Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 05, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 12-A, Image 12

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Ertl Estate: Men to Appraise Prop
frt? Wnrre Reqnfit it
Minister to Belgium Under Displeas
ure nf German Governor
Three Circuit Judges Soon to Begin
Final Consideration of Southern
r&cifio Case.
Invest im Umalffla
fYNl.lrnt Hantaan of the T1 Ktatt
ix' har e In making hi rmTiinltlro ap
p.lntnwnli (or th year named an ep
tiermM coin mil !. hlh in looked
r't as of ame Importance.
In all larga citw-a thr a u appralae
aunt temml'Kt govrrtwd br the rel
aatate tioard tliat H. ula thni, athua
oty It U to mk ail tha afpraiarfnent
for tht K'hana. astmlng tha pulillc of
wrwt aluaitun and anyone
to lind out a hat th ,fi-T I jr la worth
that tnrjr trr try tni to pun has at
n" rlir". Tli iharse l usu
ally iiimII tliat It la rvt profltaMa for
me rnrrtibrra of the cummltte or tha x
haa in lo the rk, but tha Mi-a of
ttatln. au h a o.mmltt. la to protect tha
li I. ; a.rpt arrkra advlr anil to
lhm an !'( rl unit to K' t an an
'.hrMk? and valuation on any rup
iiy In th My.
In II, futi.i avrry meintxnr of tha
tm rUL lefl In Omaha al.l. when an
Inquiry Is itolipl at their offli, for
aid to lrl Irrr a Hank form whlrh
the jrn Iii'iiiikik for valuation muat
Ml o n and ar oiiiiwny itli tha ap
1 ihti f-. TliU ap.tlli allon la
I. n. J iivt to tha ai'p'aiiH'i)t otn-nl;i-e
and a rrp-rt to .mmh"IIi. ly tna-i"
J a crlill avt of aiuatlon slveii to
(h peraon making tha Inquiry.
It la akptxtrd trila ri.innwlUHl will do
(iw. h t tuetill !U nv lit tho buyliuf
putir, lar aa teni tll Imn ai
i unearned. It mul no longer ba pvaalble
tut unscrupulous deal! or real .stall
brokcre ta l- aa Inflated valuation on
a p of property and aU u.h to an
i Prt-1 buyer with uneatmfavtory
teaulta ta tha purchaser. Tha Heal
l-etata ascbkiia of Omaha will stand
oa k of auea .aluatkm and aarti cortln
taU of valuation muat ainel not
tniy ty tha commit!, but by tha aec
letaty with tlta aeal of tha exchange
Th raemt-rr of thla committee hv
lb in ht n call la any nwinber of tha
n tiara aha la particularly familiar
lie that iwalWn for hla advl'-a aa to
Itva valuation. Whrm tha public la thf
oMahly fatmliar with Hit a)tem of ap
prttiarmf i.'. It la ep.ld to prove a boom
ta U ra! eatata prof l"n. It will pro
tect th purthaer and It la rumed
that anyun delrln to pur. haaa prop
erty in t'inaha would slauly pay a fx
of i or l& ta ! an auilieiilu report
ea tha valuation of tha property they
ra anlruf to ir h.
It l alao I o of material benefit to
tha baak. fl only In tha city of Omaha,
but trtWutary ta Otnaha. It will no
lunger ba eaary for aoma country
Vaher la write hla rvrraapondanl In
tMnah for a valuation, and it ba Aoa
it will ba tnora than Uly that tha local
tnh will a tha real astata appralaa
anonl anmlti ta waka a valuation.
jVM-m Couri Terra. Iwtwean Iow.
tea and rarnaro atreal and Twenty-fifth
d Twetily-aJitli atrwela, hava been aold
ut fharlea T. Nauhtn of tNeUI. who
tw'Mtht them for an Inreatmat. They
rofwWH r a row of ail flva-mom brick
flat. Tha prtra waa t?M-
O 1
- I m
V" ' V f
V:v : i
Tod Sloan, tha Amerlran Jorkey, who
waa deported from Hnnland aa n tin
dealrahle, on tha rharu of being a
ambler, ha arrived In Now Tork.
fora aalllna; Bloan aat.l that ha would
probably go back to tha racing- gama
her and pilot aoma of tha well-known
epeed boraea on Amerlran trarka.
Bcventeen-Year-Old Eugene Welker
Takei Car Belong-in; to
Martin Mortenson.
