Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 11, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Image 8

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Focd Commissioner Haraan Thinks
the State Beard Has Underesti
mated This Product.
(FYora a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN. Dec. 10. (Special.) Ne
hrgska ' dairy product totaled $40,000,000
this year Instead of 19,000,000, aa reported
hy the State Agricultural board, accord
ing to emphatlo states by Food Commis
sioner Harman.
Here la tbe way the latter figures It
out: Each person In the state averaged
twenty-five pounds of butter used per
pear and that butter averaged 25 cents
a pound a year-round price. That would
make a total of SS.000,000.
Then added to this, according- to Mr.
Harman. was a 115,000,000 total of other
butter shipped out of the state, butter
at wu over and above that needed
And then in addition to that waa 12,000.
000 of country butter sent to big stations
for work-over and from there sent out
side the state for storage and ultimate
On top of all this, says Mr. Harmnn,
then is a $16,000,000 total of cream anJ
milk that is used In the homes of the
state day by day and which goes Into
ice cream and so forth.
Figures in Mr. Herman's office show
that the creameries of the state have a
total yearly production of $15,000,000 a
year and -what- they work with const!
tutea about 40 per cent of the total pro
ductlon of the state. Hi figures, h
therefore believes, are more nearly rlgh
than the ..agricultural boards, and ya.
he considers them conservative.
county land. Mrs, Devine auks for a
reasonable simony. The Devlnes have
grown children. They have resided for
several years In the vicinity of North
State Kail Board Receives Copy of
Document Piled by National
. (From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Iec. 10. (Special.) The
Ftate Railway commission has received
copies of a brief filed by the National
Association of Railway commissioners
with the Interstate Commerce commis
sion in tho rate cases.
Among other things the brief strongly
hisists that no unearned Increments In
land values be Included In reproductions,
and that the Question of unearned In
crements be left open for future con
sideration. Hall May File Brief.
The stnte supreme court has granted
State Treasurer Oeorge Hall until De
cember IS to file a brief In his appllean
tlon for a rohoaring in the suit brought
by Fire Commissioner Rldgell to compel
the treasurer to pay warrants Issued
for tho expenses of the fire department,
which was decided against the atate
treasurer at the last sitting of the court.
Oat lUttlst Plreke.
O. II. Henry, fire marshal of South
Dakota called at the office of the Ne
braska fire commission today and secured
the assistance of Depuy Rcquartte In an
effort to locate a man who la wanted
by the South Dakota authorities for
arson In that state and who is supposed
to be located in a certain town in Ne
braska. The two officials 'eft today to
locate the offender.
Accident Compear Appeals.
The National Reneflt, Health and Ac
cident association of Omaha hsa appealed
to the supreme court from a judgment
secured in the Douglas county district
court by the heirs of the estate of Albert
II. Raw-User In the amount of $6,CS.4&.
Mr. Rswltier waa a member of the as
sociation and held a policy for $5,000 in
event of accident which would result In
death. His death waa caused. It Is al
leged, by a dose of carbolic acid taken
by mistake for other medicine.. The as
soriiitlnn opposed Its payment on several
grounds, one that the notice of death
was not given In the time stated In tho
Too Many Aaonymons Letter.
Attorney General Reed la very often
the recipient of letters Informing him of
violations of the law in certain towns
and asking hint to get busy and have
the vlolatera brought before a tribunal
of Justloe and given their Just deserts.
This morning he received one of them
stating that a certain unnamed Individual
waa violating the law In a certain town
to beat the band and If the attorney gen
eral would only come there and hang
around for a few days he could get all
the evidence needed to convict.
IJke most of the writers of these kind
of letters, he failed to subscribe his name
and therefore the state official does not
know who to go to get Information re
garding a like unknown Individual who is
breaking the law.
The attorney general would like in
dlvlduala sending In these letters to slirn
their names, not for publication, but as
evident of good faith and that he may
know who to take the matters up with.
Other departments, like the hotel com
mission, the Inbor commission and the
fire commission are constantly reoelvlng
complaints of this kind, but have no way
of knowing how to get started on a
prosecution and the state has voted no
funds to enable them to go to a town
and "hang around a while" In order to
discover what is doing.
Will Superintend Coatest.
Miss Lulu Wolford of the atate super
intendents office will go to Gretna to
morrow to look after a contest which
has been going on there between tlic
boys and girls of the school at that placo.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN. Dec. 10. -(Special. )-ta(
Superintendent Thomas will be busy for
the next few days filling dates In dif
ferent parte of the state.
This evening he talked to the people of
Rrock on consolidations of districts.
Saturday he will address the Teachers'
association of Richardson county at Falls
Monday he will attend a meeting of the
State Normal board at Chadron.
