THE I3EK: OMAHA, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 0, 1915. 1 1 v NEXT WAR ABOUT MONROE DOCTRINE Westminster G&iette Makes Ttrt . Comment on President1! Messag-e and Poiition of Country. GOOD TIME TO AID THE ENTENTE LONDON. Dec. 8. Asserting that the Monroe doctrine, which President Wilpon reassert 1b the most probable cause for the "next war." the West minister Gazette say of the presi dent's mesas M to rongress: -We hope from president Wilson's mRRce thst . the American people are beginning to understand that this , la not merely 'a' f between Great Britain and Germany.. or. France ana Germany. Tut a conflict between two kinds Of civilisation. "If this war emls in the triumph or Or many or the downfall f ilr.tlsh sa roer the Aiwrtrsn pfcple would lls- cover at once that what President Wllwn now describes aa the aberration of a small minority, had become a dangerous cancer In the heart of their atate. ami they would find alao that the Monroe t trine which the prealdont reasserts with such vigor, haa become the storm center of the world politics aod the moat probable cauae of the next war,". The Westminster Oasette appeale to the American people to realise frmn their ewn experience which la going on In Europe and "tf unable to "help tie by poal tlve assistance, not to hinder us by as eertlng the neutral rights of commercial Interests to the prjudlce of our naval power." Pall Mail Gaaette "arrwtle. The Pall Mall Oaxette expresses the view that TVeildent Wilson1 denuncia tion In hla message of the activities of war plottera wae too mild In general and not sufficiently discriminatory between unneutral conduct and criminal conduct It adds. He even goes so far as to suggest that the acts of ao aaaaasln or a dynamiter are chiefly heinous as exhlbitlona of unneu tral conduct, and that equal censure must fall upon every American who falls to keep the acalee of Judgment even and prove hlmaelf a partisan of no nation but hla own.' " "We cannot say that this theory of morals, whatever Ita convenience may be In domestic politics, will Increase th. respect of the outside world for the of ficial attitude of the White House. Literal reading of Dr. Wilson's meeaege woull almoat auggeat that he regards ei-Prest-dent Rooaevelt'e denunciation of Miss t'avell's execution as equally heineous with the crime of last week which blew some twenty munitions workers Into fragments.' " The newspaper, adds that the presi dent's theory of the duty of the American nation does "not become clearer when ws compare his boaat of making "Common cauae with all partisans of liberty on this aide of the see'1 with his fetolute Indif ference to the fight between liberty and tyranny upon the older continent." M'ADOO WOULD TAX ; ; SMALLER INCOMES (Continued from Page One.) now prosperity has been firmly establ ished throughout the country." Mr. McAdoo Included lettera from mcr- cantlle aem-iea to support his statement, and quoted figures on railroad and other . operations to show increased activities. Praises Reserve em. "Tli? financial situation of this coun try." he continued, "has never been so strong and favorable aa now. Our finan cial resource are the greatest In our his tory, and our banking system, through the creation of the Federal Reserve sys tem, la now the strongest In the world. In every reaped the economic and finan cial condition of the country Is extraordi narily sound. It Is greater than thst of any other nation and If we tiae our re sources and our opportunities Intelli gently and wlaely, we ahall eatabtlah the prosperity of this nation upon an Impreg nable foundation for many years to come." In that connection the secretary's re port showed the stock of gold In the i:nlt-d States on November 1. 1B15. was S2.lM.li3.7fti compared with SI.WM7S.Wi0 on January 1 and that It la by far the larg eat sum tn gold ever hH3 by one country. Indications were, he addod, that the prea ent stock would be greatly augmented. The report revlewa at length, opera tions or the Treasury department for the year. Mr. McAdoo'a deposits of gold In the Atlanta, Dallas and Richmond Fed eral Reserve 'banka, and his decision to make reserve banks government depoal tarlea and flacal agents. ' Legislation recommended Included $50, W for a second Pan-American Financial conference In Washington In 1917 and S2S.flrW for the use of the Vnited States section of the international High Com mission on t'nlformlty of Laws for the two Americas. Omalhaa Bills