OMAHA. SUNDAY MOUNT NO, DECEMBER 12, 1915. Nebraska Nebraska "Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska Lincoln is hit by little crime waye wo Fights, Two AmulU, Couple of Burglaries ni Church Box it Looted. SOMETHING DOING IN OLD TOWN (From a Staff Correspondent) , LINCOLN. DC lL-Brclal -Uncoln pollc hsd a busy time last night. th tlrt of lw breaking, which ha bn flowing over th state striking Lincoln In Hood shape. A a result two men were uUtred In fight, two arest wer mad" tor asults. two attempted burg larl -ere reported, and the robbery of a churrh collection box. took place. J. Snyder, who liven In an abandoned lunch car near Sixteenth and N Ford's Name Filed i as Candidate for the Presidency (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN.' Neb.. De. 11. RPwlnl Tele gram.) Nebraska's Joke presidential can didate feetory ground out another candi dal for president thl morning. Joseph W. Marrow of Cuming street, Omaha, filing the name of Henry Tord a a can didate on the republican ticket. Tha pe titioner are all Omaha men. County Officers to Meet at Columbus COLfMBVS. Neb.. Dee. 11. Speclal.) Ccunty supervisors, commissioner and county clerka from all porta of the state of Nebraaka will meet here In conven tion tivt Tl i fi v W mA n mm 4 m m r A aaulted and badiy pounaea up .na v. ( dRy Bualnee sessions will be held each his aavlngi Ukcn. morning and afternoon at the North Harry Larxen. a ei'" ,' : opera noun. Hpeclil entertainment featurea are planned for the vlsltlnir was aa- nmk.ini theater, waa siasnea wun a knife In a fight with a companion. The two attempted burgiaiiea wer pre vented by the burglar belna Beared r before they had taken anything. but at the church of the X'nlted Breth- : pen. the burglar aecured the collection plate with Ita contenta. which are tin known a to amount. - Qaai-aatla la l.lfte. The State Live Stock Sanitary board haa conditionally lifted tha quarantine rgalnst Wlaconatn on the foot and mouth dlaaeae and will permit caul from that tate to com Into Nebraaka, provided they do not come from afected territory. They will also permit hog to be ahlpped lato thla alat If Immunised from cholera by serum treatment. Leaaoa for State Board. "The Btat Board of Control waa handed ita annual bunch of lemona to day by th atate hoapltal, which haa a lomon tree growing in IU hothouse. Two at the lemona weighed twenty-aeren mine each, and th smallest one of th Alght sent weighed twenty ounces. Th ,mhinit wala-ht of th eight was IRS tamers, an average of a little over wenty-thre ounces each.' 3 Brat nerd t Llaesla. Henry Allen Bralnerd. formerly preal nt of the Nebraska Stat Preaa asso ciation, and who recently sold his paper at Hebron, haa moved to Lincoln for the w inter. Mr. Bralnerd is on of th pio neer newspaper men oi in nu is been In the hams from boyhood. Whether h can keep away from the newspaper habit h himself doe not know, but h will mak th attempt thla Winter, anyway. U MeCalatloa Mar File, ijjohn T. McCulatlon of Hebron haa Retired filing papers from th offle of Zli secretary of state for th purpoe of Hllng for district Judge of the Beventh SidicUl district. Mr. McCulslWn waa a jmdldat for th nomination of attor-rt-y general on th republican ticket at g. last primary, and was defeated by George Ayres, then deputy attorney gen-ftal. guests under the direction of Carl Kramer, Charlea L. Plckey and John C. Byrnes. The annual banquet la slated for Thurs day. December 1, at th Orpheua hall at t:M o'clock, and will be served by th Methodist women, followed by program of short talks by Judge I. L Albert, Karl Kramer, president of the Commercial club and other prominent speakers. County Attorney Otto P. Walter I busy securing accommodation" In private home for visiting officials for whom hotels are unable to sholter. Kleetrle Lights for Dawson. eTTBLLA. Neb.. Deo. 11 -(Special.)