S-A THK OMAHA SUNDAY HKE: DECEMBER 12. 1915. KITHEC IT CAIITTI AMI HI I twenty-five celluloid Hints frotrv a set of ftnmiw ni ovum Uiiimm'htn, h mnl "Week- f TVatrrr" Will of January. ROYAL NEIGHBORS' ELECTION The annual "wnk of prayer" will le held the first week of the New Tear, beginning January I, It waa derided at a meeting of members of the south Omaha Minlsteral union at Ft. Luke's Lutheran church at Twentjr-ftfth and 1 K streets last week. Arrangement were made for the week of meetings. The meetings will be held nightly at the different churches of tha city, ac cording to the custom. At the meeting of the union. Rev. 8. H. Terlan. pastor of ftt Luke's Lutheran church, was elected president, and Rev. William R. Hill, pastor of Trinity Baptist church, secretary. Royal Kfelrfcbora Bled. At a meeting of Clover Leaf lodge. No. 8, Royal Neighbors of America, Thurs day evening, officers were elected. They are: Clara Merrlman, oracle; Mary Bruce, vice oracle; Kittle Bowker, past oracle; Belle Bailey, chancellor; Mary Hugenberg, recorder; Sarah Hathaway, receiver; Anna Flnley, marshal; Alberta !or. Inner sentinel: Clara White, outer sentinel; Belle Grottier, Julia Pulllam and Amelia Green, managers; Prs. Ensor, Beck, Davis and Smith, physicians. Dies In California. News was received from San Plego, Cal., yesterday, that Mrs. Pierre Bols eres, aged S4 years, formerly Miss Mary Guiles of this city, died yesterday at the home of her husband In California, fhe Is survived by her husband and four chil dren. A father, a brother, Robert, and a sister, Mrs. John O'Keefe, of this city also survive. The body will arrive tomorrow even. Ing. The funeral will be held Tuesday morning at o'clock at the residence of Josephine Guiles, in Sarpy county. In terraent will be in the St. Mary's cetne terr. Held for Aseaalt. Mlka Miller, arrested on a charge of attempted aaaault on two little gins. Justl Pakato, 4-year-old daughter of Mrs- Rose Fakato, and Anna Guilts, -year- old daughter of Mrs. A. Guilts. Twenty eighth and T streets, waa bound over Friday morning In the South Side police court by Police Judge Reed to the Doug las county sanity commission. It "was charred this morning that Miller was Insane when he attempted criminal acts, The prisoner was held for Sheriff Felix McShancwho was to have taken charge Miller last evening. If he is found In tha local court on the charges made by tho police. Clay Robinson Win Clay, Robinson took two out of three aemea from the Sheep' Barn gang, who appeared for the first time in the Stock Tarda league. THE SHEEP BARN. , 1st. Sid. 134 18 13fl 126 168 glng In the Star llvorv stable, XK North Twenty-fourth street, yesterday morning, was sentenced to sixty dsys in the county Jail In court by Police Jud Reed. Bly returned only a few weeks ago from Loxan, la., after having served a thirty-day sentence at thst plare for steal ng a gold watch from a farmer scu'h of I'lattsmouth. '. Magle ( Mr t.oaalp. ' Mrs. Mary Drlocoll will sine at the evening service of the West Side Inter denominational church at Twenty-ninth and Q streets. The I.i1 Ion' Aid n,l.lv nf the West Side tnterdeiinmipatloiuil i-hnx-h will hold a haxar and luncheon today t tha Church nan, i ntriy-eigrith and u streets. Gladva. S-vear-nlri rianahtrr of Mir. and Mrs. Trvndt, J417 T street, died last even- ing at the home of her parents sfter a I short illness with diphtheria. The funeral I will be held this afternoon at 4 o clo-K Sd. Total. Randall Burke ham Robinson.. tttllen Thomas 1 148 13 195 174 125 116 137 ln 196 .752 Totals CLAT-ROBINSON 1st. Wtlkerson Robinson Hansen .. Parker ... Malloy ... ' Totals .17S 12S 149 IRS 152 H39 COM. 2d. 19 117 200 178 136 2,810 719 no. ltd. Total. 