THE BKK: OMAHA, TUESDAY, DFATKMHKU 7, 1915. IlEXTAl-S. IIOI SUS AMI (OTTK.K.. MIM ELI. 4. l:ol f. FIDELITY P.FXTAL RRUVtCE FRE3 Phone Douclas 23 for complete lint of vacant houses anil apnrtmenta; also for Itnmnp, moving. lSth and Jackaon Sta, $"j: "1 is. I'hloago. 6 room, mod. fixv 21S N. 1Mb, 8 rooms. bath. $'i 2iilfi Seward, 6 ronii, barn. $12. so ;ncii Clark, 4 room. Globe Van &Storage Stores, moves, packs, ahlps; 3-hors van and 2 men. $1.25 per hr.; storage $2 Per maBaMgfaeUonimr. P- 43:18 V Ty. 230. J vS j Exp. Co.. moving I . KPPfl recking storago Va IVVUU 127 Farnam. O. W4H. Gordon Van Co. 219 N. llth Ft. Tel. P. 394 or Har. 9V. MAiic-'Kli Vn ft .Storage C : Moving packing. storgeandlpninD.1415. " FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE SEPARATE, locked rooma, for houae hold goods and pianos; moving, packing iaIiT'van and STORAGE CO.. 806 So. St. Doug. 4163 STORES A1D OFFICES. 2 SmaUOffices Ready Now CHOICE LOCATIONS in the Bee Building 112.00. $16.00. Inquire Room 103. For Rent or Sale Store room and dwelling; also ware house and bam. on Lincoln highway, Juat north of city llmlta. I DAY HESS CO.. 12S Pearl St., Council Bluff. la. REAL ESTATK FARM A RANCH LANDS FOR SALE IOWA. 70-ACRE farm, in hllla; fair bulldlnga; 4 mllea to Council Bluffa; good roada and school: $75 per acre. DAY & HESS CO.. 123 Pearl St., Council Bluffa. la. 16&-ACRE dairy farm; 8 miles north of Council Bluffs; fair buildings; good reads, school; $75 per acre. DAY & HESS CO., 123 Pearl St., Council Bluffs. Ta. A HA KuA 1 iN . XM in II HI 1 1H p II v. , tun., iitt " 1 ''" - ments; land lays good, at iio; 5oo down. 2,5u0 March 1, time on balance. A bar- gain, we ll prove it. Come and ee. in. 1 -- ti l 1 ' T , (mnAVA. I FRANK L-Ogun, 18 M1SSOLH1. SO ACRES 3H miles from Tebanon; houae, barn; 50 cultivated; $'2,400; easy terms; ether bargains. Holt Realty Co., Lebanon, Mo. NifiBRABKA. (THE ONE BEST BUT ANYWHERE IN PERKINS COUNTY, NE BRASKA, LANDS FROM $15 TO $20 ACRE. , COME, SEE FOR YOUR SELF. WE PROVE IT, OR PAY ALL YOUR EXPENSES. ENOUGH BAip. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS TO Dave Shuter Grant Neb. AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY COUNTY. WRITE MB. HAISE YOUR OWN FEEDERS. 8,200 acres of hard land, with 1,000 acres of hay and 300 In crop; good buildings and fences; running water and 4 wells; located In northern Nebraska and offered . at a bargain. Can accept eastern Ne braska farm a part payment. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Omaha Nat. Bank Mldg., Omaha. FOR BALE Best large body l.lgh-grade medium priced land In Nebraska; very little money required C. Bradley, Wei bach. Neb. ' " 60 ACRES, $3,000. Irrigated farm adjoining good town In North Platte valley; paid up water right; 20 acres now In alfalfa and balance In crop. Liberal terms. PAYNH INVESTMENT COMPANY. Omaha Nat. Bank Bidg.. Omaha. , 20-ACHE fruit farm In Calhoun, Neb.; 11 room houae, barn, garage and fish pond In connect. on; next to city park, in heart of city, $11,0"0. Joe Bolln. Calhoun. Neb. CLAY COUNTY. 160 acres Improved and nearly all In cultivation and 6 miles from town: firat- class corn farm. $100 an acre. Liberal terms. PAYNH INVESTMENT COMPANY. Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg., Omaha. OKLAHOMA. CORN, alfalfa, wheat, cotton land for sale or exchange. W. E. Wilson, "Walters, Okla. WISCONSIN. UPPER WISCONSIN Best dalrr and general crop stats in the union; settlors wanted: lands for sale at low prloes on asr terms. Ask for booklet $4 on Wiscon sin Central Land Grant. Excellent lands J or stock raising. If Interested In fruit snds ask for booklet on apple orchards. fddreas Land and Industrial Dept., 8oo Ine Ballwsv. M'nneanolle. Minn. , MISCELLANEOUS. HAVE TOU A FARM FOR SALE? Write a good description of your land and send If to the Sioux City (Ja.) Jour nal, "Iowa's Most Powerful want Ad Medium." Twenty-five words every Fri day evening, Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday for one month, giving sixteen ads on twelve dif ferent days for $2; or 60 wolds, $4, or 75 words. $6. Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper; 200.000 readers dallv in four great states. REAL ESTATE LOANS Slot TO $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Weed. Wead Bldg.. 13th at Farnam Sta. CITY and farm loans, 6, 64, per cent J. H. Dumont ft Co.. 418 State Bank. A "For Sale" ad will turn second-hand furniture into cash. CITY property. Large loans a specialty. W. H Thomas. 228 State Bank Bldg. t TO 6 for loans on best class city residences In amounts $2,000 up, also farm loans. Reasonable commiasluna. PETERS TRUST CO.. 1822 Farnam St. OMAHA homes. East Nebrsska farms. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Omaha National. Phone Douglas 2715. FARM AND CITY LOANS. O' DOUGHERTY & HUGHES, 711 Keeline Uldg. Phone D. 1013. MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. H. W. Binder, City National Bank Bldg. ic' CITY LOANS. C. O. Carlberg, JlO " 12 Brandon Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATF FOR EXCHANGE f JOToSTFlKST mortgage." soured on 4.00) 11 erf s of land, to t x hangs iur a good Hour mill. Sch'Bh Bros. 1jJ8 Plyraout.i J ide Minneapolis Minn. ONE 9-room, corner lot. will trade equity for a good vacant lot O. A. ECKLES, Phone D. 1H or H. 5763. FEVEN-PASSENGER auto to exchange for 6-room bungn)ow.. Phone Dou. 2.;. FOR SALE or exchange, in Brookings Co., a 2u0 or a 400-acre farm; both well imp.; nice laying land; good black dirt Lock Box 93. Pipestone, Minn. REAL ESTATF NORTH RIDE CHICAGO 2.i2 Neat four-room cottags Part modern. FOR SAI.E-Four-room house, is com plete, witn t lots, L7'j0: $:iuu down, bal ance like rent, or will take hurses, cows and poultry as first payment. Address B 691, r. REAL F8TATE WANTED l WANT to buy for cash i or 3 very cheap lots. Give price and legal di rcil tin and you will hear fioin me. HKAI- KSTATK NOITII 81 OK $.110 CASH, $; PkR MONTH. For a dandy S-rrom, strictly modern b use. 2 blocks from Hanseom park. on Mock from Field club. The price la Hunt, the location is right, and the time l. right Don't pay rent nil your life, hut make a start now In the rlitht direction. r.ATNK INVESTMENT I'OMI'ANT. r. 17M. Mh floor Omaha Nat. Bk. BMf. RKAL ESTATK WEST RIPB SOME BARGAIN -room houae, with sleeping porch: fully modern; oak finish: Mtlton Rogers fur nace. Thla la worth Invest inntlng now vacant. Can be aeen any time. Priest $3,400. reasonable term W. S. FRANK, 201 NEVILLE RLK. REAL ESTATK 1NVKSTMENTS Make Offer 44 ft. next First National. 