TIIE BEK: OMAHA. FRIDAY, 1)K(T.M!.ER 3, 1015. 11 'LIB UK.h KSTATK WKST SIDE Brick and Stucco Residence Farnam Hill ' !' ,..' , v' t, 'V' " ' ' ' s'" I "V ' - V .. . S, .-- nv4 w . s-j i --"I- r t - ' .a.ja.., ... a- 319 No. 41st Avenue Thin is a well built, well arranged, 8-room bouse with sleeping porch. Larse living room with fire place and window seat. Finished In oak. Attractive diniiiR room; In fact, a bright, livable, convenient house at very much less than cost. Price $7,000, and we will make very reasonable terma. George & Company Douglas 75-6. City National Bank. REAL ESTATE FARM A RANCH 1.A.M1S FOR SALE Iowa. FOR SALE 240-acre farm, stuntel Iras than 25 miles from On Hha, in southwest cin Iowa: located one mil" of good town of one thousand pop.: 160 acres wl .ter wheat, 50 acres corn, balance In pasture; good house, large barn and oiher neces sary improvements; this is good home, ciose to town and school. Wl 1 sell on easy terms. Addreaa Box 677, Olonwood. Iowa. Mlsaonrt. rOOR MAN'S CHANCE 16 down, SS monthly buys 40 acres grain, fruit, poul try land; some timber, near town: price $:10 Other bargains. Box 426 V, Car thage, Mo. o Nebraska. QUARTER-section. southeast Neb., a good one at a bargain; improved and convenient to good town. Write for par ticulars. Owner, address E 450. Bee. Buy a Section Corn land near Omaha, second bottom, rich land, no overflow; improvements cost t&0,000. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., . 1018 Om. Nat. Bk. Douglas gH5. THE ONE BEST BUY ANYWHERE IN PERKINS COUNTY, NE BRASKA, LANDS FROM ,16 TO $20 ACRE.. COME, SEE FOR YOUR SELF. WE PROVE IT. OR PAY ALL YOUR EXPENSES. ENOUGH SAID. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS TO Dave Shuter Grant Neb. AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY COUNTY. WRITE ME. Neve Mexico. SC.OCO ACRES fine pasture. Irritable, big gest barg-jin in 8. W. Price, J2 per acre. Acdrees Y 152. Ree WlMSBrta, UPPER WISCONSIN Best dalrr and general crop state in the union; settlors wanted: lands for sala at low prices on easy terms. Ask for booklet M on Wlscon In Central Land Grant. Excellent lands for stock ruislng. If interested In fruit lands ask for booklet on apple orchards. Addresg Land and Industrial De.pt-. Boo Line HrIIwsv. Minneapolis. Minn. 80-ACRK farm for gale or will trade for lumber yard or hardware. Improve ments good; brick home; barn 39x60; good granary, etc. Two and one-half miles to Leer Park. Wis., R. b 1. and telephone line. One-half mile to graded school. Good soil fine location. Price. $7,60). W. E. Dlngman, owner. Deer Park, Wis. Miscellaneous. HAVE TOU A FA KM FOR SALE? Write a good description of your land and send it to the Sioux City. Oa.) Jour Hal, "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Medium." Twenty-five words every Fri day evening. Saturday morning and every taturdav evening and Sunday for one month, giving sixteen ads on twelve dif ferent days lor $; or 60 words, H. or 76 words. M. Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper. 150.000 readers daily in four great tatea. FARMS FOR RENT 73 ACRES for rent. 13th and O. Lake club. Carter REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE Must Be Sold $3,300 House for $2,650 This five-room, all modern, neariy new cottage is located in the south part of the city Just off the Ieor Park boule vard. Dandy big lot and nice homes mi nil Hides. You must sea thla nlaca lu appreciate ll miu t ii i u iau iw show you any time. Hiatt-Fairfield Co. 230 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 49. . . , . I . Jt ,A ...III V. . .1 .1 . CliEIGHTON'S FI11ST 6 rooms, oak finish, modem, cement basement and walks, east front lot, 40x 14a; Just completed, large living room and sun room. Price J3.wj0; $500 cash, bal ance monthly. Located near &lh and Arbor. C. G. CAItLBERG 313 Brandeis Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATE VACANT $oo KINK lots, near car; $6 cash, monthly. Owner. Douglas ?947. $5 REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS House for Sale. To Be Removed. Frame house ln god condition, 1713 Douglas St. must bo removed before January 1; leave bids at our office. George & Company D 7K 903 City National Bank Bldg. BAVU $juu. On a -room strictly modern, well built home from owner; hot water heau M. 37. Omaha bee. REAL ESTATE FOB EXCHANGE $j).Xi0 FIRST mortgage, secured on 4.6oi acres of land, to n. hauge fur a good flour mill. chwab Bros. Itiet plymoutn Lidg., Minneaiiolla, Mlno. UK A I, ESTATE WEST SIDE a; r. W1 .rtf h i LEAVING City. I owe 1H0 on my lot at ttth and Uodge. Maka offer for my qulty at onec 1-144 Bea. REAL ESTATK INVKSTMEXT9 Make Offer 44 ft; next First National. 146,000 asking price. Make offer. Harrison & Morton Investment Bargain Corner lot. 6Rx75 ft., close in, with S old frame houses rented for tdu per month. Price $3,750; easy terma. Thla lot Is only 60 feet from railroad trackage and is a mighty good buy to hold for a rise in value. The owner of the back end of tho lot with two cottages and railroad trackage wants H,000 for It. Owner needs a oar and might take a 1915 Ford in part payment. No use of fering any other make. J. H. Dumont & Co. 416-18 Kcellne Bldg. Phone Dong. 690. k CONDRA FINDS WONDERSJN STATE Trout Streams, Cliffs, Waterfalls, Forests, All Exist in Confines of Nebraska. FINELY FILMED FOB FARMERS Men there were among; the dele gates to the Nebraska Farmers' congress who opened their eves in amazement at the wonderful things which Prof. G. E. Condra of the state university unfolded to them In mov ing pictures at the reception, enter tainment