12 BRINGING UP FATHER rZTTZ " ) JTLj C f Joyr 'TCLL her tou H -".m. T J cX f vawt doyoo HEXT OKfl OSpm&xm EXStSS1 VvVtDMft owwwftvrSSp I that cow fcJ 5ssf wutup-S') wORK! jlx oun 5C ' STIEHM OFFERED JOB INBIG NINE Husker Mentor Receives Offer from . Western Conference School at Increase in Pay. ASXS RELEASE FROM CONTRACT , LINCOLN, Dec. 9. (Special Tele gram. ) Ewald O. Btiehm. director of athletea at the University of Ne braska, announced today that he bad been tendered an offer from a Chi cago conference university to taka charge of athletics there at a salary Increase of 1760 a year, or $4,260. Etlebm today asked the Nebraska Athletic board to relieve him from his agreement for a three-year term at Nebraska at a salary of $3,600 a year. The agreement has one year more yet to run. The athletic board will doubtless Inform etlohm that It will be unable to mwt the alary bida of other Institution and gran". Ma request to be freed. Opposition In the faculty, Stlehm now being- rate a a member of the faculty, would prevent any Increase In salary. Soma of the older members of the faculty are drawing but $2,000 and 13.000 a year, and they resent o much money being devoted to athletic. It U not believed, however, that Btiehm will leave Nebraska. Other arrangements satisfactory to the board will likely be made. The news created a fufore at the uni versity and la alumni cl.cles. Btlihra's remarkable work during the last five year has made him an especially val uable man, and his loss would be a most serious blow. Stlehrn also admitted he had received nibbles from the University of Wisconsin and the University of Cali fornia. Denial from Maitlaon. MADISON, Wis., Deo. . "Nobody has been offered the position of foot ball coach of the University of Wisconsin In any shape or form," said Director of Athletics Ehler late this afternoon when Informed of the report from Nebraska that Coach Stlehm's services were being ought. Mr. Shier said the athletlo council of the Wisconsin Institution waa proceeding tn the way of getting all Information pos sible bearing upon candidates for the position, but that as yet no one had been considered. "Should any candidate with whom we may be corresponding give out Informa tion, his chances for securing the position s coach are likely to fall," aald Director Killer, ' ' Offer India Flare. CHICAGO. Dee. . According to a 'Btory printed here, Ewald Btiehm, who asked today for his) release as Nebraska foot ball coach, has been offered the posi tion of director of athletics at Indiana university. It Is not said In tf story whether he would succeed C. C. Chllda, the Hoosier foot bail coach. Gibbons-Ahearn Fight is Postponed at Least a Month 8T. PAUL. Dec. I.-Mke Gibbons, who was to have fought young Ahearn here tomorrow night. Is suffering from bron chial pneumonia, according to his phy sicians, who today gave it as their opin ion that Gibbons could not train for at least two weeks and would not be able to fight for at least thirty days. As a result, the Gibbons-Ahearn fight has been Indefinitely postponed. It may be held late in January If Gibbon recov. era rapidly. ANGELUS AND JOHNSONS WILL MEET NEXT SUNDAY Next 8unday afternoon at Fontenelle park tbe Angelua foot ball team will play the Johnson Grocery eleven. These two teams would have met before only the Angelua squad did not think the Johnson were good enough. The Angel us ay they will make the Johnsons regret the day they were born. JACK FITZGERALD WILL NOT BOX AT MASON CITY Jack Fltsgerald of Omaha will not fight at Mason City, la., this evening, as a aispeicn from Mason city an nounced. Fitzgerald aays he baa an en gagemeut nearer borne and that he never bad any Idea of battling tn Mason City. Jaekaoa Gets