. . - - THF,. HKE: OMAHA, DECEMBER 1915. WANT AD RATES WANT ADS far the evening edition mutt reach Th Bee Offl before 11 o'clock noon. WAVT APS for th moenlng snd Sundsv editions mint reach The Kee Qff!co before 7:46 P. tn. WANT AM received after thrs hours will make their first arr-ear-enc under "Too Late to Classify. CASH RATES. On time. cents ft word. Two or more consecutive times, IU cent a word. each Insertion. Seven ronecutlve time. 1 cent a word, each Insertion. cnARGK RATES. On time, 11 cent a Una. Three consecutive times, 10 cent a line, each Insertion. Seven consecutive time. s cent It lln men Insertion. Thirty consecutive tiroes. 7 eent a line, each Insertion. fount six verga word to th line. No advertisement taken for less than 20 cents. : NOTICES. Card of Thanks, Heath. Funeral and Lortpn Notices. 10 centa a Una each Insertion. Minimum charge to cents. rartles advertising In thesa eol umns and having their n'r addressed In ear of Tha Bea will please ask for cards to enable them to ret their letters, as nona win ha delivered except cn pre sentation of cards. An advertisement Inserted to ha run until discontinued must be stopped b written order. Tha Pea wilt not ha responsible for mora then the first Incorrect insertion of any advertisement. Tha Pea reserves tha right to reject or rewrlta all advertise ments. . . Ton can place your want ftd tn Tha Bee by telephona, TEIjEPIIOXK TTLEIl 1000. CARD OF THAN Kl. WB wish to arpress our sincere thanks to the frlenda and employee of Puritan and Saratoga laundry for tha klndnesa extended and sympathy shown by the. beautiful floral offerings at the death of our beloved wife and roomer. JAMEU BURT ANU TAMIL.T. WB wish to extend our sincere thank; to our many frlenda and Knights of Pythlss lodge for'thelr sympathy shown and flowers riven at the death of our litl'a Elisabeth Vlre r. a w,. B, C. BRAGONIRE AND WIFE. DEATHS AMD FUNERAL NOTICES KA RTr O. A., December , 116. Sgsd 64 rTrl SatuMav from residence, 318 South Twentv-flrst street, at : a. m.i to fit. Peter's church at . m. Inter ment Holy Sepulcher cemetery. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. m,-taVdwar4 V. and Paulina Howell. 4"1 Ixard. boy: Horace II. and Elisabeth Wlntersteen, 8720 North Twenty-elxhth. boy; James and Elsa O'Brien. 84.'4 North 8tty-thlrd, boy; Carl J. and Ina James, lrtl South Tenth, boy: Alflo and Antonla l.untio. 19X1 South Eeleventh. boy; John H. and Sophia, Edwards, win capnm avn nii lri- c.orir.i and Antonla Ooldak, IMS Z, girl; Peter and Anna Brlgga. u430 Mouth Thirty-third, boy; Jusepn ana Jra,.i.hlna Mateloooex. 84.9 V. Slrl: Than tlore and Frances Kelensky, 44' I South Thirty-ninth. Kirl: I'otrlck and Knte Mo KlllKott. KM South HlKhteenth, lrl. Ieaths Harold Pcric. S, 91 Homer; Waiter Vnss. i. 115 Ames avenue: Mrs. Klla. N. Btaley. . Thirty-fifth and W.; mer Karl. M. tit Bouth Twenty-first; I homas XI. Joseph. lui Nebraska, venue. BliLDIItU PERMITS, . C. E. Polen, 4S Mayberrv, frame dwelllna-, J.w; C li Itolen, W7 Lincoln boulevard, frame dwelling-, fii.fcO; C. K. Holen. 8 'It Lincoln boulevard. 12,500; K. Hoiden, 1S1( lorvaa, frame dae.lli.C. J0, A. W, Lanyear, 4J) Miami, trama dwel ling, tl.M; It- C. tftrehlow. Strelilow Ter race, club house, 5.0ia; R. C. Wtrehlow. 2lui Pherman avenue, concrete fli-eproof tenement, M.0u; A. Koppenharve, 41 North Forty-fifth avenue, frame dwelling, tl.M. ..... TODAY'S MOVIE PROGRAM EMPRESS 15 & DOUGLAS Hearst-SelLg No. tT. Saint and Sinners, s-rel VltagTaph. , The Fable of The Low Down Expert on the Subject of Babies. Easanay. The Home Cure, VI tag-rath. l-KlNCKdS, 1I17-1 DOUGLAS. Lottie Pick ford and William Russell, famous stars of "The Diamond from the Bky." In their latest drawetlo mas terpiece. "Curley," ft story of the underworld, fat four acta, "Stanley In Darkest Africa," t-reel drama, and ft special selected Keystone comeoy. Nvrlk. GRAND. 16TII AND BINNEY. 6PECTAL FEATURE! DAT. "Romance of the Alps.' 1-reel dratnav Neal of the Navy," No. It "Artillery snd Ive," 1-reel comedy. LOTHROP. titll AND LOTHROP. William Fox present William Farnam In The Wonderful Adventure. aatft. APPOLO, X814 LEAVENWORTH. When Appearance Deceive. Kalem. A Western Governor Humanity, Lubttt, A Motorcycle mo pwmen vuagraph. Weat. MONROH. 1555 FARNAM James Morrison and Dorothy Kelly In "In the Lays of Famine." 'The Trou ble Mutter. ' comedy, llearst-tielig l'lo- loriai Lurrtni cvenia. duaift kMe. BESSES. ami n Hearst-Sellg No. K. A Bit of Lace. thr-reel Easanay. Blaming tUe Duck or Ducking the Blame, ... 1 1' 1 ! I OKP11EUM. ft til "LIT. 'The Magic Bkln." in five acts. A NXOrxCEMEXTS Lady's Sealskin Coat For aale; sixe M. full length, genuine .stasia ai. lineal Quality, aacellent nun onion; ltt from an estate; will go at ft narFain. an at I-KTERH THl'ST CO. 13 Farnam. Lease For Sale on two offices nicely located on second floor of The Bee Building Inquire of the Superlntendeat, J'.uoia lul. J vrrTiPK AT Y M C A. Business men. I . u i j A a li i i a "Lu. y V ei4u.g! t .v,u kud Luukis fit. - MOVIES a i!t FEATURES XX TODAY GRAND, 16TH AND BINNEY. "Neal of thr Navy,- No. 11 LOTliKOP. 24TH A7JI) tOTHRUP. William Farnum Adventure. In Tha Wondeful OKPHEUM. 