145,000 "king price. Make offer. Harrison & Morton REAL ESTATE VACANT f.-On FINK lota, near car; cash, monthly. Owner. Douglas 2917. fc THREE lota, fine location. Address P. O. Box 667, City. HEA L ESTATE 1 1SCELLANEOU8 "AVE fauo. On a -room strictly modern, well built homo from owner; hot water heat. M. 3W. Omaha Bee. LOT, 13th and Monroe Sta. Address F, Bee Office, South Omaha. $100,000 CHECKS TEMPT DEM CHIEFS Chicago. Dallas, St. Louis and Frisco Flash Them at National Committee. WHITE HOUSE IS NEUTRAL WASHINGTON, Dec. 6. Endorse ment of the work of the administra tion and of rnntrrpRS. the selection of , . . . Am- Hl Tl TT1 H Fl fl n Hrn lUr LUC Udb UVtllU . cratjc national convention and the uaul' " ' election of a new treasurer ana secre- tary, will constitute the chief work of the democratic national commit tee which meets here Tuesday morn ing to make preparations for the 1916 presidential campaign. Four cities, Chicago, St. Louis, Dallas and San Francisco are In the race for the convention. Dallas and St. Louis delegations ars here, each fortified with a fion.coo check ready to promise the na tional committee every convenience. Particular stress Is being laid by each delegation on his hotel, railroad and wlra facilities. They also have weather maps and records for many years to prove that climatic conditions will be ideal with them In June, when the convention will be held. June 19 is the opening data generally favored. Offer of St. Loots. The St Louis delegation offers the usa of Its convention hall which will seat 14,000. Dallas has no hall at this time other than an auditorium at the .stats fair grounds. It Is willing, however, to add to this structure or' erect a new one. A fund of f30,000 in addition to the flOO.OOO has been raised for extra expenses. William F. McCombs, chairman of ths committee who arrived here tonight from New York, said Irs did not know what the Chicago and San Francisco dele gations would offer. Each Is reported to be bringing a fund of $100,000. With about half the delegates present today, James E, Smith, chairman of the St. Louis delegation, claimed seventeen pledges for his city. Other St. Louis men expressed confidence that they would have a majority on the first ballot These assertions did not disturb the optimism of the Dallas contingent which reached Washington during the day on a special train, led by Governor Ferguson and Mayor Llndsley of Dallas. There are about seventy-flvo In ths party, includ ing the mayors of seven Texas cities. Only democrats are on the St. Louis dele gation, but ths Dallas crowd boasts that It represents all political parties. White House Neutral. . Announcement that the White Uouas would remain strictly neutral In the fight caused disappointment among the Texans, who had hoped for the president's sup port Rollo Wells of Missouri, treasurer of ths committee, has informed friends that after presenting his report at the meeting Tuesday, he will resign because he has become a governor of ths Federal Reserve bank in St Louis and does not feel that he should hold a political position. .Who his successor will be was problematical tonight Rumors that Chairman McCombs might be chosen or Homer Cummins, national committeeman from Connecticut or Fred B. Bllnch, national committeeman from Minnesota. Ths committee, it wss said tonight, will take no formal action in making its preference for Its candidate In 1914, although all of the members expect that President Wilson will be nominated. The committee will have to fill eight vacancies. Including two over which thora are contests. In Kentucky, General W. D. Haldeman is contesting the seat of the late John C. C. Mayo, with Urey Woodson, who was elected by the state committee. Coatesilna; the Beat. In Oregon W. II. Easterly Is contesting the seat of Will R. King. Ths committee will also name ths selections oi Vincent Miles of Arkansas, John T. Bamett of Colorado, W. W. Marsh of Iowa, Charles F. Johnson of Maine, Cordell Hull of Tennessee and Z. R. Cheney of Alaska. Chairman Mccomba has promised a j legation of surrrsglsts that be will make an effort to have the committee give them a hearing. Most of ths mem bers ars understood to be favorable to a healing, although it is regarded as a foregone conclusion that ths committee will take no stand on ths issue. ASTRONOMER TAYLOR DISCOVERS NEW COMET CAMBRIDGE. Mass., Dec. 1 Dis covery of a new comet by Astronomer Taylor, stationed at the Capo of Good Hope was announced In a cablegram ! f rem Copenhsgen, received at ths Har vard observatory today. The comet was sighted first near Delta Orion, which Is ths left hand star in Belt of Orion; snd later Sir Frank Dyson, sstronomer royal at Greenwich, reported that It was mov ing slowly north. Further details of ths discovery could not its given, "owing to the censor," ths cablegram said. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat is Strong and Sales Are Very Light at Three to Four Cents Higher. CORN SELLS A CENT HIGHER OMAHA, lecembcr , 1915. The local wheat market wat very bull ish today, a lea being Mitr higher. Re celpta were fairly heavy, but the ealea traders were unnble to agree on prlcea "ere ugni, ane to tne Tact mat tne t orn recelpta were fair and there waa a moderate cash demand. The corn market waa stmnR. soiling from HMo higher. Oata, following corn and wheat, were aleo bulllah and aold from ifflV htulier. The reolpta of rve were very good and the market sold from lV.f."4c htKher. . There were no Important chanties In the bpr'rr market. The!e aalea were reported todav: Wheat: No. t hard winter: 1 car, 1074j; 1 car. l (W-4; cars, $l.ofi; 2 rare. $1.0.4; cars, $1.0; t cara, $1,044; 1 car, $1.04. No. 4 hard winter: 1 car, $1.04; 1 car, $1,014; T cam. $1.03; 3 cara. $1 24; T cars. $1.02; 2 care. $1,014: 1" cars. $1.01; 3 cars. i Sample: 1 car, W4c; 1 car, hc; 4 cars, 7c; 1 car. c: 1 car, Wc; 1 car, lc; car, lc. No. S mixed: 1 car. $1.08; 1 car, $'.07. No. S mixed: 1 car, $1.05; 1 rar, $1.01. No. 4 mixed: 1 car. $1.03; 1 car, $1.02; 2 cars. $1.01. No. i durum mixed: 1 car, $1.0,1. No. 4 durum mixed: 1 car, $1.01. No. 3 mixed durum: 1 car, $1.02; No. 4 mixed durum: 1 car, 99c. Corn: No. 2 white: 1 car (old), Sc. No. S while: 1 car old. 8c; 1 car, f4c: 1 enr, 634c. No. 4 white: 2 cara 3c; 7 cars, 62c cars, 4oc. No. 4 white: 2 cars, 4Pc; 1 car, 3Ho. Sample: 1 car (local), 3Sc; 1 car, 3S4c; 1 car, 3Sc. Rye: No. I: 1 car. Mc, No. 1: 1 car, 924c; 3 cara. 92c; 2 cars, 814c- No. 4: 2 cars. rc. Barley: No. i: I car. 34c. OttiKla Caah Prlceo Wheat : No. I hard: $l.0tVB'1.0K; No. 3 hard. $1 ,04f 1.064; No. 4 hard, 99ciffl.C4; No. 2 spring, $1.0Bff1.0! No. $ spring, fl.O401.O6; No. 2 durum, fl.01frl.03; No. 3 durum, fl.00tl.02; sam ple, 85i!'S4c. Corn (newl: No. 4 white, tii'ritac: io. 6 white. 