Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 07, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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Wsdciag wift-auota, jrrwale.
Ware Boot Frlat I Now Beacon Preae.
x7fs Wra. Toraado. Automobile, Bur.
clary Insurance, see J. H. Dumont, Kee
llne Bldf.
Ka Oeadlee tm SSohoole Superintendent
Oraff baa reminded hla teachers of a
rule which prohlblta tho use- of candles
on Christmas trees in achoola.
"Toaaya saovte Tvotvesa" elaeeifled
sseUon today. It appaara In The Bee
EXCLUSIVELT. Find out what tha ve
rloua morlng pletura theaters affar.
Boost for Omaha In a double-page
display In Ita December time tabla tha
Northwestern railroad boosts Omaha as
a prominent Stopping off plaoa on tha
way to tha west.
aandiaro Bona Ortr Angelo Ban
dlero, 604 South Tenth street, charged
with carrying; concealed weapons was
bound over to the district court with
bonds fixed at 1650. Ha pleaded not
Toys Are Stolon Better Bros.. 1011
Farnam street report to the pollca that
their placa of business was broken Into
Sunday and a large Quantity of toys
stolen. A. Thief, alias 8. Claus, la sus
pected. Oct Sixty Say Dick Gray and John
Heehan. arrested by Detective Rich and
,ty"nowskl for having morphine In their
possession, were arraigned before Judge
Foster and sentenced to alzty days In the
county Jail.
Bids for Haw Hospital December It
Is the date set for the opening of bids
for the contract to construct the new
state hospital In connection with tha Uni
versity College of Medicine, Forty-second
and Dewey avenue.
Tha State Bank of Omaha, corner Biz
teenth and Harney. Pay a FOUR per cent
on time deposits and THREE per cent
on savings accounts. All deposits In thii
bank are protected by tha depositors
guarantee fund of tha state of Nebraska,
Haw Dundee Buildings B. E. Giltnsky
will erect a grocery store building
for . L. Bommers at Forty-ninth and
Dodge streets. The new structure
will have thirty-seven feet front and will
adjoin Sommer's present store. Giltnsky
will also build a moving picture theater
on the sixty-foot front next to the gro
cery side.
Chiefs of England
And France Gather
For Talk at Calais
TUR1S, Dec. . .Official announcement
a made here today of the meeting at
'alaia yesterday of representatives of
France and Great Britain. The statement
Issued by the foreign office follows:
, "An Important Franco-British confer
ence was held yesterday at Calais. It
was attended " by the British prime
minister, Mr. Asqutth, the first lord of
the admiralty, Mr. Balfour; the war sec
retary, Earl Kitchener; the chief of the
Imperial staff at army headquarters In
London, Lieutenant General Blr Archi
bald Murray; the French premier, M.
Briand: tha director of political affairs
of the French foreign office, M. Margaria;
the French war minister, General Gal
llenl, with General GreslanI, chief of
staff; the French minister of marine, Ad
miral Lacase, with Admiral Da Jon
q uteres, chief of the naval staff, and
General Jofro, with General, Pelle.
."After lunching together, the confer
pnee began at 2:30 o'clock and lasted
i "nil S o'clock, during which time the
'.rclpal questions uppermost at present
s.ore discussed.
""The English delegates returned to
London during the night. The French
representatives returned to Paris."
Local Leader Not in Favor of tha
Militarism Idea Which Seems
to Prevail.
That the resignation of Ernest
Thompson Seton from the national
Boy Scout organisation, which he
founded, may be the first step In a
aorlous split In that movement over
the question of militarism, is
acknowledged by Omaha leaders of
Boy 8cont troops.
Chester W. Hlnsle. 441S Farnam street;
P. A. Legg of Benson and R. F. Schllder
of 1S1S North Thirty-sixth street, leaders
of tha Lothrop. Benson and Walnut HI II
troops, respectively, were surprised at
the news of Thompson-R-eton'S with
drawal. They ventured no opinion as to
the cause or consequences, but declared
that If militarism was the cause, they
would be Inclined to agree with Mr.
