Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 11, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 10, Image 11

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Secretary Sayi Compulsory Military
Senrice i AlternatiTe of Plan
for Continental Army.
WASHINGTON, Deo. . SocifUrr Gar
rison declare In his annual import to tha
president, made publla tonight, that it
th administration plan for a continental
army fall tha United State will fa.-e
ome form of compulsory military service.
"There ara noma who do not feel free
to baaa their conduct upon a consideration
of facts or conclusions of reaaon because
of their Interpretation of dlvln Injunc
tion," ha aaya. "They do not believe In
resistance to physical force, and those
vhoaa consciences are so convinced sur
render Ufa and all that they cherish and
love at the behest of the gr-sor. This
attitude ror.crrns the Individual, and him
alone. It cannot be made the general
rule of conduct under our form of gov
ernment without departing from tha basis
upon which our government 1 founded.
One la Impelled to query upon what
proper consideration there la based any
dlatlne'lon between the right or necessity
or desirability of uelng mental force to
repel error, moral force to repel evil and
physical force to repel wrong. It would
item, If reason were applied, that In each
Instanca the situation Is Identical; and
that If we should properly prepare our
minds to be etrong so that we can reject
error, and our moral character to be
strong so that we can reject evil, we
should likewise make our physical force
strong In order that we rrmy maintain
the right as against lhoe who would
physically Impose the wrong upon us.
Thinks War lire to tome,.
"There are others concerning whose
clarity of vision we are not advised, and
concerning whose soundness of reason we
are not informed, . because tha attitude
which they take is admittedly not baaed
upon either vision or reason. They are
those who predict that war will never
come to thla country, and assert that
therefore precautions with respect thereto
are unwise and needless, tflnce wars have
come upon nations from the earliest date
of recorded history to this moment there
la no basis of fact for such a position,
but an actual demonstration of the non
existence of such basis. We were early
warned that there would be wars and
rumors of wars, and that nation would
rise against nation and kingdom against
kingdom, and tha end was not yet; and
that prediction has been fully verified.
There Is no basis and no foundation to
conclude that this great evil ha been
eliminated, and it therefore must be
treated a ara all other ejflntlng evils, and
must be prepared against. Burtly, a be
tween resting upon prediction or upon
preparation, wisdom would not hesitate.
"There are other among ua a ho are
too Intelligent and clear-sighted not to
ee the facta and to realize their signifi
cance, but who counsel Inaction because
they mistrust themselves and tha nation.
Those to whom I now refer do not be
lieve In the doctrine of nonrealstance;
they do not rest upon the promotion that
an evil which ha existed since tha world
began haa ceased to exist and been abol
ished, and should not therefor be con
sidered as on to b prepared against)
they tven point out our potentiality of
force, but they counsel against any prep
aration thereof. They base this counsel
upon the expressed fear that If we pos
ses fore w will be induced to use It
when w should not. Thl position Ig
nore tha responsibilities which w have
undertaken and which w must maintain
at any self -sacrifice, it Ignores the fact
that if nation which possess fore are
llkoly to use It when they should not
some nation which haa uch force la likely
to use It against us when it should not
It assume that our nation may not be
trusted with fore for 'fear that it may
misuse It
Preparedness !fot Militarism.
"The eyes of many ara blinded to fact
and their minds closed to reaaon by an
abhorrence of what they term militar
ism wlhtout any actual conception of
J-ist what this mean or how It should
affect the proper confederation of the
subject. Those who really fear militar
ism, or, more accurately stated, those
who dread real militarism, should bo the
strongest advocate of reasonable prep
aration. The latter 1 the preventive of
militarism, If they unwisely defeat rea
sonable preparedness, they leave the
country In a condition where the inevi
table result of defeat, humiliation or
acuta apprehension will be hasty and ill
advised provision as to armament far
beyond anything which calm reason and
wise provision would deem necessary.
'There will be those who assert that
the propoaed policy oppose tho tradi
tion of the people and run counter
thereto. Thl U mere assertion; It 1 not
tho fact, and in truth the fact la to the
contrary. The proposed policy U exactly
In keeping with our traditions.