and lunch given them by the Commercial club last evening. Beautiful landscapes, bluffs, cliffs hundreds of feet high, great forests of pine, lovely streams with rushing rapids and great waterfalls, streams of clear cold water lu which trout abound, hillsides covered with blue bells, clematis, asters, mountain roses, marlposa, lilies and other wild flowers. And all these things right here in the great state of Nebraska, whose natural beauties are often lost sight of in the more useful corn, wheat and oat fields, cattle, bogs, hay and so on. "If that waterfall was in Bwltserland or some other foreign country we'd prob ably rave about it," said Prof. Condra as he showed one tremendous, dashing;, splashing, smashing waterfall as pretty eg Minnehaha, but smaller. The pictures were taken by the Ne braska Conservation commission and are for exhibition free in any part of the state on payment merely of the expense. John Ik McCague, president of the Com mercial club, in an address of welcome, called upon the assembled farmers as ''representatives of three-fourths of the Itople and three-fourths of the wealth of the state" to accept the hospitality of the club, made up of more than 1,900 leading business men. He declared that the farms furnish to the towns and cities the foundation of their wealth, the fresh Mood and brawn and brain and nerve needed to build up a big city like Omaha. Oeorge Coupland, president of the Co ra in ess, responded and recalled the time when he had helped institute the first farmers' elevator In Nebraska at his home town of Elgin. 'The Interests of the town and the country are Identical," he said, "and I have always found the leaders in the busineas life of the cities most ready to co-operate with the farmers. Harry Byrne Introduced the speakers. Miss Anna McCormlck of Ralston gave a dramatlo reading, "The White Silhouette." After the moving pictures came the eats," consisting of "wieners" and sandwiches and coffee. And then, over the cigars, there was a pleasant "get to gether" time and a few more of Prof. Condra1 s pictures. The affair was held in the main dining room of the Commercial club. Recruiting ''On the Bum" Over in Egypt BERLIN. (By Wireless to Tuokerton, N. J.), Dec. 1. Among the items given out today for publication by the Over seas News Agency Is the following: "The Egyptian sultan, who was ap pointed by Great Britain, published an appeal to the population inviting volun teers for the army. Altogether 128 Egyptians responded, but when they as certained that they were to be sent to the Dardanelles they mutinied end all of them were arrested." Einr Paaha at Soft. BERLIN. Dee. 2.-(By Wireless to 8ay vllle.l The Turkish war minister, Knver Pasha, is said by the Overseas News Agency, to have arived today at Sofia. Ha was received by the Bulgarians' war minister, M. Newdenow, and General eavoff. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Receipts Good, Demand Good and Wheat Makes Advance of One to Three Cents. CORN SELLS A CENT HIGHER OMAHA.. December 2. 1915. There was a Rood run of train today nnd thee ws n irood demand for erery IhlnR on the Hat. The wheat market wna especially Mrona-. alllns from 1 to :i cents hlKher. Wheat recelum totalled 14.1 enra and tha rale of thla oerenl were corrcsiiondlnal I h'avy. ! The recelpla of coin were modarate CHKKSK Imported SwiMj. -'4c; nd the demand for this i-ereal wa a I domestic, ; block, 24e; twin. fairly active, t'orn nlo lulllh and oalrie, lc; trln eix, lio; younir Amcil Bold from 1 cent to 1 cent hiRher. Iran. JUc; hlie label brick. lc; Umburver, Uata remained firr;. i-e ranRtng j riv; Niw loik wnite. !; inoricd from H to cent higher. The raxh Fr.Tn h. Koequefort. 4.V. demand for this cereal m arood and the' FRUITS OrauRe: 'allfirnta 9 inklst rccelpta were fair. Navel-., k, .v, ;4.on bo. ( a If Tn'a Ry receipts were Kood and the dc- Sunklal Navel., l.ua. "Wa. t4.1 bus: Cill mand u unite active, ruling from 1 to f.irri( Sunklst Navcln. t nnd amaller. 2 cents higher. ... HK1 bo: t'lorl as all atiei., 1 o box; Barley recetpta were unimportant and , l aliforaia Valencia. $-.0) box. the market remained practically "- Im.,n!,: inklst. . V. a. :.( Iirt; chnnaef). Red fall. fog. ( $4.50 box. Oratie- tloaramea were: best and flour, .,-,.,.. J ... .... ,,,, , L. r,,...! to l.m.m bu.; corn. 2..XM Int.; oat,' 'ftars: 'lnter NVllH. ' (01 bu. Uvarpool close: Wlicat. unchanged to IT ".ci.ar.gru vU ' hlrniin ImiI ,nlnl Ar. ! lOT (Yll till nd aliluments x.U2,oim bu., ag mprtil of reipta of 1.57.4 bu. and shlpmen Ml Oik I Ktl I..I vm 9 Prlmarv rnrn r.ealnta -r K2 flflfl hil i and shipments S,'ii.li0 bu., against receipts if l.a.&.Cut bu. and shipments of 613,000 bu. Int year. Primary onts receipts were ISW.flOO bu. nnd shlpmenta Maooo bu., against receipts ol l.OtOiiiM bu. and shipments of 8 i 4.0m) bu. laat year. CARLOT RT0CK1PTS. Wheat. Corn. Oats. hlcago Minneapolis Juluth Omaha Kansaa City t. Loula K 1!W 84 471' 471 Hi S7 !! is K 6 im f 14 Winnipeg M.esi Theao sales were reported today: Wheat: No. 2 hard winter, 1 car (heavy), $1.03; 1 car, $1.00. No. t hard winter, 1 ear (heavy), $1.02; 1 car. $1.01; 1 cars. $1.00; 1 car, Wc; 10, cars. "Xks; 2 cars, Wc; I car, 7c. No. 4 hard winter, S fars, tc; 5 csrs, DSMic; 6 cars. Hoc; 1 ear. Wc; 3 cars. S4c; 1 car, 93c; 1 car. tic Sample. 1 cars, Mr; W cars, lc; 1 car. 0c; 1 cars, 8c. No. 3 spring. car, 8c; 1 car (white). JTic. No. 4 spring. 1 ear, c; 1 car, 5Bc. No. g mixed, 1 car, o; 1 car, 9gc. No. $ durum, 1 car, 7c; 3 ears, WHc. No. $ durum, 4 care, He. Rye: No. 3, lc; $ cars, 80S.-; 3 cars, 0c No, 3, 4 cars, 90c; 1 car. Wo. No. 4. 