Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 11, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 3

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Berlin Beport Sayi Anglo-French
Expedition to Has Ee
treated Into Greece.
BERLIN, Dec. 10. (Br Wireless
to Sayvtlls.) - According to informa
tion received In military quartera
here, the Anglo-French expedition in
tfca Balkana has continued iU retreat
and haa now entirely evacuated Ser
bian territory.
In the haul between Bulgarian
and British forces In southwestern
Serbia ten (una were captured from
the British, the war office announced
The statement follows:
Thi army of General Von Kiwvm
In the last two days took about 1,100
" "There Is nothing; to report from ths
fcrmy of Oeneral Von Oallwlts.
- "South of Btrumllsa. ths Bulcarlan
troops took ten runs from the British."
"On ths 'western front a French, at
tack with hand grenades aralnrt our
new position on Hill No. 199. northeast
of Souain, was repulsed.
"In the eastara theater there were no
' rr at Retreat Oaflrsaad.
LONDON, Dee. 10. What seems to be
an Intimation that the troops of the en
tente alkes contemplate evacuating Ser
bian territory If they have not already
dons so. is contained In a statement, de
clared ' In a Reuter dispatch from S
lonlkt, to hars been Issued by the French
aenerl staff on the Balkan front.
The statement quoted by the Balontkl
correspondent la as follows:
"We, the French and British, are retir
ing f '' sons easy to understand. In
vlrw Vnct that ths Serbian army
or thk t is out of reckoning, our
prnc-. 'Man -territory U no longer
rteressao Xrlan succseass. amount
to an. cc it of territory no longer
disputed b They have invariably
suffered thitkn each time the allied
troops assumed ths offensive, notwitti.
Standing their numerically, , superior
forces." ' ' i . .
RulFhrlaaa Call It VIorr.
PAR If. Use. 10. A dispatch to the
lavas agency from BaJonlkl, dated
Thursday, says:
"On tbe strength of the fact that tbe
British and French troops retired from
positions to ths north and east, the Bui
sarlans announce a brilliant victory over
ti.a entente allies. It ts stated on (rood
authority that no serious aotlon took
place. It la officially denied that there
are any Germans among the Bulgarian
troops In front of the entente allies."
The Athens correspondent of the Haves
agency sends the following under date of
"The paper Ethnos announces that the
Austrian and Turkish officials have ad
vised the subjects of those nations to be
ready to leave the city of Athena . The
newspapers have renewed the discussion
of an approachinc partial demobilization
of the army. The report is u&oonfirmed,
but It Is -said the general stit U eon
; slderlnf the best measures to, accomplish
(Continued from Page Ona)
Ion." he added, "it may eaert a great
mediating Influence. I mean spiritual
' mediation, not government mediation.
He appealed to business men to apply
themselves to business aa If they were
building tip the constitution of ths United
States and a common kindred of man
kind. The president contended his address
amid great eprlause. The entire audience
stood and e 9 the "Star Bpaagted Ban
ner." He then left for the state capltol
for a publlo reception.
aly Oae "Iraa Ctatalae,"
To get the genuine, call for full name.
Laxative Brome Quinine. Look for sig
nature of E. W. Qrove. Cure, a sold la
. one day. Ito. Advertisement.
Abraham Graber,
Politician, is Dead
NEW YORK. Deo. 1 Abraham O ruber.
M. who started Ufa aa aa offloe boy and
tecaras a noted lawyer and nationally
'famous as a republican politician, died
today, after a long Illness. Mr. Q ruber
waa a eonsplcuovs figure at the Ull Chi.
, nw uiiioi i x op
posed the renommallon of Colonel Roose
velt and helped nominate Mr. Taft.
CAMBRIDGE. Mass.. Pea 19. Joseph
A. Oil more of Honolulu was sleeted can
tata of the Harvard foot ball team for
lsu at a meeting today of eligible menv
bers of this year's eleven.
Get Busy Sale
Suits to Order
Kxsvcxs now 123.00
To keep our tailors busy a.vt to
loluce our slo k we have reduced
Hie iri on every nutting and
overcoating is our store; but UI
not redute the quality of Oi
linings, fit. style or workmanship.
4'3.00 Suit red need to S10.00
S3&40 salts redaoed to. . . .aas.oo
Tailoring Co.