Condemned. The method of legislation for public buildings in an omnibus bill received the secretary's disapproval and he asked that It be discontinued. Needlesa wsste of public money, he said, will be avoided If congress will hereafter not authorise the aoqulaltlon of public building sites until authorisation la made for the buildings to go on the sites.. He asked that the secretary of the treasury be authorised to fit the building to the city and to make it Just aa imposing aa the sum appropriated under the preaent ays tsm will permit. Mr. McAdoo asked the two cruising cutters for the coast guard service on the Psclflo coast, to cost 1700.000, a har bor cutter for New York to roet $i:S.WiJ and one for San Francisco to cost SA 000. He sss that In plnns for national defense the const guard will have Im portant assignment end that authortxa lions for the acrvlce will he valuable from s mllltsry standpoint Reviewing the oleomargarine and whisky frauds of the year the report again recommends changes In the oleo law to t-edure the Invitations to commit elmtnlar frauds..- - Mr. Mel on testified, that the New Haven bull I a c- nnectlon in New York City with the Hudson tunnel, which Mr. Mc Adoo was then engaged In constructing. through Inaccurate returns and eveaions cf the law a sum many times greater than the cost of the necessary field force to Investluata and check the returns and to bring to account those who are falling to make returns ss required by law." In keeping with his recent announce ment Mr. McAdoo suggested the present stamp lax and the existing duty on raw sugar should be retained In force and said again that no Issue of bonds Is nec eaaary either to provide for current ex penses or in anticipation of added bur dens Incident to a policy of military pre paredness. ; 'The policy of providing for the ex penditure of the government by taxation und not by bood Usuee," said the report, "la undoubtedly a sound one and should be adhered to.' A nation, no more than an Individual, can go constantly Into debt, for current expenditures without event ually impairing credit, A wise, sound and permanent policy of raising the addi tional revenue required for preparedneee and the expenditures of the government should therefore be devised and adopted." Experts Customs to Increase. Mr. McAdoo expressed the belief that with a return of peace In Europe cus toms revelpta which fell off s,CiOO,000 In the last year will Increase and that with legislation suggested, with a provision te .nicks the surtax or the Income tax law at'l'lkaUe at $10,000 Instead of ?',. the whoto or part of tha additional revenue can be raised. Taxes on gasollna, crude and refined oils, horsepower of automo biles and "various other thlnge" are sug gested as further revenue raising meas ures. ... The total estimated appropriations for the fiscal year which begins JuW 1, next, XI r. McAdoo puta at ll.2Jti.X67.. Including J;Wt.SM.87! for the postoftlce which Is "re Imburssble and about p0.O00.Ou0 more for the J'anama canal and sinking fund. Ke- tetisa for the same year based on exist ing law l without extension of the sugar duty or Hi emergency ,tax. Mr, McAd'jp puta at S W and ordHiiry disburse ments st "C.Soi,flfl0 leaving an exceas of riilireincnts over receipts If legislation la not jessed to change conditions, of Ji' :')!,(. As explained it bis reoent t'tuU-ment. kottti'ft, that emount would le reduced to about S.'fl.OOO.tOO by the ex f-na.on of the rmergvacy and sugar tat laws. ' ' Nats 'liirli oudftloaa Om, e'e retary McAdeo'e report sa)S the pao- of tt 1.' lilted States have reason to ci iifcratvlats tlientsclvra on the financial busi'iess condition of the country afior the serious situation which coa fionted them a year ago. "The European war produced Inevitable suffering In this country as well as la Kirope." said the secretary. "Our ln iluatrl kltuatlun was, for a time, seri ously hurt, an l the cotton growing atatea of the south sustained heavy losses through decliiiva in tha price of cotton. Kery power of the guvernuirnt was ex crted to mitigate tha situation aad I be lieve It Is not inexact to say that but for the active agency of the government la protecting .and conserving the business l.iui'tU of tl.e countiy during tlu . miusI period grava disaster would have feeullcd. "it is a pli-esure to acknowldga that tne. rfloi-.j of the government ware sve i.i.