got hia money. The state Bank of Omaha, corner Si ttentb. and Harney. Pay jruUK per cent ea time deposits and THREE per cent en saving account. All droctlU la th! bank are protected by tha depositor guarantee fund of the etet of Nebraska, lngly light penalty. Tvlad to stake a sjpaeob - Wilt Herman of Black Duck, Minn., got in bed with i the authorities when he started a speech on the high cost of living in a local 10 cent store, lie refused to desist and was brought to headquarters to await the ' treasure of Judge Poster, I FliTrer Takes a Trip The driver ot a "kyrock" flivver left tha machine standing at Eighteenth and Douglas t streets with the engine running. The flivver got tired standing, eo started on a Journey down tha street all by Itself, oontH- ! buttons from various churches of tha denomination throughout Nebraska, L. L. Meek of Octavla, Neb., treasurer of the Nebraska Mission board, wn present last evening, delivering a short address of congratulation and offering prayer. The member of tha building committee were there also. They wore J. V. Rasp of Omaha. J. 8. Gable of Lin coln and C. J. Uchty of Carlton. I'uitor tilvt-a Kki mil. The pastor. Rev. V. R. Weaver, gave a short historical sketch. 81 and a half yearn ago ha nottoed In a ehuroh paper an advertisement stating that a man was needed to take up the mission of the Alice in Wonderland Saw No Such Sights as Are Prepared for the Omaha Kiddies Store Windows Hold Wonders for the Little Forks and leys for the Older People as Well. with the result that a large Btudebaker I the verse, "I was glad when they said Is minus a mud guard. I unto me, 'Let u go into tha house of Lenten May Wot B Tried Guy Leman, arrested on suspicion of shooting C. D. SANTA CLAU3 ON EXHIBIT Here Is Archie In Wonderland with later for a guide. All down town Is Wonderland for little boys and girls the day. Oh. suoh a lot of good thing and presiding ever all Is Santa Ctau, beep, tng aa eye on deserving little bey and girl who are good and e what mamaa and papas tell them. la front ef the window and In the toy department of the stores tittle Archies and Alice are everywhere. Such a lot of thing aanta Ctau haa displayed this year that it's hard to tell which .o choose. Her are spirited rocking horse and all klnda of animal, teddy bears and Hon lying down peaeabljr beelde woolly sheep and kittle. Here are all kind of thing that wind up and run, teilcab. man and woman waltclng, a dog that turns back-suro-meraalt and the laugh-prortng clown , that drive the balky mule. Hare are peacefully buay cnes In elab orate' railroad yards, with water tank, semaphore, depot, sldetraek, tunnels nd brlda-e. and her are war equipments church in Nebraska.. Tn.uiRh ho had of maehln gun, cannon and unflinching other plana he eventually answered the j tn soldiers. rail. When he arrived in Omaha there were three members. Bine then fifteen have been added by letter and seventy seven by baptism, while eight other are Boon to be baptised, making a member ship of 100. The dedicatory sermon was by Bishop O. B. Royer of Illinois, general secretary of the Brethren International Board of Foreign Miasion. He took as hi teat Campbell of Lincoln in a recent holdup near Tenth and Farnam streets, will probably not be brought to trial on tha charge of this crime owing te the con flicting testimony of witnesses who assert thev saw the holduo and shooting. Proposed Ordinance Shelved Five city ommlssloners In session of committee of the whole recommended placing on file a proposed ordinance to proniDii ine sai of groceries and meet on Sunday. Com missioners Kugel and Withnell supported the measure. It I believed thla action disposes ot a matter which has been be fore the city council for some weeks. runeral of florence Bloaborg Sunday-. Florence Blosburg. aged ( years, daughter of Mr. and Mr. Jacob Blosburg, jr., 1920 Capitol avenue, died Saturday morning at the home of her parents after a grief attack ofpneumonla. She la survived by her parent and on brother, Lester, aged S years. Funeral service were held Sun day afternoon at I o'clock, with Interment In Golden Hill cemetery. Two Antos Are Bobbed Extra tire and wearing apparel to the value of 1100 were stolen from the auto of T. F. Drelbu, Roland apartment, while hi auto was standing In front of the Ger man singing society headquarter at Sev enteenth