THE TEK: OMATIA, MONDAY. IWXJKMllVM R, lsim. WANT ADS Wsnt ads received at anv time, but to Inaor proper classification must be pre sented before 12 o'clock nocm for evening tdltlnn and 7:45 p. m. for morning and Siindav edition. Want ads received after Such hours will I under ihe heading, Too Lata to Claealfy." CAFH RATES. Seven consecutive tlr.tes, 1 cent a word, each, inixrtinn. Two or more consecutive times, llfc rents a word. One time, t cents a word. CHAIWE RATE8. Bfw. consecutive time. I cents a Una ca'h Insert In-. Three consecutive times, 10 cents a llns each Inaertion. One time, l! rents line. Count six average words to a line. Minimum chars. ?0 centa An advertisement Inserted to be run until discontinued must tie stopped by written order. All claims for errors must be made within fifteen dare after the last Inser tion of the advertisement. ' . . Tcu can placa your want ad In The Bee bjr telephone. TELEPHONE TYLER 1000. AXXOUXCErt:NT8 V.XEnC'SE AT Y.M.C.A. Business men. Cave Money. Home MllllnerT Red 7235. CHIROPRACTIC, spinal adjustment. I can successfully remove the cause of rheumatism, liver, stomach. paralyals. rxrvousaee and female weaknesses. Kx- mlnatlon free, DR. W. IL KNOLLENBERQ. Bulte HI Bee Bldg. Tyler 1938. OLD gem stones ro'-ut and polished ; prices reasonable; cash raid for good stork. Omaha Oem Co.. Room 111. Bee ru:g. Lady '8 Sealskin Coat For sale; site 18, full length, genuine Alaska scat, finest quality, excellent oon dltlon, left from an estate; will go at a bargain. Call at PETERS TRUST CO., 1621 Famam. Lease For Sale on two offices nicely located on second floor of The Bee Building Inquire of the Superintendent, Room 103. AUTOMOBILES Whenever yon are considering selling or buying a used car and you want full value for your money or you want people who are willing to pay for what they are getting you will have no regret If you buy or advertise through the used ear column of The Bee. Fhone Tyler 1000. FOR SALE attaVgaln If taken at once, 40-11. P. Wane rosdater. In good running condition. Phone 63. Ill 8. Main tit. Council Bluffs, la. ' 4000 MILES of mileage In your old tire (Rebuilt). Bend toem to DUO TUUB CO, 111 Chicago Bt IntltiMtrUl Garage Co., 20 Harney Bts. NF.KRAHXA Bulck Bervlce Station, 1914 Farnam ft Phone Douglas 711. AUTO, clearing house. Buy, sell and ex change u: oars IK Farnam. D. Mia !00 REWARD for any magneto we can't repair Oolls repd Baysdorfer. B N. l'tk. BRUSH runabout, cheap. Omaha Con crete stone Co.. letb, and tiabler St Telephone Colfax m.. i j j BCSIXESa CHANCES If your Buslnesa Chanoe will stand rigid Investigation and la Just what It is advertised, or If you are looking to start In business for yourself you will be per fectly satisfied If you tisa the Business Chance column of The Bee. When buy ing or eel Hog a business Phone Tyler look HAVE you got the money? If you have, investigate this; 13.100 will buy a busi ness worth 14.0U) If taken before Dec. 10. Address P 139, care of Bee. THEATERS Buy, lease or sell your the ater, machine and supplies through TJ? eater Kxch, Co.. 14QS Karn am. P. 1K7- BEST opportunity In" town for the' right party. Tailoring, cleaning and pressing, CM a hllshment for gals. Call Red 48f.l. OFFICE Tor real estate or Insurance; same floor as Bee office; 13x21 feet; fctt. The Bee Bldg,. Office Room V. TO HELL or buv a business, call on Busch A Borghoff, Frenxer Blk. D. 8311. TODAY'S MOVIE PROGRAM lltwiltwi, EMPRESS. 16TH AND DOUGLAS. Hearst-Selin No. 18. "Ag the Twig; 1 Bent." 3-reel Lubln. "Love and Law." Vltraph. "The Lonedale Operator, BlogTaph. PRINCESS. Anna Little and Jack Richardson In "Broadcloth and Buckskin," 1-reel dra. Ceoise Ovey la "A Shotgun," romance comity. "A Villainous Vegeteble Vender," snme conieay. Ana two other new pictures, Mertau 16TH AND BINNET. GRAND, "Seventh Noon," wonderful master- piciure in iivs acts t 1X)THK0P. J 4 Til AND LOTH HOP. Uetro presents Dorothy lonelly In 8eekl Valley." A Beautiful Utorr of the North. ealk. APPOLO. 2824 LEAVENWORTH. Despair, three-reel Kaaaney. The jTtnca in liguiso. V ltagraph The Whito Ijght of publicity, Scllge Was. " "" " MONROE. 3SSS FARNAM C. Aubrey Bmlth and Mary Law ton la John lilade s Honor. Uiuatia Auto Itauea, world' records oroii.n.- koath IMi, BESSB. 34TH ft N B VN DAT. Ksthlyn Willisana and a big family pro. k'am. Tomorrow, The Ooddoea " ORPHEUM. Mutual Weekly. Mistake uf Mummy Lou. Hrmnty In Lnatrvaa. Man to Man, two reels.e TiTH Lli. MOVIES WW A TTTPTi'Ci f I I TODAY GRAND. J6TH AND BINNEY. teventh Noon," master picture In five HI-IS M ON HOE: ; 26 6 IT iltNTif. C. Aubrey Fmlth and Mary Lawton In Jrt.n G'n5e's llonr. LOlUI Oi". i 41 11 AND LOT11KOP. ljotliy Donelly In "Sealed Valley." I r ' IU'RINFSS niAXCES Office For Real Estate . or Insurance Same floor as Beo Office The Bee Building Office Room 103 root, HALL, for sale: six first-class ta bles; the only pool hall allowed In the town of Frankfort, Kan.; 6 cents per cue; no chips; license expires April. 1916; rea son for selling I have bought 4:5 acres of land and am going to the land. J. It. Keith. Frankfort, Kan. ASK for my Real Estste Bulletin, It Includes largest and best list of bar. f ains In U states. W. O. Templeton. W lee. nldg. 2,fW.0n stock of dry goods for sale cheap; no trade; must be cash; stock must be rnoyed. Write Clements A Co., Lyons. Neb., owners. S? J2 .or out of business cu on unniirm a u, vg nee Hldg t)oug. ST-. BEE Omaha Theater Supply Co. for bar? gains In established shows I. . LIST your business wltfi me for quick results- buy sell snd exchange. RELIARLH BAROA1N CO.. Room t Balrd Bldg. Tel. Douglas- 9620. 