-? Dawson, ten miles southwest of Stella, has been trying to get electric lights for several years, and haa finally sue-t-eeded by contracting with O. A. Cooper of th Humboldt Electric Light company to aupply th current. Th Alamo En gln and Supply company of Omaha will build th lines. Hastings Will Have Census Enumeration HASTINGS. Neb., Icr. 11. ."pedal Tel egram ) By executive order of President Wilson, Hasting will be the fifth city In the trnlted States to have sn official federal census taken between decennial enumerations. Under the direction of the census bu reau at Washington, enumerators will be gin a canvass of the city K'l nday. B. K. Ellsworth, supervisor of census, and S. J. Tracy, assistant, from Washington, are here with headquarters at the Cham ber of Commerce. Four enumerators will be chnsen f'r each of the four wards. Name, age and race and relationship to heads of families will be taken. Fine or Imprisonment for refusing to answer questions will apply as In the decennial enumerations. Tulsn, Okl., established tho precedent last spring when It appealed to President Wilson for a new count. Insisting that the 1K10 census was far too low. That city bore all the expense, and ao does Hastings. Since then, orders have come from the White House for census enu merations In four other cities, Hast Ins being the last of the five and the first In Nebraska or west of the Missouri river. Leaves Fond for Hospital. WKEPIN O WATER, Neb., Iec. 11. (Speclal.) In the will of the late Seymour A. Reed, which ha Just been filed for probate, provision la made for the es tablishment of a community hospltnl at this place. The will provldea that If I2.&0 Is raised by the cltlicns, a legacy of I7.T,) will be given from the Reel estate, the plan being to have a hospital to cost t20,X) Including an endowment fund of flft,mr for maintenance. If the provlilon of the will la not taken advantage of within two years from the time of Mr. Reed s death the $7,.ViO Is to go to losne college at Crete. fst rattle right Into the fields snd mak ing good use of It In that way. Notes from Werplnar Water. WKKPINO WATER. Neb., Dec. 11 J. W. Dorsey haa sold his tailoring establishment to William Meier, formerly of Ota nil Island. Neb. W. F. Noble, the Omaha boy, who was selected from the state university to go on the Ford peace Journey, was well known here. George W. Noble, h!s father, was the first paid Instructor to serve In the Weeping Water Academy and was connected with this Institution for many years. Charlea Jenkins has purchased the barber shop, formerly owned by Henry Younj. J. A. Hlath of Louisville, has entab lldhed a new harness ehop heie, t.onar Ilecoril of TrnnMe. WEEPING WATER, Neb.. Dec. 11. (Special.)-!!. L. Coombs, ma'l clerk on train No. 1.T7 between Auburn and Omaha, on December 1 completed a record of 295, M) miles traveled while In the service during the last eight years. Six years of this time has been on the present run j between Auburn and Lincoln. Mr. Cooml'S has never been In an accident during his service on the road. I.nnn Valley Corn Good. BUrtWELL, Neb.. Dee. ll.-fSpeclal.) A large part of the Corn In the Iup valley that was not hailed. Is In excellent condition and Is yielding more than was 'xperted. One field Inapectrd Is yielding about sixty bushels to the acre and -very ear was hard and more than half of It would make good seed corn. Pome fields In the hall district are soft, but the farmers are turning their -mm I tend the ails, get Informed, then go to Copley's to snve money. Others havce -Why not yon? 3 en-a 'oe of Hn'tlnsra. HASTINGS, NVb.. Dec. 11. (Special Tel egram.) Through the attorney general, the itate tit Nebraaka will attempt to end the chances of more than a hundred heirs of John O'Connor, the IW.CO) refuse on January i. Judge Corcoran sets thla date to henr Nebraska's argument. This will probably force claimants