1U TIIE BEE: OMAIIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9. 1915. BRINGING UP FATHER Copyright, ins, International News Service. Registered U. 8. Patent Of flee. Drawn for The Bee by George McManus I HAVE CiMF TUKEt BEFORE i nu CUETO ARRIVE.? 7 CERTAIN LV not::;eto(jt OF HERE. t0 I CAN LOCK THE DOOR,:" I'M :niNr. to rp SURE. TOU DON'T IN HER! , -v i UUCKTTOIT ANT utr vhcm THE. : ll vp I (sisn ; H5,o x , r : . rrrwft . ,we soothe -s ' '-(1 TO HOLD RACE UP PIKES PEAK ROAD H. L. Drew Will Promote Three-Day Program of Hill-Climbi Up Fa moos Mountain Highway. WHITE LAST OP OLD GUARD OF REAL OLD REFEREES. STOPS IN OMAHA FOR VISIT N. Ik Drew of Colorado fprlngs, the man who conceived the Idea of tha Plkea 1 rak Highway and promoted tha road which runt from Colorado Springs to tha plnnaole of tha famoua mountain, (topped off In Omaha yesterday on hla way east, where hs will make plana for staging a hlll-cllmbing oonteat on tha road net year. Tha Pikes Peak Highway ia on of tha moat wonderful automobile roada in the United States. It ia eighteen milea lone with an average grade of per cent. The maximum grade la 10 per cent. Tha per pendicular elevation ia MM feet. The road runa from twenty to fifty feet In width. A hlll-climblng contest up tha Plkea Peak Highway and promoted tha road treat racing events of tha year. It would take some mighty aklllful driving to pilot car up that grade with ita many sharp curves and turns, and Mr. Drew declares there ia a point en tha road where a grandstand can be built that will enable spectators to see fourteen mllea of tha eighteen-mile coarse. I Spencer Penrose of Colorado iTpringa has already donated a solid gold cup to be presented as a trophy to the winner of of the old guard of ring Judges who pre- tne free-for-all, non-stock race, which aided In the days of the Horton law, will be tha feature event of tha hill- John J. White. 8am Austin. Tim Hurst. Slier Charlla . White, tha best known box ing referee in this "country, la the last climbing program. In addition to tha free-for-all several racea In which tha cubic displacement of tha cars will be limited will be held, so that a three-day program may be staged. Mr. Drew, who is manager of the Plkea Peak Highway company, and who will be . director of tha hlll-cllmblng contests, haa many frienda among Omaha motorists, and he apent Wednesday visiting them. Stecher Will Make an Invasion of the East on New Year's Joe Btecher, hla brother, Anton, and his manager, Joe Hetmanek. are still in Omaha arranging for an eastern inva sion. Btecher haa aome flattering offers from New Tork and Boston for the first of next year and will make the trip. He baa been forced to cancel several tnMchee hereabouts, Including one at Kansas City Monday night, because of a alight Indisposition. He is shaking off tha grippe, however, and although not a well man. kept hla engagement be fore the Hotel Clerks' association. Butte, Mont, also haa hung a nice purse for the appearance of Steelier, but it la doubtful if he can get that far away for aome time, aa thia aectlon of tha country ia now demanding all his lime. Honest John Kelly and George have all retired or passed away. White la one of the moat curious fig urea In the tooxlng game. When he is not refereelng bouts In squared circles he Is an art connoisseur and a politician White has passed judgment on the pur chases of many notable art collections lie la also a member of the New Tork atate democ ratio committee, While U the only American referee who - ever refereed a bout In England, Several years ago he served in that rapacity at the National Sporting club In London. Nine Harvard Men Accused of Making False Statements ST. PAUL MIX OFF; FANS HERE GRIEYE Score of Omaha Boxing Followers Had Planned to Take Special Car for Oibboni-Ahearn Bout. GIBBONS IS SERIOUSLY ILL The cancellation of the Mike Gibbons- Young Ahearn bout, which waa scheduled to occur In St. Paul Friday night, la re sponsible for much disappointment among Omaha followers of the padded ring game. About twenty Omaha box fight fans had made extensive plans to take In the battle. A special car to leave this even ing over the Oreat Western was on the card, and the twenty fana who wanted to get back Saturday morning had Paul Bonorden