There will also be those who will ex
press recret' that the policy heretofore
pursued, of lack of proper military pre
cautions, la to be departed from because
It has been invaluable a an example to
the ret of the world and we should not
remedy the lack because we would then
cease to be sjuch an example. It should
be observed first. In considering this
point of view, that w should protect and
defend that which we cherixh and hold
dear. Furthermore, It overlooks the fact
that although we have been Just the ex
ample that they dealre throughout the
more than a century and a quarter of our
existence, the result exlsitlng in tha
world today do not warrant the belief
that our example ha bad any beneficial
Will Nat Prvke War.
There are some who decry taking any
precautions or making any preparations
of the military tower of the nation be
caueo they say U will not prevent war.
but will prevok it Men and nation
must prepare U meet their responsibili
ties: if It is , InadvUable to develop
strength sufficient to repel wrong be
cause suet) developed strength may lie
misused, human feature 1ms Indeed
reached an Impasse. Why should it he
presumed that a Just Juan or a Just na
tion will ceea to be Juat because it haa
the power to unjust T W must either
trunt others or trust ourselves.
"Another stumbling Hock to some I
th suggestion that no preparation should
be made and no precaution should be
taken t-ciauae no one can foretell how
inucti we liny have to meet and a hat v.a
will require to meet It Here afsalo tha
S'ia embodied In thl utgest'uii wuuld
uy ail huiiit.n piojtreaa. There will be
some who rt that the devastating
effuits and the horror produced by the
" w loring waxed make It certalu
that war wiil be avoiJ.d for a long time
fcl.rr Ui C.oa (,f its ticicul
They will argu that the exhaustion of
resource and th recollection of the
awful sufferlne- will have tha effect of
deterring nations from entering upon
r. What basl la there, for uch belief !
Certainly auch basl cannot be found In
history our own or that of other na
tion. Arbliratloa Nat Effective.
"There will be thrM h kii.v. mA
assert that the time when war can be
avoided by nerntlatlnn .rkimik.
0,h,r mean, will be advanced. If w
reirin irom adopting a proper military
icy. nut win be aet back. If w no
t Is difficult to comprehend on
hat basis auch a belief
rent and therefore It la urri.ui .
on about It It seems to rest upon the
Idea that If we are feeble and weak in
aouon. we will be strong and persuasive
in counsel: that hv avnwerilv n.rinti..
lo prepare to protect our right we will
n" Better able to secure their protec.
tion by appeal, by arbitration, or hv .-
gumrnt. - No one need hv th .n.k,-..
fear that our voice for peaceful settle
ment of the quarrels of nation will re
ceive any the less attention because we
-tana tor the right and are prepared
to maintain it at ahv
th contrary, the voice of uch a one I
u ay listened to and usually controls.
Half Million Mra Nredeal.
"If the determination arrived at by
hose whose knowleda-e. skill n.H-
enr make their Judgment practically
,..v.u.b is accepted, we should have
In thl country a force of at least 600,w
men ready for Instant response to a call
in me event or war or the Imminence of
war. It Is surely not necessary to state
the many reasons why this force may
not be supplied by a regular standing
army of that number constantly under
arms. There i no legal way that the
National Guard can. In time of peace, re
governed, officered or trained by the na
tional government; and there I not legal
way, except by volunteering, that It can
be made availahle to the nation In time
of war to any greater extent than pert
fled In the constitution, which confessedly
fall ahort of the necessary uae to which
an army may have to be put In th event
of a war with a foreign nation.
Would Provide La rare Reserve.
"It become necessary, therefore, to de
vise some method of making available
for the use of th nation In time of war
a national force In supplement of that
part of the national force, to wit. th reg
ular army, which is constantly under
arms; a part of tha army, in other words,
to be raised and maintained by congrea
and governed In all respects in ac
cordance with it direction. tn. iki.
system Is devised and made operative, th
nauon would militarily be In thl situa
tion: It would have, a the constitution
provide, an army raised and maintained
by it. composed of a certain number con
stantly under arm, and a much larger
number definitely identified in personnel,
provided with equipment and organisa
tion, possessed of soma training
subject to instant call. The states would
hav th organised militia, developed With
federal assistance to the blah. ,i-
able point of efficiency, available for the
f""""! specmea in the constitution,
and o circumstanced that In .......
of a war with a foreign nation they
",u' r ineir own volition. Immediately
take their place with tha nth ui.
force of the nation."
Th report take tin In detail (.- -i
of military preparation already made pub-
Break a Child's
Cold by Giving
Syrup of Figs
Look, Mother! Is tongue coat-
ea, Dream feverish and
stomach sour?