14TH AND M. "The Made Skin." In five acts. FIUNCjESSi, 1317-19 DOUULA8. "Curtey," a story of the underworld. In four sets. AVXOrxCKMEVTS CHIROPRACTIC, spinal adjustment, t can successfully ramova tha nf rheumatism, liver, stomach, paralysis, ntrvousBjesa and female weaknesses. Ex- animation ire. DR. W. II. KNOLLENBERQ. 'iita 911 Pee Bldg. Tyler im Bava Money. Ilome Milliner. Red '723i AUTOMOBILES Whenever VOU era conalriartna aelllntf or buylns; ft used car and you want fall value for your money or you want people who are wllilns; to pay for what they are letting- you wilt have no regret If you Duy or s overuse throusn the used car column of The Ree. Phone Tyler UW. x MIL.E9 of mileage In your old tires (Rebuilt). Bend tnera to DUO TIRE CO lll Chicago Ht Industrial Oarage Co., 20 A Harney SU. FOR BALK 1913 Cartercar, good condN tlon, right price. Call H. 64MJ. Address McHhsna Motor Co., tilt Fsrns m. FIKHT CLASH elect rlo r. 40-rel Exlde batteries, used for demonstrating only, fine condition. Price low. Harney NFBIU8KA llulck Service Dtstlon. mi Fernam Pt phone Douglas 7ft. AUTO, clearing bouse. Muy, sell and ex ohangs u: vl cars, f.n "arnam D. Mia liae REWARD for any magneto we can't repair Colls repd Haysdorfe,. si N. Uth. URUK1I runabout, cheap. Omaha Con crete Bton Co., &th and ttahler BL Telephone Colfax KM, SUSINES9 CHANCES If your Business Chance will stand rigid Investigation and la Just what It Is advertised, or If you are looking to start In business for yourself you will be per fectly satisfied If you use the Business Chanca column of The Bee. When buy. Ing or selling a business Phone Tyler 1(M. LOOK LOOK LOOK t Sub. Grocery store at your own price. This store will be open from 7 a. in. to 7 p. m. for Inspection and to receive sealed bids. All bids will be opened ffeturday even ing, IHcember 11th, at 7 p. m., and goes to the highest bidder. This Is a good chance to get ft good paying store at your own price. For full Information phone Douglas 3t3JO. IJvenlngs. Oougla 7K.SI. V. H. U Room X ttalrd llldg., l,Ui and Douglas. h OK fALte Restaurant and confection ery business: will Invoice lor eooui tl.SiiO; reason for selling, other business requires my attention; for furtner infor mation, aildress t. MS, csre Be WANTm-Hustler, for traveling; money tnnklng proposition; limited capital. F. 5fl. Bee. WANT to lease my shop and garage and sell my tools and stock of goods on band. A fine location. Write me at onoe. J . C.K Irkpatrlck, A thelstan, la. UKHTAURANT and hotel In live business town of 1.400; right price it taken at once; cash only. Don't answer It you're broke. C tSl. Bee. DOCToHOnod practioe goes with pur- chase of drug and property, In N. E, Neb.: am going to specialise. Address, V 1. Bee. o FOR PALE Drug store. In good outh Dakota town. Nyal agency, clean stock with Jewelry department, will ftcoept small piece of land In deal. Address Y 100. Be. THEATERS buy, lease or sell your the ater, machine and supplies through Theater Exch. Co.. 140 Farnam. D. 1S87. OFFICE for real estate or Insurance; same floor aa Bee of r -. UxZl feet; KM, The Bee Bldg., Office Room lul ilGH CLABs picture show at ft low piico. In territory surrounded bv tha great middle class. It you are wanting . prummuia, ciusn Dusiness, nere your nance. Good reason for selling. Ad- res B 474, Bee, RESTAURANT Open day and night, do ing gooa uusiness. would consider trad In Iowa or Nebraska land. Btiseh 4k Borghoff, Fronser BlJck. Doug. S.1I9. TO BELL or buy a business, call on Busch A Borghoff. K renter Blk. II. SS1. Pr-l.rINUlU MUTKL I'KOPI IMl I UN 44-room rooming-house, completely fur- uMMieu; suiouuiu neignuornooa, near n coln park. Good transportation; fine home. Rent, l&O, Including si earn heat and Janitor service. Monthly Income, -4 to ,w. Price. W,W); ti.ouo cash, bal. 7ft monthly. J. H Chrlatxnaan la Snmh La Balle tit., Chicago. Offico For Real Estate or Insurance Same floor as Bee Offico The Bee Building Office Room 103 AHK for my lieai Estate Bulletin. It Includes largest and beat Hat of bar- f ains in 31 states. W. U. Templelon, Ml lee Bldg. FOB SALE Restaurant In ft wide-awake town, doing goo business. For infor mation write x 1J, Bee. t2,(juu.a stock of dry good for Bale cheap; no trade; must be cash; atock must ba moved. Write Clemeut Co.. Lyons. TO OKT in or out o( bualueas call on OANUKtyTAD. 4H3 Bee Bldg. Ikvjg. 34". SILK Omaha Theater bupply Co. for bar salna In estkbltshed shows D. ua. OsT your' busliieas wHbms for aulck results: buy, sell and exchange, RELIABLE BARGAIN i. Room I, Balrd Bldg. Tel. Douiiag SSJ0. IITII AND DOUULA8 8TS. EDUCATION AL The VAN BANT SCHOOL STE N OG RA PII T BOOKK E EP1NQ. Day bchool for Young Women. kvenlug bchool fur 1'ouog Men and v oiuen. batuiday momlcg class la typewriting. Ion C. Duffy, Owner and Managsr. o S. nth St Omaha. DAT BCHOOL. BOVLE8 OOLLEGB. MUlir SCliuOU Every da 1 enrollment day. Book keeping (shorthand, bteaotypy, Typewrit liig. leiegraphy. Civil bervlte AU Coin- mcrclal and Lugliah braiuihe. Catalogue lit. BOTLES COLLEGE, Uth an J Haroey tia. Tel. louglae 1M6, BUSINESS COLLEOB 8TUDKNT3 SAVE MONEY ON COURSES. For aaa, wtui goo reasons for selling, a varWv ttt course In ft reliable