Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 12, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 13-A, Image 11

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    Tin: omaiia sunday heK: df-ckmukk 12. ioi:.
13 A
ir in 1 iiirrn nAAifa
maun nuiii nvvmu
Fostenelle Tribe and Degree of
Pocahontas Hold Annual Elec
tion of Officer.
FDntenell tribe. No. 78, Independent
Order of Red Men, met In regular
Ion on last month sleep and completed
MTtnitemenU for a large free dsnee
to be held In ,thelr wigwam at :M
Ieavenworth streA on December 13.
Everybody Is Invited.' The committee has
arranged for refreshment! to be aerved
on that evening-.- -
On November 22. the election tt officers
vu held with the following result: C.
J. Kent, phophet; A. I Tlmblln. sachem;
8. F. Victor, aenlor sagamore; C Her
mann, Junior sagamore; P. 8. White,
keeper of wampum, and C E. ?taiiard.
chief of records.
On the same date Red Wing council.
No. t, Degree of Pocatontaa, held Us
election with the following results: Sis-
le Victor. Pocahontas; Sister Deia-
Sister Julia Frady, keep of -wampum,
and Bister Bess L. Sanford. keeper of
Modern Wondmrn.
The work of remodeling and enlarglnr
the club and lodge rooms of B. A M.
camp. No. MS. Modern Woodmen of
America, in The Bee building has been
completed and the camp now Is com
fortably located In Its handsome quarters.
On Thursday evening, December 16, the
camp will entertain lu Royal Neighbors
auxiliary, Fanny camp, No. 10. with a
musical and literary program In the club
Tho annual election of officer waa
held at the moetlng last Tuesday evening,
and the following were chosen: Vener
able consul. Fred Dickinson; worthy ad
vleer. Herbert Devol; banker. E. D.
MlUer; clerk, P. I. Devol; watchman.
Otto Green: escort, D. M. Cochran; sentry,
Elmer Knott; trustee, T. D. Wilson.
Sixteen candidates were Initiated at the
last meeting, and another large class of
candidates will be on hand for Initiation
at this week's meeting. It is practically
certain now that the camp will close the
year with the record of having Initiated
more new members than any other Mod-
Woodmen camp in the state, thus
Inning the handsome silk banner of
fered by the head camp to the local
camp, making the largest membership
growth during the year.
Wood me a of the World.
South Omaha camp No. Sll held an in
teresting session on last Wednesday even
ing. Several candidates were initiated
Into the mysteries of Woodcraft. The
new drill team did effective work. ,
Fraser camp No. 499 will meet on Tues
day evening, December 14, at Its new lo
cation, 1708 Vinton street, for the election
of officers. This will be the first meet
ing of the camp In the new location and
the entertainment will be in the nature
of -a real house warming.
Florence camp No. 505 has completed
its new drill team organization And Is
now ready to commence active work. It
promises renewed activity on the part of
the officers and members of the new
camp, so that real advancement may be
expected from this organization. The new
officers for 1916 are: Joseph Lyon, con
sul commander; A. V. Schulti, clerk, and
Tom Healy, captain of drill team.
Nebraska LI pa camp No. 1S3 will meet
Thursday evening, December 16, at Bo
hemian Turner hall. Thirteenth and Dor
cas. It will be the first meeting after the
election of officers and a special program
has been arranged. The committee in
charge of the program Is Fred Slama and
Joseph Wolf, officers of the camp.
Pabreoka camp No. 75 will meet today
at Bohemian hall. Twenty-ninth and WhI
nut streets, to elect officers for the en
suing year. An Initiation will follow the
utual work and a large attendance la de
sired. Schiller camp No. m will meet on
Thursday evening. December M. at Its
regular meeting place, the Uerman Home.
43 South Thirteenth street. The usual
entertainment will follow the regular
work and a good time Is promised all who
Woodineo Circle.
Mlna Luna Grove No. 151 of Florence
will meet Monday evening. December IX
nt Woodmen hall. A musical program
will be rendered, after wllch refreshments
will be served.
