THK BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1915. , Eat It! Enjoy It! ;j No Indigestion i Or Bad Stomach 5 Never any bout, gassy or acid i-. stomach, heartburn or dyspepsia. ) ' Tape's Diapepsin" makes j weak stomachs strong and healthy at once. "n Y:iu run est anything your stomach .' craves without far of Indigestion, acld 7 It y or dyspepsia, or that your food will ! frrmrnt or Hour on your stomach If you will Ink a little I iIrpc-pmIii occasionally. Tour meals will taste Rood, and any- thing you eat will be digested; nothing cnn ferment or turn Into ac d or poison Cor ' stomach gas. whlrh cauiica belching, X diaainps. a feeling of fullness after set ting, nausea. Indigestion (like a lump of lead In the stomach), biliousness, heart !' burn, water brash. Pain In stomach and lnat!nes or other symptoms. Headaches from the atomach are abeo " lutely unknown where this effective rem- eily Is used. Dlspepsln really does all the work of a haalthy stomach. It digests X your meals when your stomach can't. A single dose will digest all tne food you est and leave nothing to ferment or sour J and upset the stomach. ti Uet a largn W-rent rase of rape's l'la CLrxTsin from your druggist and start taking now, and In a little while you win factually brag about your healthy, strong utomach. for you then can eat anything i find everything you want without the .'lightest discomfort or misery, and every particle of Impurity and Ss that la In -ur stomach and Intestines Is going to be carried away without the use of 1: natives or any other assistance. Should you at this moment be suffer- Jng from Indigestion or any stomach dis- ( Drrter. you can get relief within five mln :ites. Advertisement. Malicious Muffin! ; - Jftufflns that melt In your mouth ;l - arc always your If yu follow this roots t y Cvpftth fair J -4 Cupful tutor Himfnmg Umpomfult taking pomuif 3? Salfpoeiu tatt ; Lev . i Tthlnpconfui mtlltd ttuilrr X Cupful Cntfan mitd Milk swm tvtfk J tuft! uattf Mix and alft dry Ingredients : add grad ..tially the milk and water mixed; then -the melted butter: lastly add the ess well beaten, white and yellow ' together. Bake la hot oven In buttered gem pans about 25 minutes. it af" Rich milk is absolutely necessary in the making of good muffins. Cottage Milk Muffins are alwsva a auccess beeau Cottage Milk la creamy and rieh,' Jt has more thstt twice the food Rvalue of bottle milk. Keep a supply In -.your pantry and you need never worry "".about your milkman. Cottage Milk la -made in spotlessly clean condenseriea in -the richest dairying districts of the ;; country. Nothing added In the making. -Only part of the water Uken out Un sweetened sterilized. Made by too American Milk Company of Chicago. URIC ACID . I SOLVENT ".For Rheumatism and Kidnej Trouble t - '50 Cent Bottle (32 Doses) :.; FREE Jtuit because you start the day worried -nt tired, stiff legs and arms and tnua- -vies, an selling head, burning and bear . hit down pains in the back worn out tt?ore the dy begins, do not think you '; hava to stay In tnat condition. Those sutferers who are In and out of .cil hell a dosen times at night wtu ap - Sr W tht. rst, comfort sjmI strengil ;iiiH treatment grves. rir any rorm'of , t)lildr trouble or weakness, Its action ia reaJly woutlorful. Ha strong, well and vigorous, with no more psJna from surf Joints, sore mue 'clea. rheumatic suffering, aching back, , or kldnev or bladder troubles. ! To prove The Williams Tretment con quers kidney and bladder diseases, rhevi ' mailsm and all una -old rouulen, no ; matter how chronic or stubborn. If you liava never used Tlie Wlilama Treatment, ; we wilt give one 60a bottle (31 doses) .free if you will cut out this notice and ('rid it with your name and addre. ah ' 3"o to help pay ritotrlbutlnn expenses, to t' The rr. D. A. W1l!!ana Company, Dept. 174a New P. O. llulidlng Kst Msmpton. Conn, fend at once and you will receive ; ly parcel post a regular 60o bottle tit doses), without charge and without lt . rurring any obllgatlona. Una bottle only . t a f irmly or address. Washing Won't Rid Head of Dandruff The only sure way to get rid of dand- ruff Is to dissolve it. then you destroy It ; entirely To do this, get about four ; ounces of ordinary liquid arvon; apply ! It at nlfe-ht when retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it In gently I with the finger tips. lo this tonight, aod by morning, most ; If not all, of your dandruff will be gone. and thrr or four more applications will , completely dissolve and