TI1E REK: OMAHA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1915. 11 J ( nF.AL EST ATI. FARM R l l.M) FOR S4I.R MOW A. A BAROAIN. 139 In Harrison Co., Iowa; new Improve menfe; land laye good, at $110; $b00 down, I2.6H0 March 1, time on balance A bar gala. 'We'll prove It. Come and se. FRANK HILL. Logan. Ia. uix.KurA. 40, 90 or 10 ACREg, good heavy soil, well settled part of Torid county, Minn.; good roads schools and churrhes. Price, $15 to $30 per acre. Terms. 1 per acre raah. balance fi per acre a year; S.n"0 acrea to elect from. Schwab Broe.. 102S riyraouth ; ing. , Minneapolis, Minn. ; WE have aeveral good quarter sect ons for city property. McCartan & Whalen. vii WISCONSIN. - UPPF.R WISCONSIN-Best dairy and ' general crop atate In the union; aettlera i wanted; landa for aale at low price on rr:v;.T rrv v.y : for etock raining. If Interested In fruit landa aak for booklet on apple orchards. Address Land and Industrial tept.. 800 Line Railway. Minneapolis. Minn. M 1 9C K LL A .NUU I . HAVE TOU A FARM FOR PALET Write a rood dearrlntlon of vr.nr lanrl ana icnu ii 10 me aioux jiiy (la.l Jour T.V" "-I1? yu.r: a a a at (-111 v -w 1 rai, - tows a moi r-owerrui want Ad M.Hinm" T..m.nv. . ... re.. I day evening. Saturday morning and every fr . . . . " w montn, giv ng sixteen aa on twelve air- 1 fi fU, , n. ti . 7t , wora a, i. Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper; 250.0UO reader dallv In four great atate. NEBRASKA. BUT a fine 640-acre stock ranch near church, achool and general store. Mra. C. B. Bhlppen. Fardun. Neh. FOR SALE Boat large body h'gh grade medium nrleed land In Nebraaka: verv little money required. C. Bradley, Wol pacn, wen. o The One Best Buy Anywhere Perkins Co., Neb., Lands, $15 to $25 acre. Come see for your, self. We prove it or pay all of your expenses. Enough said. Write for particulars to DAVE SHUTER, GRANT. NEB. Agents Wanted in Every County. Write me. ONLY 1375 buys a 640-acre Bchool land lease in Cherry county, running twenty four years, being nine miles from town and R, R. Thla is a bargain. Write owner, L. C. Crandall, 1644 Locust St., Lincoln. Neh, 240 ACRES, sure crop, farm near Her man; level and well Improved. Priced right. Will Fasaett. Herman. Neb. REAL ESTATE LOANS 1100 TO 110,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg.. 18th & Farnam Sta. CITY and farm loans, 6, bSi. per cenL J. H. Dumont A Co.. 416 State Bank. A "For Sale" ad will turn second-hand furniture into cash. Ott Drooertv lrfze Un. . .rv-iit lx property. LArge loaiia a specialty. W. H Thomas. 228 State Bank Bldg. tankr H rlr t TO 6 for loans on best clasa city rasidenc.es In amount, 12,000 up, also farm loana. Reasonable commissions. PETERS TRUST CO.. 1622 Farnam St. J OMAHA homes7 East Nebraska farma. j O'KKEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1116 Omaha National. Phone Douglas 2715. FARM AND CITY LOANS. ODOUGHERTY A HUGHES, Til Keellne Bldg. Phono D. 1011. MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. H. W. Binder. City National Bank Bldg. 6 CITY LOANS. C. G. Carlberg, 310 1S Brandels Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE ONE 9-room house, corner lot, will trade equity for a good vacant lot. O. A. ECKLES. Phone T. 1893 or H. 573. OWNER will exrh. farm near Co. Bluffs, FEVEN-PASSENGER auto to exchange for 6-room bungalow. Phone Doug. 2ik REAL ESTATE WASTED I WANT to buy for cash 2 or 3 very cheap lota. Give price and legal de rcrlption and you will hear from me. S. 840. Boa. IF you want to sell, let the people know. We take a picture of your place, make 100 copies, write a full and complete description and put it in the hands of over 100 real estate men In Omaha. We also dlaplsy it on our bulletin board at loth and Farnam bla.. wnere tnouaanna are pasalnfr daily ily. Result count. Our hove service Is $ glvins ,t amount of publicity at charge or tne tu you the greatest m minimum i-nat. REALTY LISTING COMPANY. Tyler 4'JO. 400 Ware Block. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDK NICE 6-Room Cottage w trlth bath; EL rkal kstatf: south side $3,000 TELll'h "w KVarf'ront lol 42x140: oak to achool: kt d. ! niifi BiiMi Anwn. iJJ Der mo. 11 o nxi nuanria less limn ihi-i wn.-r. lumi. ... , ... r.. . fcwr i --WT. ' r. .. - . . ... ctiolce mm ano. H'i.fo 11. -iu: rs o. 1. i.Tiiiri 1613 Wirt. Tel. Wen, 4;JII, huiih ro rurtner enc our. " "J, "i M f No. 2. S8.fWi9.00: No. 3. S6.0irri8.00: ChTcaGO 2,32-Neat 'four-room cottage the Jc sT'V Part modern. , "cU.aranOMp at the eastern e,- JL m. "1 1 heat 0 cholcei ' board w hich were moatly of domea lc t.TRAU - h b e w heat, $. o io.w. cholu , finish 1uat cnmnleted- close navigaiion. lea 10 omrming 01 rair MINIVtATOl.lti, i ec. m.-hiimi-smendid nd.hto hood IS 'r" H'" '"P l"1'1 December. $1.08.; May. $1,124; No. 1 ,rti. . Tc5?J!rf ri w;'th' Favorable weather cased com. Export hard. $1.13A: No- northern. $l.llVtffj rash will handle it. Located 2132 S. 25th Ave. C. 0. CARLBERG, 312 Brandels Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS 100x169 Harney. Just west of 20th, $35 M. (Near Oratn Exchange.) I T , , , O TV A. iTlHTllSnri t"V. IVlOTTOn -Wl A V-aU AtAm W44 Farnam Street 100 feet on Farnam St.. near :0th. $S5.000. Harrison & Morton uiollt flEAL ESTATE MISCTCLIiAXF.Ol'S Do You Want a Home? I have a fine new six room house, all modern, beautifully finished, well located, near street car. A snap for $3,400. Terms: $500 cash, bal ance monthly payments. Phone AVal. 2125. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Receipts Total One Hundred and Sixty-Eight Cart and the Sales Are Good. PRICE UNCHANGED TO CENT UP OMAHA, December IS, 11&- . Wheat and corn reoelpta were very good today and there waa an excellent cash demand for everything on the Hat. The recointa n f Kk..) totalled 13 Car and the antra which were correspond ngy heavy, ranged from unchanged to ic nisner. very 'good, and although the poorer grade of ( new H.icn. tn the commercial rrmAnA mnIA a . imnhanm. rtrlceB. Oati were in rood demand and ruled Uc higher. Oata recelpta were modorata and the caah demand for thla cereal waa quite active RVe receipt were very heavy and the rr remained gt-aay. umg .ooUl In hifrher. Rarlev waa quoted nominally lo higher. Clearance of wheat and flour were equal to 2.0l2,00r bushels; corn. 103.0W) bushel; oata. 18,0no bushela. At Liverpool wheat and corn cloaed uncharged. . rrimary wheat receipt wera 4.9M,Ono bushela and ahlpment 2 MS 000 bushels, e.gninst recelpta of I.MS.0UO buahela and ,:t ..i. f m h ,.h.l. last vur ac ai 1 r 1 at 1 1 - " ' T 1 (xm Primary corn recelpta were l.m.vv r T..he.V "IS iaa am k.k.i. laat vear " "- i '7 0iio Frlmnry oata recrlnta were t.!'i bushela and shipment 904,000 buahela. aKHlnat receipts 01 1.061. (KM bushela ana shipment of 6M.O110 bushela laat year. CARLOT RECE1FT8. Wheat. Corn. Oat. Chicago 7& 111 M innps nnlla 1.703 ... ... , iniluth ' 'Omaha 1R I Kansaa City W ' 8t. Ixuis tJT ! Winnipeg 2.4H8 4" 11 M Koi. ronnrtad olav: Wheat No. 2 hard winter: 2 cara, 11.06. No. I hard winter: 1 car. U 03; I cars, ; f cars, 11.02; 4 care, SLOIH; 11 cara, 11.01; 4 car, ti milt- s car. 11.00: 1 car. Vc. No. 4 oulo Vn 1 . i (Mly. A ra 1.7c: a ear. EJr..aiJT v.n la Vi.;. 4c: 8 cars. Wc; I u.. c.ranU- I c.r. Ic i 1 car. io-. i i S7e- ?..r tV: tear. SSr; l car. Br; i car, eic; i ". 4c; 1 car, 2c; 1 car, c. No. 4 eprlng: 1 car, m-l I cara, inc. mo. aprina. - spring: . 11.06. i K2,v No 2 mixed: 1 car. il.to. Jo. i mixed: 1 car, 93c. No. 2 durum: S cara, ll.oC. No. I durum: 5 cars. Wc; 2 cars, c. No. 2 durum mixed: 2 cars, 89e. No. 3 durum mixed: 2 cara, 8Sc. Rye No. 2: 1 car. 82e. No. S: 1 car. 8oe. No. 4: 4 2-t cars. 87c. Corn No. t white: 1 car, part old, 64c: cara. 3c. No. 4 white: 2 cara, 60c. No. 6 white: 2 2-t cars. Mc; 1 car. 5Sc. No. C white: 1 car, 69c; 2 cars, 67c; IS cars. trie. No. 2 yellow: 1 car, old, 6Hc. No. S yellow: 2 cara, 6Vic. No. 4 yellow: 1 car. 614c; 1 car. 634c; 1 car, i car. KlUc. No & vellow: 1 car. 62Hc; 1 car, lHc; 4 cars. Sic. No. 6 yel low: 1 car. 6Vtc fo. I mixed: 1 car, eld. 67'c No. S mixed: S cara. old, 7c; 2 cars, old. 67e; 1 car. part 01a. wc; 1 64V,c. 1 car, 644c; 4 cara. 64c; 2 cars. 63c, No. 4 mixed: 1 car. 62c; 2 cars, 61c; 8 cars, fiOc. No. 6 mixed: 1 car, 60c; I cara, 30c: 1 car, 68c; 1 car, 57c; 1 car. 66MiC. No. 6 mixed: 6 cara, 56c: 1 car. Kc. Sample: 1 car, f.Sc; 1 car, 67c; 1 car. 66c; 2 cars, 62c; 1 car. 50c; 1 car. 47Vic. Oata Stand ard: 2 cara. 41c. No. 3 white: 1 car, 40S4c; 1 car, 40Vc; cars, 40c. No. 4 white: 6 cars. 394c. Sample: 1 car. S8c; 1 car, 37Hc; lMi care, S7c. Barley No. 4: 2 cara, 63c. Rejected: 1 car, S0e; 1 car. 00. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat, iso. r nard. II.Oil U6: No. 3 hard. 98Het6l.2; No. 4 'hard. 914T!7c: No. 2 soring. t8c61.0l; No. '.3 spring. No. 2 durum, sttcl.O0; 1 No. 3 durum. 984i?c; sample, T.VfWSc. Corn: No. S white. 6Mc; No. 3 white, ..o,.,-. W .hi,. ih-jv.! Nn I white . .v- - . - - - . 57144 59c: No. 6 white, SoHJzWc: No. 2 yel- Inu. (W,,XU.- Vn X vellow. fRiMUSic: No. 4 yellow, 6Kp6IVtc: No. 6 yellow, . iij24e; No. yellow. 68&60Hc; No. 2 mixed, 670 671; 'No, i mixed, 63V4464'4c; No. 4 mixed. 69f.2c: No. S mixed, 6Wi60'c; No. mixed, 65fa9c. Oata: No. ! white, 4U4' 41U0; standard. 40(&41c; No. S white. Vff V4c; rto. wnite, w"n'Kic. uarioy: 'Malting. 6Wt65c; No. 1 feed. DSe. Rye: No. 2: govitfreilic; No. I. ssVi-Traoc. Chicago closing prices turnlahed The Ree by Logsn A Bryan, stock and grain nroKern, :iio outn b xieenin. umuiu; AHtclel Open. I High. I Low. 1 Ploae.l Sat'y Wheatl Dec. I. I I 1 12HI 1 15'! 1 13 1 14,'l 17W4!l WlVa 1 137"! 1 18 I 17 Slay. 1 16 SI H I Corn Doc I 67141 May.rriWI T, 67'4! 7H 7H 71SI 70S! 71 I 714 42i 41 'l 4141 1H 45Ui I 44H I I I IS 17HI 17 IS I 1 15 I 05 18 22Vsl 18 02S4I 18 17',i 18 05 I I I 9 2HI 9 67HI 67HI 62', 9 ?2Vil 87WI 8 'l 0 9 67-701 2ii 6241 9 62 10 00 I 9 92Vil 95 9 95 UHta. I lec.. 4141 May.i44"i'a'Vl Lard. I Jan.. I May. I Rll.s. I 9 60 ClIICAUO taRAIN AXI) PROVISIOMS Feat ore of the Tradlaar and Closlngl trla n flinH of Trtte. r-tnrArso nee 1S T'nexnected falling off In the United State vlalble supply total gave decided Impetus toiiay to an s,ivance In the wheat market here. The .rlosP although unsettled, was lc to 2n j higher, with Decei m... 1 1714! 17,i .JJ'kVoJn! VaU Jp. ecember at ll.is1 and nail case, .w case; n. . ui, . . - ...i. . i . t rr . ii.iin. o .1 . corn nninea c Vtc to AjC and provi- slona varying from 5c off to a rise of 12c. . Wheat traders ran Into a genuine sur prlae In the visible supply figures. It !show . Bnod enlargment of stocka, but ItiHtoad the segregate waa more man i,- tniMn. Tcnc.ea aieo 10 nanuica 1 me wbi.i. cult or tne nonrcpori or wneai arioat at j Buffalo whtre the aame condition haa "l.s.ed In previous vear. at the close of existed in previous vear at ine close or inquiries and the upturn in wheat brought a rally, but not of a lasting sort. 01 were strengthened by ad' lrea that a fair export bua'noas waa under way at the seaboard. Trading In future de liver ea here, however, was light Generous exDorts shown fi.r last week made provision valuea today average hlglier. Shipments of dressed hog to 1 Canada were said to be bulky. Toward 1 the end of the session the free offerings of lard took most of the snap out of the market. . : . . . . 1 .1 . I. ' - ..... I III. Mi: -D. . "II IV.'"'. IH". . .-.. h. ago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red, UK1ED FRUIT Prunes, easy; Callfor-1112- No. i hard. Sl.14Kf4l.il; No. 3 hard, nla, 4lillc; Oregon, 71i9-sc. Apricots, ll.Oaiil.lO. Corn: No. 2 yellow, old. "2c; steady; choice, louwloic; extra choice, .u. yriiuw, now, wt. iih; . io. a Willie, llltyil.c; lancy, jiiii.. t4'u5,c. tata: No. I white. 40-2c: I choice. 6c; extra choice "tndard- "Hc. Rye: No. 2. 9-86c. 1 Sc. Retains, steady: looi n,Hev 61jj7flc. Keeda: Timothy. V.v"ihc: choice to fancy .o. 4 yellow, new. Mliitc: No. 4 while, 8.00: ckwer. $10 AnfrlS.Oii. Prnvls'ons: Pork. i a: urn. js.ti: riDS, t4rii no. Bl'TTER Steady; creamery. i&fiZPfa- EUUa steady; recelpta 2.911 caae; first, 2ii3tK-; ordinary first. 27528c, at mark, caaea Included, SOri4c. POTATOES Higher; recelpta 40 rar; Michigan and Wisconsin" white. 