Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 12, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 14-A, Image 12

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J. T. Stewart Telia How Power,
Flexibility and Economy of
Engine ii Developed,
To answer ths numerous Inquiries a
to how power, flexibility and economy
In ths Mitchell oli motor with an engine
of llixi Is dvelopd, J. T. Ft wait jlvet
lomt reasons.
Tha qualttf of malerlala. acetirata
workmanship, and tha initenloua deslrn
of J. W. Bate, tha engineer, may ba
analysed aa follows: It being necoaaarr
1b any flva or aeven-paaaenser car to
hava power, Mr. Bate aet to work to rive
that ta hla eni'ne without multiplying
complicated porta, and by Increasing tha
efficiency of tha "L." head enlne, dolnf
way wtlh overhead valve, rocker arms,
over head cams, extra gear, etc., ha
irlvee a clear cut design with everything
enclosed, even to the water manifold
and Intake manifold being cast Inside of
the cylinder block. The Li head motor
makes the large valves with full Hi-Inch
elsaranca poselble, a site Impossible In
vajr. In head of the same also bora The
removable cylinder head makes It possible
to machine riot surfacea at the top of the
crUoders, thua avoldlnjt any gas pockets
and outgoing exhaust. The timing; of the
valves being; vastly Important, this motor
fcas tha benefit of seven years of ala
, cylinder building; of Mitchell models by
Mr. Rate. The heat generated by the
exploding; Kaaea giving power to any
motor. Is taken advantage of by Mr.
Bate, and there la no more cooling sur
face than Is absolutely neceanary.' A
beet of water In the water Jacket of the
removable cylinder head lays directly
ver the tops) ef the cylinders and valves,
A 'beet ef water almost completely sur
pstntda each oyllnder and the valves, but
the Jackets are short, being designed to
beorfc only the beat necessary.
The desired flexibility of the rectpro
, aatSa? parts Is produced by hating; the
pistons and connecting rods Just as light
as possible. Large holes are drilled
through the pistons and the Insldes are
xnaohlned . to remove any superfluous
metal, bringing the weight down to 1
pounds, which Is exactly the right weight.
"There could be considerable loss of
power In any motor due to leaking of
compression between the pistons and cy
linder walla. This Is taken care of In
this motor by use of soft steel leak-proof
tings, mounted In multiples of four In
each groove en the piston. The erank
KhaJt bearings are ground down true to
limit of one-half thousandth of an
Inob, and a perfect balance of the crank
shaft with fly-wheel attached la required.
Overland Stock Car
Grabs Third Place
in Phoenix Classio
The showing made by an Overland
stock csu' In the Arisona Grand Prts race
held recently at Phoenix, brought the spectator of the 150 mile event to
their feet.
In competition with an even doaen care,
apecteliy buit; for racing, and driven by
nationally known race drivers, the Over
land finished third. Earl Cooper took
first place In a whirlwind finish, crossing
the line a few seconds ahead of the two
ether loading cars.
The Overland had the distinction of
being the only bona fide stock ear in the
contest The motor, chassis, transmis
sion and all other parts were regular
equipment. With the exception of an
aluminum body, It was Identically the
eame car that Is shipped by hundreds
very day from the big Toledo faotory.
Its performance In the raoe was the
more remarkable as practically every
other entry was a specially built and
designed racing machine. Nearly all of
them' were speed models that had won
tbelr . spurs In the biggest motor car
races held in this country and they were
ptlotnd by experts who had gained world
fame tut winners of many an automobile
Kd Waterman, driver of the Overland,
had such . well known talent arrayed
against him as Cooper, Otdfleld, Parsons,
Blalbe, Wood, Purant and a half dnsen
others, prominent In racing circles. When
It' became known that Waterman had
entered hla Overland against the cream
of the raring fraternity, the . best his
friends could hope for was a creditable
howing. No one looked for him to fin
ish ahead 'of any of the speed marvels
and he was not considered as a danger
ous contender for honors.