of the Great Western and Roy Miller of the Northwestern burning the telegraph wires trying to get permission from headquarters to hold the Friday. night trains at St. Paul for the Omaha mob. Tha Northwestern haa a train out of St Paul after 10 o'clock, and the Oreat Western at I o'clock, and both roads were prepared to hold their trains until after the fight was over. Also several of the locals had wired for seats and had secured reservations In tha forward .rows, so the cancellation of tha bout on account of the nines of Gibbons cornea aa a big disappointment. Among the Omahana who intended to take the trip up for tha battle are: Phil McShane, John Lynch, Mbrria Milder, Dan Galnea, Jack Sullivan, Micky Git son. Billy Nesselhouae, Pete Loch, Gene Three Jurors Cited For Contempt of Court NORFOLK, Nebr.. Dec. a.-Dl'trict Judge Welrh issued a citation this morn ing at Madison ordering Frank Reuscher, Otto Preufia and John Alda;, three juror In the last case against Arthur J. Koenlffxteln, who waa convicted of ac cepting bribes aa county attorney, to ap pear forthwith and show cause why they should not be p)nlshed for contempt of court. The citation follows Information filed by County Attorney Dowllns; charging these men with attempting to obstruct the proceedings of the court and Inter fering with the adm'nlstratlon of Jus tice by preparing and filing affidavits in support of the defendant'a motion for a new trial. I Proceedings Begun To Close a Resort NORFOLK, Nebr.. Deo. R (Special Tele gram). County Attorney Dowllng haa started proceedings under the Albert law to close a resort south of Norfolk con ducted by Ella Summers and Nannie j Moyers. Judge Welch has granted a re straining oraer enjoining tne women rrom using the house for any purpose. JOHN M. THOMPSON AGAIN TAKEN ILL AT STATE HOUSE (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Deo. (.-(Special.) John M. Me1ady..Tom Dennlson and Fred Bur. j Vute JoJnal.wa. suddenly " I lal.n 111 thla mi-nlnv In V.- .fft. ,V. . labor commissioner, while making hla morning run for hla paper, and Dr. Case of the State Board of Health decided that he should be taken to a hospital. HASTINGS.VNeb., Dec. 7.-(Speclal Tel- I Mr- J"orap," nao Ju" l"en ' egram.)A night school for naturalised , Z. ,T lcur we0K" "'e' ,n tM oltDens la being planned sfor Hastings J ho"P',al thought thaA he had hv 3. M. Ourtiatt of Omaha. United fit. i.. i overdone to a considerable extent and SCHOOL FOR NATURALIZED CITIZENS AT HASTINGS CAMBRIDGE Mass., Dec. T.-Nlne men, several of whom are Identified with Har vard university, pleaded not guilty In tha .ywrv ., w '-'-""' - - 'sentenced by Judge Dungan to from two Ing conspiracy, tha making of falee oatha i,rimmnt in .h- naturalisation examiner, and the superin tendent of city achoola, who has promised to launch the project after some other problems of hla administration are worked out. First Lieutenant William Crossen was elected captain of Company G, Fifth regi ment. National Ouard, last nleht after six ballots had resulted In a tie between himself and Second lieutenant Evans. Physical Director llager of the Young Men's Christian association has been engaged as director of Indoor athletics and gymnasium work at Hastings col lege. Hi will retain hla position in the association. Frank K. Russell pleaded guilty In dis trict court today to stealing Councilman Miller's automobile- last October and waa needed a greater time for'' recuperation. I MAYOR FRIDAY TO PUSH COUNTY SEAT CONTEST NORFOLK, Nebr., Deo. (Special Tele gram). 'Mayor John Friday of Norfolk la to lead the campaign for the re moval of the Madison county aeat from Madison to Norfolk.' He waa today elect ed chairman of the executive committee. More than S.000 names of legal voters of the county have already been secure! on the petitions asking for an election on the proposition. Aa 2,200 names wero added, it aeema assured that the elec tion will be held. SCOTS AND BRITS BATTLE AT SOCCER Pete Lowden and Frank Cockayne Will Captain Rival Elevens at Ronrke'Park. ta i mi . PLAYED TIE GAME LAST YEAR The annual Brit-Scot soccer game be tween two picked elevens of . Omaha English and Scotch - soccer sharks will be staged at Rourke park Sunday after noon at S o'clock. Last year the rival