, J mm-mu, V"T' ' " 11 II III TITO HEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, DECRMBEI. 3, 1915. LOW DEATH RATE j AT CHILD SAYING Lowest Infant Mortality Rate of Any i Similar Institution in the ' United Statei. otlths szrziNa information lz lowest infant mortality rats as 7 Institution la the United $atcs l that of the Child Saying In aj.Itute !n Omaha. ) O; :C3 babies bandied and cared tor ixls year but one was loBt. The tabk") remain in the Institution an ac:sr3 '.ot three and one-half c c: 'i.i until adopted. SV finirlably low hna been the infant fiicr x'il'i1 rate that eastern Instltut'ons in ecr.niirrable number havn written here If'.ttn o? . Infiulry as to Just how the taM-i n.-o rad for and other details of Vi- Institution's work. )Thl.i demand has led Uiom In rhanre . entcbllsh, a item of taking a careful cord or history of every case that vnes In, In order that accurate, rella- e ft.itutlrnl Information may be fur- t'shod to other Inst'tuttons and become a matter of historical record for future gul, lance In the care of Infanta. jTIie Child Savin Institute baa J not b"en favored with another endowment of IC.00O fror.i a wealthy Individual of Omaha, thoiw name la not being made publla In this connection. At a meeting; at noon at the Commercial club all of the old officers of the Insti tution were re-elected, and three new member were elected to the board of dlretors. The new directors are: Rev. O. A. Ilurlbert, Rev. Georgo L. Petera and Mies Myrtle Wsrren. The officers re-elected are W. A. Ie Bord, president; Oeorge 1 'Alley, vice president; Burton Millard, treasurer, and Mrs. A. A. McOraw, secretary. Baby Health Week to Be at Lincoln Christmas Week The bafcy health week oonference "ar ranged ' for Omaha for " yesterday.' has been postponed until the week between Christmas and Now Tears and will be held In Lincoln. The change was neces sitated because of the Illness of Mrs. Hugh L Master of Tecumseh, ehslrman of the civics committee of the Nebraska Federation of Women's clubs. Baby Health week Is to ba observed by club women t aU over the country the week of March i. . , Mrs. A. B. favlnson of the home eco nomics department of the University of Nebraska' and aJso chairman of the same department for the state federa tion and Mrs. K. n. J. Kdholm, health chairman and the federal representative Of the children's bureau In ' Nebraska, held a brfef- conference here yesterday, Mrs. Davbson being, In "attendance at the Farmers' congress. It wa tentatively decided that a three number program would be, arranged, each department, the' health, civics and home eoonomlca! (o'Confiibbte -ina ' sec tion. This committee . will arrange the programs to be given all over the state. Two More British i . . Steamshins Sunk I LONTDON, Deo. I Two more British f tmmora, the Colenso and tho , Orange jTrlnce have been sunk, presumably by jUerniu aubmarlnea. ! The Colenno, of t&33 tons, sallod from iMlddlesbro October 2 for Hull, where It Jurrlved October 91 for Bombay. The Istest maritime records show that She Grants Prince, of t.8 tons, waa at Liverpool October 7. JEW ICE MACHINE FIRM ENTERS HELD IN OMAHA The York-Allan Ice Machine company t Omaha has been Incorporated In the frtete of Nebraska and will about Jan uary 1 open an office and factory . at Thirteenth and Jackson streets. James vAUen, formerly secretary and manager Int the Baker lee Machine' company of jnmeha, U president of the new concern. The new company' factory Is now under Vrocess of construction and will be a fc ne-atory brick building costing between Jn.ooo and WOWO.