14 A TTTE OMATTA SUNDAY BEE: DEOFfRER 15. 1915. CHALMERS CHALMERS CHALMERS CHALMERS CHALMERS CHALMERS CHALMERS CHALMERS CHALMERS CHALMERS. CHALMERS CHALMERS CHALMERS CHALMERS CHALMERS CHALMERS CHALMERS mm frnq CHALMERS cnriMHis CHALMERS CHALMERS CHALMERS CHALMERS CHALMERS CHALMERS CHALMERS CHALMERS Quality JFlrct r Gi!!lMni3 CiLILMEnS CHALMERS CHALMERS Gnnmeis ,nlP,rRS mi Mai U WiAt.Mlt"J - At I I ' I CiS!LL!EnO CililLMEOS CnfiL!.!H13 CHALMERS litikibuiMUll 11 SAW M ilillUMPEEP MEM ElUY EOTMW MHHJLKDM WdDHTMs OF The' New Sx-30' with 3400 It vf&a an event history. Not an ordinary dealers' convention. It was a crowd of six hundred human dynamos the best lot of merchants I have ever seen assembled under one roof. Mr. Chalmers called the new car the 3400, because the engine turns at a speed of 3,400 revolutions per minute. . . ; , , . . , It is the fastest engine speed ever developed for stock car use in America. , .'y V,;. ' w MHMUJT K9 DM S3te Engine at $1,050 Revolutions Per Some cars turn up 2,000: some 2.200. are one or two that; reach 2,600, and one that records 3, Others do only 1,400. There ,000. Such suDer-enffine sneed means crcat tiower from a small motora light-weight chassis, and, all told, a live, peppery does what the Dig brute of a car used to do, only this new 3400 unaimers car. In other words, it K) Chalmers It is a siz- is a lot faster in acceleration and more alert in every way. cylinder carthe Chalmers Six-30. , When he told us the price $1,050, we were dumf ounded. Then he showed us the car. One glance was enough it told a volume. The stampede began. In forty very short minutes I saw 600 men buy $22,000,000 worth of those new 3400 Chalmers. I bought all they would sell me. I wanted morel We all wanted . more. We insisted upon more begged for more. Some recited census figures others mentioned increase in wealth per capita in their communities. But it was no use. The Chalmers people said they simply could not build any more. Thev took us, then, from the Convention Hall to another large build ing. A door was opened. There before our very eyes stood a phalanx of these bright newXJhal mers not one, not two, but hundreds of them. v' It was a shock to our optic nerves, and to our imagination but a pleasant ens. r t For automobile dealers are used to going down to automobile con ventions and taking a look at a pretty new model on a pedestal then going home and waiting three months or more for deliveries. We cer tainly never expected to see more than one or two finished cars. Asking for deliveries of a demonstrator before sixty days in previous years was Like asking the Rhode Island Red to lay the Golden Egg. Somebody got up and said that we would find a name tagged on each car and to go and get ours. It was like sixty football teams going down the field on a punt. I found my car. I drove her in the big parade a $500,000 parade that turned into a $22,000,000 procession for Chalmers. She traveled all over Detroit on a three-mila-an-hour speed, never buckled; never heated v up. When the parade was over I got her out in the open and stepped on the little button. I never before saw such acceleration. I have felt under foot Brussels and Wilton, but never have I felt real Velvet until now. It was magnificent. , Then I got. out and lifted the bonnet and opened the throttle. I ran her up and up and up, and the faster the little engine sped, the softer and smoother she ran. I understood then why they called lier the 3400 Chalmers. If there was one single throb left in her, my good right ear failed to record the irregularity. j i I put the car over some of my own little hurdles and it gave me back the laugh.. I could not tease her a bit. Then I lost no time in getting her down here in the salesroom. For I wanted my own people to see it YOU people. I knew you folks here at home would go wilcf over her the minute you saw her in action. When I got back to the Chalmers plant, I got hold of Mr. Chalmers, took him aside and asked him how he could do it for $1,050. Now, Mr. Chalmers is a man of action. When the war came he figured that the price of materials would rise. So he took advantage of a low market and bought. If he had waited and built his car of materials purchased in the present market, the chances are his cost experts would have put a list price of $1,400 or $1,500 on the car. Mr. Chalmers then explained to me what had been accomplished in tions and new equipment. You know that all Chalmers cars are manu- Wc arc in a position to oiler live men the Best Selling Automobile Agency Contract ever written. Sec us now for territory In Nebraska, So. Dakota and western Iowa. ; the great Chalmers plant in the way of new practices and new opera- factured motors, clutches, transmissions, etc., all built from the raw in the great Chalmers Shops not assembled, not bought outside and assem bled by Chalmers, but built completely in Chalmers Shops. I went out and looked the plant over, and I never stopped until I had been in every one of those twenty-two magnificent buildings. I saw every machine at work. I saw these new cars coming through. Enthusi asm was written large on every mechanic's face. Every man takes a pride in his good work. I saw machines I never knew existed before. I saw new buildings. I saw great quantities of materials piled high all ready for the foundry. There was hustle in the air. There was prosperity. I caught it in the first building I entered. Then I wanted to get back and tell you all about this magnificent new 3400 Chalmers to show it you to to let you "feel it." To see it makes you reach for your check book quick. It is here now. Come see it. - L I am making deliveries in the order of sales. W. L. HUFFMAN, President. W. L. Huffman Automobile Co. 2036-38 Farnam Street Phone Tyler 456 Omaha CHALMERS CHALMERS CHALMERS CHALMERS C1LUMER3 CiELMffiS C!L1LMH!S CHALMERS CHALMERS si) CHALMERS CHALMERS CHALMERS CHALMERS CHALMERS CHALMERS CHALMERS CHALMERS CHALMERS CHALMERS CHALMERS S CHALMERS COiiLMEOS GSSU3B3 CHALMERS GM2R3 eiMIHIS enmnns eossras mint iwrrM mm CHALMERS CHALMERS CHALMERS CHALMERS CHALMERS CHALMERS CHALMERS CHALMERS Emmas GinmHis ennrnms QMS CHALMERS uuimtus CHALMERS CHALMERS CHALMERS CHALMERS CHALMERS CHALMERS CHALMERS CHALMERS CHALMERS CHALMERS CHALMERS CHALMER3 CHALMERS .CHALMERS CHALMERS CiLILMERS CHALMERS CHALMERS CHALMERS CHALMERS CHALMERS CHALMERS CHALMERS C'WERS