nationalities battled to a tie and both teams are determined to win this year. The Scots will be captained by Pete Lowden, who led the Omaha team to victory f ver Sioux City ten ' daye axo. while the English captain will be Frank Cockayne. , Both leaders are. confident they will win. . Superintendent of Recreation English will be on hand and haa promised 4o start the game by kicking off. The players on. the teams which will combat Sunday are selected from the various squads in the ' Omaha Soccer league. Those eligible to play must have been born In the land o' cakes or the tight little Island where they raise buil ders. . ..... . Thia game will be the last of the soc cer season and it Is expected that a big crowd will be out. Lineups of the teama are aa follows: . English Errington Henderson Cockayne Pike Mlddleton Hoyle Baldwin Htlllmnn Dervlll McGuIre B. Kogerson 4. Rogerson Soots Home Lyell , Lowden Parker Munro A nderson R. Henderson Leuchers J. Henderson Plckard Leltch Grand Jury Will Make New Inquiry Into Arson Charges ST. LOUIS, Dec. 8. The cases against three .alleged arson conspirators called for trial yesterday were dismissed by the clrcut attorney today. He said a new Investigation would be taken up by the grand Jury Friday. ' . The three defendants were Harold G. Gllmore, Julius R. Berach and Harry C. Imel. A Jury was partly selected yester day to try them. There are six other de fendants whose cases have - not been called. Gllmore ia president of the Gllmore Bonfig Decorating company; Imel Is Gll more's secretary, and Berach ia vice president of an Insurance company. The three were originally Indicted for conspiracy to bum the plant of the decorating company on July II, 1915. New warrants, charging arson, were la- sued agalns Gllmore, Hem and Berach thia afternoon. They were released on bond pending further Investigation by the grand Jury. Williams Heads Teaaa, 'AMES. Ia.. Dec. 8. C1eclal Telegram.) R. F. Williams, Postvllle. Ia., sopho more animal -husbandry student, waa elected captain of . Ames cross cofintny team for lHlft. ' He Is ' a member of Phi Delta Theta fraternity. For two years Ames' five-mile team has been first In the Missouri valley conference and sec ond In the big nine. Twenty More Sail to Join Ford Party NEW YORK. Dec. . Twenty peace advocatea constituting the second con tingent of the Ford expedition to The Hague ' will ' sail this afternoon on the Scandinavian-American - line steamship Frederik VIII for Copenhagen. Most of the members of the party were unable to make arrangements to leave Batur- day on the Oscar II. carrying the main Ford expedition. A list of these addi tional members of the peace party as given out by Mr. Ford's repreaentative included undergraduatea of Yale, Har vard, Iowa State, Vanderbllt, Washing ton. Minnesota, Oregon and Leland Stanford univeraltlea, representatives of the governors of Idaho, Arkanaaa and Alaska " and of fraternal . beneficial societies. NO SURPRISES IN PRAIRIE PARK WEEKLY WHIST PLAY The Prairie Park Whist club's play Monday evening waa marked by no particular aurprlnes, aa nearly all tha pairs ran tAie to form. Score follows; . KABT AND WEST PLAYERS. WINN KHS. Ellla and Murtlit ,. liruoe and Manning Ltuiufellucr and Jrlfera .. 1-UblvKli. Conlcy and I-wi I himben ami htehblna Iimrlun and Itrynolils ... i)u k ani fihawrross MOUTH AMI OfTII PLAYKHM. WINNERS, Cook and McCann tv-amiell and Dreyfuaa ... SeiiKja and Dunn 1XERS. Thomns and Woods Pt-nnUton and tiallup ... AIk.u and t'owrtrty Bli kier and King ..plus t ..plus ..piys 1 ...minus ...minus .minus .minus ..plus ..plus ..plus ...minus ...m-nua ...minus ...minus 11 and the signing of false certificates In connection with the alleged Illegal regis tration for voting by Harvard inetructora and students. Each furnished 11.000 se curity for hla appearance at the trial last month. The grand Jury returned a' total, of forty-two Indictments axalnat tha nine de fendants. Lewis 8. Gannett, a Harvard student, pleaded not guilty to three In dictments of a week ago. Those arraigned today were Hal G. Knight, an assistant In the department of government of Harvard; Paul E. Sa bine, assistant Instructor of physics of Harvard; Thomas II. lUnsker, a student at tha Harvard Law sohool; Rev. Edward K. Atkinson. Harvard 'M, who Uvea In one of the college fraternity houses; to five years' Imprisonment In the state penitentiary. The Hastings Board of Education Is having difficulty enforcing a rule adopted soma time ago calling for compliance with tha statute - prohibiting the pur chase of supplies from 'nombera. Last ntffht Mrs. A. II. Brooke pro tested a bill filed by George E. Isaman, hardware dealer, whereupon the latter withdrew it with an apology, but an ex pression that he believed the law wronc in principle UNION PACIFIC HOLDS RIGHT-OF-WAY TITLE KEARNEY, Neb., Dec (.