815 South 161h St,
The Best Bargains
in Mrn'a and Ladies' Clothing, liata,
t'l , FurninltUigs and bhoes
Text of President Wilson's Speech
Before Columbus Chamber Commerce
OOLrMmn, O.. Iee. 10-Pr.sldcnt
Wileon's speech before the Columbus
Chamber of Commerce today la as fol
lows "Mr. President, gentlemen of the Co
lumbus Chamber of Commerce:
"I want first to. express my very doer
gratitude to you for the cordial manner
(it which you have greeted me and my
sense of privilege In standing here before
you to speak about some of the things
In which ws are mutually Interested. You,
gentlemen, are perhapa more Interested
In those matters of policy which affect
the business of the country than In any
others; and yet. It has never seemed to
me possible to separate .the buslneas of
a country from Its essential spirit and
the life of Its people. The mistake' that
some men have made has been in aup
poalng that business wss one thing and
life another, whereas they are Inseparable
In their princ'r-lea end In their expreaalon.
Net Wholly Satisfactory.
I must aay that. In looking back upon
ths past, there Is something about the
history of business In this country which
Is not wholly satisfactory. It la Interest
ing to remember that In the early years
of the repuMlo we folt ourselves more a
part of the general world than we have
felt since then. Down to the war In 1X12
the seas were full of American ships.
American enterprise waa everywhere ex
pressed In American commerce when we
were a little nation and yet now that we
are a great nation the seas are almoet
bars of our ships, and we trade with other
countries at the convenience of the car
riers ef other nations.
"The truth Is that after ths wsr of
UU we seem deliberately to have chreen
to he provincial, .to shut ourselves In
upon ourselves, exploit our own resources
for our own benefit rather than for the
benefit of the rest of the world: and we
did not return 'to address .ourselves to
foreign commerce until our domestic de
velopment had so nearly burst Its Jacket
that there was no strait Jacket In which
it could be' confined.
The Prevlaelal Mlad.
"Now American Industry In recent
years has been crying for an outlet Into
the currents of the world. There were
some American minds, some American
business men hot a few who were not
built upon the provincial type, who did
find their way Into foreign markets and
made the usual American peaceful con
quest In those foreign markets ; but
others seemed deliberately to refrain or
not to know that there were opportuni
ties to be availed of.
"Until the recent banking act you could
not find, ao far as I am Informed, a
branch of an .American bank anywhere
outside of the United Rates, whereas
other nations of the world were doing
thalr banking business on foreign shores
through the instrumentality of their own
'Organisation is necessary to politics
end It Is necessary to business, but the
object of organisation ought not to be
exclusion; It ought to be efficiency. It
can never be legitimate when It Is In
tended for hostile competitive purposes.
I have never entertained the sllgMtsst
Jealousy of those processes of organisa
tion which led to greater and greater
competency, but I have always been Jeal
ous of those processes of organisation
.which were Intended In the spirit of ex
clusion, and monopoly la net the Ameri
can spirit. t ' '
Spirit ef Oppertealty, , .
"The American spirit Is a spirit of op
portunity and of equal opportunity and
of admitting every man to the race who
can stand the pace. So I say that we
have reason to look back upon the past
ef American business with some dissatls
faction r Wit I, for my part, look forward
to the future of American business with
the greatest confidence.
'American business haa altered Its
Xmas Specials and Risl Drug Bargains at BEATCH'S v
' aaaauL ' ' '
IT VrsavieiliaWsktawasplyr
$6.00 Thermos Carafe,
Saturday ana Monday .
The Thermos Carafe makes a
very appropriate Xmaa gift.
II biearna iiair neniover. ,oic
10c Physicians' . aud Bur-
aeons' Soan for 6c
loo box Linen Stationery. . .14c
60c Stuart' Dyspepsia Tab
lets .COc
$3.75 Horllck'a Malted Milk
for fa.
$1 Horllck'a Malted Milk... 07c
COc Hlnkle Caacara PUla,
bottlea of 100 pills 10c
$1 Plnaud'a Ulti Vefetal. .50c
$1.50 2-qt Legrand'e Red
Rubber Hot Water Bottlea. OOc
tfrc Hsy'a Hair Health ate
I. later Ine
lsa, 1S, aae'and ee
bOo Scott a KmuUlon &Jc
All the latest odors and a few
prices on aome of the moat pop
ular sellers In original boxea and
Original Packages.