Trying Out New Land-Water Craft
it - a,
L , :
J """if
Along the
Automobile Row
ttt?rej,fV1F. 1? ,'auar" :
' - "-- r ra il i t "ras.n-'ii
The picture shows the hydro-auto, the
latest type of land and water convey
ance, during a tryout. In Its trial It
ahowed considerable speed ss sn auto
mobile on land and attained between
thirty and forty miles an hour In the
water. It Is fitted with both wheel and
propellers and need no ' change of
mechanism In coming from the water to
the land.
At the Omaha
Automobile Club
Saxon Shipments.
Show Increase of a
Thousand Per Cent
Figures Just made known show an in
crease of more than l.t per' cent In ship
ments of gakott cars during November
over the record made In the same month
a yer,- ago. ,
It has also beea anneunoed 'that the
month of lecember opened with orders
on hn, for 1,300 cars, specifying earliest
poaalMe doMvery. The buetneac, accord
ing to 'wtforniatlon received. I ipproxl
tnaUly ;.ually divided between the slz
ey Under 1 four-cylinder modi.. , i
The ivhto Just closed set a rr record
for output at iMa eton r,t (te year, and
It Is certain lr.a. Itr.wsX'n' will surpass
the November h:iniils. Production for
this month will be triple the number of
rars originally scheduled. It is expeoted
that this month will show an output of
, more than t.w) xon cars.
At the present rste the Baton Motor
Car eorporatlon will show a MvnriiAn
of more than 21,000 car for the year of
tt'-Jij. representing a value of approxt
znaieiy ih,di, r or the fiscal year
from August 1. 1816, to July L 1911 the
chedule cil for , machines, with
value of in.suo.ouo. ,
The rapid extension of the servtce by
the H)att Ruiler Bearing company, now
being tiuade natlun-wlde, has necessitated
luitiy addition to the personnel of the
various service branches.
U. H. Keinlngton. formerly la charge
of the Hyatt direct service branch, at
At Ian I a. Js. has beea made service
maiuuier at Chlcuo. lie wUl succeed i.
V- Phillips. R. B. Campbell, recently
luknaer of the service branch at De
troit, goes to Atlanta. Oa.. to take charge
of tiie ork to that territory. J. W. Tay
lor, a ne tftn In the Hyatt oraanlia
tl"ii. bus lx.n nsiiK 1 as srvice manager
H fvUolL.
PeereUry Clarke O. Powell will luave
hortly after Christmas on an eastern
trip and will visit the large automobie
clubs of the east to pick up data con
cerning membership campaigns. "The
Omaha Automobile club has done re
markably well this year and It Is going
ta keep up the good work during w,"
remarked Powell. Powell and achieve
ment have always been synonomoua. so
that 1.500 membership for next year Is as
rood as gold.
Pat Flaaaees.
The sinking fund this year has grown
from UU last December to nearly $l,00
at present, or an Increase . of close . to
$1,100. And the general fund, after a year
of real accomplishments, which took
money to see them through, is right
around tun.
Oould Diets, treasurer, says he Is going
to Jilre a colored boy tot lug the money
to the bank if the members keep coming
In the way they have the lust year.
Call for Maetlere.
We want more hustlers. Listen, you
enthuslastio members. There are doiens
of members who have brought In from
one to half a dosen new members the
last year and we are anxlou to sne this
"honor roll" grow fatter. In the large
clubs of the east hustling committee
keep their eyes peeled for a "frienil In
need" of club benefits.
Here are a few of the "willing wotkers"
on our honor roll: Dr. Kani. Samuel
Friedman, Bam Bums, Jr., Oould Diets,
EJ. W. Hart, C. L. Oould, B. F. Peterson.
3. IB. Oeorge, Barton Millard, A. U
Shaffer. E. A. Clark. Randall K. TJrown,
Frank W Pfleging, W. B. Cheek, Clarko
O. Powell
Many tiaras Placed.
Over MO square feet of board (or a
total of 131 signs) was used during 1111
in making direction and danger slKiu.tA
place on the roads. These signs vsry
from 1x30 Inches to ks large as Oxt foot.
The present system of making n, uniform
sign has been worked out by C. I
Oould, chairman of the road tlgn r.m
mlttee. Each name la painted In bltok
on white background, with a red stripe
running through the name so that a
smalt arrow can be nailed on the en I
most convenient for directing traft'le.