-(Special Tel egram.) Edson Rich, attorney for the Jamea It. Wild, engineer of one of the! Union Paclfio Railroad company, took college dormitories; Kenneth P. Hill, a' Judgment for h's client today In ten of state reoreaentatlva-elect of Cambridge: . tho now f amoua cases to eject property Wilfred L. Clark, a Cambridge business - Mr along the right-of-way of the man; Arthur K. Reading, a Cambridge roa ,n TOUnl' ROLLER SKATING STARTS AT AUDITORIUM SATURDAY City Commlinioner Wlthnell and Man ser Franks of the Auditorium have de elded to open the roller, skating eeajpn Saturday evening. A Urge organ Is being taiatalled. Racea and special stunts wilt Le put on for the skaters. The admission , will be 15 cents. Including skates and checking of wraps. Iswyer, and Herbert B. Harris, a Boston lawyer. JACK FITZGERALD TO BOX AT MASON CITY MASON C1TT", la.. Dec. 1 -(Special -Two big boxing matches are booked for INTER CLASS GAME ENOS IN A DISPUTED SCORE The game between the Third and Fourth blh of Crelnhton ended in a dis pute. The Fourth blxh barkfleld waa unable to penetrate the powerful de f'.nae if the Third blkh. The dispute aroao over Umpire Green' a decision, liut kley, McDouald and K) berg were the 1,riht lifht for Third bltfh. lirrrwbrr the Meat for f'slda. IUr-1 n your system with Bell's Piiie Tur Jioiiey it kill the cold germ. Cures (h oonub oijy Sc. All druggists. Ad- tr-iriliclit. Vj Tke E'i "t'wa;ir' Column. All those who were defendanta volua tarily confessed Judgment, settling the mater on the basis of giving Judgment and then renting . the land from the company for the nominal fee of fl per year. Tha railroad's contention, borne out by recent decisions of the courts, was that they st'll should have title to all land Wilkin V. JlllLfnAl .-I h I f-WB V mrm nl. he Armor. 'Thursday night. Wayne Bar- them b pf conrrM, ta th, ,Bt. low. Clear Lake, weight 133. raeeta Mickey 0v,r forty ca, , eJeolment were Rowlea of Dea Moines, same weight. The j flle, Mm,,t Buffalo county farmers and middleweight bout will be between Joe raott of lh, ,ulu bav, been settled by a i-ercenu or . uicago ana jac "Weraia conf,, of judgment. of Omaha. Each will be a six-round eon- Th, attitude of the defendant indl test. They will be preceded by two good 0ted they preferred the land at the low preliminaries, local talent performing. rental to a long suit REGENTS AND ALUMNI BOARD GUESTS OF THE CHANCELLOR (From a Staff Correspondent.) ' ' LINCOLN. Dec T.4 Special. )-The board of rvgt-nta of the University of Nebraska today met with the, executive board of the Alumni aaeuclailoa of the school. Boon after taalng his seat aa a new roe ru ber of the board. Regent E. P. Brown of Lancaster county suggested that the president of the alumni board be Invited to alt with tha regents, and the regenta went one better by Inviting tha whole board during the constructive period through which the school was passing. This evening the board of Regents and alumni directors were gueots of Chan cellor and Vt ew i tt home oi the Chaiu CAPTAIN P0UCHER MAKES INSPECTION OF GUARDS (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOIJ, Di. t. (Special.) Captain J. F. Poucher of Omaha called at the Office of the adjutant general today. Ha Is out on a trip of inspection of National Guard companies and last night Inspected the Fourth regiment band at Friend. He found the band in fine condition, having thirty-nine men and putting up an excel lent grade of muslo. lull Fir at (irwler. GREELEY, Neb., De. .