- i DR. MACKAY TO TALK TO . . THE ELKS ON CHARITY IU-v. rr. T. J. Mackay, chaplain of the 6st, who will be preaent at the meeting Friday evening, baa accepted an Invt- itnt'.on from the exalted ruler to address Ii he members on the near approach of i liriatmae and the exercise of charity the undumenlal principle of the order. Ir. Mackay has had such wide experience Ihu, thai ah.) k, twill k.u. io ssy will be of doep Interest. WOMAN SICK IN BED IN HOME WHICH IS ON FIRE Fire In the basement of the home of Mrs. Bus's Harnett, Ktl 8t. Mary's ave inu, dd slight damage. Mrs. Harnett m sick In bed at the time snl the blase twus discovered by her daughter, who t ailed the department. ""ght damage, resulting from a blase. J;.lo ocrurred In the basement if K. L Hyatt's home, 4S11 Grant street. TRUSTY SWEEPS OFFICE AND THENJAKES ESCAPE j hn Cllreck. trusty at the city Jail, nept Ca Uln Maloney' s office Wednes i .i snd then best It. He was arrested ii a 10-cnt store by Officer We.de. whe i unl that Gllreck had stolen a handful f ' diamond" rings valued at 11.60. Oil. hvI: ass sentenced to thirty days. I Happy OH Ace. f When old age carries with It hosts of .frirndH, giKxJ health avd an abundance 'f this world's g xx3, It ahsuld be M ; tittppy as any period of our exlstenoe. jl'iiat Is old age as It should be, but too ''fu-n It means por digestion, torpid bowels, a sluggish liver and a general fte.tr. of 111 health, despondency and inWry. This eond!Uun can be greatly ..llt-vluted, however, by taking one of ('rsmlfilsLn g Tablets each day tmmedl-l-ly after supsivr. That will strengthen the digestion, tone cp the liver and rgu Ute tl.e boweia, then that feeling of de ijulecr 1U give way to one of hope i 1 good ,;-S.e-r. OUuiuaUe everywhere. Ad v fcruav-iielit. Schawb Spares ' ' ' ' 'I 1 - ' V: , 1 - " II: v - o.'- . '4 t"- V -i. ,f'f'':N'i'TrtvlM f f? . - .f, v i i n n -f - - Vi :-'r, . . I I '--" . ,,-,..,,, :, -v.( j , ... s, , ; ( . . .-Vi.,. . :.-- .' ' .r ". " 1 ' " 'il ' : ywwiyiiiil if ik,,mj" w,j -iiii J.lJJllleVllMMllllf apwl') ji.i.f ....... . . , . .....f., r rj.i w..m ' 1-( in mi- it ii 1 1 'niii ,if i'if i' tit HMi'fi1f,T''ltit',l i - Vif iif iE' 1 T, iif iliift m iiliftViir f nUir f ell sit u MOVtfitG SCHWAB J-tQfTX. StT Z,OSiJLTTO . There Is real sentiment in trees to Charles M. Bchwab, especially those trees whlolt have sheltered his fine old home stead, called "Immergrun," near Loretto, Pa. ' 1 Recently Mr. Bchwab decided to build a new 1 1. OOO.OOO summer residence on the site of the old homo, but he did not want to destroy the beautiful frame house which has been more home to him than even his mansion 'on- Riverside drive, ewTork. The house Is entirely sur rounded by trees and to move It and Mrs. Fried, Nebraska, ; Pioneer, Is Dead After Long Illness Mrs, Mary A. Fried, widow of the late Cart ' A. Fried, ' pioneer wholesale mer chant, died after an illneas of several months at her home, 2032 North Nine teenth street, yesterday. Mr. Fried was born In Hage'rstad, Baedcn, June 7, 184?. She came, with her parents, to America In 1049, and settled at Andover, 111. Che waa married to the late Cari A. Fried April 1. I81& In the fall of lttGd Mr. and. Mrs. Fried came to Ne braska and settled on a homestead four miles west of Oakland, Burt county. In WO Mr. Fried moved to Fremont and, be came .associated with II. J, I'M to. the hardware bualnesa, ln !S(Ie A Fried established the wholesale hardware ston of Lee, . Fr! jd A Co., la Omaha. ' Mrs. Filed is survived by three sons and four daughters. Thay are: Emeat L. Fried, Beemer; C. A. Fried. Theron O. Fried, Mrs. W. F. Chambers and Miai Evelyn Fried, Omaha; Mrs. V. A. Lagen, Dubuque, la., end Mra. William P. Mul len, Berkeley, cal.; also by her sister, Mra. William Fried, Fremont, and her brother, C O. Loheck of Omaha. Her sons and daughters, her sister and brother were all present when the end came. She was a lifelong member of the Methodist church, having her member ship with the BwedUh Methodist Epis copal church since coming to Omaha. The funeral will be from the residence Friday, December at 1 o'clock p. m., with burial at Prospect Hill cemetery. Congressman C. O. Lobeck had been at the