Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 10, 1915, Page 9, Image 9

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Hie Bees Home Maazitie Pa
The Folly of
Smart and Attractive Pin Money Frocks
Republished by Special Arrangemont with Harper's Barar.
"Patience! What wound did you ever
heal but by degrees?" la a wise summing
DP of a situation which Shakespeare
viewed with the clear eye of sanity.
Patience U probably the most comfort
able of all the virtues and one of the
least prevalent. Again and again you
hear people exclaiming. "I can stand any
thing but uncertainty!" , And one of the
things we are most frequently called on
to endure la just that uncertainty.
if life, were a cut and dried matter In
which one sure of measured out
Ingredients so much sorrow: so much
y; so much pain, so much comfort; so
mucn aaricness and so much 1 ieht one
would not be called upon to exert any
particular strength of character. But one
would be bored bored to extinction!
Uncertainty lends a tremendous test to
living. The Joy of striving Impels a
strong character to effort the fear of
the futility of striving keeps a weakling
from action.
Waiting for things will get on your
rervea If you passively wait. But if while
waiting, you make every effort to bend
circumstances to your will if you fill
your time with active effort, all tending
toward, a certain definite goal, waiting
will not be a nervous strain filled with
Jerky wonderlngs, timorous forebodings
and painful imagining as to how things
re coming out.
Patience to a very difficult thing to at
tain. But when once you have actually
learned the secret of self-control, and
aelf-controt la probably the most useful
characteristic you ever can acquire.
Whether we like It or not. most of us
have to learn to wait. In nature all
things evolve very slowly. Growth comes
through a very alow and scarcely per
ceptible evolution In the life of the world.
In the life of the Individual growth Is
not a thing that can be measured by the
Suppose your right arm becomes In-
apacltated for work. Tou face the ab-
olute ' necessity of using the left one
but that does not mean ttiat the desire
to use it gives you at .once the ability to
do so. , Slowly, with Infinite effort, with
the discouragement of numberless fail
ures, you train the unaccustomed mug.
c'es t answer the messages from the
lobe of your brain, which Is not used to
sending messages.
You are either patient enough to go on
trying to perfect your new activity or
you do pot succeed. Of course you must
succeed or you become a cripple with a
useless right arm and an untrained left
one. Recognizing patience as an actual
necessity rather than merely an admir
able, virtue, you cultivate It. It Is a case
of needs mutt
There Is hardly a situation In life where
the. practice of patience does not stand
as .' A'j-eciulrrment ranging" Nthrough a
gamut '.from advisability lo?:, 'necessity1.
Onccktnake up your mind that everything
in the world will be easier for you l(. you
go at It with unf lurried calm and control
of nerves, and you will find patience
making your whole existence serenely1" en
durable and the controlled thing taken
nu of .the realms ' of whim, chance and
impulse. . I
No- poet has failed to extol the beauty'
of patience; no philosopher has neglected
to emphasise the necessity of It. No
human being so blind as not to see how
patience wilt lessen the jar and friction
of Ufa. 4 . .
Patient or not. we have to wait for all
we ,wa!nt In life. And with the control of
P'tience waiting life Itself were easier
r -d sweeter. Then why not learn patience
a earnestly as you go about mastering
alt knowledge you know to be necessary
to your personal success? ,
for All
Barbaric Fashionable
Changrabletilue taffeta evvnlng dress V yards taffeta
to he cut crosswise of goods ($8.00) ; 2 yards chiffon ($2.00)
for plaited chiffon bands; 2 yards satin of three different
tones for bows ($3.00). . r
This Russian coat for afternoon or evening requires 4
' yards velours ($12.00), G yards satin lining ($6.00), The un
worn fur from an out-of-date fur-pieco may be utilized for
collar and cuffs.
Mosquitoes Can Be Conquered
If We Will It
ff fix
"ina tuna momer usei
er U
T"m.-w hmamntlur (refe riiif fain.
met I know there's going to be good
thine to eat at our house. Delicious,
tender, tempting doughnuts, biscuits,
cakes and pied I've never seen a balce
day failure with Calumet. Mother
ays it's the only Baking Powder that
insures unitorm results.
Received Hick Awards
Hm C-l tmt Trmr-lm
Whenever the people n "h11
be done, and go to work" themselves to
do it, both mosquitoes and flies can be
eliminated from the catalogue of man's
enemies. Their ex-
j termination would
cost a great deal
of money and hard
work, but it would
be worth all it
cost. . The fly Is,
upon the whole,
the more danger
ous, but the mos
quito is the more
madden I n g. Dr.
Doty baa j u a t
' been telling the
public some of the
reasons why this
blood-thirsty - ter
ror of tho atmosphere has not already
I been driven from human neighborhoods.
