V THK UhK: OMAHA, THLitM'Al'. iir-Aiir,i. 1:110. Workers in the Yuletidfc Tea Room j; By MELLIFICIA. Wednesday, December 1, 1915. Tegs?," wants to know how shs may get OMEONE, signing herself Into society. . Peggy states she hu money. .- I hope she has, Just oodles of it, or else It should take a woman with more brains than I have to tell her how to get in. Above all, Teggy, be careful, very careful, and make no rash moves. Tou write your mother Is more anxious than you that you land socially. 1 am glad your mother is ambitious for you, but this very thing gives me a little anxiety for you. Don't let your mother show she is anxious, nor desirous. You must not start the game with the handicap of "climber" or "self-rusher" tacked to you. Have your mother put on an aloof air, that she herself cares nothing for the frivolities of the world; only on your account will she un bend. She should wear the oldest, rarest lace, heirloom Jewelry and sur round herself with at least a century-old mahogany, plate and china. The correct setting means more than half the game. Above all, don't boast of your antiques and rare pieces; don't flbe nor make pretenses; let them speak for you what they will. Of course, there is your mother's language, as you say. But you also state she is most determined and ambitious. Turn this to something con structive, then. There are very good books, costing in the paper binding no more than 25 cents. These books have lists of what to avoid in speak ing. Help your mother to commit these things to memory and to practice them In her speech at home. Let her cultivate a lower tone and remember the goldenness of silence If she can't. I wish you success, Peggy, with your money and your good looks, your dreams and your hopes, and. winning the game, may you find it worth what It cost. ' Debut of Miss McCord. Miss Margery McCord. the only daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. William Hal'.crk McCord. was prmtd to society this afternoon at a debut tea given by her mother at the McCord home. Two hun dred and fifty guents called durln the fl.rnAAti and were received In the draw- In room bV Mrs. McCord. Mi McCur- and an aunt, Mrs. Samuel McCord of Bt Joseph. The grandmother. Mrs. James McCord, also of ft. Joseph, who had planned to attend, was deterred by Ill ness. Miss McCord made a pretty picture In her attractive pale gieen tulle and poul de meteor gown and carrying an armful of Ktllarney (jut-en roses. The founda tion of the gown was of the pale green poul de meteor, with a drop skirt of pale green tulle and another one of the meteor falling from rolls of silver cloth wired to give the bouffant effect. The bodice was hlsh-walstcd. with a square-cut neck and tiny sleevea of green tulle and cream lacs was Introduced In the trimmings. Mrs. McCord's gown was of lavender charmeuse. with a lavender net tunlo K..rit in anadt-a of ourple and wh.te graduating from the deep shade at the hem to the paler shades upward. The gown was made short length, with a square-cut bodice and Chant lily, lace leaves. The spacious McCord home was con verted Into a floral bower, the dining hinir nartlcularly attractive. The centerpiece waa a TUfany one, a ' tall silver vase and four amayer silver vastra filled with Kussell roses and pink-shaded candles being the scheme used for the " decoration. The floral tributes to the debutants were banked throughout the rooms. . Miss Lorett De Urns gave a harp pro gram, with violin and oellq accompani ment. Among thosa asked to assist weie. Misses- Mlnaea T.oule White. Marion lowle, Mary Mi-geath, . Ileum Inglrorsen. Ann Clifford, Isabel V lnsoiilialer, Ua Sharp. Wurlli hrj, MesdanifS Mesilunine J. 1. fummtrs. Ward inirs. Charles T. Kountse, Harry dimming, Henry Wyman. Charles Olfutt John Brady, Thomas U Uavls, William Itedlok, John Kedli'k. Joseph Barker. John K. Wilbur, . C. U. Keller, Arthur Remington. With the. School Set. Miss Retina Connell. daughter of Dr. and Mrs. R. W. Connoll. Is expected home from Miss Guiles and Miss Evans school of lloiton about December 17 for the ChrUtmas vacation Miss Mary