7076c: Minnesota and Dakota white, 72i75c; Minnesota ana uaKoia unioa. n.x(r,ze. POI LTRY Alive, higher; fowla, 12V4c; springs, I3c; turkeys, iec. DEW YORK OEKRAL MARKBT Qaotatloaa of tke Day Varto Cniwanodlt lea. NEW YORK. Dec. IS FLOUR Steady; spring; patent. S55.Vgq.90; winter patent. S6.46uu.66: winter vtralghta, 6.5-j; Kansas straights. $6 usiii.&n. WHEAT Suot. firm: No. 1 durum. $1.24. f. o. b.. New York; No. 1 northern. Duluih. $1.27Vi; No. 1 northern. Mani toba. $123. o. 1. f . Buffalo. Future. firm; December, $12214 CORN spot, easy; no. I yellow, so'o. prompt delivery. OATS-Spot steady; No. I white, 459 46e. .. HAY Quiet; prime, i.r: io. l. i ; No. X. $!.163'1.20; No. 3. Sl.Oairl.05; ship ping. c. HOPS Quiet, state comon to choice AVE liUU On a 6-room strictly modem, well built home from owner; hot water kaaL If rv Omaha Ree. COT. 13th axid Uouro Sti AdOroa t. Be Office, south Ouiaii. REAL K8TATE MISCEIXAXEOVB 11S, Wi3oc; 1914. eiiKc; Pacific coast 1S15. Ilnl5c. IP14, I'll inc. HIDES Steady; Bogota, JOtjRIlc; Central America. ;f LEATHER Firm; Hemlock firsts. SJJ 34c: m-.vMids. S""tflr. PROVISIONS-Pork, atcaly; rnra tt'O) " 1 N; f-imllv J0 60nr22.50; short clears, llS.fnv,,;!.-! ;eef quiet; mesa, $li'..Mf I. (, famlU. Ilfil bii. Lard steady; middle west, $9 TftfW.vV . . I ALLOW-steady; city. 8c, nominal; country. 7ltte: special. c. Rt'TTER Steadier; rvoctpt. 4,400 tuba; creamery extras. irtj.lfctc; firsts, 24J ;5c: seconds, K41t2,c. EOOS Firm: receipt. 7.800 caaea; fresh gathered extra fine, 4Hi-i2c: extra firsts, 3Mi4np; first. 3.".ft37c; second, S27J34o. CHEESE Firm; receipts. 9.F06 boxes; atate, whole milk, flats, held specials, 17.o: averaae fsncy. 16trl7c: current ma He. aieclala. 16V; average fancy, in'4 c;, . V Dressed nulet- fresh chick lulLTI1) l r5''",m"r?' ens. isw-'Jc; fowl, Hwmc: turaeya, ll'o24c. OMAHA GBXERA MARKET. roiTI.TRT Allva: Turkey, any aie over 7 lb.. 17o; broiler. 16'vttl7; spring, Uc: ducka, 10c: geeae, lrtc; hen. WTlle; young K'unea hens, each, Kc; rooster, go OYSTERS Chesapeake, standards, per gallon. 11.10; tan1arda, $1.; select. II W; northern, atandarda, L46; aelect. S1.7i: New York count. Jl.tV. Northern, small cana. r402Sc; large cana, aKMto. Chesa peake, amall cana, 20923c; large can. SOU FISH Halibut. 12c; salmon, freh pink, o; fresh red. 12Hc: catfish, fresh. Mr; trout, fresh, Uc: white fish, fresh. 17c: red snapper, fresh. lSr; cattish, froten. ISo; smelts, frosen, 10-lt. ooxea, II. Ill; amoked white fish. 14c; kippered salmon. 17c. FROZEN FIPH Halibut, rises to suit. lOHc: catfish, large, for steaks. 13c- sal- mon. fall. c: salmon, silvers. 10c; No. 1 ' trout, lie; No. 1 whlteflsh, dressed, 10c; No. 1 whlteflsh. large. lfo; 1 white- fish. Jumbo, le; pIckereT, rund W. C. 6c; pickerel, headless. Ic; black baas. order sue, aoc: nernnn. aressea, pair frosen. 6c; blueflah extra fancy, lie; red snapper, heaaiess. areaaea .or; noun dera. 10e; scallop, per gallon, IS.Q9. SMOKED FISH -Whits- 10-lb. baskets, per lb., 14c. KIPPERED FISH Salmon. 10-lb. bas kets, per lb.. 17o. . KT m-noni " per rn. BEKf LUTS Ilin: NO. I. lSIVkc NO. 1. rto. fi. 1-"m. iuimb. i, i7U. iiv. , 2, lRc; No J. -.. Chucks: No. 1. 10c; No. n'icna: io. I, iw; o. Rounds: No. 1. 14c; 2. lxc; NO. S, 9r. No. 2, 13c; No. 3. 13c, nates: No. 1. c; i:" 5 a i T" c No. 2, 8c, No, 3. St.. 1.1 . ro. i. . i i Bvofters. lk to m lbs., in separate camp., 17o; over 1H to J lbs., lo; springs, any sise, 124o; ducks, picked, H price, but not wanted, 12o; hens, over 4 lba. per lb.. 11 He; roosters. Hc. Turkeis. 17c; old Toms, 16c: under S lbs., 6c; less than I lba. aok not wanted. Geese, ' full feathered and fat, Ic; picked, H price, but not anted. Guineas, each, 26c: young. 1 to 1H lba each, 2&c. Homer squat. 14 os. and over. 1100; 10 to 12 os.. 12.00; No. 1, must weujU S ox., $1.60; under S 01. UK: I lgoons, any kind, per dot., ROc. Btar Brand Ben Davis, S2.7S per barrel; Willow Twigs. 13.26 per bar re 1; Wlneaap. J-, u.w pet parrel; Jonathans, xs.ov per uar- Shield Brand Rlarlc Twiaa. 13.60 Der barrel; Black Twlga. commericlal brand, $3 26 per barrel; Ben Davis. Illinois, t2.; per barre1. BUTTER Best creamery, S2c: seconds. In cartons or tuba, 2tc, good dairy, 2:4 ic; country, common, lSVjC. CHEESE lmonrted Swiss, I 44c; domestic, 30c; block, 24o: twins. 1MW; dalhy, lc; trtpleu. lOHc; youtm Amerl- an 'Ar.. KIiia l.k.lh.lMb IQUt' llmhiiraur 2oc; New York white, lVc; lmportcu French Rocquefort. 4So. FHL'lTs Naval orangea; extra fancy, 80s and Hta, 3(N) box; extra fancy. 12'. ia and 3:4s, IJ.a box; extra fancy Cali fornia navels. 9tto. latis. Via, bjx; extra fancy California navela. 160s. 1:1.75 box; 1 extra fancy California navela, 176. 216. 2"a, 24.26 box. FLOK1PA OKAKUKMM, lM'S, 200a, 216s. 250. $2.75 box. GRAPE r KU IT r lorioa grape iruu: 46, 64a, 64s. 80s, $3.60 box; 96a, $3 25 box; 126s, $2.75 box. Tarpon brand: 3fia, $1.75 box; 46a, $4.00 box; 64s, $4.25 box; 64s, 80s, $4.60 box. LEMONS Extra fancy California Sunkist lemons, 300s, 3fi0a, $5.00 box; extra fancy California Hunklat lemons, 42u, $4.50 box; extra fancy California Red Ball lemons, $4.50 box; extra fancy Florida limes, $l.60(a2.00 basket. GRAPES Emperor, packed in drums, patented cork for long keeping, $4.00 ko,u t'nele Sam brand, clusters, $4.50 per bbl.; Catawbas. IRc basket. CRANBERRIES Monogram brand (Bell A Bugle. $9.00 bbl.; Jersey Bell, lato Howes, $9.00 bbl.: Shamrock or t-"n-rie brand (atrlctly fancv Jerseys), $S.oO bbl.; Chief brand. Jumbo. $11.00 bbl.; cranberries, $2.75 box. PEARS Extra fancy Winter . Nellies (small nixes). $2.50 box. CIDER New York Mott's Sweet (very beat grade), $2.76 keg; Nebraska Nc hawka. $3.25 keg. SWEET POTATOES Market strong and advancing; extra fancy California Jersey (about 100-lb. crates). $3.00 crate; extra fancy California Jersey, $1.60 ham per. POTATOES Colorado white, 75c buj. Red River Ohloa, 85c bu. ONIONS Yellow. 2c lb.: Red Globe, 2e Ih. : Spanish (Imported Bermudas), ll.'-o C NUTS-No. 1 walnuts. lHc lb.: blk. walnuts, $c lb.; hickory, 4c lb.; filberts, lfc lb; pecans. 12Ho lb.; Braslls, 15c lb; almonds. 