entirely destroy i every single sign and trace of It. no mat- ter how muih dandruff you may have. i You will find. too. that all Itching and t digging of the acalp will stop at once, and your hulr will be fluffy, lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and look and feel !a hundred times better. You can st liquid arvon at any drug . store. It Is Inexpensive and never falls j to do the work. Advertisement Discolored or Spotty Skin Easiy Pee ltd Off 'l ii diacuiuriiia or rouglienlng to which j in uny skins ar subject at Hits season. msy rradilv i Kourn or. Monxmsea , sirrd over the (see before jetirlfig and reutuved in thu morning with boup snd water, complete. y peis ! the ! iiiilurrd skin, (iciin ounce of '.te wax. " m any drug- st's. Tlieie's no more ei- i fttive wsy or bunUhlng chaps, bloU'hes, lirnuus. freckles or oilier cutsnuous di- fi'cis- Little skin particles com off each tay. so ths prvems Itself dixisu t even leu. poi srl is mar tlie complevioii, and one on HccNfs a britiid new, sputless, girl lMy l4utiful lace. tVrlnkU-s ckusrd by westher. worry or II lui are lx t trratrd by a simple solu tion of ott'1oit-d SmKuiito, 1 os . dtftSOiVed in 'i piiit wii ii imu-t. liathlng tha face hi till product a truly marvelous trans fuMUtellori. Auiei tielletlt. FARM CONGRESS HAS HOT DEBATE "Community Interest" Discuiiion Brings Oat Single Tax and - Other Iuuei. ARE AGAINST THE MIDDLEMAN The discussion of "Community Interest" at the Nebraska Farmers' Congress became more than a discus sion almost a spirited debate. R. hi. Tyson of Tobias started It off In nocently enough with a booster talk fot close friendship and co-operation between farm and city. t W. F. Baxter followed with an able piper, carefully balanced and; weighed, charging that the landlord1 ard the tendency toward landlordism rud the increase of tenant farming Is the groat menace. Then followed C. M. Oustafson of Mead. charging tha city people are se!fih and do not have the community Interest at heart, tie slammed the farm demon strator Idea and declared. "If you Insist on sending us farm demonstrators, we will Insist on sending demonstrators to the city. We have already demonstrated some things in the city that has opened the eyes of many." Oustafson Is president of the, Farmers' t'nlon, which organisation no. only mar kets the produce of Its members, but has community atores. from which the farm muniiy stores, iroro wnKn .. , buy implements, coal, lumber and a ers lot of other necessities Blames Tit System. What W. F. Raster had pointed out ' that there are today ll.OOu lees farms In tha state than there were five yeara ago because land is slipping Into the hands Of the large landholder, who rents to tenants, Oustafson admitted, but as to the cause of this condition the two dif fered. Baxter laid It largely to the sys tem of taxation. Oustafson said: "The farms are get ting larger because the producer Is not getting a fair shake. Kllmlnate the waste that exists between the producer and the consumer. "Blft out the drones, as Mr. Baxter said, sift them out Sift out the feUow that Is so glad to make his living gamhllng with the things we produce. 81ft out the fel low In Omaha who made $300,000 In the snap of a finger gambling on the wheat that you and I and the rest of the neigh- , bors produced. We don't need that kind of man In the community. Some people still think we do, but we don't." Talks A boat Farmers. Oustafson called attention to a com mercial club In a certain town In the state that entertained delegation of Farmers' union fellows some time ago at luncheon. Afterward, he said, one of tha members nf the club criticised the ojub In the newspapers for entertaining this delegation of farmers, who, ths critic said, were trying to ruin the city man's business. "I sent ths club a check for tha price of our lunch," said Oustafson, "and they returned the check, saying that was only the feeling of one of ths members. But I tell you, gentlemen, the next time It will be another member and another. The feel ing Is there." It was up to Ross L. Hammond,, who followed Oustafson, to smooth things, over. Hammond Is president of the Stats 'As sociation of Commercial clubs. Hammond said he had hoped this would be a har monious discussion and was surprised to find It had degenerated Into a debate. He declared things were not ss bad as they had been pictured, and that the subject should never have been brought up for discussion, as ths barrier between the city and ths country did not exist except ss an artificial barrier. FARMERS' CONGRESS DISPOSES OF THE POLITICAL FARMERS (Continued from Page Ons.) iaiidT "Pick out tor ua tha men on that Hat who are not farmers." , "Well." said Klrkland. "I cannot do It offhand I have only been Informed so, The 1. 