1 car, 9c; I car. 884c; 1 car. 37S4C. Corn: No. 3 white, 3 cars. CVc. No. 3 white, 1 car (new), KAte. No. 4 white. 3 care (new), Jc; 3 cars (new). C2c. No. 5 white, 1 car (new), S3 4c; 1 car (new). 6Jc. No. 3 yellow, 34 cars, 9c No. 4 yellow, 1 car (new). SSVsc; 1 car (new), 4Hc No. 6 yellow, 1 car, 68Sc; 1 car (new), 3c; 3 cars (new), 62Vic No. 6 yellow, 1 car (new). Sic. No. 3 mixed, 3 ears (new), 5c; 1 car (new), 64Hc. No. 4 mixed, 1 car (new), 644c; 3 cars (new). 63V4c. No. I mixed, 1 car (new). 62c; 1 car (new), 1ViC Sample. 1 car (new), (tic, Oats: No. 3 white. 3 cars. S9c. No. 4 white. 1 car. SH4c. Sample. 1 car, 87Hc; 3 cars. SB He: 1 car, 36c; 1 car, 34'c; 1 car, 32c. Barley: No. 4. 1 car, 68c. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. t tur key, tl.OMM.04; No. 3 turkey, $1."M.(W; No. i hard, 9!cift$1.03; No. S hard, Hci tl.02; No. 4 hard. yxfiOSe: No. 2 spring, 97c 4i$1.60; No. 3 spring, 95rlc: No. 3 durum MW7c: No. 3 durum 93r!Me: sample, 90 V2e. Corn: No. $ white, fi6fi&Hv No S white, 64iBrc: No. 4 white, 2'Hi3c: No. S white. amjj&Hc. No. tl white. 6 0".?c; no. I yellow. KiHWWtc: No. yellow. 6oMc; No. 4 yellow, 44(ff fiHc; No. S rellow, (saffioe; no. yellow. itvifo7'c: no. mixed, CWfflGifcc: No. 8 mixed, 64'$iRc; No. 4 mixed. 6S'n64Hc; No. 8 mixed. 61 Jo: No. mixed. )HTSll4c. Oats: No. t white, 39i40?j standard, S9tttt3'4c; No. i wntte, sutWiKic; mo. t wmie, Barley: Malting. 5MT 0c; No. 1 feed. 50tP 64c Rye: No. 2, 90fllc: No. S, HOifiWc. (TIJcago closing prices nimlshed The Bee by Logan A Bryan, rtock and grain brokers. 31& South Sixteenth. Omaha: i Atttclel Open. I HlghT Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat i 1 Deo.. 1 03141 09 1 0814 1 1 S' May. I m 1 1S4 1 09 1 124 1 OW Corn i 1 1 1 Peo.. ifi f! 6ii 67A fcH May. 69i&70 71 6SN 70 B &J Uau 1 I I Dec. 42ig 44 42H 4SS 42 May. 4644 46A U 4i 44 Pork I 1 Jan.. 17 96 18 25 17 95 18 35 17 80 May. 18 00 18 30 18 00 18 30 17 77 Lard Jan.. K 62 9 55 1 9 42H45 May. '9 70-3V& 90 970 9 SO 9 70 Ribs 1 I Jan.. SR 9 77H 9 I 9 75 9 DO May. 9 82 9 97 H2H 9 96 9 77Vj 80 , A Asked. B Bid. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Featares of the Trading; and Closing; Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Dec t Fears expressed that Canada would seise more wheat had a decidedly bullish effect today on prices k.. n ' w ..!... t ...... .4 , . . ' 1 , . U.I., A . W BO, U.UU RUUIIH, ..7111 in IU. n ma. hlffh.. u, 1 1 V. I Iai... .r, V,. .. t $1.06 and May at $1.12. Notable gains. too. were made in other staples corn, lV824c; oats, lVti'lftc, and provisions. Bulges in the price of wheat were vir tually continuous throughout the day. Despite a good deal of profit taking by holders, the close was within Vko of the topmost level reached. Bullish Sentiment was stimulated by private estimates that the available wheat crop of the United States was only 7M.O0O.0Oii bushels, notwithstanding that the latest government figures had Indicated a total of 1,002,000,000 bushels. By the lessened aggregate was meant wheat suitable for milling. Corn advanced to new high prices for the season. Favorable weather bad failed to bring about any Increase of country offerings. Big export sales helped to lift the oats market The total of European pur chasing was said to e l.OuO.OuO bushels. Huge decreases ln stocks of meats at western points as compared with a month ago were largely responsible for the strength of provisions. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. $ red, nominal; No. 3 red, $1.11; No. 3 hard, nominal; No. t hard, t' 0714. Comt No. 2 S allow, old, 71ViT2c; No, 4 yellow, new, IVic; No. 4 white, new. 4'4&6c. Oat. No. t white. 41V4i5H3c; atandard, 44'4W c. . Ryej. No. 2. nominal: No. 8 Mc. rianey, rJTj'iic. ceea; iimotuy, .wi'i. .v, clover $10.009 00. mostly $13.6017.60. Provisions: Pork, $l87H; lard. $9.37 ; libs. 81U62V,. BUTTER Firm; creamery, who. voos HlKher: receipts. l.m cases; firsts. ClJOc; ordinary firsts, 271 28c; at m.rli eases Included. 20fa'J9c. POTATOE8 Unsettled; receipts, 30 curs: Michigan and Wisconsin whites amtutl- Minnesota and Dakota whites uiiiac; Minnesota and Dakuta Ohlos, t tifwe. POULTRY Alive, higher; fowls, lie; springs, 13c; turkeys, 14c. OMAHA UlSNEntAL MARKET. POULTRY Alive: Turkeye. any six over 7 lbs., 17c; broilers, i5v,'M'7o; springs, lie; ducks, 10c: geese, luc; hens, K-UHc; young giunea hens, each, 36c; roosters, to OYSTERS Chesapeake standards, per gallon, $1.10; standards. $1.26; aelects, $1.60; nortnern, sianuarua, selects, 41. la: New York count. $l-9u. Northern, small cans, 2442c; large cans, lr4HM. Chesa peake, small cans, Vxa'Stv; large cans, iKy FISH Halibut, 12c; salmon, fresh pink, 9o; fresh red, 12c: catfish, fresh, lc; trout, fresh. 13c; white fish, fresh, 17c; red snapper, fresh, 13c; catfish, frozen, Mc; smelts, froxen, 10-lb. boxes. $1.26; smoked white fish, 14c: kippered salmon. FROZEN FISH-Halibut. sixes to suit 10Hc; catfish, large, for steaks. 13c: sal mon, falls, 9c; salmon, slivers, ICe; No. 1 trout. He; No. 1 whlteflsh, dressed, 10c; No. 1 whlteflsh. large, 16c; No. 1 white fish. Jumbo, Ibc; pickerel, round W. C. Ic; pickerel, headless, so; black bass, order size. 2Sc: herring, dreaaed, pair frosen, c; bluefish. extra fancy, lie; red snapper, heaulew, dressed ibc; floun der.. 10c; scallops, per gallon, $3.00. SMOKED FlsH-Wb.lt. 10-lb. baskets per lb , 14c. KIPPERED FISH Salmon. 10-lb. bas kets, per lb.. 17c ('KT.KRY Mammon th. per dcs.. T5e. BEfEF CUTS Ribs: No. 1, 19Wc: No. 3. U'tc; No. 3, Uc. Loins: No. 1, 3U-'c; No. 3, lc; No. I, 14e. Chucks: No. 1, lOu; No. 3, 9Vc; No. I. 9c. Rounds: No. 1. 