J-S. Joe Jackson, White Sox outfielder, and Hum jireuioiu uinveiana pitcher, m Joined trie ranks of the regularly e iiloyed. Jackson Is selling cars tor a mo concern hue brenion is dabbling V.11A urea in m miaiir oilice. Xayta Made t'aatala. William JL Dayton of Auburn, star tauter or the Hamilton collcse toot bull tram, of Clintou. N. Y., lias been elected cptai oi tue team. tMttfcaa 4 ha age ("up. The Pittsburgh club has shifted train quarters. iTtsir-'i nr go. tig bark to , tjfu.i. Us . (h iubtla will train at Just an Earful By Tad. Deacon Jones was a flxhtah. lie was small, very small, and he was colored. Mr. Jones had a liking for licker, also. He had retired from the ring years be fore In Frisco, and was now a gentleman and there, and with the proceeds in dulge)! in his favorite Indoor sport, lick ing up the suds. One night (the night of the earthquake In Frisco) Mr. Jones had acquired a beautiful pot after working ten or fif teen gin mills. Late In the morning he strolled Into the 'little saloon owned by Aloe Grcggaina, down on Sixth street. He knew the barkeep, and the later knew the Deacon. Our colored runt asked for a drink and was refused. ' He asked again, again and again. He finally grabbed hold of the bar with both hands and demanded a powder. Still the drink was not served. "If you doan han' me a drink I'll pull dls bar ovah," pi pod the Deacon, and ho gave a yank. With that there waa an awful roar; down came the bar, the collng, the bottlea and the walls. (It was at that moment that the earthquake arrived.) Eight hours later the Deacon waa was dragged from the ruins and taken to a hospital. When he rncover his senses he looked up at the doctor and whispered: ". y, Mr. Qreggains must be awful sore at me, eh?" CLEVELAND CLUBS TO CHANGE haNDS Indications Point to Transfer of Both American League and Association Properties. BAN WILL FIND A BUYER CLTVELAND. O.. Deo. S.-Indlcatlons tonight seemed to point to transfer of ownership of the Cleveland American League club before the opening of the 181S season. The Cleveland American aa soclatlon team also will change hands, it Is believed. Although no official statement has been made, It is known that the bankers' com mittee In charge of financial affairs of Charles W. Bummers, the present owner of the teams. Is In favor of selling the clubs as a means of meeting Sommers' present financial difficulties. Johnson to Klad Bayer. Ban 13. Johnson, president of the Amer ican league, who conferred today and tonight with Bommers, John E. Bruce, secretary of the National Base Ball com mission, and John Sherwln. chairman of the bankers' committee, said tonight that If the committee wishes to sell the Cleveland American team he will find a purchaser. ' 'The bankers' committee will not tol erate the present situation any longer." sold a prominent member of the commit tee tonight; 'It has come to the point where we will have to sell the club." Half a dosen men have been mentioned as possible purchasers of the Cleveland American club, among them being James McUlll. owner of the Denver Western League club and the Indianapolis club of the American association; K. O. Bar row, president or the international league, and J. W. Corrigan, Price Mo Kinney and Charles A. Otis of Cleveland. Barrows was here today, but denied his presence had anything to do with the Cleveland base ball situation. toads By C'laba. I will see that a buyer la forthcom ing If the committee wishes to sell the Cleveland club," aald Johnson tonight. "If a sale Is decided upon I will try to Interest local capital first. It It Is financial aid that is needed, the Amer ican league will provide it. as the league has always stood by Its clubs." Sommers and the bankers