1st as It la. "Then . you have . been wrongly In formed." emphatically asserted President Coupland. Then Coupland read off ths names ,of three men on the list of fif teen, members ef the committee ss ths only three who are not actually farming at this moment. Hers Is the list of the executive com mlttes as It stands: Frank a. Odelt, Omaha; C. H. Oustafson, Mead; R. H. Tyson, Tobias; E. H. Pollard, Nehawka; Charles Wooster, Bllver Creek;. Joseph Roberts, Fremont: J. W. Bhorthlll, York; George Junkln, Pmlthfletd: Prof. J. H Frandsen, Lincoln: Iean EX A. BurnetV Lincoln; r .C. Crocker. Fllley; R, lingua. Crete: Lee Bmlth, DeBota; I C awaon. Grsnd Island; J, U, Ream, Broken Bow. Frank O. Odell, chairman of the com mittee, told . what he had done for the Farmers' Congress and bow long he had farmed, up to ths time he became Iden tified with the farm papera. He asserted that he had served as chairman of the 1'gtalatlve committee of the congress for a series of years, and had spent his own money to act for them In meny eases. He said he had worked hard and had ex. pected no compensation. "We have raised the congress from no standing at all." said Odell. "to a post tlon of power and Influence In the teg! lature and In the stste. And while I was serving me congTeas, I supported my family by writing space articles for ths Nebraska Farmer and The Twentieth Century Farmer. I was Invited thla t'me to appear on your program here. I came 400 miles at my own expense to attend and to fill this engagement on the pro gram. Now, If you want to exclude me from membership, say so." Shot at Odell. Klrkland charged that the secretary of ths American Rural Credits association has ancther Interest besides the welfare of the farmer. The secretary of the Rural Credits association Is Odell. Klrkland read a letter from the secre tary of ths Rural- Credits association. asking Klrkland to Invest In some stock In the association. It asked him to use his Influence to get friends to Invest, and promised thst a good dividend would be paid, wlille low Interest could be fur nlehed the farmer borrower. J. B. Orinnell or Papllllon asked Klrk land If he could show that there was anything wrong with the Rural Credits association, and that the letter was not a straight, honest business letter offer ing him au Investment Klrkland could not show anything of the kind, so he was promptly (II -pod of. Dr. George E. Condra made a little har mony talk, and after a few snore sparks TO ADDRtSS FARM COHORISS ON MARKETING. from the hot wires, a vote was taken and whUmon r..0lutlon letting In only me1 rhgW(, , ,ome form of r;cul. tural activity, was adopted by a vote of about 3(0 to 3. Old Offleers Are Klected. Among other things done at the con- vt r.tlon, time was taken to re-elect all the present officers. Here they are: President George Coupland, Elgin, Neb. First Vice Presldent-Jrank Tannehlll, Norfolk, Neb. second Vice President Homer McKel- v'e, Fairfield. Neb. Third Vice President R. D. Smith, Richland. Neb. Secretary J. B. Orinnell, Papllllon. Neb. TrisTTiurer George junkln, Smlthfield, Neb. - Thursday being the final day of tha convention, the resolutions committee Is to report. Woman suffrage and prohibition will not be reported out of the committee. The friends of these two movements did not bave the strength to get them through Suffrage was killed In the committee on the ground that It Is not an Issue in the state at present. Prohibition was killed In the commit- tte by the oratorical powers of Charles Wooster of Bllver Creek. Piohlbltlon, It Is understood. Is to be rffered from the floor, however, after the t solutions report has been made, for there are friends of the measure that believe It can be put through the congress from the floor, even though the committee saw fit to Ub It to death. ' Prwgram for Today. Among the things the resolutions com mittee la to recommend Thursday morn in? are endorsement of the Initiative pe tition for a constitutional convention: long-time farm leases: that tha tall- roads rescind their ruling prohibiting peddling from cars; approyg. tha -passage tip the last legislature oft the i ToTress' system of land registration: recommend oo-ope ration of stats and counties In the good roads movement; endorse the