15c lb. MISCELLANEOUS Crackerjsck, 13 ro raae: crackerlack. one-half rase. $1 75; case; fard datea, l!Hc lb.: salted peanuts. $1.16 can; popcorn, 40, 1 lb. package, $2.64 'esse; cornpops, $'.. case; compopa, one- not. nont, uu. .u.inr. . ox., 1.H case. Cocoanuts, $3.50 bag, T5o oos. t loer: Motts, 9.1.1Q see. ,-joits, oir hnlf bbl.. $7.25 bbl.; Nehawka. S3J3 k. g. Omaha Hay Market. OMAHA "Tie" t7pt?A'R!E hav Choice upland. IIO.fAffll.RO; No. 1. $10OVd 111.60; -No. Z. sa.oiHi."iii; rso, a. n.'ji' , ,L mm , m. . . .1 1 n 1,... ..r... ... . Hr . I 1.12H: No. 2 northern, 1.0)li'irl.O8I,4 . 1 FLOUR Unchanged. ' BA RLE Y WuOic. RYE BlJI'.!c BRAN 18.Uutirl8.50. CORN No. 3 yellow, 731 74c. I OATH No. S white. :iWr3'Jc. 1 SEED Flax. 2.01-1i'ri?.(i5. Kvaiioralrd Apples and Dried Frail. NEW YORK. Doc. 13. EVA PORATED APPLES -Quiet; fancy, SMilc; choice, 7WaTAio; prime. 6Wi7c. ilKyn'o: fancy, irnlc. peacnea, firm; uce. a-ic; lancy. i--rr loose muscatels 7'..ti icv seeded. 7V.'i'iVi.': 1 uedless. 9lle. Kansaa t'ltr 4!raln and ProTlalon. r - . v-' . a r,TV I .aa 1 n'HS-.AT Vrt 2 hard. S1.0V& l.ld: No'. 2 red. $1.13tl .15 Lecember. $1.06; May. $1.09. ( OR.N .o. Z mixea, rnc; rso. z wniie. f4ie: liecember, C4'c; May, 874c. OATS No I white, uutzc; no. z mixed S"&3fli,c. BL'TTER Creamery, 33c; firsts, 81c; second. 2Sc; lacking. 19c. KOj -Irats eac, aeronaa, jon. POI LTRY Hena. mJllc; turkeys. 17c; springs. 12c. . Hasjar Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 13. 8 1 'OAR Raw, easy; centrliugal. i w; moiaase. .i2c; refined, uuiet; cut loat. i.w-c, cruanen. l.9f; mould A. 6.60c; cube. 6.40c; XXX powderea, o.juc; powaereo, a.nc; una granulated, 6.15c: diamond A, 6 16c: con fectionerB A, 6.05c: No. 1, 5 90c. The mar ket for sugar future was less active sni unchanged early today, with operator! inclined to hold off. Liverpool Grata Market. IJVERPOOL. Dee. 18 WHEAT Spot, No 1 Manitoba, 12s 3 VI; No. 2. Us; No. I. lis lid; No. S hard winter, new, Us ltd. CORN pot American mixed yellow La Plata, ka lOd. FLOCK Winter patents. 44s. HOI'S In London. Pacific coast. tm St. Lomla Orala Market. BT. LOUIS. Dec li-WHEAT-No. S red. $Vil 21; No. 1 bard. $1 0s; Decem ber. r.ll: Mtay. $1 14V CORN No. 2. 6o'rto7'c; No. I white, 66c; Iwceiuber. 4jbc; May, 6c OATS Nu. 2. 42c; No. S whita. nominal. PUT or rvs- mn.iu..nr. u OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKETS ?!" n"h?1 -F? ! Cattle Steady to Ten Cents Higher or More in Spot Sheep Active and Higher. HOGS STEADY TO TEN LOWER OVAITA iu.cemhe.i- it 1915 OMAHA. Iecemrer m. n"- I Same day last year.. 9.W7 H.it-4 . The following table shows the average of cattle, hoga and abeap at the Omaha live stock market for trie year lo date, as compared with laat vear ... .mi Inc. r.i in taiiA am 40 ctll tlnrs. Sheen. I .-Li,' i .-. . .t ..,1 Eatlmata Mond.v A V x 7 10X I f " ir. . "u.'." i .Inking of .ha Same day last week . .10.3 9.M 10." ; - i ,v ewes fa'r to aood ttttV. fi re' I """f1 ,,",r T,,;"on 7 "" '-I7 iT icJI Renresintatlve sales: . "'i, ..V-l'L-. J Hoga '.14 S21 IIHJ .414lff7 native lamba Sheep S.lM.tl I.027.77K 1M.S2S j 1X3 native lambs The following table snows the receipts prices of hogs at the Omaha llvs stock market Tor tna laat few day, wiia com parisons . reta. 1915. !1W4.1im. I.imi.ll1(.ll. K'ov. 271 I Ufcl T Nov. 2S J 41 Nov. 2tt g 7 4fcl 11, t4 T 47 7 81 I oui T t 01 7 Ttt 7 07' I Ot Nov. Miri 1 il t 001 S 11 ! T IS, S OS leo. ;i: ffxJ T SU rec. 2 Ks Ml 7 40 SO 1 S7! 01 7 111 l Deo, S.47il T OS T66I S10 t M T ; UfiC 43 7 II 7 fcil 7 0711 74 ueo. S.. t 7I 7 41 7 MIS HI 7 K I 7 46 ! 7 6, 6 , 7 41 I B I 7 , ! S..I 0a j oai T .t I'eo. 6 21 rc. 7 .. lc 1. Leo. t. Dec. 10. eoK, s 6 24 T Rl T 77 a tl 7 m T T - 1 I 7 .S " 1 tl 7 7 T Tfl 27V, 7 47 T Mi 7 I iec. 12. 7 4 7 HOI ( ! Dec. 12 6 22-41 T 67 7 7&j 783 S7JjM . - IIOllllH) Receipts and disposition of live .took ; ... ik. Vr.inn nn.if v.nla. I itnah. Neb., - -J" ' - . i f.ir twenlv-fnur bourl enulIlK a a o clocg p. in., yeaieruuy; RECEIPT H CARS. .. . Latlie. Hogs, sneep. nri, C. M. Pt. P.... 11 6 4 I nion Pacific ( V. ti N. W.. eaat.. S3 1 4 34 8 31 24 A N. W.. wet.. 6fl l. P.. M. Kr IJ. 2 V... at. at w., vuv.... ., it, oi W-p weni,, .to C. R. 1. A P.. eaat 10 C. H. O., west.. 35 ,".. R. I. & P.. weal 5 Illinois Central . 33 Chi. iit. West. 13 Total receipt 2( 112 46 DIBPUBl 1 1UJN 11 CatUo. Hogs. Sheep. Morris A Co Swift A Co 676 616 1.078 1.8M 214 1.7,6 420 884 Cudahy Packing Co.... .Armour A Co 1.5SO 3.174 941 "i 60 62 44 856 101) 84 4R 3 144 32 79 1 iM 64 63 31 13 6 27 150 249 15 40 1 907 J W. Murphy Lincoln Packing Co.... W. B. Vanaant Co Benton. Vans't A Lush Hill A Son F. B. Iewls Huston A CO J. B. Root A Co J. H. Bulla L. F. Huss Rosenstock Bros F. O. Kellogg Wertheliner Degen.. H. V. Hamilton Rothschild A Kreos.... ... .. . . . . 1 iwo' rvan. t.ait r,,1,"'","? J' f,?'n" IIUITma t III IDIIC ,.............. ffman Roth Meyers Baker, Jones A Smtth. .Banner Broa John Harvey 'Dennis A Francis Kline Jensen A Lungren Other buyera 1.(02 $.848 T.,t.i. 6.731 7.272 i'itti'.r- TnHav a rei elDts of cattle were diaappointlngly small, only 26S cars being reported In. This was not only less than anyone anticipated, but the amalleet ol any Monuay alnce the flrt week In Auguat and amaller than a year ago by ,tnt) head. Other markets were heavily leaden, and early advices Indicated that ih. ir.il Qt adrh oolnta was generally slow and no better than steady. Light ecripts at this point, however, gave tne n arket a better tone, taking the trade aa a whole. Packers were sll looking for good west ern range beef steers snd rattle of that deecr.pt It n sold very freely at prices that were generally stronger than last week. Cornfed beeves, on the other hand, were rather mIuw and only about steady, buy ers feeling thst prices here were too high aa romparod with other market points to Justliy any advance on that class of stuif. it, elms of cows and heifers were light. while the demand was about aa good as usual and prices on rattle of that de- sirlptlon were safely 10c higher and in Home case more than that, wh.le the trailc whs active, a large percentage of the. receipts changing hands at an early hour. Good stockera and fenders were also in brisk demand and fully lOo higher than laat week a close. The common to Me dium grades were no better than steady aa a general thing. Quotation on cattle: Good to choice feu yearling, $8.00(.50; fair to good fed yearlings, li.Oi'ijS OO, common to fair fed yearlings, $6.i7.00; good to choice neavy beeves, fi.7Vu.T5, fair to good cornfed beeves, $6.76ia'7.76; common to fair corn fed beeve. $. 