TIIF. OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: DECEMBER What is Going On in Society Circles (Continual Funt Two.) In Now York City toward the end ot Janunry. Mr. and Mrs. J. Je orest l.lrlmrds and their nltc Mis Callahan, vil.l po rant ths early part of January. A i.umlxr of friends from Iayton, O., J..lfs Callahan's former home, will at tend the wedding. Mr. Twachtman will come to Omaha to spend the holiday. Stork Special. A dnri titer was born to Mr. and Mn. Thomas K. llanley of Hed Onk. De cember 1. Mia. Hanley u Ml Mary Rcxlna Cullen. Hoth Mr. and Mr, llan ley formerly lived In Omaha. Centurion Club Entertains. The Centur.on cnib of the .outh Side entertained at the club room Thursday evening in horur of the ret Iritis and new eflcers. Those present were: M Issos Clara Wrede. Mercedes Farrell, MurtiRret felsassrr, ' bhannon,, .Naomi Byrne, . Mane Moore, Anftelus Breen. Catherine Walsh, Mabel Conroy, Anna Heagnn, race Walsh, Klla Trary, Catherine Moran, Helen Swanson, Nellie Walsh. llerm Flood, Pensie Robertson, Patricia Kyan, Misses traiiem Barta, (.'arrle v Indoif, t.lta Carter, Mary Cummins. Nellie Muilaly, l.oretto Tnomas, MarKnret Shields, May Vtnceila, Katherine Russell, Hue Hnn, Verna Kavanagh, Mary Bmlth. Throaa Heman, Hertha l.tchnovskr, Neil tllllrsple, Marlon McCarthy, Zcta Kavanagh, Oladys Van bant. Margaret McQueen, Kusebra Mangan, Mae Mannifan Myrtle Roy. Myrtle Norrl. Marie MoCJovern, Nellie I Velle. Harah Ash, Mabel Mulhraney, Kthel Selilc, Cecil Martin. Mesdames II. B. Fleharty. Tom O'Connor, John Mulcohy, J. J. Fitzgerald, R. Novak, P. J. Corcoran, F. J. Corrlgan, W. J. Heafey. J. M. Tanner, Messis. J. C. Unhlman. lan Butler. Herman Beal. If. B. Flehnrty. Thomas O'Connor, Richard Novak. 1,. J. Ti Poel, W. Kakiri, Oeorge Kleffner, Tom McGovern, C. A. Meleher. .lames H. Hanley .1 M Tnnnpr. M orient) Heafey, r.; r an Mcwnnop, Rose Brown. Thresa Mulcahy, Daisy Moore, May Murphy. Margaret Coule, Catherine Lowry. Marcella Kavanagh, Kunlce Brenner. Jennie Mole, Mesdames W. J. Conboy, J. T. Sullivan. C. A. Melcher. P. J. McMahon, "harles Cahlll, Tom Keenan, M. Culkin. J. B. Dugdale, Messrs. . P. J. Corcoran, George Parka, T. O'Connor, " Oeorge Smith. A. Aahenbrenner, J. Heafey. Cvrll Flnley, Albert McAllister, Vincent Cain. Thoma Faith, Will'am Muilaly, James P. Sullivan, M. Cnlkln. I,. S. Mole. .1 J. Fltnaerald. T. O'Connor, P. K. McOovern, T F. Schmidt, Tom Fereer. J. M. Fitzgerald. . K. Price, J. F. Powers. W. Tj. Conboy, v. 3. Corrl'an. v. ,T. Vsn Buren. M. J. He'fev. sr.; Fmmett McMahon, f J. Msnssn, TVrk Cahlll, wd Csh'll. Oen FnirHsh, T". J. Prry. Ray Sullivan, .Toe Ossnlk, Con Heafey. John Berlajra, A. R. Thatcher. -V. Cunnlnghamv .. John Barrett.' Tuncn O'Leary, J Buckle. Francis McQorern. J. J. Markey, F. n. tsmitn. F. Rucmplng, .Tame Barta, I,ou( Kavanagh. Jnme B. Dugdale, John Price. J. T. Sullivan. Charle Rapp." To McOovern. Ben Hull. P J. McMahon, Chnrle Cahlll. Hubert Tanner, .T. K. O'Malley, To Pelsle. F. Hlp'ln. TA ,T. Wardlan, Tj. 611lvan, Io Hannon. John Muleahy. ' v.. Hart. R. J. Campbell. T MeCafthv.-. Frank Kralcl, Teter "White. V 3. Revnold. Peter Kavanagh, Gossip of Society. Mr. Joseph Harden and hi sister, Mis Sadie Hayden, are at 'French Lick Spring. Mr. and Mr. Oeorge Myers of Dubuque were In Omaha for a few days enroute home from California. 