bedside of his a'.ster several days, and for that reason has not - gone to Waahlngton for the opening of congress. He will leave for Washington Saturday. Have Hesrular ttowrl M'ovesaeat. Take Dr. King's New Life Pills and have a daily easy movement of the boaelc Cures constipation. Only Vk All druggists. Advertisement. COMES IN HIS AUTO ALL THE WAY FROM MONTANA T. B. Hill, a ranchman near Whitehall, Mont., arrived in Omaha by automobile, after motoring all the way from hla home, on a bualnesa trip to Bt. Joseph. He told feertary Smyths of the Omaha, Auto club at Hotel Fontenelle that he ran Into a foot of snow near fcherldtwn, and latter hla radiator ran out of water and ho had to se snow for twoiity miles. "00-y! My Corn-n!" H n, litt 'Gels-It' The. You'll Have No Oirni to Uumpt Vouf Outhm W1U Come "Clean Off," Oultkl Ild you ever see a corn peel off ater jrou wm nmwi iten-iv on ItT Well, It's a moving picture for your life! And you "Sore Cora Bumped akgaini lee Qete-ItCorM "Hete-If on. It once. There's nothtna to stick. I-'ii. shoes and stock lugs right ever U. No oaln no fusa, 41 Hours corns sons. "Gta-lt never hurts the true fleah. nev.r makes toea ion If you have tiled almost everything elae fur rorna, you will be much more sur prised to se how quickly and easily your corns -'d rn-t . ill . n i. in off lth "C!tB-lt." Quit HmDlng and wrinkling up your face with iu wrliikle.. Try 'Hj.te-It'1 tonight on that coro (all"U. wr-J r tlUltiou. tun uJll be KimA you read thla "Gel .-If Is soM r.y all druggists, 4&e a hottle, or nt direct by K. law. reiu-a & Chlcasu. Buld in Om&ha and ;ec i.ti'iiifi iM ti:. Ki.rM'a h t curn rmelv t.y hhernian A Ui-('onJ I'rug Co.'a blurta.-A4vertiaeui.rit. i-ui mile ,We7cW 1 dries at Trees in Moving House by Lifting the House not destroy the trees was no unsurmount able obstacle to the man who has made Bethlehem stock Jump from less than 36 to 000. When Mr. Bchwab' first spoke to his engineers about moving the Loretto homestead they mapped out for him a plan which sacrificed only three trees. "I would not think 'of cutting down those trees," said Mr. Bchwab, "All you have. to do la to jack the house over the treesl It Is only hlrty feet." Italy Agrees With the Entehte'Not to Make Separate Peace PARIS. Dec. ; J.-MKuy gavs Its adher ence on Monday to the London agree ment of the other entente allies not to conclude a separate peace, aays a Milan dispatch to the Matin. . -Lieutenant General Count Cadorna, chief of 'the Italian general ataif, who waa to have visited France for a confer ence with the French or British com manders and for an inspection of the western battle front, haa been compelled to 'forego his trip, the Matin's corre spondent says, because of the Intensity Of the fighting on the Italian front, espe cially along the Isonso. General Porro. under' chief of the general staff, will be sent sa substitute!' and .will arrive In Paris December J. , If It la true that Italy gave adherence to the London agreement on Monday, and an earlier dispatch from Rome said for mal announcement of lta decision waa 1 made storm of departure Bamkowfe Eridi m.iJccambQr ai a i mm mw k ma. CbssSsBKiVIbI Got aVSaSsGSaasgaafl ERIC NELSON, 1618 Capitol Over Tree-Tops St the engine, e got busy and are mov ing the fine old Schwab residence over the treea. By the Voute being taken, the house goes over twenty-three treea before It will reach the riad. 