Houblgant's Ideal Extract,
original package 93.83
Houbtgant'a Evette Extract,
original package ...... .$2.60
Houblgant's Jasmine Ex
tract, original pkg 93.00
DJer Klse Extract, origi
nal packages. .91.75 and 9--o0
Rtegera flower Dropa, or
iginal package 91.50
D'Oraay Leur Couer gS.SO
DOraay Fee, original pkg. 93.50
D'Oraay Jasmine Toilet
Water 9-00
Pivera La Trefele, Ax urea.
Floramye and Adventur
lne, In original pkga. , . . 91.50
Colgate's Violet de Mat. . .9150
Coty'a Lorlgon 9.1.25
Coty's Jacqueminot Rose.M.oo
Coty'a Jasmine , 91.75
point of view snd In proportion as It has
sltered Its point of view It has gained in
power and momentum. I have sometimes
heard exhortations to the effect that
politics ought hot to be Injected Into busl
neas. "It is Just ss Important that you should
not Inject buainess Into politics, because,
so far aa the buelnem'of this country la
concerned, there ought not be any poll
Lion. "I, gentlemen, am a democrat, as you
probably have heard, and I am a mili
tant democrat, but It Is because I believe
that the principles of democracy will be
of more service to the country than sny
other kind of principles. Not because 1
believe democrats are better than repub
licans; It ts becauae I think repubi'rans
are mistaken and democrats right, and I
hop and believe that I hold that con
viction In no narrow, partisan spirit I
find that I am one of the few men of
my acquaintance who absolutely believe
every word, for example.-of the Virginia
bill of tights. Most men use them for
Fourth of July purposes and uas them
very handsomely, but I stand before you
anj tell you that I believe them.
On at Originate.
'For example, the Virginia bill of
rights I cite that because It was one of
the first Mils of rights, the others were
largely modeled upon It or run along the
same line the Virginia bill o rights
says that when a government proves
unsuitable to the life of the people under
It (I am not quoting the language, but
the meaning) they have a right to alter
or abolish It in any wey they please.
When things were, perhaps, more de
batable than they are now about our
mmedlate neighbor to the south of us,
I do not know how many men came to
me and suggested that the government
of Mexico should be sltered as we
thought It ought to be altered, but being
a subscriber to the doctrine of the Vir
ginia bill of lights, I could not agree
with them. The Mexicans may not know
what to do with their government, but
that Is none of our business and so long
sa I have the power to prevent It, no one
shall 'butt In' to alter It for them."
"That Is what I mean by being a
democrat built on the original plan of
the bill of rights.
"Now, those bills of rights say some
'hinge that are very pertinent to buslneas.
They assert the absolute equality of right
on the part of Individuals to opportunity.
That la the reason I am opposed to
monopoly, not because monopoly does not
produce some excellent results of a kind.
but because it Is Intended to shut out a
lot of people who ought not to be shut
out, and 1 believe that democracy Is the
inly thing that 'vitalises a whole people
Instead of vitalising only some of the
people of a country.
Belief la torn mo a Mae,
"I am not fit to be the trustee of pros
perity for this country; neither are you;
neither Is any group of men fit to be the
trustees for the economical guidance of
this country. I believe In the common
man; I believe the genius of America
to be that the common roan should be
consulted as to how he Is governed and
should be given the same opportunity
with every other man under hie govern
ment. I believe that that spirit U the
spirit of the average business man In
America, I am sure that It Is the spirit
of .ths average business man In America,
because, although It ts a current theory
that the president of the United States
la a very much secluded person, a good
many people talk to him, I assure you,
and be takes particularly pains to know
what the people are talking about, who
do not talk directly to him. Nobody who
has been bred la the atmosphere of
American societies from one end of this
continent to the other, can mistake the
spirit, of the average man and I am for
the average man. The country consists
' We will engrave free a block or acrlpt
letter on all purchases of Ivory Saturday
and Monday.
$3.50 Ivory Hair Brushes 91.08
IS. 00 Ivory Hair Brushes $1.89 .
$3.00 Ivory Mlrrora 1.70
76o Ivory Couiba 40c
X5e Ivory Files and Cuticle Knlvea. . 40c
yory Traya, Glove, Hairpin and Jewel
Boxes, up from . . . . . i OOc
Powder Boxes, Hair Receivers and
Manicure Beta, etc, up from .$1.00
Don't bother with Dreea Shields.
