i Till: BEK: OMAHA, THrRSDAY. DECEMBER L 1015. i ! ) 4 ! i i DEUOCRATS SPLIT ON CLOTURE RULE Senate Caucus it Unable to Ag-ree and Rules Committee Will Sab mit Another Proposition. STEEEINO COMMITTEE IS KAMED WASHINGTON. De. 1. Demo crats ot the senate In caucus today filled to reach any agreement on a rule to provide for cloture of debate, postponing action until tomorrow, the special rules committee was not ready to make any definite recom rrendation, but will endeavor to sub mit a proposal tomorrow. The caucus also deferred election ot a president pro. tempore. That will be taken up Friday. Senator Kern, chairman of the conference, said the election waa deferred by common consent, with a view to as suring harmony In the conference. Several senator tiava opposed the re election of Senator Clarke of Arkansas and have sought to Induce Senator Pom erene of Ohio to be a candidate. Senator Chilton of We Vlrflntn was elected vice chairman of the conference and Senator lwia or Illinois was re elected aa party wh'p. On the steering committee Senator Kern named Senators Martin, Owen. Chamberlain. Thomas, O'Oorman. Williams, James and Reed. Senators Luke Lea (Tennesaee), Hoke Smith (Oeorgla) and Clarke (Arkaneas) retire from the committee. The new com mittee will make up committee aselgit snts for the new senate. Senator Simmons, chairman of the finance committee. It was learned, has proposed that Ms committee be enlarged so that Senator Underwood of Alabama, former majority leader of the house, may be given a place on the committee. Waata More Steamaeat laepeetere. The Department of Commerce will urge sn amendment to the present steamboat Inflection bill to provide eleven Inspectors Inctead of ten, the additional Inspector to lie located at Seattle and have Jurisdic tion ever Seattle. Portland and St. Mich ael snd Juneau, Alaska, It waa announced today. This would curtail the district of the San Francisco Inspectors. Tbe action is a part of changes In tesmshlp regulation to be recommended as ths result of ths Eastland disaster at Chicago. Another proposal will provide that the supervising Inspector of a dis trict must approve In writing any In crease In ths psssenger or freight ca pacity of a veasel, and also would provide fir an appeal from rulings of ths board of local Inspectors. Safety at Sea Board. The Department ot Commerce will urge the creation of a board of three civilian tiaval architects to Insure ssfety st sea. It was announced today following the re port of tbe special board that Investi gated the Eastland disaster st Chicago. The members would be appointed by the resident. The decision of two of ths board would be final. .MANX RUMORS ABOUT KAISEH LATEST TRIP (Continued' from Page One.) the Journal aaya, weie fruitless, owing to ths determined opposition of Hungary, and 11 Is asserted the German ruler la endeavoring to Indues Emperor Francis Joseph to consent to the sacrifice of Translyvani ' upon ths understanding that Germany will return to Austria two provinces of Silesia annexed to Pruasla In 186. To Black Separate Feaea Hove. RGMK. Dec. L (Via Paris. )-"The real object of Emperor William's vlalt to Vienna was to put a stop to efforts Aus tria Is making by means of negotiations through Madrid with the Vatican, to ob tain a separate peace with the quadruple entente," says ths Trlbuna. "Vienna and Berlin disagree on the queatlon of peace. Berlin desires to treat eeparately with each ot tbe allies so as to break up the quadruple entente, and then tj eruah England, but Vienna desires a real and lasting peace to end ths tension which rapidly le becoming too great for Aus tria to beer. A !