-Ud and supported by the earnest and !in)iU5 t-ui 'iatl-n of the business In' i'irm ci( the country. Iiuring the yea . n ).s been a st-l)-. h.IU!y. furward I'.nuftl tu e-tr line of activity, uutU Children Hate Pills, Calomel And Castor Oil Give Fruit. Laxative when cross, bilious, feverish or constipated. 'California Syrup of Figs" can't harm .tender stomach, liver, bowels. Look back at your Childhood days. .ReAwmber the ."dose' -mother Insisted on castor oil, calomel,, cathartics, How you hated them, how &ou fought against taking them. . With our children It's different. Mothers who i cling to the old . form of physio simply' don't realise whst thsy do. The children's revolt Is -well-founded. Their tender little "lneldss" are Injured by them. If your child's stomach,' liver and bow els need cleansing, give only delicious "California Syrup of Figs.'! Ita aotlon Is positive, but gentle. . Millions ot moth ers keep this harmless "fruit laxative" handy; they know children love to take It: that It never falls to clean the liver and bowels and sweeten the stomach, and that a teaspoon ful given today saves a sick child tomorrow. ' . . Ask your druggist . lor ' a Co-cent bot tle ot "California Byrup of Flga," which has full directions for babies, children of' all egns and for grown-upe plainly on each bottle. Baware of .counterfeits sold here. 8oe that It la made by "Cali fornia Fig Syrup Company," Refuse any other kind with contempt. Advertise ment, T . -.-:!. McAdoo Approved New Haven Deal in Letter to Mellen NEW TOltK. Dec. a. William O. McAdoo. aectetaryiOf the treasury, raw notb ng wrong, while a private c'tl en, In the acquisition of the Host on Maine rail read by the New York, New Haven A Hartford ra lroa-I. W view In the matter was disclosed today In the form of a letter read by the defense at the conspiracy trlsl of eleven former directors of the New Haven r ad. The letter wss written by Mr. McAdoo to Charles S. Mell n on June It, 1T7 at the time the New Haven had acquire 1 a majority of the Boston ft Maine stock. Mr. McAdoo eongtatu'ated the then New Haven president on the progress made In getting the stock, hoped his plans woul t he realised, and added that he dd n.t see how any "Broad-g'iaged and rr -gresslve man ran have any other view than that It will be beneficial to New Ensrand." Mr. McAdoo had st that time proposed. Tlmel-r lltnls 'tn utrr I'atlnST. Chrlatiraa, New Tear's and other feast dya canse mnny disturbed digestions. The stomach snd towels should not he prmlttej to remain rlotrgeJ up. for In digestion and constipation are often fol lowed by serious diseases, resulting from undliesied poisonous waste matter. Foley ' - va tie TsMetn should he In every home, ready for use. No griping; no tin pleesant after effect. Relieve distress a.ter eating, regulate bowels, sweeten sniruu-h and tone t'P the liver. Bold very where. Advertisement. Western I'aloa Dr el area Dividend. NEW TORK. Dec. . The Western t'nlon Telegraph company directors to day declared the regular quarterly divi dend of lt4 per cent and an extra divi dend of one-half of 1 per cent, making total disbursements of per cent for the fiscal year. This replaces the Block to the same dividend basis which It held for many years prior to 1. when reduced earnings caused a reduction In dividend returns. Bee Want Ads Troduce Results. ELL-ANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. For Everybody' From Every Point o f View It is found hotuekeeping judgment torue Strlllxed ' t : , ., 'Unaweienexl It is economical It is conTenient -It is saiuUurj It is rick It is economical because you can use every drop and have every drop carry proper food value. It keeps sweet for days, after opening. It is convenient because you can always have a fresh supply on hand ready for any emergency. You can use it for. every purpose , for which you have ; been using bottle milkv . , ; 'It it sanitary because It's perfectly sterilized with no danger of con tamination at in the bottling, handling and delivering of bottle milk. . It it rich became ft - is the richest milk from the best dairying fejfioni with only most of, the water taken out and with nothing added. Cottage Milk never-variea from ita rich creamy quality. Made fresh -every day in sanitary, i potlett condenseriet rn the beat dairying districts in the country. Cottage Milk has more than twice tne food value of bottle milk.. At all Good Daltr9 In Two Six, $ ana 10c AMERICAN MILK COMPANY, CHICAGO . -.jr..,.-- . ' . . . t : .. r" . - . -i B5l!a' - - . . ...'