to "show their hand" on this day. Plans are being drawn by Hastings architects for a 123,000 high school build ing at Guide Rovk. The structure will be of brick with stone trimmings, two stories high with basement. Lick Stamps and Curse Democratic Party Tillman WASHINGTON, Deo. 11. ' Every time a man wrote a bank check, he would have to lick a stamp and curse the demo cratic party," declared Senator Tillman, democrat, today. In anounclnK that he proposed to fight President Wilson's sug gestion that a stamp on bank checks be Included In the war revenue law. "I prefer an Increased graduted Income tax and whenever a man has an Income of $1,000,000, I would take all In excesa of that," Senator Tillman added. "A million a year is enough for any man and the government needs the money." ell Season Ticket. In answer to th ni.srge that tt Is too fimall to support a Threc-I ball club Free port haa set out to sell 1.000 season ticket befuro the season opens. j r w- w 71 70 l1 TnTl G) (fiS iQ) I ff?l fni fill lTi niP,-- ru" nni? Mi I . . BOTES FROM BEATRICE , ANn GAGE COUNTY OEATRICE. Neb., Dee. 11. (Special.) th Kllpatrtck fc'i.a corn show held In Mock on North Fifth treet th last two fciys closed today, ther being izj enine. jfri of th features of th how was th kernel farm" mad entirely of com by j th children of th Odell chooli. Th -kjbit conalsted of house, barn, corn cribs, etc., made from krn!i of eorn. Th x- j hibtt wlivb shipped t Lincoln, where It will b kept for th tat fair next rail. Pro. Oaddi of Lincoln Judged th corn rsh:b!t Mayor McMullen of Wymore Trlday fin ished checking up th book of Bamuel Le. deposed city electrician, and found no. discrepancies as far a known. L stilt refuses to glv up th offlc or turn over the, key and th city counoll will meet In a few day to tart proceed ing In th court to. oust him. In th meantime th new appointee, W. JL Scott of this city. 1 right on th Job. Mrs. Luella Smith was, granted a di vorce from Joseph Smith by Judge rem berton Friday. . Recently Smith brought suit against hi wlfo asking for a divorce but failed to put in an appearance and the case was dismissed. Latar Mrs. Smith filed a cross petition asking for a divorce on th grounds of cruelty nd drunken nea. Th Ooodfellow of Wymor gv a largely attended ball last evening , for the benefit of the poor and .needy of Wymor. who will b well remembered during th holiday season. Burham' or chestra furnlahed th music. . ... Peter Jensen of this city ha announced himself a a candfUat for delegate from this district to th next republican na tional convention. . KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS . FEAST AT COLUMBUS COLUMBVS, Neb., Deo. lX-4Spclal.) Th annual banquet of th fourth degree of th Knight of Columbus waa held last evening at th Evan hotel. Quest of th knight wer their wive and I sweetheart and a merry flock of thirty five gathered around th banquet table. At th close of the banquet Vt. F. H. Morrow, the toastmaster of certmoniea. railed tipen th member for Impromptu i talks. Among th speaker wer Rev. Fr. I Hilarlua, the new pastor of the congrega tion, John C Byrne. Judge William O'Brien. P. J. Hart. Fred Gerber, D. W. Killen of Schuyler, Otto F. Walter. John Hsya. Mr. Curran and Judge Raturman. At 10 o'clock th party adjourned to the Knight of Columbas hall where a ds Hatful Informal dancing party was joyed. A n) f7U!'