71 las Alice Coad plans to leave the middle of the month for San Antonio to vlsft Miss Pauline Fortran d for si Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Spens of Chicago are expected for Christmas and will he with Mr. Spens mother, Mr. Keellne, In Council Bluffs. Mr. and Mrs, EX. M. Fairfield enter tained a few friends Informally at tea Sunday afternoon, to meet Mr. Dlmon. Bird ot New York Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Heyward of Pittsburgh, Pa. wUl come to spend Christmas with Mrs. HeywaroTs parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Busch. Miss Irene Itosewater. who Is a stu dent at Smith college. Is expected home December 23 to spend the holidays with her parents. Dr. and Mrs. Charles Rose water. Miss Frances Nash Is at home again after her very successful concert In Mil waukee. Mrs. E. A. Cudahy and Miss Cudahy went to Milwaukee from Chicago for the concert. Ml Anna Bourke. who has been on a New Mexico ranch siaoe last June, will be the guest of Mra J. W. Reynolds for a few days this week, on her war to spend the holidays In Philadelphia with her later. Mrs. Mai ah. Miss Helen Clark Is home from a de lightful visit In Houston, Tex., where she and Miss Louise Buckingham of Memphis, Tenn.. were guests of MUs Dora and M.ss Imola Link, all four having- been school friend at Mr. Somen' In Washington. The Army and Navy Journal announces the retirement from active service upon his own sppllcatlon, of Colonel Charles M. Trultt on February SO. Colonel Trultt pent part of his forty years' service In Omaha, where he and Mra Trultt were well known. , Mr. Dlmon Bird, who wa called her last week by the illne of her father. Colonel 8. a Curtis, ha returned to New York, Colonel Curt! and Mrs. OUrtls and Mis Curtis will go back next Wednesday, to New Tork also. Mis Curtis I (pend ing the week-end with Mrs. Herman Kountze. Mrs. Martha Heth, who went to Chi cago two week ago to spend Thanks giving with her ganddaughter. Miss Heth Vaill, ha returned. Mis Vaill remained over In Chicago for the Mld-Wet Vaar club luncheon and goe back to Hancock, Mich., but Is expected to arrive in Omaha for a visit after the holiday. In and Oat of the Bee Hive. Mr. W. F. Allen end her iter. Mr. Bishop, have arrived home after a six months' absence in Calirurnla, returning by way of the Canadian Pacific. Dr. and Mr. Robert Anglln have re - turned from the east, where Mr. Anglln ha been auite ill. Miss I.ucy I'pdlke returned Tuesday rrom a visit in Kansas city at he home of Mr. George Strain. Mr. Ben Boyc and Mis Eugenie Pat terson went to Chicago Tuesday. Mr. and Mr. O. C. Kedli k returned esterday from a few din In fhinim Mr. D. C. Stapleton arrived in Omaha Thursday from several week spent In South America on business. Muts Elisabeth Congdon, who has been Engagements to Wed Announced Last Week i .r-T llv J - X. 'Af I MISS AVLOA 1 ' l i i V "' y vlslUnv In Chicago, for the - last six weeks, is expected home Tuesday. Mrs. W. E. Guthrie has gone to Eugene, Ore., to spend the winter with her daughter, Mra I. T. Hewitt. Miss Lillian Fitch comes over from Chi cago about December 18 to spend three weeks with Mia Luella Allen. Mr. Joseph Allbery left Friday to spend the holidays with her daughter, Mrs. J. A. Lohllnger, In Sallna, Kan. Mr. and Mrs. Will T. Burns have re turned from a two weeks' trip to New York and Annapolis. Miss Caroline Summers returns Monday to Washington, D. C. after several weeks stay here at the Fontenelle. Personal Mention. Miss Grace Hancock spent part of last week in Kansas City. Mrs. H. O. Harte left Tuesday to snend a week in Ida Grove. Is. Mrs. C. M. Simpson of Laj-amle, Wyo.. is the guest of Mr. and Mra H. M. Sim.' on. Mr. and Mr Edgar Morsman, 1r are In Washington for two week, having left here last Saturday. Mr. and Mr. George C. Smith have re turned from Toronto, Can., where they went to spend Thanksgiving with his mother, Mrs. Larratt-Smlth. Mra Milton Barlow has returned from Portland. Ore., where she went for the marriage of her nleoe. Miss Margaretta Brooke and Mr. Richard V. Look, which took place November 10 at Trinity church in Portland. The Misses Gertrude and Hannah Kopald leave next Sunday for Buffalo, N. Y., to be with their brother. Rabbi Louis J. Kopald. for an