'ine maximum height the houso will be Jacked over Is thirty-four ."oet. It then starts on Its Journey across deep valley on the Bihwab farm, where It will find a new renting place. It will travel 1.000 feet from Its present location and will crown a little hill. made to parliament by Foreign Minister Sonnlno, the step was taken almost simultaneously with detailed reports that Austria had Instituted through the Vati can 'tentative negotiations tor a separate peace. It has been asserted also that Emperor William's visit to Vienna waa taken to circumvent such action on the part of Oermany's allies. More Italians Land at Port of Avlona PARIS, Dee. t. Detachments of Italian troops were landed t .'Avlona. Albania, Tuesday, accordlrg to It formation from a reliable source In Athena, a dispatch to the Temps from the Greek capital today ar.; g. Although Avlona, in southern Albania, on the Adriatic, haa been under occupa tion by Italian troops for some months past, the statement that Italy Is sending additional forces there may readily be taken to mean that .'they are Intended for use In connection with the allied operations In the Balkans. . eac You must read this new romance. Placed in Cuba where blood is warm and passion strong, it surpasses even the "Ne'er-do-Well", "The Spoilers", and the rest of those bold adventure tales that have Rex Beach famous. Dona Isabel, Havana beauty, who plots to gain the buried Varona treasure from her elderly husband and despoil her step-children of their inheritance V - - Don Mario, who covets Rosa, the daughter of the house of Varona, and bribes her step-mother to aid him O'Reilly, adventurous American, pledged to many the dark-eyed Rosa, who receives pathetic word that the insurrection has left her homeless and hunted--5 These are the real, flesh-and-blood people, drawn with Beach's characteristic insight into human nature. The story of young O'Reilly's . from New York, and -V1-. 1 O i 1 J ! . suspicion aiuto oy opanmn byiuier aim vuixui - rebel, he starts his dangerous' search for . Rosa, will make the blood tingle. Begin . J J . . TV. f. : . 9 ma yovcr copy today All -news CHARGES AGAINST ILLINOIS OFFICIALISE Treasure? and Auditor Are Accused cf Making Improper Payments by Chics Taxpayer. ALLEGES MANY IRREGULARITIES' SPRINGFIELD, 111., Dec. 2. Charges that Andrew Russell, Illi no! state treasurer, and James J. r.rrdy, state auditor, "knowingly and vilfully" permitted irregular pay- r i tints amounting'' to thousands of doliars to bo made from state legls lutive comrnitteo expenso funds, are contained In an amended bill o' com plaint filed in tbo circuit court here today by J. U. Fergus, a cnicaeo tax- onil Carbon company, 120 South Dlckln payer. ' eon street, lsat niqht, entailing a leas of A previous Injunction SJit f led by Fe gus held up appropriations mui uy m-.-last le(flolatiirn and reuu'ted In lh 5 call ing of a special arsvilon. The bill asks that the officials be he'd lliblj for tlie re funding of the money to the s'.ate. The bill further chafes that IJ-uIenant Governor Barratt O'Hara. havlnf fail.d In attempt to obtain an appropriation of $10,000 for his whlto s every Investiga ting committee, planned a "trl-k and device whorrby the treasury was to be depleted of the sum of 110,000." It Is charged that nine vouchers for pretended services aggregating exactly ID.0 were signed by the lieutenant governor and that with ono exception were delivered to one person, who obtained the money. HAUSER WAS IN OMAHA ON DATE SMITHJVAS SHOT (Continued from Page One.) gamer was one question put to him. "Bad company, I guess," he said. 'You don't drink nor gambler' 'No, nor I don't smoke nor chew." The "nerve" which carried the holdup man through a long series of desperate Crimea still continues to hold. He exhibits no concern with regard to hla predica ment, but hla manner Indlcatea that hla mind is on the elert to find an escape. Kept nay Book. Charles R. Crosier, an Webster street, asserts tbat Hauser, under the name of Wilson, accompanied by his wife and S-year-old daughter, came to the Crosier home on October 1 and rented rooms. They stopped there continuously till Octo ber 21. This statement la substantiated by Mra. Crosier. Croiier's day book, which la In Captain Moloney's possession, shows that on Octo ber 1, 8 and 15, "Wilson" made payments for his rooms, and on the last mentioned