Cleanse the little liver and bow
els and they get well
When your child surf. - -..
dont wait; give the little atomach. liver
ana ooweia a gentle, thorough cleansing
at once. When cross, peevish, listless
pale, doesn't sleep, eat or act naturally;
If breath, la bad. atomach -t. -
j teaspoonful of - 'California Syrup of
is, ana m a row hour all the clog-god-up.
constipated waste, sour bile and
undigested food will gently move out of
the bowels, and you hav a well, play
ful child again.
If your child cough, snuffle and haa
caught cold or la feverish or haa
throat give a good dose of "California
Syrup of rigs," to evacuate tha bowels
no difference what other treatment 1
(Hick children . needn't be coaxed to
take thl harmless "fruit laxative." Mil
lions of mother keep It handy because
they. know it action on th stomach,
liver and bowels is prompt and aura.
They also know a little given today
savaa a sick child tomorrow.
Aak your druggist for a W-cent bottle
of "California Byrup of Figs," which
contains directions for b&hloa, children
of all ages and for grown-up plainly
on th bottle. lieware of counterfeit
old here.' Get tha genuine, mad by
'California Fig Byrup Company." Ad
vertisement BAD BREATH
lr. Kdwarda Olive Tableta Get at
the Cus and Ileuiovo it.
Dr. Edwards' Ollv Tablet, th aubsU
tut for calomel, act gently on th bow
el and positively do th work.
People afflicted with bad breath find
quick relief through Dr. Kd wards' Olive
Tablets. The pleasant.
i lets are Uken for bad breath by all who
snow mom.
Ir. Edwards". Olive Tableta act gently
but firmly on the bowel and liver, atlm
ulatlng them to natural action, clearing
the blood and gently purlfylug the en
tire system. f
They do that which dangerous calomel
doe without any of th bad after eifecta.
AH the benefit of naaty, sickening,
griping cathartics are derived from Dr.'
fc.'dward' Olive Tableta without griping,
pain or disagreeable effect of any kind.
Dr. F. U. Edward discovered th for
mula after seventeen years of practice
among patients afflicted with bowel and
liver complaint with the attendant bad
I Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are purely
! a vegetable compound mixed with olive
, oil; you will know them by their olive
I color.
Take on or two every night for a
' week and note th effect. 10o and tto par
boC All druvirUiLa
The Ollv Tatlct Company, Columbus.
I o
lio and endorsed by President Wilson,
and declares the Swiss and Australian
system are founded on governmental In
stitution and power differing so rad
ically from those in the United States
that any attempt to adapt either to
Amer use would mean great delay.
"Enough haa been said to democrat,"
Ihe secretary concludes, "that to get
something done now something that Is
well worth while the best course ia to
recognise and operate under existing
condition. The other course I to imag
ine a vain thing and accomplish noth
BCFFAtX), N. T., Dec. 10. Lady
Pontlao Johanna, a cow valued at fEO.ooa
ha Just broken the world' record for
cutter production by yielding 668 pound
of milk In one week, from which was
made 41.M pound of butter. Thl eclipse
the former butter record by l& pound.
Lady Pontlao Johanna - I owned hv
Oliver Cabana, Jr., of Buffalo.
I L'Vi'5'i.J,-iW(.. jr
It'i a Vlctor-VictroU of tbe first water, too. Nothing lackln;. No
cutting; out of this part or trat. Ifg one of those large styles and has
everything a Victrola should have. Plays Victor records ea they
should he played.' Ifg as pretty as & French clock and as entertain
ing as a Minstrel Show and Grand Opera rolled into one. It's the
gift of today. YouVwant one. You know you want one. You've
wanted one since your neighbors secured theirs. Vlctrolaa are as
, usual in tbe households of today as pianos were twenty years ago.
Detter be modern at a cost of only $75.
Own it for cash or on easiest of
time payments. Have it sent to
any address on
you wish. Buy by mail as satis
factorily as you would in person
Spend more or spend less and you'll still Lave a genuine Victor-Viv-.
trola for we have them in all prices from $15 to $350. See our floors
and note where we have 100 or more Victrolas in stock at all times.