-8peclaI ) The. explosion of a coffee percolator in the Star cafe caused a, small fire Ust evening, little damage was doue. Sharp Coateat la Dodge, FREMONT, Neb., Dec. & (Special.) The contest for the vacancy In the Dodge County Board of Supervisors caused by the death of Duncan Livingston grows more interesting dally. There are six candidates In 'the field, three democrats and three republicans. - Mr. Livingston waa a democrat. His death leaves the board evenly divided politically, with three democrats and three republicans. The Board of Supervisors will meet De cember 14 to name a successor. Farm Worker F Life. FREMONT, Neb., Dec. 7.-r(Kpeclal.) Samuel Arnold, a?ed S6. employed on the farm of Charles Wilcox, four miles south of Morse Bluff, died of self-inflicted wounda and self-admlnlstered poison at Prague, where he waa taken for medical attention. A brother operatea a hotel in Omaha and he haa two sisters living in Kansas. , Mrs. Ullver Saes tor Dlvwree. BEATRICE. Neb., Dec 7.-Spec!al.) Sophia Silver of Nemaha township filed suit in the district court Monday for di vorce from W. R, Silver. She charges extreme cruelty. r pi auaBEK2 3.00 S3.S0 M.OO '4.50 & '5.00 SHOES FOR MEN AND WOMEN Oi K7 yf 'Ja. v.i i ' ' ' is y.,i,.ft,'.uv:.v..M.vtt,.r a J , jWTO. tV. '.UUnWHll'.'.VAHV M-.'PlL L, Cm aV -. . 'I M r.- - v I 1 LV "V 1 nv.' ' .. f I I ajai iii YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY WEARING VV. L. DOUGLAS SHOES VALUE GUARANTEED For 32 years VV. L. Douglas name has stood for shoes of the highest standard of quality for the price. His name and the price stamped on the bottom guarantees foil value. They are the best known shoes in the world. W. L. Douglas shoes' are made of the most carefully selected !eathers(af ter the latest models, in a well equipped factory at Brockton, Mail under the direction and per. sonal inspection of a most perfect organization and the highest paid skilled shoemakers ; all working with an honest determination to make the best shoes in the world. VV. L. Douglas $3.00 and $3.50 shoes are the best that can be produced for the price. W. L. Douglas $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 shoes are just as good for style, tit and wear as other makes costing $6.00 to $&UU, the only perceptihledUtference is Um price. None genuine unless VV. L. Doug las name and the retail price is stamped on the bottom. If our local !ea!ef caaaot supply yoa. Wrke lor Illustrated Catalog howine now to order K .,.,1 My rvM irr Aa ' 'i- rrY.' ' Wv, y BEWARE uu imrm naiau. rtnt-m ina iviaiaai . j . , - . . i' OUB3TITUTF ; --s DOUGLAS SHOE STORE: 1 17 North Sixteenth St.. Omaha. Neb. W. L. DOUGLAS WAS PUT TO WORK PECCINO SHOES AT 8 EVEN YEARS OP ACE. HE BEGAN MAN UFACTURING IN 1876, AND IS NOW THE LAR GEST MAKER OP I. S3. BO AND. SHOES IN THS WORLD. Boys Shoes, Best la the World, Tf8 lull - to i)iff!li! lrriY fita!fii f!X? Or' fl Bulgars Pursuing Frenchmen on Both Sides of the Vardar SOFIA, Dec. 6. (Via London. Dec. 1 Delayed In Transmlsslon.)-.The follow ing statement was given out toy the Bul garian war office today: "On both sides ot the Vardar our troops have continued the pursuit of the French, who are retreating. A column advancing: north of Monastir across the Smelevo toward the road from Monastir to Resna, defeated the Serbians after severe fighting- at Bigla mountain and occupied the town of Resna. "A column advancing north of - Mon astir from' Klchevo to Ochiida captured, after bitter resistance, strongly forti fied positions near the villages of Me dovo and Miranmorac, and - is now marching toward Ochrtda. A column advancing from Klchevo towards DIbra after a. sanguinary battle defeated the Serbians at the water shed, which fol lows the ridges ot the Jama mountains," and' towards noon occupied Dibra, from which place they are pursuing the enemy In the direction of Truga. "On the Serbo-Montenegrin front near DJnkana and Kllaluma our troops are counting considerable war tnarterial which the ' Serbo-Montenegrin troops abandoned." - - if i ! A i 4 I'RI 1 J 1 pEDAR BROOK is everywhere that service is supreme the Eure, rich age -mellowed ourbon that cheers the jaded tourist like a message from home. At leading clubs, hotels, and restaurants, rrom leading dealers, to ask for CEDAR BROOK is a mark of good judgment a certainty of satisfaction. For uxtv-eight years the mel lowest and best. W. H. MdBRAYER'S Cedar Brook "TTis WorUs FuurtWluakcy". i , m r j amt ion 4