1S6 161 162 140 632 611 44 72 7S U. S. YARD CO, 766 2,327 1st. Powera 17 Krug "6 Rtrauble 112 Bernard 136 Schellberg ISO 2d. 1S6 203 117 166 103 3d. 14g 142 112 160 121 Tot. 460 4il 341 451 860 Totals. Kells l.lKhtfoot . Wllkerson Straw Johnson , 670 TAGQ. 1st. 190 , 133 , 120 , 112 147 749 674 2093 2d. no 107 115 179 Kinyoun 136 Sd. 176 106 135 i 166 rd. Tot. 636 346 370 112 300 Tot. Totals 702 70S 771 2179 r.ppiT WFSTCRV COMMISSION CO, Siilinsr HZ loz i s- 1- , HI J.Ml sn elerson im I'S 166 160 1W 7B Tv'lelaen 187 148 173 608 Totals. Clark , Finch . Roth .. Zlebell 1-ans; .. 801 6S5 WOOD BROS. int. la. 161 182 177 110 132 794 2280 171 146 151 152 208 !d. 190 16 126 140 179 Tot 512 614 464 402 519 828 821 be from the residence. Interment will made in Oracoland Park cemetery. ! The women of the Trinity Bant 'at church mid continue their baaar Saturday arternoon and evening In the building : formerly occupied by the Ryan Millinery I company, opposite the postofflce. ' The Campfira girls of the Central In- terdenomlnatlonai church will meet Mon day evening at the church at Twenty- i fifth and M streets. The Boy Senuts will meet Thursday evening at the same piece. Socks, stockings, neckwear, umbrellas. sweaters, hats, gloves, silk and wool heal shawls and muiiiers. tie pins, sleeve buttons, broocht s, hair ornaments, ureases, suits, coats, hath robes, kimon.ts, 1 lien towels, etc etc., make very accept. able Christmas girts and you II find a most interesting supply here at Flynns. 1 March Notes. Trinity Baptist, Twenty-fifth and It, Rev. William R. Hall. Pastor Preaching at 11 and I: Evening subject, "Tim Ford Peace Ship. Sunday school at 9:45. Toung People s society at 6:lw. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30. Central Intcroetiominut onnl, Twenty fifth and M, Rev. II. K. P. Cornish, Pas torBible school at 9:4o. Girls' day will be celebrated. Morning worship at 11, with sermon by the iiaator. Christian Kndeavor services will be hold at 6:30. A praise service w II be held at 7:3. Gospel sermon at 8; top'c, "Tho Boy Jesus." West Side Interdenominational, Thirty eighth and Q, Rev. Shallcross, Pastor Sunday school at 9:46. Morning worship at 11. Christian Endeavor at 6:4j. Preach ing at "7:46. Prayer service and teachers' meeting Wednesday even'ng at 7:30. Ladles Aid society Thursday at church. St. Luke's Lutheran, Twenty-fifth and K, Rev. S. H. Yerian, Pastor Sunday school at 1:46. Morning service at 11. Cat hechet leal class at S In the afternoon. Luther league at 7 In the evening; leader, Kiss Josephine Grimm; subject, "The Student Volunteer Movement." Grace Method'st. Twenty-fifth and B, Rev. J. W. Morris, Pastor The pastor will spesk Sunday morning on the sub ject, "A lesson In Humanology." and in the evening at 7:30 on the topic, "The Second oC'mlng of Christ." Sunday school at 9:45. Epworth league at 6:3". Hillsdale Baptist Regular Bible study at 10. Evening service St 7:30 will be cenducted by a "Billy" Sunday gospel team. All are welcome. St. Martin's Episcopal. Twenty-fourth and J, Rev. John Wallls Ohl. Rector Services for third Sunrtav in Advent: Holy euchartst at 7:30. Sunday school at :46. Matins at 11. Holy confirmation at T:80. The bishop of the diocese will officiate and preach. Instruction to con firmation class Monday evening at 7:30. South Side United Presbyterian, Twenty third and H. Albert N. Porter. Pastor Preaching at 11 with a sermon for chil dren at tha opening. Sabbath school at 9:46. Juniors at 3. Christian Endeavor at :30. Preaching at 7:30. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 8. Lefler Memorial Methodist. Fifteenth and Madlaon, Rev. E. Silverbrand, Pas torSunday school at 10. Preaching at 11. Subject, "A Glorious Church." Ep worth league at 6:46. Evangelistic serv ice at 7:30. Subject. "What Satan Found." A special solo will be sung by Chauncey Mullen at both services. First Presbyterian, Twenty-third and J, Rev. Robert L. Wheeler, Pastor Pastor W-heeler. who has been 111 at his home, will resume his work in the pulpit Sun day morning at 11 o'clock. Elder Henry F. Kleser1 will conduct the evening eer vicea at T:30 o'clock. A meeting in the Interests of the state prohibitory cam paign will be held at 3 p. m., when Mrs. William Berry will have chsrre. Babbxth school at 9:46 a. m. Christian En deavor at 4 p. m., and Senior Christian Endeavor at 6:30 o'clock. BRIEF CITY NEWS "Townsends for Bporilsg Goods." Wedding; Kings Xflholai, jewels. Lighting rtsVaree Burgeas-Orandsa. Save Snot rriat ft Now Beacon Press S3.T50 buys x75 rlose In and near 'rarkace; s houses, rent per mo. J. H. Dumont. Keellne Bldg. Snbber Salesmen tJ Detrol Fifteen salesmen of the Vntted Mates Rubber j eorr.pn.ny will go to Petrolt over the ' Northwestern road Sunday. ! Today's Jtovte Program" easslflea sect Ion today. It appears In The Bee EXCLl'SIVELT. Find out what the va rious moving picture theaters offer. Tor Safety Pint In Life Insurance aee W. II. Indoe. general agent. State Mutual Life Assurance Co., of Worcester, Mass., one of the oldest (71 years) and best companies on earth. I t'nion Pacific building. Is defendant In a i CARVER AND THREE OF t divorce suit filed In district court by Mrs. I HCaTU i Jessie A. Mtllencr. Cruelty is alleged as UHlLUHtN BUHN IU UtAIH grounds In her petition. XlUott Rolbrook to Lecture' The PI F.N TT, Pssk., IVc. ll.-C. V. Hierarchy that Governs Humsnlty," will Mitchell, aged 48, and three of his chll- Sr. Klllener Bned fot XMvoroe Dr. Frederick H. Mlllener. custodian of the he the ub)ert of a lecture by Elliott Holbrook at Theoaophlcal hall, aulte TU1. Bee building, Sunday avenlng at t o'clock. The lecture la free to the publlo. Xaa State Weak at Omaha, corner Sit teenth and Harney. Pays FuUK per cant va time .epoiits and THREE per cent vn savings accounts. All deposits In thli usok are protected by the depositors guarantee fund of the state cf Nebraska, ingly light penalty. TEXAS CHIEF ADVOCATES PLOWSHARE PREPAREDNESS NR WYOHK, Dec. 11. Governor James E. Ferguson of Texas, addressing the Association of Life Insurance Presidents today, aald one kind of preparedness this country needed -e '- which could be wrought by the plowshare dren, Lenora. 16; Lucy, 4, and Lloyd, 8, ere burned to death today In their farm house. Mitchell waa In a barn when his wife discovered the fire and called. He ran Into the burning house and succeeded In saving two of his sons. In attempting further rescues he fell and waa burned with the three children. MACKENZEN RECEIVED BY AUSTRIAN EMPEROR BERLIN, Dec. ll.-(Vla Wireless to Payvllle.) Field Marshal von Mackvnxen, commarider-ln-fhlef of the Teutonic forces In the Serbaln campaign, hse been re ceived 1y Emperor Francis Joreph of Austra-llungary, who accorded the dis tinguished soldier special audience, a Vienna dispatch states. TWO MILLION ACRES IN SOUTH DAKOTA OPEN WASHINGTON. Deo. ll.