Better catch the Xinas spirit at " -
Nebraska Cycle
Cor. 15th
Secretary of War Outlinei Scheme
Which Will Put Million and
Half on Fighting Eaiii.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 10. Secre
tary Garrison made publlo today la
connection with bis annual report the
special national defense report pre
pared at his request by the war col
lege division of the general staff. It
shows that the army Itself considers
that as a proper military policy to se
cure continental United States from
attack. It Is necessary to have a mo
bile army of 1,500,000 fully or par
tially trained men. It makes the fol
lowing specific recommendations for
the organization it believes neces
With the colors 121.000
newi-ven hi end oi eigni-year
enlistment period.
Total SOO.OC0
Vnder training three months a
year for each of three years.... 600,000
&n fiirlouith, subject to three
months' nddlt'onRl training be
fore taking the field 500.00?
No provision beyond annual ap
propriation of l7.0iO.0irt and re
peel of all acts requiring stste
solr!lrs to he received in'o I'nlt
ed States service In advance of
any other forces In time of war.
Grand total, regular and contin
ental l.BOn.000
In estimating the cost of this estah-
iinnment the report figures a follow
for the first year:
Itegiilar army ES,0.00
Continental 87..VO,0O
tMilllla 7.000.000
Total $333,400,000
Half Billion First Year.
In addition to these figure, Secretary
Garrison point out, in a digest of the
special report, an snmfUl expense of
130,000.000 for each of four year would be
necessary for harbor defenses and re
serve material would cost for the first
year alone I129.76S.7S8, making the grand
total for the first year j03,2:S.7S6,
It was the coat of the war college plan
which led Secretary Garrison to devise
the modified plan which haa been pre
sented to congress with the backing of
Exquisite Model X Victor
Victrola be the
Choice of Your
Other Talkintt Machine Plavs a VICTOR
and Harney Streets, Omaha
the administration. Vnder that rltn the
first year' expenditure would be I1S2.
717.0S. end a force of regular, m Iltla
men and continental of rro.M.I would be
produced within three years, which
m ould be mora than doubled by Including
th reserve of each bramh, which
would be created within t .e first six
year continental enlistment period. The
annual upkeep cost of the war college
plan after the system I In full op-ration
Li estimated a $119. 473.0 0 a
against tlR2,rr4,. for the administra
tion plan.
Pecretary Garrison' statement show
that the war college haa been asked to
tenew Its consideration of the subject
In order that certain of Its estimate
may be more fully worked out.'
Great Masters in
the Movies in
English Theaters
(Correspondence of the Associated Press.)
LIVERPOOL, Nov. Beethoven In a
fhovlng picture theater is no uncommon
thing in Liverpool, in the best ''mov
ies," Beethoven la not only heard often,
but Is far from being alone, Wagner,
Schubert and other of the great mas
ters are played a well. It I not be
cause fie owner are drying to educate
the public, but because the clasa of
music la popular In Its best sense, and
after coming to know It the public does
not care for the Inferior popular music
One muslo lover report hearing move
ments from Beethoven's filth aymphony.
pastoral and moonlight sonatas, slec
tlona from the Wagnerian opera, in
cluding "Parclfal" and "Tristan" from
Mtouhert'e unfinished symphony bit from
"Trlatan" and Hoydn and such modern
work a Tschalkowsky's casse noisette
suit Gretg'a "PeerGynt," Sibelius' "Fln
landla" and the like, all performed on or
chestras of from six to eight players.
Tet In the early days of tfie film theater
th only music waa a succession of tunes,
such as were whistled on .the streets,
played by an expressionless pianist.
Use The Bee' "Swapper" column.
"Snow" I the seasonable word th
rlnga out from the local weather bureau
todny. It waa snowing hard up In the
Dakota yesterday and Colonel Welsh
was looking for the arrival of the earth'
white mantle any minute. The tempera
ture wa mild, 86 being the lowest regis
tered Friday morning.
Victrolas are Displac
ing Diamonds, Furs,
Pianos, 'Furniture, Etc., as
Xmast Gifts, in Thousands
of instances,- THEN
Shouldn't Th is
n a - --
0 j'ifiGJi ;.. -r )
1 -..; jr x .:: i.
P mwmmm v .
il Bluff, Iowa U
Argues With His Pal,
Now Shy an Eyebrow
Prte Fedyk. laborer at a South Bide
park Inn house, la minus an eyebrow this
morning aa a result of an n-Rument with
a r-al. Walter Zlonyak. Thlrty-aixth and
Q trets. Thursday evening at that lora
tlon. Officer Dallew of the local police
caught the two men fighting: and took
them both to the police station.
