Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1915, News Section, Page 9, Image 9

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Treasurer of Arthur County Hands
in Small Bunch of Interut
(From a Btaff Corre tpondent )
LINCOLN. N.b. IX:. a. (Sprclal.V-No
oonrr hu Superintendent Fast of the
Institute for Keeblo Minded at Beatrice
Sained considerable favorable comment
fcy turnlns over Interest secured on de
posit of state mcney In bank, than alonn
cornea the treasurer of Arthur county
and aends to the secretary of atate the
Bum of ll.f) interest on a warrant which
ha had collected
Mndaar lets SI. 07 l apse.
?he report f Harry Lindsay, state
librarian and clerk of the upreme court,
filed today, shows that there are 71,490
volumes In the Nebraska state library,
an Increase over the June report be
cavse of 611 volumes donated Hid WW
purchased In the fund collected for the
printing of supremo court reports there
la on hand $ For printing reports
It hns cost $1.30.56. When the clerk was
not looking the amount of $1.07 lapsed
back Into the state treasury because
things wore run so nicely that It was not
Irrigation Meetings.
Meetings In which the State Board of
Irrigation are Interested will be held
this month as follows:
State Irrigation association, at Bridge
port, December 7. $ and .
County commissioner, at Columbus, De
cember 14, 16 and M.
Nebraska Engineer' society, Lincoln,
December 17 and IS.
Auditor's Warrant.
There were 8.714 warranta written In
the office of the state auditor during
the month of November, aggregating
S306.W7.T1. During the year, beginning
with January 1, 14.864.S78 in warranta were
Issued from that office.
SIOUX FALLS, a D.. Dec S.-(Speclal
Telegram.) Governor Frank M. Byrne
was the chief speaker at the closing ses
sion late thla afternoon of the annual
convention of the South Dakota Dairy
men and Buttermal:era' association,
which opened here Tuesday Other speak
ers Included W. A. McKarrow of the
United States Department, of Agricul
ture; T. A. Meehan,. dairyman of the
United State and state agricultural ex
tension department, and Prof. C. Larson
of the South Dakota Agricultural College.
The place for the next annual convention
will be decided by the executive com
mittee. The following offloers wore elected for
the coming year: Tresldent, W. Will
ander, Beresford; secretary-treasurer, A.
P. Ryger, Brookings.
Former Omaha Minister's Daughter
Prima Donna at the Hippodrome
The appearance of Belle Storey, whose
family name is (irace Leprd. prima donna
in "Hip Hip Hooray" at e New York
Hippodrome, who is but ZS, Is the daugh
ter of the late Rev. Asa Leard. a Vres
byterlan minister, formerly of Omaha,
later pastor of Calvary church at Spring
field, Mo. Mrs. l,eard took Oruae abroad
while she studied In Milan. Berlin and
I'arlg- for two years. Returning to New
Torn, she continued her study, and in
1910 began a concert tour of the south
and middle west. (She waa with Evange
list W. E. Blederwolf one ye-r while he
waa making a sawdust trail of Oklahoma
and Kansas, and she confesses to trom
bone solos played to attract sinners to
Rev. Biederwolfa sermons. Sometimes
thess trombone solos were on street cor
ners. It was her concert manager who
persuaded her to try dramatic work, and
Miss Leard changed her name to Uelle
Storey. Her first appearance was at
Hammersteln s Victoria, where she sat
in a box and sang the chorus ol a song
sung by the performers on the stage.
Two years In vaudeville followed and
then Miss Storey was engaged for a part
In "Chin Chin." Following a year at the
Globe she waa transferred to the Hip.
pod rome.
J, : $
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Grace Zeard
Australia Asked
To Send 9,000 Men
A Month to Front
Att-r.I rarpenter Kills Himself.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb., Dec. 8. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Frans Koenlg, carpenter,
aged 74, committed suicide at his board
ing place by shooting himself twice
through the temple. The act was " de
liberate, Koenlg fully changing his at
tire for his best olothes before com
mitting the act. It la telle- from his
request to his landlady, before going to
hie room, for a leadpencll, that he wanted
to leave a note. She had none, however,
nd no note waa found. Koenlg waa a
widower, but leaves a step-daughter re
siding at Kearney. He was a member
of the Ancient Order of United Workmen
and Plattduetsche v'ereln.
Culls from ttie Wire
Earning of the New York. New Haven
& Hartford company for October Indica'ed
that New England Is ahnrtne to a larva
deiree In the prevailing industrial boom.
Operating revenue of 86,5.12,814, shows an
Increase of s84,G00 over the corresponding
month of last year, while net oomorate
Income f $716,834 Is Increased by $C0,M.
Charles S. Molten, former president of
the New York, New Haven Hartford
railroad, admitted on the stand at the
New Yorw trial of the eleven former di
rectors of the road, that some 81'J0,"0)
in New Haven money had been spent in
publicity and lawyers' efforts to block
proposed extensions of the Orand Trunk
railway of Canada Into New England.
