THE OMAHA SUNDAY 11KE: DECEMBER 12, 1915. T J I ! c t -I s t .- 1 6; . F 4. k lb A f2 OUR LAMP DISPLAY Corop rises Electric Stick for Piano Lamps, Table Lamps, Desk Lamps, Shades of various col ors In new Tudor shapes. Caudle Sticks from $1.00 op. $1.00 to $50.00 ART NOVELTIES w ,' Vases, Bowls, iToret Subjects, Statuary, Photo Frames, Bronte and Sliver Brlo-a-Brar, Desk Sets, Cordova Leather Goods, Ar tificial Flowers, Standard Frames. . I ill . mam Pictures Framed. a ononr rn 1513.1515 i ilUOrJCi DoatUi Street The preferred Chocolates KZX.X OKOCObATV CIS Tli &4 Vox. Halt round SO.JS Two Pound. . ...1.30 On Pound ...... J.S Three rounds . .1. Five Hiiind.,..,iSa.S K2X.X CKOCOiaTEa BpMlal aaeortmeat. Hard and rasoy C.aieia, Half Pound fO.SO Two Pounds . ...SS.OO Una Pound fl.00 Three Pounds ...(0.00 Five Pounds 90.00 BUTTSS CHOOO&ATEB Herd raaey Owtan ll-oi. pkjr 1.0.6(1 2U-US. pk fl.00 l-o. pkff So.80 40-o.. pkr 90.00 O-iii. pknr 93.00 MMterpieos ChoooUt.. Mild Blttwr Sweets. Half Hound 90.60 Kluhteen ounce., fl.00 One Pound Thlrty-l ou. . .M.00 Kiv found 94.00 BX.XaA.rT CXOOOX.4TESRo Cream Oeatera Half Pound . ..,. BO Two Pounds Sl.eO One Pound ...... 9S0 Three pounds . . .92.40 Flv I'ounda 94.00 JLT KOVTZAV CWOCO&ATBH AJtD BOBT SOS1 ll-o. pkir ,.90.60 I'ouwl. 93.00 20-oe. pk 9ioo ew found. as. oo peotai Houd.y Robertson Brohragt Co. peokaes B baskets loisJll'.i, 91.00 -to 910.00 1018 mVka Baoh rhoas Dosiff. 1110. are all in, down and out what will become of your wife and family t You may not care for yourself. 9 ) But How about the wife and kiddiesT A life insurance polieywill bo a practical Xmas gift and a last ing proof of your love for them. Tom S. Kelly u The Insurance Man." Tyler 801. , ' Gifts That Are Appreciated and Always Serviceable Is what you will find here. Nownere in Omaha can you find such a large as sortment awaiting your most minute inspection. We Sell at Retail Stationery as a Gift Wa have the largest and bent line la the city to select from. Why go elsewhere before shop ping here eave time. Be sure to see our display of fine Highland Linen Writing Papers In attrac tive gift boxes, artistically embel lished with hand colored prints, picturing Dutch and Colonial scenes. Many of you good people do not know we sjsll at RETAIL. We wish to now inform you of this fact and invite you to visit our beautiful show room. Pleasing to Recipient and making a lifelong favorable impression is what any of the following suggestions will do. JTFm hi .,,, X ' J ' Quality Suggestions See Them at "Omaha Print" Box Receipt File, Brief Cases, Leather Writing Cases, Tourist Tablets, Desk Accessories, Waterman Fountain Pens, Crane Writing Papers, 01 ft Boxes of Stationery, Gentlemen's Stationery, Juvenile Sta tionery, Correspondence Cards, Embossed Stationery, Engraved Visit ing Cards. Sonogram Dies, Bronze, Brass, Copper and Glass Ink Stands, Crests and Coat-of-Arms, Desk Sets, Desk Calendars, Fancy Pen Racks, Note Pad Holders, Fancy Desk Lamps, Brass Files, Book Consoles, Fancy Desk Pads, Postal Scales, Stationery Cabinets, Office Desks, Office Chairs, Filing Devices, Coetumers, Telephone Tablets for Home or Office. . Desk Sets ' As to Desk Sets we need not say very much. Every one in the state knows we can, and do, display the rar- J't est ever designed Brushed t,. brass, brome, brass and gunir 1 1 t T" metal brass are here for your Inspection. Come and allow us to prove our statements. Prices range front -60 to $2.50 Omaha Printing Go. Corner 13th and Farnam Streets ; The Best Christmas Gift For Yoar Son or Daughter i$ a Scholarship in the DICKERMAN SCHOOL Arlington Block 151 li Dodge Street Elocution Oratory Public Spealdng .Voice Culture Singing and Speaking Especial Free Lessons With This Ad If Registered Before January 9. ( I sal jmtr mm SBv OFFICIAl SIGN. Chocolates yAt. '&Gtoa&i Muifcxt &fait- CRANE'S PAPERS HURD'S MARCUS WARD'S Oi n WINDOW CONTAINS ONLY A FEW OF THE NUMBERS WB CARRY. 