fl TTTE HEK: OMAHA, DECEMBER I! WANT AD RATES WANT ADS for the evening edition must reh The Bee Of fit before 12 o'clock noon. WANT APS for th morning nil Bundsr edition must reach The Bee Office before 7:45 p. m. WANT ADS received after these hours wHI make their flirt appear ance under "Too Late to Classify. CASH RATES. On time, i rents a word. Two or more consecutive Times, m rents a word, each Insertion. Seven consecutive limes, 1 cent m ord. uih Insertion. CHARGE RATES. t Ann time 11 rent a line. Three rnriarcutlve times, 10 cents line. such Insertion. Hevrn roneerntlve times, I cents a line earh Insertion Thirty consecutive times, 7 cents a line, each Insertion. Count six vr words to the line. No advertisement taken for e than 20 cents. NOTICES. Cards of Thanks, Death, runerel and Lodite Ntic. 10 rents a Una each Insertion. Minimum charge M cents. Pertics advertising In these rol iimna anil having their answers addressed In care of The Be will F lease auk for carda to enabla hem to ret their lettera, as nona will be delivered except on pre sentation of carda. An advertisement Inserted to ha run until discontinued must be stopped by written order. The Fee will not he responsible f-ir more than the first Incorrect Insertion of any advertisement. Tha pee reserves the rlirht t rebwt or rewrite all advertise ments. You can plsee yo'ir wsnt ad In The Dea by telephone. TELEPHONE TYfiEK. 1000. DEATHS ADD rTKERaL NOTICES CLARK Almlra P.. passed on December 12, 191R. aged M yeara. Funeral service at ' residence of her son. Dr. Zora D. Clark, SKfl South Thirty-second atreet. Tuesday, 2:30 P. m. In terment, Arapahoe, Neb. IfOTTCK Ahbert pT,dled Sunday at Ma home of heart failure, 2M3 Emmet Funeral services will be held Tuesdsy at I p. m., at First Methodist church. Interment In Mount Hope cemetery, trlenda are Invited. Union Fselflo pensioners are requested to attend tha funeral of A. P. llourk at the First Methodist church on Tuesday at 1 p. tn. J. W. MIAYNARD, Beo'y. WALTCUP Arthur Waldo, aged 8S years, Funeral frorri Hoffman's Funeral Home Tuesday at 8:15 a. m. to Sncred Heart church at . Interment at Holy Sepul" her cemetery. CARD OF THANKS. WB wish to eitend our alncera thank; to our many friends and Knights of Pythlaa lodge for their sympathy ""own and flowera given at the death of our Hu e Elisabeth Virginia. .,.. B. C. BRAOON1RB AND WIFE- BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Theodore and Louisa Aufen herge. 31 Mason, girl; Walter and Anna Bernhardt. rtoum 7., . -n. uih i,vlnn ikul Burdette, boy; Oannaro and Ilosle Corao. 1S3 8otn Twenty-fourth, boy; Hugh and Lula Cle- land, Twenty-sevenin ana ari. 4-:mli and Catherine Kratida. Wl Bouth sixteenth, boy; Earl and lsabell Le. H33 Anarica V , L " , K. (-, I XXZ'JZV .d Monroe boy; Ied bT and Freda Chernlss. 1SH oulh Twenty- fifth, boy; Frank and Bertha Kocourek, 1HS BUUtq i "ruin, r' i , y . Nancy A. Iledllnger, i North Twenty- first, boy; Michael and MWry Olddlnga. 4nS!7 South Twenty-sixth, girl: Ernest and 1M Bouth iweirtn, Doy: niinmii i. Harry and Annie Penchansky, 1436 North I Sixteenth, girl. . i Knesaeek. 7. 1317 South Third: Charles McCarthy.' 80. 1310 South Fifth: Harold W. Ihman, 2. IMS Wirt: Kave Berl'nt, 44. IMA ITlondo; Florence Slosburg, , IM0 Capitol avenue; Hubert Brennan, 8, 8728 Houtn rweniy-sevenin;,. Demur. l0?.. 4'v3fiAg M"rle,': vl I u ki'aJo.T dell, 72, 6008 Csss; John Yost. M. hospital. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following permits to wed haveVbeen Issued: Wama end Residence. Age. Vhnll II tlanann. Ilnldresa 23 Bertha Flodman. Omaha 2e Jr. Ttavnor. Merrill. Ia ever 21 Mary Zelenka, Le Mara, la over 18 John H. Andrews, Omaha 23 Martha Kloaaner. Omaha II George Starnea. South Omaha..... 22 viiiiWih Mack. Bouth Omaha K TODAY'S MOVIE PROGRAM Disiltwi. EMPRESS 15 & DOUGLAS ITearst-Sellg. No. M. Wssted lives. A boclety Hchemer. The Merry Models. VK1NQES3. 1817-18 DOUGLAS. Lottie Plckford and William Ruesell In "Curley," a drama of the Underworld, In 4 acta. The, Army vs. isevy foot ball same played Nov. 27. only pictures taken. Cissy Fltsgerald In ''Curing Clssv, comedy. Nartk. GRAND, 16TH AND BINNET. ng "Friends of the Sea." 2 reela. "Altnost a Widow." Doctor Jerry." ileorge Ovey. Mutual Weekly No. 41. LOTHROF, J4TII AND LOTHROP. Paramount Travel Pictures. France X. Bushman and Beverly Bayne Providence and Mra. L'rmy." "Out for a htroll,'1 1-reel comedy. la losik APPOLO, "Chip of Flying "V." 8-reel Sellg. West. ilONROE, 3S65 FARNAM -Midnight at Maxims," four reels. po- taculr Broadway favorite feature. ure. Frtlth s-4orey in ' Loves W ay, eon eomedr. CESSE. S4TH h N. ICarl M'llllams and Anl'a Stewart, in Chapters I and I of "The Uoddees," In ec'1'Mo- to the reyiilsr program OKHli-LM. 14X11 AND Midnight at Maxims," 4 reels. ANNOUNCEMENTS riRiIhJAAftl'B "Lucky Wedduig I inn at J -.in sna ixiuKiaa sua Ak.i-.CiCli AT Y.M.C.A-Buslua lueo. k- i. i at an t-i nnanna.1 : ,,ii i - - - - ii. ir Knrital- Hahv Petersen 8 ery . business: will Invoice for about if tllnneV- Norman Wlthey.V 11 ar "'""f- ,her business r"i