17TH AN P DOUGLAS BTS. BAKER'S OVEN for sale at a low price, alMngood shape. Address A. 82. Bee. LOCAL MANAGER WANTED Well es tablished llllnoln manufacturer desires tate manager; man of ability and char acter; product protected l,v patent : high class; sold to mercantile trade; repeater; party meeting our requirements must be able to deposit 1500 on goods, which will be returned later on safes; minimum an nual Income Ki.noo to iT.iim should he as sured. lYrnldent of the company will be hero In day or two. For Interview, ad dress, giving phone, L. W. Hagg, Rome Hotel, Omaha. ONLV howspeiwr in ntral Nebraska town Over 7u0. for aaln rlzht. (Ir. owner better than 1160 per month. Terms on ln writs Y JM. Hee. Itoo mini lloasps fur Kale. FIAT of 7 room for sale. COO Farnam. D. 6744. Tho VAN SANT SCHOOL BTENOQRAPHT BOOKKEKP1NO. Day School for Young Women, Evening Bcbool for Young Men and Women. Saturday morning class In typewriting, lose C Duffy, Owner and Manager. V B. IRth Rt. Omahi DAY BCHOOL. BOVLEB OOLL3H. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day is enrollment day. Book keeping. Bhorthand, Btenotypy, Typewrit ing, Telegraphy, Civil tier vice All Com mercial and English, Catalogue Ire. BOYLE8 COLLEGE!, IMh and Harney Bta. Tel. Douglss 1&5. FOR sale, the following scholarships la a first-class Omaha Business College: One unlimited combination business and shorthand course. One unlimited stenographlo course. One three-months' business or ateno- grsphlo course. Will be sold at a discount at tha offloa of The Omaha Bee. BUSINESS COLLEGE STUDENTS ' I,, SAVE, MONEY ON COURSES. For sate, witn good reasons for selling, a variety of courses In a reliable Busi ness Bcbonl. one of the leading buslnaas colleges of Oinsha. Will be sold very reasonable away below regular price. If you are considering taking a course investigate this at once, since Fall terra begins soon. Call office, Omaha Bee. POK BALE Kimliar. II oast hole! U ku BARGAINS JN FURNITURE! ivn HARDWARE, 1MB N. t,TH. WEnltOT I RNITUKE, draperies, dlahrs. cooking utens Is i sin m via i .. :,. .f Furniture for sale chjmiTTMa CumlngT- ' v a""v m iibw, t-ocsp. . ii. 4aK. FOR aALE-Iluno, heating u, ' range. I hone Houlh 71. h)H HA LU Here is a claasiMuaUun that la AT til iilmn.1 I. ......... ... ... mii'i Mm-, iu every reader, as this column offers some exoeu- ......... u,.ii..imii, evrry uay and a small want ad will sell your article at Its " ' none 'i y Irr 1 ,OW. ilORTON hand wash machine, small gas jr.. . !. in in good ion- dltlon. Tel. Harney DcSkS "'t1, ld- J- C. Reed. 1H7 hsrnsm t. Iouglas ai4i. llorava n4 Vrhiciee, rRM wagon. M0; harness, $x- both Clark BlrcHs" "ln ana Paaltrr, Enas aa kalles. MXI grain. 1 yts. 11.7a. Wagner. WH STEREOTYPY matrices make the best and cheapest lining for poultry houses. They are lua Inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 7 ho a hundred at The ilea office. Tritewrttere. REL1ANCB Ribbon and Carbon Co.. car- yper anq inaeq nDPons D. IMI. TTPKWR1TKHH for rent f Hee Bldg. TV Pki WRlTKitii sold, lenied. repaired.' niirirnur r-sc. iw rarnara. MlseellaBaa. Coal ."'lta;,,vp,, S. Rosen- ' v . r i I f.ill t .. . . . . . . ...... .wT..wurtn 1. 11,11. FOR BALK New and second-hand oarora and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar futures of ail kinds; easy payments. The Brunswks Baike-Cuiicnuer Co.. J-4u a. lvh FOR BALK New and secoTTd-lvand caroni and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and aoceasoriee; bar fixtures of all klnus; easy paymenta. The Brunswick- Balke-Oollender Co.. 407-40 8. loth St. Walea add, niarh ; good condl. C3Ji, Pee. FOR HAI.N or tmde. cne Avery 12-24 gas or kerown tractor and tliree bot tnin plows, with self-guide; all In good shae: a snap for some one. A. W. llead lee, silver Creek, Neb. t electric motore. Room t. Bee Bldg. $3.20 Golden West Whisky. 4 full quarts bottled In bond, pre paid. Cacklcy Bros., Omaha. FOR BALE CHEAP. , Business College Course. Full and complete scholarship In on of the best Omaha bualneaa schools. Good reason for selling; perfectly relia ble; worth full price, but wll be sod very reasonaby. If Interested Investigate at once, because fall term begins soon. There are a variety of courses for sale. For particulars Inquire at the office of The Omaha Hee. Imported French Cut Glass From Portleux, France. 1 Cut Glass Decanter, ttM Bla Glasses, ( 2.U Former Prl.e $4. SO. Other bsrgains for Chlrstinas buyers. HOTEL EOCIPMKNT CO., i t iiowaru ri . t KEHEiSE8 monkeys, big and h-allhy, .,.'-:5.,or "i or 14 or ,,ne- " ornsen. 