- wa Surprlco Dolivory Ma do at AHY DAY You Request GIFT: that is to last a' lifetime should - be chosen deliberately and these are the Very" last of the shop - at - leisure days. Never before have we gone into the Christmas season with such a complete stock. For this year, in addition to all our regular designs, we are mak ing an advance showing of all the new 1916 models. This means superior shopping advantages to those making their selection here. GRAND PI ANOS-$450 and Upwards This is the home of the celebrated Steinway. The standard piano of the world. Buying one of these in struments means settling the piano .question for a life time. Here you will also find such world renowned makes as Weber, Hardman, Steger & Sons, Emerson, McPhaiL Lindeman & Sons and our own sweet-toned Schmoller & Mueller Grand, a $600 value for $450. Easy terms, with three years in which to pay. PLAYER PIANOS-$350 and Upwards This is Omaha's Flayer Piano Headquarters. Here you will find over twenty different styles and finishes. Heading the list is the Aeolian Pianola Piano with its exclusive features . the Themodist and Metrostyle, which enables one to play the most dif ficult music correctly. No complicated levers or buttons and yet perfect control. Here you will also find the New Herbert Player; $200 lower in price than any other former inner player.. - Easy terms of . $2.00 a week pay for a High Grade Player. 1 HIGH GRADE UPRIGHTS-$175 & Upwards Dn.kgKi F Bailcw Sanatorium This Institution la the only one In tha central wagt with separate buildings . situated In their OS ample grounds, yet entirely dis ttnet, and rendering It posslbl to classify cases. The one buldlng bolng fitted for and devoted to the treatment of non-contagious and non-mental diseases, no others be ing admitted; the other Rest Cot tage being designed for and de voted to' the exclusive treatment of select mental cases requiring for a time watchful care and spe cial nursing. FURNISHINGS In the glow of your hearth fire, the excel lence of well chosen fixtures is constantly ap parent. It pays to select with discrimination. Our extensive stock and perhaps our sugges tions may help you to decide. ANDIIIOXS II SKKTS Sl'AKK HCltEKNS I I.NDKKS F1HK RKTS iAS MHJS WICKKK WOO!) HOl.!FKS Everything for the Fireplace. SUNDERLAND Entire 3d Floor U. . w. V. Keeline Bldg., 17th & Harney B llitfSMtt. The Ideal Christmas Gift If you want to give someone the bct and present they ever received, let It be a most enjoyable CORONA Typewriter for Personal Use The most acceptable gift is always the most useful and in these days of business efficiency there is nothing so useful as a typewriter that can be carried easily and used anywhere on trains in the home or atl the office, and will last a lifetime. The 6 lb. Corona, numbers among Its friends "Princes," "Generals," "War Correspondents," "Salesmen," "Auttrs," "Actors and Actresses," "Teachers," "Big Business Men" in fact, men in all walks of life, and It won't be long before it is used as universally as the fountain pen. You enn't make a mistake by giving someone a Corona this ChriFtmas. Central Typewriter Exchange (Inc.) 1905 Farnam Street. F.xclusive Ifcenlcrs T- K g-,t l B f, I 1.1 -.1 1 J ;J fep ' jj 1 , rv""-" ''1v..r..- '" ''r" i. .....n f , ';rfrs rr 'i,-;i...-l7;i.yM,.a: u Sbpe sure to et yuri H I n ki i SCHOCiMASTERS' CLUB MEET TO HEAR DICK The Sweet-toned Schmoller & Mueller Piano sold ;H:."7Tk direct to the home, saving: you the middleman's profit from o io 9iou. many ouierent siyies ana wooas 10 select from. Our 25-Year Guarantee Bond goes with each instrument. Easy terms pay $5.00 a month. Free stool, free scarf, free life insurance. CHRISTMAS SPECIALS IN GOOD USED PIANOS IK YOU don't need to go over your varnished floors with a dry mop after using a Polly Prim, a3 this latest, improved and up-to-date mop does not smear or streak. The self-feeding feature is the secret. The Polly Prim Mop may be replenished without soiling the hands, merely pour a little polish into the reservoir and it will be evenly distributed through each and every strand, giving perfect saturation. You never saw another mop like the Polly Prim. No other mop has so many exclusive features. And this is the mop that you can get free this week with a purchase of a dollar can of Polly Prim Polish. Remember, we stand back of and guarantee every word in this