data paid in full until October 12. "Wil son" and hia family left on October St Expressman Chester L. Allen, 1916 Dodge street, asserts that on this day ha hauled "Wilson," or Hauser's luggage to the depot and checked the same to Indian apolla. Refatea Haiur'i Statement. Hauaer told Maloney that on October 16, he dtapossed of two diamond rings belonging to Mrs. C. B. Whitney, at the Burton Loan and Jewelry company of Indianapolis. In an affidavit from F. C burton head of this concern. It Is asserted that the rings were dlspoucd of by a ewNovel hsim J how, under ' f- j J f gaztne Avenue, man answering Hauaer'a description on October 26. The fact that "Wlleon." Hauser, Is re corded by Crosier to have paid rent vn urtber bears out the evidence Omaha at that time. Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Hudnell, who room at the Croiler place, support the latter a tostlmony. Maloney brieves that when Hauser t Confronted with this evidence, he will afani'on the prospective a 1M, and bend his efforts towaul escaping the chair, by a life sentence. All the people men tioned above have positively Identlfle-I Hauser, according to Moloney Photo graphs of the spot where Smith was killed, were taken under the direction of Maloney at noon. ELECTRICAL PLANT AT MADISON. WIS. BURNED MADISON. Wis.. Tioc. t-Flre bellcvivl to have ben cat-sed by an ekplosion de si royed the plant of the French l'attery $lCGt. The French Battery and Carboi company, since the beginning of th war, has been supplying the allies witn large stocks of fcoods. It's Your Liver! You're Bilious, Headachy, Sick! Don't stay constipated with breath bad, stomach sour or a cold. Enjoy life! Liven your liver and bowels tonight and . feel fine. Tonight sure! Remove the liver and bowel poison which la keeping your head dliay, your tongue coated, -breath offen sive and stomach sour. Don't stay bil ious. Sick, headachy, constipated and full of cold. Why don't you get a box o' Caacarets from the drug store now? Eat one or two tonight and enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced. Tou will wake up feeling fit and fine. Caacarets never gripe, or bother .you all tha next . day like calomel, salt and pills., They act gently nut thoroughly. Mothers should give cross, sick, bilious or feverish chil dren a whole Cascaret any time. They are harmless and children love them. Advertisement.' dpalsrs Omaha SIS It It I il '. f L-iav 'r... , 'J iiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiinn;ii;i;iiinnniii!i:iii What is Oleomargarine? It is made by churning together oleo oil, neutral, butter oil, milk and cream. Oleo oil is pressed from beef suet Neutral is made from selected leaf fat Butter oil is made from choice cotton-seed. It is prepared with utmost re gard for cleanliness and purity. The "Swift" rep utation is behind the Golden Glow of Goodness of So Wl P remium anne Made only by Swilt & Company U. S. A. lniiiiisiiiiisiiiiiiiiisiiiiiiiiiiiisiiiiiiiil Whan Psopla Raally Know FESBIT0UIGOH Thy Just Naturally ulng Injurious physio and pills, drastlcmlnoralwators.daadlydrurs. sickening oils, paralyzing onomas. Your druggist or grocer can get fruit-Vigor for you SI oerTsr. But if he won'L send . a per isr. out it ne 1 for on tar, or 93 for f eur ars, to be ent Brepeld and guaranteed by lis. ITS WART fOOD CO, IM esarlt)r llsgHICaN tum TA KHZ ..r GROTTB BZCDS. CO. Gaaeral Ularrtbaters Osaaha, tVeb. Photo . Engravings Not hw eheao, but how d You prooablv hare exrertencd a trylna argument with your nrlr.ter over the faulty k;ir anre ot anme nrlntlna work yiiu were Intereated In vln as near perfect as possible. A printer cannot obtain su perior results from Infer'oe photo engraved plates. We make the very best Mates for all kinds of printing that eoutoment. high nrtced labor and care IU produce. Be Enffraring Dept Tyler 1000, Bee Building. Oruaha. Nab. S1 Uleomarg Will 1