It is all summed up in tho two words,
Ignorance and Indifference. Even fiosa
who live In mosquito-Infested regions,
where the breeding placed of the insects
are well known, or easily found, prefer
to choke their bedroom windows with,
close-meshed nets and screens, and to
paas a few uneasy half hours on their
besieged porches, slapping and objurgat-
ff'f - 5
and under th. edges of your cuffs and
through your stockings If you wear low
shoes. You cannot go our under the
starry domn of night and absorb the
Wonder of the gleaming universe on ac
count of the intolerable Infliction to
which you arj subjected. When there
was a new comet last autumn my fore
head, cheeks and wrists looked as If
the "skley portent'' had smitten me with
blisters, but it was the mosquitoes thai
i did it!
And yet, vlrtuslly nothing has been
done to get rid of the bogs, which are
the cradles of the torturers. In this
esse ignorance cannot be pleaded, for
It Is well understood where the source
of the trouble lies. But It would cost
money to drain end fill up so many
swamp and clear off so much foul land!
Ay, theres the rub. And Its the rub
not only in the neighborhood to which 1
refer, but in hundreds of others.
Property owners are discontented over
the prices that they can get for their
land, and are very solicitous that nothing
shall be said about mosquitoes. They
know very well that If It could be truly
stated that the mosquitoes hsd been
eradicated people would flock In eagerly
to build homes in so desirable a region.
But. they pinch the dollars, prevaricate
about the mosquitoes and repaint tho old
Mr. Doty reminds us that there are
two distinct breed of mosquitoes in the
1 WT
ing their invisible, horn-blowing and I Vnlted Stales, namely, tns sinpea-linrn-hurint ..,... ik.. i.-fited niopuullo" and the "Inland mos-
spend the money necessary to seek out
and eradicate the source of evil.
Where I have lived during the last year.
In New Jersey, there is a string of
swamps at no great distance from the
habitable sections, and out of these
swatupa hordes of mosquitoes Issue every
spring, summer and autumn, making the
lower grounds, at twilight and night,
and oven daylight. In some places, al
most Impassable for any less sensitive
skinned vertebrate than a rhinoceros.
qulto." The former bretde In sail
marshes along the coast. The "inland
mosquito." which breeds in fresh water,
includes Che two dangerous varieties, tha
HtogomyU. or wellow fever mosquito, and
the Anopheles, or malaria mosquito.
"Contrary to the general beliff.'' says
Dr. Doty, "mosquitoes, as a rule, do not
breed in large bodies of water, nut pre
fer small pools, whera there is an
abundance of vegetation and nourish
ment, and where they may be quiet.
I Ma,intna are essentially vegetarians.
Thera is a valley within half a mile of I notwithstanding that the females, the
my house, with a road running through ! only ones which bite, subsist largely on
It, which is, at t-mes, so Infected with j blood "
mosquitoes that a walk there after sun-- u ot kely thmt ou, natural Bal.
down recalls the experiences of Bunyan'a ; ,ant to laule, wU, mak, u, ,,., mdul
Cnristian in the "Valley of the Shadow Kent to tne mol,ujn because science has
of Death." where hie ears wera assailed dlHCOVered that It is only the female that
amia tn aaranesa ty tne internal
A charming frock of kittens' ear
cloth takes 4 yard material (920)1
for yoke and cuffs a half-yard lineu
crash (50 cents) t for cording and
aatth edges half-yard bin valvet
(75 cents).
When the fashion designer cannot ob
tain new fabrics each season a new nane
for the old material suffices. This win
ter kitten's ear cloth is the very latest,
although It Is really nothing hut a aub
llmaUd broadcloth used for tailored
gowns of every description, as wen as
for afternoon gowns. It Is particularly
lovely In the rich, dark shades.
Kvery woman likes to be In fashion,
no matter how limited are tha means at
her command. Those who hava not much
to spend on costly frocks welcome de
signs which are Inexpensive and yet In
porfort style and taate. The December
number of Harper's Baser contains a
number of so-called pin-money frocks
suited to the purse of moderate site.
Three of the designs are given on this
There Is the frock of kitten's ear cloth
which haa a full circular skirt measur
ing about three yards at the hem. This
width seems to hava been accepted as
satisfactory by nine out of ten women.
The cording at the top of the hem and
on the bodice Is velvet, a shade darker
than the gown, but the coth or aatln
might be used Instead. The aleevea wlttt
their cross fastenings and euffa of linen
crash are interesting.
Incidentally, sleeves ara "featured'.' this
year. They were never before so chic or
so "different." The smart tlte yoke
with slightly folding collar la also of
crash. The watch fob effects ara of rib
bon velvet fringed with self-toned
. Heavy satin or radium velvet In one
of the red shades might be used Instead
of cloth. If white happens to be unbecom
ing, as it is to some brunettes, make the
yoke and cuffs of pale ecru crash or
The evening gown calls for youthfulnen.