- CaKlaet MeiaWe -a tl. AMSTERDAM. Dec 1 (Via London.) Reports that several members of ths Austrian cabinet have resigned are con firmed by an autograph letter from Em peror Francis Joseph published in 'the Wiener Zeltung of Vienna. The emperor has accepted tho resignations . at . Dr. Karl Helnold XVUdynakl, ths minister ot ths Interior;' Dr. Rudolf Sohuster Von Bonnett, minister of commerce, and , Baron Engcl Von Malnfeldon, minister of finance. Acceptance of these resignations Is qualified with ths proviso that ths serv ices of the retiring ministers are to be available If required. Dr. Helnold and Baron Engei have been appointed members of ths upper bouse. while the rank of Frvlherr has been con ferred on Dr. Schuster. Prince Hohenlohs Schllllngfuerst, pres ident of the supreme court of accounts, hss been appointed minister oi the In terior; Ritter Von Loth, governor ot the Postal Savings bank, minister of finance, and Hsrr Von Bpltsmlnller. director of ths K red It Anstalt, minister of com merce, TOD SLOAN DEPORTED AS UNDESIRABLE ALIEN LONDON. Dec. v Asked for Informa tion regarding the recently ordered de portation of Tod Sloan the former Amer ican jocaey, sir John Hlnion. British nome secretary informed those Inter ested In the House of Commons: This mas haa been deported and be fore making the deportation order I sat isfied myself that It was not desirable in tie public Interest st the present time that he should remain la ths United Kingdom," HYMENEAL t lark-Peter. Mtas Geraldlne Peter and Claude E. 'lark of Norfolk, were married Wednes day afternoon by Rev. Charles W. Kavidce. They were accompanied by K. O. and II. A. Clark, bothers of the groom, and Mrs. Elsie Clark, all of Norfolk. Wataea-4'arlsteaeea. Miss Esther Cbrtatenaea and William M. A'etaon, both of Omaha, were n tar ried Wednesday afternoon by Kev. .Cfcartes W. hevidge. They were accom panied by Miss Esther Peterson and Mooit Laird. Bead Tbe Bee VYaol Ads It Pay a Average Price of Meat Animals is Off Seven Per Cent WASHINGTON. Dec. l.-The average price of meat animals hogs snd cattle, sheep and chickens paid to producers decreased T.I per cent from October 15 to November 15. the Department of Agri culture today announced. Hope averaged per 100 pound on November 15. That Is 9.1 per cent lower than a year ago; beef cattle, si.HS, or t. per cent lower; veal calves, 17. or 1.1 per cent lower; sheep, $5.1, or 10.7 per cent hlKher; lambs. $.", or 10.1 per cent hlslier. and chicken. Ill.So per 1W pound, or S t per cent higher. BRITONS ABLE TO BEAR WAR BORDENS Premier Aiqnith, in Address to Com mons, Hint at Tax on Extra Profit! or Extra Wag-ei. 0HLY FEW INDUSTRIES INJURED LONDON, Dec. 1. The belief that British shoulders were strong enough to bear whatever burden the war was imposing upon the country and that all classes would gladly Incur the sacrifices which they were called upon to make was expressed by Pre mier Asqutth today. The premier's expression of confi dence waa voiced before a representa tive labor conference of large size which assembled to consider the best n cans of husbanding the national resources and encouraging strict economy. "Any excess of either profits or wages which does not find Its way back to the state In loans or taxes or Is not em ployed in necessary industries or public services," aald the premier, "Is so much loss to ths national revenue and the national resources and therefore so much Injury to ths national cause." The government, he said, aiked ths trade union leaders to use thlr Influ ence to prevent anything In the nature ot a general demand for an advance in wages. The premier explained that, although some few Industries were injured by the war, according to the best estimate available 4,500.000 working people had en joyed a substantial Increase In wsgei since the war's beginning. "On ths other hand," continued Pre mier Asqulth, "we have witnessed a sub. stantlal Increase In ths coat of living. Food has risen 40 per cent, rent I per cent, fuel and light i8 per cent and tlothlng SO per cent, but, when allow ance la made for the increased cost ot living, I venture to say ths wage earners are better off now than when the war began." HAUSER MAKES A SLIP OF TONGUE AT HISHEARING (Continued from Page One.) men of doubtful reputation In a dugout or hut on the north bottom near the dog pound last summer. The Hawkins woman believes this hut waa the hangout of several holdup men. The men who lived there had no visible occupation, she said. "I have aeen aHuser going by my place many times," said the woman. "He lived with some other men who 1 think were robbers, in a dugout covered with a patched tin roof, on the river bottom near the dog pound. I think it waa a hangout for robbers." ' No fanfeeataa Made, An