move ment for federal grain Inspection; det elare that grain rates In Nebraska are higher than in ths surrounding territory; endorse rural credits; endorse the work or ths department of conservation and Public Welfare' commission; urgeY the Vnlveiwlty of Nebraska to. continue and enlargs Its welfare work, especially slons tne lines of economlo distribution i-nanreiior Samuel Avery and Dean " o mo university or Nebraska iddressed ths congress In ths early part t( the afternoon on the work of the uni versity In general and on the work of the college of agriculture in particular. FEWER EGGS ARE SHIPPED ' t FROM STATE IN YEAR 1914 (From a 6taff Correspondent.) .LINCOLN, Deo. L-lSoerJal v breeka hens laid down cn their job of laying eggs In 1914 and produced 4.MO.0OU dossn lees egga than they did the year previous, according to figures being pre pared by the state labor bureau. in wis. the exodus of eggs from the stats amounted to 41.2$.0OI dosen. In 1914 the amount dropped to ,,2i dosen. Whether the falling off in exports was due to the hens" getting laxy or whether NeDreska people consumed more egg, thus cutting" off the shipping supply la not given out- by Commissioner Coffey. BLAST SHUTS OFF GAS AND THOUSANDS SHIVER ; LITTLE! ROCK, Ark., Dec L A farmer blasting - ground today for an orchard near Malvern. Ark., placed a dynamite . charge too near the natural gas main from the Caddo fields In Louis iana, and the resulting break left many thouaands of people without gaa tonight, with the temperature hovering near freestng. Little Rock's gaa supply failed at p. m. Hot Apr Inge. Argents, Ben ton and smaller towns were also without gaa for light and fuel. HOT TEA BREAKS A COLD TRY THIS Oet a small package of Hamburg Breast Tea. or as the German folks call It. "Hamburger Brust Thee," at any pharmacy. Take a tablespoonful of the tea, put a cup of boiling water upoa It, pour through a sieve and drink a teacup full at any time. It la the most effective way to break a cold and cure grip, as It pens ths pores, relieving congestion. Also loosens the bowels, thus breaking a cold at once. It Is inexpensive and entirely vegetable, therefore harmless. Advertisement. Cured His RUPTURE I we badly ruptured while lifting a trunk ssveial yeara ago. Ixn tora said. my An v or cure muM an i m i- 1 1 . m or cure was an open Trusses did me no MOud. Finally 1 gut hold of some UUng that uulckly and com- rlelsly cured me. i eara have passed and hs rupture has never returned, although I am doing hard work aa a carpentar. Thiers was no operation, no loss of t'l"' no trouble. I have nothing to sell, but -III rle full tniui iiitiluni i.imi ii i o..' , .j may find a complete cure without oper ation. If you write to me, Kucene M. f ullun. Carpenter, 491 B. Marceliua Ave nue. Manaaquan. N. i. bvtter cut out tin notice and show It to any others ho are ruptured you may aave a life or at least stop tha misery of rupture and the worry and danger ef an opera-u-u. ANOTHER FARMERS MEETIMTO COME Nebraska ranneri' - Co-Operatire Grain and Lire Stock Association Assembles December 15. MANY SPEAKERS ON PROGRAM Another big convention, largely of . -..--- f .! A..a1.l AenaVsi Ti ', 1.11 UJCIB, IB KUfjqUlOU UI VUiu ao- J cember IB to 17, inclusive. Toil is th Nbr-Jika Farmers Co-operative Grain and Lire 8 lock Stats associa tion. J. S. Canaday of Mlnden is president and J. W. Shorthlll of Tork sc-c-retary. The headquarters will be at the Rome hotel. One of the (Titngs that Is looked for werd to In this convention Is the talk to be given by Prof. B. M. Hlbbard of the L'nlveralty of Wisconsin on "Price Fixing." This talk Is not to be full of easy generalities that cannot be proven, but Is to be a talk try a scientific and painstaking man on the actual conditions that exist. He win give only what he knows and can prove. He will give only the result of personal observation. "We could get a lot of cheap politicians that would talk their heads off on gen eralities." said Secretary horthill. "but we have got to the point where we want actual facts on a matter ss Important as this, and we want facts that' can be supported by evidence If necessary. We want to know just what the condition la In regard to price fixing In various lines." Rffleleaey K Xpert te Talk. For the first time since the Mrth of this organisation also there Is to be a talk by a business efficiency expert. Prof. It. Newman Tollee of Chicago Is to talk on ths fundamentals In business management. Better methods of accounting Is an other subject