wtrt- Mar Ryai 7v hospRal- Anna requlrea my attention; 7or further lnfur- MOVIES FEATURES TODAY BE88E. 24TII ft N Chapter 1 and I, In 'The Goddess." A NTVOTJNCEMENTS Lease For Sale on two offices nicely located on second floor of The Bee Building Inquire of the Superintendent, Room 103. CHIROPRACTIC, spinal adjustment. I ran successfully remove the cause of rheumatism, liver, atomaeh. paralysis, nervousness and female weaknesses. Ex amination free. DR. W. II. KN0LLENBER0. Bulla 811 Bee Bide Tyler 1934. AUTOMORIIJ-ia WIimimw you are considering- selling or buying a used car and you want full ralue for your money or you want people who are willing to pay for what they are getting you will have no regret If you buy or advertise through the used car column of The I tee. Phone Tyler 1000. 00 MILKS of mileage In your'old times tttanuiitl. 6enu n.ou tu k 1 ,.. 1(11 Chicago St i !ndutrlalGarageCo., 20 A Harney Sts. FnR"fiALrc-"l912 Cartercar, good" condi tion, right price. Call 1). Mkii. Address MeHhsne Motor Co., His Farnsm. NKBHAHKA Huh k Service Station. 11 Farnam Pt Phone Douglaa 721. Ali TO. clearing house. Huy, sell and if ahange u: d cara. tX aroanv D. liA 1100 RKWAHD for any maaneto wa can t repair Polls repd Bayadorfe,. 810 N. IM h. BRl'HH runabout, cheap. Omaha Con crete Htone Co., 2Hth and Hahler His. Telephone Colfax W. 5lKK-txl, t1.76' 30xi, &.-,; guaran teed Z.U; limited number at this price, Zwlehel Hros., 2flH Fsmam. D. 4871 FOR 8AL,kV-Flve-iasainKer Krlt auto; In rood condition: run about t.(H miles: also a twin cylinder Pope motorcycle; cheap. Tel. Banaon Kl-W. ncsiNicss cn.WCES Local Manager Established Illinois manu facturer desires state man agor; man of ability and character; product protected by patent; high class, sold to mercantile trade; re peater; party meeting our requirement must be able to deposit fGOO on goods, which will be returned later on sales; minimum, annual Income 18,000 to $7,000 should be assured; president of company here. For Interview phone L. W. IIAGO, Rome Hotel. Omaha. THEATERS Buy. leaaa or sell your the- ter. machine, and suppllea through Theater Kxcn. Co.. iw Farnam. l. imw, I j,our Business Chanoe will stand ngia investigation ana u just won it is iur.iiiiiuii .nu w ju. wfc v im advertised, or If you ale looking to start n business for yourself you will be per- fectly satisfied If you use the Business mg or aiang a business Phone Tyler 10U. FOR KALE Drug store. In good south Dakota town, Nyal agency, clean stock with Jewelry department, will accent small piece of land In deal. Addrtss Y jar,, Hee filfF CHor real satata or Insurance: m 1or B otfl Uxll test; 830. Th. y-. Mda.. Office Boom tut. TO BELL or buy a business, call en Blisch 4k Porghorr, Frenser Blk. I). 131. vant to leaaa my ahop and garage and sell my tools and stock of aooda on hand. A fine location. Write me at onoe. J. C. Klrkpatiick, Athelstan. Ia. Office For Real Estate or Insurance Same floor as Bee Office The Bee Building Office lioom 103 AHVC for my Real Estate Bulletin. It Includes larceal and best list or bar gains In 81 states. W. U. Tetnpleton. Ml nee Hide. FOU etALai Restaurant in a wide-awake tpwn, doing good bualness. For Infor mation write T 1S3, Bee. t2.6u0.0O stock of dry goods for sale cheap JSnfi'' stock must b Co., Lyons, Neb., owners. TO OET in or out ot business call oa OANOKWAO, 42 Bee lildu Doug. 34, 8K.K Omaha Theater Supply Co. for bar gaina In estariiiahed ahn( I. Jffl. I LIST your business with me for quick results: puy, sen and eicnange. RELIABLE BARGAIN CO.. Room 3. Balrd Bldg. Tel. Dougiaa K20. 17TI4 A Nil IIOUI1UAB BTS. ROOMING IIOtSES )MH SALE. SiX.ROOM. team-heated flat- 8. IS I EDUCATIONAL The VAN SANT SCHOOL 8TENOORAPHT BOOKKEEPINQ, Dav School for Young Women. Evening bebool lor Young Men and women. balutday morning class in typewriting. Iom C Duffy, Owner and elanagsr. IM 8. Wth 8t. Omaha. DAT SCHOOL BOY LES COLLEGE. NIGHT 8CUOOL. a- . . 11 . ... Jtm U 1. kaeDlnc Khortbsnd. btenotypy. Typewrit, Uig, Telegrapny. uvii oervice va.ii oiu merclal and svngusn brauccea. v-aiaiogua tree. Uth and Haraey bis. Tel. Douglas lwift. BUSINESS COLLEGE STUDENTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSES. For ami, wiin good reasons for selling. a vark-iy of courses tn a reliable Busi ness behoof, one of the leading buamesa colleges of Omaha. Will be sold very reasonable away oeiow regular price. If you are considering taking a courae U. Invssttgaie this at once, since Fall term begins soon. i'l oirice, uinana tee FuH sale, the following scholarships In a fini"clas Omaha Business Collrga: One unlimited combiualloa busiueas and shun hand course. One unlimited stenogrsphic oourse. C'ue three-iuontiis' buaiueaa or sitae- grsphla course. mii v sola at a aueuuni at tba offke 1 a', tu OuiaJ- Use, K)lt HALE fr LH.1l I t HK, BARGAINS IN FURNITURE AND HARDWARE. 1M9 N. 24TII WEB. W. HR SALE Here Is a rlsasirtcation that la of the utmost Importance to every reader, as this column offers soma exeep llonnl opportunities eery dsy and a Small want sd will sell your article at Its Hill value, phone Tyler 1.0o I)rski bought and sold. J. C. Heed, 1lBIs 127 Farnam ft. Douglas ai4. HORSES AMI vKllltLES. FARM wagon. M; harness, l: both new. Jnhnsnn-Danforth Co., lth and Clark Streets. BAR IAIN for raVli, t "matched pnlrs of full-hlood Rclglitn nisrea. fi snd 6 years old, weighing lbs : also mv gentle driving horse. ldy owner, 124 H. Stth. JI'HT frorn-tharniintr.v, three farm mares from l.Utii to l.M Ihs.. from t to 11 yeal s. Will sell c heap. 201 3I lo'tglas. ThAM of horses, weighing I.) "pounds apiece, one years old, the oilier years: waaon snd harness. Zl-v Deca tur. Wehter B317. LIK STOCK. WANTED TO BTIT Fresh milker. Tel. Walnut 132. cow, rich I'OlXTHl AND l-IOT STOCK. MXD grain. 100 Ihs I1.7R. Wagner. M N.1. Tl PKWHITKRS. RF.LIANrE Rlhhon and Carbon Co., car bon paper and Inked rlobona L. l-'ti. TTPEWK1TKHH tor rent If Bee Hlrtg. TYl'EWHITElta sold, lented. repaired. Central T)wwrtter Kr. iwifi Farnam. Ml .KLIiAKUlS. Ffttt KAI.E New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; par uxiures oi an sinus; easy payments. i na riiin.wii.. Bslke-Oi. Mender Co . 4"7-409 8. Pth Ht. (INK Young Oak soft coat stove for sale, IMiO. phone Ked 7W4. FOR HA I.B Concrete mixer, run by 1 II. P. engine, side loader, all on truck; nearly new; all tools go with mixer, or will trade for 191T. Ford car; must be In good condition. Address C. E. Lunberry, Craig. Neb. I'hone M. w. New Drrinil-IHI1U IMVluie, u J iiaiiitia. magnetos, etc.. mechanical retmlrs. T.e Br on Electiia Works X1H-21 fl. 12th Bt. CHHI8TMA8 trees from Puget sound, where they grow to per fection. For tl I will send, all charges prepaid, a carefully selected freshly cut, cleanly fragrant Douglas fir, feet high, guaranteed to reach you on time. In good condition, and to please you, or your check refunded. My dad has for many years shipped csrloads of of these trees to satisfied cus tomers all over the country, so I know what I am doing. Pack age of genuine F-ngllsli holly with orders received -by Decem ber 17. It. W. I ay. 811 L)W Ave., Taooma, Wash. 1 elertrio motors. Room 5. Bee Bldg. TICKET printing National cash register, onoap. pnone I'ougiss if. FOR BALE New and second-hand oarorn and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleva en, I aeceaaorlea: bur fixtures Of all kinds; easy payments, xne oruuwii.. Balke-Collender Co.. n- B. 10th at. 15 baskets delivered, $1; Illinois L JCl7 I n"t or lump, 5.50 per ton. ". B1SL FOHTV Hart tfcliaffnar A Man BUlta, small sixes: taken on a aont; regular retail price IS. aa long as they last at I9.CH. Cackley Bros., opposite "Stornce. , FOR SALE CHEAP. Business College Course. Full and complete scholarship In ona of the best Omaha bualness schools. Oood reason for selling; perfectly relia ble: worth full price, but wll be sod very reaaonaby. If Interested Investigate at once, because fall term begins soon. There are a variety of courses for sale. For particulars Inquire at the office of i ns iimana nee. IIKLP WVTKl FEMALE CLERICAL AND OFFICE. STENOGRAPH ER. MS, WATTS REF. CO.. KvMO-42 Brandels The FACTORS' AND TRADES. GIRL, to learn halrdresslng. Oppenhelm. DOMESTICS. THE Servant Qlrl Problem Solved. The Bee will run a Servant Ulrl wanted Ad FREE until you get the dial red results. This applies to residents of Omaha, South uiniUin ana council Miurrs. tiring aa to The Bee office or telephone Tyler 1W. W ANTF.l M.iidle aged lady for go: sral nounework, I in tnmllv nougias alt. WllNTKD A girl for general house work to go home nlKhts; none but good girls need apply. ir.l N. lltth. WANTED A competent girl for gen- ersl housework to go to Lincoln; no WHShinc: good WHBes. Har. Sml. vXnTKD Experlenied Klrl lor general housework, small family : no washing; 5 ood wages; nice room with bath. Ad ress Mil Woolworth Ave. MIDDLE-AGED lady to help with light housework and to be companion for an elderly lady; Just one In the family; no wagrs ekpected. Web. I13j. 2764 Orand. WANTKD Experienced white, girl for seneral Housework: small lami.y gooa WHues; washing done. Wal. 3. 614 A aaa. WANTED An exi'riiiced houaeinald; no eookina or laundry work. Private family, K per week. Mrs. John L. 1 - ,.. Il'-l-nl t k WAITED kxperlenced white girl for general housework where a second mam Is kept. Omaha referencea required. Wanes 87.00, Call Mrs. W. K. MegeAth, Harneyosi v ANTED Cuinputvnl girl for general housework; no upstairs work to Qo. 108 Bouth 3Kth ft. WANTED Comieient floor maid. Apply Clarkson Hospital. WANTED Experleiurd maid for general housework: must be good cook; no laundry. 4I B, Mh Hi. liar. Soou. WANTED White girl for general house work: 8 In family; plnln cooking and no la undry. Web. 17m. 3722 N. litth Bt. TWO nice. neat, colored women for kitchen helpers: steady Job for the right parties. Apply to Arthur W. Bran- heni. Box Me. ioa urove. ia. VANTKI A second girl, ii-4 Faruam. Tel. Marney8."2. WANTED Oood girl for geueral houses work, small family; fore'gner preferreeTT Red ii-7. 713 N. 3Hli 8t. WANTED At once. oung nurse girl to take care of 8-year-old boy; good home and wagea to right party; no telephone calls answered; must apply In pereou. 