Alpha grove No. 1 held an Interesting
meeting on Thursday evening, last. A
pleasing program was given and light re
freshments were served.
w eleome grove No. 64, entertained lta
members on last Monday evening with
an Initiatory ceremony, followed by re
freshments. It was a pleasant occasion
and was enjoyed by all present. The old
officers were re-elected for the year 131G.
which assures renewed prosperity for this
growing giove.
3rler of Sfagi,
Omaha Drove, No. 1S Patriotic and
Protective Order of tags. held Us elec
tlon of officers last .Sunday afternoon
at the Swedish auditorium, SUtoenth and
Chicago streets, with over 1.30Q members
present. The following officers were
elected and will be Installed Monday evn
Ing, December 20: ' Exa'ted director,
Harry B. Fleharty; prclato, W. T. Cute;
senior warden. D. G. Miller; Junior war
den. Perry Miller; recorder. Joseph N.
Lovely; treasurer, J. L. Schlecht; trus
tee for three years, Joseph P. Butler;
trustee for two years, II. A. Day, and
trustee for one year, Charles Miller.
South Omaha Drove, No. 137, will hold
the next meeting Friday night, lecem
ber 17, In McCrann's hall, corner Twenty
fourth and O streets, at which time the
installation of officers will take place.
Southwestern Drove, No. 139, will hold
Its next meeting on Sunday afternoon,
December 19, In lta half, Forty-second
and L streets. The membership of this
drove under the supervision of J H.
Roland, has grown to over SuO In the
last sixty days.
' West Lawn Drove, No. 142, located near
West Lawn cemetery, which has only
been started the last week, now has a
membership of over 100.
Council Bluffs Drove, No. 141, under
the direction of Edward Deaver of San
Francisco, will be ready for lta first
meeting about December 27. There are
over 300 members already secured for this
drove. ,
Lincoln Drove, No. 121, held its meet
ing last night, at which time the officers
were elected and installed. This drove'
has opened up its club rooms, and
started off with a large membership
and bids fair to be one of the leading
organizations in the capital city.
Mondamla Lodge,
Mondamln lodge. No. 111. met in
weekly session last Tuesday evening arid
the annual election. Officers elected:
Hon. M. J. Lawless, president; Hon. G.
IT. Mendel, vice president;- Hon. J. N.
Dennis, past president; Mrs. Anna
Lantzsch, chaplain; Mrs. Sophie Forsell1
secretary; Hon. C. E. Stanley, treasurer;
Mrs. Seleley, musician; Hon. J. S. Hamil
ton, captain; Hon. F. Effenberger, inside
guard; Hon. J. B. Koester, outside guard;
Miss Leona Lantxsch, steward.
The Maccabees.
Omaha tent. No. 75, had a large num
ber of members In attendance at the
revlow Monday evening, last, when the
following officers were elected for the
ensuing year: Commander. Dr. C. B.
Foltz; lioutenant commander, George W.
re-elected; chaplain, A. O. Finney; ser
geant. J. T. Roberts; master-at-arms, J.
.'. I'ugelor; first master of guards, l.
New Moose Lodge Home for Benson
f T1- i ifO)H.w
vVkxk f "'vV-""t
rut rvt.rtTj
. ) . -
r.j r:
'IT'S structure, to cost fZi.oOU, la being
built on the site of the old Eagle hall,
;ialn street. Benson. The front Is tf
whlto tile brick, with extensive glass sur
face. The building consists of two large
stores, j;x"5 feet, on the main floor. The
second floor will have the largest hall
In Benson, be free of pts and obstruc
tions, a billiard room, ladles' reception
room, 14x14; large ante-room and secre
tary's office.- The basement will contain
large dining room, buffet, also kitchen
ette, two ' storage baaementa and boiler
room. Much expense will be added to
make this convenient and adaptable for
large gatherings. Plans are already, com
plete for the furnishings. The building
Is now up to the second floor and will
bo ready for occupancy and dedicated
ihout February X
Little Boy Tells Mrs. Doane He
He Would Like to Have Fair of
Trousers from "The Store."
H. Tyson; second master of guards, W.
S. Coe; sentinel. W. E. Shelton; picket.
O. J. rickerlng; trustee, three-year term.
Walter J. Taylor.