... Sim "--' " ' . Cold wave due today' reads our local forecast while the one down in Florida says "fair and warm." And they're out on' green turf a-taking it easy, while you wctr an overcoat or house yourself in. ; A day and a half; that's all the time , it takes to reach Florida from Kansas City via Frisco Lines and Southern Railway the direct route. The leaves Kansas City at 5:55 p. m. and gets to Jacksonville 8:2$ a. m. second day. All-steel train of coach J, steeping cart and Fred Harvey dining cart. .... . Write the unjrrtljntd fur ae nriU literature , and full infof mativa about lares and rcMrvatioas. J. C. LvrtUm. DivUiaa reeeeager Ageat, WalUUeiaa BaiUlsf, Kaaeae City, Me. ' Low fares to Florida and Cuba ' K aaa 4 erta. Keesee JaekHevile $.! St. AsgaeUae 44. St Tesasa ' U. faUleatk tl.M St Key West 7J.M Havaaa 71. M CaUae lies e (Caa&l law) t ibarel tma ever ri v IIsm and tuog rautra Ukuil Voitpvalinslf low Uree to ortir r-, tene ia Pirw csiba eel tee U. el ftaee. 1 . . What Kind of Kitchen Economy do You Practice Do you attempt to combine economy and higher ideals into food preparation? , There is a way. to do this the 'Aluminum- way " 1892" Pure Spun Aluminum, 'the ware that ' is 99.99 pure, heads this method. When Mrs. Tarhmen bought her tint "1892" Pure Span Alu minum Cooking Utensils, twenty-three year ago, some of the first ever told to American women in this 'country, $he didn't realize that she was buying them at the extremely low cost of three and one-halt cento per year. Just think of it, an Aluminum Sauce Pan in con stant ate for twenty-three yearsthat's ' the economyAside of buying "1892" Ware. . Ye, it does pay to buy "1892" Ware, even though you buy a piece at a time, your collection of kitchen utensils will be of the best Aluminum ware the market affords. There is no doubt of the superiority of "1892" Ware, the record of : long service stands' alone, 'because we are the originators of Aluminum for cooking utensils, and records like these are enviable. Every modern method known for perfecting details have been taken up one by one but the one feature that makes "1892" Pure Spun Aluminum Ware the long-life record breaker still remains untouched, so that a kettle or pan bearing the "1892" trade mark contains the assurance that it will last you twenty years of actual service. We have made it easy for you to know 40 1892" Ware by put ting the trade mark on each utensil, always look for it, you will know you are buying the genuine. Attractive tags and stickers are printed with the trade mark thereon, this will also help you to identify "1892" Ware. Oval Roaster or Baker.- Made of thick, heavy gauge aheete. stamped ana polished out side, satin finish Inside. An extra heavy roasting bottom accom panies each roaster. A fiang d Up makes the roaeter nearly eteara tight. End" eteam trap regulatee condenelng ' of steam. A raastor that will giw satisfaction. Windsor Sauco Pan. Mad in a variety of sises, with cov ers or without coverst handls or bail to auit your wants. Another "1S3" Waro apecialty. Anyone tha handy featuroe in ita Quality First TRADE MARK Made in America can eo at a glanca grecul linaa and even balance. Baking or Roasting Pan. An opan Drip Pan that can be used in many various ways. Made of heavy even sheeta, rein. foroed rim and comers. Aluminum rivetad handles. One of the always ueeful kitchen utensils. ' National Ansel Cake Pan. A two piece eako pan that la repreeenta. tlve of "1M2" Pure Spun Aluminum, War. A cake pan ' that la as high In standard of perfec. tlon as tho trada marked "IfiS" Ware. Angel Food cakee are alwaya a suceeaa when this par) la used. Berlin Sauco Pan. One of tha most beau tiful designs in our ontiro line. Tho gradual and gentlo ewell In this aidea make it one of tho most officiant. Water boila mora evenly and at lese consump tion of heat than most so called Berlin ehaoee. Will not boil over owing to tha ahapa, tho water boila in instead . of boiling out or over. pan. neat (ravels oveniy ovar i and diitr:butea along top of plate. v v y r man any otner Heat travels ovanly over bottom aurfaoa :u... I .1 - . -.1... Muffin Pan. Capa city si mufnns, bakes rnurnna quick r man any other Sold on a 20-Year Guarantee The maktrs atf to taht back and rpc or repair any "1892" Pure Spun Aluminum Cooking uttntil showing Jct through impmrfmction in (A wart or workmanship at any fim daring thm 20 yoars of service, ths utensil being subject to ordinary care and attention during that period. ILXsINOIS PURE ALUMINUM CO, LEMONT, ILLINOIS