Tuesday he will mske an address at
Belmont In Dawes county on educations.
Wednesday be will address the fairs
grange meeting at Grand Island In the
day ime and will then Jump to Omaha ta
attend a meeting of the committee of 100,
which hsa In charge the semi-centennial
celebration of Nebraska's admlasloa aa a
NORFOLK. Neh.. Dec. W. (Special Tel
egram.) The petition caltlng fof a county
eat removal election In Madison county
now contains S.aoo names. It will be filed
neat week.
Harman Revises
Figures of State's
Food Production
"""(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Dec. 10. (Special.)- food
nrcdueta in Nebraska raised during the
present year totaled $514,000,000 In value
recording to table prepared by tne biaie
Food commission. Commissioner Har
man, who compiled the totals, says the
f I mires include the production of all food
cereals, meats, vegetablea and fruits. The
greater part of the amount, he says, is
conaumed in the state and atlll what Is
sent out of the atate repreaenta a neat
little gum besides.
"Berg Sulta Me."
elite ami sil!s
For Men and Young Men in This
Special -f! JPZh rr $Z- FtThtTh
Offer at
Adams County Hens ..
Are Some "Cacklers';'
(From a Staff . Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Sec. 10. (Special.) The hens j
of Adams county ."cackled" .438.7H more. ,
time during tho. year 1914 than M
neceasary to supply local demands. Tabur
Iatlons of figures In the labor commis
sioner' office of reports of express and
railway companies showing the surplus
shipments of Adams county furnish these
' Surplus shipments represent products I
over and above that which Is required 1
for local use and consumption, or in other
words that whloh is shipped from the
point of production to the point of use ,
and consumption. To the surplus ship-
ments there should be added at least
one-third more for local use and con
sumption, making approximately 9,000,000 j
cackles" In Adams county during the
year 1914.
Represent Every Broken Line of Our
$18, $20, $22.50 and $25 Qualities
The question of their true worth and of this store's greater
value-giving is left entirely to your judgment and ability to make
comparisons with anything offered elsewhere.
t '
Extra Fine Suits and Overcoats
$25, $30, $35, $4), $45, $50
Our stocks today of these superior make and grade of
distinguished garments rival an ordinary opening day dis
play. Models for all mea. young or old. Colors, patternr,
and fabrics Jn. endless variety. Utmost value. Greatest sat
isfaction guaranteed.
News Notes of Auburn.
CBURN. Neb., Doc. 10. (Special.)
Arrangements have been completed for
the annual midwinter banquet of the Au
burn Commercial club, to be held at the
Auburn hotel on the evening of January
. Governor John H. Morehead will be
present and will give the principal ad
drees. His subject will be "The Financial
Condition of the State."
Arrangements have been made for a
community Christmas tree. A program
by the school children will be arranged.
The corn harvest is In full awing. Good
yields are reported from every section
of the county. Tleld aa high aa ninety
bushels per acre are had, but the aver
age runs from . sixty to seventy. Very
few farmers have completed husking.
There Is practically no soft corn.
'.V.t 'AW
i v v r-i . u w -.
Early Christmas
Will find this store Trmiru
ally attractive with its ex
traordinary display of sea
sonable and particularly
useful and ornamental wear
ables to suit all i tastes of
r Asks for Allsaoay.
FREMONT. Neb.. Dec. 10. (Special.)
Mrs. Orra Devine. principal In a sen
sational divorce suit a year ago, in
which Mr. Devine contested and filed a
counter suit on the ground of Infidelity,
has brought ault In district court for
separation from her husband on the
ground of nonsupport. Mr. Devine is the '
owner of too acres of valuable Dodge I
Lasting Clothes for the Boys
Our Suits and Orercoats for Boys coma from the highest
source of tailoring art and are made to stand every severe
test. Fine materials and snappiest styles. ' "
HANDSOMB SUITS with two pairs of full lined trousers,
at I-V8ft and 140 to $10.00
OVERCOATS, In Chinchillas. Fancy Scotch Mixtures, Tweeds,
etc, with shawl and military collars, with or without belts;
balmarues and boxed style effects f&0 to 14-00
and Fancy Mixtures that are worth up to $e.00 to be closed
at once at , ............... SL9& and $2X3
Sizes 2V4 to years.
Boys' Christmas Novelties
That Include Fancy Boxed Articles such as Ties, Mufflers, O lores,
Suspenders, Sweaters, llose. Shirts, Blouses, Underwear, Gowns
and Pajamas.