examlnatlo nof Hauacr after he ar rived in' the Jail disclosed that Instead of being a degenerate, physically, In ac cordance with the popular belief regard ing such criminals, he Is almost a per fect specimen of manhood. He does not drink, smoke nor chew tobacco and has no other habit, he aaserted. Hs Is pow erfully built and la In vigorous) health. Hauser scouted ths Idea of confession and refused to talk about his crimes. "What In hell would I confess any thing rorT' he said. Hs talked gruffly, but waa not surly and appeared to take matters rather easily. la Solitary Cell. "Thsnk you." hs 1 answered shortly, when Sheriff McShane told htm to send word If hs wanted to secure a lawyer. The man haa so far refused to expnas any preference for any attorney to rep resent, him. He returned brief answers to questions which had no relation to his Crimea. Hauser was placed in a solitary cell as soon ss hs had had a bath and had donned one of the yellow suits worn by P""""-" ,n th county Jail. The men evidently haa abandoned all Intention' of conducting a hunger strike without protest, ss hs ate the regular isM dinner. TRAVELER SERIOUSLY HURT AS LEAVES TRAIN MITCHELL, S. D., Dec. 1. (Special Telegram.) J. Anderson, a well known traveling salesman, living at Mitchell, was seriously Injured last night hen lis stepped off a freight trln st the en trsnce to the Milwaukee yards. Mr. Anderson stopped off Into the darkness, believing the train was safely In the ids. Instead, ho stcpted of, an em- bankment and rolled to the bottom, a distance of fifteen or twenty feet ( leered of Sheetlm C'aarae. MITCHELL. 8. D.. Dec. l.-Hapecial TtflcgranvV-Phllllp Uermscheld Is a free man today as a result of a verdict troughs-In by a Jury In circuit court this morning clearing him of the charge or alwotlDg Lee Brown on July L8. this year. Deaartateat Orders. WASHINGTON, Dec. l.-Hp(lal Tele gram. Canon Ktaher iias be n appointed (cMmaeter si Hampshire. Weston county. Wyoinlns. vloe Wra. A. 8. L7. Nebraska pensions grantet': Fuaan Klnne. Outde Hock. tit. Annie II. Mriv dtth. polk. I'! The poMolftre at Moffett, Osrdcn county. Neb., haa been JlsonunueU: mail to Alliance lan K. Conrad has been appointed mtal letter carrier at Kmeraon. Nb. The poetoMca at Da-yer. Kelly and Wendover. Wyo., will becorte domestic nx ney order of fleas on January i. Mas llava Paea aerie. LONDON. Dec l.It la officially an nounced that an order in council iaauvd yeaterdar. requires that all ordinary raws of the persons 'lng abroad. Hntiah or alein. passports will be required. DR. BOENZ SENDS PAPERSTOEMBASSY Hamburg" Line Agent Says Docu ments Regarding Coaling Ships in Code and Beyond Reach. NOT ALLOWED TO TELL OF THEM NEW YORK, Dec. 1. Tho ab stract of the Hamburg-American j line's agreement with the German i government, whereby the former as reed to supply German cruisers at sea with coal and supplies in neutral ships sailing from American ports ctrly In the war, has passed Into the keeping of the German embassy at Washington. Dr. Karl Buenz, managing director if the line, so testified today in his trial and that of three other line officials and employes on charges of conspiracy, now nearlng Its close li the United 8tatea district court here. Not only has the abstract of this agreement been xlven to the embassy for safe keeping. Dr. Buens testified, but all (Correspondence on the subject by letter I or cable likewise haa formally been 'turned over to the Oerman government 'through the embassy at Washington. The cablegrams. It was said, were In the Oerman naval code and were re moved to tho embassy when It was thought there was danger of their becom ing publlo through this trial, and thus revealing to representatives of England, France and Itussla ths key to the Oer man secret cede. Orders Come by Table. Notwithstanding ths severing of the I Oerman cables to America by the British ! early In the war the Hamburg-American line was In constant cable communica tion with Oermany, Dr. Buens testified. These cablegrams at the time the line sent out rel'ef ships told Dr. Buens where to send ships to meet Oerman cruisers, notwithstanding the Isolation of the war ships from the Oerman admiralty. Ths government strenuously