and Cass street. O. E. Ander son. 818 South Twenty-eighth troet, re port to the police that a traveling bag containing a quantity ot clothing wa stolen from his machine. the Lord." Need Geed Cfcareh. He declared It is little less than a crime to have a poor church building or one humbler in it appointment than tha home of the members. This, too. In spite of the fact that the Brethren are a denomination far more opposed to the vanities of th world than the average, and any "frill" of dree are rigorously opposed by them and avoided by the de vout. In the cast ome of the con gregations use the big barns on the farms aa meeting place. Bishop Royer declared that a useless waste of money such as Is apparent In the great cathedrals of Europe is no less reprehensible than stinginess In building God's house. . There was special muslo by the choir and by quartet and solos by Miss Violet Johnson and Miss Merrlam. Beginning this evening, evangelistic services will be conduoted In the new edi fice every evening for two weks by Bishop Virgil C. Flnnell of fie Molne. Hr art doll houses and dell bed and all kinds of dollle snd washing machines and sets of dishes. Oh, Alice's wonderland was never like thla. And will little Johnnie be a good boy from now' tilt Christmas? Will a duck swim? Wilt a squirrel eat nuts? '" mm-m u'Jk W " r"""1 """" 'V""'" ynv mm I : 4 ' mm, . VM 1 i4- ftt 1 r.v if-1 S dt DlpM I t'rT' - J w- v-- .-w.. J ft-ftrntm,- .i,iwi, - ' "ne i ft , vj'w yA' iit r m ' .Z r r , 'ivm i ma a s sfcMMiisssaasi m i mi i mmi RINE LEARNS OF WELFARE BOARD ARKANSAS CITY City Attorney Rlne, a member of the new Welfare board, ha returned from a short visit to Ksnsa City, where he In vestigated the operations of tha Welfare board of that city. He was Impressed by the work of th legal aid and employment bureau features and believes th local board would do well to take theffe matters tip here at an early date. Mr. Itlne addressed the Welfare board at a meeting last evening In the city hall. Yon I. tree nmplnlnt Makes t'nhappy, N'o Joy In living If your stomach and liver don't work. Rllr your liver with Dr. .ting's Now Ufa Pills. All druggists. Advertisement. NO ACTION TAKEN ' ON ALARM SYSTEM After Hearing Another Discussion Commissioners Refer Matter Back to Withnell. UNSEWBITEBS GIVE ADVICE "Co-0p" Buying Firm for City Man Now as Well' as Farmer The United Buyers Is the name of a new co-operative buying concern Just Incorporated for $10,000 In Omaha. The offices are at 326 Brandeia Theater build ing. The principal Incorporator are Frank Itnney. Tom Ayer and E. I. Morrow. This new organisation, according to Mr. Plnney, who is at the head of the office, plana to educate the buyer, or consumer, as to the best way and the best place to buy. "We can save the buyers a lot of money," he said, "and all we ask la 25 per cent of what we save htm. For Instance, if we save him M on the purchase ot a sewing ma chine, he pays us 15 out of the 130 we saved him. We act as hi agent in a large way. He would have to pay a sawing machine agent 40 per cent, for that la what the sewing machine agent get when he U on th road. I use the awlng machine in this inslanoe merely a an Illustration. We will deal In almost everything In the line of necessities." City Dads Approve Plan for Boulevard The city commissioner approved plan submitted by Commissioner Hummel for the establishment of a boulevard from Fontenell to Miller parks, a distance of one and one-half mile. Tha east end of the boulevard traverse a clreuitou route te avoid a deep cut and on that account th commissioners anticipate there will be some opposition. A board of appraisers will be appointed and pro tectants will be given an opportunity to be heard. Kugel Will' Judge Complaints Filed Against Policemen Hereafter Superintendent Kugel ef th police department will first pas upon charges filed against policemen before presenting them before the city council. The purpose is to protect member of the department from publicity in cases where their action were Justified, and also to prevent waste of time in hearing charge baaed on flimsy grounds. Mr. Kugel advised the commisslcner of a charge Just filed against a policeman who went with a. warrant to arrest a cltlsen who resisted by threatening to use a horsewhip, whereupon the officer struck the prisoner. The commissioners agreed