Boys' Blanket Robes $U5 op
Angora and Wool Knit Sets, coat, leggins, hat and mittens, $2.90 ip
Flay Salts Indian; Cowboy,' Soldier, Scout, Police and Cowgirl
Suits, up from , fee
Bath and Lounging Robes
Blanket cloths and terry,
at $2.50 to $15.00
House Coats and Smoking
Jackets $5.00 to $25.00
Fancy and Drees Waistcoat,
at $1.50 to $10.00
Neck Scarfs and Mufflers
at. 50o to $5.00
Gloves Of Fur, Kid, Leath
erette and Chamois Skin,'
at $1.00 to $7X0
Hosiery By pair or fancy
25c to 50o per pair $1.00 to
Union A two-pieoe under
wear 50o, $1.00 to $5.00
Fancy Combination Sets
at 50c, 76c and $1.00
Men's Mackinaw Goats,
plain and sheep lined
$6.50 to $10
Slip-ons and Rain
coats $3.50 to $15
Men's Extra Trousers,
Elain colors, stripes and
lue serge
$2 to $10
Initial and Plain Fancy Boxed Hand
kerchiefs, lftc, t for 2&c; and, each.Sfa
Pajamas and Night Robes in cotton,
flannel and silk $UM to $3.09
Madras, Percale, Long Cloth, Silk and
French Cambric Shirts, soft and pleat
ed bosoms, French and starched cuffs,
at $1.00 to $&0
Nerer before such a variety of beau
tiful neckwear as now to make the
selection from. Fancy Christmas box
with your purchase
Me, 76c, $L06, $LM, $2j00
Com before the lines are broken.
Fur Caps and Seal Skins, $2M to $20
Fancy Caps with and without fur
lapels, at $1.00 to $2.00
Stetson Hats....M $3X0 to $&40
" t"--MMn nnttiMim
That Will Add Greatly to
the Beauty of Your Home
i mini hi liiiii!
rmm m
A Few Practical Gift Suggestions
Ladies' Desks, Music Cabinets, Book Cases, Tea
Wagons, Library Tables, Dressing Tables, Chairs, Sew
ing Tables, Morris Chairs, Bedroom Suites, Etc. ,
Christmas Sale of High Quality Rugs
0x12 Seamless Brussels Rugs $8.75
9x12 Seamless Velvet Rugs $14.00
9x12 Axminster Rugs $17.00
24th and L Sts., South Omaha.
Xisp taf hlfc.
Psals say 91
for SPrta. Tt
Oiksrs m 7
lm two-seek toM, U
ye Mac rar wa
sacks. S
to and rsa wltaoat sacks.
COBW Iowa snaasara,
rood qnaUty, S4 eaas
rsr caa
A mother oar of flao Wis. EE.
sonata Cabbara. 100 lbs...
Bo saoro with sacks.
IUt Sinr. pr snrk SS.Q9
Waintit Moals. pT lb , , . 4So
Nu UuckMhrat, lb., Oct I lba.SJo
10 lbs 40
lo 1'iWn 8ynip, pi ale
Quart. 890 gallon fl.SS
I'oinmral. C-lli. sack ISo
1J-II. ssk s4o
Hst Corn Utarch, pkr 4o
Mlnrs, pka;.. Set S for s
Tlp.naklnir Wwdor, 1 lb SBi
Can o
Vklnnir's Macaroni, pr pkg....So
S for a
Msrnrotil. bulk, ppr H So
5 lbs. for 3o
Tip hoilu. 1 Hi . 10o pks 4o
Oood bakior rosnlts from usta onr
ParaflUa rionr. 48-lb sack... $1.39
WU1 B lxbr.
Tip Hrand Splra. all about rgn-
lai lUv paAkascs .. Bo
HI Ml Cinnamon, pks So
Hulk Comnnut, por lb,,.. ISO
Pwrrt ('ilr. pr sal..... Mo
Cliler Vlnirar, per sal ISO
l ure Fruit 'reserves, ll-os. jar.SOo
Jloney, pint Jar o
Hnlilor't Houp, regular lOo ean..So
A new ilio, a 1-os. can. os. larr
than resuiar slsa, can To
(Ml Rarillnes to
Mustard Hardlnns, lars can.... So
Kilk Oata, 1 lb.. SO 8 Iba., . .SSo
t-lb sack 90.04
Shred.led Wheat, per pkK US
oap Will rrobablr B Hlfaor.
R wires Trlile Laundry Soap, bars
1). C. Bosp, 10 bars for SSo
Peas are one of tho beat and low
est priced canned roods now.
l-.nrly Juno l'ras, can.. To
Fer case fl.BS
Others o lOo, llo
Kncy Sifted Primrose Peas... 1 To
Three for M4o
ru wotu toor bsiohtxb to tov tt tov oxt tmm bat.