-Openlng to settlement of J,000,(M acres of nonlrrt gsbla land In Pennington, Custer and Fall River counties, South Dakota, was an nounced today by the Department of the Interior. The land will be available for entry January 10, next. Elkaora. Marssret Moiling and Maria Ilnlllater have been 111 the last week. Mrs Henry Illchel of Omaha visited hep father, A. H. Hansen, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J, N. W'vstt were Omaha vlHltots Wednesdsv. They moved Into their new home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pay. Mrs. John Sclmldt and Miss F.lla Chuwu did their Christmas shopping In Omsha. Mrs. P. G. Hofeldt and daughters, the Misses Amanda and Dorothy, aro con fined to the house with the grip. Mr. end Mrs. Julius Schuldt entertained tho committee and speakers of the Fstmers' Institute st a 6 o'clock dinner Tuesdsy evening. Miss Dora Bull, who hss been 111 the last week with dlntherla. Is Improving. The Millard school was closed several days on account of the disease. At the meeting of tha village bosrd on Thursday evening, a remonstrance, signed by about twenty cltlaens. wss presented, protesting the action of the Central Station Knglneerlng eompsnv, which has the franchise for furnishing the electricity for the village. In chars Inn a meter rent or service chsrge In addition to a minimum rate of II per month, or if! cents per kilowatt. It wss generally understood that the only cost wss to be for the amount of rurrent used, with a minimum of fl per month. A resolution was. adopted trst If the company continues to make this charge that the v'.llnae hoard take steps to can cel the franchise. ;reat oal Breaker riorned. RCRANTON, Pa., Dec. 11. The Dolph company's anthracite breaker at Jessun burned lodny, causing a loss of llM.nno snd throwing 800 men and boyg out of work. A Room for the Roomer, or Roomer for the Room, Bea Want Ada Do the Work. 8 1 1 ttgflTyAa S K Li: MV Wolf son Is Named Instructor in Hebrew Lewis Wolfson, a freshman at the Uni versity of Omaha, has been appointed instructor of Hebrew and sacred litera ture at the Price Hill Hebrew school In Cincinnati. Wolfson plans to leave Im mediately to take up his new duties. Since coming to Omaha several years ago Mr. Wolfson has been prominent In local Jewish circles. Although only 20 years old he has been conducting a school in Hebrew In one of the local synagagues. During his spare time Mr. Wolfson plans to work for his degree in the Uni versity of Cincinnati. Totals .752 Almost Krosen. Cold and almost frosen, Henry Mann 221S U street, Pouth Side, was found at 7:46 o'clock this morning by Chief of Police O'Hara of the Cudahy Packing plant, at Thirty-third and N streets, wandering about the plant hatless and costless in a demented condition. He Is he same man who was arrested laat Sat urday at Twenty-eighth and Q strets by Officer Ballew. At that time ha was hooked as drunk and disorderly. Officers Grace and Baughman brought the man to the police station In the ratrol. where he was revived. He will be held awaiting Investigation as to his sanity. Fred Bly. Twenty-eighth and J streets, wha was arrested on a charge of stealing A Room for the Roomer, or a Roomer for the Room. Bee Want Ads Do the Work. 