'l'L?.,,ouKlett.,Omahs. Nch. LAlIEH' electric seal coat, food condi. tlon. Tel. Harney 3473. HK'LP V ' VTKD FEMALE Irrtral a4 Office. COMPTOMHn-KR OPKRATOR. H. ATT8 KKK. X , ta Hrsndeis Theater. T F KOQiui Ml E R itS S1KNO CLtRK t MIL CLKRK 14 THE CANO AGENCY, fM BEK BLDU. Karl or r a ma 1'raaes. GIP.L. to learn halrdreanlng. Oppenhelm. t Jf tner iiiKctiiue ouerators la necktie dept. Hmiih-l.uckood Mfg. nd Castilr bts. Co.. l:tth livaaekeeaiera a sal Uvmvsiles. THE Bervant Ulrl Problem B-.lved. Tne Hee will run a Bervant Girl WaMed Ad KHEE until you get the desired results. This sppiies to residents of Omaha. Houlh ;naha and Council l.l'.jffa. Bring ad to 1 lie Hee office or teieplwoe Tyler li). LX 1 ' K H I E N C E 1 k I ri tor gfiiVi aliouaT tauik. iHMMl took, llaruey ,U. IIKLP WATKI fKMALK lleaaekeesers aad Itosaestlre. WANTEl-flrl to- ssaist with housework and care for small child; one attending school half day preferred. Phone Harney WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; family of 2; good wsges; must l-e good cook and neat: nice room and private bath. Her. HXi. 1"2 fl. 'h. WA.TEI tllrl for general housework end rooking; no washing; small family. Good wag.a, 131 Bo. 8th Pt. Har. tlS2. WANTKI. Maid for general houseworkT Mrs. Charles Rich. Capitol, Wal. XW. MIDDLE-AO ED lady to help with light housework and to be companion for aa elderly lady; Just one In tha family! no we ges expected. Web. 11 3b. t74 Grand. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Telephone Harney 2Q46. WANTEl MlddTe aged lady for ge: sral housework. I In family Douglas 4MJ. W A N TED Experienced white maid for general housework where second maid la kept; small family; city references re quired; wages V. Call mornings before K'-a0. Harney 7CT. VVrA?TEb A reliable housemaid; good "wages; reference. Colfax Irs. WANTElJ A young white girl to asalat with general housework; no washing; good home for the right girl. Wal. 2H19. WANTED A girl for secondwork ; must be exerlenced. 137 Bouth Sfdh Bt. WANTEIf-A goinl girl for general house work; small private family. 24 ) Dav enport, or call Harney 6917. WANTED Girl for general housework; small family. 72o Mill Bt., Co. Bluffs. Phone 1875. WANTED A girl for general work S.M0 Harney Ht. house- WANTED Girl for general housework; small family; small house. Call Bun day at 113 N. 30th Bt WANTED An experienced second girl. impure im m. sntn hi. GIRL wanted fur light housework; no washing, plain cooking, 3 In family, Tel. Webster 174; 3712 N. 19th St. WANT EI Experienced girl, general housework, family of two; good wagea; good home to the right party; reference required. JfilO California Ht. WANTEl Good white girl for general housework, small family. 2315 8. 3-d Bt. Harney 4U1. CAPABLE girl for general housework, one who would help with the care of children; good wages. WelsterK'1. WANTKI v A competent nurse Phono Har. Ml. 4 N. 40th. girl. WANTED Competent maid for second work; threa In family; reference re quired. D07 8. th Bt. Harney Mm. WANTED Girl for general housework to go home nights. None but good girl need apply. Apply after 7 In the eve ning or before I on Sunday. 2nM No. lth. WANTED A place for general housed work. Beltevue 11. WANTED Girl for general housework. Harney 2Til. WANTEI Nurse girl. Mrs. M. Mantel, 120 Bo. 7th Bt. Harney 6711. WANTED White girl for general house work. Walnut 1420. WANTKI) By a lady, position as house keeper where there are no children. Phone Harney 71W. M'seelln aeons. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the YotirtR Women's Christian Association building at Bt. Mary's Ave. and 17th Bt., where they will lie directed to suitable hoarding '-?es or otherwise aaaiated. Ixok for our travelers' guide at l'nlon station. A RARE opportunity; comfortable ITv Ing; home sewing; plain cloth seams; any sewing machine; atoady: no canvass ing; no triflers wanted; samples 10c; re turned if not satisfactory. ' Home Hewers Co., Jobbers Bewtng. Reheboth, Dei. HELP WANTED MALE Clerical and Office. flALKSMAN, 100 and expcrinesV w A TTH hkk, CO.. k. Hrnndels Theater. HIGH-GRADE commerlcal positions. WttaT. IlKVURUNCIS UO.NU ABSN., 762 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. A areata, Maleamea Marl kolieitors, F1RBT-CLAB8 experienced coal salesman for Nebraska; good salary. Address L 607, Bee. ORGANIZERS to captain parties of nine to buy 10-acre tracts Florida garden and fruit land; good commission and expenses of captaln'a trip reimbursed to prove the land; no experience needed; good talking only. L SH8. Bee. AN EXCLUKIVB tire, also accessory: firm of good standing among tha ir,H. would like to get acquainted with fliat. class hustling tire salesman. Who knows the trade in northern half Nebraska; southern half So. Dak.; have a fine line of tires to carry and will make liberal n du omenta to the right party. Please do not apply unless you can produce and are confident of making good; a big thing for the right Suit of a man. Address Y 130. Hee. COAL agents wanted In every town; get h trial car. I . ai. cox. Jo. r'lalle, NeU. MEN, It you are looking (or an honest article, want to establish a permanent trade, wholesale and retail, get particu lars on our line of GUARANTEED GAS MANTLES. Exclusive territory given. Mantles replaced FREE. Write today for free particulars, two samples for 30 cents. Wisconsin Gas Mantle and Fix ture Co., 744 Jackson Bt., Milwaukee, Wu. WANTED An experienced traveling salesman for men's furnishing goods. No other need apply. Must be a hustler, Industrious and temperate. Nebraska territory. Give references. H. A. Baker Co., Wholesale Men's Furnishings, Bloux City, la. Factories aa Trades. Drug Btore Snaps. Jobs. Kn-dat. Bee Bldg. LEARN THE BARBER TRADE. Tri-Clty Barber college; low rate tuition. Including set of tools; wages paid; eleo trio massage, hydraulic chairs; catalogue free. 1124 louglas Bt., Omaha. MOLKR BARBER COLLEGE LEARN the barber trade by our sys tem of expert instruction and free clinio. Positions waiting. Call or write for catar logue. Omaha, Neb., A. B. Moler, l'res. HURRY, HURRY. DON'T DELAY. 