that Is to be given John R. Humphrey.' a government man from Washington. MINTUN TAKES OFFICE IN HAMILTON COUNTY AURORA, Neb., Dee. 1. (Special Tele gram.) For the second time this year F. W. Mlntun today became county commis sioner from the First district Comm's sloner John B. Cain, who has been hold ing over, retired without contest In favor of Mlnttm, thereby, carrying out his agreement made early In tha year. tA the election m 1914, Mlntun was elected by a majority of four votes to take Cain's place en ths county board and his right to the plaoe was contested. but a recount gave him a majority of thlrty-eeven ovtes, . He hsd , been sctlng ss commissioner but a short time when the supreme court decidtd the commissioner cases from Douglas, Howard and Madison counties, which seemed to deprive Kim of his seat on the county boaid. .Thereupon Mlntun and Cain entered into an agreement to abide by the final decision ef the su preme court.: The question was definitely and finally deteimlne last month by the supreme court hi rases arising In Mail Ison snd Boone counties, and today Cain gave up his office. Mlntun's term will end In January, Vfli. A Spoonful of Salts Relieves Aching Kidneys ,... We eat too much meat, which clogs Kidneys, -.says1 ' noted authority. sxs M m, v . . If back hurts or Bladder both ers, stop all: meat for & while! When you wske up with backache and dull misery In the kidney region It gen erally means you have been eating too i. uch meat, saya a well-known authority. Meat forma uric scld which overworks the kidneys In their effort to fllter t from the blood snd they become sort of paralysed and loggy. When your kid neys get sluggish and Clog yon must re lieve them, like you relieve your bowels; removing all the body's urinous waate. else you have backache, sick headache. dlssy spells; your stomach sours, tongue Is coated and when the weather la bad you have rheumatio twinges- Tha urine Is cloudy, full of sediment, channels often get sore, water scalds and you are obliged to seek relief two or three time during the night. Either consult a good, reliable physi cian at once or get from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Baits; take a tablespoonful In a glass of water be fore breakfast for a tew days and your kidneys will then aot fine. This famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with llthla, and has been used for generations to clean and stimulate sluggish kidneys, also to neutralise acids In the urine so It no longer irritates, thus ending blad der weakness. Jad Baits Is a Ufa saver for regular meat eatera. It Is Inexpensive, cannot Injure and makes ' a delightful, effer vescent ltthuv-water drink. Advertise ment. FEEL YOUNG! It's Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets For Tout Beware of the habtt of constipation. It develops from just a few constipated daya. unless you Uke yourself In hand. Coax the jaded bowel muscles back to normal action with Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the substitute for calomel. Don't force them to unnatural action with severe medicines or by merely flushing out the Intestines with nasty, sickening cathartics. Dr. Edwards believes In gentleness, persistency snd Nature's assistance. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets -n it,. bowels; their action is sentU. vet tt. i - - - - tlve.. There la never any pain or srtp- , Ing when Dr. Edwards' OUve Tablets are used. Ju.t the kind of treatment old persons should have. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a vege table compound mixed with olive oil. you win know them by their olive color. Take one or twe occasionally and have no irouoie witn your liver, oowele or stomach, 10c and iac per bos. AU drug gtsta. The OUve Tablet Company, Columbus, Ohio. Secretary Pool One Of State's Busy Men, , So Reports Reveal (From a Ptaff Correspondent.) : LINCOLN. Dec 1.' (Special.) Filing pe titions placing candidates for nomination toi the presidency has not been the only tusmess done by Secretary of Ptata Fool end hie otflee force.-the report of the ttcretarr of stats for the last six. months Ending today showing that 107,2. was t.kaa la !!. -. tho a, me t-iArtf-ri ftf mn"" a aain v s m-o i --j ! v nt 1 17 mint A 'comparison of the different Items for the two periods' shows as foltows: ' . 1914. Itli. ' Corporation permits.;..10 $ 9.i..