declined to make any statement. Racely Student . Manager at Bellevue Walter Racely, brother of George A. Racely, freshman coach at the Univer sity of Nebraska, who, a a Junior, has erved three years on the Bellevue foot- tall team,, two years on the repreenta tlve basket ball squad, and la this year's baseball captain, was elected student manager of athletics at Bellevue an! president of the athletlo board of con trol at a meeting yesterday noon In the physics laboratory, to serve for one year, The two new freshmen members of the board. Hemic Behlotfeldt, of Walnut, Iowa, and Harry Erwln, of Craig. N b and the new prep member, Seymour Smith, of De Soto, acted for the f rst time. Smith, the prep repreientatlve, was made secretary of the board of control. with Ralph Martin as assistant manager of athletics and Erwln Gllmore. the re tiring manager, and Emma Ward, junior member, as a finance committee. The following men were adeclsred 'l rible for tbe honorary football "B" Webb, captain; Kaoely. Uaxwrll. L'ch Unwallucr, Ouatafson, Wenke, Hard lan THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1915. Copyright ,MS- International New service. Registered U. B. Patent Office. of leisure, picking nert, Klnnler, Gllmore, Rrw!n,Farnham, Johns, Allen, Stewart and Plcotte. Final arrangements were made for the yearly football banquet to be held In the college dining hall December 18, at seven In the evening. Sweets Still Top List of Bowlers in Ladies' League The A. B. Sweet Shop bowling team finished last night at Huntlmrton's Slley with a total of J.HI. Brandels Girls rolled 1.12 and Omaha Towel Supply 1.163. Boors : A. B. SWEET SHOP CI.1TB 1st 2d Id Tot. Miss Nesblt Miss Hruch Miss Xlerman Miss Miller Miss Hughes 10 138 liili 144 143 14 4i1 4 6 42 454 417 137 141 123 166 1(5 136 Total 721 7"fl 764 2321 CAMPBELLS' CLUB up a stray Job here ( G'mme noes. c TVW-GATETVETO AT ALCC t cmssrxnAwT I 1st Il Id Tot. M Iks F. Collin 110 110 ... i.ft Wrs. Koodecke 15 136 1" 3V MIks N. Collin US 1S M S7S Mrs. Bland l; 161 123 414 Mis. Campbell W ... 'M 119 Mrs. Reese 112 204 Handicap 100 86 US 2 Total i 7wo ess sots HAYDEN BROS. CLUB 1st 2d Sd Tot. Miss Osborne Mrs. Rogers .'.. Mrs. Kehm Mrs. Johnaon .... 136 114 IMS S8 US 121 117 118 9S 113 111 140 1?0 US 14S 143 1 1 IS 871 Ml" Crowe Handicap Total 60fl m C48 1885 INDEPENDENT CH'B 1st 2d M Tot. Mrs. Boeaon 1 122 V 411 Mrs. Gould 1W 14 14S 429 Mrs. Jameson ltf 12S lie 3S4 Mrs. Stanton 1 120 123 tt Mrs. Hackett 133 115 Ul 378 Total 704 30 72 200" OMAHA TOWEL SUPPLY CLUB tft 2'1 M Tot. Miss Jensen 127 m US 105 10 114 1M 170 141 Miss Berry Mr. Murphy .. (Mrs. Neale .... l: 152 1M II) 180 12 S4 SI 34 Mlia Howes ... Handicap Total 670 ?S 715 21t BRANDE1S GIRLS' CLUB lt !1 Sd Tot. (Mrs. Thompson 1 VM 11 481 Miss Bauer IS) 149 122 49 Mum Rauber 1" Ml 14-i 411 Airs. Huff 1SI 1:1 1 Miss McGreer 123 124 lw sua Total 711 871 742 2124 Former Nebraska Star Will Coach U. of 0. Tossers William E. Kavan. former University of Nebraska basket ball star and well known local player, will coach the Uni versity of Omaha quintet this season. Kavan was chosen last evening by the athletlo board from a list of seven candi dates and will enter upon his work this evening. Though somewhat delayed In securing a coach, basket ball candidates at the school have been working out dally under the direction of Captain Adams. Twenty men have been showing up for work. Upon request of the players the ath letic board decided to allow the school to enter the Tri-Clty league. At first It was thought that tbe league conttsta, coupled with the college games, would Interfere with college work, but this difficulty was overcome when officials of the loop s treed to arrange the schedule. Because of the press of outside work Theodore Korbmacher has been elected basket ball manager to succeed William Melcher. The schedule as outlined calls for ten colege contents, five at home and the others away. Reciprocal games are being arranged with Doane, Cotuer, Kear ney, Grand Island aod Peru. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA American-Poles Elect Officers and Pass Betterment Resolu tions at Meeting, CHURCH BASKET BALL NOW. ON Resolutions were adopted at the meet-, Ing of the American-Polish Cltlsens' club of West L street last evening to promote the Interests of all Polish people of the South Side and also to arrange for the signing of second cltlxenshlp papers by them when the proper time comes. Two hundred members of the organisation, which has grown powerful, both politi cally and socially, in the year of Its ex istence, attended and took active part In the annual election of officers. Officers elected last evening are; Presi dent, Frank Byster; vice president, John Badura; secretary. Frank Madura; finan cial secretary, Leo Kowalskl, and treas urer, Peter Wosnlak. Several times the club has adopted pe titions calling on the city commission to improve that particular section about Thirty-third and L streets, where there are many Polish people. The club rooms are In the Pulaski holt, Thirty-third and L streets, and meetings are held every week. Charrh Basket Ball Organised. The gymnasium of the Grace Methodist church at Twenty-fifth and E streets Is being fitted out for use by the young men of the congregation In the near fu ture. Last year a basket ball team was J pisnnea, nut the men never got together t a definite date. This year the young men, led by Guy Klddo, honor graduate of the University of Nebraska and super intendent of the Sunday school, are plan ning to take art In all indoor activities, including bao..et ball. At the First Presbyterian church a bas ket ball team has already been formed. T Is probable that the local churches will .urm a league and have weekly Inter cliurch gsmes. More young men than ever before have Joined and are taking part In the church activities. Holidays Brlna; Thlerea. The approach of the Chriatm.. holi days means more business for the po lice. Some time Monday evening an uni dentified thief broke into the chicken coop of Mrs. Harford, 2733 J street, and stole eighteen black Plymouth' Rock chickens. Hewer Nsmlaace Abated. Investigation by the city sanitary de partment in the clogged sewer nuisance at Twenty-first and M sjxeets, after com plaint of residents about, resulted in the placing of four men all dav vesterw day cleaning out the Mxty-foot storm sewer. All that Is necessary to restore Ihs sewer to usefulness is to bolt an Immova- nie top on to keep other garbage . men from dumping garbage in the manhole. Hanaaraa Faaera Friday. The funeral of James Hanagan. a-d 48 years, prominent citizen of the South sne, will be held Friday morning at S o'clock from the residence of a sister. Mr Mary Duffy, S23 South Twenty- third street, to St. Agnes' church. In terment will be made in St Mary's ceme tery. Hanagan was suddenly killed in a motor accident in Omaha Tuesday afternoon. He Is survived by a wife and one child. two sisters. Mrs. Mary Duffy, Omaha, ana Josephine Hanagan. South Dakota, and six brothers, Patrick. John. Michael. Philip, Thomas and Martin. Caroaer'e Jary Rrlirn Verdict. That Erlo Beldt, 2509 Reese street, and William Kendall, 2US South Thirty-fifth avenue, Omaha, machinists In the employ of Swift and Company, who lost their lives while at work In the plant Friday morning when a large flywheel In one of the engine rooms burst, came tqtheir death by suffocation, first from Inhaling ammonia fumes, and