Indefinite stay While In Buffalo, the Misses Kopald will be the house guests of Mrs. Israel Aarons. whose husband. Rabbi Aaron, was Rabbi Kopald's predecessor. Miss Katherine Thummel will sail Jan uary 11 for Honolulu, where she will visit Mrs. Bloomfield Brown for two or three months. Mrs. Brown was formerly Miss Bertha Dickey of this city. Mr. George A. Hoagland may accompany ... . fS3 ttdrgharetta Burke MUs Thummel, as she Intends to go soon to Honolulu to visit her daughter, Mrs. David Stone and Captain Stone, who are located there. Mis Lucretla Hunter will leave Tues day for the south to spend the winter. Miss Hunter will later be joined by her aunt, Mrs. Dants. Social Affairs of the South Side Mr. K. W. Burdlck, Herman. Neb., I spending the week-end at the home of her sister, Mrs. EI A. Rose, 1129 North Twenty-second street. Mr. Henry Rnchman, Rock Island. 111., who ha been visiting at the home of her sister-in-law, Mra. L. Altman, Twenty second and I streets, left last Sunday to return to her home. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hunter of Moor croft, Wyo., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mra C. E. Scarr, lul8 North Twenty-sixth street. They will stay through the week-end. Mra Howard Vore, 92S North Twenty first street, will entertain the Woman's Missionary society of the United Pres byterian church at her home Wednesday afternoon. Tea will be served and fancy goods displayed. Mrs. E. B. Woodruff and son of Glen wood, la, who have been visiting during the last fortnight at the home of Mr. Bruce McCulloch, 1007 North Twenty second street, left last Monday evening for her home In Glenwood. "The Neighborhood" club was enter tained In the second meeting since or ganisation at the home of Mrs. Mike Culkin. 1621 North Twenty-fourth treet, last Saturday afternoon. The twelve member all attended and refreshment were served. Mrs. George McDonald en tertained last week at the first meeting. Mrs. George French will entertain Thurs day afternoon In the third meeting. Mrs. A. Kratky and Mrs. Martin enter tained members of the Progressive club at the home of Mra. Kratky, 2102 w street, Thursday afternoon. All members were present and an election of officers was held. Mrs. Prince was elected presi dent and Mrs. Krough secretary. Re freshments were served later in the after noon. Those present were: Mesdame Elsfelter, Green, Routte, Jonea, Rubin, Kratky, Martin, Avery, Swlngholm. Goodman, Hall, Mills, Krough, Prince, Eckleson. Ball and McCaskle. The X. L. club plans to exceed Its previous ventures In the field of society Friday evening. For several days a spe cially appointed committee has been working on a program for a special so cial meet at the McCrann hall at Twenty-fifth and M street. A parcel post ale will be held at the same time. The program will consist of a piano solo. Miss Katherine Donohue; sketch, Messrs. Ansetm Cemy and Roy Ooriey; vocal solo. Miss Helen Redmond; piano solo. Miss Sarah Keefe,; vocal selections, Fon tenelle quartet; reading, Mr. George Green r vocal solo, Mr, George Bevins. Kurts's orchestra will entertain before and after the program. Thif ty-Five Year a of Successful Photography Why Experiment? Please Make Appointments Now for Christmas Photographs ,.A.,- j:7v-'--'-v PHONE Douglas 481 Photo by HBTTT. 