Use OIXVKO-XO, and you"
won't need them 23c and 50c
$1.00 Fellowa Syrup 73c
35c Caatorla 21o
50c Pebeco Tooth Paste ...34c
50c Boll'a Podolax 20c
60c Reslnol Ointment 88c
50c Beaton's Cold Cream... 8Ac
50c Caaavera Cream.. 25o
3 5c Sanltol Tooth Podwer or
Paste 12o
SSc Durham Duplex Demon-
atrator Rasor Be
A lot of Ebony Solid Back
Hair Brushes, worth $1.25,
Saturday 75c
36c Tooth Brushes 10c
A lot of 40c and 60c Ladles'
Hard Rubber Combs for. . ,20c
Coty's Jacqueminot Toilet
Water 93.00
Aaaorted odora. all makes,
per package 25c
Aaaorted odora, all makes,
per package BOc
Assorted odora, all makes,
per package 75c
76c Plver's La Trefle Sachet
Powder, bulk, per oi 40c
Hulk Fxtracts.
$1.00 Roger & Gallet'a. all
odora, per oa OOc
$2.25 Houbtgant'a Ideal .Ex
tract, per os 91.50
$2.60 Mary Garden Extract,
per oa 91.73
$2.60 D'Oraay Jasmine, per
Ol .....91.73
A lot of COo and 75a odora,
per oa 2i)c
See our complete line of la
Iorted and Domestic Perfumes,
Tollft Waters, Hat het Powders
aud lac Powder a.
of him. II la the backbone of the coun
try. The man who la above the average
uneg him, and ought to respect hla tool
outright, to reapect hla Instrument, ought
to respect the veins through which the
very life-blood of the country flows.
Fetnre af Baelneaa.
"Now with regard to the future of
buainess In this country, no man can
speak with confidence, because It hap
pens that the distressing events of the
months since the great European war
began have put America In peculiar
relation to the rent of the world. It
looks as if we would have to be the
reserve fore .of the world In reapect to
financial and economic power. It looks
as If in the days of reconstruction and
recuperation, which are ahead of Europe,
we would have to do many of the things,
many of the most important things,
which hitherto have been done through
Kuropean Instrumentalities. No man can
say Just how these matters are going
to shape themselves, but every, man can
res that the opportunity of America Is
going to be unparalleled and that the
resources of America must be put at
the service of the world as they never
were put at its service before. There
fore. It Is Imperative that no Impedl
ments should be put In the wsy of com
merce with the rest of the world. You
cannot sell unless you buy. Commerce Is
only an exalted kind of barter. The bar
tering may not be direct, but directly or
Indirectly, It Is an exchange of com
modities and the Davmant nf the hel.
ancea; and therefore, there must be no 7
Impediments to the free flow of the cur
rents of commerce back and forth be
tween the United Etates upon which
the world will In part depend and the
other countries which it must supply
and serve. And for the first time, gentle
men. It happens I believe providentially
that the business men of America have
an Instrumentality In the new banking
law, such as they never had before for
the ebb and flow and free course of the
natural processes of credit. For the first
time we are not bound up In an In
elaatlo currency. Our credit Is current
and that current will run through all
the channels of commerce In every part
of the world.
Look Up Old ksreek.
"A gentleman present here today told
me that he had done what I trust It Is
not his habit to do; he said he had been
Glove Certificates
- When you have decided on
Cloves, bnt do not know the pre
ferred color, style or alzo, buy a
certificate. Iftsued for one or any
number of pairs, at any price, re
deemable any time for full fare
Hundreds and '
Thousands of
Snowy White
Those who make their se
lections from these stocks of
holiday handkerchiefs will
find the choosing most grati
fying experiences.
Handkerchiefs In an almoet end
leas variety of choice patterns
nwatt you.
Madeira, Armenian and Hand
embroidered .. Cf
Handkerchiefs -OUC
All Linen Handkerchiefs, with
dainty corner QC
designs - a0
Children's Handker- nf"C
chief a, In boxea J
For making pretty Christ
mas things and for tying gift
packages are offered in ex
ceptionally choice assort
ments. Main Floor. .
Aprons, 29c
A'sale of large serviceable
Bungalow Aprons in plain
colors, Saturday ... 29c
For Intrinsic value they excel'
any offering of the whole season
Practical and appropriate for
gift purpose.
Wrapd In a Christmas Bos
Without Extra Cost to You.