second, from inhal ing hot steam, was verdict of a coroner's Jury yesterday morning at t o'clock, held in tne Larkin chapel under the super vision of Coroner Willis Crosbyr Maater mechanics and engineers from the plant testified In the rase. In the hand of one of the victims was a wrench clasped with muscles bound as though he had Just been getting ready to turn a bolt. Hillsdale Atteadaaee) Caafest. Another attendance contest Is now on among the young people of the Hillside Baptist church. The contest will close this evening, when all participants and members of the church will meet In an entertainment tn the church chapel. The young people's society has been divided Into two equal slJea These divisions have been working to see which could get the most new members to attend the society The committee on this evenlnrs pro gram has arranged for a good speaker, Swift's Kssalayea la Match. Excitement ran high at the Brunswick alleys last evening as the Swift Pre miums, challenged by a house team call ln themselves "Swift's Pride," warmed up to their best bowling Instinct. One individual score at least nee red a record hen Coleman of the Premiums bowled tSln single round. This Is the highest score recorded In weeks. The Premiums won the game, but were given a scarce when they lost the first round by a slight margin. Charley Burke, well known alumni of the local high school, bowled with the Premiums. In a previous match the Murphy's Colts won Drawn for The Bee by George McManus TAM O SHANTER8. let. 2d. 3.1. Tot. Christie ....120 i:u 126 3,7 Young 147 133 14 426 Vfare 108 i: 125 9 Dunham . .. .12 Landls 129 Ixiwrey 118 Shields 146 Handicap .. 16 lark 127 1 38 148 411 Falconer ...179 151 1R4 612 Total 720 800 826 2246 WlESTERN ELECTRIC. 1st. 2d. 3d.Tot. Bri(tonler ..i: :22 12 4.3 Brtico 156 lt.l :51 4V7 Inrn 150 145 63 458 Zaduca 161 1 140 41 Miller 126 104 156 35 Total.... 879 690 726 2095 BOBBIE BURNS. 1st. 2d. SJ.Tot. Dunn . .. Iemkers W. Huks , J. Mature D. Murol , Straw ..109 .179 ..14S ..133 .'.'we 114 147 132 173 176. 77 200 ItM 106 526 441 4.1 Total 741 Frlmeau ....198 Haldt-man .116 Kant ham ...157 J. Johnson.. 136 Conrad 134 182 108 Total 676 742 789 2207 KILTIES. 1st 2d. Sd.Tot. 13 131 119 3lS B. ReFd Frehma Sweeney Hukp .. Home I. Total 731 692 802 22'4 American Kx press. OFFICE. 1st. 21. 3d. Tot. A Lpinsk!..204 154 154 512 Maurer 150 141 17 458 Qriesser ....156 93 128 377 I'lckard 13f 118 159 412 Holllngsh'd .134 119 166 41S Totals 779 625 774 2178 SHIPPING. 1st. 2d. Sd. Tot. Brown 130 159 138 427 Sorensen ....123 144 172 439 Romberg ....122 14S 110 SH Brupxman ..163 162 129 454 Senift 167 168 161 499 Totals 708 781 713 2199 Telephone l.raarae. ENGINEERS. 1st. 2d. Sd. Tot. Capen 123 157 170 450 Friend 114 154 110 378 Strawn ....191 138 141 470 Cronland ..106 173 164 443 Rehschuh ..169 182 159 610 , Totals.... 703 804 744 2261 ..123 147 158 427 ..124 129 118 371 ..114 145 130 m ..176 159 174 &W Total. ST. Dunn ... Orange . Louden . Hanan . Malcolm ....671 709 699 209 ANDREWS. 1st. 2d. Sd.Tot ..109 ..109 ..150 ..145 ..200 127 107 109 138 143 143 877 113 329 127 3H6 157 40 182 626 Total 711 624 722 2067 TRAFFIC. 1st. 2d, Sd.Tot. 109 354 158 473 144 432 101 314 101 8? 41 123 Rhodes Lambert Cockley ,..133 114 ...150 1H5 ...158 130 ...108 10R ...148 133 .. 41 41 H&rnes Zlmmer Handicap Total 738 888 654 2080 , DISTRICT PLANT. 1st. 2d. Sd.Tot. Boucher ....149 160 143 46 two out of three matches from the Cen turlans. The scores: PREMIUMS. 1st. 2d. Sd. Tot. ' Anderson 169 ' 150 204 678 Coleman 165 131 236 632 Burke 134 176 170 4H0 Crowe 152 146 137 434 Hefton 148 188 180 616 Totals .788 790 927 2485 SWIFT'S PRIDE. 1st. 2d. 3d. Tot. Root ..' 