Busi ness t ho 'I, oil of the leading buunut collegtta of Omaha. Will be sold Very reasonable aay oeiow reguinr price. U you are conaKieriug laalug a course investlXMta thia at once. atuc I all taiui : ueKiua pyjn. t ail ortic. Omaha tiee. OH ale, tlie following scholatahipe la .a flral-cla Cnuaha lioalnra College: Oue unlimited combination buauiesg Sl't aboi'iiand couiae. I'im unlimited siaiiographle course. On itire-iikoniii' buaiiica or etene glSl'lliO CUUIM. v in be eoid at ft discount at tlie office ti 'lu OuiaUa bee. FOR 8 AM? Ft KM I I hi:. BAP.OAINS IN FURNITURE AND H A ROW ARK. 1W N. 24TH. XV EH. 1T. KUt HALE Here Is a classification that Is of the utmost Importance to every reader, as this column offers soma eicep tlonal opportunities every day and a small want ad will sell your article at Its full value. phone Tyler l.qnfc Dffika bought and sold. J. C. Reed, I . xon Farnam ft. iougia mt. '"ttT cnsnoeiiers. louglss M4.. IIOHSKW A.NU KttlLL.b9. FARM wagon, VU; harness, l: bath new. Johniin-Ianforth Co.. lth and Clsrk Streets. JI'BT from the country, three farm mares front J.l1 to l.b" lbs., from to 11 years. Will sell cheap. 2ni3 Houglas. LI V E TOt K. WANTED TO RUT-Fresh milker. Tel. Walnut 1XS. cow, rich rutLTHt AMD FKT STUCK. MXn grain, 100 hs. 11.75. Wagner, M N.l. BTKRKOTYI'H matrices make the best and cheapest lining for poultry houses. They are Iix23 Inches, sironser and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. V.r. a hundred at The Bee office. T 'I'KWHITEHS. RELIANCE Ribbon and Carbon Co., car bon paper end Inked ribbons. D. tM. TTPKVVRlTKIti lor rvnt if Bee HMg. TYPKWRITKIO sold, rented, repaired. Central T pewrltar Exe. 1 Fern am. Mlltlt:LL4,NrJUl), FOR BALE New and second-hand Cerent and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick-Balke-Oollender Co., 407-409 8. 10th Bt. FO It BALB Concrete mixer, run by 2V It. P. engine, side loader, all on truck; nearly new; all tools go with mixer, or will trade for 191R Ford rar: must be in good condition. Address C. E. Lunberry, t'rslg, Neb. Phone M. 6. O.N W Young Oak soft coal stove for sale, tfino. Phone Red 1VA. New Second-hand motors, dynamoa, magnetos, etc., mechanical renalra. Le Bron Electrlo Works. tin-tr fl. l?th Bt. I electrlo motors. Room &, Bee Bldg. FOR BALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling tlley and accessories; bar fixture of J inds; easy payments. The Brunswick Balke-Collender Co.. 407-4O B. 10th Bt - 1 t baskets dellvereil. $1; Illinois) I .fJH I n"t or tump, f.60 per ton. V,V'" Houg. R1X1. FORTY Hart, Kchaffner Marx suits, small sixes: taken on ft debt; regular retail price f2T, as long as they last at t9lH, Ceekley Bros., opposite Postofflce. MULTKHtAPH Electrlo, A-l condition; reasonable. Address J-S47. care Bee. FOR 8 A I 10 CH KAP, Business College Course. Full and complete scholarship In one of tha beat Omaha business schools. Oood reason for selling; perfectly rells ble; worth full price, but wtl be sod very reasonahy. If Interested Investigate at once, because fall term begins soon. There are a variety of courses for sale. For particulars Inquire at the office of The Omaha Bee. 1 HELP W 1 VTEIV FEMALR CLERICAL AMD OFFICE. WANTED Girl for detailed office work; high school graduate preferred; previous experience not necessary. Call between and 10 ft. rn. UNION OUTITTTING CO., lth and Jackson. Bteno. and Diet. Opr r?s WATTS RKF. CO., s:w-40-42 Brandela Thea FACTORY AISO TH AUKS. GIRL, to learn halrdreaslng. Oppenhelm. WANTElv-Experienced overall makers on power machines. Apply at once to Byrne & Hammer D. U. Co., th and Howard. DOMESTICS. THE Bervant Girl Problem Solved. The Bee will run a Bervant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired results. This appliea to residents of Omaha, Bouth Omahtt and Council Bluffs. Bring ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler loot). WANTED Middle aged lady for go. ;rl housework, 3 In family Douglas 4613. WANTED A good second glrL 100 So. Kth St. Apply WANTED Experienced girl fur general housework, small family; no washing:. good wages; nice room with bath. Phone larnev WANTED Olrl to auslHt with housework and car for small child; one attending chool bait day preferred. Phone Harney MIDDLE-AGED lady to help with light housework and to b oomua.nlon far n elderly lady; Just one In the family; no wsgesexpctd. Web. 313a. t?4 Grand. WANTED Glrffor general housework"; small family. 724 Mill Bt, Co, Bluff. Phone 1676. WANTED Competent nurse glrL Phone liar, zttti. k N, 40th St WANTED An experienced girt to do sec ond work. ii w. a.,tn t. iiarney nan. WANTED An experienced second girl. Mrs. hi. U. CulueUer. 4U1 R. isth St.. Harney H. WANTEi White girl for general house work. Walnut 3420. WANTED A girl for general housework. jiftwtnoru Ave., wal. vn. WANTED A good white girl for general housework. Biuall family. 231& 8. Hid bt Harney 4iut WANTED Girl for general housework. Uood family ana good home. liar.eiU. WANTED Good girl for general house work, tn raniuy or two. In small home. Good home to risht uartv and luul wagva; v isi'iioi Ave. COMPETENT girl to assist with house work. J tar. xiot. Hv . 