1ASBIET KELLY BaugLter el Mi. aud Stra Barry Kelly. The Heyn Studio HHh and Howard Streets Benson Social Circles Bursts !elng Mes.irs. and Mesdames F. " l ernish. C. SprinR, V. I'etem ' 1 Outre. J. Itlclt k, J. Anderson, T. MeOiilre. I I J Cocke, Mlsces F.rfle McOulre. Mary Moore, Grace Connolly. Messrs. P. Peter- i .t- J on and c; Ijirsrn. Mr. Raymond Woodrum of York, for-' merly of Benson. vl;ted here last Sunday. Roy Young left Monday for the 1'nlver lty of Nebraska after spending vacatljn with hla parents. Mr. and Mr. C. Myers cf Callaway. Neb., are guest at the J. K. Marshall I htms while their son Is at the Methodist hospital. j O. 8. Rrooka left Thursday evening for lemora, la., where he ns called by the; Florence Social Items The Eagles' Dnncing club gave a danoa st the hall on Tucsd ty evening. Forty couples were present. Mrs. U A. Tuylor loft Sunday for Ex- ovisior Hirlnr. M ., where slie sVssbsMbMMbbsV IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII llll lines, and death of a relative. 'is,or spring M , where !,e wll,' , spend a few week In search of health Mra F. 8. Kln entertained a number. ..... , .. ,. . . . of friend, of Benson and Omaha Friday ' Vv WM ,l,y afternoon In honor of Mrs. I. Cook, who . l,',rn lBM . . ... , . ' ,. I'liproMHK inililly and w II sunn bo able haves soon to spend the winter In Cell- to b ou, Hwin . fT.nl" . -, . ! Mi". " Mrs. Oco;ge Green leave this Mr. and Mrs. Kdward Arndt. who were nfrk for Yanktn. 8. D.. to make their married laM week, will reside In Itens'n. fu,llr. homli t(trr R Hp,, , Klor. .Mr. Arndt was formerly Miss Maraaret nce of ten years. Byars of Imbertoti, Minn. w . ... ... Mr it n... v ' . . , . S,,M" Mijer and Mas Kirkpatrlik. who lr. II. Herr. who siipnt Thnnksalvlnr . .... . ik. i ' , . ' """ or ;ina Meyer people at at the home of Mr and Mr. J. T PlPk- Su;lo(li N( ovor -rl,nnkKtvlnar. re ard. left for his home In Hloomlngton. . Iu, nf j , Ml)N,nr, M,,day. in., on monnnv. . A daughter was horn to Mr. and Mis. 'TlT "f ,h. "'W" churol. a t.- tinh.i.. i ... ... " """'" t a cnicsen pie supper at H V' S h ." ! "'w""1 Mr'',"' church Thursday evening. After the 1 Mr Tnd M . n ' . '""W -cHghtful program was given. Mr. and Mrs. H. Colson returned i Mri,. Harold Reynolds entertained the1 bonis on Monday from a visit with rela- members of the O. O. P. circle of the i live. In stromshurg, Net,. I.ad es' Aid aoclety of the Presbyterian I Mra Ylr n T.lt.. ...Ill i. - I . . ' I ... ,,, r i,.r m nuien rt h' r home on Tuesday aftor- the Aufweldersehen club at her home on notn- text Tuesday afternoon. . Last year's class of the Florence High Mrs. A. U nice and uon returned today school attended a reception at Pearl from Exeter, Neb., where she spent the Memorial church Thursday evening, at lKst month on a visit. N which their clnsi play. rtA Case of Mra M. A. Snow returned last Ktindav Suspension." mas presented. The dedication of the Methodist church i will take place December 12. at which the principal speaker will be Ulahop Frank M. Hrl.Mtol. at I n. m. In thn IH "What Shall I Give This Christmas?" HOW many times that perplexing question has arisen. But this year what? Why not Jewelry or silver ware? Jewelry and silverware of the quality Illustrated In our iglft suggestion booklet, free for the asking, have an In trinsic value and permanence which make It very appro priate for gift purposes. In our stock you will find articles suitable for every friend and loved one, young or old. and at prlcea far more moderate than you may suppose. Brooches, bangles, scarf pins, pendants, cuff buttons,' tie clasps, vases, platters, bon-bon dishes, tete-a-tete sets gift literally by the hundreds which will last year In and year out and serve as a permanent re minder of the giver's thoughtful Judgment. Our stock' Is chosen with the utmost care, bearing al ways In mind that the store which serves best, selves most. It is our ambition to erve you this Christmas so well and promptly that you will look upon gift hunting as less a burden and more a pleasure. Though you may call merely tor Inspection, you are always welcome. Albert Edholm Omaha's Oldest Established Jeweler 16th Street at Harney. I Amas x 1 MA.HOSPECO. ? 