I'.eeent antra ma)a by ha firm of
llxtlns Meyden ahow tha follnwlntr?
Wa'lrr rtuti f lrnd Itnnd, Nh.,
fcurt 4 a bojiineaa lot in Went Pntn
f-r I "
Aiiiue eVhwarls imrcStwl en arra lot
M a tirttan .rt.n f r J.l.
jtmri Inarafv -if ri-ed hlf-aa
U- In lii'iltm fi.r
Juetua l'f.f.ri.lit nt lennn, Neb , p're-
erl a bueliwea lot In V, i at Ufnintn for
J. f.nj lrim Jw rrhe, a realdenc k't
Vi Ueet ne.a for UjO.
M W ltnrrtnat-a of Fl'TerM", Neh ,
irai-4 a aeaa kt In tl4 4. Weat
t"K2'n (
i i:. -. tjnnm tt Auburn. Neb.,
jr. ' -J a bH.e lot In Vv r.l l!naon
!t- rs .
;.ii A. ' purr4 a bulneea
k-t v . tor !.".
Aiun . .eaer vt i e .n-ll Hl'iffa,
ta , ron htx aa acta In ctenaon Uar-
t .' .
'rf.-j:a VT ef fenerm. New, pne
t ra t a arra mnA lo irrnom houaa I'l
trtena for $2
l l IImimii l i-nain Onrdena pur
a trrt of la4 W I'.Kfaland Acraa
f e '
I.i 'e4t ur-.fcrd a bualrteaa lot In,
vir-i r r - 1 -n
.eiiike Hretaw4 w l-lory
V . an ete" 1 ! fr tl.,'t
( A. It.xkiveil ft IVeetrW Neh ,
rrr.ew4 laa nail acre ta VSeet IWna.o
I1.1 1 Ait Aelw purchaad
v .4 r- s .r Sa
i --r.rJ v itrKeox. Neh.. pnr
t,-v a-iv w in I'M.r-rwooa
ta t.Mtf l-r K.,
A- e .--i .r-t J a ttiiainea
V M-nMl f e $
Nnit - t trart
f. .it A--e itUrnn, ! t .
V'w-ao- 'imet iir. r'f'e)th
ai jriv-' :r."Kr- It'' a nd
k Hta I- ! M'Iik l"C ti.j
1 i f-.r'tt trait 1 tten
M 1 .. aa t . ta in t nla Ihereoo.
'Ti.Ia r f.."e1 ar fTXet't Nt..
I . ' rr t ! ' i'it t rr. r n-
. e r -n fli. t r tl."',
t t m I v ' a m-rti eet an I
t.'' an4 Tn'y '
t - et ta.a r"'e4 mr Jit.
f --a I -e a.
Transient Merchants
Accused of Fraud
1 a ' f taakel anreiaat
.m k o-n i' r a-"1 K ta ye
4 . r f -9 a e ; e 1 t.
. 1 -J tu I 'K f 'rt aK.'"
ly e-' a ta 1k i ir ef
e'4 aeral VmikI FWfttHK.
"? 4 . aii d m 1 a raj
t t -4 p:,Bl f r J. .1-
f a I . utr T were
.- a wMtftor m4 tb
a "'4 " aoutiM
1 l-k4 aevker t'ewa'y aiiwrnay
t ?'ir -l tk t - el aMranta,
a . ' f f MJd ey At
'( a .Meam u k4
ea ' M r. fta toa
a 'i iMt taaa fc
, . , . ,a Mekta llaa
-. , i ' Ma wm u a-a t
- , , . 1 4 I exa.W J, tlMf
-.- 1 . . j ia ta,
Eugena Welker. 17 year old, la In th
Council Tlluffa Jnll. charged with th
theft of an automobile, a charga which
ha frankly admit, but ayi h la unabl
to enplaln why ha did It. II la alao
areuaed of breaking and entering a build
in at nlaht.
Toung Welker, who Uvea at tha homa
of Mr parenta on Bouth Seventh atraet,
Council Ulufra, It 1 charged, broka
Into th garag of Martin Mortenaon,
aloon keeper, at 12S Ronlh Eighth atreet,
and atol a new car. Tha theft waa com
mitted aoma tlm Thuraday night, but
waa not discovered until yeaterday morn
ing. Two hour after Mortenaon had
notified the pollc a telephone meaaage
from th aherirt of Mill county atated
that tha automobile and tha euapect were
In charge of officer at Glen wood.