0O(Hi.75; good to choice grass i...., ',,: 7i; ' -n.nmiM a r.i. beeves, 16.164,7.60; fair, to good grass beeves, $i.fcut.; good to choice grass heifers. 45 fm-(i6.iO: good to choice Rrssa cows, K.264j.26; fair to good cows, $4.N? 6.25; common to lair cowa, $3.204J'4.6O; good t. rhnln. 1..H.P. IK 7.Ui1 ui. ..' uaJ feedera. $6.1i'i4i4l.75; common to fair teed- ers, $5.2&cl.lo; good to choice Blockers. Itt.TbrriT.Zb; fair to good stockers, h.(aao6.7(, common to fair stockers, o.uoio.U: stooic hellers, $6.25i.00; stock cows, $4.50j.2o; stock calves, $6. 0037. 25; veal calves, ta.iutf v.uu; Duiia, stags, etc., S4.uwbw.vu, ttepreacntativa sales: BEEF BTEERS. o. Ay. Ft. N. Av. Pr U4 M M III 10. 1 0 II UK t 74 H) 7 24 1 114 1 4U mtuta anu iit-i r-t;ua. TS 14 , lit 7 ti BTOCKERri AND FEEDERrt. KM 00 I tb4 tl 16 14 74 4 44 HO to 1 104U S 4V 4.. 4.. 14. HOUR Shippers failed to get in very heavily and what hogs they did buy 1 . .. i . . , .1 L, 1 .. r L . L. r . r n IWKDU .IVUI." IU"I . . ..O M'M,,J... ....... on the other hand, anxious for the good, I Rochester ..... weighty huga, and started out buying Savannah .... them on a pretty close to steady basis. Norfolk After the most urgent orders were Pooka ne , filled values weakened somewhat, but, Wichita anything desirable in the weighty line, Macon did not soil over a nickel lower at any Oakland time. -Jcranton On the mixed and light grades, how- Peoria ever, there was a decidedly lower ten- New Haven . (lency right from the start, and a Rioux City . general thing these kinds aolJ fcrjlO; flrand Rapids lower, snd movement wss slow at th:i, 'Pvracuee ieapecially In the case of lights, in fact, w nerever iney cuuiu uuyera utiiuiin,n the light kinds and the result waa that the close found a good many hoga lack ing in weight unsold. A good many ot these had never been bid on, while where offers were made sellers thought them Ha- or more lower. Bulk of all the sales landed at S6.1S.) 6 50. with quite a eprlnkllng of lignt fr-ni 1., 1., down. 1 ops rearnea a nioavi 7 , . . i .. t,iuk I ; J below turday Uepresentative aaiea: Ku. A Hb. Pr. Ht, At. fis. Pr. ....11 14 ....lit 4 4 20 ....14 lau 4 ....til " 4 it ,...4 40 ill ....U ltu 4 94 ...141 ... I 10 ...IU4 40 4 14 .. HI MO 4 10 .. HZ M 46 . . 10 4 14 ...IM ... I 16 (I.. 41.. 47.. 75.. to.. pioa. a 1$) ... 6 24 14 17 ... 4 U Ill ... I 4 44 194 ... 4 -a) SHEEP Sheep and lamb receipts were the lightest for a Monday in a long tlinn. but were fairly liberal for thla aeason of tha year, r.sliinatea called for forty -five cara. or 10. Jw head. This is t.0 smaller than laat week and 6.UUU short ot two weeks ago. but mure tban twice as iargs as for the same day last year. Lamba were in good requeat from the outset, and sold fairly rnadlly at prices that were generally lo4ji5c higher than Thursday. Valuea were uneven and were quoted aa anywnere from atrong to 10c up In some rases tt as much as a quar ter higher In others. A top of $9 00 was made early, and bulk aold upwards from U 75. Trade, showed a very fair degree of activity and a good clearance was mao long before noon. Prices were all of MaUlc above Thursday, looking on paper even more than that. There was noth ing here Friday, and while prices were quoted nominally ateady It waa believed that had anything shown up It would have received at least part of tha ad vance scored today. Muttons were In fair supply and ewea ahowed about the aame gain aa was quoted on lamba. that 1b lur5c. Oood ewes set a new top of $6.10, while sums m 111 T- f I 4lg i 1 I ' " '1 " , I'll l all- In wr on th whol limited and In- fl,rinTf,l!imh:h; m hetter auPpiy I than on most day last week, but round a good outlet at ngure tnai were a d!ma or more above quotation last Fri day. Oood 2-pound feeding lamha aold at !... while others of a fleshy sort made $26 Quotation on aheap and lamb; Limbs, inmi IT) "n"!'". i. -i - i,iii.a, inn in rood. ""i o: 'arrma, reeners. w rer . n..ii.n .ir -vi- tt -Ae7 it. No. Av. Tr M Idaho ewea SM Idaho lamb S7 fed lambs 151 fed lambs .10 . : , 7 . PO . 7R . TS . 74 ... I , 9 Ifiw native lamb W4 fed lamb CHICAOO LITR gTOCK MARKET Cat la gtroaar -H-a Weak 9hee rmaettleal. CHICAOO. rae, 12 OA TTLK Re oelpta, 2O 0HO head: market, strong: Chr - ma beave Ill OVril W; native beef steers. t6.MM0.7f; wealem teera, I.S1 s cow ana neirera, J. iivxn.". caivea. S..7RifPI r lI,u la D.nnl. OA AAA I. -. J weak at Sc advance: bulk of aale. litXWT 60: llaht B.: mixed 1FvMW7 60: heavy. HV1MM.76: rough. M IMN.30; Pig. 14 ZRHMW. SHEEP AND UMPS-Reretpta, T7,oo bead; market unaettled; weihera. WlWif : ". KIMM H; lamb. $7 inrg 60. . Inla Llrf Stock Market. lyOT'IB. Pee. IS CATTLE Re- celPts 7 600 head: market higher; n.tlvj beef steer, r fr"r'V ? arl ng tee.rs anH rl and helfera. 11 6t&' 10.10: row. IS 60W7.0D rtookar and feedera. 6.0rrr7.tR: southern steera, $5 .26tra.f: cows and heifers, $4.09 4jVM); native calvea $6 .OOjTlO.50. HOils- Receipt. II. soo hean: market, higher; plga anil 1'shta, SS.264K.Sa: mixed end butchers. t6.Sntfii.70; good heavy. $4.6 HH KFP AND L.A M HP rtecetpts, !.! head; market, steadv; yearling. $6 50 7 60; lamba. $8.00!.2d; sheep and ewe. $5.6otK.50. Kanaaa City I. Ire gttx-k Market. KANSAS CITY. Pec. 1$ -CATTLE Re celpt. 18,000 head: market pteady: prime fed ateer. f9.26flM0.00; dreaaed beef steer. IT.OOijTO.OO; western steer. $6.2.'- 8.26; stockera and feeders. $S.?5IJ.00; bull. 4.rtlV00; calvea, IR.OOflO.lO. HOOS Receipts, 14.0U) head; market, steady: bulk of sales, 16 2MT6.46; heavv. inSifKSO: packer and butchers 6.80f 6.50: llirhta. 16HW.40: nig IS OO.0O. SHEEP AND LA MBS Receipts 11.010 head: market ateady; lamba, U.2XT9.to; yearllnr r!754T7.M; wethers, $."i.T5!.&0; ewes, $5.2504.10. ilxat f Ur I. Ire Vtoek Market. prOI'X CTTT, la.. Deo. lS.-CATTUi: Recelpta. 