1 1513-11 lougJll i r.largarcttc Lcmcn TEACHER OF PIANO Sd rioo Vattarsea Blk irtfc aal raraaja. Douglas TMa. OsaaJil, Ilea, nasjrw from a three weeks' visit with relatives In Nettle Creek, lnd. Mrs. K. I.lljenstolpe entertained Mon day evening In honor of Mr. and Mrs X. Welbull of Denver. Colo., who are on!'vonln" u- Hrown. district superln their way to Sweden. jtvndeiit. will speak. Mrs. A. W. Alber entertained last week In honor of her uncle. t. H. YVoolston, 1 who Is on hi way from California to i Iowa. I A son was born to Mr. and Mr. Carl i Llljcnstolpe at Hcolt'a Rluff. Neb. Mr. ' l.lljenstolpe's old home was here. ' Mr. Charles Haffke and mother, Mrs. j Julia Haffke. left on last Thursday fori their new home In Hope, Ark. The Ladles' Aid society of the Metho-, diet church held Its annual Christmas boiar Friday In the church basement. ! Lunch was served at noon and a chicken I dinner in the evening. 1 Mis Anna Christiansen entertained at ' her home Friday evening for a number' of co-workers It) the public schools. Those I present were Misses Anna Campbell, Eva . Harrier, Vera Freeman, Helen Snow. Beu- i isn uyars, oenevleve Tornblom, Margaret Love and Helen Nlasen. Miss JoaeDhlna JIonr ..i.m.u.j I about sixteen young people at her home ; Wednesday evening, serving luncheon. The Toung Women' Kensington club1 was entertained last Tuesday evening by j Mr. Guy Cabbage at a taffy pull. Thoae 1 DML.t ' . - jri i . .... I uum tampDen, jseil and Myrtle Bmlsor, Marshall, TlUel, Davey, Ktlger, Calvert, Moulthrop, Mra. M. Kroyer and Mrs. Calvert Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knudsen enter tained at a dinner at their home In honor of their second wedding anniversary, the This is a Jewelry Xmas Let your Xmas Rift be ono of merit a gift which, with addeil yenrs, nssumes increased in trinsic va'.ne as well ns heightened charm of as sociation. Jewelry Will Be the Proper Gifts We have the newest designs and styles and exceptional values In Diamonds, Watches. Solid Oold -Jewelry and Sterling Silver Novelties. POPULAR PRICES REESE JEWELRY CO. Omaha m Gift Stor M 8. 10th SI., City Nuti. Hank IHJjt Store Open Evenings Till Xmas. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II g mqjm iii ii.. ji ii tm ' 'i The Big Furniture Sensation of the Year 1?CDBJ33 This big "Cash Raising Sale9 which is now being con- ducted here with such vim and view, is nrnvinf? to be I the most sensational cut-price Furniture Sale held in ? umana in recent years, ureater entnusiasm -greater g ej .a ,9m Yl stock reductions greater bargains. ESm31IEETa2 Come to this salo nrenared to find tho oreAtftst haro-ains vou were ever able to secure. 'Come with your expectations worked up to H tne nignest pitcn, tor you won't De disappointea. ; tLf "CASH RAISING SALE, and prices on every floor of this great store are reduced to the very limit hundreds of articles are offered at less than half former prices. Como at once Come tomorrow. nsswrWrft lif'H " !tiiBif-4 0 V i 1 n I I Select I SAVE 0NE-HALF Xmas Gifts Now Save We will hold the goods and deliver them later. 4 Solid Oak Dresser Well made Dresser, solid r-g oak, well finished; sensa- f Fl eatioqal value, now aZjJ J J ffiif Solid Oak Buffet Large, heavy, well made T..r-X If 1 X 1 Duiiei, uuea silverware drawer, J'Vench bevel mir ror; special this sale This Rocker now tfj)Q8 Solid Oak Rocker, njj comfortable, full w spring seat, durably upholstered, strong, well made and of fered now at $3.98. The Best Base Burner tt emir P8 'Mrrrfl : ' eyi'V win w', J I ; ' 'jp I-Vom 800 to 1,3(X) inches of extra radiating surface, enabling one to get much greater heat from the coal consumed. It's the most economical Base Burner you can buy. Has many new improved features, smooth nickel trimmings. Don't select a Heater without first learning of the improved features of the Peninsular. 5 (0) 5 J(0)1. Too 014 SVov Tsksa ta Bsoaasss. H