618 N. 4oth rit. WANTED irl for general housework, sinslt family, good a;es. IPS B. bth Bt. WANTKl A white girl foT general housework. 84U4 llaathorne Ave. WaU m. WANTED Neat girl for general house work, foreigner preierrea. sal b. 3-d Ave. Harney 4EW. WANTED AT ONCK Olrl for general housework; Harljat 83fnnKt. WANTEI A girl for general' house work: small house; small adult faintly. 114 N. Xh Ht, OIRL for general housework. 7 a meek; no washigjiocooktiig. t'sss Bt. wTNTKa Competent girl for general h o u se w ork. Har. 2 1 04 J0 8 .SM hA ve WANTED AT ONCK A white second girl with references, inuel like child- dren. nar. -e - 1 as ni -..-. .. b. ' TfOM EN Become government clerks: 170 n..mh Write immediately. Franklin Institute. Iep't 6M. K. Rochester. NY. YOUNil women coming to Omaha aa strangers are Invited to visit the Your Women's Christian Association liulldmg at 8t. Mary'e Ave. and 17th 8t., where they will be directed to auitable boarding -' es or otherwise assisted. Look tot our travelers' guide at Union stsilon. nKLP WANTED MALR ll.tCHICAL ASU Utril K, SQITARH PEGS IV SQUARE HOLES. Wa find a position thst rlis you. CO-OPERATIVE REFEHENCK CO., 01a-l City Nst. Bank ltid. ST l,tl RA I'll 4 PF. RATO H. IW. W ATI'S H .K. CO.. 8:t-4u-42 Brsmleis The. H1GH-ORA I K roiuinencal posiaona WcoT. REFERENCE A KiJM AadN., Jul Ciualia Nat. tank bldg. Hi:!,! WAXTKrv MAI.M At. K.ST a, stl.K0HK.t atll.lt ITOH, COAT, agents wanted In every town: get a trial 'sr. I . M. ( ox. P.O. i-iane. ecu. KAt TOR I Fa A.ND TRAUKS. Irug eitore Pnsns. Jobs. Kn"lst. Bee Bldg TO! 'NO M A S, be a barber. I teach you nnlckly.- chesnly, thnniughly. Toon furnlnlied. I give you actual shop work. You have chain e to work caturdHys and keep half the receipts. My students in big demand. I have colleges In all prin cipal cities In I'. K. snd Canada. Call, write or phone A. H. Moirr. rresiaoni MOLnR HARBKIt COM.BCiK, Omshs. HITRRT, HURRT. TM)N-T DKI.AY. BEE OUH SPKCIAI. HOL.IDAT OFFER. If you can t attend day acnooi you can hold your Job and at tha same time get your automobile education If you enroll In tba NI'JIIT CIJSH OF NEBRASKA APTOMOBIM5 BCHOOU t LEAVENWORTH. RED tUO. I.F.AKN THE BARBER TRADE. Trl-Clt Parbcr college; low rate tuition. nrlnHina aet of tools', waves Daid: elec- trio massage, hydraulic chairs; catalogue free. 1124 notifies tt.. timana. MISCELLANEOUS. OOOD MEN W ANTED at once to learn auto work to fill positions which are open right now and are waiting for com petent men. I .earn by our system of actual work on autos, tractors, electric starting system. Free catalog at once. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, MM Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. WANTED Namea of ambitious men. II or over, wanting railway mall clerk positions. 175 00 month. Answer lmmedl- teiy. Y l? He. OMAHA rnllwav mall clerk examinations coming. 175 month. Sample questions free. Write Immediately. Franklin In stitute, Dept. 221 K. Rochester. N. T. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE. I WILL U'pewr.te and rev.ne your scenarios and short stories and aavise where to sell. Price II. Model Typing Co., Box 04, Indianapolis, Ind. SITUATIONS WANTED MAN with Ford car. acquainted with city, wants delivering on contract or by day. Walnut 1117. K WANTED Position aa housekeeper; lady with a child of I: prefer place In or close to Omaha; fully experienced. Mrs. R. Endlcott. Ho. Omaha. Neb., care W. J. Oabrlel. Route 4. SITUATION wanted by cook; Swedish; gooa references; wages 110 to U a week: answer by mail only. A. M.( 627 H. 2?d St.. City. EX PE HI E Nt 'ED auto washer and pol- sner wants work; Deal references. Webster 147. MlDDLE-AUKD white lady wishes posi tion as housekeeper. In town or out of town. &V Center. MIDDLE-AGED lady, widow, desires po sition as a companion to an old lady or Invalid: best city references. Web. 4W4. RESPECTABLE elderly woman would like a respectable home for the winter and assist with light work. Am handy with a needle. 4M0 Mayberry Ave. WANTED City work by married man Indoor work preferred. Can give good references. Call or write, 2813 Dewey Ave., trear.) WANTKD-Position by young lady ste nographer; experienced. Colfax 919. LADY wishes position as housekeepeq. Red 7795. WOMAN wishes position as chamber maid, either In hotel or private family or as dish washer In restaurant. FOSITION as store clerk, handyman or helper for a hoi dny rush. Will consider any offer from any store. Best of refer ences; trustworthy, active, capable. Please Phone Douglas 87?. Call for John ston. FIRST clasM plumber and steamfttter wishes situation. W. llartman. 