04a;2c- no. white. standard, 40VfMl4c No. 3 white. 40CT 404c: No. 4 white. 3!Hif0i0o. Barlev: Malting, 67(fr2c; No. 1 feed. r.2TiMc. Rye: No. 2. 924&S3e: No. 3. 91 HW Clearances of wheat and flour were equnl to 2.612,000 bushels: corn, 17,000 bushels; oata. 392.000 buahela. At Liverpool wheat closed 2fNd higher; corn. Id higher. Primary wheat receipts were 4.646,000 bushels, and shipments 2.307.000 bushels. Kgainat receipts of 2.630.000 huahtils and shipments of 1 .043.000 bushels last year. Primary corn receipts were 1,297,000 buahela and shipments ' 319,000 buahela. against recelpta of 2,172,000 bushels and shipments of 8it2.000 bushels litxt year. Primary oati receipts were 1.456 000 bushels and shlDments 1.043.000 bushels. r min. I against receipts of 1.274,000 bushels and niuimiriiLB ul uubiicib imi jvu i CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oata. Rye. Chicago Minneapolis .. Puluth Omaha Kansas City St. Ixtuls .... 135 15 ..1.94 .. 809 .. 121 .. f7 .. 212 77 263 63 29 34 38 19 Winnipeg ..3.784 ClJcaao clcalns ortces furnished The Bee by Logan ft Bryan, rtock and grain brokers. 316 South Sixteenth. Omaha: Articlel Open- High. Low. Close. Saf Wheat! 1 Wl 194B 1 1&4H 19TsA Deo.. 1 1SO-16 1 20 1 204 1 164 1 14 May.lM corn i Dec..683 May.714i,-0 Oata I 694 724 67 704 684A 66 704 43 7M8 Dec.l 434 May.45T!&4 434 424 4S4B 4t4B 46HW4 4a 17 75 46H4 form i Jan.. 17 75-87 18 074 IS 024 17 974 18 18 18 10 9R0 9 77tf 9 774 9 974 May.l 17 86 Lard I Jan..! 9 40 May.l 0 70 Ribs 18 0241 17 824 9 60 9 80 9 374 9 47T60 70 774 Jan.. 9 70(372 9 724 '9 6770 9 724 9 924! May. 9 90 9 9741 .9 9U A Asked. B Bid. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Features of the Trading; aad Closing Prlcea on Board of Trad. CHICAGO, Dec. 6. New price records for the 1115 croo of wheat followed each other In rapid succeseion today on ac count or waves 01 speculative Duytng. The market closed unsettled at 2V. to 3 cents net advance, with December at and May at $1,194- Oorn finished wun gains 01 wnsc to lis cents ana oats off 4o. The result in provisions waa the same a Saturday's close to 124 down. Despite heavy profit taking shares Just after the opening, wheat 1, rices durlmr moat of the day kept soaring higher and ' nigner. it seemed at times aa If all sections of the country were flooding the pit with orders to buy. Bullish senti ment waa rampant, largely because Liver pool quotations had made a full response to the sensational advances scored here Saturday and because It was announced Italy had suspended Import duties until June SO. 1916. Assertions that commandeered wheat loaned to Canadian shippers would have to be returned by December 10 to the dominion government gave additional Im petus to the upward movement of prices here. A further handicap to ths bears was the action of a leading houae In pointing out that under clrcuatajicea said to be much less favorable, the May option here showed between December 7, 1914, and April 30, 1916, an advance of mors than forty cents a bushel. Corn, like wheat, went to a new high price level for this season. Bullish crop i'Htl mates by two prominent firms did a great deal to lift the value of corn in the face of somewhat lively realising by holders. Oats hardened with other grain. Immense receipts of nous weakened provisions, but a fair rally ensued, helped somewhat by the bulge In grain. Fully 22,000 hogs more than exacted, arr'ved hi v i,i k" ioubj. icumu .uun ticb neai: io. x rea nom nominal N new. standard, 4344j444f- Rye: No. 2, 9tVir97c. Barley: a'((7jc. Seeda Timothy : $5.0Oi 7.75. Clover: $1I).0W 19 00. Provisions Pork. $lti.30; lard. $9.:5; ribs, $10.50. BUTTER Steady; creamery. 23i334e. WIGS Higher; receipts, l.StiO oases; firsts, 2ti:tOc; ordinary firsts, tlit-sc; at murk. 20"i29c. POTAT OES Higher: receipts, SO cars: Michigan. Mlnneaato and WloconBln whites, ikV7j72c; Minnesota and Ohlos, 0l Gic. I'OULTRY A!ve. steady: fowls. 12c: springs, 13c; turkeys, 14c. NEW YORK GKMLRAL MARKET Quotations nf tks Dar an Varlens Co m bu od 1 1 les. NEW YORK, Dec. . FLOUR Firmer; spring patents. to.6.V(6.06; winter patents, $6 5 "n 6 76; winter straights, $6.40r6.66. WHEAT Spot, strong; No. 1 durum. $l.ltrt f. o. tt. New York; No. 1 northern Duluth, $1,244, and No. 1 northern Mani toba. $1.26 c. 1. f. Buffalo. Futures were strong. Iiex-ember. $1.2JV XRN Spot steady. No. t yellow, &2"4C prompt. OATS Spot, firm; No. f, white, 47 474c HAY Steady; prime. $1,274; No. 1, $1.25; No. 2. $L15'al.20; No. 3, f 1.0utg4.06; shipping, 90c. HOPS -Quiet, state common or choice 1915. 204) -30c; 1914. miOc; Pacific coast 1915, ll'fj'15c; 1914, 8 10c. HIDE.! Quiet; Bogota, SO Sle; Central America. lf-o. LEATHER Firm; Hemlock firsts. 33( 34c; seconds. tiflSc. PROVISIONS Pork, steady; mess. fl8.utni 18.60; family, t30.ourti22.6A; short clears, $19.001.00. Beef, steady; mess, $l.6u'U 17.00; family, $18 0O-& ls.eo. Lard, steady; middle west, $9.54f66. TALLOW Quiet; city, 1c; country, 7V;c; spcial, 4c. BUTTER Firmer: receipts. $.872 tubs: creamery extras, 354i'.Jtt4c; firsts, 284W 34c ; seconds. 26Aj26c. EtXiS Firmer; receipts, 5.447 cases; fresh gathered extra fine, 40c; extra "4c- Ickr j5S0HC,' venow-2 ca'r. ,oCdV TfNo V No'l c'hurk.21! No V " 7- " ,7 ! Z l VlJrgVsl M.m.Vrthla yrsr.T? riumpt.on of" dividends on th'.t . VkK." 70,- No I v.ttAw- k J ml. t!r ..i ' iifANv0A t'. v- S' K i S4 ,' S "l 2 ' 7." - Ji 2oJ market weak: i.itlvc beef, $i.5. First place In artlv'ty was held by 1. i S;r n w?; r.M ' V ti" - i inlle v Pfc- ,7T I0' 7 "..J!?? 2 2? 