35th Ave. WANTED A second girl, no cooking, hiuh wages, private family. Aunlv Room T74, Braiulels Theater Bldg. Call Wal. U CoLOUED U1HL wishes chambermaid work or housework. lkug. 3214. W AN T1JD A girl to aasiat in houi work. No washing, no cooking. Wal. 1174. WANTED Experienced white girl for general housework; family of 3; good, wages; reierence requireo. wai. l.lti. 61l Cass. WANTED Competent girl for general housework: I In family; good home ta rig tit party. a. na n Bt. Tyler 110. MISCELLANEOUS. TOITNO women coming to Omaha as atranger are in v uea io visit the Yourwf Women's Christian Association bulldinar at Bt Marys Ave. and 17ih St.. where they will be aireciea io suitaDle boarding ica or otherwise aaalatea. Look tor our revelers gume at union station. WOMEN Become government clerks; lift montn. v me uiirueoiaieiy. tTanklln luauiuie, imp sua, a., no neater, N. X. IIKLP WANTED MALB CLERICAL AND OVv lC H. SQUARR PEGS IN SQUARE HOLES, we find ft position mat fits you. CXJ-OPERATIVU REFEHENCH CXA, iu:-i iiy niL nana ciqg. WATTti Hb:F. CO.. fcvi8-40-41 Brand. The. HIGH-CjKAI'B comnw Wts'f, lli;Ki.RE.Cli; BOND A-bdN T3 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. AUaNTIi SALESMEN, kULtCIIUtt Wanted Salesman Large established Nebraska company Preuaiing tu place limited 1am o a ol stock on the market desire the services of a atrlCily high class man lj handle ll,!s Issue, which la on ot the most at tractive, yet conavrvauv offering ever made In Nebraska. V. will consider only the man whoae reputation is ins neat and whose experi ence and ability unquestionable. Answer with all particular possible, Addies F 3id. Cs.1 Lv. u HELP WANTED. MAI-K AGENT, BAlEMK, OLI 1 1 Oil. COAL agents wanted In every town: get trial car. I . M. Cox. No. Platte. Neb. WANTED Four high-class salesmen for ll contract to sell our noted line of map and specialty calendars, lenther good and signs. Big money and perma nent work for hlgh-clnss men. Call Fri day, December 10, on Mr. Medaria. sales manager. Hotel Rome. Tha Kenyon Com pany, Ies Moines, la. 41st yearly FACTORIES A.D TRADES. LEARN TTTT3 BARBER TRADK. Tri-Clty Barber college; low rate tuition. Including set of tools; wages paid; elec trlo massage, hydraulic chairs; catalogue free 1124 Houglas Kt., Omaha. TOUNO MAN. be ft barber. I teach you quickly, cheaply, thoroughly. Tools furnished. I give you actual shop work. You have chance to work Saturdays and keep half the receipts. My students in big demand. I have colleges In ail prin cipal cities in II. S. and Canada. Call, write or phone A. M. Moler, President MOLE It BARBER COLLEGE, Omaha. Drug Wore Knaps. Jobs. Knist, Bee Bldg. HURRY, HURRY. DON'T DELAY. SEE OUR SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER. If you can't attend day school you can hold your Job and at the as me time get your automobile education If yon enroll In the NIGHT CLASS OF NEBRAHKA AUTOMOBILH SCHOOU 1408 LEAVENWORTH. RED mo. MISCELLANEOUS. OOOD MEN WANTED at once to learn auto work to fill positions which are open right now and are watting for com petent men. Learn by our system of sctual work on auto, tractors, electrlo starting system. Free catalog t once. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, ?o'.l Farnam Pt. Omaha. Neb. BIjAOK WALNUTS for sale, 1. per bushel. H. II. Meyer, Cassville, Mo. WANTED Names of ambitious men. 18 or over, wanting railway mail cler positions. 175.04 month. Answer immedi ately. Y I Bee. OMAHA railway mall clerk examinations coming, 175 month. Harople question free. Write Immediately. Franklin In stitute, Dept. 221 K. Rochester, N. T. SITUATIONS WANTED WOMAN wishes position takln car of elderly person. Wal. 70W. MARRIED MAN wants steady work of any kind. Call or write, 231S Dewey, reer. POSITION a cashier, checker or care taker; reliable, capable. Industrious; long experience: best of references;, will consider any offer. Phone Doug-la 7839. Call for Eric. NKAT, competent and reliable middle aged lady desires position In private family of 2; no laundry work; best of TeferencejrnlsheLjhone Red 21W. WANTED position together" byexpen enced colored janitor and wife; In apartment house preferred. Good refer ence. Wallace, HM S. 17th St. WOMAN wishes position aa housekeeper or as practical nurse. Colfax 3171. EXPERIENCED Janitor or yard man wlshea work, wuirpa rm irknelja fall jonn at itarney PLAIN cook, comieil woman. Web CHAUFFhUit, experienced, sober, all around man with car, 7 years' experi ence with private cars; prefer private car, but will consider other. Call Webster 717!. F. McFadden. YOUNG man wishes position as chauf. .qur vr jnjiuor. weo. J(. CHILD'S nurse or companion wishes po sition: beat references Ta,I ??ut. EXPFTrIENCED colored glr' wants work as chamber-maid or to do washing. Webster 6027. MAN with Ford car. acquainted with city, wants delivering on contract or by day. Walnut 1117. -I LOST AND FOUND LOHTMston bull terrier puppy 6 mo. old; followed boy owner to Park school Tuee. noon; peculiar mouse color, brlndle showing slightly, white mark on neck; wore small collar without marking; RE WARD for return to 3424 Puppleton Ave. Phone liar. 4.193. LOST Gold pin with clasp, on 19th and Cass and 26th and Davenport H. 6657. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFF STREET If AM, WAX CUM PAINT. Person having lost some artleU would do well to call up the office of the Cmahft & Council Bluffs Street Railway coir pany to ascertain whether they left It In the street ears. Many articloa each day are turned In and the company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug. 43. LOST Ladv's black leather pocketbook: Lot or Found arl In Omaha's 1 mi nA Found medium means the Immediate re turn of that article If advertised In The Pee. the l ost ami Found dd.t. LOST Gold wrist watch bet Central man ana cirana neater. Hewara. D.7307 MEDICA1. PILES. FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry cure Dllea. fistula and other rectal disease without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money pam until cured. write (or nook on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. K. TARRY. 240 Be Bldg. RUPTURE I-TuV JSSS operation. Call or write Dr. Wray ct Matheny, 10 liee Hidg.. unvana. suit guarnt (1. lit. uowser, ii nee tiiag. rrnsoNAL $3,000 TO TENSION INVALIDS The ladles' Home Journal.... S1.S0 The Saturday Kvenlng Poat 160 The Country Gentleman 10) 14) SUHSCRlPTItiNS IN DECEMBEtt practically earns tha $3.M for tne IN VALIDS' PENSION ASSOCIATION. Your order or renewal means 6uo. Please phone Douglas in3 or mail to (JOUDUN, THE MAGAZINE MAN, Omaha, Neb. MH8. J. C. M 1 LLElt ladies' tailor an. dressmaker, iiaa inoveu irom all Leav enworth to &!1 Georgia -Ave. Will be pleased to meet my old patron. Har. 4M7. TllE Salvation Army lnlustrial home licit your old clothing, furniture, maga tlnea. We collect. We distribute. Pbune Douglas 413j and our wagon will call. Call aud Inspect our new home, lilO-1113-1114 Dodg bt YOUR furnace cleaned. II, work guaran teed. Central Tin Bhop. Dougla 44. YOUNG women coming to Omaha a atranger are invited to viait th Young Women Christian aaaoclation bulldlug at 17 Lh St. and et Marys Ave., where they will be directed to aultabl boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at th Union elation. READY REFERENCE DIRECTORY. ABSTHACTS OS TITLE. REED ABSTRACT CO.. oldest abstract lfics la Nebraska, tue Drawl oi The. TA. Title Guerante IvPTT ('. modern a V'A S. 17th St. and Abstract abstract office. Tel. u. fcV7. At Cot N T AVIS. E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A. 413-437 Ramge Bldg. Tel. Doug. 740. ADYKRTISINO NOVELTIES. M. r. hafer Co.. Lib-Far nam. D. 7474. READY REFERENCE DIRECTORY. AMATEIH Kl.NISIIINO. FILMS developed free If rnrehased from Photo Craft Bhop. 41 Itee Bldg. lept. D. ARC HITECTS. Everett S. Dodd. 612 Paton Blk. T. fhtl. ATTORN Ei S. Dickinson, HI Pnxton Blk. D. 104. C. T. A t CI IO EEHS, Dowj Anctlon Co.. 1115-1 W.O.W. R JcWS. AUTO IXSIRANCE. ATTTOMOBTIjE MUTUAL INSURANCE! CO., Douglas 2R18. A I, TO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co. Far. D. loot liATIIS. BATH-214 Balrd Blk.. 17th and Douglas. MEDICATED vapor snd modern Turkish bath for ladles and gentlemen; lady attendant for ladles; Swedish massage. 1919 Farnam St. Douglas 3437. BAKERIES. T. M. RPTEDFR. ISO N. lth. Web. J97. BRASS AISD 1MO.M roll A UH 1ES. f ton-Mltchell Co., 27th and Martha Pts. CAHPEMKHS AIM II CONTRACTORS. STEVENSON, tn 8. Hi. Douglas KM. Legsard at Bon, 190 Cap. Av. T. 1SJ1 C. W. Hokanson. 2.V)fi Lvnwth. Tyt 2192-J. COFFEE HV MAIL. Save money. Use better VOIIGG eoffee. 16 lbs. high grade T r y..pIceI P0"- rrepald. W. A. Bkalfe A Co.. Omaha. Neb. CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJL'MTS, DR. BURIIORN. ISth and Farnam, Wcad Bldg., l. 6347; Palmer school graduate. I r. J. C. Lawrence. 1 Balrd Bid;. D. 1461. DR. W. H. KNOr.LENBERO. SulU 811 Bee Bldg. Tel. Tyler 1936. ClllHul'ODlS 1'. Carrie J. Buford, 620 Pax. Blk. Red 4517. JEANETTK ORET, 210 Balrd Bldg. P. 4tj DAlttl.VO ACADEMIES FALL term open at Mackl'. Doug; (440. DE LUXB ACADEMY, 111 8, Uth St DRESSMAKING COLLEGE. Roister' Dressmaking Col.. 182 City Na, DRESSMAKING. LADIES' JACKETS remodeled In the lat est style; reasonable tree. llU Ftu-- uain du room uougias zsltt. Terry Dressmak'g rollee. ,th A Farnam MYERS AND CLEANERS. STATE Dry Clng. Co., 13) N. l?th. D. B073. DETECTIVES. AMES ALLAN, SI2 Neville Block. EvI ience secured In all cases. Tyler ILis. DENTISTS. Pr, Bradbury. No pain. 912 W.O.W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Fickle, 724 City Nat Gank. Tsft Dental Rooms. 1517 Douglas. D. flS4. Dittos. DRUGS at cu. prices; freight paid 6n $10 orders; catalogues free. Sherman Mo Ccnnell Plug Co.. Omaha. Neb. ELECTROLYSIS. Ulon Allender, 24 BeeBldg. Red JOSS. ELECTRIC MOTOR REPA1R1NC CAHILL ELECTRIC CO.. Bee Bid. D.S87, EVEHVT1111VU f'UU WUllU, ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst bos pleating; covered buttons, all sues and styles; hemstitching, point edging; em broidery, beading, braiding, cording, eye let cut work buttonholes, pennant. Ideal 1 itating Co., 200 Douglas Block, Doug Ins li. ' Ft-11 ACES AMI T1JVWOHK. HABERSTROH. 4028 Hamilton. Wal. 29TL FLuKlS'is. BATH'S, florist, 1804 Farnam St D. 3000, I. HENDERSON. 1314 Douglas. D. 1258. Member Florist Telegraph Del. Ass n. HESS & SWOBODA, 1416 Farnam t . A. DONAGHUB, 1622 Harney. Doug. 100L FtHHIEHS. SAM KNEETER. 