4009 heid: ma'ket 10ltl5e higher; native steer, X6.nnf7.40- nutchera. lAftv 6.f0: western leers, SJ.8OC7.40; cows and heifers. $4.50W.25; canners. $S.80TJ4.25; bulls. saga etc.. H.0Ofi6.M. HOOS Receipts. 4.500 head; market 6c lower: heavy, $6.15!.30: mixed. 9HOO$fa.l6; light. $5.7FM.0O; bulk of sale. $.0f(BV20. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelpta. 1.000 head; market steady; ewes, 3.00igS.75; lambs, $6.60tf4.7S. St. Joaenfc Llv Btook Market. PT. JOSEIPH. Dec. 12 CATTLE Re ceipts. I.60O head; market strong; steers, $6.5Otb9.0O: cows and heifers, $1.50.&0; calvea. $6.0n(fr9.00. HOGS Receipts, S.OOO head; market lower: hulk of sales. $6 SMr6 SO. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4,000 head; market steady; lambs, $8,004, SO. Stock In lht. Receipts of live stock at tha five principal western markets yesterday: watiie. nogs, nneep South Omaha 6.6T0 8 700 10,800 Chicago 20(100 60,001) r,000 St. Louis 7.600 12.800 1.600 Ksnsas City 18.0u0 14,010 H.OW Sioux City 4.000 4.500 1,000 Total recelpta 38.100 45,600 70,109 Bank Clearings Bank clearings In the United States for tha week ending December 9, aa reported to Bradstreet's Journal, New York, ag gregate H$5,680,000, agatnat $4,92u,771.0u0 laat week and $2,782,4X0.000 in this week laat year. Canadian clearings aggregate 1122(1140.000. aa aicalnat I'Jje.BrU.Ouo laat week land $148,423,000 In this week last year, jand laat, with percentage of change ahnwn this week as compared with this week last year: Towns. Inc. Deo. New York Chicago ' Philadelphia . Boston Ht. Louis Kansaa City ,. Pittsburgh .... Ran Francisco Baltimore .... Minneapolis .. Detroit Cincinnati .... t2.591.1F,00O U.S... 8n,476,0Ull 22.6... 210.99i.OX) 61.41... 1H3.6M.000 46. S ... 91,S8.flin 21.0... M.472.0IO 19.6... 67,565,0(10 86. S ... '..710,0iyi 28.4... 44,979.01)01 25.6. 44.769.0uul 32.3, 82.277 ,onr 63 V , 80.670,0001 29.91. Its.arH.onol M.S. I 'levels nri .f I Orleans ' AHA jMllwaukea .... . A t lan ta 24,K!.t) I 23.4W.(lfl0 28.9! 20. 817 .000) 12.91 17,961,0T)j 21.267,0001 S!.S! 16.84fl.0OOi 32.4 12,778,0001 11. S 13.74,0nn 84.3 18.oi8.0n0l 32.8 10,567,0001 1.8 11.972.0001 26 9 12.284.001) 1 56.2 16.482,0001 06.7 9.4H4.m 72.71 .3M6.0nOI 36 8 li.r.ooo) H. it 8 6'.7.flf 21.21 11.842.OuM 40.5! H, fcHT,0(yH .71 8 17S.00"1 41 V 8.3O6.00OI 17.SI S.KM.nul I S.S 12 146.W). 67 . .jM,onol S4.8I 6. 907.0001 is. $l 7, .rtril 61.11 11,454.0001 lCaJ.ll j.wx.nrwl ifi.r d at) fi .9l 6.117. nooi $.6I 4.427.0nf .t 4 H.nKV tl 4.W1.0O0I 18.41' 4 14,(innl 17.01 8. !7H.oflO T.0I 4 nno wl I 3.646.0001 11.01 4U4 (ml M il 4oil.flnnt sn.71 1911.4M4M g 11 dyneml 11.61 I. on arm 12.41 17-wntnl 8S.1'.,.... argnivk A.1I ,llulsvllle I f -V . Buffalo Pt. I-aul Portland, Ore.. Denver , Houston Richmond Indianapolis ... Providence .... Fort Worth Washington, D. C. Memphis Pt. Joseph .... K'oliimhiis Nashville Albany Halt I-ake City Toledo De Moines .. i Hartford ir...l..tk ..I ,.l I Jacksonville Fla Birmingham I Austin t Snrlnsfleld, Mass..' Worcester , Chattanooga .., Oklahoma City. Tsyton t't'e Rock ... Taeoma, Lincoln i 1441 .ants 40.8' I tro mm jn tl "j i ii nrml 1 ' "j 141 (WW J7.8I " 4 (rt'vol (1 91 . 1 inysfinnl 181 . l(tnnO' 6.8' Iaat week a. Local Itorkt tail Bawds. Quotation rarnlahaS ar Hums nrtnkar A Co., ft Omaha National tack buiinas. Hnrka D Aakad. 14H l M4 S71t 104 iat na HI 44 a 4 ' M in loa 41H 111 114 714 ttu f 41, 14 t rr lan m its 11a im 1 Ranker Mart Loaa iwrt a O. K" Faineant rye aw , afd H. V. Oonnrtoh Unrota Tal. Tal . com Kanaaa Cliv Btr. efd Muuaiata tnalaa Tat. A Tal M stau Tl., all Matlnnal mA Cn Omaka A B. FI Rt . f4 rtniaka A C. H Ry a B.. pf Suiinurvar A pM t'nlna Riork Tarda gtoek Walttmora Oht n R. Itef W nu mf Omaha, Watar 4U.a. 1W .. ni. at (Willi Suol 414a. 14 la sa 14 a tat aa 14 n caiarnharlaln. a. D.. school a. lr n raan ai-nnol aa. ia4 optional 14 14 W 'V1 naa FUaltr 4a. ir-1 1 rtouvla Oannt 4a tat "". r., n. v a a a . ta it ir i. a rv i- Llnaoln Ta Trl a. ltu na ana'ea ltM 1m AneilN attlirv ta '"w. i.nnr UrM la. .... nanha a ' t. Rt. a 114.... ty kk. 4". rta "aaw(ail Co Jaa., 191 4". . wl r. la. '44 4 a-4 la ' at j. a "4 1 It a-u V 11 -af 4Ua. Warar Woaiila 1" Wlrklta Valoa Plerk TarSa ta. 11'. 1 r. o 4 M"-1'-. NEW YORK. Dec 11. DRY QO")D Pntioa rood qule end steady. Yarn were firm tday Raw Uk easier. Irea goods tended to higher level. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET 1 Diplomatic Situation Results in a Listless and Heavy Session. DECLINE IN S. STEEL NEW TORK. Dec. 11 Washington firm attitude toward Vienna regarding Anoona furnianea tne for todays iiaue ii.nMti nrtre. the gain eonoentratad Its attacks upon Fnltad Ptates cieei ana such other leader aa the Pacific group of ralla. also Reading and Baltimore ana i Ohio, berimes in these Issues -mended ) nathetln decline In ginore-a I Issues. The more prominent war share i Bethlehem 1 Ateel. An one sale ilmMwil IS rmlnts to t ' were i 10 a point lower. cr 1. 1 1 1. - 456. and the preferred lost flva at 1M. 1 Later Bethlehem common railed to 4f alien to w I is mpanT ' and. c.onstl- I usnrrmi jtioxora ci '11 III mi'ii ferred. fltudebaker and Txa the latter selling ex-dlvldnd. tuted the only atrong feature of tha l '"iwiinii ririnnu m a vl 1 i iv mmiwi m puiiiip. , I " Among high priced specialties, Amfri J ,V run Tonc. o ma the weak featura, su I an staining an axtretne loaa of nine points at " " with avm sesaion wnicn lapaea inio mmpi-m m- ' . - . , r(rt . ,u nation and low.at prlraa In the final turned, ah was horrified to find the hour. Total sale amounted to 375,000 , boarder attacking the Innocent child, ahares. Frank hurriedly Ted when Mrs. A development of broad financial In- , v. (r -hi terest waa the decline In exchanire on Henlssyn appeared. The woman Immedl Oermany to TTVfc, the lowest rau quoted ately called the polio and thirty mln slnoe the outbreak of the war and prob- utw t,P Dateetlras Olllen tmd Allen ably In the hiatory of bank relatione be- .... . . ., tween thla oenter and Berlin. All other ad tha man under arrest at the police, forms of foreign remittances were lower, station. Tha Child, tha oldest of the Cahlea announcing be attention of the tnrr wa taken to tha office of Dr. B. British chancellor of the exchequer to . -v.. . - ,,. .k. i-e r,,,rK.. Amarioan aacurlt ea. paying for , F. Bhanahan, who found that she r- . h.m in rivs vear I Mr rent treasury bond confirmed recent reports of a general mobilisation" of suoh secur ities now held In Great Britain. Anglo-French bonds repeated last weeka low price of 94 for future de. livery while cash trades were effected at 98 and 'regular way" Tha gen eral bond Hat was under constant pres sure Total sales per ralua aggregated 12,!0.000. . . . Unit ad Stat registered four advanced half per cent on call. .. . Number of sale and leading- quotations on stocks wera aa lollowo: HIH. Jl '.I. w. v.