- w
looking up an old speech of mine and
that when I eddreased the American
Bankers' association In Denver some
years ago he said that I had been called
upon a little while before to speak to
the bankers of New Tork on the elasticity
of the currency and that I had replied
that I spoke upon It with the more free
dom because I knew nothing about It
Being a professor at that time on a sal
ary, I was not In a poRltlon to know any
thing of the elasticity of the currency. I
hope that he la ready to believe that In
the time that has Intervened 1 have taken
pains to find out something about the
elasticity of the currency; for I was an
enthusiastic supporter of the bill which
finally established the federal reserve
system, and I think I understsnd It.
"At any rate, gentlemen. Jesting apart,
It docs furnish the buainess men of this
country with an Instrument such as credit
never possessed before. Credit Is a very
spontaneous thing. Its excursions ought
not to be personally conducted. There
have been times In this country when
the expeditions of credit were personally
conducted. I could name some of the
agencies where guides were provided. But
If you are starting an enterprise In one
part of the country you do not want any
guides; you rather resent guidance from
another part of the country.
Knew They Didn't.
"And there were times when there was
limited circles In the eastern portion of
our great country who thought they
knew more about business In the other
parts of the country than the people
who lived In those parts of the country.
I always doubted them. I now know that
they did not. .
"The vision of a democracy that I have
Is this, that you must not be presumuous
enough to determine beforehand where
the vitality is going to come from. The
beauty of a democracy Is that you never
can tell when a youngster Is born what
he Is going to do with you and that no
matter how humbly he Is born, no matter
where he Is born, no matter what cir
cumstances hamper him at the outset,
he has got a chance to master the minds
and lead the Imaginations of the whole
"That Is tbe beauty of democracy, that
you do not beforehand pretend to pick
out the vital centers, but they pick them
selves out. The men who are going to
The Fashion Cenfer oFlhe Middle WesK
Established 1886.)
77 'hether we choose to speak of the extent
v of these Christmas stocks or their uni
formly high quality, there is much to say, for
no other Christnis season has found us so
well prepared and ready to serve those who
select with care the gifts they are to give.
A Sale of Cloth Coats
Values to $42.50
Thesecoats comprise the lat
est and newest styles Fur
trimmed garments predomi
nating; broadcloths, gabar
dines, serges, wool velour,
Boliva cloth, duvetine, fancy
mixtures and the new checks
and plaids so fashionable this
season. Colors are well repre
sentedBlack, Blues, Green,
Brown and other fashionable
shades. Second Floor.
Christmas Silks
Styles to Satisfy
The demands of every occasion,
crisp, new fabrics In weaves and
colorings that are distinctive. For
loveliness and usefulness few gifts
are better than a Hllk Waist Pat
tern. Main Floor.
Make This a Silk Hosiery Christmas
Probably not for some time will there be better reason
than now for supplying immediately one's silk hosiery
needsSo a gift of hosiery this Christmas will be doubly
A new drop stitch silk hose
with lisle tops and soles, a
pair $1.00
Black thread silk hose with
gold, white and green striped
Hosiery Section
The December
Clearaway of Suits
A money-saving event, an
opportunity to buy a fash
ionable Winter Suit at a
price you usually associate
with poorer merchandise.
$15.00 to $45.00
iTke JbreBie
lead you and dominate you pick them
selves out and elect themselves by an
electoral process over which legislation
can have no control whatever. I like to
think that the youngsters now playing
somewhere, perhaps In a gutter, are some
time or other going Ito stand up and
speak the voice of America for all the
world to hear. '
Meat Share Tlslea.
"I want you to share with me this
vision of the future of American buslneas
of a cosmopolitan spirit, of a spirit of
enterprise out of which the old timidity
has gone. For you will have to admit,
gentlemen, that American business men
hsve been timid. -
"They have constantly run to "Wash
ington and said: 'It looks like rain; for
God's sake give us shelter.' Tou do not
need Washington. There la genlua enough
In this country to master the enterprise
of th world and It does not have to ask
odds of anybody. I would like to have
the thrilling pride of realizing that there
waa nobody In America who was afraid
to match with the world. When I move
about this country I feel aa you do the
vitality of the thing that to going on In
It, the quick organisation of minds when
they meet new circumstances, the readi
ness with which Americans adapt them
selves to new circumstances that Is the
spirit of conquest?
"I originally, for example, belonged to
stock which have never failed to feel at
home anywhere aa soon as It got there.