25 UP. $4.00 D0W1? WE WANT YOV TO SEE THEM. OMAHA STATIONERY CO. S03 Couth 17th Street Phone Douglas 805. John Says: It i easier for a horse to jump thru the eye of a needle than to find an Xmas Gift that will sat' isfy every smoker. We also ciirry a complete line of Calabash, Meerschaum and Briar Pipes, Smokers Articles, Bill Rooks, Card Casw, Amber ClRr and Cigarette Holders, Safety Razors, Hrnm Sots, Ash Tniys and Htandn, Electric Cigar IJhters, Humidors, Cigar and Cigarette Cases, Tobacco Poaches, Fountain Pens, Novelty Flash Lights and m good assortment of Johnson's Candles. John's Cigar Store 16th end Karney. If you have it engraved by DUC. SMITH you will be more than satisfied. Buy your Xmas gift at KLUMB & SMITH JEWELERS, 208 S. 17th St,, RrandeJs Theater. Your Friends, Laugh at You when they find you spent all your money on them and neg lected nature's greatest gift Good Teeth Be wise. Spend some of your hard-earned cash on yourself. Make one of your expenditures read "Dental Bill." It wiU pay you big returns in your old days. Real Xmas Gift One that will preserve your health, appearance and give you that attractive personality so much needed In this very busy every day life. Money Well Spent Always Brings Back Good Re sults. You realize If you allow your teeth to decay, your health will be Impaired bad breath, sour stomach, poisoned blood, blotchy spots on face, tired, worn-out feeling and a smile that spoils your progress in life will be the result. DR. TAFT DENTAL PARLORS 1517 Douglas St. Upstairs. Cigars Fancy Xnas packings of all high grade popular brands of Cigars, Smokers' articles and an assortment of Meerschaum and Briar Pipes. Candies We have one of the finest as sortments in the city to select from. Prices 60c to $10.00. Special attention given to the ladies, our store being so conducted as to enable us to allow you to shop in quiet sur roundings. Brandeis Theater Candy and Cigar Shop Phone Tyler 1164 206 SOUTH 17TH STREET. ! ....- BEFORE Before and after I had mv hair dressed with a : switch and fancy : ornament bought r at Schadell's Hair Dressing Parlors. All the latest in hair OCn ornaments, up from. . .wOC A beautiful wavy switch,1 3 separate stems, for $2.50 Extra Wravy, 8-stems, EJ 00 Ask to see our new coiffure to take the place of the old style pomp, or transformation. Just the thing for one who has thin hair. Sell for $5, 87 "d 12. F.M.Schadell&Co 1522 Douglas St. , : r X i III m I ! T AFTER 1 ' 1 Omaha Pillow Co. Wm 16 Years on Cuming St. ' MtWtsf''e Round Sofa Pillows, the Lat est Xmas Novelties. Call Us for Samples. Don't trust your feathers to itinerant renovators. MATTRESSES AND DOWN COVERS MAJE TO ORDER OR REMADE. 1907 Cuming St. Phone 2467 An Artistic and Well Executed Photo of yourself will make an ideal Christmas present to any mem ber of your family or friends. Sittings made today and all this week will be finished before' Christmas. Studio Open Daily from 9 a, m. to 4 p. m. To Be Sure", Come Early. 'Phone Douglas 2387.. 107 South'16th Street. Oppotdto lTayden Bros. Take Elevator to Third Floor. BREAD and BAKED GOODS for Xmas J Christmas caterers ar we, so far as the term applies to bakera of bread, pies, cakes, rolls, etc, etc. 8peclal orders for the holidays will b properly attended to. For quality of goods and economy of price, buy your baked goods bere. Ortman's New England Bakery 212 NORTH SIXTEENTH ST. BRANCHES AT HA YD EN'S AND PUBLIC MARKET. A PLEATED SKIRT FOR CHRISTMAS Would be a fine present. Over 60 new models for. your selection. Call early, avoid the rush. Ideal Button & Pleating Co. 107-9-11 So. 16th St. TeL D. 1938. OMAHA :-: :-: NEB. i Christmas Every Day M14fhty little room lor ChrUtmaa Day harden ,nd the cruel urudntv known to the family of one who drlu" k"w Picture', true- yoi want iinrn mM when the man who drank I j. to excas was Urn tai get of mi re j,ifv I ven of contempt. Fol k. all iatiPH - - . j muiica to. thiV Cm ln"n wno cinel all "The fcaUt of etronr drtnk la a wiii Oi.eaM,' he aald. "aSd jaa oar. 1$ -fllnce then we've cured over 400.000 S-'J? n(1,,n l K In.tltutea. Wev. taken away their cravlna for Honor and drue and sent then! hJn. feelir.r better In every way .i,T.h.rS'" 1ot ?na ronable doubt what It ne dune for other.. Thlrtv tw Kttr' J maJtln rood prove it. ' Nothlns- keep, you from perfect free. Aom when you reall that your cravuTa' is .Imply a dl.eaae. Like anv othe? Arr ll 111- scold"" ot mo" alixlnk--but the beat po.lbl. treatnSN inent. without a day', delay. Why don't you write today for infor mation about thl. .ure VTy to W?th and liberty? All printed mitUr Some, to you in plain eealed envelop. EveT flden"iaiUr l8tter bId "LCrta)y coo Make .Tery day a real day of Chrl.t V of freedom from the habit tnat hurt, you and your.. Look round you today for a friend or relative, a neighbor or employe whom yoa can set free from the grip of liquor or drun by one itenerou. art that en ll.t. the savins power of the Kceley Treatment. KEELEY INSTITUTE Ci i R' 13t Of If ( ir, el oi ?1ta and Caas Streeta. I " a i