The report of the Council of the Na
tional Civil Service Reform league which
began its thirty-fifth annual meeting at
Philadelphia, says that a campaign
should be initiated looking forward to the
demolition of the "spoils system" by
which the senate must confirm appoint
ments of officials who have nothing to
do with the determlnat on of public
The finance committee of the Philadel
phia city council reported favorably an
ordinance for a S.TO.CO0.00O loan to be sub
mitted to the voters at a special election,
February S,-1918. The proposed loan In
cludes an Item of $46,00O.ow for subways
and elevated rellways, $,OjO,000 for port
developments $.l.ono,ooo for a municipal
art gallery, 2,OnO,00i for the Philadelphia
General hospital and $1,000,000 for a con
vention hall.
The second aero squadron which will
be stationed at Manila will be composed
of six Junior military aviators, thirty
five mechanicians and four hydroplanes,
according to an announcement made at
Pan Diego, CaL Captain Arthur s.
Cowan, U. A. A., head of ihe signal corps
aviation school at North Island. The
squadron will leave Ban Dleso for fnn
Francisco late this month and sail for
the Philippines. January 6.
Answers to the arguments of the gov
ernment In the suit to separate the Cen
tral Pacific from the Southern Pacific
railway were made In the federal court
at St. Louis by counsel for the Southern
Pacific. The argument waa based largely
on the propos.tlon that the government
having secured the dissolution of the
Union Pacific merger on one contention
could not come into court now and on a
contention seek the dissolution of the
Southern Pacific.
(Correspondence of The Associated Press.)
MELBOURNE, Australia, Nov. a.
"We want over 8.000 a month that la
the irreducible minimum." said Senator
George F. Pearce, minister for defense,
a few days ago in reference to recruiting
in Australia.
'The army council has asked us to In
crease our percentage of reinforcements !
for the expeditionary forces. We have
been sending them forward in a propor
tion of from 10 to 16 per cent a total
of about 6,600 per month. It has now been
asked that we shall inorease this to 20
per cent which will mean over 9,000 a
month. This intimation should stimulate
recruiting throughout the commonwealth
as It shows that the need for men Is In
creasing rather than decreasing. I feel
sure that the manhood of the common
wealth will be capable of keeping up the
requisite supply for the front." Thus far'
about 150,000 men have enlisted in Aus
tralia. OUgandra, a town of 2.600 inhabitants
In the wheat region of New South 1
Wales, haa since blossomed Into war
fame by reason of the fact that a squad
of thirty volunteers from that place have
started on a 820-mlla march to Sydney to
go into training there. The residents of
the town contributed $1,000 toward the in
itial cost of the march, and all along the
route donations of cash and articles of
general use are being made by Inter
ested men and women, and at almost
very stopping place fresh men are
Joining aa volunteers. The movement waa
originated by the captain of the OU
gandra Rifle club. William T. Hitchen.
a storekeeper, and haa the approval of
the defense department.
A group of forty-flvo South Sea Island
volunteers, also recently arrived in Well
ington, New Zealand, from the Cook
group, sonorously singing popular war
songs in England in their native tongue.
When the natives left the Cook Islands
their friends and relatives bade them
farewell In native fashion by kissing their
feet. When Wellington was reached the
recruits marched to Parliament house
singing "Tlpperary" and "Are We Down
hearted?" in the language of the Cook
archipelago. The Maori members of Par
liament addressed them with patriotic
speeches, after which there was a haka
or Maori war dance by the Maori legislator!.
Di. Edmunds Makes
Magnetic Survey of
Portion of China
(( Vrrrnpondeiiee of the Associated Proas )
PKK1NU., Nov. l.V-lr. t'hail.-s K. Kd
ltiiinrta. president of the Canton Christian
college, la aho.t to complete a magnetic
survey of I'hlna. whlrh the Carneglu
Foundation of Washington, I. C.. au
thorised him to make several years ago.
lr. Edmunds experts the preliminary sur
vey to le completed by next May. Thla
will embrace not only China, but all of
Eastern Asia. When tho work Is coin
pleted there will be no point In this
section of the world more than 160 miles
from a station where magnetic conditions
have not been Investigated.
Dr. Edmunds waa engaged with the
L'nlted Rates government In magnetic
survey work before coming to Chins to
ucct'Pt tho presldeuey of the Canton
Christian college. He has traveled widely
throughout Asia at sueh time aa he
could leave his educational work, ana
has had the co-operation of a number
of ascistants in the survey.
At each point where investigations are
made, the aolentist determines three
things: The angle of variation of the
magnetic needle from due north, tlic
depth of the needle from the horlaohtai
ond the intensity of the magnetio force.
In discussing the practical value of the
magnetic survey, the Carnegie Founda
tion is making of the entire world. Dr.
Edmund said the results will make pos
sible a more accurate use of the compass
at sea by navigators and will be of grea:
assistance to railway and mining engi
neers. Dr. Edmunds expects to pursue
his investigations in Tibet throughout the
A "For Sale" ad will turn second-hand
furniture into cash.