Tha boy appear to have been entirely
alone In hla operation, and, with but
little experience In operating tha car, ha
oon got Into trouble. He made a detour
to avoid paaalng through Ciltmwood, but
hla arreat folowed when eomethlnif went
wrong with th car at a point elxht mile
outh of Olonwood, It atopped and he
could not atart It. Tho equation pre
ented by th preaence of a lone boy at
that hour of tha nltht atranded on a
country road and entirely unfamiliar with
hi car eiclted uariclon. The Mill
county ahertff waa communicated with
and tha boy and car were returned to
Ulenwood. The car had not been damaged.
Lcman Asserts.
He Has an Alibi
Detertive James Kennelly returned
to Omaha, from Lincoln, Friday ayen
Ing, with Uur Leman, arrested on
tinplt Ion of having been the bandit,
who ahot and killed C. I). Campbell,
4 Lincoln contractor, In Omaha, Nov
ember 19.
Ionian aaserted that he had not
been in Omaha until Uit nltht for
four years, when he cams hers with
a circus. V. llarklns, a Jitney
driver, who maintains he witnessed
tha Campbell shooting, declared he
was positive Leman is the slayer of
tha contractor.
Trafton Convicted
Of Robbing Coaches
CIIErr.NNE. Wyo. Dec. tF.dwrd B.
Trafton. on trial In tn fulled fltat.e
diatrkt court here on tha charge of rob
lin taenty-threa taa coaches tn the
latwatn Nalhin! park Jjly Si, liH,
wa found guilty Ula today. Th Jury
was out Ira than half an hour.
ha not yet beea t.-npol.
LONDON, Dec. 4. The Amster
dam correspondent of the Exchange
Telegraph company sends the follow
ing: "Advlcps from Rosendaat (Hol
land) state that Belgian newspapers
under the German censorship have
been ordered to announce that Brand
Whltlock, United States minister to
Belgium, will not return to Brussels.
The news has been received with con
sternation throughout Belgium.
"It Is believed that General von Kissing,
Oermnn governor general of Belgium,
desired to have Mr. Whlt'ork muted and
1ht he Is also press'mr for th Immedi
ate removal of the American and Span
ish legation from Brussels to Havre
where the Belgian glvernment Is."
to Itetarn.
WASHINGTON. . Dee. 4. Secretary
Lansing announced ecveral week ago
that the German military authorities had
gtven aurances that the departure of
Minister Whltlock cn Icuve waa regretted,
and had exprenaed regret that published
report made It appear that tho minister
wna leaving Belgian a a result of Ger
man objection to his presence. Later
th secretary stated that ha expected
Mlnlntrr Whltlock to return to his p"t at
th expiration of his leave, and so far as
la known ther has been no change in
this plan.
Substitutes Take
Place of Genuine
Articles in Germany
(Correspondenca of the Associated Prese.)
BBHL1N, Nov. 10. The exigencies of
tha war have led to the creation of al
most cnuntlca (ubstltute for articles
which Germany no longer haa, even to
the production of substitution for ub
tltute no longer available.
The central .committee of the House
wives' Associations of Greater Berlin has
undertaken to show the publlo, especially
th feminine portion of it, how great la
the number of aobstltute Invented and
already on the market, and how practical
they are, by mean of one of the most
notable exposition ever held In Berlin.
There are exhibited a few of the food
substitute now In use, but the exposi
tion I mainly devoted to articles of
household use that have come to replace
all the copper and nickel ware that ha
had to bo turned In for ammunition purposes.-
Thua there are common Iron pipe,
tastefully gilded, to take the place of
bras curtain pole. There are vessels
and receptacle of all sixes mad of a
material called serpentine, which la found
In great quantltie near Dreaden, avail
able Instead of the copper pans and pots
that have gone.1 There are oven doors
made of Iron and steel which look every
bit as well a the nickel ones generally
Used, and which-, of course, are quite aa
practical. Kven pins now are being made
of Iron Instead of nlckal, as are also
hook and eyes and similar object.
Home apparently efficient substitute has
been discovered for the' fare and expen
sive rubber, and the exposition shows
garden hose of the new-material, which
feels and acts just as genuine rubber
does, and will expand and contract quite
aa well. Even nipples for babies' milk
bottle are fashioned out of this near
rubber. The list of articles Includes
squeegees and window sponges.