14c; No. 2, 13c; No. I. 12c Plates: No. L I0c; No. 3, Vr-: No. 9. i'c. LIVE POULTRY Broilers, 1 to U lbs., in separate coup , I.e. over m to ) ba., He; springs, any rite, ilc; ducks, picked, H price, but not wanted. ie. hens, over 4 Itm per In. 1 !; rooster He. Turkeys. l?e: eld Tom, 16e; uexW lbs.. 8c; less thsn lbs. each no I wanted Oeese. full feathered and fat s; picked. V .prli. but Dot wanted Guineas, each, 7!c : young. 1 to 1H lb each. Kc.. Homer aduaba, 14 oa. and over. 10 to U oa., 12.00. No. 1, roual wotith fl.&O; unilrr S oi. jMc rifrrtti, any ktnd, t d"i.. tiOc. 8ar Hi o Ion Iartm tl T5 pr harrt-l; Willow Tslaa. pr barn-l; Wluwpi. $.1 W pet barrol: Jinathana. I. 50 per bar rel. HMeld Rmnd- niack Twina. (3 80 p.r barrel; Hlark Tla. commprwHal brand, tiae por barrel; Ken Unvia. llUttota, U.73 per barre'. BuTTKR Rest crrnmery. 31c; aeoonU tn carlona or tvibn. us. txd dairy, rMT 3&r; county, common. !!'. , box. I'eaches: t a Iforni i Sjuwavs r do K.lhertHS, iV'c tn. Hnimnas, Color SI.T5 to 4 hun-'h. la!le: Kmprors. W - Clgt Kmperos in Kegs iiui : i no C herry. 7 0 l-bl.: Hrllc and 1?-W OS.. bOX VBUKTAHLHS-Cabhage, 1'c lb.; hesd , '.i "T '.eli..S?i Z?,.niL M'lSCKLL.KNrTOUS-Crackerlack. $3 F0 case; crackeriack, one-hair case, II .ft; ense; fard dates. ISHo lb.; salted peanuts, $1 .16 can; popcorn, 40, 1 lb. package, t2.it case; corn pops, t-':.3S case; eornpopa. one half case, $l.n rase: 8. W. dates. tl.& box. Honey, $3.7!; case. Airline. 2 dos. i os.. 10 case. Cocoanuts. $i.o0 bag. 7uc dos. Cldcrr Motta, $3.7S keg; Motla. on h.ilf bbl.. $7.25 bbl.; Nehawka. $X$5 keg. Kansas City Urala Provisions, KANSAS CITT. Dec. 3. WHF.AT No. 2 hard, $1.0161. OS; No. 3 red, $1 .101.12: Heiember. $1.00T: May. $l.O6Strt.O01. CORN No. 3 mixed, 4Vtr; No. 2 white, (4'4c; December, e4'tic; May, 67ic. OATS-No. 3 white, tSa-IOc; No. 2 mixed. srrmfSSc ' H'TTER-Creamery, Kci firsts, 30c, serrnds, 2flc; packing, l'-- EOi8 Firsts, 90c; seconds, 21c. POCLTRT liens, lOHHi-llo; turkeys, 15c; epilngers. 13c. nflnnenpolla Oralu Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 1 WHEAT De cember. tl.07: May, M.OHH; No. 1 hard, $1,114; No. 1 northern. $1.07Wl.08H; No. 2 northern, $1.03Val.06'. FLOCK All grados 30o higher. HARLKY-64b6c. RVK SWiiKOc. BRAN $18. OtKijpl 8.80. CORN No. 8 yellow, 71?T7?c. OATS-No. 3 white. 4(Xtf40Ho. St. I,ooIa Uratln Market. ST. LOUIS, Dec. 3. WHEAT No. J red, I1.2K&122; No. 3 hard, nominal; De cember. $1.06; May. $1.10,. CORN No. 2, flc: No. 2 white. 6408Hc; December, SS'ac; May. 874i!le. OATS No. 3. 41c; No. 3 white, nominal. LlTernoo' Orala Market. LIVERPOOL, Dec. 2. WHEAT Spot, No. 1 Manitoba, lis HHd; No. 3, lis 7Hd; No. 3. Us tiStd; No. 3 hard winter, new, Us Sd. old, 12s 6d. CORN Spot La Plata. 8s 3d. NKW YORK CJEIVfciRAL MARKET Quotations of the Day on Various Commodities. NEW YORK, Dec. FLOUR Firmer; spring eatenta, tt.406.80; winter patents, $j.40t?66; winter straights. $6.30i&6.46. WHEAT Soot, firmer: No. 1 durum. I $1.1614, f. o. b. New York; No. 1 northern. 1 , mhi- Futures Buffalo, easy : December, Jl.lbV. CORN Spot firm; No. Dromot. S yellow, 82Hc, OATS-Spot, steady; No. I white, 469 464rC. HAY-Steady; prtme. SI 30; No. 1, $t V9 I A. I7S. lU. ,l,l4Wrl,W, 4U. . ,,.uuv,. shipping, 90a noi iuiet; s:nie, common 1.0 cnoi, 1916. 20Klc; 1914 SlSlOc; Pacific, coast, 1916, L'4(l,"c; 1914, 84il0c. HIDES Steady; Bogota, 3031c; Cen tral America, iWc. PROVISIONS Pork, firm; mess, 117.60 fH8.00; family. $21.00iS'22.60; short clear, zm.UOWZl.uu. Beer, steaay; mess. io.wai 17.00; family. $l8 0Ofil50. Lard, firm; mid dle west. $9.70 to $9.80. TALLOW Firm; city. 7Vc; country, t tvlVtc; special, VtG. MIJTTKR Steauy; receipts. 7,868 tuhg; creamery ex tram, UVtUMic; flrsU, at(c;, seconds, u-iytc. EGOS Steady; receipts. 9,083 cases; fresh gathered, extra fine, 39i(40c; extra firsts. 33Mc; firsts, 8336c; seoonde, Kstf CHEESE Firm; receipts, 3,101 boxes; state, whole, v milk, flats, held, specials. 17c; same, average fancy. 16to4yl6c; same, current make, specials, lftftc; same, average fancy, iHC. POULTRY Live, firm; western chick ens, 134c: fowls, laeiSc; turkeys, 144EP170. Dressed, dull: western rresh cnioaens, 143; 27c: fresh fowls, 12W17c; fresh turkeys. 14 22c. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 3. COFFEE The market for coffee futures was at prao tlcally a standstill during today's earlier tiading. The opening was 1 to 4 points Inwar. but the ownly actual busineas re- I orted up to midday was at laat night's closing figures. Later, however, the sell ing became a little more active on Indica tions that there would be little. If any. decrease ln the world's visible supply for the month of November, with May eas ing ort to s.6oc and July to .ic, ana with the market closing at a net decline of 3 to 7 points. Sales were 117)0 bags. December. 8.67c; January, 6.69c: February, c . ' 1 . . k 1 .. u a., -11 c t-j,. VI .. iic?.. w.wvr ri"i w., .mj, uly. 8.75c; August, 9.79c; Sep tember, 84c; (ictober, S.so. spot, quiet; Pic 7s, 1c; Santos 4s. 8lc. Cost and freight offers were reported somewhat irregular with the tone rather easy, quotations ranging from about 8.76o to D.wc for Santos 4s, English credit. The official rabies reported no change ln mllreis prices and sn advance of l-3Hd in tho rate ot Rio exchange on London. Omaha Hay Market. . PRAIRIE HAY-Cholce upland. $10.50 11.60; No. 1. $10.00tT10.60; No. 3, $a 6Otl'100.o0; No. 3. 