- AUattl Oal Allts-Otalnwei Aaierliwa Mt this'.... Amvrlnaa Ca American Lotvmotlv .... Amsrlmn S A K. Am. K. R. pM Ai. Suaar Retlnlai .n tH 11 i l.to m i.tuo tH es l.wn wj HH 17 ne in iu m ant )l U 11414 I. m is im im 4 7w u m ri II. 600 KM M MV4 1.100 K lH 1W T.toe nisi inii iwsk 4.4TO 114 M Si an 4 4 47 SO MI4 MM MM l.ana JH M MV4 a r i7ti nH Amertoaa Tal. Tl Ami-a Tnhaon Aaaaa Cepyar AtrMSM B.l.wla Ixwomotlv Baltlaxira Okie nwtaietiMn ateel Braoklra Hat Tr , Calirnrnla PMrnieuai raaaaiaa Pacin 17H 17v li 1V Ontral iMItar nnauwm Ohio tiicao o. w. t,10 H UKO tt l It 1 H U0 17 I ana n S !( .us n 4 14 144 4, niloaa , r r-blnaao. R, I. A f. Rr. ) IT Chine Ooppar 41V4 ItU 1044 11 VI (lraSa Ful e) Irea..., Oraelbl (! rTer A It. ox Dutlllany BMnarltlea ..... Brl A.m MH 4 U 1. 40 44 41 4 4V4 Oaneral RSwitrl , Oeaat North M treat Na. Ora etfa l.im 1 IS 1S4V4 lano 1.000 471 4T Oiiuanhalm awsioratiaa. Illinois (Astral 107 Inlarbi-anMicli lon. corp. tlH II 4a4 lia 1114 4M4 II Inaalratloa Cop ear 4 1 lataraatloaal Harvaatw... aw 110 Kansas CMr 44atbra 1.1 1 nk H o 3 1hlra yaiiar IniltTllle Kaanrllla.. Mailraa Petratanai MMunl Cappar MiMoarl. K. T. std... Mlaanwii Paaina National Bleeatt iai 'mi Sit M II 'iiio "iii i 8 131 4.1 National umi Wtlal M4 .. SlwTerkantrai '. 14'.w 10H N. T . H H H s 741 Nwrfolk Weatara I 181 4 1444 Wm KX4j 1044. 74V6 744 1T 1t Nonhara raatna Fantfle Mall , Pacific Tal. ft Tal Fannarlvaala i Inllniaa Palaaa Car.... .Ray Can. Ooepar Raadlnc (Raevblla Traa A SjUal... f4Miibara raelfla oauura Railway tnSabakar Onmaaay .... Tana CVer-ar , Taa Omipanr Tntoa f-aolna t'nlna Paaina yfA lialt4 taaa SAaal v. a. ai gfa t'tah rbmr Wastara Ualaa Wastlnstiouaa gllsclrl ... Mnntana Paarar Oanaral Vntor Wbaah M Intarnatlnnal Marina Bf. 170 11M4 1144 1HH S.sM 11 II 11 4V n t M14 W na uc lttu. m S.tnil M 944 414 ytne ai44 iS kv I on us M44 4114 4.TO inau iso ia 4 too oh 114 SJ.eno 1M 1H 114 4a M4 Mia t l.sw (1414 in in 11 too 11714 19ii 1H SM 44 41 8V4 rt.na mh tt rbH l.Tna nau na in 4. TO TH Ttj 7MJ 7ii 'isti i '"irw '' 64" 641 1 to 1H M4j 1" 4 too T4 a 144 Total aala for tha day. 471. M vh.raa New York Moaor Market. NEW TORK. Dee. II. MERCANTILE PAPWR SHi per rent. 8TERLINQ EXCHANGE Sixty - day bill, $4.7126: cables. $4.71 SILVER Bar. 56c; Mexican dollar. 2BOND8 Oovemment, firm; railroad, tVm'e LOANS-Easier; sixty days. t9 TVk per cent; ninety days. tS4?2 per cent; six months. lfl per cent, CALL MONET-teady; high, t per cent; low, 1 per cent; ruling rata, 1 per rent; last loan, I per cent; closing bid, 1 per cent; offered at 1 per cent. Closing quotations on bonds today were as follows: tl. a. rat. la. raa.... 94 Ms. Paa ev. as.... 44 4a eaaaoa 4 N. T. C. Aak. .... Ill V. g. ta. raa M141N. T. OIIT 414 104V4 oa aa-uooa WI14M. Y. atata 4S4....UZw U. 6V 4. raw 110 'H T.. N. H. A M. On eauea 11 T. 4 11 Faaaoia aa maa..ini4 Na. Peatft 4a. tH4 Am. Smaltara ... ll- go at & A. T. T. a. Ia4 H'HO, g. U raf. 4s ta4i Armour Oa. 414.. Pae. T. T 4..... 4 Ati'Jilann an. 4.... 44 rama. eoa. 41 Oii4 Bal. Oht 4a. tl ran. 414 li44 r. Paalfla lal 91 HaaJltn ran. 4a ta (-haa Ohla 4 ... I1V4. U F r. 4a Tl4 C. B. A O I. 4a as Be. Paa. ev. ta lw C M a g F 414 ..ictv, 40 raf. 4s M a 1 m 9 4a. SS.fla. Rallam. la lot :. B. art. 414 . r Palon Parlfle 4a.... S744 D R. O raf. ion. a a:" Rrla n. 4. V. f. gubhar 4.. . .1114 Oaa. Blectrte 4a a4",r. Htwl 4a 11t Ol. Na. lat 414a t4 Wabaak let 4 W11 III. Cam. raf. 4 t wa. I nlaa 4Ha.. 4 a r to. raf. 4a... 4 Waat. Claa. av. ta. .116 1 4 N. unl 4a ... 44AaslavFrBeb ta .... w hi. K. T. lat 4. . 71 BU. roffeo Market. NEW YORK. Doe. It COFFRB The market for coffao futurM was irresruiar today with near months relatively firm on a flurry of covering by December hnrta. while aeneral buslnesa continued nuiet and lata months saned off under acattarlnc llauidatlon. The market opened at an advance of 1 to 7 points, with De cember oontrmct selling up to SSOc. while HeDtamber touched 7 00c Except (or tne near months' covering there waa little dnmand la evidence, however, and lata month aajraed off BliaThtlr during the afternoon, with tbo market eloatng oat 1 rolnts lower to 4 nolnts htgher. hales wera 1009 bag. December, .7ie: January, 6.78c; February. 4.79c; Marra. CTSe; April, 6lc; May. .4c; June, aaac: juiy, .tc; A u rust. 4 Kc: tfeotrmber. f .9Sc: October, 7.02a. Moot, aulat: Rio Is. Tc: flantos 4a, 9c. Few fresh offerings were reported In tha cost and freight market, with quota tions ranging; from about 8.80c to S.l&c for riantoa 4a. Tne official oaoie loportao no change in tne primary maraata, wim mo ezctiansa on ionaoo i-m mgner. Cottom Market. KBW YORK. Doc U.-COTTOK Spot. quiet; middling uplands, lLlAc Ssjea, l.f0 bales. Cotton futuros openoa veal : rocom her 1115c: January. ll.limi.9Sr: March. uiMfii.vrc; Mav, ii.wtTu.jto; juiy, liaxr; ft- .-e 11 M11.90e Cotton future rlooed ataady; Deoena ber. 12.10c; January. 11-16; March, 11.41o; May. U.400; July. 12.74c; October. lfi.Sio. t ottou coaed ateauy at a uk ui tMt 4 nolut today. LIVERPOOL. Dec. U COTTON P pot easier: rood mldailiur, i na: middling, 7.55d; low middling. 77d; sales, 10,0u0 bales. Mt Mark. .m-tff vnoi tv-a ii Mvrrir a t . I". T. , v . . . upa, offered. $6 K. Bpalter. ! 2M16.n. Copper, ateadr: electrolrtlc. ri 7MTa).00. Iron firm No. 1 northern. $18 SfVtflS 75; No. t, Sll.OOrf 14 50: No. I southern. li SOl8.7$' No. I i ti018J0. Tin. qj4et; spot, $17 174 r.l7H At Tondon: Bpot copper, 7 2s aVf; futur-a. 174 12 d; electrolytic, 7 10. 