Twine made of paper haa been found
to be practical, but for use In stores a
little machine haa been I n vet 1 ted which
seal up package and makes tha use of
string :tnressary. .There are paper
collars, cuffs, and handkerchief, and
even paper underwear. Underwear and
bed linen alao have been fashioned out
of celluloid, for the purpose of effecting
sn economy in soap, which Is dally grow
ing more expensive. There are literally
acorea of .model of ana, electric and
spirit tamp and stoves to tempt people
who find It difficult or Impossible to pro
cure petroleum, and so-called cooking
bowta that can be placed on red-hot
Not content with merely exhibiting: th
thousand and on substitutes now avail
able, the woman's association alao give
Instruction In their uaa. It has a number
of educational courses which it offers to
the public, including one on repairing
skilled repairera are scarce nowaday
another on buying, and so on.
8T. LOUIS, Dec. 4. Arguments
were concluded late today in the
case of the government to separate
the Central Pacific from the South
ern Pacific railroad, and when the
final briefs are filed on Monday,
December 13, the three circuit Judges
who heard the arguments will begin
final consideration of the petition for
dissolution of the Southern Pacific
The three Judges are, Walter II.
Sanborn of St. Paul, William C.
Hook of Leavenworth and John E.
jCarland of Washington, D. C.
The entire afternoon session of the
court was occupied today by Edward F.
McClennen, attorney for the govern
ment. In his argument in rebuttal of the
argument made by the attorneys for the
Southern pacific.
"If It I shown In tha evidence," asked
Presiding Judge Sanborn, "that the ton
nage over tho Central Paclfio Is as great
now as It would be If the roads were
separated, should the court consider that
fact-In reaching Its conclusion?"
"No.M replied Mr. MfcClennen. "for how
can the court decide whether the ton
nage now Is as great a it would be If
the Central Paclfio were a separate line."
"The fact that the Union Pacific la
competing for business through the
Ogden gateway la not the vital point,"
said Mr. McClennen. "The vital ' point
1 that tha Central Paclfio, because It Is
owned by th Southern Pacific, Is not
competing for business for th , Ogden
Ask Elimination of
Louisville District
LnVISYILI.K. Kr.. Dec. 4 1.1! ml a'loo
f tea rtit-te.l d".M t in lAuUvtlle
thro-ie etrfct pn'k- reg'ilithna w.ta
rt.omiiKiK'nl t Maor J. II. Ituh
lr ly t a UUU! vie cummlaalon
Uty. Tha x y ur Indorsed th rrport.
(Correspondence of The Associated rresa)
HEHLIN. Nov. 10. Germany will not
know accurately until lat In tha fall
Juat how larg th 1915 harvest of train
haa been, snd whether It Is W enough
ao that tt will be poaaibl 4o Increase
tha allowance of feed for horsea, as well
aa th amount of flour for human con
sumption. Recently tho report went th rounds
that the harvest waa so large aa to leave
a surplus of SOO.ouc.OOO tons of grain, and
that In consequence It wo'tld b possible
to Increase th feed allowance for ani
mal by at least 100,000,000 tons. Hope,
ran so hhjh In consequence of thl re
port that th authorltle have had to
Uau an official atatement of the cnae.
The 'surplus, thl atatement aaserts. Is
only eatlmated and ta as yet Impossible
of verification. Until all returns are In
no on may bn permitted to alter existing
regulations concemlna' the quantity of
flour or food used in anticipation of nn
unusual harvest.
PITTSBURGH, Pa.. Dee. 4. rorty-four
men who served as election officers
at the September primaries were arrested
tonight on charges of conspiracy growing
out of the grand Jury' Investigation of
irregularities at the election.
All wero released on 11.000 ball each.
Arrests In connection with the alleged
election frauds now number 154.
LITTLE ROCK, Ark., Dec. 4.In a
desperate battle between members of a
sheriff's posse and bandits who attempted
to hold up southbound Iron Mountain
passenger train No. S last night, the
sheriff waa wounded and two of the
bandits killed, according to reports from
Malvern, this morning.
IOWA C1TT. la.. Dec. 4. (Special.)
Chuck Laun of Charles City, la., was
today chosen captain of th Unlersity
of Iowa foot ball team for next year.
. Editor Isei Kdltor for I.tbel.
MASON CITY, la., Dec. 4. (Special.)