8KB OUR SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER. If you can't attend day school you can hold your job and at the same time get your automobile education If you enroll In the NIGHT CLASH OF NEBRASKA ACToMOBILH SCHOOL, 1406 LEAVENWORTH. RED 1110. Mtaecllaaeaas. WANTED Nsmes of ambitious men. II or over, wanting railway mail clerk positions. 176 OJ month. Answer Immedi ately. Y 1 Ilea. . GOOD MEN WANTED at once to learn auto work to fill positions which are open right now and are waiting for com petent men. Learn by our system of actual work on autos, tractors, electric starting system. Free catalog at once. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, tft.l Farnam Bt. Omaha. Neb. NO RENT to pay all winter If you want 3-room house and will do some founda tion and plaster repairs. Address K iW7. Bee; YOCNG man to look after our interests in Omaha. Balary starting 113 weekly. No canvassing. Frontier Mfg. Co. Niag ara. Falls. N. Y. HKLP WANTED M.tLK AM) t'KMtLR. N. Y. miniature artist wants local solici tor. Address II. W. Brajinock. Henahaw hotel. SITUATIONS WANTED FIRST-CLASS meat cutter and all-around butcher wants steady position. Boa ai&, l ynch. Neb POSITION .n hardware store In country town, where, later, can buy part or alL Address .'. B. l.i h Ht. JiKStKVlNG while woman, wants work. Can furnish best references. l'huue Doutclss 4i7. Vol Na colored . man wishes Janitor work or office cleaning after hours;, sober snd reliable; best c.ty references. Csll Harney 6. A III'MTUlt. yoi'XG man attending Uw school nights wishes position, preferably in real es tate or insurance; ticclii'Ut reCervucts. C ttl, Uce. HITI ATIOX.H WANTED MIDDI.K-AOED widow a inhes house keeping for small family: would like lo tako rate of rooming house'or would like to be companion of la'ly; thoroughly experienced: references. Mrs. IS. Ryer- sonjJleneraMiellvenrOjnaha i WANTEl-l'osYtlon as electric light plant engineer In a town of Sou to l.!i"0 population; can take entire charge and give good satisfaction; references ex changed. A. I,. R'ohardson. Alexis, III. CLERICAL position wanted by young lady as cashier or similar work; alx years' experience In Omaha: best of ref erences; salary reasonable; have had de partment store and mercantile experl- enee. u. w. y-( inqi m. gjm t. 1-OR experienced apt. house janitor, hotel night clerk, porter or licensed steam fireman, call F. W. Carter. D. 70CT. 2111 Nichols HOHKli, neat young man wants light work, day or night; will work very reasonable: can give reference. Phone I'ouglas 7111. MTDTjLb aged man wishes) position as fireman, janitor or stock yard keeper. Mrs. John A. Rempel, Y. M. C. A. POHITION as clerk in office, clerk In store Oe city salesman. Best of refer ences. Experienced. Address P. O. Box g.7. City. SALESMAN wants position; well appear ing, married, 10 years' past experience on the road; can furnish best of refer ences. Chss. B rs mbllls. 2214 No. 1th Bt. A NEAT, trustwortny. middle-aged lady desires a position as a housekeeper in a family of two; no laundry work; best city references furnished. Call Webster 4M between 10 end 1 2 In Jh em a rn I n g: RETIRED general mdse.. merchant wants position with wholesnle or retnil firm; have hed 18 years' experience In retail gen. mdse ; can sell any kind of mdse; middle aged: do not use tobacco nor In toxicating drinks nor profane language. Address Lock Box 34. Rlaicom, la. WANTKI)-Position as stenographer by young lady. F.xperlenced. Colfax l. BALES MAN 40 years old, married, 7 years with laat firm, A-l references, salary or salary and commission. Ad dress 8. C, !). Bee. TWO young men want work, odd lobs of any kind; steady work preferred. Call Tyler 2a. MIDDLE-AGED widow wishes house keeping for small family; would like to lake care of rooming house or would like to be companion of lady; thoroughly experienced; references. Mrs. E. Ryer son. General Delivery, Omaha. LADY wants work, or will take care of children. Call Webster S300. BY a steady middle-aged man, position of any kind around small hotel. N. N. Ed ward a General Delivery. City. LOST AND FOUND Lost or Found ads In Omaha's l ost and Fnl.nd medium means the Immediate re turn of that aiticle If advertised In The l ee, the Los; and Found paper. OMAHA Sc COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persona having lost soma article would do well to call up the office of the Cmaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left u in me street ears. Many articles each day are turned In ana the company is anxious to restore tnem to the rightful owner. Call Doug. 48. LOST 1-carat diamond earring. Return to Princess .theater. Liberal reward, Douglas ISM. LOST A book of receipts. Finder please return to William Harach. 4a 8. 