'ASM 8 SHOP EARLY AND SHOP SENSIBLY I MAKE IT A PRACTICAL. USEFUL GIFT THIS $ tl U g:i58&X YEAR FOR YOUR FRIEND'S HOME OR YOUR HOME HOME GIFTS ARE BEST I aft occ viur jYiammom ocock or iii&n urooo , iiome rurnisnmss uerore iou uuy uur yuauiy ana trices tnnnui , uc cqusica SPECIAL EASY f.lOiiTHLY PAYMENTS GLADLY ARRANGED OH AHY PURCHASE Iff Desired ll ' ' afc ..a ... . n GUARANTEED J-INCH POST BRASS BED OUTFIT Bed has ten fillers and finished eatln. Springs art angle Iron, woven wire top, supported In the center. Mattress Is of sanitary fibre, with (MO soft top, heavy ticking. Entire three f e) pieces at only 1.1S Cask gl.O a . K VERY LARGE SIZE IW COLONIAL ROCKER Seat X and back upholstered in guaranteed imitation leather. Has extra massive frame, splendidly finished in gold en. Has high back and roomy seat, steel spring construction M A $17 value nr at only. ...$oiu Moat. BvJ B W I 1 wcat I PI I r iiB J tards g 1 I re F. k "s. A H a H -Z-Z "" i K rl"-... ' V- ACME OAK HEATER ArRw- mttm II a - " Urge slse stove. In plain co-i--5 X$W r . ; V i J a A7 lon"l design. Body of best Wells- i,l I ' f Q fv vllle poilsheJ steel. Elaborately f V- D nickel trimmed. Guar- fe - e ft 5lVv 1 Uirv W anteed In every 31.311 I -- f i .-, I tV resieet. Only WleiV aTS E 111 !."."' 'J. V , ' fl , Ji ll0 Usb-IIM s Hsslk. 'yljP I l Va rvti ,Jcin ts: i.Jiif. ' ' V 1 . l k es:inn:::. ic ilT"! 1 . i lUJii sb ft: IL'J iMLS ;;'' U iLi-Mh a .'ji i i'j ail j S MIM SM-ffl a I Cash gl a j?r mm- K st;iiwissjiiwi! iirji sail ' It t lt. tl Iff BEAUTIFCL NEW DESIGN CHARLES THE II. PERIOD DININO ROOM 8UITE Elegantly proportioned and exceptionally well constructed. Correctly finished fumed. Genuine quarter-sawed oak throughout 48-lnch top table, with 3Vi diameter twist roped legs. toot extension. Five high buck full box seat chairs, upholstered In the best grade GENUINE SPA leather. One arm chair to match. Specially priced for entire set, only. . $0 Cash 4.00 a Month. $15.75 g Here Should Be Music In Every Home on Christmas Day This Is Mads Possible by the Wonderful "Columbia Grafonola ELE1ANT NAPOLEON DESIGN KOTAL IMITA- TtrM piDmaatiu tirAT vi'T tittt-v In gppoarancc, with full roll bead tft r f?p H acd foot board. Matches dresser below, A remarkable value at, only.. Sl.tVO Cash S1.2H a Meath. a rOVaL IM1T1T10M Vf fc CIRCASSIAN WAli- 55 NUT PRINCESS DRESS- fQ ER Has heary pln top, 5 full swelled base, consist- iQ Ing of two large and two Vw mail drawers. French Jfil beveled plate mirror meas- ures 18x30 Inches. Matches SjJ bed pictured above. Ex- tremely beautifully finish- vvj d and strongly con- structed. Our price only A SPLENDID VALUE IN A ROYAL IMITATION INO TABLE Matches bed and dresser, shown to right. Beau tifully grained French bevel plate mirror, measures 20x22 Inches. Eaual to anv dressing 9 table worth up $22.00. Our price only cash St month ', ill s..$12.95i CI aOfl- s- -j Prices hirst ''1 W offsr complst . showing of the world famous Musical Instru ments in every six and style and ranginf in price from $15.00 to $350. We Illustrate here our "LEADER." A marvelous Instrument In every way. Drop in and hear it Beautiful mahog any, satin walnut or quartered oak case, in golden, fumed or early English fin ishes. All exposed metal parts heavily nickel plated. Non-vibrant motor plays four records with one winding t case I I a . a a a w.' noias a records; tone con trol; 300 assorted needles 4 needle cups, etc. Price, You pay nothing on the Grn'onola; simply pay cash for one dozen records Columbia double disc records, turn se lections on each-6 -'c apiece. Before Buy- nciire(eirsuMtrMMTi ino Home- l. tiiit'M HXZ4lh.