advertisement. Your money back without quibble or question if you are not completely satisfied. (From a Stsff Correspondent) ' LINCOLN, Ie. 11 - Special About ' 11 members of th Nebraska, School mss Urf club and Invited guests attended the slKty-ftfth meeting of that rganlsa tiun in Linooln last night, th banquet t-ing held In th cafeteria at th new hlh school building. : President George 0. Dick f th sKsmef Normal school waa th principal speaker it the evening. Pej I. . Cutter of th University colleg of madlcln presiding, j Other speaker n th subject vh took j urt In th discussion wer Chancellor Avery of th etilvercttr. W. O. Allan of IXaa. Dean foredye of Wesley and p-tersl uprlntendDt of normal scheols. ! Apartment. nts. wouae and cottage ; ro be rent4 quickly and cheaply by Former PHe $ IAO llasrtton, square pUnu . . . ... , $500 (ttirktring dc Hons, iaare . . . , $225 BmaJt upright Haaeltoo, uprlfht $.100 Vn Hons, upright $3i3 Kingsbury, upright $tOO ICmttrsun, upright $nOO Kchmoller Mustier, upright . . iJX tlteger at rkru, upright Hale lYIc a m 8 1M) 100 m 175 Former Sl IVlre Wee fi75 llradford. uiwight ; .-8155 $.100 Trybcr. upright '. ,.8175 $2711 Muclk-r, upright 8128 $223 Kil. uprlKht ; . .8100 00 Wibw, upriKht , ..' SU83 $nao Ktelnw ay, upright S-125 $1,000 Chlrkcrlng & Sous, grand 81U5 gl.lOO ritclnwa, grmmd 8305 OELCCT YOUR PIANO FOR CHRISTMAS PAY NEXT YEAR Schmoller & ueller fiano 60. The Formula of a Scientist POLLY PRIM POLISH Is mad under th world famou formula of Dubeck-Monhsrdt of Germany and is a scientific compound. It contain no gum, rosin, acid, alkali or other ingredient injurious to varnish or paint. It is a clear solution, without grit or solid and will not gum, become rancid or predpiiat (settle). It will not toil clothing, curtain or ruga. Polly Prim Polish U used with plendid result on everything from oil painting to hardwood floors on piano, good furniture, automobiles, carriage and th like on any painted or varnished surface. Polly Prim Polish impart a tonic action to th vamish by ntng th varnish pore and stimulating it, thus preventing "ag dry," crystal. Isation, checking, cracking, scaling or dulling. It bcala a cracked or checked varnished surfac th Bam as lotion doe cut on th akin. (Brandeis Stores sxcx.tra.rrB DISTRIBUTORS 0MAHA viva Dsra. ku rtor, The New, Different, Better Mop rpHROW away your old-atyla, heavy, tiring, wk I ward oil mop. You cannot afford to continu to use it when you can get m light, strong, com pact, mechanically correct Polly Prim Mop free with a $100 full quart (32-Os.) can of Polly Prim Polish. There is no other mop like th Polly Prim. Th all metal holding dsvic i so small that you can get into very nook and corner of a room, under beds, bureaus, Dookcas, stoves, radiators anywher von can put th human hand. Polly Prim Mop 1 mad of metal and handsomely nickel plated with enameled handle. It is strong and durable, for ther ar no wooden parts to break, and th mop strands cannot com out. It is easy to clean; simply retnov th handU and throw mop into boiling watar. You can hang this mop back of th door without sailing woodwork or wall. 131M3 FAUN AM ST., OMAHA, NEB. Th Oldest PI no lions) in the Wt. EotablUhed 1858. Polly Prim Polish quickly snd easily remove stains, dirt, dust and grim. Polly Prim Polish is employed In fin home, hot!, art gallarie, piano and furniture show rooms in America and Euro pa. It 1 Scientific and modern, as far superior to ordinary fumitur polish as an electric light is to a candle. Faffavevt (32 mm.) $l.QOt 14 80ct - 25 Many thousand of Polly Prim Mops hav been sold at the regular retail price of $ 1.23 each. Every day, thousand of woman willingly and cheerfully pa $UX for full quart can of Polly Prim Poliah. HU week you cab get a PoDy Prim Mop free with ta pore Lam of $1.00 Can of Polly Prim Polish 31 WirM3tt3BB3T?ir7'rTTrg3B33giLlgJi3aggSg mOB