Thompsontfieton. '
"Tha Boy Scout movement Is strictly
non-mllltary In nature," declared Mr.
Hlmle and also Mr. Legge. "If It be
comes military In nature I shall have
nothing more to do with it. As to what
the boy members wilt do, I cannot aay,
but believe they, too, will largely with
draw. t
Ilaa Other Alma.
"Woodcraft, manliness, nature etudy,
character development, physical develop
ment and similar pursuits are tha basis
of tha Boy Scout organisation. If drills,
gun, army manenvera or anything savor
ing of war or militarism creep Into the
Scout movement I am through with It.
'The Omaha troops of the Scouts have
been quite Independent of tha national
organisation and are aura to become
mora so. If the head officers stand for
A local council of wetl known men Is
at tha i.ead of the Boy Soout movement
here, but Is said to take very little active
part in Its affairs. The board Includes
Mayor Dahlman, John L. McCague,
Robert H. Manley, Mr. Newoomb, Victor
Rosewater. t. H. Welrlch. F. B. T. Mar
tin, Dr. Tyler and Rev. Oliver Keve.
Over 19 Millions
See the Frisco Fair
SAN FRANCISCO, Deo. . The total
attendance of tha Panama-Pacific exposi
tion, which closed last night, was 18.yTl.i6?,
according to an official announcement
today. Teaterday was tha record day for
admissions. 458,668 persons having passed
through tha turnstile.
With the passing of tha exposition
workmen began today tha dismantling of
tha various foreign and state buildings
and exhibition palaces. A few of tha
amusement concessions of tha pleasure
sone wilt continue to operate. It was said,
for a short time, but for tha most part
the exhibitors began arrangements for an
early departure from the grounds.
A few of tha exhibits will ba sent to
the Panama-California, International ex
position at San Diego and some will ba
shipped to the Panama exposition In tho
canal sone.
Hop-Heads Brighten
- The Corners by Use
. Of Song and Cocaine
.Then Detectives Del Rich and John
szanowakl arrested two onen describing
themselves as Will Gray and Harry
Heehan, and found each In possession of
a "Billy" Sunday aong book and a large
quantity of cocaine, they asked them
whst the "snow" was for.
"We're going to brighten up the cor
ners," laughed tha prisoners. They found
the song books In an alley, they said.
"Uncle Bam'll brighten up the corners
for you guys; don't you know the ltd Is
on for dope?" replied tha officers.
The two men are tha first In a month
to be found with drugs in their posses
sion. Dope Is still to be had about the city,
It Is ssid, but It Is so expensive that It
Is no longer used by the poor unless good
fortune suddenly smiles. A shot of
"coks." meaning one Injection from a
hypodermic needle, which formerly cost
cents, la now worth S3, and the unfor
tunate may consider himself lucky If ha
an get it even at that price. Morphine
tablets are worth 60 cents apiece, and
heroin half. Opium in any form has not
jeen seen In the half-world In months.
I Prepare for Coming
, Of Chief Carranza
MONTEREY. Mexico, Dec a Prepare
'tra.S have commenced for the triumphal
"V entry of General Venuotlano Carraasa
into Mexico City about the first of the
new year, according to word from the
capital received here today at the head
quarters of the first chief of the de facto
- Reports from the capital here today
Said a committee had been appointed to
place responsibility for the alleged mur
der of Madero and Suares and Abraham
( Ootisales, former governor of Chihuahua,
frequent arrests charging conspiracy
i have resulted. There have been no
explanations, however.
Torreon advices to the Carransa head
No Acid Stomach,
Sourness, Gases
or Indigestion
In five minutes your sick, sour
upset stomach will
feel fine.
Tape's Diapepsin" neutral
izes acids in stomach and .
starts digestion.
Take your sour, out-of-order stomach
or maybe you call It indigestion, dys
pepsia or gastritis,' it ' doesn't matter-
take your stomach trouble right with
you to your pharmacist and ask him to
open a 60-cent case of Papa's Dlapepatn
and let you eat one il-grain triangule
and see If within five minutes there is
left any trace of your former misery.