Although changeable blue taffeta Is sug
gested, soiree (a two-toned silk with a
slight body), one of tha new figured silks
or a radium . velvet In a rose shade
would be just as suitable for this model.
The satin bows should be made of two
or three ahadea of blue aatln and lln;i
with mauve, tha edges to be carelessly
turned over her and thera as If by
accident. This gives a color note
Is lovely. Tha center fold should be of
the deepest shade used.
For the girl who makes the same wrap
do for afternoon and evening the Kusslan
coat will prove very satisfactory, as It
completely covers the gown. It may be
made of velours or broadcloth; In either
case it should be dark In color.
The Mightiest Force
in Civilization
President Western rteeerva University.
What la tha mightiest fores In civili
At least four forces might be regsrded
an not unworthy of deserving the great
name. They are: The family, religion,
literature and personality. The family
Is founded upon love, religion upon the
sense of the Infinite, literature upon the
power of Interpretation, and personality
upon the greatness of the individual.
These four forces are embodied In the
teacher. For tha teacher represents the
element of love which is the basis of the
family. Tha teacher who falls to love
a student Is unworthy of being a teacher.
Loving his student, he puts his own life
Into the life of that boy or girl and lifts
that boy or girl Into largeness of character.
The teacher also represents the essence
of religion. For he should, in ways In
direct and In ways as direct as the law
allows, bring a sense of the Infinite, of
tha Eternal, of the Supreme Into tha
soul of tha student. Buch an apprecia
tion ennobles, enriches, refines, strength
ens. The teacher, furthermore, uses litera
ture. The best books upon tha beat sub
jects ara his tools, his atmospheres, his
quickening Influences. The poem, tha
biography, tha essay, tha novel are all
forcea which enlarge tha understanding,
quicken the heart and Inspire tha char
acter. Tha teacher also uses himself as a
person, apart from his doing, without
reference to his serving. Ha himself is
'The prettiest girl In Dutchess county"
has proved that nature has furnished
the Inside of her head with good gray
matter as well as auorned the outside
with luxuriant tresses, by stepping Into
her beat young man a automooue, and
being whirled to tha parson's and mar
ried without any fuss or feathers
about it.
It Is to bo hoped that her example will
be followed by other girls and tnat mar
riage a la minute will become the mode. '
and that that horrtbia survival ot sav
agery, the fashionable waudlng, will soon
take its place along with tha rack and
thumb screw, and tha other Instruments
of torture wbicn we hava grown en
lightened enough to discard.
Of ait fool customs on earth none haa
so lltuo to recommend It aa tha show
w euding. stripped of all disguises It la
noihiug but a combination of nervous
prostration, bankruptcy aud blacamail,
ana why any young coupio should de
iloeraleiy choose to start a new lira with
that sort -of a cuisa wished on tneu
paus comprehension.
'lo begin with, tor months and months
before the weuol.ig tua brlua and her
motnor have worked tike guilty staves
accumulating aa over-supply ot clutnea,
aa if on tne wvudlng uay ine shops wou.d
bo uiosud loroier, and mere would never
De anotner oppurtuuily to buy a gar
l) lent. The poor litua bride baa been
puied and haiited about by dreaamakexa
and milliners until she is worn to a
irassie, and her neivoa are raw.
it Is a common reinara that girls never
look ao ugly aa ihey do at their owd
weudlugs. it Is because uiey are so worn
out geiuug ready tor tha big sbow that
they aie niter for a samiar.Uin than
they ara for marriage, it la also b
moat ara ghaetiy aifaus ot
tears anu uysierica and qua,, rule instead
ot being tho a ream oi bla lo wmcn
two young hearts bad looked forwara.
Than tha expeuse of tha display wed
ding! bankruptcy for both tather and
llancoe uniess they hava lung pocket
books. . kieny , a poor oid latucr works
hunt.'lf to uoain paying for his daugh
ters white satin, and orange bioesume.
situ flower girls and r-ng bearers.
Many a pour young luan never really
recovers from tua uaot toe was pluugovl
into at the time oi hia marilaga fur taxi
cabs, and souvenirs (or briututiualus and
groomsmen, and ushers, and bachelor
uinnars. and all h tlummery attendant
on a display wedding.
And tha presents! regular holdups at
tha point of a card, and with such hor
rible results! Clocks by the score, vases
by tha bushel, pieces of (uimtuta lst
swear at each other, junk-junk-Juna!
And every piece of It got to be pa d
bacn at eomubooy's Sine s fool weoulng
trial con Ls guaranteed lo happen at
jusl the moment when yon need a new
ureas or baby has tha meaeies.