1M Douglas St. WANTED by elderly lady of refinement and no Incumbrance position aa house keeper In small family or adults, or for elderly couple, neat and competent. Ad dress A 5'i7 Bee. YOUNO man, steady Job. El, wants any kind of a Write H. Peters, 1018 S. 23d fit- LOST AND FOUND IX)8T 8176 REWARD luu for capture and conviction of thief, 76 for return of team, buggy and harness. Team of bay mares, weight 1,160 each; one a little darker than other, front white foot, star forehead, tip of ears clipped; other rougher looking solid bay. Mohair top buggy, llirht colored from weather, orig inally brown; aide curtains almost white. Will probably be seen driving single and leading other mare, aa shafts were sub stituted ou buggy. Also took single har ness. If seen, please notlry me imme diately. A. H. Edwards, Sheriff Mills County. Olenwood, .Ia. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS BTREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of tha Cmnha A Council Bluffs Street Railway con. puny to ascertain whether they left It tn tha itreet ears. Many articles each day are turned In sno the company la anxloua to restore tnem to the rightful owner. Call Doug. 48. LOST tit rayed or atolen, two bay geld ings. Weight 1.4(10 lbs. Call Wal. PXJH. LOST Diamond setting at Orpheum or between Orpheum and 36th and Farnam or Harney. Call Harney lti40. Loat or Found aos In Omaha's I oat and Found medium means the immediate re turn of that article If advertised In Th I ee. the Lost and Found paper. LOST, strayed or stolen. 2 bay geldings, weight 1.400 lbs. Call Walnut line. LOST Cameo pin between Omaha Na tional bank building and Orchard & iWllhelm'a store. If found return to tea room at Orchard ft Wllhelm'a and claim reward. MEDICAL PILES. FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. H. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testlmonlala. DK. E. R. TARRY. 140 Bee Bldg. BUPTUEESSSf-'if .eai operation. Call or wrlta Dra. Wray Matheny, 808 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. RHEUMATISM treated auccessfully, re sults guarnt d. Dr. Boweer. 114 Bee Bldg. PERSONAL $3,000 TO TENSION INVALIDS The Ladles' Home Journal tl M The Saturday Eenlng Post LiO The Country Oenllemaa l.Ou 1,400 SUBSCRIPTIONS IN DECEMBER practically earns the 83.0UO for toe IN VALIDS' PENSION ASSOCIATION. Tour order or renewal means Please phone Douglaa 713 or mall to GOUDON, THE MAGAZINE MAN, Omaha. Neb. YOUR furnace cleaned. 81: work guaran teed. Central Tin Shop. Douglas 4. THE alvalIon Army Infustrlal home ao- IRlta your old clothing, turnilure, ma a. stnea We collect. We distribute. Pttone Douglaa 413J and our wagon will call. Ceil and lupecl our new buone, 1110-1111-1114 Dotlge 8t. YOUNG women coming to Omaha aa strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at lith St. and bt. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or ot bar lee aselsled. Look fur our usvalers' guide at tue Union station. rKKSOXAIi MRS. J. C. MM.I.KH. ladies- tsllor and dressmaker. Mas moved from 217 Lesv enworth to ;'l r)i-orgla Ave. Will he pleased to meet my old patrons. liar. HEADY REFERENCE DIRECTORY. ABSTRACTS OF T1TLK. RF.r.D ABSTRACT CO, oldest abstract office In Nebraska. 2W Brandels Thea. "T Title Guarantee and Abstract t Pff Co., a modern ahstract office. A-V'1'J- '5 B. 17th Kt. Tel. I. At iOt;NTA.M'S. E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A. 4.-3-4 Rnmge Bldg. Tel. Doug. 740. ADVtHnHIMs .NOVKLtllJS F. Shafer Co . 12th-Fsrnsm. 1). 7474. M. ARCHITECTS. Everett B. Dodd. 12 Pexton Blk. P. 201. AMATEIR r'l.MStll.NU. FIT.MS developed free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop. 411 Bee B'dg. Dept. D. ATTORNEYS. 1 C. T. IMcklnson, Ml Paxton BIk. P. 1A04. Alt IHIl,i;llS Dowd Auction Co., 1115 H W O W.' R.. Al'IO INSl RANCH. AUTOMOBILE MUTUAL INHURANCB CO., Douglaa Mil. ALTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Bep. Co. JIM Far. TJ. JOOt BATHS. BATH 214 Balrd Blk., 17th and Dougla. MEDICATED vapor and modern Turkish baths for ladles and gentlemen: lady attendant for ladles; 8wedieh massage. 1913 Farnam St. Douglaa 8417. BAKERIES. Z. H. REF.PER lfiOH N. ISth. Web. IS7. BRASS AND 1HO.N r'ubMJHIGS. Psxton-Mltehell Co., 17th snd Msrtha Sts. CARPENTERS AMI CONTRACTORS. STEVENSON. 823 8. I2d. Douglaa 6e. Leisard A Son, 1906 Cap. Arc. T. 102. C. W. Hokanson, 1505 Lvnwth. Tyl. 2192-J. COFFEE II Y MAIL. Save money. Use better lYjlTee coffee. 16 Ibi. high grade by parcel post, prepaid, 83.80. W. A. Bkalfe A Co.. Omaha, Neb. CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJC'MTS. DR. BURHORN. 18th and Farnam. Wead Bldg., D. 347; Palmer school graduate. I r. J. C. Lawrence, 1 Balrd Bldg. D. S4SL DR. W. H. KNQLLENBERO. Suit 812 Bee Bldg. Tel. Tyler 19S8. CillKoHODIST. Carrie J. Buford. 620 Pax. Blk. Ked DS7. JEANETTE QRET. 210 Balrd Bids;. P. 84S8 DANCING ACADEMIES. FALL, term open at Mackle's. Doug. 1140. DH LUXE ACADEMY. 1U 8. 18th St DRESSJM AKINO COLLEGE. Keitrters's Pressrnaklng Col.. 1S28 City Na DRESSMAKING. LADIES' JACKETS remodeled In the 1st est style; reasonable pnee. 19U Far nam 8U Phone Douglas 2828. Terry Dreaamak'g college. 0th A Fsrnam DYERS AND CLEANERS. STATE Dry Clng. Co.. 120 N. 12th. D. I0T8. DETECTIVES. JAMES ALLAN. 811 Neville Block. Bvl encs secured In all cases. Tyler MM. DUATlS'l'S. . Dr. Brt-dbury. No pain. Ill W.O.W. Bldg. ryorrhen. Dr. Flckles. 724 City Nat. Gang. Tsft Dental Booms, 1517 Douglaa. D. MM. UHtUI. PRU08 at en prices; freight paid on 810 orders; catalogues free. Sherman 4b Mc Connell Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. ULIfiCTHOLYSl. rio Allender. 62 BeeBldg. Red 8TW. KLECTH1C MOTOR RKPAIHINO CAHILL ELECTRIC CO.. Bee Bid. D.W7S. EVEItYTIll.NO FoK VtoaiKN. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating; covered buttons, all aisea and styles; hemstitching, point edging; em broidery, beading, braiding, cording, eye let cut work buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Pleating Co., 200 Douglas Block. Doug Ins 1336. FL H.N ACES AND Tl.N vt OUH, HABER8TROH. 402 Hamilton. Wal. W71. KLOKiSik. BATH'S, florists. Its Farnam St. D. 8000. I. HENDERSON, 1814 I'uuglaa. D. JM. Member Florists Teleg;apb Del. Ass'a. HESS A fiWOBODA, 1416 Farnam Et A. DONAOHUB, 18 Harney. Doug. 1L FltHHlfc.t4S. SAM KNEETER. 18J0 Farnam. Red CSU. H. Rothhols. 1818 Leavenworth. H. 17 S3. A. L. KOLOVRALEK. 717 B. Nth St. HISTORICAL tualbalibt. THE largest stock of masquerade and theatrical costumes In the country. Theu. Lleben ft Bo n. 1614 Howard. D. 4118. INSTRUCTION. English, French Instruction. 808 Lyrlo Bid. JUSTICKS OF '1MB yuAtH. H. H. CLAIBORNE, tit Paxton Blk. Red 401. Notary puouc; oepoaiuoo aicuo. C. W. BRITT. 801 Barker Block. LIVK STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN BROS, ft CO. Exchangs Bldg. LIUHT1NC4 HITIHES. TrTTRTTitO' Thomas, Douglas Kl. JJUlvrvaiN 23 cuming St. MASSKIHS. Masssge, women. Call P. 8287 for apptmt . MOTORCYCLES. HARLET-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargain In used machines. Victor Rooa, "The Motorcycle Man," I7u8 Leavenworth. 'OVINO ri'TlHK MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Mo tion picture machine and film bargatna. OCl Lis t a. Eyes examined, glaases fitted, pay aa yes can. Drs. McCarty. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. OSTEOPATHY " I SltlANS. I w 1 JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG, 818 Be Bldg. PATENTS, D. O. Barnell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red TU7. H. A. Sturgea. 41 Brandeia Theater Bldg! PILLOW AMD 4la,OAl.NU. OMAHA PILLOW CO.-Mattreeses made over J vst like new. Cuming. D. U;1. PLUMES (LEANED. CCRLED, dyed. D. Elaela, 1134 City Nat PIANOS FOR RENT. tltS per month. A. Hospe. 1611 Dougtaav ruiNti.No. WATERS-BARNHART Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 824 S. Uta tC CENTRAL Printing Co. DO U O LAS 8764. DOt?OIAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas (44. SCALal MEPAIItlNt.. Om. Standard Scale Co.. til B. Uta. D. tSU. READY REFERENCE DIRECTORY. SHOE RKPtlRINU. Hnrley Phoe Rep'r Co.. &rH Fern'm. R. 5W RWI.SU M AC lllK. tTT rent, repslr. sell needles snd W P pai ls for sll sewing machines. "MICKEIy," NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., loth snd Harney. Unuklss 1W!. STORE AND OFFICE K1XTIHL. PE3KS. aa'es. scsles, showesses, shelv ing, etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture fi- Supply Co . 414-NM P. 12th TVmr. 7724 STEEL t EILI.NUS. CARTER Kheet Metsl Comnmy. 110 P. 15 SIOVE AND Kl R N At HKI'AIHS. ALT, REPAIRS Water ; fronts, furnace coils, etc. Quick service. Omshs Stove Repair Works. 1W-4 Pouelaa St. Tyler ?0 TOWEL SI PPLIES. OMAIA Towel Supply. ?07 P. 11th. P. K?S i Ul.NK AND SCJf CASES. Ff.FI.IVO PTE1NI.E. rsrtmm St. ' 1 I I'E 111 I KHI Full IIK.VI'. RENT an Oliver typewriter 3 mo. for 15 Ollvor Typewrltor Agency. 1905 Farnam. BUTT'S Typewriter Exchange. Jl S. Hth St. Ail r.iakc, for sale or rent. BENT a "Remington" not Just a type- er. I-w rent, t all Dougls rw. VACClM 4XEA.NBHS. AT;Tj makes. ' E Tyler 1011. B. Williams, 308 S. 18th. WATCH SPECIALISTS. Christiansen. M fi. Paxton Bk., 1 yr. exp. WEDDl.Nti STATIo.iEUY. Wedding announcements. Poug. Ptg. Co. NVEDDINU HlNCS. BROPEGAA RP"S "luckv wedding rings" at Ittth snd Douglas S1s. WINES AND LIUUORS. ALEX JETES. 201-3 B. 13th St. Wines, liquors, cigars. Plate dinner 11 to 3, 10c HFTNRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE. 15th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BtTT your family liquors at Klein's Liquor house. S22 N. 18th. Douglas 1B09. SWAPPERS' COLUMN Wsnted to Swan. Why not tdvertlse something that you no longer have any tiao for and get something you leiliy need? Write Boom 104, Bee Bldg., or phone Tyler 3000. ' - ALL furniture tn 45-room hotel: reason able rent on building; Bouth S!de; will exchange for real estate; value 81,8 'C Ad- dress S. C. 808. Bee. AUTOMOBILK8 For other automobile bargains see the "Automobile" classifi cation. EDISON PHONOGRAPH with 100 rec ords to swap for Winchester pump gun. S. C. 671. Bee. - FINE stamp collection will swap for a uto. Addresa B. C. 72t, Bee. GAS engine, 4-h. p. Fairbanks-Morse f as or kerosene engine In fine condition th Splldorf vibrator coll and 10-gal. Unit and all water connections; worth IjO; will take good Rep. shotgun aa part payment or what have you? S. C. 68a, Bee. OOOD roll top desk and chair and re volving bookcase to swap for anything I oan use. Address 8. C. 75, Bee. HIGH grade office furniture, oak roll top desk, four flat top desks, two type writer desks, office chairs, fll.ng cabinets, bookcases, letter duplicating machina (not a neostyle); printing preas and U fonts of type, 85 pounds newspaper type, make offer. Can use lumber, carpenter work and tailoring, Addresa J tW, Bee. HUDSON 83 fc-passenger, In A-l condition; will swap for horses, mules, cattle or anything f can use. - Address 8. C. 680, Wee HAVE violin to swsp for. folding bed. Address d. c. en. nee. -- I will trade 600 to 1,000 of my 8,0o0 shares of n referred treasury oil stock for motorcycle, auto truck or used car In good condition. 