11th Ht. IA1ST 1 brown mare mule and 1 black fielding mule, weight about l.ouu lbs. No y Harney 1795 and receive reward. MEDICAL PILES. FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY, 140 Bee Bldg. RUPTURE S'u"tfu,ay r-at operation. Ca of wrlta Dra. Wray ft Matheny, 10 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. RHEUMATISM treated successfully, re sults guarnt'd. Dr. Bowser, 114 Bee Bldg. PERSONAL $3,000 TO PENSION INVALIDS The Ijidles' Home Journal fl.50 Tha Saturday Kvenlng Post 1.50 The Country Gentleman 1.00 1.4110 SUBSCRIPTIONS IN DECEMBER practically earns the $3,0UO for IN VALIDS' PENSION ASSOCIATION. Your order or renewal means G0c. Please phone Douglas 7lt3 or mall to GORDON, TIIE MAGAZINE MAN, Omaha, Neb. THE Salvation Army Inluatrial home so licit! your old clothing, furniture, maga lnea We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglaa 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. W0-U13-1114 Dodge St. YOUR furnace cleaned, 1U work guaran teed. Central Tin Shop. Douglas 4A84. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th St. and St, Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at the Union station. HEADY REFERENCE DIRECTORY. ABSTRACTS OK TITLE. a. REED ABSTRACT CO., oldest abstract oirico in neDrasKa. a Hrandels Thea. Kerr Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern abstract office. 8. 17th Bt. Tel. D. &4K7. Alt Ol NTANTS. - E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A. 433-437 Ramge Bldg. Tel. Doug. 74ii. AUVEHTIIl.MU NOVELTIES. M. F. Shafer A Co". llth-Farnam. D. 7474. AMATKliH II.V1III1NU. FILMS developed free If purchased from Photo Craft Bhop. 414 Bee Bldg. Iept. D. AHCHITUCTS. Everett S. Dodd, HI Paxton Blk. D. 10S1. ATTOMNKi . C. T. Dickinson. 611 Paxton Blk. D. 1804. AUCTIONfcUKS. Dowd Auction Co.. 1116-14 W.O.W. R SS. " AUTO I.NSIHAMU. AUTOMOBILE MUTUAL INSURANCE) CO.. Douglas 2M. AUTO RADIATOR HKPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Bep. Co. 103S Far. D. NO! U AT 14 S. BAT1I-U4 Balrd Blk.. 17th and Douglas. MEDICATED vapor and modern Turkish baths for ladles and gentlemen; lady attendant for ladles; Swedlah massage. li tarnam Bt. Douglss 3437. BAktklbl, . H. RF.EDER 160 N. 13th. Web, m. UstAkS AMI IKON KutkUMlkll. Psxton-Mltchell Co.. 17th and Martha Sta. CAHfUMTKHS A.NU I O.NTUACTOHS. STEVENSON. C3 s. Cd. Douglas KM, Lessard aV Son. 1904 Cap. A vs. T. 1431 C W, Hokanson. 1S06 Lawth. TyL liai-J. lOt-'KICai Bt ktAIL. . Bava money. Use better . 1Y , 4ffs. Elgifkil m UfMUAt 4f, RKADV ltEFERKNCH DIRECTORY. IHIHOPHAITII' SPIRAL ADJL'MIS. PR. BURHORN, lith and Farnam, Wcad Bldg., D. 6347; Palmer school graduate. I r. J. C, Lawrence, 1 Palrd Bldg. D. 140. DR. W. H. K NOLLE NP ERG, Suite 113 . Bee Rldg. Tel. Tyler I'm. tiiiHofuuis r. Carrl J. Buford. :v Pax. Blk. Red 7. JEANETTR ORET, HO Balrd Bldg. D. 4T UANCIMJ Al'AUUMIKS, FALL term open at Mackle's. Doug. 6110 l'B LUXB ACADEMY. Ill 8. Mth St. URESSMAKI.W, Terry Dreaamak'g college. JCth ts Farnam LADIES' JACKETS remodeled In the lat est style; reasonable rrice. 1911 Far ram St. Phone Douglss l&S. I . IK you are looking for a first-class dress roaker, reasonable prices', call Web.M45. UKKHS.MtKI.Vu COLLEGE. Keters's Dressmaking Cel., 1?8 City Na. IllKH AMI ILlSAAEHt, STATE Dry Clng. Co., 120 N. Uth. D. M71. DETRCTIVKS. JAMES ALLAN. Ill Neville Block. Evi dence secured In sll caaes. Tyler 11.HI. 1KM IN I . Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 911 W.O.W. BMg. ryorrhea. Dr. Flckles. 724 city Nat Qank. Taft Dents! Rooms. 7P1T Douglas. D. 21 S4. UlltUS. DRUGS at cu prices; freight paid on 110 ort.ers; catalogues free. Sherman He Ccnnell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. tuLUl TRULY SIS. t'loa Allender. 624 Bee Bldg. Red V3. (.LKITHIC HUTOH UKPAIHIMl CAHILL ELECTRIC CO.. Bee Bid . D.3879. KVKHV'lltl.NU l-'Oit WUUK.V, ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating; covered buttons, all sixes and styles; hemstitching, point edging; em broidery, beading, braiding, cording, eye let cut work buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Ileal In Co., 200 Douglas Block. Doug las 1!6. FURNACES AM Tl.WVOHK. H A BER9TROH, 402S Hamilton. Wal. IOT1. FLORISTS. BATH'S, florists, 1104 Farnam St D. 1000. T. HENDERSON. 1814 Douglas. D. 12r. Member Florists Telegraph Del. Asi'n. HESS & SWOBODA, 1416 Farnam St A. DONA G HUB, 1622 Harney. Doug. 1001. rtHHIKkS. SAM KNEETER. 1920 Farnam. Red (834. H. Rothholit. 2818 Iavenworth. H. 27 R3. HISTORICAL COSTUMES. THE largest stock of masquerade and theatrical costumes In the country. Theo. Lleben 4k Son. 1614 Howard. P. 4115. INSTRUCTION. English, French Instruction. 105 Lyric Bid. JUSTICES OF TliK I'tJAlK. H. II. CLAIBORNE, 611 Paxton Blk. Red 7401. Notary public; deposition ateno. C. W. BRITT. 101 Barker Block LIVE! STOCK COMMISSION. MARTTN BROS, ft CO. Exchange Bldg. MISSKCRS. Massage, Xs-omen. Call D. 8227 for apptmt MO I'OHCYCLES. HARLET-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargain In used machines. Victor Roos, "The Motorcycle Man," 2701 Leavenworth. MIVIJlU Pl Tl RK. MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug. Mo tion picture machine and film bargains. OCULISTS. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay ag you can. Drs. McCarty. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. OSTEOPATHY. I'll VMCIAAS. JOSEPHINES ARMSTRONG. 1115 Bee Bldg. PAPER itANUINU. PAPERHANGING Rooms papered, 13 per room. Powers, 1122 N. 20th St. PATENTS. D. O. Barnell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. H. A. Sturgee. 