1 I ?J ",s: western ateer,. ftl.lwr8.I0; -owa and United gla'na Steel, that stock making an Z 1TJ r , . ' W: rr, ( d .l V S-,1Ki.Tso- 1 Plat'- No- lec I 7 II 7 6H 7 81! 6 Ui 8 7 14 hP,feri., K.t.mM.10; caiveH. o.6o( iu.2-. extreme gain of 14. St 87. but B-th- ? J l"r, X?A Nl,,!ml,xci,; 4 tt-i-'VoAv n.e ,u . ,u 1 S 731 7 411 7 M 893,7. lKuMt-Hccelpia. so.oou head tsecond ! lehim Steel wa. again tinu.toted. Total cara, fi.e. No 4 mixed : 1 car,644c; 2 cars. UVE POULTRY Brotters, 14 to 14 Dec. ..) , li.l? 69l6M7 JjLl largest totnt on record); market weak: ;.Blei amounted to V.2 .OHO share W4c; 1 car 62c; 1 car 61c; 1 car. 614c. . In separate comp.. l,c; over 14 to I -j--L J iJ ; mostly 1f.-V lower: hulk of sales. .;! West, "n railroads reported a large No. 5 mixed: 1 car. V. No. 6 mixed: 1 lbs., lc; springs, eny slse. J24"; ducks, "unaay. Jiouoay. tju;v luht M- m xed $5 90tU7&; 1 volume "of frel"ht and grenter dlverslfi- car (poor), f.0c. Sample: 1 car told). 67c Picked, 4 price, but not wanted, llo: Receipts and diapoaltlon of live stick rirh, tf.lfv; ,w; plKa.' $I.Oi...o. 'cation of traffic. Tlia Hurl'ngton road Oats: No. 2 white: 1 car. 414c Standard: hens, over 4 lbs per lb 11 4c; roosters. t the Union Stock yards. Omaha, Neb., 8mKP AND LA .M 118 Receipts, 25.0O0 ' showed a net Increaae of $7-'4.(K for Oc- 1 car. 414c. No. 3 white: S cara. 4c: 3 'He, Turkcs, 17c; old Tome. 16c; under ir tweutv-four hours ending at lih.arf- .n.rii.i ii,..,-. M ,ifc,. .i- .n. j..rr..iu t. u.v,.un irnlm-d B'WHic; no. 4 yellow. 644wHc: Ho. 6 :.".V" ' .""""'liV.''. ur?i'?fj yellow. 634fTHc; No. yellow. 604lt W Pr barrel; Ben Davla, Illinois, fl.S BI4c; No. 4 mixed. 61grt34: No. 6 mixed. ,H,.,;,Vi1..'Jf, i. 6Vm24c; No. mlxd. 694!il4o. , 1,1:1 TK.R Best creamery, S2c; seconds, Oata: No. 2 white. 4Hiinc: 'n cartons or tubs. 2fc; good dairy, 2.'W V.111CUHU i-uem -ncB neat: io. 1 rea Tin. dull at Ss7.7Wf3S.zs. inal; No. 3 red, fl.204; No. I hard, At London: Spot copper, T; futures, Inal; No. 3 hard, fl.07fil.ll. Corn: 78 10b: electrolytic. 98. Soot tin 160: o. 2 yellow, old, U'.S724c; No. 4 yellow, futures. 166 6s. Antimony. 125. Lead. C4 i7c. Oats: No. 2 white. 41042c : ?u K- ii- ena flrxta, .'ii3!ic; first", 3WW3.V; seconda, 3iiJ CI1EKSF-Firm; recelpta, f-40 boxea; state whole milk. flat, held speclala, i;c; elate whole milk. averaKe fancy, lil7o; state whole milk, current make apei'lula, li'.; current make specials, average fancy, lVu K'4" Pt"fl.TUV Alive, prices unaettled; dreed quiet; western fveah chickens, 14iilic; fowls, USil7c; turkeys, 14v2A-. OMAII4, l. MARKET. POULTRY Alive: Tuikeya, any alia ever T lbs., 17c; broilers, 164W17o; aprlnga, lie: ducks, lOo; geese, liv; hens, Affile; yoiinit Kiunea hens, ra h, IV; roosters, So OYSTKH8-Cheajipeake, standards, per gallon, $1.10; standards, $1.:5. selects, $1.M; northern, standards. $1.46; selects. $1.75; New York counts. Sl.W. Northern, small cans. 24f(2Sc; large cans, SMf4:j. Chesa-r-eake, small cans. 20Uk; large cans, otl Visit Halibut. 12c; salmon, fresh pink, fcj; fresh red, 124e: catfish, fresh, lc; trout, fresh, 13c; white fish, fresh. 17ci red snapper, fresh, 1J-; catflsK. froien, 13c; sioelta frnsen, 10-lb. cxes, $!&; smoked white fish, 14c: kippered salinou, l FROZ;E? riFH-Hallbut. slses to suit. 104c; catfish, large, for steaks. 13c: sal mon, falls, So; salmon, silvers, 10c: No. 1 trout. Do; No. 1 whlteftah. dressed. 10c; No. 1 whltaftsh, Isrge, loo; No. 1 whlt flah. Jumbo, 18c; pickerel, round W. C. Cc; pickerel, headless. So; black bass. order ise, cc: nerrtng. dressed, pair frosen. c; blueflah extra fancy. 12c; red snatiuer. headless, dressed ;ne; noun ' tjr. '!- (aiiona. per canon, SMOKED FISH-Whltf. 10-lb. baskets rer in.. 14c. K1PPKUKD FISH Salmon. 10-lb. kets. per lb., 17c, CKIvKRY Msmmonth. per dox., 75c 8 lbs., 8c; less than 6 lbs. eaoh not wanted. Oeeae, full feathered and fat, 8c; picked, 4 trloe, but not wanted. Guineas, each, 2Ka; young. 1 to 14 lbs. each, 36c. Homer squabs. 14 OS. and over, $3 00; 10 to 12 os., $2.00; No. 1, must weigh 8 os., fl.tO: under S os, SOu Pigeons, auy kind, per dos., Mte. Star Urand Ben Davis, S2.7B per barrel: Willow Twins. $3.25 per bari-ei ; Wlnesaps, $3.60 per barrel; Jonathans. $3.60 per bar rel. Shield Brand-niack Twigs. $3.M per 29c; country, common, 184c. CMEKSK lnmnrted Awlaa. 44c: domestic, ane; block, 24c; twins, ls4c; aai8 ine triplets, l'.4o; younii Ameri can, lOc: blue label brick 194c; llmburger, 20c; New York white, 194c; imported French Rocquefort. 48c. FRUITS Oranaes: California. Sunklst Navels. Ws, 126s, f4.0O box; Ca'lftinla Sunklst Navels, 160s, 288s. $4.95 box; Cali fornia sunkist Navels. 17fts and smaller. $4.60 box; Florida all sites, $3 to box; California Valencia.. Utia. $5.0) box. Iemona: Punkiat. 300b, Sti.w. SO.Ot box: Red Ball, ?00, 380s. $4.60 box. Orspe- iruit: t;s, 64a, 4s, n 60 box; sua, aw, Hij box. Pears: Winter Nellls, $2.26; box. Peaches: California Salwaya or Colorado K.lberraa. 60 box. Bananas. $1.76 to $400 bunch. Grapes: Emperors, $2.00 crate; Emperors In kegs, $4.0J keg; Malagas, $6.00 to $700 bhl. Cranberries: Belle and Cherry, t7.50 lib!.: Bcllo and Bugls. $8.60 blil.; Jumbo, f 10.00 bbl. Figs, 12-10 OS., NOT) box. VEGETABLES Cabbage, lo lb.; head lettuce, $1.00 dos.: leaf lettuce, 40c do. ; celery: Pascal, 76o dos.; California, 9)c dot.; Michigan, 86 dos.; cauliflower, $160 rrt; squaah, 2c lb.; brussel sprouts, 20o lb.; tomatoes, $160 lug.; peppers, &)c basket; parsley, 3Sr dos.; , rutabaa, 140 lb.; onions: Spanish, fl.60 crt; red, 2o lb.; yellow, 14o lb.; artichokes, $1.25 dos; caaabas, $8.00 crt. Potatoes: Colorado whites, 75c bu.; large Colorado whites, 66c bu.; Red River Ohtos, 75 bu. Sweet potatoes, $1.05 crt. NUTS No. 1 walnuts, 164a lb.; blk. walnuts, 3c lb.; hickory, c lb.; filberts, l&o lb; pecans, 124o lb.; Brasils, 16c lb; almonds. lSo lb. MISCELLANEOUS Crackerjack, SStO case; crackerjack, one-halt case, fl 76; rase; fard dates, 124o Ib.i salted peanuts, $1.15 can; popcorn, 40, 1 lb. package, $2.5) caae; cornpops, f3.26 oase; cornpops, one half case, $1.05 case; 8. W. dates, fl.28 box. Honey, $3.70 oass. Airline, 2 dos. os., fl.M) case. Cocoanuts, f3.