Ancient Order of 1'n.ltrrt Workmen.
Joint meeting of sll the Douglas county
lodges on Tuesday evening, December 11.
w th Omaha lodge, No. 18. This will be
an open meeting, and you are requested
to bring a friend with you. Rabbi Fred
erick Cohn will speak on "The A, B, C,
of Success."
Union Paciflo lodge. No. 17, elected tha
following officers last Friday night:
Roffcoe Tubbat, master workman; Gerald
Helm, F. John Hart, guards: W. D.
Copley, inside warden; Archie Campbell,
outside warden: Oscar Hoffman, musi
cian; A. M. Them and Charles Schneider,
Royal Areaoom.
Members of the Royal Arcanum H
Omrha are looking forward to a visit
from Supreme Rettent Samuel N. Hoag of
Moun,t Vernon, N. T. While definite ar
rangements for hW visit have not been
made. It Is thought that he will arrive
the latter part of January.
Pioneer council. No. IIS. will hold its
first regular meeting this month on
Tuesday, December 14, at the Swedish
Auditorium and eloction of officers will
be held. It Is expected that a number of
new members will be Initiated at which
ceremony the now parapharnalia which
has been constructed under the direction
of Past Regent II. E. Howard will be
used for tho first time. A large at
tendance at this meeting la anticipated.
The regular meeting of General Henry
W. Lawtfi auxiliary to Lee Corby camp.
United Spanish War Veterans, will be
held In Memorial hall Thursday. Decem
ber IS.
Tribe of Ren liar.
Mecca court. No. 13. Tribe of Ben Tur.
will give an open meeting for the mem
bers and their friends Thursday, Decem
ber 16.
Mystic Workers.
The Mystic Workers of the World will
celebrate the seventh anniversary of
Alpha lodge, No. 893, Thursday evening
at Myrtle hall.
Knlglils mill lii:lle of SvenrltY.
Omaha council. No. will give a
dance Tuesday evening, December 14, at
Myrtle hall, 'corner Fifteenth and Doug
Ins sreets. Good music will be furnished
and a good time Insured all.
Ladles of Maccabees.
The Omaha hive B62, Ladlea of the Mac
cabees, will give a card party In the
Labor temple. Nineteenth and Farnam
streets, Monday evening, December IS.
A small admission will be charged. All
tr ends are cordially invited. .
Odd Fellows,
The Odd Fellows' lodge of Benson
elected Its new officers to be Installed
the first of tha year. They are, John
Hcrbst, vice grand; Frank Blelok, noble
grand; George Robblns, treasurer, and
T. D. Butler, secretary.
The Benson Belle Rebekah lodge at
Its last regular meeting elected the fol
lowing officers: Miss Christine Specht,
noble grand; Mrs. A. Murray, vice grand;
Miss Ruth Parker, aecretary.
Danish sisterhood.
At Thursday's meeting, the Bensor
Danish Sisterhood elected the following
officers: Mesdames, Stella Christiansen,
Elizabeth Jacobsen, Marie Jensen, Maja
Clausen. Nellie Peterson, Jennie Jensen,
Cerrie Holmes, Marie Larsen. Karen
Nelson, Larsle Anderson and Carrie
A. O. If. W. '
Wednesday evening the Ancient Order
of Lnlted Workmen lodge of Benson
elected the following officers: H. G
Snow. M. W. W. Wolslager, James Peter
son, W. J. Powers, E. H. Tlndell, C. C,
Williams, F. E. Young. Roy Shelly; C. C.
Williams and Ben Morton, trustees.
W. A. Fraser grove, No. 1. will meet
In the Continental block, Fifteenth and
Douglas streets, Tuesday evening. Of
ficers will be elected to aervo the grove
for 1010, followed by a social hour and
"What doe Merry Christmas
manT" asXa Mrs. "Oorse Doane.
gecrrtary of tha Associated CharltlM.
"I know on little boy who will
hare a merry Christmas if he gets a
new pair of pants with pockets," she
if plied.