636 Brandeis Theater Bldg. PILLOWS ANU tIEUUINU. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattresses made over Juwt like new. 1907 Cuming. D. 24K7. PLUMES ( LEANED. CURLED, dyed. D. Elsele, 1136 City Nat riANOS FOR RENT. $3.M per month. A. Hospe, 1513 Douglas. PR1NTINO. WATERS-BARN HLART Ptg. Co., quality prluung. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 S. 13th St. CENTRAL Printing Co. DOUGLAS 3754. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. SCALE HEPAfHINU. Om. Standard Scale Co., 513 S. 12th. D. 291L SHOE REPAIRING. Harley Shoe Rep'r Co.. 2004 Farn'm. R. 3444 SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN BROS . shoe repair. 211 8 14. SEWINU MACHINES. TIT-, "nt. repair, sell needles and YY C Pr, tor eewlng machines. "MICKEL'S," NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Harney. Douglas 11 STEEL CEILINUS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company, 110 8. 15. STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing ate l' - km. -lt . . Supply Co., siA-is-u B. lth Doug. 2724. STOVE AND FURNACE REPAIRS. ALL REPAIRS Wster fronts, furnace rt ill .1. . A . . I .. l . i . , . . ervici. UI1HI1H Blove Repair Works. 12n-g Douglas Bt. Tyler 20 ELECTRIC MOTtIB REPAIHINU. CAHILL ELECTRICCO.. Bee Bid. D.H79. TOWKL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 B. 11th. D. 6a. TRUNK. AND Mill CASES. FRELINO ft BTEINLK. 180 Farnam St. TkPEHUlTERS FoH RENT, RENT an Oliver typewriter 1 mo. for to. Oliver Typewriter Agency, 1906 Farnam. BUTTS Typewriter Exchange, ill 8. l$th Bt All makes for sale or rent RENT a "Remington" not Just a type writer. oLw rent Call Douglas 134. VACUUM CLEANERS. ALL makes. E. B. Williams, SOS 8. 18th. Tyler 1011 WATCH SPE4IALISIB. Christla nsen. Id fl. Paxton Bk., 18 yr. exp. WEDUlNta t'l'AllUAtiit, Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. WINES AND LIQUORS. ALEX JETES. 201-3 8. 13th St Wines, liquors, cigars. Plate dinner 11 to 1. loc HENRY POLix)CK LIQUOR HOUSE. lth and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUT your family liquors at Klein's Liquor house, 112 N. lutu. Douglas Isus. SWAPPERS' COLUMN Wsnted to Swap. Why not advertise something that oa no longer have sny use for and get something you is.liy r.eed7 It coats you nothing to Join the fevappers' club, and you will find It lots of tun swapping things. Write Room lot, l'ee Hldg.. or hone Tyler 100 . A NEW 2-c) Under, air-cooled lo-h. P gasoline engine, with Bosch high ten sion magneto; also a new No. 2 Ball planetary transmission. Will swsp for motorcycle or anything I can use. Ad- dresg 8. C. 3S3. Bee. 40-AOHES Irrigated Colorado land for Omaha resident property; 28 acres In alfalfa; balance, plow land. F. H. Thomp son. I3 City Nat l Bk. Bldg. Doug, 2M9. ADDING machine; coat tliO.'O new, ax- cellent condition.' Want Jewelry, book- cases, filing cabinets, automobile. Good stock or anything of value. Address 8. C. t8. Bee. 40 ACRES of Colorado land, clear, want auto, clear lot, 'Ive stock or anything I can use. 184S N. loth. Tel. Web. 134. ALL furniture In 4fv-room hotel; reason able rent on building; South Side; will exchange for real estate; value tLStO. Ad drees S. C. BOS. Bee. AUlOJIumL.t.1 r'or other automobile bargains see the "Automobile" classifi cation. BUFF Orpingtons, 81 pullets, thorough bred. Wrat have you to offer? Address S. C. &9. Bee. BEAUTIFUL Reglna music box with large bunch of tune sheets, all In fine conditlm; want good vlctrola and records. Addrcaa 8. C. KM. Bee. BILLIARD TABLE Home slxe. 14x7. What have youT Make me an ofier. 8. C. 394. Bee. BAY mare, with foal to Jack; not broke. Will swap for anything of equal value. or Ford. 8. C. S7. Hee .22 CALIBER AUTOMATIC RIFLE, nearly new. Will trade for Smith 4k Weason revolver, s-lnch barrel, police model, or shot guns, 12-gauge. Address 8. C. 692, Bee. ELECTRIC SIGNS Will make electric signs for small car. Prefer a Ford. Ad. dress 8. C. 697, Bee. 1 ORD touring car, In good condition, for house snd lot or good vacant lot. What have you? Addreaa 8. C. 390. Pee. FULL DRESS BCIT. sixe 40, won only four times, cost 135. Will trade for what have yotl. Address S. C. 693. Bee. HAVE two young Rhode Island Red cockerels; will exchange one or both for cockerels of same breed; only first class birds considered. Address S. C. 173. Ree. HIGH-GRADE, Syracuse, special make shotgun and hunting outfit. Will trade for motorcycle In good condition. S. C. Hee. i K1 YOl! hsva a Limer niatol of .32 or .38- ce liber, answer this ad. as I have some thing to trade for It Address S. C. 382. care; Bee. I HAVE two casings and tubes, 81x4; run about 600 miles; also two 34x3Vi caslncs and tubes, run about l.roo miles. To swap for 30x1 or 80x3V4 casings. Address 8. C. 696. Bee. I HAVE set boxing gloves, punching bag. tennis racquet, 13 game board, wltu games; will trade for bicycle or .22-rlfle. H. 3148. Call 1. C. 624. I HAVE a 46-70 single shot carbine rifle and a pair of Ice skates. Will swap for a good collection of postage stamps. Address S. C. 622, care Bee! MANN BONE CUTTER Been used for sample machine, can be used by hand or power. Will trade for shot gun. Rem ington .22 caliber rifle or chickens to dress at market price. Address S. C. 691, Bee. ONK brand new Winchester pump gun, 1897 model, with