to sustain Mr. Kugel in the plan of bringing before the commissioners only such charge as warrant hearing. Tell Judge They Were Celebrating Holiday Joe Carmelo, 614 North Fourteenth street, charged with beeping a disorderly house was arrested with eight inmates and brought before Judge Foster. Th men pleaded guilty to having something to drink, but asserted they were celebrat ing a holiday In honor of Banta Luoia. "I thought you were going to say Panta Claus," Informed the Judge who wa poised to fine them for rushing th season. All were discharged. After hearing another discussion on the proposed standard fire alarm system, the city commissioners de cided to give Commissioner Withnell an opportunity to submit plans and specifications before definite action is taken. , The commissioners have been op posed to the proposition of appro priating any large sum ot money with their hands over their eyes, but tre willing to consider a reasonable proposition. The matter has been referred back to Mr. WHhnell's department, and it is expected a detailed report will be forthcoming within a few weeks. New Station Needed. J. H. Howland of Tew Tork, engineer ef tha National Board of Fire Under writer, told the commissioners that It would be a wast ot money to attempt to enlarge the present fir alarm telegraph system; that a new central station t needed to give efficiency to the alarm system. A. Q. Besson ef th local underwriter aid: "Our city ha outgrown its flre- flghtlng faclUtl." Mr. Beeson explained that a nw alarm system and at least partial motorlsatton of the department would result In a general rduct'on of about 10 per oeut In Insurance rates. Conld Divide read. Commissioner Withnell' department will have $5,000 a year for five year to pend on an alarm system and motor ap paratus. Th auggeetioa wa made that he could spend SW.OOO nest year fur motor equipment and 136.000 to start th alarm system, It I estimated that the alarm system would oost $60,000 for the "high value business dlatrlot" 3. W. Metoalf made a plea for lower Insurance ratea for th small buslnsj" man and W. R. McFsrland, speaking for th manufacturers, urged motorlsatton before Installing a new alarm system. A latter was read from tha Commercial Club containing a resolution against th proposed alarm system. During the discussion It wa stated that th water supply had been Improved, but additional protection should be pre vided for one of the local breweries. FORMER OMAHA BOY DIES OF NERVOUS BREAKDOWN Frank P. Mahoney, formerly connected with the Union Pacific in Omaha, died at Chicago, following a long illness from a nervous breakdown, lie was a nephew of Frank and John J, Mahoney of this city and was about 27 years of age. His father Is T. P. Mahoney of Chicago, for merly master of transportation for the government. Toung Mahoney was born and reared In Omaha and had many friend here. . After being in the local office of the Union Pacific he became a traveling freight agent with headquarter at 8t. Louis. Burial will probably be In Chicago. Another National Conference Looks Over Omaha Field Omaha is being looked upon quit favor ably by a lot of big educator sit over th I'ntted State a a good place for holding th next National Conference on th Training of Rural Teacher. At tl last n-eetlng, held at Nashville, the matter of chocalng the next meeting place wa prac tically centered In P. P. Claxton, federal commissioner of education. Mr. Claxton Is known to lean (omewhat toward Omaha a th next meeting place, but I receiv ing suggestions from other big educators all over the country. Manager E. V. Par- rlsh of the bureau of publicity of Omaha, who has th handling of conventions In Omaha tinder his department, says that Omaha has a lot of good friends among those who are writing to Commissioner Claxton on this matter, and that this city is bound to get consideration before the choice of the next meeting place Is made. Sure Way To Get Rid of Dandruff There Is one sure way that never fells to remove dandruff completely and that la to dissolve It. This deetrnys II en tirely. To do this. Just get shout four ounces of plain, ordinary liquid arvon: apply It at night when retiring; use enough to moisten the s.