The correct name for your trouble Is
food fermentation acid stomach food
souring: the digestive organs become
weak, there is lack of gastrlo Juice;
your food Is only half digested, and you
become effected with lose of appetite.
pressure and fullness after eating, vom
ittng, nausea, heartburn, griping In bow
els, tenderness In the pit of stomach, bad
taste In mouth, constipation, pain In
limbs, sleeplessness, belching of gaa, bil
iousness, sick headache, nervousness.
dlislnesa or many other similar symp
If your appetite la fickle, and nothing
tempts you, or you belch gas or If roe
feel bloated after eating, or your food
Ilea like a lump of lead on your etom
ach, you can make up your mind that
at tha bottom of all this there is but one
cause fermentation of undigested food.
Prove to yourself In five minutes that
your stomach Is aa good as any; that
there Is nothing really wrong. Stop this
fermentation and begin eating what you
want without fear of discomfort or
Almost Instant relief Is waiting for
you. It Is merely a matter of how soon
you take a little Diapepsin. Advertlse-
Heal Skirt Diseases
Tell Commissioner! that Proposed
Removal of Five-Cent Toll
Would Work Hardship.
A delegation of ctutens of the
South 8ide met the city commis
sioners and urged that proposed re
moval of the 6 -cent telephone toll
between Omaha and their community
be set aside If such removal would
result In higher rates In 'the south
territory of Greater Omaha. '
The commissioners set the matter
over sixty days, pending; a complete
Investigation of the proposition.
The gist of the contention of the South
BMers waa that tha telephone patrons
of their sone enjoy a lower primary rate
than Is charged In Omaha property, by
reason of smaller area, and they contend
that if the toll la removed their rates will
be advanced.
J. J. Preen, one of the delegation, re
minded tha commissioners that the South
ade should not be deprived of all of the
rights the community enjoyed before the
merger. He charged the commissioners
with ' having promised certain things
which have not been granted.
Telephone Hooka Are Osea.
It B. Wilson, representing the Nebraska
Telephone company, announced that the
txroks of his company are open fr In
spection and he added that an Investiga
tion of the reasonableness of rates la de
sired. Mr. Wilson declared that the rates
are based on the principle of giving the
patron something suitable to his needs.
Joseph Koutsky of the South Bide
stated that any disturbance of the pres
ent system of rates would work a hard
ship upon many small telephone users of
the south telephone sons.
The agitation for the removal of the
toll charges was started by Improvement
clubs of Omaha. The council was told
that the annual revenue for Omaha
South Side business was St", 000 from thoas
who pay for unlimited service and about
ti 1.000 for those who pay i cents for every
Bryan Suggests U. S,
Congress Back Wilson
In a Peace Proposal
WASHINGTON, Dee. 1 In a statement
Issued here tonight. Former Secretary of
State Bryan suggests that congress a
sure the president of Its readiness to sup
port him In any effort which he may see
fit to make to hasten tha restoration of
peace In Europe.
"An offer of mediation,' he says, "is
not only amply Justified on the ground
of humanity, but It la demanded. There
Is abundant reason to believe that the
president, either alone or In conjunction
with executives of the other neutral
nations, can secure from the nations at
war a statement of the terms upon whloh
peace la possible and such a statement
would be the beginning of an exchange
of views which would lead to a treaty."
City Commissioners Will Not Pass
Ordinance Prohibiting Sale of
Groceries and Meats.
An Informal vote of the city com
n.lssloners at a meeting of the com
mittee of the whole put a quietus
upon the proposition of passing an
ordinance to prohibit the sale of gro
ceries and meats on Sunday. The
commissioners have been advised
they cannot pass an ordinance clos
ing these places of business, but may
prohibit the sale of articles commonly
known as groceries and meats.
Secretary 3. J. Cameron of the Retail
Grocers' organisation presented petitions
said to contain signatures of 6.000 cus
tomers who were for Sunday closing.
Commissioners Jardlne, Hummel and
Butler and Mayor Dahlman were out
spoken against tha proposed ordinance.