&0 bag, 75o doi. Cider: Motts, fii.76 keg; Motts, on half bbl.. f7.26 bbl.; Nehawka, $3.15 kef. Kanaaa City ttrslat and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Deo. S. WHEAT No. 1 hard, fl.l01.12; No. t red. $1.111.15; December, fl.08; May, fl.l2VtH.12S. CORN No. S white. 644l4'io; No. 2 mixed, 64g6c; December, 644c; May, OATS No. 2 mixed, 424c: No. 1 white, 41a. BUTTER Creamery, 32c; firsts, 80c; seconds, 28c; packing, 19c. EGOS Firsts. 29o; seconds, 20o. POULTRY Hens, lOltftllo; turkeys, 16c; springs, 12c. Liverpool Grain Market, LIVERPOOL. Dec. 6. WHEAT Spot, No. 1 Manitoba. 12a 4d; No. 2, Us Id; No. 3, lis lid: No. 2 hard winter, new, lis 6d: No. i hard winter, old. 12s 7d CORN Spot, American mixed, yellow, plates, 8s 6d. FLOUR Winter patents, 42s Sd. HOPS-In London (Pacific coast), 48& St. Loots Grain Market. ST. IXJUIS, Dec , WHEAT No. t red. tU2; No. t hard, nominal; Decem ber. fi.144; May, fl.l7. CORN NO. 3. 6Kc; HO. I Whits. 680; December. 664c: May. S9(8ti94a. OATS No, 2, 434340 ; No. I nominal. whits. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. S. WHEAT De cemher, $1,124; May, 91.16; No. 1 hard, f 1.17 1 No. 1 northern, fl.M4116; No. 2 northern, $1.104L124. FLOUR-Unchanged. . BA RLE Y (i9tti7 c RYE-4M1924C. HRAN-flS.OtVl8.26. CORN No. 3 yellow, 74TTRo. OATS No. S white, 894B404e. SEED Flax, f2.034O2.074. Metal Market. NEW YORK, Deo. .-MRTAI Ex change quotes lead offered at $5 25; spel ter, $15..V'ii 16.00. Coppor. qulat; electrolyte 119 7M1S1 OK Iron. Bleadv: No. 1 northern. S18.0OS 18.60; No. 2. fl7.7frS18.26: No. 1 1 soutNern.; wo. z,, Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Dec. COTTON Spot steady; middling uplands, 1160c; sajes, 100 bales. Cotton futures opened firm; December, 11.38c; January, 12.4c; March, 13.70c; May. 12.9ec: July. 1808c. Cotton today closed steady at a net advance of HOTS points. Cotton ruturos closed steady; Ltecember, 12 43c; January, 12.52c; March, 12.80c; May, lnic: July. 13.09c. LIVERPOOL. Deo. .COTTON g pot, steady: good middling. 7 93d: middling. 7 66.1; low middling, 7.0M; sales, ll.ouO bales. Evaporated Apples and Dried Frnlts. NEW YORK. Dec. 8. EVAPORATED APPLES Quiet and easy; fancy. 84 94e; choice, 74fly7ic; prime, 647o. DRIED FRUITS Prunes. Irregular. Apricots steady; choice, lofrlG4c; extra choice, 1143114c; fancy, 114'12c. Peaches, steady; choice. 6i64e: extra choice. 64 'a' ,Vc; fancy, 64&4c Raisins firm; loose muHcatels. choice to fancy seeded, 74Wc; seedless, 10 Uc. Omtki Har Market. OMAHA. Dec. . HAY Prairie: Choice upland. $10,504,111.50; No. 1. $10 .OCg'10.60; No. 2. $8 6k,1ii no; No. 8. fS.Ofjrffluft; choice mid land $lo.0tKf 11.00; No. 1, $9.00010 00; No. 2. M.tHil 00; No S, f6f?T00; etio'es lowland, $9.xcfl0.00; No. 1, $.0urw.00; No. 2, f7 .$ 800, No. 8. f6.OSfir7.00. fcilraw: Wheat, tS.Oh &6.60; choice oat or rye, $6 XMi.6o: extra food might bring, $7 00. Alfalfa; Choice, iroutfHS.00; No. 1. tll.09U.uu; No. t, f9.00 11.U0; No. S t7-00teW- agrar Market. NEW YORK. Dec. S.-SUGAR Raw, firm; centrifugal, S20c; molasses, 4 43c; refined firm. 16 point higher; rut loaf, 7.06c; crushed, 96c; mold A. S.60c; cubes, 4ic; XXXX powdered. 630c; powdered, Xc; fine granulated. 6 16c; diamond A. Ilic; con f est loners' A, 0bc; No. 1, 9uo. Sugar futures opened firm today on cov ering, trade buying and support from commission houses. At noon prices were f to 10 points higher. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipts Large at Most Points and Prices Sharply Lower Sheep Steady to Higher. HOGS TWENTY TO QUARTER OFF OMAHA. December 6. 1'15. Tteeelpts werv: Cattle Hi. Sheep. Detlmate Monday 9.i0 10,iA 1:10.) Same day last week . . . H).i,4 A.7W Same dny I weeks ago IS.C 4 t iame day 3 weeks ago 10.273 Same dav 4 weeka atio 13S74 f.l4l IK. 471 1 .!..'. 2t S'12 2:.:u Same day last year... 5.400 4.1KJ 7,i3 The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hoaa and; at the Oinahn live stock market for the year to date, as compared with last year: mis. ii!. inL' Cattle I.IS7..V7 p-n.m li Hoga 2 T73 :s a.f".'1 2'1 Sheep $.l02,a. S.WI.WiO 110.32J The following table shows the average prices of ho urn at the Omaha live stock market for the last few days, with com pariaona Date. 191a. J1KI4.US11. I12-JILJ101M: Not. l(t S '4! 7 ail 7 ( njnu .i tat. i v v vi i i F0"' s-'l 2314 116 "ov. & ti 1 si Nor. 14 41VI 1 4l 7 1 Nov. ai I I ml 1 mi T sal Nov. it; i )U 7 7 44, 7 4.- I Ml S 04 Nov. 314 I 0. T 4l S 1I - I T!lT! r J SI ! 2t Nov Tov 2NI 2i S ,V I 7 nil 7 an vii i p. m. : RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle. Hoga. Sheep. H r s. C. M. ft St. P.. 7 71 I ?l I " 7 7:1 IU I 7 S 7 7U 70S) . 7 S lai S' J sj 7 r S 93 7 g lS4 7 ST s m l S 771 " 13 t 4 4 7 22 11 2 4.1 3 Kit 69 2 29 6 8 91 1 19 6 1 S 1 41 4 1 a 3 $ m 137 66 Wabash Mlasouii Pac .. Union Pacific .. A ft N. W., eaat. C. ft N. W.. w.. C. St P.. M. ft O V B. ft Q., west c. ll. I. ft P.. e. C. R- I- ft P., w. Illinois central. Chicago Ut. W.. Total receipts 72 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morris A Co 78 Swift snd Company ....1,084 1.6K3 49 l.i,70 2.400 S,6r6 275 M1 3.60 3.141 3,442 cudahv Packing Co 740 Armour ft Co ,.1.4i5 hchwarts A Co J. W. Murphy .'. Lincoln Pscklng t,7 W. B. VsnBant Co 7 Benton. Vanaant ft L.... 4 Hill ft Son 70 F. B. Lewis 8M Huston ft Co 29 J. H. Root ft Co 2fS J. 11. Bulla 99 L. F. Hubs 97 ltoxenstock Bros M Kellogg 228 Wrrthelmer ft Degen.... 4K. 11. F. Hamilton 182 Sullivan Bros 28 Rothschild ft Krebs 23 M. ft K. Calf Co 5 Christie H2 Hlggin 12 1 1 in f man 1 Roth 2K Meyers 8 Baker, Jones ft Smith.. Banner Bros , 37 John Harvey 183 1 tennis ft Francis 14 Kline m Other buyers 1.104 1.886 Total 7.79 8,685 12.136 CAT'J LE Reoetpta were liberal this morning, being about on a - par with Monday of Iojil week. At the Mini time JChlcago had an' overhelming run. early I reports Indicating 4,uoO head at that point, with -prices prospectively IOjiJOJ lower. Kansas City also sent in reports of heavy runs, their early estimate be ing 30,000 head of cattle. With such un favorable advices from oiner seiuug points ths market here was very bsck ward about opening. Buyers were nat urally Incline to await reports from other selling points before doing any business of consequence. Whatever they did make early bids they were way lower, and a large part of ths forenoon had past before enough business had been transacted to really call It a market. The trade continued a a rag mrougnuut the day. Killing cattle were pretty gen erally ltxfj'juo lower, although the supply of really desirable beef was not very large, canner oowa showed leas decline than better grades, being close to steady In some cases. Good to choice feeders wsrs also In moderate supply, being as mucn as liXu-15o lower, while the yards were full of common native stock cattle that were extremely hard to move wun prices 1626o lower. uuotaitons on came; unua w um,. tmA vuHimi. I8.0oft4i.60: fair to good fed vearltnaa. 47.00tu8.oo: common to fair fed yearlings, $6 00.o7.ut); good to choice heavy uoeves, w . w!tl-. , 1 a 11 w iuuu w, beeves $rt.7oii.uu; common to isir oorn fe heaves. ttl.ooa.7fj: Drlma arsss beeves. 17 MkhR OO: maaA to cholcs ursss beeves, $7.0067.60; fair to good grsss beeves, $0.36 W7.00: common to fair grass beeves, $6.2.5 26.86: good to cholos grass heifers, $5.7. 8.76; good to oholcs grass cows. fa.60i 6.26; fair to good oowa, $4.6096.60; com mon to rair cows, Bj.Dunyi.wt, iuuj v 1 holes feeders, $6.7597.60; fair to good feeders, 36.26ii-4.76; common to fair feed ers, $6.t696.2o; good to cholcs stackers, $7.0097.60; fair to good stockers, $6.25f 7.00; common to fair atocksrs. io.254e0.2i; stock heifers, $5. 60-6. 2D; stock cows. $4 60 (rf.,26; stock calves. $6,009 09; veal calves, t6.009-s6: nulls, stsgs. etc, f4.26-a.0. HtMltl Raceluts were the largest for any one day sines ths middle of August and were the heaviest for a Monday since May. Estimates called for 143 cars. or 10,000 neaa, this Deling twice as large as Sny recent Monday, and almost 6.000 heavier man for tns same time lasi rear. Estimated receipts of 80,000 at Chicago and pretty decent runs everywhere else, precipitated a sharp decline all around the loop this morning. Shipper buyers did not get in very heavily, and what hogs they bought luoked around Soft 260 lower than last week's close. Tops reached 96.40. a flat quarter below ths high pries at last week's close. Packers mads their first offers on a flat quarter lower basis. Little sold on first rounds, and by ths time the move ment started bids had been modified somewhat In most cases, so that when ths bulk of ths offerings began moving scale ward prices were In many Instanoes not over 20c lower, although in spots they were a quarter off. Quality was not ao good as at last week's close. In that light hogs made up the bigger share of tbo supply. Movement was, as general thing, fairly active, considering the slse of the decline. Local values are plenty high as compared with ths prices paid at other points, and sellers, realising that the local decline was In lino with ths break at other points, out loose with a degree of freedom onos a trading basis was established. Bulk sold at 96 164. 26. with quits a sprinkling of lights down to $41 .00, and a scattering even below that. There was a larger percentage of pigs In the day's run than on any one day in a long time, and prices broke sharply, looking anywhere from a quarter to too lower on ths few sales made during the earlier part of ths forenoon. Native piss sold to packers ss high sa $4 75, but only up at Athens yesterday Saying an Amerl .Wi",n.5 , Jf2 'HrLh'Lh: -hlP 'cked by a .ub. around $4 00. Range pigs, of course, were wanted ny stocker nuyers ana serum men, and soms real good ones sold as high aa $5.60. Representative sales: No. At. Tk. lr. Ne. 70 ia ... II 11... M 171 40 I 11 14... 4 kvt to Is U .. 70 itt 40 I M II... 4 It ... I W 71... 14 374 IS) 44 PIOS. 41 14 ... I So 44... A. Sb. Fr. ..trr ito 15 .11 40 I 10 . ri ... 4 t . m M ito . ... ts .1M I 44 H 144 ... I IS SHEEP There was lust a moderate Monday run hers, supprss amounting to flfty-flvs cars, or ll.OOu head. This is 8.606 smaller than last week, but I Is slightly larger than two weeks sgo and almost double the number ihai showed up on the correapondlng day a year ago. Fat lambs made up the big end of the supply, but as the demand was good, sup plies did not prove budrensouis, and aitur a rather short preliminary !, n move ment started on a steady 10 luu higher bas's. Trade was fairly active and a t ratty decent cltaranco had been made y the middle of the forenoon. Quality was generally better than at last weeks close, Uicis being few of ths half fat Inmha here. Hulk of theofferlnge brought $itiiisM, while a derh f real gunxi lamtis here. Hulk of the offerlnwa htought la. 70. tuin load of half-fat Colorado feds smI'I down to $s.4"i. The top of l-.i.i was lili for a deck of choice f"d westerns. Muttons were in fair supply, ewes, a usual, making tip the bulk of the offer ings. iemand continued good, one or two buyers quoting the maiael. the sanv aa on fat lambs, that Is. steady to 1th higher. Bulk of the good to choice ewee la selling at $i T.iS.oU. the latter figure U-tng paid for best kinds today. There or., altmial nnthlnff hen. Ill the aaed 'sheep line outside the ewes, although one small buncn or ) callings ana wemeis brought Jli uO. Feed ni lambs were conspicuous by their absence and there were not enough here to rnke a market, a few odds ami ends making up the supply. One car ot good breeding ewes fourd ft ready out let. brlnglnj f"i 00. .v. cjmitatl nn on sheep and lamb: IvtmM, rood to choice, fs.rtnnK 75; latnba, fair to vod, $s ; lambs, feeders, $7.0On $.40; yearlings, fair to choice. frt.0WS.90; yearlings, feeders. $5 76ti0. r."i; wet tiers, ialr to choice, fTi.."i07J.2.i; ewes, good to choice, $.'..7&f.oO; eis. Ttlr to good, $u.W r6 7t; ewes, feeders. f4.0Oifll.00. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. :u Nebraska lambs 73 S 65 H- fed yearlings 114 S SO 87 fed ees 113 OA 221 fed laniba 71 S 60 202 fed lama 72 8 60 104 fed yearllnga W 6 60 19 fed lambs 84 8 70 207 native lambs 84 8 111 vi tea leeaer lumos ne 7 3 CHICAGO I.I VI STOCK M A HURT Cattle, Weak .Ilea. Second La rarest Total on Hceorrt. St. I,onl Live gtm-k Market. ST. LOUIS, Deo. 6. CATTLE Recelpta. St, Sag head: market lower:, native lieef steers, $7.NHi'10.20; yearling steers snd heifers. $.v.rK,i lo.lX); cows. $;i..VK(i7.00; stick ers and feeders, lilll',,; l: southern steera. ,i.2.ii8.NI; cowa and heifers, $.00ivi.6O; na- tlve calves. IiViXMi lO.iVt. HOtlH RenelittM. LM.100 headi market lower: vIks and lltthts. S.6.I fc: mixed and butchers, frt.3Oiii4i.60; good heavy, fR.60 Hi ' " SHEEP AND I.AMB8 Receipts. 