new canvas case, pair of hip boots, size 9, nearly new. Ad- dresa S. C. 3S3. Bee. ONK u hamnierless safety police, double action, break open revolver; one 32 6 Inch barrel break open revolver; one Winchester repeating shotgun and case. Want Marlln shotgun In exchange for re volvers or anything I can use of equal value. Address 8. C. 695, Bee. QUARTERhSIZED Strad violin, one rain proof rubberised suit, coat, pants and hat, slxe 38; 80-foot seine, 6 feet deep, 14-In. mesh; 6-Inch fish spear, .32 break-open re volver, .22 seven-shot revolver. Will swap for what .have you? Address S. C. 379, Bee. REFLEX camera, 6x7, reversible back, f double plate holders," focal plane, shut ter. 1-6 to 1-1.000 sec, Eurynar Amastlg niat lens, F 4-5, bv Rodenstock, Munich; In excellent condition; con 1150. What have you of equal value? S. C. 381, Bee. TO SELL or trade your shotgun or rifle. Bee FRIEDMAN. 1211 Douglas. HEATER Dandy soft coal heater. Hot Blast; do for house or garage, to trade for a nythlng I can use. S. C. 309. Bee. RAINCOAT, sixe 38; tliree mouthharpsTl leather pocket cigar cases, one carnival lorrh. 2-burner; 1 pair of hip boots, size 9; What have you? Address S. C. &78, Bee. SIX-FOOT oak dining table, good iron bed and springs. Want small range, or what have you? Addreaa 8. C. 395. Hee. 2,000 SHARES STOCK in Wyoming coal mine, par value 11.00. Will trade for autos, or what have you? Address S. C. 094. Bee. - TYPEWRITER Remington No. 2; Just rebuilt and in good condition: will ex change for light set single harness. 8. C. S. Hee. THIRTY-EIGHT hsmmeiless safety po lice break open revolver, pair of line man's spurs, one watch, hunting case, 10 year guarantee, one rear motorcycle lamp, motorcycle pump and attachment, 7x7 miner's tent, complete camping outfit, one canvas shotgun case. Will swap for motorcycle or what have you? Ad dress 8. C. 3. Bee. VIOLIN Good violin for bass viol; the viol must be in good condition. Ad dress S. C. 690. WILL trade Peerless Junior Protecto rrsnh. uaed two months, for a second hand typewriter, either Remington. Mon arch. Underwood, Royal or 1 ec. m. Smith. Address B. C. 397. Bee. WILL swap 4-H. P. single cylinder In dian motorcycle engine, in fair condi tion for Llndstrom-Smlth, 110 volt A. C. variable speed motor In good order. Ad dress B. C. 3Nfl. Bee. WOOD turning lathe, emery wheel, coun tershafts and belting, complete outfit to exchange for automobile or Motor cycle. Address 8 C. 4. Bee WANTED to swap, full dreas suit for anvthina- 1 can uae. Sixe 37. In good condition. Coat I'iO. Address 8. C. ba. Bee. WILL swap my equity in new 6-room furnished cottage. V block from Ben son's new city hall, finished throughout In oak. and furniture, for good ford, or what have vou? Address O 3Jb. Bee. WANT to trade liuht. roadster automo bile on small cottage or vacant lot. S. C. 698-Bee. WANTED to swap, popcorn and candy making outfit, conalating of large rotary corn popper, cost 160; large candy fur mice and copper kettle, cost 15; one ther mometer, cost 12; sixteen copyrighted candy-making lessons, cost 1JU. I want rood used piano or good furniture, or what have you? Address S. C. 3ol, Bee. WILL swap incubator for hay or grain. Address S. C. 3M, Bee. WILL exchange automobile spark gaps at wholesale price for anything can use for from one dosen to 10J dosen seta Box , Oakland Neb. WILL trade I. II. C. truck, good running order, for Twin Indian. Betison 3uS-J. WANTED TO BUY Country Shippers WE AUK AGAIN IN TUhl MARKET FOH COUNTRY MIXED IRON REQUIRE 300 CARS FOR DECEMBER SHIPMENT. WIRE OR WRITE FOR PRICES. HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID FOR RAGS. Rl'BBERS AND M ETA 1.8. SONICEN-GALAMUA IRON & METAL CO., 64 -W N. 2d STREET. KANSAS CITY. U. S. A. WE ARB ob the market for luO carloads of country riiied scrsp Iron. Write for prices. A. B. A I pern. 7th and Douglas. WANTED To buy on monthly payments, small store room, with living rooms above, la Central school district phone Red 78M. Strlctlv hleh grade piano Web 87?a, CFFK'E furniture bought and sold. J. C Reed. IJuJ Farnaiu. Doug. fi-t. WANTED TO RKXT WANTED lo rent house furnished fur the winter. Call Harney Wi. tX)R RENT Apa rtraratt nad Plata. The For Rent advertisement appearing In the For Rent column of The Bee dally cannot be beat for variety that will please and fill the needs of any one desiring to rent. Phone Tyler l" Rooming House This place is close In and near car lines. Can give you 11 or 22 rooms. This place should make money for you. For address call Douglas 200. VERY choice 4 or 6-room steam-heated anartment on Weat Farnam Bt. 1JOHN W. ROBBINS. 1802 FARNAM 8T. I I".11 .N- Mth St.. 7-room St Louis flat; I Pl wal" neal; reniaj s.w. i Z'zL. 7-R. mod., 2d floor, brick. 707 So. 29th. newly decorated and varnished. Doug. Ri7 or Bd 7?JS. The Alma 27th Ave. and Harney St Four-room apartment on first floor. CsMDoug. 6790 or Har. 2902; Hoard and Rooms. Furnished Rooms that offer ever mod ern convenience and comfort In prlvata families or boarding Louses of tha high est class will be found in the Furnished Rooms column of The Bee. Phone Tyler looo. 215 N. 23d ST. For rent, room and board; 3 gentlemen, 1.1 a week. D. 7752 Rooms and board, good home cooking. Under new management. 2215 Howard. ROOM and board, In private famlly.H 6"61. 6-RM. AlT. for rent on 8. 