155 152 135 442 Lorlng 157 141 182 4)10 Roben ..143 1 34 188 465 lonard 191 176 168 634 Bloomquist 128 143 144 415 Totals 774 746 817 2336 MURPHY'S COLTS.. 1st 2d. Sd. Tot. Vance ..127 131 )i0 438 Mayfleld Ill 197 180 488 Marx 116 1 63 1 21 899 I Baker 180 242 1 80 602 Pedersen 210 180 208 698 Totals 744 912 869 2625 CENTURIONS. 1st. Id. Sd. Tot. Mtingan 190 lno 117 497 Harmon 211 112 169 4H2 Sullivan 161 166 171 497 Heafey 145 186 470 Tanner 156 148 168 472 Strawby 140 Handicap 17 8 S 83 Totals S76 768 US 2461 Sffaarle City Gossip. M AmM ,w,iiv TIT n IT will nt at Its hail Friday evening. December 10. An election of officers will be held. A stunt social will be given under the auspices of the Hpworth league of tho Grace Methodist church Thursday even ing. Oak Alaer. son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Alger, 1414 O street. Is reported to be re covering slowly after a sudden attack of pneumonia. Office snace for rent In Bee office, 2318 N street Terms reasonable. Well known location. Tel. South 27. Women bowlers will roll at the Bruns wick alleys this evening. The four teams comprising the "Oh. Me! Oh, My!" league will meet In contest. The X L club has completed all ar rangements for the parcel post sale to be given at the McCrann noil, Twenty fourth and O streets, Friday evening, De cember 10. The seventeenth annual ball or the Union Stock Employes' Benefit associa tion will be given at the Kushing'e hall at Twenty-fourth and J streets Satur day evening. A benefit ball will be given at tho Eagle home at Twentylthlrd and N streets Wednesday evening. December 15. Union muslo will be had. The pub lic Is Invited. Start your child right by giving It one of our "HavinKa Books." One dollar open an account in the Live Stock National Bank. Pennant lodge No. 283. Ancient Order Of United Workmen, will meet thta evening at the Workmen hall at Twenty fifth and M streets to elect officers for the coming year. A baxaar and noon luncheon will ' be served today at the Ryan millinery store building, opposite the post office on 1 Twenty-fourth street, by the women of the Trinity Baptist church. Want ads for The Bee may be left at The Bee s branch office, 2318 N Ht. Rates. 2c a word for one time. mi word each day for three days and lo a word eacu 1 dav for a week. Prompt and courteous Chauffeur Emery, who has been trans- 1 ferred to the South hide police station in the absence of Benny Danbaum, whose grandfather died last evening at the Wise Memorial hospital, arrestei Henry Bailey, 2n23 M street, on a charge of exceeding the speed limit Best for t'aastlsatla. The best medicine for constipation is Dr. King's New Life Pills, mild and effective and keep you well 26c. All drug gists. Advertisement British Steamer Ink. LONDON. Dec. . The British steamer Ignis has been sunk. The crew have been landed. Available shipping registers con tain ao record of such a steamer aa tbe Ignis. arrest Air t are." "Fresh air cars" CHICAGO. IVe.1 have been abandoned by the Chicago Sur- uia Lines company, according to a re NEXT OKfl 1 A a a S 1 sessoja I sn mm ISH 119 129 173 2l3 1C !84 145 12 176 16 4f 403 453 iV2 48 INSTALLERS. 1st. Plxley 113 Ashton ....18 Redfield ...1H3 Kb hues' k ..129 Dunham ...115 Handicap .. 49 2d. 120 ir.9 147 1S8 109 49 3d. Tot. 115 348 155 113 4S2 443 461 354 147 2230 144 130 49 Totals.... 767 772 706 CONSTRUCTION. 1st. 2d. 8d. Tot. Lamborn ..139 197 176 611 756 212 129 12c 157 132 753 2249 139 649 147 3"? 159 441 150 443 168 424 Hea-arty ..127 97 117 Baldwin ..146 146 130 Whitlock ..136 153 143 Madsen ....140 168 136 Handicap . 72 72 72 341 422 432 443 216 Totals.... 760 833 773 WIRE CHIEFS. 2363 1st. Koran 177 Kasper ....146 Stow 135 Huff 140 Phillips ....149 2d. 3d. Tot. 171 18 . 