11, -mi, iiinrR.-l eiranv; yearnns". n.wrr 7F0; tnmli", f8.2Mj9.10; aheep and ewes. $ Knnana f ltv Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Dec. S.-CATTLE Re ceipts. 18.(00 hend; market ateady; prime red Bteeia, t9.2ii'lo.(v; dresaeii beef steers, $7.6t:i(9.t0; western steers, $fl.254i8. 26: stock- era and feeders $5 0097.60; bulla, t4.60l 6.60; calves. $6.0,ir(i.oo. HOGS Receipts. 19.000 head: built of sales, $5.'.Uu7.20; heavy, $J.ri'n6.a0: packers and butchers. $(1.2tr(M.46; light,; pigs. $r ivu5.7r,. SHEEP AND IjA MRS Receipts. S.000 head: market higher: lambs. $H.4;Vrt On; yearllnKS. WIMtiT.riO; wetheiK, $j.7696.5t); ewes, $5.00(.75. Slonx City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. Dec. CATTLE Re ceipts. 6,000 head: market steady: native steera, $5.rtOfl7.60; butchers, $4.4r.00; cows and heifers, $4.6orn6.iK; calmer. $4.60 4(4.36; stockers and feeders, J4.7.V&6.50; calves, Ki.6tVn0.0O; bulls, stags, etc., $4.26t 5.35. , HOGSRece Dts. $000 head: market 15 ifl 'Tie lower- h..vv iaio7,V. n- n,l,ut ! CW .10: light. $5.60fi6.I): bulk of sales. SVM fiA vi SHEET AND I.AM B3 Receipts, 8.000 head; market steady; ewes, f4.90ffr5.50; lambs, f7.0098.So. St. Joaenh Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Dee. 6. CATTLF! Re ceipts, 1.800 head: market steady: steers, f6.oofl8.75; cows and heifers, s l:w 50; calves. fS.OOtftOOO. HOGS-Recelpts, 7,000 head; market lower. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.000 head; market ateady; lambs, fS.oO-8.80, ' - . Stock In SUht r'" Receipts of llvs stock at ths five principal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. t,80t) IO.oiiO 18,000 34.0UO 80,000 26.000 18,0) 19,000 ' 4.000 1.800 20.100 6.000 6.000 1.000 S.000 Omaha Chicago Kansas City St. Louis Sioux City ... Totals ....76,600 137,100 63,000 Oils and Rosin. SAVANNAH. Os., Deo. S.-TURPEN-TINK Firm at 64c; sales, 74 bbls.: re ceipts, 238 bbls.; shipments, six bbls.; Stock. 14,767 bbls. ROSTN Firm; sales. 1,226 bbls.; receipts. 1,806 bbls.; shipments. 1,088 bbls; stock, 71,933 bbls. Quote: A, B, C and D, $6.70; E, F. O and H, fS .78; I, $5.80; K, $6.16; M, $6 2rVffS.45; N. 96.C5; WO, t.90; WW, fl.OO 9T.16. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. Deo. DRY GOODS Obtton goods, firm; yart.a. strong and active; dress goods, advanced; raw silk, steadier; burlaps, firm. London Stock Market. LONDON. Deo. S. American securities were comparatively quiet on the rise In exchange rates todsy. Ths market closed steady. British Cruiser Lies In Wait for Vessel GALVESTON, . Tsx Deo. . A big British bsttls cruiser steamed slowly along Galveston's bay front for several hours this morning, remaining Just be yond ths three-mile limit Shortly after noon ths cruiser put on full steam snd disappeared eastward. The marina man hers expressed ths opinion that this was ths same cruiser which has been reported in ths gulf for ssvsral days and which is thought to bs waiting for ths daparturs of ths steamer A usable. Ths Ausabls formerly was ths Dutch steamer Laura, recently changed to American registry. Ths Aussbls ls loadsd with cotton and its owners recently announced it would sail for a Danish port as soon as ths Department of Stats guaranteed It safs passage. It is said that ths British government claims that ths Ausabls was purchased with German money and has threatened to selxs It aa soon as It (saves American waters. GREECE INVESTIGATES WIRELESS CALL FOR HELF WASHINGTON, Dee. S. Greece of ficially Informed ths Unltsd States gov ernment today that a destroyer had been sent to Investigate a wireless call plcksd marine south of Crete. Ths cablegram from Athens ssld ths name of ths ship hsd not been mads out The American naval collier Caesar, named in press dispatches ss having been In the vicinity from which ths call for help came, reported Its safe arrival at Alexandria to ths naval department to night. Ths cruiser Dsa Moines, on Its way to Cyprus, probably was near ths scene, but naval officials attach no im portance to the report that it might have sent out ths call. A 'For fa's" ad will turn second-hand furniture Into cash. Rnate V 111 Us Open. AMSTERDAM (Via London), Dec. 1 According to the Berlin Lokal Anselgers correspondent at Constantinople, direct railway communication between Con stantinople and Berlin will bs resumed this week. Freight trains will run twice each week between ths two cltlis. 'ewes. $4.ltMU10: liiniha.-$". 91X25. I NEW YORK ST0CK MARKET Session in Its Outstanding Features Largely a Repetition of Those Last Week. DEALINGS GENERALLY LIGHT NPW YOPK. Pec. S-ln Its gulatand n (eatnres today's market waa largely u r.!.eiiti,M ,f at weeks dull and Ir leKinar aeanlons. lieallncs were light, wnh frequent r-erlods of absolute Inertia null the final' hour, when a broad and general buylns movement In standard ta Iway ahares. notahlv. New York Cen tral and the Harrlmnna, Ir.iparted decided sticnutn lo the entire list. I'l l r to tbo Int'U.ry for Investment Is sues there had been a number of spec tmulnr advances In high-priced siieclnl tt of varl ins desniiitlona, Including automobile, oil, siisnr and express com pany shares. (lneral Motors, common and pref erred, sold at record breaking prices, the common gaining 374, at n.'