Till BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, .DECEMBER 11, 1015. 7" 2A Make tSiis page your lmas shopping' guide J IVlLr iiO T7 i isijoppincf VLLulLIi 11 tvj Your Photograph The gift whoso intrinsic value is small, but whoso value based on the thoughtful remembrances it carries is inestimable ' MAKE YOURS A RODSTROM , PHOTOGRAPH 1811 Farnam St. Phone Doug. 5622 ,ElectricalCjift5 mmmM Housohold Appliances Berjrthlnir for tbe bonaehold in Blectrleal Appliance the lateet and moat ueeful produotlona all ' displayed ul featured (or the Znu Kim. , OrUls, K aada bnpii . Toasters, VwcoUUrai Electrlo Xroaa, Combination Stovea, ' Warming; . JrXIs, rireleas Oook.m, CurUnff Iron., JSlectrlo Ortni, Charter planes, Wallaoe X.ampa. WE MAKE Uiunt.tli TERMS . ON A Mi HI A CHINKS. Always talk to the "Houiiehold Economist" when la need of house hold appliances. 12 MAXES WASK.X8 MACHMES s MAXES VACUUM CLEANERS E. B. WILLIAMS Phone Tyler 1011. Opposite Court House lawn, 808 Houth 18th fit. Hi IJVT -r-r-r I i iii iii., t- ,...tK' I !,,.,-,.. -'.Ii.l H . ... i. Just about the price you , would pay for a little ring, or some un-extraordinary piece of furniture, '-will place in your home, as a Christmas gift to all within hearing This Beautiful Model X Improved Victor-Victrola and ten 10-inch Victor, double face records, play ing 20 selections in all This Is the REAL Victrola you hear of, read of and speak of yourself; one of the BIG ones; built with all of the improvements; capable of rendering any sound or modulation of sound. It WON'T eat Itself up in expense, as for Instance an automobile. It's a positive Joy Item, and the pleasure it gives is always there. Why not cheer YOUR home with an Xmas gift like this? The largest, best assorted showing of Vlctrolas in all the west is right here. Think of it! Over 100 instruments on the floors at all times. MickePs Nebraska Cycle Co. Cor. 15th and Harney Streets, Omaha ""gjiSiS!?" H. B. Boyle. Pres. Why Not a Practical Present? What better Christmas present than a scholarship in Boyles College? Would it not be practical? Would It not protect that Boy or Girl In the future. Would a. scholarship in Stenography, Stenotypy, Bookkeeping or Telegraphy not make that boy or girl Independent. The world of business offers vast opportunities to the young per son with practical business education. The Mid-Winter Term of BOYLES COLLEGE Opens January 3, 1916 in both the Day and Night sessions, and offers your boy1 or girl the best opportunities to lay the foundation of business success. Start your son or daughter right in 1916 and before another year he or she will be independ ent a business man or woman. Just to satisfy yourself upon the point of the great opportunities Boyles College holds out to young people, send for a free copy of our latest Year Book. And send for it today. 1 e3mblem. Boyles College Boyles Building. H. B. BOYLES, Pres. Omaha. mm psf, . GLASSWARE Li 5 a til D C H I li A With Purchase, From Now, Until Xmas APEX. "Bottled in Bond" 4 A Straight Whiskey. 4 Full Quarts, Express Prepaid $3.20 8 Full Quarts, Express Prepaid .'$0.25 12 Full Quarts, Express Prepaid $9.25 All express prepaid in Iowa and Nebraska. Outside of .Iowa and Nebraska orders must call for 12 quarts in order, to have freight prepaid. : JAEIIE CLDIIE! 