According to the present schedule Jack
Dalton of the Manson Democrat and Tom
Long of the Manson Journal will transfer
their activities for battling from the Jour
tiallstlo field to the district court this
week. Long was getting; more than he
could assimilate from Dalton's battering
ram, "Tho Democrat," and assuming that
money spoke louder than words he called
upon Dalton for $10,000 damages for libel,
tome great legal talent has been engaged
ty both plaintiff and defense and a hot
legal fight Is sure to follow.
Iowa Newa Note.
DENISON The Federal Mutual Insur
ance company of Dea Moines has made a
settlement with Its policy holders In
Crawford county on a basis of a i per
cent assessment. The policy holders
claimed they had an cgreement that the
aaaesament should not exceed 115 per
thousand per year. : The call waa made
for -'7. Some of the policy holders atill
expect to fight the company.
WOODBINE The Church of Christ at
Woodbine I now In th midst of a re
vival meeting with Its pastor, V. M. El
ston, delivering the sermon and Frank
Mcvey, th colored linger of Concordia,
Kan., in charge of the music. Sixty-eight
have all leu themselves with the church,
iicarly all of them by confession.
v .lb.
? a d' iwt4l.
. .. .... . &
.' fc
VIKNNA. Mi, I. 4. -Fran, roya
ler, si Usl July ;!1.01 thr Wornra
ka tay Hi'iuHcl ta t- hint frm
ttr ftrwk. fauad aJi.tjr of murd.r
im r H'i t t urt hra t.lay aaJ was
aoB'viicarJ tt trt attrtit.ry lor talv
I .
Iif aa.1 iU JUra, Julia
li J kv daughtcra. NUl
eixt Mm. Hum
i rK.w k trwd wnly u lb murvler
1 ! ut
(Correspondence of T- Associated Pret.)
slHt-IlOURNE. Australia. Nov. 10, The
Miners' unit which th commonwealth
government recently offered to raise,
equip and aend to th front 1 sow tn
procea of formation. It will be com
posed of three companies enrolled In dis
trict tn Australia devoted to mining, and
thua pr.bablr New routh Wale and
Qoeenalaad will supply one. West Aus
tralia another and the three other atata
the third. The total strength of th fore
t I te about l.OOO men.
Th officer of tbe'uult are all to be
draa from the mining pectar'sta In th
rommonwealth. Ther will b a heat
quarter staff and to thl a few geotnar'at
a i'l ba attached.
New ZeaKnd la a'so making a departure
la rerruutng a evrpa cf skilled miners
and nuaeis' nasiatabls.
Safe Investment
Mortgage Security,
Builders' Profit
Your money Invested la
Hone Builderi' Preferred
Shares, which bear 7 Inter
est, payable January 1 and
July 1, is a safe Investment.
These share participate In
surplus profits which remain
after the regular 7 per an
num dividends are paid. All
shares Issued before January 1
will participate In the builders'
profits for the past six months.
Shares $1.16 Till Jan. 1
Our booklet gives full Infor
mation on the working plan of
Soa H. 17th St. Fiscal Agents.
A beautiful Liberty Bell Calen
dar free while they last
Order early.
Heavy Hoisting
E. J. DflUiS
nUFamaSL Tel. D. 353
t-J r"f! , sfL
mm Matte 11 way
CfF The man who buys Omaha real
estate at its present price will be
the one who will within a few years
be pointed to as a very shrewd busi
ness man.
CIF Business conditions in Omaha were never
better than they are today; Omaha is fast be
coming the great market place of the central
west, buyers and sellers of various kinds are
meeting in greater numbers every day on our
lf Omaha manufacturers are increasing in
number each year and the products of
these various factories are finding a ready
market in almost every town and city of
the country.
ff Real estate purchased ten years ago has
shown advances in values little dreamed of at;
that time, and Omaha is now only coming into ;
her rightful position as a city of the greatest
agricultural and stock raising district of the
United States.
f Values in real estate are going to in
crease faster in the future than they have
in the past, and if you want to be one of
the profitors, now is the time to secure
your real estate interests.
Omaha offers numerous kinds of real estate
investments within the reach of any investor.
By buying a little in advance of the develop
ments, the small investor can secure acreage
tracts or residence lots in various locations,
which will be sure to show handsome increases
in value; while the large investor can secure
properties that will double in value within a
short time.
f In today's BEE you will find a number
of choice properties located in various
parts of the city, offered at prices which
will make them very profitable investments.