. snd the preferred 74, at 1234. while ofher laaues of that particular group were to i points higher. , Mnxlcsn Petroleum preferred led the ol!i, rls ns 1. to 94. with an advance of 54. to 2n for Texas cnmnitn;'. Oalns of I to 7 polnta In United SUtes Ail-ims and American ExvreBS sluiiea offered n marked contrast to the weakness of those slocks some month sgo. Coppers, fer tilisers, department store sliarea and erst while favorites In tlie war illvla'ons, such aa Baldwin Loeomo'lve, American Loro inotlve, Crucible. Republic Iron. Colo rado Fuel and Oene-iil Klcrtrie were t to 1 points over recent quotations. All a- dialnters preterreo rose i to n. a new virtually l,OO0.OOO. Honda were steady to firm, Total sales, par value. ft.St.OO. United States reg istered 4a advanced 4 per cent on call. Number of sales and leading quotations on atocks wure ss follows: Sales. HlBB, Lew. Cln. Alnka OoM H as AIII-'IMUiMrs , m - J Amrten Hxt Suisr 2.ei , ,n.r,r.n i-.n t.tas t. S1 ill. ! ' IS I Am.rlcn lxtcomotlv I.t US "04 7I' 1 Aswr. Km.11. a Rlat 7.wi ! S H , " R"',,,'! Amertrsa tn(Br Refining ! Am"l-?n T'aec .Tr!;;i; ew 111 110 it) t n74 nS 117 im m if4 sn S2 1 t? .TOfl MS S7H RHS i! 107 HI'S 107 -h 11. o 11; iih nw, (.KM M4 N' W , 4M ATM AH4 1X14 1x114 it. mo wtj ni is a.k ll" lJ l;i 4. si M114 I imranrt. I "(tuear At.hipon RaMwia ... HalllBMF 4 (Oilo twililrhrm steel Hartlit Transit... California Varama ... Cauadlaa Pai-lftn Central leather j rhBes (Silo ( Chlraso. "rest w,';rn; cii -.n, '' 1H-4 IS 4 M14 ' ts-H 1IIS4 1 l P4 4k ' KAV4 , 44 1k 74 74 '4 IT V 4S 47 4 44 I. IS"! H e4 iu rtilcasn ft NorlhwaMara Chi.. H. I. ft P. Hr.... rntno CopiHtr Celo. -Fuel S Irnn Crurlbla Mleal rtenvtr ft Sla OrandB SM UIMIIera' SacurlilM 1 w 6.4M ) .'! 70S 4.t M4 7S'4 474 44H , r.r,v ,..---' I tiemral Klnetrtn ' 171 Rrt 17M T7H urut roiri hra pra....... m it1 ijbi llrr.t Northern Or rlf.. ISA ani 4IH 41 4 nimenhelia KiplBrailoa.. I. S00 TI4 774 74 tlllnola Central lt Interhnrnnsh Conanl. Corp I. HIV) ti t4 12 Inaplratlnn fnnpar 7, Tin m U i Imornsl Harler. N. J , IMS 111) lit kn Oil. Muutlwm.... t lt4 il 42 lahish vsllsr I." liulivllle NMhvlllB.... H 1.10 Mntnn Fvlroleum 1 W V(4 1ta 1 Miami fnneer 1.4US 144 Mo., KinlM V Tas std M1tj 17 44 4 1M 44 44 '"""l JPrtfi .... 1,9ns f risiKtaai riiarvn Nallnnal 4 , 900 t4 neirsna capper l.iwt oi N.w York CBBtral I0. 104 101 104 N. T.. N. H. a H. 900 TS4 7:,"4 Tl Nnrfolk Weatara ll.StO 131 11H IJni, Nm-ibern rseltle . 100 H74 ICH Pai'lM Mall I.W10 104 42 ins Parltla Tel. A Tl 4 rennavWanla 4.400 lS Piillmn Piilara Ctr Har Copper. 1.70 K Htaitlna 7.eoe 1'4 M4 ' liny, H4 5 M US lots It4 Ut. Ttppuhlln Iron ft StMl... 11, 10 434 Smithra Pacine Southern JUtlwar i.fns 14 Ktuilelwlin- Co , Tennaaae Coenvr Texa Cnaiaaay .... t'nlnn F-aetflo I hi IM4 n?4 !' M H4 .no) tiT linv, 11 sto ir4 i'i n t'ntna panne pM t. fl SI Rl, M14 n- 7H SiH 17 M B ft 71 7 100 in "4 24 1'nltml BUtas gIMl.,.,.. 40S 17 I'Ub Copnar 14.7IM S14 Weatrn I'nlnn 4io M Vi'mtinihotiw Rlsetrlo .. . "m H Montana I'nnw l.Mia fl Oenaral Motor t.ono W Wihaih D. rM 1 loo to International Marlns Btn.. M Total ssIm for the dar (I.Sna shsnw. Local Secnrttya Quotations furnlnhoil by Durns, Brlnksr ft Co.. 4 imaaa nuoai hh sios., uaiao. Stoelm fUnknt' MortimsB Von ttMTB CO. pro Fatrmnut Crmrr pti Flak Ruttltor Co. 1 11 p(4.. Sid. Aahtd. 144 11 H 74 IIS 104 104 II 45 104 I.luioln Tal. m TBI. com Nw HUM Tlphon p(d Omaha S C. B. Hi. Hr. pfd Omaha ft C. B. Kr. ft llrlds fd... Kwlll A Companr Hulcbnrser 4 Hons pfd Htttwart'Waroar spB4omBtBr Votoa Hiaok Yards suck..... nonds W4 73 4 It " SS4j 14 IW4 . II 10 . 144 . M4 .1114 10ft4 rhleaao Telaatbona C. 1st la, 1M. 'll o( Omaha Watw 4V4a. IMI .lot Its. II (llr or onu I'irii ivis, 1J4 1014 lot. I Ituados Raalty la HI N too Ft. 1).. It. M. ft so. R. R. Is. 117.. (14 Mtt Lincoln Tal. ft T.I. . Ml M loo Los AnsIM 4a, ltl , 101. St mi. W lima JUtlwar a LlfM la, IMI M M Omaha C. O. St. Rr. ta, 1121 S44 H14 Omaha 0s la. 1117 to H Rait Clemd. Nab., 4Ha, UN M IT Koekr Mountain Fori Is (bonus) 4 M Sinus rttr Stork Tarda Is. 1M0 40 41 4 SI.ue rails. . P., la ISH 1044 114 ' Swift A Company la, 1M4 If , Thuraioa Count r. Nab., la. till 14 IO44 Wichita Caloa Stock Tarda 4a. US4 ... M4 lOGUj Wow York Money Market. ' NEW YORK, Deo. 8. MERCANTILE PAPER 24ft 3 Pr cent. STERLING RXCH AN (1 pV-Sixty-day bills. 84.6660; demand, f4.7076; cables. f4.71GO. SILVER Bar, 64c; Mexican dollars. 43c. BONDS Government, firm; railroad, steady. TIME LOANS Weaker; sixty days, 24424 Pr cent; ninety days and six months, 34824 per cent CALL MONEY-Bteady; high, t pe' cent; low, 14 per oent; ruling rats, 14 per cent; Isst loan, t per cent;, closing bid, 14 per cent; offered at S per cont. Closing quotations on bonds today wars at follows: V. g. r.f ta, raa.. S4M Pa. 01. la.... 4444 to coupon N. T, r. 4ab. 4a ...111 V. to. 10414 N. y. c. Usui 1044 do eouooa lvlttN. T. chats 4Wo....lUV4 U. . raa 110 N. T.. N. tl. ft H So eouooa n,4 or. ta Ill Paulina la. sou boo lot Northern Pacific 4s.. Ilt4 Am. Imoltlns ls...llSHNorthora Pacific ta.. Ss.4 A. T. a T a 4a..loio. s. I- rar. 4a... 1114 Armour Co. 4c. t Pacific T. T. la.. Atrhln.on na. 4a... tSPcnn. coa 4t4a lms li.l. Ohio 4s HfePann. bob. 44. lMik Oi.lral PM-tflc Irt., tottRaaains can 4a Chea. Ohio 4V4B.. Iiu.g. L ft . P. r. re Tl ('.. B U . Inlnt 4s MViSouthars Pac r. Ia1044 r M S P s 4Wa. Pac. rat. 4c M C. K. I. S P. r. 4a. 4't.Smitharn Ht. U tos ('. S H. ret. 4vtc... Wutinloa P.rltlc 4a.... IT4 ri a R O. nr. 6c.. tKl-ulm Pacific tr. Iitlu Krta saa 4a 7Vi,u g. Rubhor O.ucr.l Claotrte Sa..U)6't'. g. Sio.1 ta 1,14 Ol North. 4(4... 1Wihah 1.1 ia liXiU. llllnola Cout. rot 4c II W.oUra t'nloa 4Us. M Kan. Cltr H. rt. Is 4 '. Kiwi. cv. lain U ft N. ual. 4c... H4I Roalo-French 91 M. K. T. Ut 4a.. Iln B14. Rank Clearings. OMAHA, Dee. 8. Bank clearings for Omaha today were f3.849.169.72 and for ths corresponding day last year, $3,281,149.07. I - Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 8.-Very small orders proved sufficient to prices In the market for coffee here today owing to the absence of any general business. Ths market opened steady at a decline of 1 point and showed little further feature until well along in the afternoon when prices firmed up on ths appearance of a few buying orders with many advanc ing from 6.j'y.74c, while September aold from 182c up to 8.89c. Ths close was 1 to 10 points net higher. Sales. 3.500. December, 8.60c; January, 6.62c; Febru ary. 6.66c; March, S.oSe- April. 670c; Mav, t.73c; June, 8.76c: July, 8.80c; August, 6.83c; September. 6.87c; October. 891c Spot, quiet; Rio 7c. 74o; Santos, 4s, 94c. Coat and freight offers were rather easier: ranging from about toV.a up to 9.0UC for Santos; 4a on Engliah credits. . . . ' Ths official cabled reported an ad vance of 76 re la In the Rio market, but changeon London waa 1-iiiJ lower. Santos waa unchanged and Rio ex Santos reported clearances of 7,0o0 bass for New York and 17.0"0 for San Francisco. I