- furnishings ms A SPLENDID VALUE IN A HIGH GRADE AUTOMATIC t BED DAVENPORT Solid oak frame, finished golden, f! Back and seat deeply tufted and upholstered fllr) nr In guaranteed imitation leather. One-motion J) I I rttl converts it into a full sized bed, only v " v v 1.7B Cash IJ a Maath. A Genuine Va'ue m a 9x1 1 Foot MR. BUSINESSMAN ! a Automatically 5,000 Per Hour Are You In a Ye. vet Rug t Three-Piece Mission rmrmma-iW 1 LIBRARY SUITE jj'j.l SL-iamsmnjnimnamLj J sTtEiuttJUa! sswMssaAV li4 mm 7&iu in -j f 2l f 'H 8TTLB ROCKKR. CJH"0JsAvT At CZ.Fl f - Has heavy alat back, TH BLv N I " T , 4 I-- broad roomy seat, up- 1 tV I l'Ir?" 1 I lX J holstered In Spanish :; k V1 lifWT? -r . I . A Imitation leather. 1 (E , ' I XI . 4 sffis-SE I I hs I f and a rare value at I r-Saafr H Kl Vt Vf&i 4 W 33.45- UpF.. TiJ 0 M .fr. ft -mI J4 "' '"IM.lml rv- J I NOT A TOY JJ ll . Ij II A apKC'lAI, OFFEKINO IN A THREB-P1ECB ll r- ''l - f-'l"'8 8fT.FrsV.na Is built of hard wood, fin- J i-l '! i T-lJfcBrrii fumed. Rltra well braced and iirn.l. IW n TO a vevsa t r w a v-i m vr a s m . . . . . J2'l, 1 1 r Liu-i nMum Ami a n I ihtk ALL x PKB1QNBD MIRSION LIBRA RT f The entire suite constructed throughout ot solid osk. finished fumed. Chair ai T r a "-""-a openisn imiisiion leainer Taoie measures fsl strrr. nd rorker FOR THIS WEEK WE ARK OFFERING A VERY SPE CIAL VALUE IN A Salt FT. VELVET RUO. The pat- erns axe of the newest design arid made of th oolen yarn. Meauiirui color comhini Ions. Larae assortment to aelect from. Our low price only 10x41 Inches, ritted with masjaKlne raolts and slailonery drswer. iuiiv, vxBciijr pii-iurwa ana priced at only , I. (V Cash Sl.tn a Meath En- Eest $11.75 'N.S.YAFFE, Rush Printer 512 South 16th Street Call Douglas 770 XMll OIRM. 10 Far 100 Beaatlfull? Baabja ta Xarse Colore, laelaalas; aavelope. 1 i aaav-" ,f a-' J CO WONDERFUL JUMPINO DOO A marvelous mechanical toy, which when wound-up, makes complete somersaults. Exceedingly amus ing. While they Otn last at, only i-Jl, Two Christmas Toy pccials SaViiSU.t'' u. aJb o I m issnnsa 1 MisS o A OREAT SPECIAL JN A LARGE PIZKI) FlLAi'K HO A HI). Blends IS Inches hlh, II Inches wide. Htoutly made wood frame. 4 A. Can be used on either side. tl cent vslue, only structed. Complete set. consisting of rocker, set- M tee and arm chair. All upholstered C tl ZtA tX In Spanish Imitation leather. While N A li'l thsy isst. at. enly VeVe xt h il 8 8 8 8 i,i LIBRA RT TABLE VALUE, .ade of se lected hard wood, finished In American quarter sawed Imitation oak. X4x41-lnch top, secret drawer, strongly constructed and O OA muruusnir wen oracea. Very Till o at. only TSe Cash TBe a Meath. special. us V NEW MODEL II T SECTION ADJUBTABLB PRESS IrORM. The only dress form on the market that will positively reproduee any form reiraraieas or aoiormltlee rial price for this week only Bpe- $9.50 AKEBJCA'S GREATEST HOME fTBJISHERS. fflW'lMS LARGE 8 FXLLINO Mi m CENTLEMEN'S SMOK- INO STAND Made of solid oak, brass ash tray with glass Inset, convenient drawer for pipe or cigars, finished golJen or turned; stands 27 Inches hlgn, 12-lnch top. A .are bargain in a complete smokers' table At A f" 53.05 I Z E. CA RD TAiJLM. Can bs had In mahogany, solden or fumsd oak finishes. In either arreen felt or Imi tation leather top. Svjl BO inches. Mlrkel oor aera. Very special. at S1.95 1 ifTi'nii IBM 11 W3 ft J 8 8 8 8 3 8 8 8 fd Ik! hrtdw ' '6 - 18 DOUGLAS ST.. Js-fflBrf?1 1 1 HI " -'rt: