TTTE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 13. 1915. HOLIDAYS BAR REALBUSINESS Congmi Will Hot Attempt Any Important Le jJtlstion Before the Eecen. PEOGEXSSIVES UNABLE TO LAST) WASHINGTON, Dee. 1 It. The first week of the Sixty-fourth con gress brourht practically harmonious organization In both houses and re vealed a determination on the part of administration leacyrs to attempt no serious leglstatWe business until the holiday recess Is (Tver. President Wilson's address Tues day, with Its suggestion for national preparedness, denunciation oflmter nal conslplrators against neipWllty of the government, and wariyig of the necessity for increased revenues, Stood out as the most Important event of the week, Owing to the difficulty of reorgsnislng the house committees because of the Breetly increased minority, congress could not ret down to actual business. Minor ity Leader Mana doea not expect to have hie committee assignments ready until Tuesday, and little can be done before Saturday, when congress plans to adjourn until January for the Chiiatmaa holidays. Early m the week a Tight that might have embarraseed holiday recce plans eeemed Imminent when It was tropoeed ' that an effort be made to re-enact the emergency war tax law with amendments ' before adjournment. War Tax Dtf foreae. Immediately It was diecloeed that this would be Impossible, and administration leaders were confronted with the danger that the war tax law would lap on December It and a long period would follow la which no emergency revenue could be collected. It waa thereupon agreed by houa lead era that a Joint reeolution extending the present war tax with the time limita tion eliminated ehould be adopted, a new bill with provisions for Increased revenues to be submitted after the new year. Senate republican leaders have agreed to offer no oppoaltlon to such a program. Praanreastvee Issse Oat. .. Republicans of the senate wit confer tomorrow over committee designation recommended by the steering oonunltee. It waa, reported laat night that pro gressive republican weuld protest against the defeat of Senator Kenyoa of Iowa, for a place on the foreign relation com mittee, but this does ot seera likely now. "I do not thing there will be any trouble about that." said Senator Cum mins of Iowa, on of the progresalv republican leaders. - "Of course, w are disappointed that One tor Kenyoa did net get on the for tegn relation ocmmlttee, but all In all the progressiva republicans farad very well. Senator Kenyoa goes to the Im portant oommero committee, Senator Feindexter on Interstate Com me roe com mittee, Benators Norrta and Oronna en bank and eurency, and Senator Works on Judiciary. That seems to be to be satisfactory. " AUSTRIA IS TOLD WHAT IT MUST DO IN ANCONA CASE (Continued from Page One.) nuuiders of ita submarines in accordance with the law of nations and the prin ciples of humanity. The government of the United States I unwilling to believe the latter alternative and to credit the Austro-Hungarian government with an Intention to permit it submarines to de stroy the Uvea of helpless men, women and children. It prefer to belieev that the commander of the submarine com mitted this outrage without authority and contrary to the general or special In structions which he had received. Migkt Caaaa a Break. "As the good relation of the two coun tries must root upon a common regard for law and humanity, the government of the United State cannot be expected to do otherwise than to demand that the Imperial royal government denounce the sinking of the Ancona a an Illegal and indefenalble act; that the officer who perpetrated the deed be punished; and that reparation by the payment of an In demnity be made for th cttisens of the United States who were killed or Injured by th attack of the vessel. "Th government of the United States expect that the Auatre-Hupngarlan' gov. ernment. appreciating the gravity of the case, will aooede to It demand promptly! and It rest this pec tat ion on the be lief that the Aestro-Hungariaa govern ment will not eanotion or defend an aet which Is oondemned by the world as In human and barbroua, which t abhor ent to all civilised nations, and which has caused th death of Innocent American cttisens. ,1 UtNaNa." Thestrup Rounds Up Three Holdup Men AH by Himself Officer Thestrup ef the Omaha police department, "alone and single handed," rouaded up three strongann men yeate. day, whom be caught la the act of rob bt&g Robert Applexate of Union. Keb., near sixteenth and Burt streets. The three fellows fled when they be held th officer, who called for them t lop.' When they Increased their speed he drew hi revolver and opened lira, boring a hole through ths shoulder of Fred Powell, one of th trio, who fell to the pavement . Th ether two escaped and Powell was first taken to the sta ttca and then to St. Joseph hospital. Thestrup waa not aatlafled with results. however, and started eut to do a Uttle sleuthing on his own hook, with the re- suit that he arrested the other two In a room at 831 North Hlxteenth street The last arrested gave their namee as Oeorge Johnston and John Soott THest rup was complimented fur hla good work by his superior officer. Th ielJe That Ue Met Affet Th Hts4. ' Because of Its tonic and laxative ef fect Laxative Bromo uQinlne eaa be taken by an yon without oausing ner vousness nor ringing In head. Thar is only one Bromo yulnln." E. W. Grove's signature on box. Kc A Boom for the Koooter, or Roomer for the iiwm. Be Want Do th "Wwk. PRINCESS MARIE JOSE OF BELGIUM, the nine-year-old daughter of King Albert and Queen Elisabeth, who is now in England, does not let the war depress her spirits. The picture shows her with her pet bull on the voyage to Great Britain. -:; ; F&tArcess siAHts EXPECT YIEHNA TO TAKE ACTION SOON U. S. OffioiaJs Believe Austria Will Soon Make Clear Count in Anoona Case. BABOH ZWEIDJWEK EXPLAINS WASHINGTON, Dec. lt-There were so development today to al leviate the serious situation that threatens a rupture of diplomatic: re lations between the United Btatee and Austria-Hungary. Officials continued studiously ret icent, but word that the American note, on the sinking- of the Italian liner Ancona with loss of American Uvea, had reached the Vienna for eign office yesterday, led to a feeling that the question would resolve It self one way or the other without much delay. Wsad Fresnpt aetloa. Th communication la understood to ask disavowal of the act of the Austrian submarine, which sank the liner, punish ment of the submarine commander, and reparation for the American live lost. and It has been clearly Indicated that the United State expect that theae thing be don promptly. Thar will be no lengthy discussion of ths principle in volved. It Is said, such as waa conducted vKa Germany after the Lusltania trag Sd7. A copy of th Ancona note, which will be given cut for publication In morning paper of Monday, today waa handed to Baroa Zwtedinek, charge ot th Austrian embassy here, by Secretary Lansing, and it is understood the two discussed th situation briefly and Informally. It waa said th talk merely waa Inci dental, the charge having called at the State department to explain how h cam to writ a letter to th Austro-Hungarian conaul-general at New Tork early In th war, auggestlng that passport o neu tral countries be purchased for Austrian raeerviata In this country. Th letter waa published today "and a photographic copy was delivered to Bee rotary Lansing, by a New Tork newspaper. , Baron's Explanation. Baroa Zwiedlnek explained that when he wrote the letter he we a subordinate official of the embassy, then In charge ef Dr. Conetantln Dumba, alno recalled. It could not be ascertained whether th explanation waa satisfactory. It waa apparent tonight that officials who hav read the note to Austria viewed the situation a serious, the opinion pre vailing as strongly as ever that diplo matic relations were In danger of beta broken off unlesa Vienna compiled Im mediately with th American demand. Dea't Hav m Winter Ceah. Tak Dr. King New Discovery and yon won't catch cold. It kill th cold germs, keep you well. lOo. All druggists. Advertisement Tells Omaha Lawyers that Trust Companies "Scab" on Attorneys That the trust companies, especially those in small eouununiltes. usurp the function ef an attorney-at-law. and un rightfully so, waa the assertion made by es-fiiate Bvnator W. V. Hoagland of North Platte before the Dougtaa County Bar association last night at the meeting la tne Pes ton. Senator Hoagland also took several shots at the trust companies for attempt ing to put through a lew permitting any one to practice In the probate courts, thus giving them additional opportunities te take the bread ad buttsr out of the mouth of poor, hard-working attorneya- et-law. Ha made the point that practitioner unlearned In the many ins res and pit fall of th law weuld do more barm te their oilent than good, and. In the end. transactions faulty through technical!' ties overlooked would mean added ex pense and anno ranee to tair clients. . Yt A O '0 rSt j-oss or azt,i?vjz. Dutch Government Will Not Encourage Ford's Peace Party TH HAOITB, (via London). Dee. 11- Neither encouragement, recognition nor support In any shape or form will be offered to th Ford peace party by Th as railroading, mining, shipping and farm NetherUnd government, according to In- lng. whose numbers cannot be approx imation from official sources given to a correspondent of the Associated Press. Government officials. It