White ltorav floap. 7 bars S3a
timi oods, S iba Bo
ii ll. for too
Horat, 10 pks 10
Hold Dust, lor pks BOO
Hyramld toap Powder. ISo pkg..lSo
6c pk., 4c 3 for lOo
Ciilorhle of Lime, per can To
(llnrer Snaps, lb So
Hoda or oyster Crackers, lb.,.. To
Comb Honev ISO
Buy Ohrtotmaa BnoyUes Xarly.
Trea, I and 4 ft. tail, ech....l4o
otliera at lBo, SSo and on up.
Holly and Msrnoila Wreaths.. 14o
lioily and Mistletoe Branches and
other Christines lxteorationa.
Tree Holders, each t.SJo
tliilstniHS Candlos, fter box.
Mklllan Filberts, per lb ISo
J lbs. for 43o
Ijirsa Almonds, lb., ISo; I lbs..BSe
ltrre Washed Brazils, lb lae
a lbs. for ASo
tirape 1-TUlt, small, eaon...
Medium. iu
Oranseo. Cal.
Oosen ,
l.arirer slses at proportional artoea.
ftultana Halslna, per lb. ..... . .ISo
MaoLaren's Ieanut Butter, lb.. 11
Kraut, per lb., 4e I lbs. for.. ..10
Tin Pancake Flour, pks .,
Itrse pks ......So
llorsersdlah, 0o bottle. ........ .To
Htitterlne 1-lb. roll B4o
1-H. rkr., IToi beet SSo lb. pkr..Ble
Salt White Fish, lb ee
Kent open kettle rendered Lard.
per lb. 14
Meadow Brook, pfcr. Cry. Butter.
per lb. i Ba
Hearhwood, pkr. Cry. Butter, per
pound .n
Tub Creamery, per lb SI
Pure Lard, per lb IB
Oysters standard: Pt- 1T0 qt SS
:, small, eaon. ...... ..eo sa
'h., set larsa, each., H
U. NstoL 114 also, per B
14 B
j-irtym to
f SMlm:-r they can paw
I Jifjy Bfood for thrm.
1 1
Good for Hungry
have Skinner's becatiM
their plates for more. Iti
Macaroni or Spasbetti '
Caa Bepfepafael la IS mlael as.
wnta lor racipa beefe Irae.
Far erit at laaaat grsaaT
14tk Jaaluaa Streets
Oaaaa. Nab.
Pig Pork Loins, fresh not frozen, lb. . 0o
Fresh Dressed Chickens, lb. . . lO'io
Forequarter Pprlnr Lambs. lb..BH
Plr Pork Butts, lb 1SH Pot ltoaat. lb
Youns Veal Koaat. lb ..UVt
Tounr Veal Chops, lb 14Ho
Mutton Chops, lb 140
i,,.i.,kn,iB. ..lf lh !Tt4a
BaJt Pork, lb BH
Skinned Ham. lb 1H
C'udahy's liamond C and Morris
Supreme llama, lb 1SHS
Husar Cured Ham, lb...,. 11H
Kxtra Lean breakfast Baoon,
per lb. 1T4
tlusar Cured Bacon, lb ...MHO
fresh Oysters, per quart........
XtoUtrortos B a. nv, S p. m. Kail Orders rilled a Aboro sMass.
Opp. Woolworth Be ami 10c Store. Booth lfltb BL TeL D. 8S0T.
Pig Pork Loins, fresh not frozen, lb. . QAo
Fresh Dressed Chickens, lb. . . . 10s4o
Steer Pot ltoaat, per lb BHS
Youns Veal Hoast. lb 11V0
Youns Veal Chops', lb 14V
Pis Pork Butu. lb 1IH
lmb ls. lb J!?0
Mutton Cho-pe. lb 14Hs
Mutton Roast, lb TViO
rrom 8 to S p. Bk, kVamb Chops, per lb , .-Be
Irou S to 10 p. m-, York Oaope, pes lb .10
Deliveries. 1:30 A. 1C, M 9. U. Kail Orders role romply.
Porterhouse Steak, lb. ..ITVfcO
Skinned Hams, lb 1H
Cudahy Diamond C and Mortis
Supreme llama, lb 1SH
ftusar Cured Ham. lb litis
Kxtra Itan Breakfaat Bacon. lb.lSe
Busar jurea oacon. id, ........ t
and Liquors
'Fall Quarts
25c, 60c 75o
Per Bottle.
Sunnybrook ....
Bond & Lillard .
Guckenheimer ..
Cedar Brook . . .
Kentucky Club .
LUXUS CLUB, (bottled in bond), full quart 89"
VIEGINIA DARE, per bottle 65t
OppiiiU Pest Office Phent Douj. 1839 1IM1 R. 11th XL
We Deliver To All Part cf the City.