It is a fact that Friday a young
tier told Mrs. Doane he wanted a
new pair of pants tor Christmas. His
earnestness appealed to the secre
tary. The child did no; ask for a
lot of toys and other things, but Just
a nice new pair of pants with pock
ets. The ambition of his life has
been to haro a pair of nether gar
ments not fashioned by the maternal
hsnd. hut a new pair from "the
store." Of course, he will have the
new pair of pants and some other
presents, because he Is a worthy lit
tle boy and has good manners.
Don't Want Toys.
The charities secretary Is having varied
experlencea In her Chrlstmoa work. A
mother remarked, "Now, don't send any
thing for me and don't send the children
any toys, but we wouud appreciate some
warm clothing for the winter." this
mother la a widow and la caring for five
children. She does washing, h-cnlng and
cleaning and her home Is neat.
f.t - N ,i, iiw.lle.
Won't you please tell Santy about me?
You know him," pleaded a tiny miss, who
whispered In Mrs. Doane's ear the words.
"Me wants a doll that wltl go to sleep."
Mrs. iHinne adds there Is plenty of op
portunities for kind-hearted Omahana of
means to dispense Christmas cheer to
other pad she know that Omaha, as
usual, will take care of Us own. Th
charities office want to serve as the
clearing houte and to assist donors in
reaching their beneflo'aties and to
that worthy persona are aaslsted at this
tlm of th year when other good chef
CLINTON. N. T., Dec. 11-Th Sigma
Phi fraternity hous at Hamilton college
hero waa bunrned early today with an
estimated loss of fiO.OOO. A number of
students escaped by Jumping from
second atory window.
A Room for the Roomer, or a Roomer
ror tne Koom. Bee Want Ads Do the
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New Alarm System
Not to Be Pushed
for tho Present
There Is a tacit understanding In the
city hall that th proposed standard fir
alarm system, urged by Commlasloner
Withnell. will not be pushed at this time.
An Investigate will be mad to de
termine the feasibility of Increasing th
alarm bog service In the business dis
trict and perhaps replacing the boxes
now In us with modem patterns.
Th first proposition was to Install a
new system for the entire e!tr. at an es
timated cost of tlfiO.WX); then It waa pro
posed to equip the "high value bustnesa
district" with a unit at a cost of about
Th municipal affair committee of th
Commercial club reported adversely on
the proposition and th t'ntted Improve
ment club llkewla opposed th project
Th original proposition ram In the
form of an alleged promise that In con
sideration of Installing the standard fir
alarm system th fir underwriters would
reduce rates In Omaha.
Commlalonor Withnell how propose to
buy new hos and motor apparatus for
th fir department Instead of sponsoring
th new alarm system.
With Arrival of Winter and Snow
Number of Petit Larceny
.Thefts Increases.
ZURICH. Bwltserland (Via London),
Pa. 11. Reports reaching bar from
Austria say that th supply of coal In
Vienna la so small that th question of
lighting th city has becom acute.
Ever since tha establishment of
the "workhouse" the number of
petty thefts and offences that hare
corue to the notice of the police have
materially decreased, but with tha
arrival of Snow and Winter, Incor
r orated, business Is again "picking
up." ,' Following Is the tabulated
score of recent activities:
tioul VFantworth. 01l Cuming strert.
was visited by a thfi-f. who stole a rule
from his place of business.
Th home of Mr. Y. Yousen. 9TJ Nor:h
Twenty-seventh street, was entered by
a sneak thief, who took $5.'
nrty cents In stamps were reportod
stolen from the Nebraska St ne company,
thirty-eighth and Mason streets.
"Half a league, half a league, half a
leagu onward" Is the cry of th Mo
Graw company of Omaha, which Informs,
the authorities that two and two-thlrOa
leagues, or eight miles of copper wire.
.mm . l fjw n vivirn aiuim iiiau,
preserves near "allx, la. -
The Adams laundry, IRIS California,
waa desecrated to th extent of 12K small
i"" '' ''"Iday, A man called Mack Is
Th pool hall of M. R. Huntington,
13UJ Harney street, lost two boxes of
candy and a fifteen-ball, when soma
Slicker passed through th plac.