Zdonyak asserted to the police that
Fedyk had taken tS from him that didn't
belong to him. lie waa trying to get it
back when arrested. CaDtaln Vanoua rm.
leased Fedyk on bond of $flp, which was
A eomlo opera will be given early In
tha new year by the Qlee club of the
Young Men Christian association. Thl
male chorus, which has tun -.--.i--j
- vinnnifenj
ror over a year under tha dirr-tinn ,.i
The Standard Remedy.
in Countless Homes
ReliMve Comtipation Ea$ily
Without Griping or
Indigestion and constipation are two
tonamons mat are closely related and
the cause of much physical suffering.
The tendency to Indulge on' appe
tite Is more or les general and most
people uffer at one time or another
from rebellion of the overtaxed organ
of digestion and elimination. A pleasant
ly effective remedy, that will quickly re
lieve the congestion of poisonous atom
ach waste and restore regularity, I the
compound of aimple laxative herba sold
In drug store for fifty cent a bottle
under the name of Dr. Caldwell Syrup
Pepsin. Thl la a mild, pleasant laxa
tive tonic, free from oplatea or narcotic
drugs, and haa been the tandard house
hold remedy In thousands of home for
many years.
Mr. Oliver Toung, Merrill, Wl., writ
ing to Dr. Caldwell, ay. she know of
nothing so effective for regulating, the
siomacn ana bowels; since taking Dr.
Caldwell' Syrup Pepsin ah feel ten
year younger; her work seem easier
and she ha regained her appetite.
Don't pay cash for your Christmas presents, and don't shorten your list
of gifts because of a lack of ready money. Open a charge account with,
us, double the buying power of your money, and pay in email
amounts weekly or monthly after the usual Holiday demands on your
purse are over. Do not delay your shopping. Make your selection
NOW pay later as convenient.
6o Ladle Ring,
1 olld sold Lotus
"Prfct(os" ununttne.
fin brilllsnt fSatn
$3 a Month
1151 La Vallle.-e.
tin Miia said. Uo
work drop, (Id Dia
mond, hand stads
l.ea a aconta
STo. 4) Men's Dia
mond Ring. vronff
Tooth mounting.' tig
14k solid told
1.68 a Wk
lhon Bong la 1444 aad Our Balsamaa
Will Call With Any Article Daairad.
Call or Writ for Catalog No. BUS.
Open Every Night Until Christmas
I j
5Ira. K. R. J. Ed holm. State Agent, lted Crusa Christina' Seals,
aoj jiranaeia xiieater Itullcllng. Telephone Tyler 1981.
' " iiriTrrnniTmirisinBrn i'iiiiaawsii wmwmm mnnni iswphhuji jshI .. j
6 '- w," -"W'lflrV .... j -
A Room for the Boomer, or
Leo O. Kratx, now ni'mlers twenty-four
member. Work" on the comic orera I
already under way.
Improvement Clubs
f Til 1 1
Box System in City
The V nlted Improvement cluba, an or
ganlzatlon consisting of ten of the Im
provement clubs of Omaha, went on rec
ord s opposing the proposed new fire
alarm box system for Omaha. The United
Hubs held a meeting at the city hall
Thursday night and the opposition to th
alarm aystem wa In the form of a reso
lution. Th fnlted club also Incorporated In
the resolution a suggestion that If any
money is to be Invested In adding to
Omaha' fire protection that the expendi
tures be confined to Increasing and Im
proving the equipment In the ealdentla
districts. More station or motorization
I advised so thst fire apparatus mar
more speedily arrive at reported con
flagrations. r '-
Get a bottle of Dr. Caldwell' Syrup
Pepaln from your druggist and Jiav II
In th house. A trial bottle, free of
charge, can b obtained by writing to
Dr. W. B. Caldwell. 464 Washington St.,
Montlcello, II).
14 Gentlemen' Watch, II tjlie,
(finest quality gold filled, hand en
graved, asaorted designs, polished
finish, guaranteed 15 yeara, fitter!
with Elgin or Waltham C-t-fl rK
Term. ( 1 a afoath.
aCAor nooa. crrr watiootai. bikx bx.oox.
M Soata lata CU Omaha.
Opposite Bargaas-Maaa. Qo. Dspartmaat Stor.
a Roomer for tha Room. Be
Wtuit JLds do tho work.