Cllfforl and Mlna Clara Hart of Council Bluffs, who attend school at Dnna Hall, Welles ley, Mass., will accompany Miss Connell. Mr, and Mrs. Leonard A. puldlng yes terday morning received word of the Hi nrrs of the'r daughter, MIni Nan Hpauld Ing, at Chevy Chase seminary In Wash ington, where she is attending school. Mlu Bpauldlng had an attack of appen dicitis, which necessitated an Immediate operation. Mrs. Ppauldlng was prepared i to leave for Washington lat evening j when word was received from an aunt and uncle lllng In Washington that everything waa bentg done and that aho was feeling as well as could be expectel and would be well enough to come homn r the Christmas vacation. Mr. flpauld g abandoned her trip, but will go to 'Chicago to meet her daughter on hor return. Mis Ppaulolng's Illness inter fered with her attendance at the Army Navy came at New Tork, which she bad planned. Fast Festivities- A party at the Krug theater Monday evening comprised of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Lambert, Mr. and Mrs. I M. Lord. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Shotwell and Dr. and Mrs. Grant Williams. Wedding Announcement. Cards of announcement have been re ceived of the marriage of Mildred Rots Havens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Ross of Dundee, to William Russell Edson of New York City, on November 9. I m ...'l late Ir. Cyrus Edson, waa p,TsMrnt of the Roa'l of Health and a very noted surgeon of New York City. Mr. Ed-.)ii Is In the International Motor Company business. The young couplo will be at home after January 1, at lis West 6eventy-second street. New Torlt City. Tnletide Tea Room Parties. The Ladles' Aid society of the txiwe Avenue Presbyterian church will hold their Christmas basaar, Thursday anl Friday of this week. Thursday there will be a aala of home-made cookery and Friday evening there will be a supper In addition. Mrs. Caaper K. Tost will entertain at luncheon at the Yulctlde Tea room Thursday afternoon, and not Wednes lay, as previously announced. Mrs. Yost's guests will be: Meediimes Meariames J. 3. Itrown. fleorire 8'in'rea, Oerog-e I'aterson, W. D. Morse. Charles S'liilres, W. Q. Megeath, C. W. Ltvman. Mrs. Mary I. Crelgh will give a lunch eon this afternoon for the Omaha Whist club. Th members a're: Mesdamea Mendnmrg C5. K. Haverstlck, Ij. I. U bson. W. II. Wilbur. J. A. Morrison, W. U, Cioodrich, V. Pea ree. John Baldwin, D. V. Wholes. L. A. Carrier, Phfilp Potter. er r(vere Mrs. W. F. Milroy and her daughter. Miss Isabel Milroy, are most energetic Mr. Edson Is of an old New YorK fam ily. His grandfather, t'ranklvn U. Kdson, Thirty-five Years of Successful Photography WHY EXPERIMENT? PLEASE MAKE APPOINTMENTS NOWFORXMAS PHOTOGRAPHS PHONE DOUGLAS 4$ 1 ? ' Soy Adola gwartwout. Jr. raote by xstw. The Heyn Studio ' 16th and Howard Streets In their efforts for the new First Pres byterlan church building. Mrs. Milroy Is president of the women's organisation of the church and her daughter Is In i hsrge of the young women's department. Roth divisions are bending all their ef forts toward the success of the Yulettdo tea room, whlih opens Wednesday an! will be conducted until Christmas on thi fifth floor of the Orchard-Wllhelm store. The proceeds will go towards the build ing fund. was a ereat exporter and at one time was mayor of New York. His father, the t. K. Coutant. Moshler l nlpotser, Thomas Orr, A. il. Kdwarda, H. Fuller. A. Sweet. W. J. liroach. James Chndick, t retries KrtiR. Saturdny afternoon. Mrs. Harry R. Bo wen will entertain Mrs. Charles Marh. Miss Gertrude Marsh and Harry Ray mond Bowen, jr., at tea in the Yuletide Tea room. Thursday at luncheon Miss Laura Bcolt will have s x guests. Mrs. C. M. Wllhelm. will entertain at luncheon for elsht guests. Mrs. M. C. Peters, who had a tablo reserved for her guests this afternoon, has been postponed her luncheon. Christmas Sales. The Ladies' Aid society of the First Presbyterian church will conduct a Christmas sale with a special table of home cookery and eatables st the home of Mrs. N. H. Loomts, 3S0S Jackson streef, Friday