The algn work has cost the club this year
about riM. This includes all cost making,
erection, drivers' time and upkeep of tho
sign car. rhe sign car haa covered Doug
las, Sarpy, Washington, Cass and Dodgv
counties and there Isn't a motorist In
Omaha who hsa not some time been
thankful for those direction boards.
Roevds ad Bond Issaes.
Sandwiched in among paragraph after
paragraph In the road maker, telling of
the bond Issues In different states and
counties for the paving of county high
ways, we find this unenviable reoord of
what Nebraska la doing for permanent
road; "This state (Nebraska) U not
feeling particularly proud of tha report
ef the Department of Agriculture, whloh
shows that It stands next to the bottom
In permanent road Improvement with .1
of 1 per cent of surfaced roads." Vote
for the bond Issue next spring)
' ' Toat of Bad Reads.
The road committee of the county boar 4
ef Brown county, Wisconsin, declares
that over lK),0OO hag been wasted la the
last ten years by constructing cheap
(dirt) roads. A bond Issue for t 0.0W
for paving eighty-five miles of highway
la certain to pass up there. State en
gineer of West Virginia, produced figures
which proved that bad roads cost that
state tao.00,000 a year.
, What Other Are Doing.
King county, Washington. In whloh
Seattle la located, haa over t3.0H.C00 avail
able, for- road construction. Doug a
county has more population and it is time
for the bond Issue.
One hundred and sixty miles of perma
nent highway at a cost of Hoo.ouo have
been built In Montana and IJaho la the
last two years. .
Maasachusets will have nearly halt of
Its counties using prison labor on roads
next year.
Green county. Iowa, on the Lincoln
Highway, will build six additional miles
of gravel road next year on this over
land route.
Indiana has, during the last el.htein
months, built sixty-eight mile of paved
road on the .Lincoln Highway. Noble
county, same state,. will vote on a bind
Issue to build a permanent road twenty-
one miles long and fourteen-foot wkte
across the county,
Hubbard county, ; Minnesota, haa Just
completed ninety-one miles of fine high
way, built under direction of the State
Highway commission.
tat II lab way (eatsiluU Seeded,
Nebraska I one of only four states in
the country h.-h has no Ftate Highway
Talk It up - for the next
Dr. HrJI-s rtae-'l ar-licse
ta.iu-8 yotf eoi;th, looarn the inil'-ouu.
Hiti. t .. m tie luriK. Tho first dose
J'),, i.-; 6 Kittle tud. Only &. All
tii . i s :. - Aiikcrlisemcut. '
Electrics Aro
Growing Popular
. According to H H. Hawk, la charge
of the iJetrolt electric end of W. I
Huffman a business, Omaha looks with
great favor on the electric automobile.
The following sales were inala during
the last few days: W. A. Iet. Ini
Hill. W. A. Gordon and I'harlrs Cirolte
of Omaha: Mr. 1ora Urtmfs. I.lmoln.
nd W. A. Mauerer and K. 11. Lon,cv
CoJiicU Bluffs.
Hupmobile Makes
Record Run Across
the Hawkeye State
Starting from Clinton, la.,' at a. m.
and arriving In Omaha at 4 42 p. m..
Including all Hops, over the Lincoln
Highway, In a 1313 Hupmobile, u the
remarkable 'run made by C. J. Roue,
Hupmobile district manager, and W. H.
Grossman, Hupmobile dealer, of Clinton,
la. The distance Is SW miles. W. H.
Huffman, Omaha distributer of Hupmo
bile, met the party at Missouri Valley
and escorted them to Omaha.
-Mr. Crosaman, driver of the car, said:
"We feel that we have clearly demon
strated the wonderful power and flex
ibility of the Hupmobile motor by mak
ing this run with only our high gear In
tha car." .
Mr. Rose said: "After making thl, run
it Is easy for me to understand why we
are getting repeat orders from the wnr
rlng nations. Hupmoblles In war service
have responded to the most severe tests,
as did ours In making this record run
M. O. Wolcott has Joined the sales
force of the W. L. Huffman Auto com
pany. He seems to be aa enthusiastic ss
the rext of the Huffman crowd over the
new Chalmers -30.