6.00.00; choice midland, HOOmfg 11.00; No. 1, III Ooi 10.00; No. 2, $8.00qVOu; No 3, $.00tf8.00: choice lowland, l-.i"t 10.00; No. 1. $8.00ig0.00; No. 8. $7.00.00, No. 8, $5 006(7.00. STRA W Choice wheat is quotable at $0.60; choice oat or rye, $6.0004.60, and possibly $1 00 for extra choice. A IjK A I. FA Choice, $12 .OOtyll 00; No. 1, $11,002(12.00; No. 2, Js.OO&U.OO; No. t, $7 0u 9.00 I'ottoa Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 3. OOTTON-8pot, quiet; middling uplands, lZ4oc. Salts, euO bales. Cotton futures opened stesdy: Decem ber. 12.90c; January. 1246c; March, 12.78c-, May, 12.98c; July, 1106c. 1 lie market closed barely steady today at a net decline of 913 points, or at the lowest level of the day. LIVERPOOL. Dec. 3.-COTTON Spot. ateaay; goon mioonng, i.wm; middling, T.KSd; low miaaiing, i.via sales, IO.ojO tales. Sagar Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 3. KT'll A R Rs w, firm; centrifugal, 1 14c; molaaaes, 4 37c. Refined, steady. Futures opened steady today; at noon prices were about a point higher. Dry ttonde Market, NEW YORK, Ie. 2 -Cotton goods firm; yarns firm snd active; raw silks, easier; men's wear was bought for fall, 1918, at advanced prices. Evaporated Apples aad Dried Frail's NEW YORK. Dec I. EVAPORATED APPLES C'ulet. DItl Kl l' Ht ITS "runes, easy. Apii cot and peaches firm, luislns steady. - er Ulnliioan vel fin nn 11 1 1 rln U'A P a Ml v - . crt.; squash. Ic lb. ; hruaael sprouts -oc ov. 27 6 31WI 7 M " "l "1 01 17 Thoirlr? ' 4 ' Heading's October statement showing lb.; tcrrat.ea $1 & lu.; peppers, S.-.Nov , " 7 41' 7 ! - ' ' 7':,, ',l;'n?rri.!V n operiUnt revenues oP basket; parsley, dot; rutafca-. l'c Nv. . 7 M 1 n l 1 i; ljr S.Wt.W; l7:.2.wi and New Haven s Increaso of I..; onions: Spanish. $1 M crt .: red , Nov. SO) 3T. 7 18 1 70i 1 CO) iioUv iIeV. J Ji' ft .V' ' $fM.H.M wen confirmatory of recent e lb.; yellow. IMo lb.; artichoke. r.'-" dos ; . 1 eo. L.I .814 ( r 7 51 03! 7 13 0i , J'. P."' ' 1. ml"k?, hlhlts by other leading railway systems. a sal as, $f.(M crt. Potatoes: Colorado lec. .. Ji-SI 51 7 4 7 t71 01 7 Ui t . ' -'ff ". .il .e"T.rJ, K'.aA i"' ',4L'; nu were heavy with market weak whites. 7' bu.; large Colorado whites, - 7 - - 'ihn ' "ht' -V.ll bulk. ln MlMO,,rt, tfansas and Texas is- WerT hiWS 15 SWePt I BP J f ,ln of ,,ve stck M Kl' A X I I.AM BS Receipts. ,., fgrewtej NCThIno. 1 walnuts. lb.: hlh. tne l nlon: Stock ;1Vt:,1!t.ren,i!rh lamb, "mm "'-dy; wethera. t.W.7i; ni,Pd Slates bonds were unchangei walnuts. 3c lb.; hickory. 4o lb.; filberts. 1 " L,Lr l lambs, $.s.is., on IBc lb: ycn. 13VM lb.; Braalla, lbc lb; ol,ocK p,ntSKTis-iA iih it 1 ,,.1. 1 .. . ,. . Nun. ir of sales and leading quotations almonds. lSe lb. ULcUli TS-CA US. St. I onia M, MrkM. on 8tochi wer, follows: -a. . m iv inaan. wun vnuiu i" ,i , w .s-w 1 IMIV. B . i. 7 is. 1 1.. 1 H Mi 1JJ . ' .in- a n le41 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET No Material Change in Cattle for the Day Fat Lambs Slow and Weak. HOGS ABOUT TEN CENTS HIGHER O.MAKA. liecemhcr 2. 1U. fame das .1 w'ks :ixo. IU.'inI IH..4. Sunie riaya 4 w'ks ngt.3.MK H.St" d..ci fame days Inst vonr la.tTi 4S.IT. The following table shows tha revelpta of cattle, huus snrl nheon at lha Omaha llva stock market for the yaar to data, as compared with last year- l!iir WI4. Inc. Cuttle V.'i.S "9 atfi.S. lloits I s..7.s:t 2,M.;ot rri.fbS Kheerj .S!U;i l,lVt.ll1 Wk.i The following table shows the average pelves of hoga at the Omaha live Mtock market for the last few days, with com pnrli.ona Vov. 17; it I4HI T 83 I t l 7 441 7 Nov. , t tl1,! T Ki 1 ' 7 T 1 a ul 7 , Li V i i I -u l .1,' . liiiaitlios e jcov 7 , I . 1 .. 7 KJ 13 7 08 N nw 9 'I c 7 14 fi lsl . a T li Nov. i i ;u a 7 tiv $.; 11 'J-l 7 ') j ?.ov- l tHil 1 4 7 l Ii ' " I 7 fal 7 Wl 7 69 19! t 7 C. M. & St. P Missouri I'HI'lflC I'nlon Pacltio C. & N. W east .... C. . N. W., west .... C, St. P.. M. O... C, B. A Q., cast C, H. g., west .... C, R. 1. A P., east , C. R. 1. & P.. west Illinois CVntral Chicago Ot. West. .., Total receipts Receipt, war: Catt.c. Hog.. Sheep, sell fairly we.. n,e dv, ,e demat la hU'to "KJ ,7m i'u! atrven.TZ- Official Monday l.'.ST4 o..M II I very alack. A string of weighty feeding ? ,h.lV7l? i TXv i mLTt Official TieUy T.4L1 S..1,- II 4 I yearllnga that has bee,, here ainee "es fwne . rVnewU l?rrVHn of our strka Kour dys ,M. week KXZZlKV. Bl" Rnnie diivs tost wcK. '-'!.: 1". i'.i'Wigood to choh-e. ';..Vmi m.i; lambs, fair to "T,. 'rL-.T.w U ? . Snn, .1.,.. .. ... ri r.:.f c,ii7 I .....i J,, i........ The further setback In war shares wi I . . I 1, . 1 O. 1 1 , . 1 r I I IfO 1 'I1TI .IT Han M. -, , ( , k , 3 1 .1 :i 2 1 26 211 24 lft . 1 30 29 8 6 1 1 2 33 37 14 6 4 8 13 3 3 3.. 1 3 118 120 HKAD. Cattle. Hgs. Slip. ... 4K1 l.tifi l.SA ..k MM 1.4K6 4,aai ... 48 2,245 3.607 ... fcM l.aiKV 124 1.6J7 Morris A Co Bwltt and Company Cudahy Packing Co. Armour Co , Schwarts A Co J. W. Murphv Lincoln Parking Co t South Omaha Pack. Co... 13 W. B. Vansant Co. 29 Hill & Son .1. F. B. liwls W J. B. Root & to. 95 J. 11. Bulla M F. Huss 19 Kelloa 3 Werthelmr A Degen ..... Si 11. F. Hamilton 7 Sullivan Bros 3 lhmer Hire Missouri & Kan. Calf Co.. S3 389 Chrtatle 101 HigKlna Huffman 1 Roth t Banner Bros. 9 John Harvey 91 Kline w Dennis A Francis 74 1 Jensen at L. 62 Other buyers 401 3.031 Totals 3.27$ 7.834 14.418 PATTLit-Heceinla were moderate tills morning, uniy iw cars ooing repuneu m, but the total tor the four uays loots up 25.47. head, which is 3.600 larger than last week and s.tAsj larger than a year ago. There was a lair demand for western beef steers, which were steady with yes lei day, and. for that matter, about steady iv 1th a week ago. Cornfeu beef showed liulu change as compared with yesterday, tut the market on that kind of cattle is round 26c lower than test week, the trade being alow and dull, with a down ward tendency at all market points. Cows and hetters were about steady wIlxi yesterday's later market, or around 2i-c lower than last week. This would apply more especially to the fair to good Kinds, which sutler more man on ao- ih.i.nl t9 thte nnrwitmA m.i'b.l I 'mint., etiwa vnu heifers have not shown so much change. Klne.ki.ra a, nrl feehara ware 1 nw. aa nana! tot this late in the week, but there was but much change as compared with yes terday. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice lea yearlings, t.0vue.60; fair to good fed yearlings, .wu.w, common to fair tea yearlings, $8 0Oo7.00; good to choice heavy boeves, $H.uow.60; lair to good oornled bttves, t.7uy(i.Oi; common to fair corn tod beeves, $S.0Wq.76; prime grass beeves, f7.6wti8.00; good to choice grass beeves. i7.Ouu7.60; fair to good grass beeves, to.ib (., common to fair grass beeves, IA.20 178.36; good to choice glass betters. $o.76 8.76; good to choice grass cows, tifctKa 8.26; lair to good cows, I4.6o.ipi.u0; com mon to fair cows, VI. oh(4.60; good to (holes feeders, $8.76497.60; fair to good leeder. $6.26'a.76; common to fair feed ers, $.26iij.26; good to choice atockera, $7.007.60; fair to good Blockers, $H.2.itf 7.00; common to fair stackers, $6.3j48.3o; stock hellers. 5.tO(u.L; stock cows, $4.60 (i..26; stuck calves. $8.UXu.M; veal calves, yi.miV.to; hulls, stags, eto.. $4.26y.uo, HOUS Receipts .were of fair volume again today, about 129 cars, or 9,000 hud, being reported In. yesterday's official Sount overran the estimate several hun red head, and the total for the four days Is Si.Wl head, more than twice ae large as either last week or two weks ago, but a falling off of about 16.000 head as com pared with the same days last year. Re ceipts so far this week are larger than for any similar period since the third week of Auguat. There was a broad shipping outlet again today and more than a fourth of the supply was sold on shipping orders at prices that were steady to strong, and lu spots possibly as much as a nickel higher. There was no change in tops, several loads making $8 46 again today, while the bulk of the shipper purchases landed at $8.0 40. Early packer bids were no better than steady, and first sales did not look to be more than 6c higher, but when the bulk began to move values were all of tlOu higher, and on paper the packer trade looked close to luc higher, uuallty was on the whole better than on Wednesday, there being a smaller percentage of lights in ine rwTeiyis man iur a long tune, and, considering this packer trade was not quoted as any more than 64 10c hiirher Movement was rather active and a fair clearance man oy iu o ciocg. l acking hogs sold largely at $6 SOfjtt.lfi, and bulk ot all the sales was quoted at $i tl8 40. Representative sales: No. An. HIi. Pr. No. tt 1M 0 8 00 70... 41 1U M 111 SO... M M .. 8 ft) l4.. 71 )M ... in )... 40 Ill ... I I7S ... 17 t ... 8 40 7... 0 10 ... 8 41 Av. gh. Pr. ..141 Ml H l SI 8 M ..171 ... tlO III 140 I M ..M ... 8 40 40 3 U PIOS. 8 Ill ... IS) M 141 ... IH SHEICPPheep and lamb receipts were liberal for a Thursday, some sixty-five cars, cr 16,600 bead showing up. Ho far this week 80,779 bead have arrived this being twice aa large as a week ago, and more than 16.000 larger than last year, but smaller than two weks ago by a few hundred head. Today's runs is the largest for a Thursday since the first week of October. p at lamba made up a pretty good share of the supply and the trade opened dull again toddy. Lkte trade yesterday win anyway 16c, and In a spot or two as much us a quarter lower, and even at that, the clearance was not very satis factory. This morning first bids were little. If any, batter than tha later rounds Wednesday, and looked anyway 16c loer than Tuesday sellers were unwilling to iah their holdings on this basis, but packers refused to raise their hands to any great extent, and wh .n tho bulk of the fat lambs started to move, pretty decent to good lambs were bought at ! i 6141 80. the latter price being the high. vet peiu wfj uiiin . nuur in in, fore noon. Fat ewes were In good supply receipts Including several strings of them, but trade opened steaay to strong, and an other cut of the Montana hunt s, wl lch brought $j.'XI yesterday, eold at ti Oj this morning, a ilat ico advance, inii.i Koud stuff made 96.90. and bulk of the fair to good offerings moved at $6.8mij6.76, with a buneti that waa none , loo attractive at $5.66. A car of goats J: nt The liimb trmlc provnl nrcltv much of a drag all through, but by mlililny a fnlr clearance m.iiic at prices I tint rniii iiKi.t aioumi i.v i xver than Tuesday. .fniniiK pom ot-r . ana nioav ni ina i inmns were ni'iinni ul (s .iu, with tmo or lliice sales at Ji... Feeders were m small supply, but In the Inmh division wvlghts ran from m.d'lini it iHiriv henvv. nun nractlea Ir nothing hnd been sold up to noon. About ! Ibe only kind of feedln lamha that ara I ... "V "!!,'0,,1 ' S.40; ycarltnca fair to choice. ;.(Kfl-.M yearlings. f-eders. $vii""(it.Mii: r ethers III to choice. 1i. n.iii Oil - . . choice, (j. &( i0: ewca. Wr to good. S.A s. feeders. 34 0 iS.V t 41 . it; ewe ( IlirtllO l.lH uTIK K M tRKKTI I ' tattle gv Unas tir ceti rm. CHICAGO, lire I I'ATTl.F Hecelota (MP head; market ' slow; native I eef aieers. t,ViM io..v. western ii: cows and heifers, f-'.t.".4t.i1l; calves. UM1S-Receipts, fo.otn) hend: market ulrong. 10nl.,c higher: hulk 3'i.Mi llyht. $.aiiA.00; mixed. $.