objected to Dr. Buens' testimony concerning the abstract of the agreement and the cable grama relating to the dispatch of relief ships. Roger B. Wood, United States as sistant district attorney, contended that the documents themselves were avail able and that they ahould be brought Into the court room. In this he was up held by Judge Howe and Buens was not permitted to tell of their contents. Offers to Prodac Trnnalatlnas. William Rand, Jr., counsel for ths de fense, sought to have the contents of the documents placed before the Jury aa Dr. Buens remembered them. "We are willing to show you ths trans lations." Mr. Rand aald. "We cannot show you the originals. In the first place, ws couldn't get them from the German embassy If we wanted to. They are safo and fast In Germany's keeping. "In the second place we maintain that the government of the United States Is not interested In ths German secret codo. If they were brought here they would be come public property. Ths Oerman coda would become known to England, France, Russia to all ot Germany's enemies." floy-ICd Canie la Frequently. Dr. Buens testified that hs arranged for ths shipment of coal and supplies, chartered various neutral ships through John H. Oans and spent altogether 11, 600,000 In trying to accomplish his object. This money was repaid by tho home of fice In Hamburg. "Did you see Captain Boy-ed. the Oer man naval attache, while you were di recting the movements of theae vessels, or chaterlng theinT" asked Mr. Rand. "I did. He waa in and out of our of fice frequently." "Did you take your Instructions from him?" "No: hs did not Interfere in my business; I was working under our agreement with the Oerman government" . "But hs knew what was going on?" j "Oh, yes, hs knew," Denies Pnlee Manifesto. Dr. Buens concluded his direct test.- , mony by asserting that hs had never heard of ths steamer Marina Quesada, which aalled December U, 1914, from Newport News, Va, to supply Oerman cruisers, ths government charges; that hs had not tried to obtain false mani fests, and that nothing was further from his thoughts than to deceive or defraud port collectors ot ths United Btatee gov ernment. On cross-examination. Dr. Buens testi fied that It waa hla Intention to have re lief ahlpa proceed empty to their destina tions named In the clearances, after they had transferred their supplies at sea. "What did you consider your obliga tion to tho United States T" asked Mr. Wood. .' I didn't give It much thought. I re garded ths United states as a friendly power and I didn't , want to break It laws." laaeet Bites aaa lafeetloa Disgemi, Apply Sloan's Liniment to any bite, sting or bruise; It kills the poison and heals the wound. Only 25o. AH Img gists. Advertisement. lon'i Suffer From Piles Bead for free Trial Treatment No matter how long or how bad goto your tlrugvtst today and get a CO cent boa ot Pyramid Pile Treatment. It The rraaaU Sasile Frees a Siml Trial. will give relief, and a single box often eures. A trial package malUnl tree la plsla wrapper if you send us coupon below. rKEE ftjUIPLE COUPON PYRAMID PRTTO COMPANY, le i'yraiuld Bids. Marshall. Mich. Kindly send me a Free sample of Pyiaaad Pile Tteaaasal. la plala wrapper. Nam Street r- ' ' F,"t' I r :s ,.-...H - J Through Train on Milwaukee Wrecked in Washington State SPOKANE, Wash., Dec. l.-The Chi cago, Milwaukee A- St. Paul passenger train. No. 1., ths Columbian eaatbound, waa wrecksd by a broken rail a mils east of Freeman. Wash., today.. One hrikeman wss killed snd three passengers Injured. The re H broke under the trsln and two sleepers were derailed. The observation car tipped over on its aids. The names of the Injured passengers were not reported to the roads' super intendent In the first message. Otto Robert of Spokane was the brakeman killed. PROTEST SEIZURE OF AMERICAN SHIPS Amabassador Page Instructed to Act Vigorously in Caieg of Vessels Held at Halifax and St Lucia. FACTS NOT ALTOGETHER CLEAR WASHINGTON, Dee. 1. Tbe State department haa instructed Am bassador Page at London to inquire of the British government whether two vessels of the American Trans atlantic company, seised while flying the American flag, were to be requisitioned