I mean th Scotch-Irish. The Scotch
Irish hav taken leave to belong the
minute they landed and presently a good
deal else haa belonged to them besides
themselves: and I like to picture that
aa also typical of America. Whom would
you pick out among the early Americans
as the typical American T Tou know that
for more than 100 years after the settle
ment of this country for nearly 100 years
after the establishment of the union
there was always a frontier on this con
tinent, and the typical American was the
man who did not need any assistance
from anywhere or anybody, but who went
out Into a new country, made his own
home for himself and established his own
government, arranged everything to suit
htmeelf and then occasionally went beck
to his old home rich and powerful and
The Typical American.
"That was the typical American. There
was a certain community of men some
Toilet Articles
Powder Puffs (all sixes) 7c
White Combs ..... 10c
Ivory Novelties, In fine variety
of styles . St 5c
First Aid Cases .... $1.00
Complete, with all tbe necessary
artlclos for first aid work.
tops, a pair ... $1.00
Fine silk hose with lisle
tops and soles, in black,
street and evening shades,
a pair $1.00
Main Floor.
The Fur Shop
2d Floor ,
Red Fox Sets . - $15 to $60
Taupe Fox Sets $62.50
Pointed Fox Sets - - - - $75
You buy fur here with as
surance. No misrepresentations.
Ckriinvaj Jbirif
where In what used to be the frontier
bark In Jackson's day who sent a pitiful
plea to Washington that rongreas would
not hurry up and give them a territorial
not nave any government; tney nappenen
to be beyond the bounds of the govern
ment theretofore set up. Jackson sent
them a very proper reproof. He said
that they were the first Americans he
had heard of who did not know how to
set up a government for themselves and'
tske care of themselves.
The character'stlc American community
for a lonr time was the frontier com
munity, made on the spot and made ac
cording to the local pattern. So that
when I hear Americans begging to be
asaiated by authority, I wonder where
they were born. I wonder how long they
have breathed the air of America. I won
der where their papers of spiritual
naturalisation are. For America now may
make peaceful conquest of the world,
and I say that will al the greatest con
fidence, gentlemen, because I believe I
hope that the belief does not spring
merely from the hope that when the
present great conflict In Europe Is over
the world Is going to wear a different
tin Patched Up Peace.
"I do not believe that there is going
to be any patched-up peace. I believe that
thoughtful men of every country and of
every sort will Insist that when we get
peace again we shall haVe guarantees
that it will remain and that the tnatru1
mentalities of Justice will be exalted
above the Instrumentalities of force. I
believe that the spirit which has hitherto
regned in the hearts of Americana and
In like people everywhere in the world
will assert Itself once for all in Inter-'
national affairs and that If America pre
serves her poise, preserves lew self
possession, preserves her attitude of
frlendllnes' toward the world we may
have th privilege whether tn one form
or another of being the mediating Influ
ence by which thee things may be In
duced. "I am not now speaking of govern
mental mediation. I have not that In
mind at all. I mean the spiritual media
tion.' I mean the recognition of the
world that here Is a country that had
always wanted things done that way,
and whose merchants, when they carry
their goods will carry their Ideals along
(Continued on Page Six, Column One.)
Saturday store hours
8:30 A. M. to 9 P. M.
Shop here
with pleasure.
When in Doubt
They are always graciously re
ceived that Js those uncommon
styles. Those who are seeking
something just a little bit differ
ent will find their search weU re
warded In these assortments of
Trcfousse the best made In
France, and American makes of
the most reliable quality and
Tbe New Leatherette Gauntlets,
strap and pearl clasps In white,
tan, brown, sand and gray,
at ... 91.00 a pair.
Double Silk Gloves, In a complete
variety of styles j colors, blue,
brown, gray, black and white,
at .... S1.O0 a pair
South Aisle Main Floor.
Women's Underwear
of Fine Quality
Ribbed lisle vests with hand
crochet tops - 50c to $1.50
Silk vests, plain or hand em
broidered - . $1.75 to $4
Silk combination suits
from . . . . .$3.75 to $4.50
Third Floor.
New Silks for Mufflers
Ivory Gray Black
. The newest fabric for this
purpose, of beautiful texture,
designed especially for
Silks Main Floor. ' '
Men's Furnishings
The wisest of Santas gives
things to wear shirts, neck
wear, gloves, silk hosiery,
silk pajamas, reefers, fancy
suspenders, linen handker
chiefs, sweaters.
15 Fl aT" 15th and
i v-r the vi hole family
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