The University of Omaha wag virtually
In a state of alege Wednesday afternoon
when two youngster armed with a shot
gun threatened to shoot the school
Janitor. Not being able to find him they
proceeded to look for several members of ,
the foot ball team and finally disappeared
before the police arrived.
Since the foot ball season started a
number of small boys have been attempt
ing to make the shool their rendeivniM.
On one occasion they made away with
the batteries connecting the clasa bells j
A number of other thefta about the uni
versity has been traoed to them. Monday
afternoon when ordered away from the
school premises, one of the gangsters In
throwing a stone at tho Janitor broke a
largo plate gfkss leading to the office.
The police are on the trail of the offenders.
Washington Affairs
Beet s'igar production this year will be
SW.20I, short tons, the Department of
Agriculture announced. In a prel mlnary
report. That la 122,000 tons more than
lant vear'v total. Production of be"ts was
,42, short tons from about 4.0
aerea, the principal produo'ng states being
"olorado. with 2,T7,!n) tons; California,
J03 tons: Michigan, UV.auO tons, and
I'tah, 87,3110 tons.
John H. Fahey, president of the Cham
tier of Commerce of the United Slates,
told President Wilson that business men
want congrexs to establish a nonpartisan
tariff commission and provide means to
strengthen the merchant marine. Mr.
Fahey declared there was great need
for more ships to carry tne exports of
the United titatea. The president told
Mr. Fahey he was studying both ques
tions very carefully.
The new administration shipping bill,
which would create a board to con'rol
water traff'c. ar d provide for con "truotl n
of merer ant veasels delgned for use
as naval auxiliaries, was the sublect of
a conference attended by Secretaries Sle
Adoo and Hedfield, Senator Fletcher and
Repreaen'ative Alexander, cnairman of
the cenf r. sMlonal merchant marine com
mittee solicitor; Thurman of the Depart
ment of Commerce, and Commandant
berttiolf of the coast guard.
Regulation! were issued by the Federal
Reserve board as applying to hunkers'
domestic acceptance whre state hanks
and trust companies permitted tinder
state lam.i to dal in men paper d. s r
to avril themselves of rediscount thruiKh
federal reserve tanks The principal r--nuirtment
l that such an acceptance
must be based on a tranacilon civ rn
a shlptiM nt of goods, to hi e I ience l by
the accompanying shipping documents or
secured by warehouse receipts.
Grand Prize, Panama-Pacific Exposition, San Francisco, 1915
Grand Prize, Panama-California Exposition, San Diego, 1915
Baker's Breakfast Cocoa
The Food Drink Without a Fault
Made of high-grade cocoa beans, skilfully blended and
manufactured by a perfect mechanical process, without
the use of chemicals; it is absolutely pure and whole
some, and its flavor is delicious, the natural flavor of the
cocoa bean.
The genuine bears this trade-mark, and is made only ly
Walter Baker & Co. Ltd.
u. a. rr. off. Eitabli.hed 1 780
Five Hours faster from Kansas Cify io
Dallas and SoA Worh; seven hours
quicker to San Antonio.
A new irain-j finer and far fasfer
Kan any heretofore in service io or
from Texas.
The Texas figmed
Lvs. Kansas City. . 10:30 p. m. Arr. Waco 3.05 p. m.
DaiUg.......l2:40p.m. Arr. Austin 5:45p.m.
Arr. Fort Worth. .. 1:00 p. m. Arr. San Antonio. 8:30 p. m.
Now. a trio of fast Katy trains from St. Louis to Teias
The TexasSrr "RxYutv fimifed Ttcfis (se
For full information, address
Cse. A. McNstt, District Tut. Art..tl7 Walsat St.. Kaatu Dry, Ma.
ffttam 3m (g8 q? anas
Invest in OmaSna
siate T
F The man who buys Omaha real
estate at its present price will be
the one who will within a few years
be pointed to as a very shrewd busi
ness man.
ST Business conditions in Omaha were never
better than they are today; Omaha is fast be
coming the great market place of the central
west, buyers and sellers of various kinds are
meeting in greater numbers every day on our
tjf Omaha manufacturers are increasing in
number each year and the products of
these various factories are finding a ready
market in almost every town and city of
the country.
Real estate purchased ten years ago has
shown advances in values little dreamed of at
that time, and Omaha is now only coming into
her rightful position as a city of the greatest
agricultural and stock raising district of the
United States.
IF Values in real estate are going to in
crease faster in the future than they have
in the past, and if you want to be one of
the profitors, now is the time to secure
your real estate interests.
Omaha offers numerous kinds of real estate
investments within the reach of any investor.
By buying a little in advance of the develop
ments, the small investor can secure acreage
tracts or residence lots in various locations,
which will be sure to show handsome increases
in value; while the large investor can secure
properties that will double in value within a
short time.
Cf In today's BEE you will find a number
of choice properties located in various
parts of the city, offered at prices which
will make them very prof itable investments.