Friction Between Orneera.
"Suppose wa paaa this ordinance and
allow grocers to sell cigars and tobacco,
as proposed. What Is to prevent me go
ing Into a store on Sunday and paying
S5 oenta for a cigar and receiving a pound
of butter free? I'll tell you what the
trouble Is there is friction between the
grocers themselves," declared Commis
sioner llwnme!.
The mayor said he believed these retail
merchants should dispose of tha .Sunday
closing question between themselves and
he did not think the Cowimlsetoners should
ha required to regulate a matter of this
More Work for Merml Sqaad.
Commissioner Puller suggested that If
the ordinance should be passed there
would he work for a moral squad, watch
ing tha bark doors of grocery and meat
stores on Sundays.
Peoretary Cameron stated that 1,000 em
ployes of grocery and meat stores want
to reat one day a week. He declared
that moat of the grocers and meat men
are willing to close on 8unday, but soma
will not agree.
Attention waa called to a state law
which prohibits common labor en Sunday.
Saxon Shell Plant -Blast
Kills Hundreds
IjONDON. Deo. 1 Destruction of a
large ammunition factory at Halle. Prus
sian Saxony, by an explosion, with the
loss of several hundred Uvea, la reported
In a message from Koldlng, Denmark, to
Copenhagen, forwarded by Router's cor
respondent. It waa sdkl a almilar disaster was nar
rowly escaped at Bosden. The ammuni
tion factory there. It la reported, was
saved by the discovery that it had been
According to this account, which has
not been confirmed, arrests have been
made at Bogden. It la asserted discon
tented workmen are suspected In - both
Get at the Real CauseTake Dr.
Kdwards OHt TahJHs.
That's whst thousands et stomach suf
ferers are doing now. Instead of taking
tonics, or trying to patch o a poor di
gestion, they are attacking the real causa
ef the ailment-clogged liver end disor
dered bowels.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tahlata arouse tha
tlver in a soothing, healing way. When
the liver and bowels are performing
their natural functions, away goes In
digestion and stomach troubles.
If you have a bad taste In your month,
tongue coated, appetite poor, lasy. don't
care feeling, no ambition or energy,
troubled with undigested food, you should
take Olive Tablets, the substitute for
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tahlste are a purely
vegetable compound mixed with olive efl.
Ten will know them by their eltve color.
They do the work without griping,
cramps or pain.
Take one or two at bedtime for quick
relief, so you can eat what you like. At
lOo and SSo per box. All druggists.
The Olive Tablet Company, Cotusnbue,
atjacla Sone-Kaae Boiedy that la me
rroxa Opiates as JKansxat Drugs.
As affartlra ramaar that will rallsaa aar ssash
and braak p a eals la ttr-fer knars, la
aatlr mad by mlilns toolbar twa euaaai at
OlrcMlM. a kslf-euas et Virata Oil a rias Omm
awe Par aa4 est soaaaa at Wklakar. Tbsaa
lasraalaau eaa be aaaurss frara ear Sras stars
at a snail ost aaa wekas ssaaah as last tha av
arata fatally aa aMtra raar. vtrata Oil at ttaa
Oanipnuna Siira la cvrsntM fee te liaans
loalVe., o ctaotnaail. Gats.
(quarters here reported continued prog-
ress against Chihuahua. It was claimed
that Jarga numbers of Villa soldiers wsre
surrendering dally, while unconfirmed
reports ahowed that a total of S.OOO had
accepted amnesty.
John Johnson, colored. living at Twenty-eighth
and Camden avenue, waa sen
tenced to tea days for stealing coal from
tha Illinois Central yards. "Because ah
got a wooden leg and am culled, they
seem to klnda pick on me." informed
John. "Msybe you're easier to catch.'
piled the judge.
Nlabf Coaah HrllaTad.
Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey eases your
cough, soothes tha lungs and Invites
sleep. Only S6C All drugglsts.-4.dver
It Is unnecessary for you to suffer with
ecu ma, ringworm, raahea and similar
rkln troubles. A little secno. gotten at
any drug store for Ve, or SlOO for extra
large bottle, and promptly applied will
usually give Instant relief from Itching
torture. It cleanaea and soothes the skin
end heals quickly and effectively most
skin disease.