120 Farnam. Red 831 H. Rothhots. 2818 Leavenworth. H. 1763, IA KOLOVRALEK. 717 B. 24th Bt mSTOKlCAL COBltalSu. THE largest tock of masquerade and theatrical costumes In the country. Theo Lleben A Bon. 1514 Howard. D. 4115. INSTRUCTION. English, French Instruction. 05 Lyrlo Bid. JUSTICES OF iiitl PEACiii. H. H. CLAIBORNE. 611 Paxton Blk. Red 7401. Notary puDllc; aepoaiuou aicuo. C. W. BRITT. 301 Barker Block. ' LIVK STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN BROS. A CO. Bxchanj-e Bldg. LlOltli.NCi KUllllKS. TlTTT?Tn V Thomas, Tougla X51. UUIUVJ-IN 2223 Cuming St M4EIH. Massage, women. Call D. 337 for apptmt MOTOHC 1 ILL'S, HARLET-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargain In used machines. Victor Rooa, Th Motorcycle Man," 2703 Leavenworth. tOV I.NCi PI HE MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Mo tion picture machine and film bargalna. Ol I LISTS. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as yon can. Dr. McCarty. 1111 W. 6. W. Bldg. OSTEOPA i rik i'U I S1C1A.NS. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG, tit Bee Bldg. yirbU AtAAUI.NCi. PAPERHANGINO Room papered, per room. Power. 1123 N. Ikth Su $3 PATENTS. D. O. Bamell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red T117. U. A. Bturgea, 63 Brandela Theater Bldg. PILLOWS A.U Ba.DDl.NO. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattresses made over Jmt like new. wi t-unung. u. mi. PLUMES I LEANED. CORLED. dyed. IX Elsele, 1136 City Wat P1AAOS I'Uk ttSkf. 13.60 per month. A. Hospe, 1613 Douglas. pui.vn.M. WATERS-BARNHART Ptg. Co.. quality priuung. let Doug. 2190. 624 b. lam bu CENTRAL Printing Co. DOUGLAS ITU. DOUGLAS Printing Co. TeL Dougla 644. SCALE MEPAiaiNU. Om Standard Scale Co., Ell 8. Uth. D. 3SU. SIIOSl UEPA1U1NU. Hartey Bho Rep'r Co.. 3004 Farn'm. R. 3444 FRIEDMAN BROS . shoe repair, til & 14. ITORB AND OFFICE FIXTURES. DESKS, safes, scale, showcases, shelv ing, etc W buy, sell. Omaha Fixture Supply Co., 414-16-11 S. Uth tvug. 3734. SEVY1.NU MACHINES. We rent, repair, sell needles and part for all sewing machine. " MICKEIES,' NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Harney. Dougla led READY REFERENCE DIRECTORY. STEEL (FILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company. Ill) S. 1S. STOVE AND FIHXAC13 REPAIRS. ALT, REPAIRS Water fronts, furnace colls, etc. Quick service. Omaha Stove Repair Works, 1? i-n Douelns 8t. Tyler ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRING. CAHIT.L FLTC?TRTf7cO., Bco PM. D.7. TOWEL SUPPLIES, OMAHA Towel Supply, m S. nth. D. S3. THtNK AND SI IT CASES. FPELING ft STEIN LE. 1W Farnam St VACCCM CLEANERS. ALT, makes. E. B. Williams, So S. ISth. Tyler ion. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver typewriter S mo. for S3. Oliver Typewriter Agency, 1905 Farnam. BUTTS Typewriter Exchange, SI S. ISth St All makes for sale or rent RENT ft "Remington" not Just a type writer. oLw rent Call Douglas 1284. WATCH SPECIALISTS. Christiansen, 2d fl. Paxton Pk., 1 yr. exp J WEDDING STATIONERY. Wedding announcements. Pong. Ptg. Co. WEDDING RINGS. BRODEGAA RD'S "lucky wedding rings" at 16th and Douglas Sts. WINES AND LHtUOHS. ALEX JETES. 201-3 8. 13th St Wine, liquors, cigars. Plate dinner 11 to 3, 10c HTTNRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE. 15th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUY your family liquors at Klein's Liquor house. T,22 N. 10th. Douglas 109. SWAPPERS' COLUMN Wanted to Swap. Why not advertise something that ou no longer have any use for and get something you ially need? Write Room 104, Bee Bldg., or phone Tyler 10u0 ALL furniture In 45-room hotel; reason able rent on building; South Side; will exchange for real estate; value lUftJO, Ad dress S. C. 603, Bee. A 3-YEAR-OLD collie and Holsteln cow for chickens. Address S. C. 699, Bee. AUTOMOBILE d For other automobile bargains see the "Automobile" classifi cation. J0 A ORES In orchard. Travers City, Mich. Will trade for Omaha property. Ad dress K. 6s4, Bee, or call Ixjuis E. Moon. Tel. Wal. 22TO. 1326 N. 40th. .22 CALIBER AUTOMATIC RIFLE. nearly new. Will trade for Smith & Wesson revolver. 6-lncli barrel, police model, or shot guns, 12-gaugc. Address S. C. C2, Bee. ELECTRIC SIGNS Will make electrlo signs for small car. Prefer a Ford. Ad. dress S. C. R'7. Bee. FCLL DRESS SUIT, size 40. worn only four times, cost 3.15. Will trade for what have you. Address S. C. 003. Bee. FOR SALE or trade. No. 3 New Home stead oven; used 3 months. F. C. Bea vers, Broken Bow, Neb. GAS engine, 4-h. p. Fairbanks-Morse ?aa or kerosene engine in fine condition th Splldorf vibrator coil and 10-gal. tank and all water connections; worth ti; will take good Rep. shotgun an part payment or what have you? S. C. 83, Bee. HIGH grade office furniture, oak roll top desk, four flat top desks, two type writer desk, office chairs, fil.ng; cabinets, bookcases, letter duplicating machlnd (not ft neostyle), printing press and 1,) fonts of type. 25 pounds newspaper type, make offer. Can uso lumber, carpenter work and tailoring. Address J &9i. Bee. HUDSON 33 5-passenger, in A-l condition; will swap for iiorses, mules, cattle or anything I can use. Address S. C. 6S0, Bee. I HAVE two casings and tubes. 