without the formality of prize court proceedings. The ambassador was directed to file a vigorous protest sgalnst such a measure should he receive an affirmative answer. Tho department acted upon Information- irom Richard Wagner, president ot ths con.pany, who telegraphed ho had been advised by the captains of ths steamers Hocking, detained at Halifax, and Gene nee, detained at St Lucia, that attorneys for the British government were to make troves today looking toward ths requlat t'on of the vessel Mate department officials ssld If these facts were confirmed everything would he done to prevent such action, Several steamers of ths American Trans atlantic company have been seised by the British on the ground that they were sus pected of being Oerman owned. How Much Better it is to name a Trust Company as your Exe cutor it never dies. :: If you nominate an individual Executor, you are not sure whether he will survive long enough to carry .lout. your will and testa- -jntntw., ... Call or write us for any desired particulars. .t.(OXW3.l . . ... J5-fl Hi THE ORIGINAL MALTED EVIILEt The Food-Drink for all Azs Rick milk, malted grain, in powder form. For infants, invalids sad growing children. Purs nutritic4t,upbuildingtee whole body. Invigorates cursing mothers aad tka aaad. Mora healthful than tea or coffse. Unlemm yoa avy HGRUOSCS" jro may yot m Submtltutm, Omaha Real Estate Is Going to Have A Small Boom With the loosening up of the money market this spring will undoubtedly come a brisk real estate season. Hundreds of people have been waiting to buy since away Ir.st fall and now have very bright pros, pects of realizing their hopes. Values will increase accord ingly. Tf you are able to. bur now. The Roe's real estate col. j umr.s today contain some ex cellent offers. Ttlcphon Tyler 1000 THE OMAHA BEE I E 1 Roumania Will Send . Austria Ultimatum' LTVDOJf. Dec. 1. Roumsnls will de liver aa ultimatum to Austria as soon as ths entente allies concentrate 500, nor) men In ths Balkans, It la reported In Buchar est, says a Balkan dispatch from that dty. The WmHief a Tear An Today.. Clear. High. 57 degrees; Low, 40 de greesremember Laxative Promo Quin ine ci res a cold In one day. There la only ens "Bromo Quinine. Look for sig nature B. W. Grove, Be. Advertisement The jjbregBve Cijhivdj Jbirif Because You'll Like It Better Cashmere Gloves for Cold Weather Women's Silk -lined Cash mere gloves in gray, brown, black and navy - - - - 50c Suede-lined cashmere gloves in gray, black, brown and navy - - - , - - -25c Wool Legtfins They are just in and ready for Thursday's selling. A large shipment of women's and misses' all-wool leggins. Splendid for motoring. Hosiery Section. Christmas Cards Calendars, framed Mottoes, Christ inas letters, beautifully illumi nated, and Folders which express Christmas sentiment In unusual and clever ways. Art Department Third Floor. w7Kv J 3MML ej H1gmpson,Belden & (b. A. RASMUSSEN Violin Maker Douglas Block Omaha, Neb. Repairing of Violins Rehairing of Bows Old Violins Bought, Sold & Exchanged PUT LIFE AND NATURAL COLOR INTO YOUR HAIR p " A Don't atay aray! Tou? etr ia your charm. Don't negiect It. Tou can turn gray, faded hair beautifully dark In a tow days If you'll uae ulpho Sage. "Thouaanda of bottlea of Uila are aold annually," aays a well known" druggist here, "becauae It darkena tike hair ao naturally and evenly that no one can tell It haa bean applied. .. ' ' If your hair la turnlnc gray, becoming faded, you've a aurprlae awaiting you, becauae after one or twj applioat ona the array hair van la he and 'your hair becoiuea luxuriant, dark and beautiful, tU4il all daiidruti lion, too.- - " Be younei looking and you'll he popu lar, be eure to gt a auo botue of Sulpho-Satte today- from your drugglat and you wil be delltrbbetl with your dark, handaoine hair and your youthful aDoenranre within a few daya. If not eatiafied you'll net your money back at your druggiat'a. Advertisement. At the rlffat tin, at tha right pUoe, nd In the right way, with 11 roar might, hit th apis a groot Mow aad keep it up. That's the phUoeophy of real advartlalrig. And the right place la la TUB HER. Aett'BKlf KNTS. MPP All'seat. IOC " Today. Frt aad Sat. " w w DUSTIU t-ARNUM "Tha SeatUnnaa Troaa tadtaaa" By Bool a Taralngtoa. 