Why shoula any man and woman about
to le tha ' awful plunge into beaveu
or heil want to do It In iha pretence of'
a gtiping, curious, criticising crowd? It
over thera la a time for privacy It is
at a w soiling. It would be no mora In
congruous to invlts people to come and
sco you die than it is to ask them to
come and see you married.
In reality to eiop tha only dlgni-
w w- mm . enlargement. .., , .., married, and if ami
tin as to give refinement, ao noble Ml", .7.. "..,, n,.n f mera,y
T 111 Biiw,! visv aw-w.. i w -
pinning on tnelr hate and strolling
around to the clergyman with their own
Tom, Dick or narry. Instead ot dragging
him up to the altar to the tuna of thai
Lohengrin rag, it will do much to boom
matrimony. r"or Its the high cost ot
marriage that kcej i many a young man
from marrying. '
to ennoble, so wise, as to guide, so strong
aa to strong-then every member of his
Therefore, uniting these four great ele
ments of tha four primary Institutions
or forces the family, religion, litera
ture and personality the teacher may
not unworthily be called the mightiest
force In civilisation.
Only 12 Shopping Days to Christmas
v urge you to do your Christmas shopping now. Our immense hniidav atneVa . .tin Mmnl.t. .a
purchases may be made with ease and deliberation. By opening a charge account with us you can make a
very little ready money supply lasting and valuable gifts for all. As a special convenience, we will hold
your purchase made NOW and deliver holiday gooda whenever and wherever you may desire. Pay later
as convenient.
voices of demons, only these Jersey
demons use spikes as well as tongues.
These mosquitoes, bred in the swamps,
which have lain there ever since the
Palisades were formed, rise to the h gher
grounds. Invade the beautiful, green.
tree-shaded rtdgea, which sncin to have
been designed by nature us agreeable
dwelling places for intellectual beliiKJ
To depend upon birds, frogs, fishes,
bats and other natural enemies of the
mosquito to rid us of the pest is, we are
assured a vain hope. To hide ourselves
behind screens and abandon the outdoor
world in the evening to the enemy ia
only a punlllan moui makeshift, 'lo pour
petroleum on breeding places is merely
a temporary expedient. 1 be one final.
and render outdoor life at the pleatantest J effective, lctoiln,s ir.eaure Is to drain
hours of the day near insupportable. , and nil up all the bogs, swamps and
You cannot stroll through your garden j pools, wherein the 'niggling larvae that
and admire yov.r plants end -flowers st I love such "quiet" places flourish, not
peace. You cannot pull up a few radishes forgetting that rnos lultoes breed in old
Honor in the case of soma men appears
to b a mere technicality.
Uegat technicalities too frequently work
In the Interest of the rogue.
The race ia not always fir the fellow
who wears tha shortest knea breeches.
Even If It does not gather moss, the
without becoming covered with pultoned , ra!n-burti is ctatens. Jraln pipes, gutters ' rolling stone can often stir UD a lot of
ones on we Data oi your ne a and ears I and the fcUU alew of grassy rills.
Loftla "Perfection"
Btamoad SUaf.
Wo. Diamond Ring,
14k soli aula Ulil He Kft
"ParlMii"'- ir ' - ip9t
So a Month
Wo. 4 Men's Diamond
14k KilM 1014 Koaua
or poiiifiti flnlati
IUI a Week
dim 1 a
With Solid Gold Kitennlon Bracelet
$0175 j S2.50
a-ai jf sui-u
as siwillll
lllS-La Va'llere. popular
fin voire coU Kas n
llalaa. St wllk t ulu
paarla B4) I 4Uulln ptrtf l
rut IImubI iVMiilta wltb
o. ii-b,t kuid.r.4 iius oiW 1061 Watch Case and Bracelet are both fine solid
Sl.BO a Month
v " omceiei ere Dom nno solid
SBlD',';. w.4 Srle4 law 4H. lull alcfc.l )4)ler .hol nl
. i.lf wall, or aol4 dial. OutuM i fc. f A -JsT
h IpeoOabf tima,p. rar ll.Ki a awats llaSHaO
Solid Cold Thin Watch
17 Jewel Illinois or Elgin
5150 S$0l
10-tS Extra thin model, It else, adjuet
ed, 17 genuine ruby Jewels, in gold set
tings, fitted In handsome 14k '1M
gold cave 134.79
The MaiiOiial Credit Jewelers
Main Floor. Oly National Bank Block
109 South 10th htrm, Omah
Opposite UurgeavNaah Co. Department Store.
rboae Douglas 1444 gad oar
BaJeamaa Will Call Call or
Writ for Catalog It. so3.