31x4; run about 500 miles; also two ;)4x3'4 canine: and tube, run about 1,00 miles. To swaV for 30x8 or 30x3 casings. Address S. C. tM. Bee. I will trade 6(0 to 1,000 of my 3,0 share of preterred treasury oil stock for motorcycle, auto truck or used car In good condition. S. C. ti79. Bee. LARGE clear lot Wxl5o, to trade for Ford roadster or touring car. This lot will stand actual cash value of 1400. S. C. SHI. Bee. MINNEAPOLIS HEAT REGULATOR New; regulate your heating plant and have an even heat In your huse: aave 25 per cent In your coal bills.' Will trade for furniture. Address S. C. 683, Bee. MOTORCYCLE 1!14 Twin Indian with side-car; outfit run about boo miles; fully equipped: looks and runs Ilk new; cost about 3360. Will trade for auto of equal value, any make. Address S. C. 684. Bee. MANN BONE CUTTER Been used for sample machine, can be used by hand or power. Will trade for shot gun. Rem ington .23 caliber rifle or chickens to dress at market price. Address S. C. 691, Bee. ON E 38 liainmerles safety police, doubl action, break open revolver; one U 6 lncb barrel break open revolver; one Winchester repeating shotgun and case. Want Mariln shotgun in exchange for re volvers or anything I can use of equal value. Address C. 696. Bee. . 3350 PIANO, gasoline range, 7-drawer sewing machine, large 7-hole range nearly new; will trade for good light car or merchandise. Address S. C. 681, Bee. 1-QT. blow-torch and aolder iron; 1 6-inch, 1 8-Inch and 1 10-Inch Creacent auto wrench; 1 3-inch, 8-lnch and 10-inch screw drivers, bracket, brace and 5 bits; 1 4-lnch scale, 8 rules, i hammers, H-lb, 1 lb. and 2-lba. ; 1 key-hole saw, I chisels, and draw knife, tool box; anything 1 can use. Address S. C. 62, Bee. REFLEX camera, 5x7, revel sible back, ( double plate holders, focal plsne, shut ter, 1-6 to 1-1,000 sec, Eurynar Amastlg mat lens, F 4-5, by Rodenstock, Munich; In excellent condition; cost 1150. What have you of equal value? 8. C. 3S1. Bee. TO SELL or trade your ehotxun or rifle. See FRIEDMAN. 1211 Douglas. 2,0u0 SHARES STOCK In Wyoming coal . mine, par value 11.00. Will trade for autos. or what have, you? Address S. C. fM. Bee. . ' L. C. SMITH Typewriter, nearly new, to trade for something I can uu Wh., have youT S. C. 6S8, Bee. UNDERWOOD tytcwrlter No. 6: used three weeks: will trade toward tr.t auto, or. what have you? 8. C. nt!. Bee. VIOLIN Oood violin for bass viol: the viol must be in good condition. Ad dress S. C. 6'j0. WILL trade one Gibson mandolin, cost 375: one guitar, cost 366: one ntin cornet, cost 60; one Clarke Irish harp, cost 3165, all Instruments In best of con- anion; any or all tor diamonds or cash. siiurf pi p. . do, uee. WANTED to swap, full dress suit for anything I can use. Size 37. In rood condition. Cost o0. Addreus 8. C. 52a. Bee. WANT to trade light, roadster automo bile on small cottage or vacant lot. S. C. 6!-Bee. WILL swap Incubator for hay or grain. Addres &. C. 389. Bee, WANTED TO BUY Country Shippers we arl: again in the market FOR COUNTRY MIXED IRON REQUIRE tuO CARS FOR DECEMBER SHIPMENT. WTRH OR WHITE FOR PRICES. HIOHEST MARKET PRICES PAID FOR BAOS. BUSKERS AND METALS. SONKEN GALAMUA IRON & METAL CO., 64-S8 N. d STREET. KANSAS CITY. U. a A Ptrict1- hlirh --a1e nlsno. Web. I7W. WANTED To buy on monthly payments, small store room, who living rooms above. In Central echool district, phone Red "KM. OFIOE furniture bought and sold. C. Reed. 1-V7 Farnam. Doug. 614a. WB ARE on th market for lvd carload of country mixed scrap iron. Writ for price. A- B. Alpern. 7Ui-wd DoukI REXTAL0. APARTMENTS AND FLATS. The For Rent advertisement appearing cannot be Deal nr variety mai win cues and fill the needs ot any one aesiring to rent. Phone T ler 1"hv ioTi N. 34th St.. 7-room St. Louis flat; hot water beat; rental I32.D0. Call Doug. 67. 7-lt mod., 2d floor, brick. 707 So. ifctli. newly decorated and varnished. Doug. rxvr or Ti"d 7. StJ N. 1TTII -r., all modern Apt.. .1i.60. RASP BROS. DOUGLAS 1M. lio4 N. 2.'D 4-room flat, steel ranee, gna stove, kitchen cabinet, water paid: $16. RASP PROS DOUGLAS I'M. BKST 4-room opnrtment in the city; large south front bay window; walking dis tance; you enn't beat it. Also a 2-room with bnth; furnished. Doug. 2M. The Colbert 39tli and Farnam Elegant, strictly modern apartments, I large rooms and servants' rooms. D. V. Sholes Co. Tel. Douglas 49. 91S City Nat. Bank. o. FOR RENT New S-room apartment; dis appearing beds; pneumatio elevator; shower baths; first-class in every particu lar. Flora i(s., iVl jiities St. o ST. CLARE, 24th and Harney, 4-room apartment. Call Harney 647. FLATS B-r. 70S South 24th St.. 2d floor, mod.. $25. 6-r.-Shelby Court, close-in, mod. ex. ht.15. S-r. 720 S. 28th St., near Leavenworth, 113. PETERS TRUST CO., DOUG. 398 o APARTMENTS. 4-rr-AIsatlan, 115 S. 33th St, $"-40. -r.Flo-Les', 20th & Capitol, $27.r.O 112 fA. 4-r Athlone, 20th & Douglas, $;t7.60- 12.50. 