A gold watch was stolen from Carmll
ttfreyr's room at I south Ficteenth
treat; Mrs. I O. Clark, lto North'
Twenty-fourth street, report th theft
of a nacklaoe, and Mr. F. H. Meyers,
03B South Thirty-second street, lost at
grip containing wearing apparel when
he turned her back ea th aam.
Your Maxwell
Is Ready ISfow!
Ready for you. to step into the luxurious front seat, start it with
the complete modern controls, and drive it home, to the envy
of your neighbors. ,
Nothing could better demonstrate our faith in the Maxwell's ability to stand up; nothing could
better demonstrate our certainty that you will be pleased with the streamline body, the splendid
appearance, the ready motor, the electric starter and lights, the demountable rims. Lots of power.
All for $655.
"nraaga hmh-dm mm shn a rsr atif-rfil trmek
BtUJ-BocLl C- Qaat Oanssm aaW Csnffa rten
mi A
Is Qpsid MomnHhi
Jeff try dealer select a month when road condi
tion are exceptionally bad to demonstrate the
amazing ability of the Jeffery Quad the truck
that drive, brake and teer on all four wheel
CELEBRATING the world-wide acceptance of the
Jeffery Quad aa the ulAmttt type of motor ' truck, Jeffery
deaJert this month are giving a eeriee of remarkable demon
it ration a. Their purpoa is to drira - aaora forcibly than arar beibra, tba
fact that thta truck iotm crerrUilna; th ataaxiara rear.wfceel dri-a trpa mt track
cao do, and then goes on dolof thlaga bo at er track la taa wartd can do. Tbey
have choaea the moatb of Decabee, becauaa baary aao-faik, tbawa and raina ,
- make th roads particularly bad at tbls) tlm and becaasa It la nader tba sooet
difficult condition that th Quad most clearly demonatratea lta aaparlov ability.
If you're not already thoroughly p-sted oa the Jeffery Quad, aee year dealer, er
write the Jeffery Company toe complete tafenaattoej.
World-Recognition ' Tbeat Mes ilatt Seem tke light
OrlolnallT dciiirned and built by . roflowlnff k a partial list of concerns
the Jeffery Company to replace the
four-mule team in the United Statea
Army, the Quad during- the paat
year, by aheer merit of lta per
formance, baa met with tremeod
oua aucceaa in comruercial aerrlce
In practically every part of the
world. In this period, more than
S,000 Quads have been boafht,
built and aent into aerrlce from
the Jeffery factory a record
never before equaled for trucks of
similar rapacity. Today the Jeff
ery Quad (a known and recog-niaed
the world over at a tupr-iruck
The Only Truck of lta
Kind in Exittence
-tba only truck which drlvea, brake
and steer oa all four wheels. M. & S.
AatouuUc Lockina; Differential put
the power of the motor into aoy wheel
or whaela that caa ft, tract koa whaa
the othar caaoot. IaUvaal spar gaara,
dririoa; directly oa the lunar circasa
fareaoa of each wheel, fire a treoMo
dous laveraa-a, Cooseqaeotly, tae Quad
plows t-rovgh aoud, sand, arav4 aad
saow, us
(raooa wtca
ara la pass
able to otaar
the Quad la
to nmaintaia
and overate.
Tba big ear.
What the Jeffery
Quad Doee
rmtU mHtk mtt ftoar taUsls.
Jr-a ea uM fvwr mkmli
m4 an ukat.
Bttn aa ail four wnli
O rries tmm (oa
9t tlm - mud ur saow
la it' tntum
CUmbtd&omU $wmd
TVs sill thrmmfk isalT M
rras witAm UfL
la this ooaotry which bar boug-bt tha
Quad and proved Its superior ability la
Jiractical daily eervtce. We have rooes'
or only a fw of tba raaay i names.
Notice the widely varylnf Unas of
The United States . Government i
rUandard Oil Compaayi 'Anooar at
Comaaayi Da Poat Pewdar Compaayi
Morris at Companyi' Amertcad Hl
Explosiva Co.t Cppper Qaeea fjoaaou- '
dated Mining CxiipOT Biaaell Carpet''
Sweeper Co. i Fople Transfer tt &tor
age Co Val Verde Irrigation Co.