L. R. Kesterson, manager of the W. L.
Huffman's Sioux City branch, was in
the city for a few days last week. Mr.
Keeteron says that the new Chalmers
-30 Is the "talk of the town" up in that
It. L. Alley, branch manager of the
Lincoln branch of the W. L. Huffman
company, came to Omaha last week to
be on hand to welcome the new Chal-
T. M. Bromwell of the Oldsmoblle Rales
company is very much elated over the
good news Just received from the Olds
Motor works advising that the eight
cylinder production Is being Increased
every dy and that Omaha Is going to
reeeive a number of eight-cylinder cars
for delivery this month. "Let them
come," says Bromwell, "as ws have a
waiting list as long as your arm that
will grab them as fast as they arrive."
"The good weather that we have been
having haa brought about such an in
crease In demand for Oidsmoblles that
If we did not look at the calendar we
would think that spring wss opening.
Our dealers during tha last two weeks
have been using more car than at any
time since last fall and every Indication
point to one of the beet winter celling
seasons that we have ever had." said one
of the officers of the Oldsmnbile Bales
How Much Does
Your Name Weigh?
How much does your name weigh? Not
with the cashier at the bank, but what
la the actual, physical weight of the pen
cil marking of your signature ( Think It
can't be weighed, eh? Well. It can. and
If It consisted of, say, seven letters and
two Initials with period, the weight
would be about four ten-thousandths of
a gram. And there are grams In a
pound. And the delicate apparatus that
weighs it could welsh it if it was a
thousand times as light.
Of course, the "analytical balance"
(don't call It a scale unless you want to
cam the contempt of the chemist) Is not
ordinarily used for weighing names. It
has a definite place In laboratory work
and at the plant of Dodge brothers, De
triot. It Is used In the fine tests on the
composition of the materials which enter
Into the making of motor cars.
But the weighing of a signsture Is
used to carry to the lay mind the deli
cacy of the Instrument. A piece of paper
Is placed on the balance and accurately
weighed, and then a name written on
the paper and it Is weighed again. The
difference In the weight gives the weight
of the name and. as In the case cited
above, the weight of a signature of nine
letters with two periods was four ten
thousandths of a gram.
A Room for the Roomei, or a Roomer
for the Room. Bee Want Adi Do tiie
No Trick A t All
bJ k 1 y Keeping storage battery up to par Is C
P jeTvjA ' J" matter of knowing how. Better -
3 $ l.-VVvvir' pdatera. " Er 7011 m" frce . T
V aJL Nebraska teXtefctW K
j taaa - 22oaFkrom ffeL Don. 01S2 A
II Free intpcctlon of any battery" at arty' time
1 1
Ml E
5 J
mi its
The Car That
Stops Them All
n any corner -where tke
11 find ' an admiring crowd.
Mitchell oIA of 16 stops
The sturdy beauty of line
heelbase impresses itself even on casual acquaintance.
value is apparent at first sight Its
equal has never before been offered by us or any
one else. Every car delivered creates an enthusiasm
that sells another.
It is a real car, with powerful, flexible
motor, long Vrheelbase, and all this implies in satis
faction, comfort, roominess and beautiful line. It is
the most successful car built Its light weight 2925
pounds insures fuel economy and ease of handling.
Tke new Bate Cantilever Spring which
has earned the admiration of the motor vJorld
insures a riding quality that smooths out the
roughest road gives to riding an added pleasure.
Words cannot describe TTHESIXof 16.
You must see it handle it get the personal touch.
The Mitchell dealer in your fcrtfn has a car ready a
to demonstrate for. you. " I
1 '
tesav u 1
I " V'".
Three-Passenger Roadster J" CXLC
Five-Passenger Touring Car 4) L. JdJJ
Str9n-Pas5ner Body $35 extra. Demountahla Sedan
Top making all year round Car $165 extra.
Prompt deliveries are ncvJ being made by Mitchell dealers
, x. rill
nji . tm
THE ROADSTER . . ' frrvi
THE SIX or lb m
irf' e ' i " V "
V --- - ,' -f
Rcine, Wit. U.S.A.
I.- i 1