waa Indicated, naturally noted th party's departure and also reoaived a notification thereof from the leader, but no repty was forwarded. No opposition will, however, be placed in the way of the party' landing In Holland, but should th activities of its member become embarrassing while here, they will In all probability be requested to transfer their headquarter to other than Dutch territory. Private pacificists, of whom there are many in this country, probably will welcome the Ford party as an add'tlon to their ranks. Th Impression prevails that the general public and th press are Inclined to re gard th effort of th Ford party as tutll as the opinion I widely prevalent hare that peace will not be achieved by the effort ot pacificist, but a a result of hard fought battle In which on an tagonist aucoumba. BTQCKHOLM (via Ixmdon). Dec. It Henry Ford' peace mission I regarded by th Swedish press as a novelty which will hav no chance to intervene In the cause of peace. No acknowledgment of th mission. It is stated, will bo mad by the Bwed'sh authorities, and th Ameri can legation ha taken no notice of It. CHRISTIAN! rvia London), Dec 11- wireies message reoeivea iron w Ford peace party on board the steamer Oscar II. . requests that hotel accom modations for 1G8 persons be arranged. Th American minister. Albert O. Be hm edema a, and Consul General Halde man Dennleon will receive Henry Ford as a private oltlaen. The Oscar II is due here on Decem ber 14., . LOOKING AT COMICS ON ICE, . YOUNG BOY IS DROWNED MaMON CITT, la.. Deo. 12. (Bpeclal Telegram.) Whll looking at th comic action of a 8unday newspaper, Henry Thomas, aged 11 years, stepped Into an air hole on Clsarlak and wa drowned. HI body was recovered with grappling book. DEATH RECORD . Joseph rrnhaska, TORK, Neb.. Deo. llMPpeeial Tele gram.) Word waa received here yeater day of the death of Joseph Prohaska at kfaritn. Tex. Mr. Prohasks, with his wife, went to Texaa about a month ago In the hope of benefitting his faring health. He was SI year old. H came to Tork county in th yesr 1891 and set tled on a farm near Charleston, where he mad hi home until about th first of October, when he moved to Tork. The body will be brourht to Tork and buried la Council cemetery near Charleston. He urged the Dougla county lawvers tr be more considerate of th rights of their ellenta and Intimated that some not all. but merely some lawyers are mean enough te take the Hon' share ef th profit from litigation they Indulg In. Th meeting was attended by lea than twenty-five member. It wa mainly business session and all details of the as sociation's bus.ness were cleared away in order to give the annual meeting on Jan uary I a clear field. HASTINGS WILL HAVE CENSUS ENUMERATION HASTINGS, Neb.. Dec lS-(8peclal Tel egram.) By executive order of Preeldent Wilson. Hastings wfll be the fifth city In the United Ittatee to have an official federal oensu taken botweea decennial euumereUoaa BRITONS HAVE DAY MORE OFJREEDOM Derby Extendi Time for Voluntary Enlistment Owing to Tremend ous Bush of Men. UNDEB 20 PEE CENT HOLD OUT LONDON. Dec. 12. ment of volunteers The enroll- IjnfA under ! Derby's plan for Immediate and ' ture military service could not be I completed today on account of the numbers crowding the enlistment of fices throughout the kingdom at the eleventh hour. Therefore, the war of- , flee announced the extension of the time untlll mldnlghf 8unday with a possible further extension to mid night Wednesday. Recruiting will continue Sunday and If the numbers of the last two dsys are kept up the total enlistment for the last three days probably will equal the total for any preceding three weeks. Daty of Frew Me. Th process of enlistment waa attended by picturesque and enthusiastic gather ings. Bands and orators, both official and voluntary, from military and civil life, had been busy. The keynote of the speeches hsd been that Britons should show the world that free men are abl and willing to defend their country With out compulsion. After the enrollment- Is completed th war office will be obliged to segregate those engaged In government work and "Indispensable" to the Industrie. A large proportion of those enrolled may also be barred by the medical officer because the examination of th last two days hav been for the moat part superficial, and In many instances dispensed with al together, the medical officers being on abl to keep up with the enrollment. Namber of Reernlts. There 1 no Information at present re garding the number of recruit, but th trade union leadera tonight confidently declared that th Derby campaign wa a success. Th last census gave th num ber of men In England. Scotland and Wale between the ages of 18 and years as 8.100,000, nearly half of whom were