8. C. 7. Bee. MINNEAPOLIS HEAT REGULATOR New; regulate your neaiing piani aim have an even heat In your house: save 2o per sent in your coal bills. W 111 trade tor furniture. Address B. C. 683, Bee. MOTORCYCLE 1914 Twin Indian with side-car; outfit run about miles; fully equipped; looks and runs like new; cost about 8360. Will trade for auto of equal value, any make. Address S. C. 84, Bee. ' 8J60 PIANO, gasoline - range, 7-dra'.ver sewing mac nine, large i-noie runs" nearly new; will trade for good light car or merchandise. Address S. C. 61. Bee. ROADSTER, lightweight, two-passenger, 1915 model, lust overhauled and tully equipped. Will swap fur the best M model motorcycle or motorcycle and side car outfit I can get; but It must be A-l condition. Address a. u. ito, nee. "ARGO" Roadster. 1S15 model, completely equipped. Machine not run over u) miles since motor completely overhauled. Might awap for high class Vlctrola out fit, player piano or towards a touring car, as need larger car. Address S. C. T-'l Bee. 1-uT. blow-torch and solder Iron: 1 -nch. 1 1-inch and 1 10-Inch Crescent auto wrench; 1 S-lnch, 8-Inch and 10-inch acrew drlvera, bracket, brace .and 6 bits; 1 4-Jnch scale. 2 rules, 3 hammers, ,-lb, 1 lb. and 2-lbs. ; 1 key-hole saw. 6 chisels, and draw knife, tool box; anything 1 can use. Address W. HMjHee. TRUNK Stesmer. good condition: will trade for larger truuk or sell. Call Har ney 2smj6. TO O SELL or trade your shotgun or rifle. See FRIEDMAN. 1211 Douglas. i.. C. SMITH "Typewriter, neatly new, to trade for something 1 can use. What have youT S. C. 6tJ, Bee. UNDERWOOD ' typewriter No. 5; used three weeks; will trade toward good auto. or. what have youT 8. C. W.. Pee, VIOLIN Oood violin for bass viol; the viol must be In good condition. Ad dress 8. C. M. WILL trade one Olhson mandolin, cost 875: one guitar, cost 865; one Dentin cornet, cost !; one Clarke Irish harp, cost 8165. all Instruments In best of con dition; any or an ror uiamonus or casn- Address p. V. ee. WILL trade large lot with two cottages vslued at 83.SK0, one mile from Omaha poatofflce. tn good residence district, for scresge or small farm. Address S. C. 70. Bee. U.t' worth of goods for trade at half value, a fine article used In every home. What have you? Address 8. C. IT?. Bee. CAM ERAS Two small cameras to swap for view camera, large sUe. S. C. tiS, Bee. VIOLIN To awap for small moving picture machine for home use. S. C. 069, Bee. WANTED TO BUY Btrlctl" high grade piano. Web. I,3. WANTED To buy on monthly payments. small store room, with living rooms above. In Central school district- Phuns Red 7854. CFFICE furniture bought and sold. 1. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. Doug. la. WE ARE on the market for 100 carloads of country mixed scrap Iron. Write for prices. A. P. Alpern. 7th snd Douglas. WANTED Registered Hereford bull; serviceable age. Will llaxby. Cedar Bluff e.Neb. ' , vTaNTED 8 cats. Htf Capitol Ave. RENTALS. APARTMENTS AND FLATS. The For Rent advertisement appearing In tha For Kent column of The Bee daily cannot be beat for variety that wtil pleaae and fill the needs of any one dcairlng to rent. Phone Tyler l'XA BEST 4-rouni ap.rliuent tn the city; large south trout bay window; walking d.s taiioe; you can t b-al It. Also a 2-rooin with bath: furnirhed. IVug. :ms. MODERN 7-r. apartment, including tiful east sun room, in west i i bea 5 -o arnam district, for rent. Harney ix9. RENTALS APARTMENTS AND Kl. VI. ST. CLARE, Jt'h and Hsrney, room 'f apartment. ('all Harney 647, VKHY-cholce 4 or 5-rini. steam-heat jeT" f airtmrnt on Wept l''irinm St. JOHN W. RORBINS. FARNAM ST. VKItY 1'KSIRABLE. ' One 4-room apartment In the Califor nia: close to your tiiiiiics; save car fare. See ,lnnlt"r. Douglas 6'J:7. i:ST. HP.ot IK APTS.. 4 rooms, 100, near pontoffi.e. J. I. Ktclihlns, ifilQ Chicago. FI IINISHED AIMRTMENTS. WILL sub-rent snd sell the furniture. etc. In a very nicely furnished apart ment: four rooms mid hath; very rles'r shlo Iocs t Ion :"t St. snd llHrneyl; stenm hent snd every con vcnlem-e. This Is truly, a bargain. I wi'l vacate if doslicd Decem her 31. Addres 1 9. Ttee. notnii a.d Rooms. Furnished Rooms that orfrr ever mod ern convenience nnd comfort In private families ot boardlnc Louses of the high est class will be found In the Furnished Rooms column of The Bee. I'hone Tyler 1Q"U. BEAUTIFl'LLY furnished rooms, with or without ho.ird Ca'l llnrnev704 f 7lATY(THrToohT7or-two gentlemen, with board. 1'rlce reasonab e; private family; eleRantly furnished. Murney nfr.9. 