1314 DOUGLAS STREET. FAMILY LIQUOR DEALER. OUR LOW RbNT enables us to sell everything in Xmas Jewelry at lower prices than ground floor merchants. . Come to our mew display room. Everything sold in the Jewelry Xeanan Hm. ' Finest Workmanship in the City We know w are the traders In thta Wit ay ao you'll real Ue It too It you glva us an ordir. Kennan & Overholt 8SS Sraadala 1 " v " T. S. Ovarholt I i j S 'i SALE For years, and years and years, the fine table wines of CACKl.i:V UKOM. have eone Into the best Omaha homes. There ia ure)y m reanonl Sahrdsy Wins Specisls "UHKIST" Hi Tears Ola. Tort, Shrry. Madeira. Catawba. Amtfli.-a. MuacaUl, full qt....60e Per gallon , $1.7S ('alifornla Port, per gat UI Home-made Red or White Orap, per khI tl.as I A Tlnta. 10 years old. Port or blierry. viuurt. Tie Per gallon 3-8S C!J Taylcr, Full QL 9Sc Old Crow, " "98c HOOTCH. Black and White, qt $1.40 Half ft Half, qt $1.40 1UIS1I. Old Bushmills, qt $1.40 Burke's Irish, qt ft. 25 Canadian Club ...... ..$1.23 P-randica. CUrets. nine, Bye Whtekloa, Tonlre. etc., are offered In rrat profunioii. and at real aale rioea Haiurday. Ilottled In Hond hlnklea now koIhk at Te to SI. AS per cjuart. Hran.1l for ml nee flee. ut u n iiuiuv-uiBu n mo. fi.9 per gaiiuu. pyie viaer, aoe per yauoa. Thm Old Reliable Fa mil Liauar Hauma 6th and Carjitol Avenue Mail refers filUd immmdtattty BROS. SPECIAL XMAS SALE of Quality WINES and LIQUORS Pollock's Holiday Baskets Containing one-quart bottle L. P. Monogram, one bottle of port, one bottle of Angelica and one bottle Tokay Regularly, $3.35, all for- $L85 Henry Pollock Liquor House 122-124 N. 15th Street mi 8 Boris Fridkin CI Troupe W Native Russian Singers and Pnncera. National Costumes. . i Great Lester Ventriloquist of International - Fame. Amorous & Mulbey At Maxims. Mabel Leroy C3arf in 'v ' Operas and Medleys. . , rhurics Costcllo & Lcih Daird In "SAINTS AND SINNERS" Three parts. aUMlHtfiON Rear's fW.tt luo aitn Douclu tM ow Could You Make Your Family appier? An automobile is some thing you will buy soon and why not make that your Christmas present. The ALLEN, $845.09 Completely equipped. ma lan Standard Motor Gar Go. Carl Changstrom, Mgr. 2010 Farnam St. Omaha Would You Walk a Block For $25.00? Hero Is All Wo Ask Come to our store Inspect our Diamond stock and If you Intend to buy a fair size Diamond, we guarantee to save you $35.00. Our Prices Range From $8.50 to $850.00 We are "not In the high rent district Therefore our prices can be lower and till make a profit. Fritz Sandwall Jowolry Co. 308 SOUTH 1STH STKEST. ErtaoUahed 1894. OUAXX. Hold Your Holiday Dowling Prtios At THE FARNAM ALLEYS 1807 Farnam Street W. L. GCHOEHMAN, - - Prop. Is There Anything Appreciated More than a Perfect Set of Teetl? , Is there anything more appro priate or lasting than a Xmas gift to the loved ones, en abling them to go through life with a perfect set of teeth? Good teeth are conducive to health. Over sixty-six and two-thirds per cent of etomach troubles are caused by not being able to properly masticate. Wby let your loved ones go through life in torment when you can prevent it bo easily? It is better to pay a small dental bill than a large doctor bill. . We are not experimenting. All work guaranteed ten years. teeth: f 1 v v v Til r ear si. m - . .w SKK Ol'K PRICK UST AND 0)MPAItB IT WITH THE THICKS VOU HAVE PAIH FXK WOHK ELSEWHERK. Itest 22-K, Gold Crowns $4.00 Itridge Work, per tooth 1.00 l!et. Ilates 9J.OO, $8.00 and flO.OO Treatments 1.00 We Give Mileage for Fifty Mile on AH Out-of-Town Contracts of $10.06 or More. ' McKENNEY, 2 14th and Farnam Stt. Phone Douglas 2872 Do Your Christmas Shopping Early. BUY THE FAMILY A rn UVJ JJ A New Hudson Conception Now on Exhibition at Our Showrooms GUY L. SMITH rf", 0m va a , bbk . farnam btreet Service First Phone Douglas 1970 J 9 y