-alp and rub il In gcmtly with the finger tips. By morning, mo! If not all. of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four mor applications wilt completely din. solve and entirely destroy every slnsle sign and trace of It. no matter how much dandruff you may have. You will find, too, that all Itching and dltiglng of the scalp will atop Instantly, nd your hilr will be fluffy, luxtrotis, glosiy, silky end oft, and look and feci a hundred ttmfs hot t sr. You can get liquid arvon at any drug tore. It is tncipcnslve, and four ounces Is all you will need. This simple rem edy has never been known to fall. Ad vert'sement. 1 nytscjna Bnayayjiyant BaKo oy n ai nivK bH,,c VtfmKh ci" per tk 'tVjj?b 8:i5 tVj;b 2:15 PIMPLY? WELL, DON'T BE! Poor.! Notice It. Irive Tbero Off With Jr. Kdworda' Olive Tablets. A pimply fnce ulll not emharsss you much longer If you get a package of Dr. Kd wards' Olive Tablet. Th skin houUl begin to clear after you have taken the tablet rw nights. Cleanse the blond, the bowel and the liver with Olive Tablet. Or. Ndwarda- Ollv Tablet are th uc ressful substitute for calomel there's never afiy sickness or pain after taking them. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets do thst which calomel does, and Just aa effec tively, but their action la gentle and safe Instead ff severe and Irritating. No one who takes Olive Tablet 1 ever cursed with "a dark brown taste." a bad breath, a dull, llatls, "no good" feel ing, constipation, torpid tlver, bad dis position or pimply face. Hr. Edwards' olive Tablets ar a purely vegetable compound mixed with olive ell; you will know them by their olive color. tr., Kdwarda spent years among pa tient afflicted with liver and bowel com plaint, snd Ollva Tablets ar th im mensely effective result. Take one or two nightly for a week. Wee how much better you feci and look. lic and foe per box." All drugglat. The Ollv Tablet Company. Columbus, Ohio. To Have Smooth, White, Soft Skin All Winter lo your skin chap or roughen easily In this v . cathcr, or become unduly red or tiloti'hy? lt me tell you a quick, easy way to eivercoma the trouble and keep your complexion beautifully white, smooth anil soft the winter long. Juet set en ounce of ordinary ntercolixed wax at the nearest drugstore and us a little before rettrlnn. as you would cold cream. I. pon arialna, iftmiv the coating with tulsv wntcr. The wax. throimh some peculiar attribute, flecks off th roug i, rl.-icolori-d or blemished skin. The wori oiit cuticle romoa off just Ilk dandruff, onlv In almost InvMble particle. Mer-colii-ed wax simply hasten N'atere's work. t d required. It keepa the faco constantly free from devitalised scarf skin and only the healthy, young looking skin Is In evidence. If th best treatment known for watherbeatn, ml 11 1 . .4 ,4 w f r. W 1 a H nlmtiltt anrf m unheautiful complexions. Home skins wrinkle easily In winter. There en excellent remedy In a harm less wash lotion mad by dissolving 1 ox. powdered saxolita In H pint witch haset. This will quickly etndicate every line. The Woman Beautiful. Advertlecment. jJ Cards j i MA.H0SPEC0. Jr t 1 Lm ISIS-IS Bens;. 5 CITY PRISONERS WILL WORK ON GRADING JOB The city commissioners visited the old county Jail at Eleventh and Dodge street, which lie ben fitted up for us by city prisoner entned to work. City Com missioner Jardlne, who has hsd charge of this new feature, states he will begin this weeK to erect a shack at Sixth and Dorcaa street aa a ahelter and feeding place for the prisoners who will be started on a grading Job for the city. CITY DADS TO CONSIDER SALOON PERMITS TUESDAY Th city council will tart Tuesday aft ernoon to consider th 1916 saloon licenses. Tha city clerk report b haa sixty-five application ready for th commissioners to pass uoon. AN OLD MAIDS' CONVENTION AT BENSON TUESDAY NIGHT An Old Maid's convention" will be presented by a oast of twenty-ftv women from Maple Leaf chapter. Order of the Eastern Star, at the Benson Methodist Episcopal church this evening. A number of members of this chapter also belong to th Benson Woman' club and through their Influence arrangement were .made to give the play In Benson. It has previously been given at th North Presbyterian church and the Kountse Memorial church. EVERYBODY OPTIMISTIC IN EAST, SAYS BURBANK "Everybody I talking good time back east," says Abraham Burbank, managing director of Hotel Fontenelle, who ha Just returned from a business trip to Syracuse, N. T. "Easterner expect Increased pros