616 191 199 116 149 148 113 138 146 636 4"0 401 433 Totals... .747 762 775 2236 AUDITING. 1st. 2d. 3d. Tot Olson 1W Baird 179 Stone ,.'....136 Keller 128 Noland ....133 134 171 155 134 122 179 160 147 148 156 Totals.... 773 716 789 227S GENERAL OFFICE. 1st. 2d. Sd. Tot. Johnson ...145 129 175 449 Overman ..168 145 138 451 Peterson ..143 193 173 09 Holllday ...177 789 179 646 Kent 165 129 205 Handicap .. 14 14 14 42 2496 Totals.... 792 809 870 port made by the department of public service to the council transportation 00m mlttee today. "The report said the cars had been in the main successful. Culls From the Wires. Mrs. C. W. Post, widow of the Battle Creek cereal food manufacturer, an nounced at Battle Creek she had agreed to accept $6,000,000 cash for her rights In the Post estate. Mrs. Marjorle Post Close, daughter of C. W. Post, will re ceive the bulk of the estate, worth about ia,uuo.uuu. Charges against Judge O. N. Hilton of Denver, one of Joseph Hlllstrom's at torneys, were filed with the grievance committee of the Utah Bar association by Herbert R. Macmlllan. president of the association. The charges are based on Hilton's address at- Hlllstrom's fu neral in Chicago. Such excellent progress has been made with the dredging in the Gaillard cut of the Panama canal that now only fifty feet of the earth separates the waters of the channel. This little neck of land, less than twenty feet high, can be re moved bv dredges In a few days unless the bulrlng up of the bottom proceeds too rapidly for the dredgers. A nation-wide movement to make the country church the religious, social and agricultural center for the farmer throuKh a federation of churches In ru ral communities was launched at Colum bus, O. 16 TP DODGE am UT a ii Read Our Big Christmas Grocery Opening Sale for Friday Canned Goods. Crackers, Teas, Cof fees, Fruits, Vegetables, Butter, Cheese, Nuta, Dried Fruits, etc., etc. Ever thing you need, at a saving of 25 to 60 per cent. IT lbs. Best Pure Granulated Sugar 'or fl.00 For your Xmaa puddings, pies and cakes use Diamond H Flour. Noth ing finer. Per 48-lb. sack. .. .$1.39 10 lbs. best White of Yellow Corn meal for 83o S lbs. best Rolled White Breakfast Oatmeal for lAo Wax, String or Green Beans, can..7e Early June Sweet Table Peas, per can .V4o Fancy Sweet Sugar Com. car... -.To Large cans Golden Pumpkin. Squash. Bauer Kraut or Baked Beans, can TViS Advo Jell, for. dessert, pkg....THe MacLaren's Peanut Butter. lb..lSHe 32-ox. jars Pure Fruit Preserves. a5o 28-os. Jars Pure Strained Honey.. a3o Mallo, for Icing, large can Oo Large bottles Worcester Sauce. Pure Tomato Catsup, Pickles (assorted kinds), or Prepared Mustard, per bottle He ( cans Oil Sardines lto The beat Domestic Macaroni, Vermi celli or Spaghetti, pkg THe The best Soda or Oyster Crackers, per lb., at Ts E. C. Corn (lakes, pkg So Urape Nuts, pkg lOe 1-lb. can Assorted Soups. ..... .tH H-Sb. pkg. Baking Chocolate IBe Herahey's Breakfast Cocoa, lb... too The Best Tea Sittings, lb 18He Golden Santoa Coffee. lb SOo Sun Dried or Gun Powder Tea, spe cial, lb IM Regular 50c quality. Dtus rmtrrra. etc., fob TOtrm xauia rvooiHoa km etisa. New California Cooking Flga. lb.. lOo New Ca ifornla Apricots, lb ISVsS .Trw MILO POWERS AND HORSEEXPELLED Started Rath Granite Out of Her Class Under Name of Bath Corporal. . . TR0TTEES' BODY TAKES ACTION NEW YORK, Dec. 9. At today's meet ing of the Board of Review of the Na tional Trotting association Secretary Gocher announced that Mllo Powers of Goshen, Ind.. had been expelled with the mare Ruth Granite for starting the horse out of her class under the name of Ruth Corporal at Leesburg, O., In October last. The board announced that several horses had been traced anl Identified In various parts