4-r. 3eorgla, W0 Ueorg.a, WM. 6-r. Barnard, 2I'th and L-av., 337.FA-$I2.S0. -r. Winona 2th and Dewey, 47.tA PETF.KS TRUST CO.. DOL'O. 898. o SlODERN 7-r. apartment Including beau tiful ebflt sun . room, in West Farnam district, for rent. Harney V.VJ&. o HOAUU A.nD MOO. US. Fumlshed" Rooms that offer ever mod ern convenience arnd comfort In private families or boarding houses of the high est class will be found in the Furnished Rooms column of The Bee. Phone Tyler lotto. BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms, with or without board. Call Harney 7H. 1 LARUE room for two gentlemen, with board. Price reasonab.e; private family; elegantly furnished. Harney sr,9. 215 N. 23d' St For rent room and board; 3 gentlemen, 3i a week. D. 7?j3. BOARD AND ROOM WANTED. WANTED By widow with 2-year-old eon. board and room near CreUhton uni versity; widow will attend university, so wishe.-i good home and care of child; fam ily with children preferred; references re qulred and given. Address Y 164. Bee. LA FUK south front, steam heated room; eleRant furniture. In mod. home, good, board. Har. 7 ON). BAHNs) AISD UAHAUE8. WELL equipped private garage g with Har. 8Qy. S. ltftht, water. ZMio nouire. tail. FURNISHED HOUSES UP-TO-DATE furnished house or apart ment for the winter: must be first clnss. Address O 443 Bee. BEAUTIFUL modern home, furnished complete; newly decorated throughout; 7 rooms. 2701 Camden avenue. One block from car line. ALFRED C. KENNEDY CO., 209 First National Bank Bldg. Douglas 723. FURNISHED house, 7 rooms, mod. ex cepting electricity. 40th St., 3 block south of Farnam; rent $jo. Dougla 929. FCR.MSHED ROOMS. NICELY furnished room, close in; all modern. S. -M Pt. FOR RENT Largo furnished room; prl- vate bath; large closet; have good ref rances. Well located. Harney 13'. o NICELY furnished room, privat home, nice neighborhood, close to car. Phone Webster 1307. NEAT, modern rooms, 2511 Pierce. Tyler 940-W. NICELY furn. south room; strictly mod.; private family. 11. 3419. 130 S. 30th Bt SPECIAL LOW RATES TO PERMANENT Ol EST8. HOTEL SAN FORD, 19th and Farnam. HCTKI, HARLEY. 20th and F.rnam. VERY beautiful library room, on firs floor, for rent; close In, 505 Farnam, Tel. Douglas 475. LARGE, beautiful room; in private fans lly; modern. Colfax 21H6. ROOM with breakfast 13.50 wk., strictly mod. home, new furnish's, close In. H.3198 NEWLY furnished warm room, close in. 223 N. 23d. Phone Tyler 9u6. West Farnam Large nicely furn. front room, mod., prlv., hot water ht. Instant water heater bnth room, close In. Har. 8013 3023 MARCY Larxe front room, privat fam.ly; references exchanged. Har. 7148. 131 H. 25T1I ST. 3 large front double rooms, all modern conveniences. I. 6S74. FOUR nicely furnished rooms for colored peopFK Call Webster 7467. Steam heated sl'p'g r'ms, close in. R. 4441 HOUSEKEEPING MOOMS. FOR RENT Strictly modern, newly fur nished rms , heat furn.; private. It. 3195. N. 20T1I. Ill Housekeeping rooms, reas- onable. Call D. 8710. Davenport, 2ois-two or threfo nicely furnished hou8ekeep ing rooms. reasonable. S. 10TH ST., Itil8 Two unfurnished room for llnht housekeeping; mod. Tyler 9Sti. LIGHT housek'g ims. 504S S. 10th. D. o4:,4. HOUSES AND COTTAGES. NOHTII. 8-ROOM ' house, modern, new furnace, never us?d. 2216 Burt. Red 623. SIX-ROOM collage; modern; 3333 N. 23d; reduced to J.O. Colfax 8272. RENT FREE FOR TWO WEEKS Nice eight-room house; r.ewly decorated: modern except heat; storm window an J doors; price reduced to 118. Web. 5060. 330 New 7-room modern bouse, newly decorated. 3317 Seward. Harney 474J. FOR RENT 6-iToin, new. modern, up-to-date biick flat. 23 Willi Ave. Rent 12a. Tel. D. 1530. &-ROOM, nearly new; modern except fur nace; only 1,8. Colfax loisl. NEWLY decorated, 7-room, modenr house; large barn and yard; near car line; reasonable rent Tel. D. 5729. 6-ROOM, strictly iiioiici n culluge, hot water heat, close In. rent lor 4Ui Lincoln Blvd. ' W. H. Dorrance. Tel. u. dzo ortciiw. WALKING distance, 2W4 Dodge, 8-room modern nouse, M. Key next door. W. W. Mitchell, owner. Phone Web. 4875. NEW 4-room cottage. Florence. Adams and Buftulo pis, u. m a montn. HiOOM, nearly new; modern except fur nace; only lis, coirax im. MODERN 6-room house with bath. Franklin. Phone Webster 5159. NEW bungalow, modern, oak finish, i -rooms and bath; all up to date. 2alo N. 19th Ave. Tyler 10W. D. 6M7. 7-ROOM Modern 2J06 California, 3J6.UO. C L CARLBEKQ, 313 Bi andei 1 heater. T SOUTH. FREH RENT '4 mo., on some of these; Choice new brick flat, 5-r., mod., ZJi) N. 23d, J0; 6-r., 2319 8. lith. t 2; 5-r.. mod., i4J S. 17th. 116; 4-r.. J7 6. 24th bt. Jiu; 4-r.. neat home, I lots, chicken yd., 3ui5 Val ley, t.oo; 8 other. 15 to J0. ilcKilr.ck R. E. Co. D. 1482. Ty. 214U-J. 6i3 8. liTIl ST. s-ruom all modern house, well arranged for renting rooms, Hi.au. rasp b itoa. i a i ; glam 1653. MOVING EXPENSi:s PaTL Ill 8. 29th -r.. all mod. house, newly painted and papered; close tu. J5. 3o S. Pith 5-r., part nicd. cottage. 110. RAfeP BROS. Dougla looj. TWO 7-room houses, 8. W. corner Sid sn Howard; these bouses have been ver completely leuioOvleU; new (urnaces combination light fixtures; hardwood floors, new paper In every room and closet; summer porch, screened in; la fact, every comfort; 1 .0. Cottages, 2u-ll S. tnh Ave., 114 per mo. -r. milage, idl 8. 5jd M.. 112 er mo. ALFREI T HOMAS. Hist Nat. Ian k 3-K. HUl'bK. 1 sleeping porch. 1 screea Wfcli. iM & I5tb Ave, Harnay Mi.