from 10:0 In the morning until a.) In tho afternoon. Luncheon will sluo be served. The women In charge include the president and the leaders of the dif ferent circles as follows: Mesdames Mesdamea W. F. Mllrnv. C H. Townsend, A. W. lKnn, , J. F. tfykea. J. 11. Franklin. Fred Bacon, Miss Una Zeiss. The women of the First MethodlJt church will hold their basaar the trt-rlj bulldlnc. Friday and Saturday. Mrs. W. II. Head will be In charge of the practlcsl booth; Mrs. Ben A. Vapor will havj the old ladles' booth; Mrs. Watson Townsend, the what-not booth; Mrs. George Wlckersham, the fancywork booth, and Mrs. Clarence Anderson, the domestic booth. For Motoring Party. Walter Roberts will give a dinner this evening In honor of the return of a party of friends from a motoring trip to Arl sona and the Pacific coast. Those present will be: Messrs. and Mesdamea Barton Millard. Arthur Keeline. Louis tlnrke. Walter Roberts. George Redick, rntnrp Events. Mrs. Clarence II. Walrath will enter tain the members of the Fontenelle chap ter of the Order of the Eastern Star Fri day evening st Jier home. Mrs. Walrath will be assisted by Mesdamea E. M. Rey nolds, Clarence Rubcndall. Carrie Dawson Scott and Eart Walrath. Birthday Party. Mr. and Mrs. Sam, Altschnler enter tained at a b'tthday party Saturday evening to celebrate the twelfth anni versary of their daughter, Llna. Tho fol lowing guests were present: Franklin, completing his eighth year. Thi guests of the occasion were: .,.., M isaea Kntnlern Herlman, Ruth Hrlmmel, Harriet Rose water. Misses Ftirhara Burns, June Stewart, F. eanor Kountre. Virginia Herdman. Musters Goidon Stewart, ' Janus McMlllen, Kdwaid Rose-vater, liailoy lloorhcad. Masters Hunter Scott. Lane Axf-ll. Goriion tmlth. Today's Events. Mrs. W. A. Hmllh was nosieaa si luncn- eon to the Rummy club this afternoon. The BOO Ensemble met with Mrs. A. Thompson. Ft. Mirv's alumni will hold their sec ond meeting this evening. Personal Mention. Dr. snd Mrs. Louis Bushman returned last week from their weoaing journey and will be at home after December lo. at the Hamilton. MORE BOYS THAN GIRLS BORN DURING NOVEMBER During November 11 boys and girls were born in Greater Omaha. There were 173 deaths during the same month. Mlsf-a Annn. Ooldware, Sarah Forma n, Beswio Gold ware, Rosella Pcrllss. Anna Sorlne. Fannie Hlfor n. Bessie Slforln, Anna Leaf, Harriet Roeewater, Iona Perllss, Reva Cohan, Gertrude Perllss, Misses Minnie Weltx. Bertha Cohan, Annette Lien. P:ila Cohen. Jennie Lebovits, Frances Cohen, Ida Do! (toff, Clara Lebovits, Rose Dolgoff, Helen Levlnson, Ksther Potoshnlch, Pearl Sherman. Ch'Mren's Party. Mrs. A. F. Smith gave a birthday party Monday afternoon In honor cf her son. . THE mNDERBiii Hotel THIRTY FOURTH STREET AT PARK AVENUE The most concenienlly situated hotel in New York At the Thirty-lhiri Street Subway , WALTON H. MARSHALL Aeaaytr n Pi! 111-J.. .-.i.j.'l.I ' n I..-...H. '........J. ,.,l'ia.. n. .1 if,..- ...j. . ...V . , , n M fg GET THAT VICTROL A FOR CHRISTMAS Your whole family will be pleased on Christmas morning to find a Victrola in the home. Come in today and see about your Victrola and we'll ar arrange to deliver it any time before Christmas. Hospc Service What It Is CONVENIENT LOCATION in the heart of the shopping dis trict, 1513-X515 Douglas street, opposite Empress. COMFORTABLE ROOMS, all in mahogany sound-proof. VComfy" seas just half a dozen steps from the street. SALES FORCE Intelligent demonstrations, "machines or re'oords." Prompt attention you don't "wait at Hospe's." STOCK VICTROLAS in every style, in every finish, RECORDS every number in the catalogue more than . 5,000 selections. . . . .The instrument shown OUR GUARANTEE of forty years' standing behind every al)0ve is the victrola 8ale- ' ? 