perity and business for the new year." Try "Brownatonc" (lair Stain E.A.CUDAHY,JRhC0MES to OMAHA CN BUSINESS TRIP a A. Cudahy, Jr., of Chicago, formerly of this city and hero ot th famous Eddie Cudahy kidnaping case, I In Omaha on business and Is registered at Hotel Fontenelle. The Fountain of Youth Ha at Last Been Pound in "Ilrownatone" The On Perfect Stain That 1 Entirely Harmless and Hure to Give Best Results. Tou need not tolerate gray, streaked or faded hair another day. It take but a fw momenta to appiy oronimn with your oomb or bruah, and Just a little "touching up" once a month ahould keep your hair the beautiful shads you most aestr. Results always th aroe suwajs (wav ing. Will not rub or wash off and guar anteed te contain none of the danger ous Ingredient so oftn found In dye Prepared in two shades. One to pro dtaee golden or medium brown, th other, dark brown or black. W will aend abolualy free, fo gn n H 'fgg& I I I . ' at V BUGGY AND LIGHT WAGON REPORTED STOLEN SUNDAY H. P. Marquet, W22 South Ttntb street, reports the theft of a buggy which wa taken from hi barn Sunday. J. Newman. 1KB South Twelfth Street, lost a light wagon in a similar manner. Reeemmeatlre foe Oesii, Coughs, colds, croup, hoarseness. In flamed throat, bronchial troubles or sore chest ar relieved by Foley' Honey and Tar, which opens stopped air passage i, oolhe and heal Inflamed surfaces, and restore normal breathing. W, C. Allan, Boeeley, Mo., says: "I have raised a family of four children and used Foley Honey and T' wtlb all of them. I find It the beat eough and croup medicln I ever uaed. I us4 It for eight or tan year and can recommend it for croup." Bold everywhere. Advertisement short time only, a triul bottle of tiilO Si ATONK if you will aend ua your name and address accompanied by lc to help pay postage and packing. Thla offer Is made for you to try ilROWNiiuNK Hair Stain, and find for yourself Just bow superior It la to ail so-called ay, combs, eta, etc. Hold and guaranteed In Omaha by Sher man At McCoimell Drug Store and other leading deaJera FREE TRIAL BOTTLE COUPON The Keatoa Vharmaoal Company, OSS IU Street. Oor Bjrtoo, XT. Please send me your trial bottle of a&OWMATOSTB Stair S ala, I enclose In cents I silver or stamps) tu help pay postsg and packing. Ksst AOdrea Ton gut De yes vis eoldaa. SMdlust. asrti trews r Isekt ute awk Aluminum Ware was unknown in Grandma's time it was 400 years after Columbus discovered America before we discovered Aluminum Ware Grandma used makeshift kettles and pansmade the most out of her equipment but just think of all the drudgery and hard work was her lot. She didn't know there was an easier time coming, "1892" Pure Spun Aluminum, the ware that is 99.99 pure, was the first Aluminum vvfcre introduced to American women it revolutionized kitchen drudgery; Over 23 years ago Mrs. Tammen bought her first "1892" Aluminum Sauce Pan, and is still using it She says she cannot begin to use words to express her opinion of our beautiful ware, and that she only wish es that she could see "1892" Aluminum Ware in every home in this country. We r making: It easy for you to make) vour kitchen an "1892" Aluminum Kitchen kitchen filled with com. fort and utensils that are ffolnf to transform your cooking problems into a source of pleasure. We are going to give you the right kind of utensils to work with utensils that will stay with you a long time. Quality First . ft 3 ! IICu " 39c Your storekeeper has a supply of our double lipped "1892" Aluminum Sauce Pans that he is offering you tomorrow- begin your "1892" Aluminum kitchen with this TRADE MARK pet-acaualntcH tmocial offer. Made in America ' Double Lipped "1892" Aluminum Sauce Pan, capacity 5 pints, made of thick, heavy Alumi num sheets, stamped and spun into shape; reinforced rim, aluminum-riveted nickel plated handle. A Sauce Pan that is worth regularly 60 cents we are offering it at less than half price tomorrow at any store for j 39 cents Our 20-Year Guarantee. We eg-ree fe Imkm est W replace mr rmmmh mny "IS$S" Par Smmn Altmunum Cooking Uttuilt Aeurfnf fcr thrmmgk impmrfoction im th wmrm or sraaeeMAi a mf tOnm dmritg thm MO jnewe ml eenafce, tea erfenstf seinf a6c(ed fe ordwrnrj re mud mttontiom dmrittg that porioJ. YOUR STORE KEEPER SAYS HE HAS A PAN FOR YOU TOMORROW call and get it. IULsINOIS PURE ALUMINUM CO. LKMONT, IIXJNOI