- Corporation penalties. l.S7.M 1.256.00 Filing articles ot Incor poration Notary commissions Klllng brands Certificates and tran smits role of statutes All other sources 7.WM.40 801.80 17 M 714.00 9.m.T5 ..VI 345.03 MM 76J.O0 3.MI ( Totals W6.m tl07,J4., Ths cash receipts for Novembed toK.Ud tM.S96.S2, divided as follows: Corporation ( rcrmlts. Mil; corporation penalles. tT2.3o; articles of Incorporation. $2.014. ti; notary i commissions, $S0; brands, $7.V; certifi cates and transcripts, 164,30; sales, of statutes, $169; all other sources. li.U The automobile department makes the largest amount of labor. It coetrhg $6,00' to do the work ana send out tne plates. There were t.Ols licenses Issued, which osi the department as follows: Labor, tm.SB; printing. S262.M; platee, $3flfi.W; postage, $300; supplies. t7.7R. snd express, 11.04 lata by I'naeea Aasasalsi. LONUMONT. Colo.. Dec L W. H. Dickens, wealthy citixen of Boulder county, was shot and Instantly killed here tomgnt dv an unseen asasin, wno nrei through a window In the Clokens borne. Ouch! Lame Back. . Rub Lumbago of BackacHe Away Rub pain right out with small trial bottle of old "St. Jacobs OiL" Kidneys cause Backache? Not They have no nervea. therefore can not cause pain. Listen! Tour backache Is caused by lumbago, sciatica or a strain, and the quickest relief is soothing, penetrat ing "St. Jacobs OH." Rub It right on your painful back, and instantly the soreness, stiffness and lameness dlaap- pears. Don't stay crippled! Oet a small trial bottle of "St. Jacobs Oil" from your druggist and Umber up. A moment after It Is applied you'U wonder what became of the backache or lumbago pain. Rub old, honest "St. Jacobs Oil" when ever you have sciatica, neuralgia, rheu matism or sprains, as it Is absolutely harmless and doesn't burn the skin. Ad vertisement. pEDAR BROOK is everywhere that mice is ' supreme the C. rich age -mellowed bon that cheers the jaded tourist like a message from home. At leading clubs, hotels, and restaurants, from leading dealers, to ask for CEDAR BROOK is a mark of good judgment' a certainty of satisfac-on. For sixty-eight years the mel lowest and best W.KMcBRAYER'S Cedar Brook Ths WorU's Fet WV-W" LgXUIKie ft f j tomca lit ton ( "f a it S i iniissiisiianisn ry i.'i.!-'r?-l isisa-sa aT No cause for the act has been made known. A posse is forming. City Makes Profit On Bispham Concert The city made a not profit of US on the David Bispham concert at the Audi torium, after all expenses and a guar anty to the .company were paid, accord ing to Manager Franke of the Audi torium. The company received t70 In accordance with Us agreement with the city. - V$! ti i vmsM -muz YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD HD)il(Q) 1417 DOUGLAS STREET VIRGINIA Is the. name of ths doll we will give this week Our Little Busy Bees To i, t '-. 1 v I You can see Virginia ve"Vfc f i v .r a r- m.r . ,r .., ..,..,-,.. - - V 1 - M ' 1 j a..., mm... ...., .i-ur-s' ffr J - ,-v V hmnt i ' Most Modern and Sanitary Brewery In the West Family Trade supplied by WM. JETTER, Distributor, 25C2 N St. Telephone Douglas 4231. South 863 or 868. EE! Persistence is the cardinal vir tue in advertising; no matter how good advertising may be in other respects, it must be run frequently and constant ly to be really succcessful. Jaron De Leopold ; Tells of War Powers . Baron de Leopold of Paris spoke at the Auditorium last evening to a very small andience on the subject of "The Advance of Nations and the Maintenance of Power." Although small In numbers, those who attended gave the baron a very cordial reception and listened to his Interesting talk comparing England and Germany as nations and world powers. MLS qui For this week we offer about 150 beautiful oilk and combination dresses In all the newest styles and all sires, at beautiful made dresses, with (site trimmings, some with fur trimmings. The Terr newest style - Your choice while they last, at Slie is 24 inches high, has beautiful eyes and hair, and clothes that will make any little girl delighted. Ylrglnle will be given free to the little girl nndsr 13 years of age that brings ot malls ns the larfsrt number of doll's plotnrea eat on of the Sally and Sunday &ee before 4 n. m.. Sat urday, December 4- Her picture will be in The Bee every day this week. Cut them all out and ask your friends to save the pictures in their paper for you, too. See how many pictures of Virginia you can gel, and be sure to turn them in to The Bee office be fore 4 p. m., Saturday, December 4. . : If you don't . win this Dollle. perhaps you can get one next week. Only one Doll will be given to . any one person. at The Bee Office 1