10th. 6 rms.l all modern. Inquire 913 Forest. N. 23d. M4 Modern rooma. Doug. 1861. l-nrnlshed Hoases. TTTJ-HVl-TI A TBI hiral.lia hMiiu . n- v. - ment for the winter; must be first clnaa. Address O 443 Bee. Furnished Rooms. NICELY furnished room, close In; modern. 631 8. 2Jd St all MODERN, well furnished room, U K) wk.; reference required. 536 S. 24th. D. 2732. GtxiD warm roams, 11.60; bath and gaa; alMo light hkp. rooms. 1M6 N. Kith. MODERN, light and clean, new flat; reasonable. Tyler 931-W. 3 F1IRN. rooma; private bath. Har. 1399. ONE furnlaheU or unfurnished front room" steam heated, electric light, hot ami cold water. 711 S. 29th, over postoffice Phone Harney 5133. Large front room for two gentlemen, in private family; mod. home; board if de ired. 22U1 Deer Park Blvd. Tyler 1041 W. The Logan 1814 Dodge St.; all remodeled and under new management Mrs. Luella Lysapht Phone Tyler 1700. NICELY furnished front room in new home; walking dlst.; ladles pfd. H. 7649. WELL furnished, stesm-heated rooms walking distance. Call Tyler 939. LARGE, nlcelv fur. rr n., private family; hot water heat: walking die. Har. 816 8 BASEMENT rooms, imp S. 19th. 2 mod, front run. 182 Vinton. D. 426'i SPECIAL LOW RATES TO PERMANENT GUEST8. HOTEL SANFORD, 19th and Farnam. HOTEL HARLEY. 20th and Farnam 2118 Davenport Pleasant, newly fur nished, modern, south front room, with telephone; reasonable to right parties. Telephone Tyler 2430 W. ROOM with breakfast, 13.50 wk., strictly mod, home, new furnlah's. close In. H.319S NEWLY furnished warm room, close in. 223 N. 23d. Phone Tyler ?r5. Iloaselteeplns Room s. FOR RENT Strictly modern, newly fur nlshed rms . heat turn.; private. H. 8195. Light housek'g rim, 604V4 8. 10th. D. 6494. Varnished liWusekeeplna Rooms. DAVENPORT. 2B1S-TWO OR THREES NICELY FURNISHED HSXQ. ROOMS. 13.50 WEEK. ' Hoases aad Cottages, North. FOR RENT 6-room house, all modern conveniences, block to car, 4611 N. 18th St M. A. Past. 461B N. 38th St Phone Colfax J173. " 2220 BURDETTEt 8-room house, wlfii bath and furnace; 130. Call Web. 454. fr-ROOM, nearly new; modern except fur nacc; only 118. Colfax 1096. 8-ROOM house, modern, new furnace. never used. 2216 Burt. Red 5283. SIX-ROOM cottage modern except heat 1243 N. lth St. Phone Webster 8231. - RENT FREE FOR TWO WEEKS Nice eight-room house; newly decorated: modern except heat; storm windows ani doors; price reduced to 118. Web. 6060. ROOMS, modern except heat, for tlii: ..t 2769 Cuming St. Colfax 14X0. 2406 EMMET. 6-r. cottage. W. 1069. FOR RENT 6-room, new, modern, up-to-date brick flat 2223 Willis Ave. Rent 126. Tel. D. 1530. 6-ROOM modern cottage. Webster 1069. 2405 Emraet FOR RENT 6-room cottage, partly fur nlshed; 116. 2S23 Franklin St. NEW 4-room cottage, Florence. Adams and Buffalo Bts. D. 4636. tip month. SEE THESE HOUSES. 4-r. house, 4117 Seward. 111. 6-r., 14:10 Paul, bath, 115. 6-r.. 1411 N. 41st St.. bath. 117. BEE THESE HOUSES. 4- room house, 41.7 Seward Ill 6-room, 1420 Paul, bath H5 5- room. 1411 North 41st. bath 117 6- ROOM, strictly modern cottage, hot water heat, close in; rents for 12.". 402 Lincoln Blvd. W. H. Dorrance. Tel. D. 526 or H. 1151. WALKING distance, 2644 Dodge, 8-roont modern house, 1J5. Key next door. W. W. Mitchell, owner. Phone Web. 4876. sealk. 3033 MARCY, 7-room house, strictly mod ern. with garage. lltO. Harney 2705. t-R. HOUSE. 1 aleeping porch. 1 screen porch. 906 8. 86th Ave. Harney 3M4. FINE repair, good furnace, polished floors, cement cellar, four bedrooms. east front, large shade trees. Ml South 29th St.. Georgia Ave. Harney 2M9. 1-RQyiM, modern, a-fc Poppleton Ave. 6-ROOM cottage. Water paid. Ill S. St., 14. 1514Park Ave. 7-room modern brick. FOR RENT Cottage, 4 rooma and bath; gas light; good neighborhood. Uu S. 34lh St Tel. Harney 1963. TWO 7-room houses, S. W. corner 33d and Howard: these houses have been very completely remodeled; new furnaces; combination light fixtures; hardwood floors; new paper in every room and closet; summer porch, screened in; in fact every comfort; 130. Cottages. 2609-11 8. 20th Ave.. 114 per mo. 6-r. cottsge, 702 S. Md Bt.. Ill per mo. ALFRED THOMAS. 3tw First Nat. Bank. !!4-K S. 17TH ST. 4 rooms, partly modern. lmugiaa 4X09. 6-rm. house for rent, all modern except heat. 711 8. 17th Ave. Doug. 6131. West. 7-ROOM modern house. Dundee; 4801 Cap itol Ave. Phone Walnut 18V. FOR RENT Just completed, two first class 7-room, all modern, brick residences; oak, white enamel and mahogany finish; full base ment, sun room; moderate rent N. l corner 41st and Farnam Bts. BENSON St MYERS CO., 424 Omaha National Bank Bldg Doug. 746 FOR RENT. H31 Harney St., modern 10-roorn brick house; hot water heit Inaulra T l O Hrlen. TelH. Ut. D. 121S. FINE, modern, two-story home. 13 Sou. GRANT. Ill Brandeis Theater. Miscellaneous. SEE the Central Furniture Store's FRES RENTAL LIST HAVE you got the money? If you havi Investigate this. 13.UUU will buy m neas worth M ow, If taken befors Let in. Address p. la, care Bee ""or uc- la FIDELITY FFJTe3 EST. IZJSSS&JMg storage, moving. lth ndj1AVfr 3116 Chicago, 6 rooms mod " Jr1,N;- mbi bth ' llft.16 Seward. 6 rooms. barn tltaO :0" Clark, 4 rooms. U?,tSt!arUt Harney. PtioliJ Il0USesfire'f.hB""a Co.. Bee Bldg. !5'1 Parts of the city. heat G Pa"e. 'iV'- '".n'rilc7p7 I ,le,t- u- B. Mebblns. l0 Chicago.