single. Th general understanding has been that about 1,000,000 entered the army before Lord Derby's recruiting cam paign began and it Is believed that be tween 80 and M per cant of the re mainder hav presented themselves for attestation. From this total must be deducted three clssaes the physically unfit, those en gaged in munitions work and thoae en gaged In other necessary calling, such jlmated except br the official. HALF BILLION NAYY . BUILDING PROGRAM (Continued from Page One.) in the lower grades, arrival at command rank late In life and a fleeting passage , through command and flag gradesoom- , blned with absolute lack of professional Incentive throughout all grades." Of- i fleer now hold the grade of captain for i an average of two years, he ay. and are rear admirals for only tx month , before retirement for age overtake them. About 1.800 officer, h states, must pass through the grades of captain and rear i admiral In the next forty yeare under, the present plan. j Turning to the problem ot finding ade- ( quate auxiliary ships for the navy In ; war time, ths secretary says he has no.t included any vessels In hi building pro- ( gram except those which must b used constantly for th navy, la peace or war. ; On a war basts, he adds, th navy would need 400 additional ships, or a tonnag of U72.COC, to carry fuel and uppUe and do other auxiliary work. About 800.SOO hi wnrk rnuM be drawn from th prwnt merchant marine, he says, but some method must be found to supply the rest Awxlltary Craft la Com. . operated In commerce during peace time in such a way aa will preserve warn ana train the essential naval reserve ef men. and while doing this relieve the govern ment of the burden of coat of mainte nance through the Income or earnings of th vessels employed In-commerce. Such a policy would give to the navy, without cost for Its operation during peace, a perfect auxiliary. Of course, i the ship should be buUt upon navy plans and manned by American eltlaens trained under navy regulations, which would make them efficient In time of war." In recommending again th eonatructloir ef a government armor-plat factory and also urglnf that a projectil factory be added to the navy qulpmnt. and th very navy yard b equipped ' for con tructlon aa well aa repair work. Secre tary Daniels again laya sWesa on his theory that' the government should be able to build any part of the equipment needed for the navy frim battleships to aeroplane motors In order that true com petition of private bidder for govern ment contracts may be obtained, together with an actual knowleda of what the cost of construction should be. In eddltloa to th foregoing the report Oestrsl lleeemsw det'eae. Includes the following reoommendatlonsi 1. An Increase of IVFm mn In the en listed personnel of the navy and marine corps; an adequate tn crease of officers te be provided by nlargtn th force of midshipmen at th Naval academy to th full capacity of th Inst tution. by ad mitting to junior grades sxd for engineer. mg duty only graduates of tetihnloal school, and by opening te civilian aviator th navy aviation eorp. J. Extension ef th navy reserve not for th purpose of forming reserve of power boats, aviator and radio operator and to increase the dee rablllty ef the re serve service to honorably discharged en listed men of the regular navy. A en tailed plan tn this connection will be presented to congress at a later data. The personnel ot th present naval auxiliary service should b placed la th naval reserve, th report aay. and th light house and coast service men and equipment also should be plaood under navy jurisdiction and training for use lu event of war. . S. Increased naval militia appropriations to Include the construction of suits bl. vessels for the Illinois and Minnesota de tachments and supplying aeroplanes for , naval militia use In training. 4. Construrtlon of nn adequate research laboratory for the nee of navy engineer ing and scientific bureau, and the board of civilian scientists recently crea'ed under Thomas A. Edison as chairman. The report states that fS.ono.flf) for t'.ls ptirpose waa the amount eiirrested by the civilian board members, but Secretary Daniel make no spent fio recommenda tion, although he Includes a preliminary figure In his estimates for the first year's expenditure. (. Expenditure of tl.OdXWI to re-engine th battleship North Dakota, the scout cruiser Salem and the destroyer Henley I artd Mayrant.' I a r ji i. -. ev fu-!folk yjml t0 accommodate ths largest battleship. 