215 N. 2'd St. For rent, room and board; .1 gentlemen, $"i a week. I . 1 7v2, LARGE smith front, sieam heated room, e'eennt furniture. In mod. home, good board. Hnr. 7"SH. HAR.NS AND UAHAUES. WELL equipped private garage with light, water. 2M0 Dodue. Call. Mar. aofio ITRMHlll.il IIOISES. UP-TO-DATE furnished house or apart ment for the winicr: must be first el'iss Address O 413 Bee. FURNISHED house, 7 rooms, mod. ex cepting elcctrl ity, 4r,ll St., 3 blocks south of Fanim; rent $0. Iouglns 929 Fl 14 N 14 tl ED ROOMS. NICELY furnished room. modem. V. td St. close In: all NICELY furnished room, private home, nice neighborhood, close to car. rhone Webster 1307. NICE newly furnlahed rooms. 12 a room for 1 person, 83 for 2 persons, with or without liosrd: close In, Harney :3."g. NEAT, modern rooms, 2."11 Pierce. Tyler 9IU-W. N1CEI-Y furn. south room; strictly mod. ; private family. H. S419. 120 S. 80th St. SPECIAL l)V RATES TO PERMANENT GUESTS. HOTEL F ANFOR D, 19th and Kama . Hi" TEL H RI.EY ?0th and Fsrnnm. VERY beautiful library room, on first floor, for rent; close In. 2505 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 47o. LARGE, beautiful room: In private fam ily: modern. Colfax 21S6. ROOM with breakfast, 13.50 wk., strictly mod. home, new furnish's, close In. H.S193 IFOR RENT La rge furnished room; pri vate bath: large closet; have good rer erences. Well looa ted Harney 1399. o 823 M A KCY-Iiflriro front room, prlvat famlv: references exchanged. Har. 714S. FOUR nicelv furnished rooms for colored people Cs II Webster 7467. Steam heated sl'p'g r'ms, close In. R. 4443 ELEGANT four rooms, furnished, strictly modern, 1. 2 rooms, furnished or tin furnished, either, 810. 2411 P. 24th. IIOCSEKEKPINU ROOMS. FOR RENT Strictly modern, newly fur nished rms , heat furn.: private. H. 8165. 3 sm I furn rooms; ground floor. H. 40fl. S. 10TH ST., i;l Two unfurnished. rooms for IlKht housekeeping; mod. Tyler 93. LIGHT hounek'g rms. 5044 S. 10th. D. 64.'4. HOUSES AND COTTAGES, NORTH. 8-ROOM house, modern, new furnaee, never used. 2215 Burt. Red 6283. FOR RENT 6-room, new. modern, up-to-date brick flat. 2223 Willis Ave. Rent tlu. Tel. D. 1630. 6-ROOM, nearly new; modern except fur nace; only 818. Colfax 1096. NEWLY decorated, 7 -room, modern house; large barn and yard; near car line: rensonahle rent. Tel. D. 6729. 6-ROOM. strictly modern cottage, hot water heat, close in; rents for 825. 402 Lincoln Blvd. W. H. Dorrance. Tel. D. 62 or H. 8151. WALKING distance, 2644 Dodge, 8-room modem house. 8. Key next door. W. ' W. Mitchell, owner. Phone Web. 4876. 6-HOOJd. nearly new; modern except fur nace: only IIS. Colfax 1096. MODERN 6-room house with bath. Franklin. Phone Webster 6159. 2802 1 7-R., 2204 California, $35.00. C. Q. CAR LB ERG, 812 Urandels Theater. 2614) CALDWELL, 6 rooms, modern ex- r.t , ( 1 1 A ,1 1 1 1 - U, U'-h- SOUTH. , FREE RENT Si mo., on gome of these: Choice new brick flat, 5-r., mod., 2:40 N. 22d, 830; 6-r., 2318 S. ISth, 8-2; 5-r., mod., 246J S. 17th. 816: 4-r.. 837 S. 21th St.. $10: 4-r.. neat 'home, 2 lots, chicken yds., 30f Val ley, Is.oo; I others. 8u to fJO. McKitrick It. E. Co. D. UHi. Ty. 2140-J. 5-ROOM HULt-E, modern except heat. 114: good neighborhood; convenient Omaha, Sou th Side a nd Gibson. So. 32tf7. k-R. HOUSE, 1 sleeping porch, I screen porch. 90K S. 36th Ave. Harney 3S21. COTTAGE 4 rooms, 1028 So. 2fth St.. only 9. Peters Trust Co., I&M Farnam. PARTLY inouern S-ro.in house, one biock from car line. 3304 V nton. Harney 2879. 7-R. MOD., Ikl fl.. brick. 707 S. 29th, newly dec. and varnished. D. 6907, Red 7228. W EST. FOR RENT. S1 Harney St., modern ID-room brick house; hot water he it. Inquire T. J. O Brlen. Tel. H. W9, D. 121ft MISCELLANEOUS. MAOOARD Van & Storage ".: Moving peeking, storage and shipping. D. 14'.S. FlElEPROOF WAREHOUSE SEPARATE, locked rooms, for house hold goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. fn Ko. Ifith St Doug. 41 6 J lolS DO RCA. -4 c-T., b rooms. CHEAP. J. A Olson. Douglas S."-l. T O RPPfl packing00' It! Gordon Van Co. SH: 219 N. 11th St. Tel. D. 334 or Hsr. 1917. JUST from the country, three farm niaie from 1.109 to l.rA) lbs., from 6 to 11 yeurs old; will sell cheap. 2"1 Douglas. SEE the Central Furniture Store's FREiS RENTAL LIST HAVE you got the money? If you have investigate this. 8V will buy a busi ness worth 14. GOO. If taken before Dec. 10. A ddrets P. 339. csrs Bee. lInii!PSCre,:n 8on Co-. Bee Bldg. nouses ln a par)) of (h cUy Globe Van &Storage Stores, moves, packs, ships: 3-horsa van ksr and 2 men, 11.26 per hr. ; storage, z per mo rensmciioii gusr. i . Ty. riot FIDELITY rental riiijjuii servicr Phone Douglas for complete list of vacant hcuoes and apartments; also fur storage, moving. lth snd Jackson Sts. ilX-ROOM, fust floor, modern except heat, with small barn, water paid. Cheap rent to reliable people. Har. J34. STORKS AND OFFICES. 2 SmaUOffices Keady Now aiOICE LOCATIONS la the Bee Building $1100. $16.00. Inquire Room 1H. STORE, modern, near pofitnfflfe; luw rent. O. P. StebbUu, 101 i Chua.o. 14. i h K ovlng jf Dras4 " (