Mogolloo Stasw It zprM Llaei Toes
Reed Cold Mining Ca. Mllwaakea
General Construct loa Co. Merrell-Sowle
C. Wkolosal Milk); Oty of White
water, Wis. rtre Dept. Marshall Oil
Co JJert ft Page (Road BaiUera and
8uarrymea)i Highland Brewing Ca,
urtoa Powder Co. Wisconsin Vateraaa
Hossei Break Hill Paras, Waakesha,
Wk. (Dairying) Geaoral Asp hah Co.
of Philadelphia (Contractors and Road
Balkden) City oi Wlnstoa-Salem, N. C.
(Road Buklding)i Bethlehem Steel Co.
aad score of other wall-kaowa coa
cerns, wStch boeirht only after the most
search log mvestigatloes.
Now Come YOUR Trans
portation Problem
If you have aat already sera the
Jefery Quad perform, yoa will surely
want to witaeas one mt tha demoastra
tiens coadoctad thU saoatk. Get la
touch with the Jeffrey dealer la your
locality al aaas, or. If yoa do not know
him, write the Jeffery factory, stating
the nature of year hanlage problem and
we will gladly send you complete taw
favmatkoe la addltkta to patting yoa
la touch with oar nearest dealer. Find
out bow how the Quad will awii may '
( Jfda' JGFtimtifH avVHHstt a9j
ing la tires The Thofjjos H JcSafy Conpary
- IMpL, M a-esia saay, Wlaesasia
ly aetabla, bMUrtf mr Or 8mw aws
Read What Uan Say
A boat the Quadl
Lack of spar HmiU to
atallons frsm enlf a few
f the Mr lettars la car
atss ahowlni' bow th Quad
la aat-aorrormlnc oUior
trpos of trarka
K kln Ik parchaae of ear
httmry Qaad, w tmakmi fcito
aH UM staa-vd Hi- W
ar sallsa.d llxtt oar e-ei-stoa
acrrrl and taat the
loar-wboo-aiio, bAk aad
atexf track I the aolr oa
wbkrh caa b and with oa-MrooatM-i-ttMtbnMisatP-T
nil, tlmaiw
it tttmt rm Ofc--L. -w
LUMBU-W ara baalla(
raa lorlr two ton oa oar
Joor Owed aad aa a
bMhM at ail, wa at tba
riiat to wboa ta aaow
Is S or I tocbo deoa, W
rmbi lae eoacabrfca
taal taora I a brack Ilk
to Jowerr O-oa, aad wa
tMafe wo baoa to arors aro
BoalUoa la tho ooaatiy for a
fmmt to Ii Bt Oiota
bWO(G Tba Qoad will
rr it takoa caaociir a
lb r . . . . track will not t
at alls wboroaa, tba f . . . .
track, wlta a rated eapar.ltr
of S bona, oanoot rarrr over
w tna mm OM MBl OI WTBlM L
won th. t . . .
mm mm mill ol.
bUaai , V a, Cmi.
as bad taoUusd laaulnf
eentlaaeeot over roocb
foj, mtrnwm bWa so to th.ui.
tmim bra two UM tmml
wmm ..poioI .Umt Irooa. wora
Taos to Qds ar oarb
a! tb servlc of Ut
mmtm -oTawMI Mi Ibnii.
S- Srtioli, Is.
INU Onr J.eorr Uuad bas
raiiMd ear boomc lo H
hwaal Twowllu!
1 a Uoad wos abl to auks
It rosotar trip Utroa h Ik
W OOH I tO Mod W aP
t UM 1 mmt II km toaM
On TV.iw4lM
imi a. i a
ICE W ha ad oar
JcSTory Uaod t't oa two
aae it
Vora aod
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OM, mvmm wily wtta tmm
J0NE3 OPPER CO., Dittrlbuton 2013-43 Farsam Bt Omiiht, Neb,
ssn s nt
Douglas 853
C. W. Francis Auto Co.
Open Erenlngs
and Sunday
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