11, at- Hospe ServiceMade For Yoa Q H fl A. HOSPE CO., 7 Otlifr Victrolas $15, k The Victor Store $25, $40, $50, $75, $150, 1513-1515 Douglas Street SfSef5" .' i I A Hospe Reminder Ea . . . ... . . . . rur ivuriy rjinH-rsj mi wniy liolldnys, Hut Kvery Day Sliop pors the Hospe Art Store I "re sell Is. Pictures , Original Color Etchings, s Mczso Tints, Fac Simile Water Colors, Hand Colored Oravures, Original Etchings, Carbons, Photographs. Arto types, Color Prints, Etc. Frames - ' Real Gold Frames, Powder Gold in Roman and Antique Tones, Hand Carved Wood Frames in Natural Woods and every Variety of Frame Molding. Mirrors Colonial Mirrors, French Mirrors, Mantel Mirrors in Gold Frames In Mahogany, etc. Materials China Painter's, Oil Paint er's, Water Color Painter's Materials, Brushes, Colors, Palettes, Oils, China Gold. Drawing Paper. Etc. Gold Gold Framed Miniature Paintings. Silver Sheffield Silver. Dishes, Candle Sticks, Desk Sets, Etc. Brass Smokers' Sets, Humidors, Vases, .Umbrella Stands, Jardinieres, Desk Sets. Bronze Figures, Animals, Busts, Book Ends. Marble Statuary, Brlc-a-Brac. Pottery Vases, Dishes, Etc. Wood Candle Sticks, Lamp Shades, Piano Lamps, Book Ends. Ivory lvorex Plaques. Leather Cordova Leather, Ladies' Bags, Pocket Books. Table Pads, Memorandum Books. ' Etc. Paper Pohlson Gallery Novelties endless In variety. Xmas Cards A. HOSPE CO. 1513.15 Doualas St. BIG DOINGS IN TOYLAND Take & trip through Toyland. Grown-ups enjoy it as much as the children, over twice as much floor space as formerly, and with no scarcity of imported toys, greatest attraction" at this moment. "We have given It is' 'Omaha's rV r- -1 European War Games French, English. German and Russian Sol diers, packed in box, complete with rapid firing cannon. r-, sale price...' T'Vt Climbing Monkey oa String Every boy and girl will surely enjoy ffi.:'-..s.p':-. 19c 11 Submarine and Dreadnangbt The new naval war toy. A reallBtio destruction of a dreadnanght by a submarine; submarine blows up the dreadnaughl with . . ACn wooden torpedo. Special. .. Bradley's Rapid Fire Cannon and Soldiers A re- twwv f production of , a ,i If machine gun, shootg ten wooden bullets In a 10 seconds tyt Children's Xlcely Fainted Shoo Flies with upholstered seats or Double Rocking Horses... 98c Ives' Train on Circular Track Engine, Coal Car, Passenger Car and Eight Pieces of Track, aq Ives' trains are the bet....VOC ii w wr H ir?wr I LA! t.TTgl. . mil 1 .if A Blouse! What Better Gift? U You have a wide range of choice; nothing could be more appreciated by women folks; it is good taste ; indeed, you will find the Blouse Shop the place for ideal gifts at very Bmall expenditures. Dressy Georgette Crepe Blouses; Hand Beaded and Embroidered Models; Low Neck or New Chin Chin Col lars exceptionally smart styles. $g.oo to $10:22 Banana Coral Nile Green Corn Flower New Colors Maize Peach Hague Blue China Blue Flesh and "White Green Navy and Black Brown Note-'Christmas Boxes given upon request 1,500 Pairs of Women's Fine Dress Shoes Worth $3.50. On Sale Thursday These are in patent leather, with black or colored cloth or dull kid tops; dull kid and calf with cloth or kid tops; also black satin and satin de laine. These are all new styles, in all siies. They are splendid, perfect fitting shoes in every way. The entire lot on sale here Thursday. Choice at $2.25. . . About 300 pairs of Women's Dress Slippers, the majority of them black satin. Worth to $3.00, pair $2.25. . .New Arrivals in the Latest Shoes 9V-inch Boots, in gray kid, black kid,C A ft(:tn I Havana Brown Imported wnr. fei.l hlsek velvet and blue velvet. ,.PtJ Kid lioota M $10 Photo Craft Shop "TOm pedaJlate.w SIS H Bldf. Films Developed Free WU PtnksMt From Vs. , Mats. S . SVXokt awrla. Advertising is to busUtees wbat Steam 4s to machinery. . 1 la the great propelllnc power. Popularity of Haddorff Pianos The strongest evidence of how widespread is the popularity of Haddorff Pianos and Player Pianos is shown by the great demand for Iladdorff Grands for Concerts and Recitals. This demand became so urgent that it has necessitated our having in stock, for concert purposes alone, several grands, both concert and medium size, and they are in almost constant use. This is one of the most striking tributes that could possibly be paid to any piano. The name 4 4 Iladdorff " on your piano is a guarantee of Piano Satisfaction. BRANDEIS PIANO DEPARTMENT Third Floor. A