Zemo Is a wonderful disappearing liquid
and does not smart the most delicate skin.
It is not greasy, is easily applied and
coats little. Get It today and eave all
further distress.
Zemo, Cleveland,
Malaa Saciaaa u save la California. I
ertar mf tlaa nteaaciaa rtaae ataee at
fcwlaa. sat a aerates aa U.
J. S. ENUEIJCCN. Uaan. law a
E . . I iaalia w waa vvawwa.awaa a a uiii e-aav uitiwj Oliunil ajiac..
D 1 I f 1 as r -1 m m rm - - -jr - . - f- - "
II mis naire tne most noniiiar lunette acta torr
Sfek W Sh a -W- . . W
l . .. Si w- E- - M- - - '
llll j5 Jpa- JETJTf?-J?J3r " 1
I fs' 1
?'2.v cs ; 1
t -3 JJEM
k ek a, r.--;
Christmas display ed in stores all over the citv.
Perhaps he already owns a Standard Gillette or
Pocket Edition: give him one of the new styles
, the stocky-handled "BuUdog," the "Aristocrat" in
French Ivory or Combination or Traveler's Set
Panama-Paclilc Exposition .
k ' - - Reeaamber 1 a GUlette User, m steckel or two ! Gillette :
' . Bladsa makes the nlcaat "Uttla gift" that anybody could choos.
v-;- - mgr.-- F- - ?
The "Bulldog"
r-J-- r.T-4.i- Jij
' S5r3?5S v-'sl r-nrt
The "Aristocrat"
A ntw Idea the'afoclcy bulldog
tmndlo, with extra weliht different
grip, balance and twins to the stroke.
Equally welcome to new Gillette
users and old. Triple Silver Plated
Razor, and two Blade Boxes with 13
double-edged Gillette Blades (.24
. Shevini Ed9). Case and
Blade Boxes of Gray
Antique Leather. w
With Gold. Plated Razor, $0.
The Gillette Set In.FrenoA
Ivory, the material so much.
In vogue for man's brushes;
combs and other toilet articles.
Triple Silver Plated Raaor, lr
beautifully designed case of
French Ivory with Blade
Boxes to match, contain
ing 13 double
edaed Gillette
Blades (.24 m
With Gold PUtcd
RaiWJO, .
! J
Standard Set
The origiAal Gillette Set that introduced
the modern way of shaving no strop
ping, no honing-"
known the world over.
Containa Triple SiU
ver Plated Razor;
Blade Boxes with 13
double-edged Gillette
Bladea (24 Shaving
Edg). The whole
contained in esaa
Grain Case.
With Gold Plated
Rax or, 9.
No. 501
Basket Pattern
Pocket Edition
Ever since It first came
out, the Basket Pocket
Edition has been a great
favorite. It appeals to
men everywhere. Metal
Case, handsomely mod
eled In relief, and Triple
J Silver Plated containing
Triple Silver Plated Rasor,
and one Blade Box with 13
double-edged Gillette srsf
Blades (24 Storing -,
With Gold Plated Rasor, $9.
No. 00 Standard Combi
nation Set
Milady Decollete Gillette
rah "
One of the most widely popu
lar of Gillette Combination
seta. ftaw inpie stiver
Plated Rasor, Badger Hair
Shaving Brush and Stick
Gillette Shaving Soap in
Triple Silver Plated Hold
er and two Blade Boxes
with 12 double-edged
Gillette Blades (24
ShvingEdg9). Seal
New; unique, very much up'
to date a beautiful addition
to Milady's toilet table.
Welcomed by women every,
where now that a feature
of good grooming la to keep
the underarm white and
smooth. " In French Ivory
and Gold" 14K Gold
Plate, in case of French
Ivory lined with velvet sad
satin your choice 'of
Purple, Old Rose, Grcca T
or Old Oold.
esssaatMSsassssasii. ill ia ,i,.. . ,