()0iilt !iO; h.avy t.:i".: rough, H."it.. pigs. U i).m. FHV.V.P AM. LVMHs'-ltecelpla, l.,,.., ""'': wethers, tn.tKV..W; ewes. 4. iun 10: id n: lis, $7.(ntj.ia. lon tr Live Mock MarW-t. SIOI X CITY. la.. Iee. ATTI.K lee 1 A T-T I ir 4.; steady; native beef, ateenf. $7K,f v'"r"1; eers and heifers, $.6a; 10.J0; cows $S.o7.00: atockera snd feed ers. $. 0.13,. ; southern steera $R.36fl60; Ti.??'1 """. t.oofl,to; native calves. J! ii,.IO,SRfct,C'" 'rt: hlgherj pigs and ariii i Jr,,""V"i rnixea ann butchers. fh.Ji'Jtft.trt: good heavy. $a.70.A SHLKP-Receipts. 3,900: steady; yesr lings. $.vM7.6H; lambs, $8.264J10; aheep, and ewea, $6,60i.. Haraaa Cltv Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY. Dec. 3 CATTLE Re !PL"; iAmj prime fed steer,, $!.., yi 1 0.00; dressed beef steers, I7.00itr9.0i; western airrra. $ti.5; atockera and $flOft ,7k &-SM"'7 W" S0.7&; calvtu. i)2rRr,pU-'nn: hlhr: bulk. WSOiHd.aO; heaw W.604(S: Taekers snd bm. l J46llM; pigs, $5.5fJU0. ,oB,-LhiKJ,-HM"'t". steady; lamba. Vrltn $4.6007.40; wethers, e.5 iti.21; ewes, $4.7MJ5.7B. l . at. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSETH, Deo. I CATTLR Re rr'I'Lfi J.800 """'i market steady; steers. Ii.fl8.75; cows and heifers, $3.60tg.tO; calves. $8. ODflS.OO. Hilda -Receipts. 13.M0 head; market fiCXL bulk of W-3MW.4S. MIEEP AND lA MRS-Receipts. 8.000 head; market steady; lambs, $S.00irS.S6. Stook It glaht. Receipts of live stool. .u. , clpal wesUrn markets yesterday: catTie. Hovs. Sheen. . t.ono to.000 15 .mi Chicago South Omaha Sioux City ... St. Louis Kansas City . 3.SW) . 1.M0 , 4.no) . 1.600 15 )) 111,..' 8.WI0 9,610 $.e 3,000 8,'mo 1,000 Tn.l. .18,700 S3.S0O 4!,I0 New York Money Market. TORK. Deo. 3 -MERCANTILE PAPKR 3fca per cent. STERUNu EXfrHANQB-eO-day bills. K ,'mn. HTOdO; oablea.$4.710. SlLVER-Bar. 664c; Mexican dollars, 42'TiC. PONDS-Oovernment, steady; railroad, heavy. TIM K LOANS-flteady; 80 days. 1 per nt; 90 riaye, 3Vf24i per cent: six months, (iS per cent. Call money steady; high. cent 'JVfi 3 per cent; low, l per cent; ruling rai 3 per cent; last loan, 1 per cent; clu IK per cent: offered at 3 bar cant. to. ae. Closing quotations on bonds today were IS HlllUWIi V- B. nt. 3s. rag.. , Mo. Pae. er. la 48 M N T. C. oeb. 8s, ...ill leiS'W. T. Clt 4S.... IM lOIWN. T. M, 4S.....IUS 1WSN. T., N. H. A H. ,110 ev. a. ifiiu I an eouoon V. S. n I wuvun V. B, 4s. rut so Miunoa ISn.ms Is aoupna..l0IS No. Paeirta tm uu Am. Mm.ll.m 8... ..HIS Hft Is MS A. T. 4 T. 0. 4S...107 O. B. U rf. 4s MS Armour 4 Co. 4S,. HSPao. T. A T. I Ks AtnhUioa bob. 4.... 94SPaa. oaa. 4S PS B. I. Clhlo 4. US to ttn 4Ss 1.014 Cm P.Jlfle 1st HISRMdlns a.. 4. n Chaa. A Ohio 4S.. l H. L g. F. r. 4s 71 C. B. Q. I. 4..... MS So. P.r. cr. I. lt C at B T g 4S. 101 s 4o r.f. 4 M C. R I. 6 P. r. 4. tTKfto. RaIIw.t la. 101 0. A H. rf. 4Ss... MSt'Dloa Pacin 4i..,. IIS D. A R O. rf. Is. a t. n h Mu m. sen. 4s 14 V n. Ruhbor l....l(VI'2 no. Kltrla I. 101 St', a gtMl la 104s nt. No. 1st 4 MS 'Wabash 1st I. lma III. (Sa. rf. 4a., " ""v. i.nioa 4HI... n K. C. So. rf, la,.. MSWit, KIm. ct. (s,.1I8 1,. m r. uni. is. ... I K. T. 1st 4a 4S ABBla-rraaek H ., , ITS TS BI4. Oil and Roaln. SAVANNAH. Oa.. Dee. t-TITPPiev. TINE firm 64o bid: sales, .00 at 660; receipts. 343 bWs.; shipments, bbla; stock, 14,191 bbls. ' ROPIN-Flrmi sales, 1, T38 bblavi re ceipts, 3,168 bbls.; shipments, 106 bbls.; stock. T,,644 bbla Quotations: A, B, C. i. k, r', saw): u.H, T, $6 86; K. $8.16: M, $8.80; N. $8 60; Wo, $4.78; Vfto, fr.W. ' Motel Market. NEW YORK. Dee. I-VKT1IMI-I..4 offered at $5.36. Spelter, $17. iVcl 17. 7J. Cop'- pir, aieauy; electrolytic, 2U.0U. Iron, steady and unchanged. Tin, $:. 604339.00. At London: Spot copper, av79 las; fu tures, 80; electrolytic, 4v99., Spot tin. tins 6s; futures, 184 IPs. Antimony, Iad, a) 38 16s. Spelter. 100. Lea8aa Stock Market. LONDON, Doe. t. American securities on the stock market opened lower today nnd failed to recover. The close was dull flLVER-Rar. MU-ld per ounce. MONEY-4ij4i per cent. DISCOUNT RATES Short bills end three months. t per cent. Rank Clearing. OMAHA. Deo. t Bank clearings for Omaha today wars $3,890,141.79 and for the corresponding day laat year $3.78u. 301.84. Three Smothered to Death in Mud Under an Upset Automobile GARY, Ind., Dec. 1 A woman and two men, one from Needles, Cel., were smothered to death In the mud under their automobile which overturned end ground its occupants into the muck of the West Qary marsh tonight. Oary po lice are. searching In the vicinity of the accident believing that another man may have met death in the mishap. The fire department was called to ex tricate the bodies of the three victims, which have been identified as those of Mrs, Anna Adklns of Hammond, M. H. Ooodrode of Chicago and Jack Thompson of Needles. Cel. The wrecked automobile wse discovered by a pedestrian who noticed the tall light of the car gleaming at the aids of the road. He Investigated and saw one of the woman's feet sticking out of the mud. Police end firemen who were summoned extricated the bodies with difficulty. CLARK EXPECTS SESSION LASTING TILL D0Q DAYS WASHINGTON, Dec. l-Speaker Clark reached Washington today prepared, he said., for a long session of congress, last- WS "until the dog days, which wa Included In the offerings aoW NEW YORK STOCK MARKET . ... , , , Foreijfa Selluig of Standard Shares aad Heariness in Special ties Depress. n s mirfirrnn u 01JVi4 UUJKi A-1 UWBWiflU , , NEW TORK, Pec J.-Forelgn nelllng; n re tlv I m'liMo to the utterances of a leading financier, wi e ventured ,h I'lL.