of the country. Billy Dis pute had been driven to a baker's wagon for seven years and at the age of 12 started out on a racing career and won a number of races. The board found he was entitled to his name and his win nings. A black mare. Guadlanla, 14 year old. owned at Grafton, N. C, has been used as a buggy horse for several years and was identified. John B raced by P. F. Hamlin of Poughkeepsle, and Jack Parker, bred In Ohio, sold In Chicago and now owned In Maine, were both approved. Hearing of the ease of Ben F. White of East Aurora, N. Y who appealed from the decision of the pjudges at Columbus, O., in fining him 1100 on September 80, last, when he failed to start Queen Ab bess in the fifth heat of the 3:10 pace, was adjourned until the May meeting. CHICAGO, Dec. 8. The Board of Ap peals of the American Trotting associa tion declared today the following horses Ineligible and ordered their winnings re distributed: , Bay gelding, M. F. D. (S. 8. Ruble, Lo gan, O.), In 2:08 pace at West Liberty, la, June 2, 1915. Bay gelding, Hal McKlnney (C. N. Clark, Winfleld, Kan., and Bob Sebas tian, Hemete, Cel.), tn 2:08 pace at Beat rice. Neb;, June 24, 1915. Horse, Teddy M. Roy Murfield. Avoca, la.), in 2:20 pace at Rockwell City, la., Uly 31, J 1916. Bay gelding, John D. (A. E. Smith, Van couver, H. (J.), in 3:au pace at tanaer, a. C. June 26, 1915. Black horse, King Bird (L. H. Kindred, Flandreau, 8. D. ; M. Helsley, Condon. Ore., and F. Wilson, Condon, Ore.), In 2:20 pace at Rock River, la., August 25, 1915. Bay mare. Hallie Graham (Charles Robins. Malvern, Ia.1, in 2:30 trot at Qutncy, 111., September 22, 1915. (Record of Halite Graham at Jefferson, la., J tin! 23, 1914, established at 2:23-). Protests were sustained and the money ordered returned to the protests nts In the following cases: J. E. Wslsh, Sioux City and black mare. Oaean Wave, against Wahoo Racing as sociation of Wahoo, Neb. J. 1. Dompler, Edmonton, Alberta, und black mare. Senorlta Great against In diana State Board of Agriculture. The Campbell (Mo.) and Clay County (Ark.) Fair associations were each or dered to pay $26 to T. J. King of Irene. 8. D. DOUGLAS STREETS New California S-Crown Raisins, per lb., at gVie New California Seedless Ralsina, per lb., at ISViO New California Prune". per lb gve, lOo, HHe The best Lemon, Orange or Cilrnn Heel, per lb. 8O0 New Halloween Dates, per lb...lOo New Seeded Raisins. per pkg SHU, 100, ISHe Fancy Fard Dates, per lb IsO New Cleaned Currants, lb -... . . . lSV4e New Honey, per rack ITHo OBira rariT arxciAi. txioat. Fancy Florida Graf Fruit each, at 3Vao, So, tvie I7KXZSB, BTTTXB A SID BOO. SCAJU . BET OF OMAHA, :The- best Creamery Butter, carton. per lb. . . , 330 The best Creamery Butter, bulk, per lb., at 31e Fancy No. 1 Country Creamery But ter, per lb S9e Fancy No. 1 Dairy Butter, lb., STo Good No. 1 Dairy Butter. lb....i;sSo The best Full Cream, Toung America, New York White or Wisconsin Crea-n Cheese, lb goe The best strictly fresh Eggs, dos., 3o The best No 1 storage Egtrs. dos., SS IHH VEOETULB MA B ST IS T yr omaka roa TBB psoru. 15 lbs. best Red River Potatoes, 80Q New Wisconsin Cabbage, lb le New Wisconsin Cabbage, 100 lbs., T6o Fresh Louisiana Shallots or Carrots. per bunch . ,., ...so Fresh Louisiana Radiahee, ( for loo Fancy Michlsan Celery. for lOe Bellevue Celery, bunch 16o S Ilia. Sweet Potatoes... , loo Fan:y Ripe Tomatoes, lb loe Fancy California Cauliflower, at per b , fUi large Bonn Bunches lOe) The beat Cape Cod Cranberries, n r luart gvie Anything yon waat la fresh vege. tables. Tbe Beet Mixed Bew Bute. )H Crop, per lb 1TV Oar first ear of sTigMand Bvel Oraages arrived, sweet. Juicy and floe flavor. Friday, per dosen.. SOs, ijo, 30, ale V" Kartmmrmm