8 pot tn. tim 16s: rituraa, 14 10. Anti 4 , mony, lua. 4aaa. Ui im. opauer, tw. ' "lah-"ia Ittaea, Tl"LBA. Okl.. Dc. IS. OIL Oklahoma crude ell advanced ka: a barrel todajr. The prk.e 1 now l.k). I HAPPENINGS IN THE MAGIC CITY Young Man Arrested on Charge ot Attempting Assanlt on Child. MOTHER WITNESSES ATTACK Caught while struggling; with little ln Henlaryn, S-year-old daughter of Mr. anl Wr n Henlaiyn, proprietors of the R -f xr alrM( itenhen 8w,t no,te' ylB .N.tJl Stephen r ran K waa later arrestea Dy ieieciivra Olllen and Allen of the local force on complaint of the mother of the child and cnargeq wim attempten asaauii. WTill Mr. Henlsxyn, who was horn v k .iiijm. la tba back yard to gather some kindling fop tna kitchen fire. Frank, who Is a for tha kitchen fire. Frank, who Is a ror t tha hotel entered tha kitchen and engaged tha children In a conversa- Vmu when the mother ef tha child re- quired Immediate attention. Two Overco-ta atolen. At tha Btoek Tarda Employe danc ai twenty-fourth and 3 streets. Baturday vantng. two over-ooat belonging to per one who attended wera stolen. Tha management of tha danc haa succeeded In detecting who the parti ea who stole the property ar and haa given warning that mlaat they ar handed over at tha yards office today they will be arrested and prosecuted. It la the Intention of tha yards company to avoid prosecution of tha thMrrea. Prefer Haakatad No. a. Defiantly aaaertlng that ah will not return to her former husband, Constan tino Hernandsa, Mexican resident of Orand Island, Mrs. Samonla Hernandoa la being bald under arrest at the looal polio atatlon chargsd a a suspicious character. Whan the now cam by messenger from Orand Island Saturday that bar real husband whom aha married while Urlruj la Mexico a yaar back, bad sent for her, thinking; that aha waa be ing ana laved aa tha wife of Ghiadalaye Erodta, local Max loan railroad hand, looal police headed by BergeaAt Jama Bhoahan made tha arras t. Mrs. Hernando told looal police that her marriage to her first husband in Mxloo U not binding. Sb said that ah was perfectly coaUntad with hr present buaoand and would rather con tinue to live with him. Sh ha thro children by her first husband, whll Erodta, who la said to have a wife In Mexico, I the father of two more. The roup! hav bean living In a boxcar In Albright. They will probably be turned over to Orand Island police await ing investigation. Wosaom Trowbl Yooaacaltea. "W don't seem to be able to elect women to office who will attend regu larly," Elroy Tibbita, master of cere monies of the local Brotherhood ot American Teaman lodge, said yesterday In pktnT of the election of officer of that fraternity tomorrow evening. 1 gues It la Ilk ail other lodges, though, members will drop away from the regu lar meetings." Tlbbits Is on of ths old-timers In the South Bid and waa one of th first mamber of th Toaman lodge. Leon Auguy, looal harnaaamaker, la honoraoiu for man, th highest office In th lodgv. Th meeting will be bald tomorrow even ing In th Danish Brotherhood hall, 242) N street, at S o'clock. Officer, to b- looted boalde "Lady Rebecca" and "Lady Rowena," ar chaplain, overseer. guard, sentinel and watchman. About IM local resident ar mamber. Bleaalag Make Trip. . J. O. Blesalng, local harness man, is goltur on the first vacation trip of hi life. Th pioneer will travel through Iowa, stopping off to visit with Frank Teaters of Corylon. Ia.. and J. C. O Laser of Maquaketa, Ia. Kaaerai Not lee. Tha funeral of Mra. Pier Bolseree. formerly of th South Bide, who died laat week at tha homo of bar huabanl In Ban Diego, CaL. will be held tomor row morning at I o'clock from th resi dence of her father. Joseph Ouiles, Sarpy county, to ft, Mary church. Inter ment will be mad in 8t. Mary a cemetery. Ussl Chsahsk. T-year-old daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chaahek, Buff town. South Side, died at tha horn ot her parent Baturday evening after a short Illness with pneumonia. Tha funeral will be held thla afternoon at 2 o clock from tha rtaldeaoa. Burial will b mad la tjracolaud Park cemetery. tCaSle Teaaa to Nekrautkm City. Filling a postponed, date arranged soma weak back, tha degra team of th local Aerie of Eaglas will bo to Nebraska City Thursday to initial a large clasa of Dw mmbr into that lodge Thurs day evening. The local team numbers twenty-flv man and ha gained a state wide reputation In initiation art. Mast City Goaalp. Offlo space for rent In Bee office, Uli N aUwet- 'larma reasonable. Well known location. Tel. South 27. The Udle of tne First Christian church will aiva a dinner at Mlolrann a nan. Twenty-fourth and O streets, 'i'nursoay. December la. Tha KnUhta and Ladles of Security olub will meet al the home of Mr. C. Miliar K21 North Twnt v-f ourth street. Wednesday aftarnoon at t o'clock. A tnialnaas meeting of members of the Epworth league of the Grace Methodist church will be held Tuesday evening at the home or Miss Carrie Ana re son, 1414 North Twenty-fifth street. Wadnoeday evening a benefit ball will be given In the Eagle Homo hall at Twenty-third and N streets. A commu tes of local poop'. hav th program in charge. OH sal koala. BAVANNAH. Oa.. Dec It TURPEN TINE Firm at SiVkc: aalea. 19$ bbla. ; re ceipts, S81 bbl.; shipments. 70 bbl:.. stocka. 16.7W bbls. ROBIN Quiet; sales, none; rooelpt. 1.4.;. bbla.; shipments, L1M bbls.; stocks. 77 1 bbla Quotations: A. B, C, D. E and F $6 fcort5; F and Q, $5.66; H. $8.55455 10; 1 t6.7oT K, $6.96.10; M. $4.30. N. $6-i0; VVG. $7.00; WW, $7.36. Lowd.ir. Bloak Market LONDON. Doc. 11. America aecuritie on ths stock market were Utady, In sympathy with New York, today and a fair bualaos was traaaavctad. - - tILV r.K Bar, M u-iuu par ounc. MONEY 64344 per oent- DIHCOUNT RATBS fchort bUl sad I month. SSa7S-ll per oenC tnlj. islOW BjrOSP Waw Tar naark f -" 1 tit - Muwaa waudi an mill sal Has at ptmmm amafe Wis laair awaea ta at a. raara. Oaiilaa la Oia Paaambar tk amua of TH OHO UuT Ut'lgW. Saa4 tar ataiala oaaa. 41 a rwar. raauaha br Joka Muur C. . BraaSaar. Haa Y.irk lt 5 -f s-