-w ii ni n. ,, wvu inrers woiiin nrncr- r d"' " lh'r r "''ts in t .If eou-itry berause esh would he lacking P',"lonl selling, wnlrh again c-n- eentrated upon such leaders as I n t.l 8'atea Fteel, the rippers and a few of h rrpiesentatlve ralla. gave added force to tho iloellie. Steel fell pilnts !? M,, "nrl Anaconda i to wh I- ' '"clflc, Canadian Pa Ifle. Atcl- "". h-rt and New lUvcn ! et 1 o almost 3 points. Anaconda's loss fol lowed publl a'lon of the company's s:nl- "l"," Novmb" showing a rndiictdiii of ln.i.OtO pounds In product) m romparcil w in tne preoeoing montn. Among tl f 7 " ''''Vlfl . mong tne more severe nec.mes or tne some of wnlch were partly ie- the later dealings we,e (j.n- eral Motors whl -h lost ! at 40. Ftud - j bakor. V to H"j; Haldwin Ii.omotl.e, 4 to H; Crucible 8t e. m to TV am 1 a -r-..i .. ......,.-! kJih A tasks Oel4 Allls-l'tialmenj Amerli-an ael Busar. .. Amsrlcaa an Amsrtoaa 1cosoIIt ... American ti. A H intnAm. 8. R. pfd.. Am. Suw Hanntas .... tm.ll.mn T.I. A lsl.. Am.rlean Tvh.eoe .... An.eua4a Cowu , AiehlMiia DrtlHwIs lneemntlTa .. Kaltlmore Ohio Bllilh.ra (ileal ....... Sronfelya Rplit Tr C'alirnrnla lMrnl.ual .. l'noliaa PtctMii l.nlr.1 lslh.r ( hMuipvak Qnla.... t hlcaso U. W ( hlr.sn, M m. P... ( hlraao N. W Chleaen. R. I. A P. Ry Ckino Voripmr t olor.4. ru.1 4 Iraa., Cruclbl. StM N. O. pM... MMtli.n' exmritlu .. Krl. (Literal Rlertrl. J,nee II, em 14.es UK U.aio 11s ! 70S 40 ts m .s il. 70 HO'l I.W0 U tk U4 1.40.) US l l-1. HI II III 211 tr.mo rrvt h 4,en lflti i' kvi exaxJ 111 iixv lin 1ms !' If t.'4 in 400 W SS SKI 3.flS MI4 W u.w iu is ve iis ;.7eo no., tut, 1,7(10 US US 1,20 16 II l.i leo us m l Me l.'1 Uiv4 in 14 1,H !') lit 1S MS M 7t w 47 II 61 'I 4S 7S a 4.S 4JS . n an , ll.ono . lei. . line 4S 70S s 41 . I0.KI0 4.1S .5! t.aa 174 s 171 171S (trast Nnrth.rn ate , Onat No. Ur rlf Onssnh.lm gsplorailoa. tew iws ls l 7 4 0 41) 41 4'i 3.M0 Tl TIS MS Illinois ventral lOI Int.rberouh on. Org.. I.imi 21 ttS !' napirsniHi cvppr 11, Hon 44s 4S 44 Intwnatlonal Hamster... ano ins loss i)a4 " K)r South.ra.... 1.M0 II ms lhish aVll.y I.efat hi mi tov Ioui.tiii. a N.hiu... tm irs ins iv M.iieaa pMrol.um U.nw its ms t4 M1.B11 mow 1.400 us lis us Mluoiirt, K. A T. pfa Us Minwuii Paeifle .on S IS 14S 400 tl IMS 44 MM 14 lis ms N.llon.l niarult Natlnn.l 1m4 ,. N.vrta CoBwir. I N" Vork t'aalral V, W U (t . . i.e ims 101s wis 71. S 74 74S l.onn It s H4S lis I, 701 ill Ills ms no II II lis 3. W0 IIS M 4 as IIS 147 S 117 lt 4. oo us MS lS 7,i) us ms sos 1 I.KK) l"S S 4s , 7.000 101 fW inos , 1.4'M) us u II 7. mo 1I3S HS 141 3.100 ITS MS S'S IM 110 $04) (OT n.(M ms iis it s ii 1M00 MS MS MS l. Ills HAS 1IDS II. 100 7H 77 S T'S K M I7S 7S 14.7.0 tW4 8'S vr l.mo 71 78 TO too 405 4U 4'8 N. V.. N. H. H. Norfolk WMl.ro..., Northern P.clllo Pacirie Mall Pseltto T.I. Tl , tSnn.rlva.nta Pulltnaa Pal.es Car... ksr Con. Copper .Reading H.puhllo Iron A StMl. wth.rn Pselhe South. rn Railway gtuii.haji.r Company . Tons.., rkwoor ..... To... company t'nlon Paeirio t'nlon I'aelflo fit t'alt.4 gISIM Sta.1... V. g, SUI Bt8 t'tah Copper W'Mt.rn Union Wastlnghous. Kl.otrls Montana Pow.r O.n.r.1 Motor Wabash B aM.. 4 MS 1S 31S Int.rnatlon.l Marin pM. SMoo &6S 81 MS , Total sal for tha Say, ISO on) aharas. Creighton Band Men Seeking Letters Efforts ere being made en the part of the Creighton university band to have . letters similar to the foot ball emblems awarded to the musicians In recognition of their services. Tha contemplated de sign Is a "C" entwined In a lyre. A committee composed of Waldo Shil ling ton, arts department; Splitter, phar macy college; Thetssen. dents Kawa- leskl law school, conferred with President MoMenemy on the subject, the project being favorably received by the univer sity heed, although no definite action waa taken. The band is this year under the lead ership of Mr. Mullina. a Junior in the dental college, end played et ell the foot ball games. The musicians era also counted upon to furnish tnuslo et Creigh ton' s baskst bell contests, in recognition of which services It Is likely that the letters will be granted. Eighteen of the players are professional musicians. Man Chases Girls Near Rourke Park Two young women were pursued by a young man, near Rourke park, early yesterday evening. They escaped and called the police, but a hasty search of the neighborhood failed to bring about his capture. The young women, who ware ap proached by the man ware Mias Mabel Berger. 17t4 South Fourteenth, and Miss Mary Cllnes, Fifteenth and Vinton, book, keeper at the Telephone company main office. 1 PULS AND PETERS PLAN LECTURE RECITAL SERIES Prof. E. L Pula, of the department of expression, and rrof. W. A. Peters, et the department of English, of Bellevue college, will Initiate a series of lecture reoltals Frldsy night In the college chapel. Prof. Peters will give a short lecture on "Lady Windermere's Fan,'' with a reaume of the life of the author, Oscar Wtlda, following which. Prof. Puis will read portions of the drama. Tha other lecture recitals, which will follow will take up other modern dramas and dramatists. MEXICAN GOVERNMENT LETS GO HOLD ON ROADS LAREDO, Tex., Dec. I. A decree issued today by General Carranu. head ot ha da facto government In Mexico, does away with supervision of tha railroads in Mexico by military authorities and. according to reports, places the roads un der tha direct control of Alberto Paul, president cf the National lines ef Ma ico, who Is now in the United States en business. It is reported on good author ity that the government will return the tiackage properties to the railroad. tn thg near future, 1 H Kfk M4 Z' a