1 8 Whitlock Discusses Edith Cavell Case With the President WASHINGTON. Dec l.-Prand Whit lock, American minister to Belgium, who returned home to regain hla health, had a long conference with President Wilson trday regarding conditions In the war tone, tho work of the Belgian relief com m'selon and ths case of Miss Edith Cavell, the British nurse executed by the Ger mans over the protest of Mr. Whitlock. After ths conference Mr. Whitlock re 'iVeViV. Handsome Chiffon Costume Velvets and Velours For the Winter Coat New arrivals in an assort ment of which we feel justifi ably proud. Fabrics that are the scarcest and most fash ionable on the market are here in a special showing Thursday. Attractive Winter Suits FUR TRIMMED Our exceptionally well-balanced stock offers Milady an opportunity to select a distinctive suit of indi vidual charm. For Street, Matinee or Dress "Wear Fabrics, Covert, Broad cloth, Whipcord, Velvet $29.50, $35, $39.50, $45 COATS For Winter Wear Velvet, Plush, Velour, Duve tine, Broadcloth and handsome mixtures vie with each other in stylishness for the newest "Winter Coats, Prices start at $10.75 AMUSEMENTS. KRUG NORTH BROS. STOCK CO. Mats. Thureday, Saturday AXX. WZZSX THE THIRD DEGREE A Tew at SRo. All Beat meeerved OMAHA'S BUST SHOW B A HOAX Vest Week TUB TIM IBB HUSTLES A Klppta Oood Comedy. - nose Sons'. 4M Tbe : vuteriiit. Ntrhti. IK Othar aeU: Wllla Holl W.k.ft.ld; Frank Mlltoa 4 U.long 8lttrs; Ttmw KeJIrama: H a r m o a y Trio; Warwr Elliot: V.o A Hll: Orph.uu Dtllr Matlnea, I FOUR MARX BROS. Travel WMKir. allai-7. I0e: twet mU fnc.pt Prteae: M.tlnM. ftuunUir aaa euod;), lio. Klihia. Ue, lio, Ho ia toe. -OMAHA'S TVm CXHT- . i&rilM4?Tjg, SaUy Kata lB-as-eoe -fyr 1s-a5.ao.7sa Tbo Show Wo Are Ola4 la H.r Bert Baker Bon Tons BABE LiTOUR ITh. r! rora. Ham Hyama. BuftraaatU Braaa Baa ana Blf Bcautr Chorua. Coma hrar Bart Uak.r II.. t,aUlea' Dime ltatlaee Week Daya. Hat. Mte Wk.: "Tha Gmi Mal(U." BOYD TODAY "SILVER THREADS AMONG THE GOLD" Trom tha immortal ballad, wlta RICHARD JOSE SCata lOo. Hlg-bta, lOo, toe. Saturday, 10; SO to Hooa 80 Kiddies' Komedy riimi So First Chun-h of Christ, Scien tist, of Omaha, Announces a Free Public Lecture OB CHRISTIAN SCIENCE I IT FRANK BELL, 0. S., Member of the Board of Lecture, skip of the taotfcer Church, The rtret Charon ot Chrlet. BValentiat, la Boston, ktaaa. AT Til CHTjmCTK BDOTCB St. Mary's Ave. and Seta St. Thursday and Friday Evenings, Dec. 2d and 3d, 1915, at 8 O'clock. Grand Opening af tha New Omaha Dancing Academy BATVBBAT BYEBtWO. XZO. -Tormerly Deas-las Aaditortaaa. 1T1S Doas-laa Street. ADMISSIOB Sfte I Tea aad year f rleada are eor. H I alaJly Invited -."T'ia'l ' fused to discuss ths European sltustlon In any wsy. Hs wlM leave for his home In Toledo, O., tomorrow morning. Later I s will go to some health resort. U will sail again for his post Peceml; on the steamer Rotterdam. CORNELL WILL NOT PLAY GAME WITH PITTSBURGH ITHACA, N. T. ec 1. The Cornell faculty committee will not permit the acceptance by Cornell of ths challenge of the University of Pittsburgh for a foot ball gams between the two Institu tions to decide the 1S15 championship The Cornell squad broke training Im mediately after the game with Penn sylvania on Thanksgiving day. McCall Doll Pattern Free Every little girl who calls at our Pattern department will receive n dainty McCall Doll pattern free All are welcome. Each pattern is for a com plete doll dress. Basement. AutSEUCMI. THIRD BIG WEEK OCiu Performance Tonighl ill Speaks for Itself! Still Playing to Crowded Houses- a ill ah tifi.l aaa a a A . " u. w. tinnitn t world sensation, 0Q 7G1 People Saw It the 00,1 U I First Two Weeks! DID YOU? You Can't Afford to r.liss It! A man told na la at aljrht that ha had drirea 100 mllee to aee this picture, and that "BT OVM. IT WAS WOSTS XT!" Mat. Dally, 2:15; Evening, 8: IS PRICES Matinees, 25c to $1 Evenings, 50c to C-2 Where the Omaha Bee Uuversal Animated Weekly May Be Sees PARK AM THKATRB OAJaXRaPHOlfa GEM LOT Al 1ASTDB . LTTUO MAGIO RAMSOOM H ARBOR IVT PAI.rr DIAMOND Bir ALMO oil A HA, BI.XBOX FUJRKXCK I man mi m.iu in i . mmmmmx MaCsr a Wmmt Adm"