7. Further legislation for adequate oil land reserves for the navy. 8. Legislation to make the service more attractive. Including extended powers to grant discharge by purchase and various change In rankings. ChI Whenever tlala 1 Needed. Doe Net Atttmt the Head. Because of Its tonic and laxative ef fee , Laxative Bromo Quinine will be found better than ordinary Quinine, for any purpose for which Quinine Is used. Does not cause nervousness nor ringing in head. " Remember there Is only one "Bromo Quinine." Look for signature of E. W. Grove. Rc. Advertisement. A Room for the Roomer, or a Roomer for th Room. Bee Want Ads Do the Work. LIVES 200 YEARS! For more than ttxt years. Haarlem. CHI. the famous national remedy of Holland, hue been recognised aa an Infallible re lief from all form of kidney and blad der disorders. It very age Is proof that It muAt have unusual merit. If vou are troubled with pain or aobe In the back, feel tired In th morning, headaohe. indigestion, insomnia, painful or too frequent passage of urine, irrita tion or stone 'In the bladder, you will almost certainly find quick relief In oou MBDAI, Haarlem Oil Capsules. This la the good old remedy that has stood the test for hundreds of years, prepared In the proper quantity and con venient form to take. It 1 Imported di rect from Holland laboratories, and you can get it at any drug store. Prices, ffio, vOo snd tl 00. ynnp mmiv nrnmniu funded if It doe not relieve you. But be " w goi me genuine UULU MEDAL, brand. Advertisement. ELL-ANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. AMUSEMENTS. -Devoted to SrUlaat ISnaioal Borlne TWICE DAILY Mat. Today TATjnoaTtbxsti -oxBATtrr xaxjt.TAXarzat, en tlfelch (imrsTJx,T) " ' . . . And Xln . .' v BIG SHOW A WIISK OT mSrBEBXXBTw WW. DKAH KEAURR: Uk Bn himself. I eaa fxl ttu IAiKh:nr coming for rmrr customer this AnS his chorua : fnr tti- sum bar of voices 1 sew kasnl bMUr la (riia opera. All roaila will lead hr this week, snrs seeash Ba alwaorn vacks eut In. U iOHNROK. Msr. OerelT anlaara. Bandar at KoUdsy Matr , ISO, ase. SO and 78o, nVr MATS. 1 So lilil 25C tt'oe Chew (am It fa Ilka but no emuklm Z-ADIKa' If) fi AT AJTI -WTVX 1ICIIITI MiW IA7 HtTTlTII wby Oarrlaire fSavnve 1 the T.b TODAT XsV Appearance WK TAMtTXTM in THE BROKEN LAW rueeday, nxu BAJtA la THE GALLEY SLAVE 5th Biz Week CnlyU More Days Dally scats, SilB. I very Ira, SilS. : raxanst Ma., ase to 91.00 BvngH 600 te S3 HIPP Continue aa All bleats 10c fceat Ttatee Today. "THE QRAY MASK" Tne. aa WeC, OreeawoeS and Oraat tn Xhm XugUag Kit, -JAJfS." raoae Sear t3V23aaV Th M la VauaeTllle. Dally1 Mails t !- 7 Msbt. Is. lvner iu iai nes. oeriw Beaemoal ase Jaa Arao., "L Is the Sabuihe:" .! ttfudus foil. . and Wil liam. Clark and CVarsell. Him Litl aa Orshwa Trarai Weefclr. BESSIE CUYTCS frieca slatla, aallery Mc; kt watt tasetat Btiurd)' J Suady), Ma. Misnts !, , --n ..iEbasa-''siMira I 'ryjsyivf s .. ,,rf',,r7. .r - -tTni-' jinissnimeii I Buy Christmas Presents Without Wasting. Your Time By visiting' the Chiarcli Fair In the court of THE BEE BUILDING Where ladies of 24 church have a large and beautiful selection of useful, ornamental and fancy articles suit able for all purposes. , MOTHERS AND SISTERS Always have and always will know how to make and se lect the best there is in Christmas Gifts let them do it for you now save time, money and disappointment by buying from them, this year as thousands did in past seasons. Satisfaction guaranteed is their slogan. This Incomplete List Shows the VARIETY OF ARTICLES FOR SALE Home Made Candy Mince Meat Fruit Oake Jelly Staffed Dates Cakes Doughnuts Flea Preserves Dressed Dolls Home Cooking, all kinds Embroidered Towels Aprons, fancy and plain Corset Covers DoU Clothes Leather Goods Fancy Bage Handkerchiefs Children's Muffs Hand Painted China EVERY DAY THIS WEEK IS A Bargain Day at the 1915 CHRISTMAS FAIR Watch s s a for js Solve This Puzzle ana Win a Prize S2. C. Schlank & Co. 1307 Douglas Street Retail Distributor For Leisy "THE BEST" Telephone Douglas 641 Try a Case Prompt Delivery John F. Rousar Co. WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS 312 North 10th St. Douglas 5714 e? Comforts Pin Cushions Underskirts Dnst Capa Stocking Bags Washable Kugs Dolly Rolls Napkin Cnaea Table Mats Infants' Wear Her are fTa thssD is s ses. Br df airliu tKrea txaisbt lis res caa put each oa Id a pea br him self. If ou can do this, we will tend you a sprite. a rurpris package of Christmas post tards. smais ana sncrs utnoiripnca la ricn color. and alto s certificate of entry in ear (rsnd eontest let as Overland Automobile. All rev save to Se is ts escloss s tw cent itainp la your letter to pay postage ase cost of mail inc. , Overland Auto Given Away He member ths Overland will abeoltitely be frees swsy at the close ef the (rand sontstt. la cass of s tie sn Oeerlaad will be lives e each pcrtoa so tied. Bend st esce so yoa caa be eetsrsd la this (rest contest. Full particular! by return mail. PEOPirt CO, 1035 Popular Au On Meinas, la II i