Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 01, 1915, Page 9, Image 9

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Hie Bees Home Magazine Pa
Old Flames'
By Nrll Brinklcy
Copyright. 1H8 Intern! News Bervlc.
JWiat tie 5pofs on the Sun Mean
They Possess a Great Deal of Significance and
Importantly Affect the Earth, but the Spirit in
Which the Wise Astronomer Studies Them is
a Tremendous Lesson for Mankind. : : :
The Heavens
in December
V lm
We shall hear great deal about sun
apots from this time forward, " became
they are. coming on, once more, with
Increasing "numbers and growing mag
nitude. If you look at the sun, now,
with a spy-glass.-
Vti binocular, tak-
Ing care to protect
the eyes with deep
ly smoked glass
screens, or ; better,
with ' s pair of
electricians' black
spectacles, you will
see one or two
groups of dark
spots, which look
like flyspecks on an
electric-light globe.
To a powerful tele
scope these offer a
wonderful appear
ance, the larger spots having Inky black
centers, surrounded with ponumbral shad
ows, while in some places around the
spots the surface of tho sun ts spattered
Iwlth brilliant white splashes. These,
which are seldom seen unless the spots
happen to be not very far from the sun's
erdge, are the faculae ("little torches")
of the astronomers. Faculae are brighter
and more numerous near sunspots, but
they also exist, independently in places
where there are no dark spots to be
The return of cunspots Is a phenomenon
that astronomers regard with great con
cern. They come flocking back once in
bout eleven years, it taxes, o nine aver
se, four and a half years for them to
reach a maximum of numbers, when the
un is seen to be more or less speckled
A Fine Family Dinner
For 10 c Prepared
in 30 Minutes.
Her Is a meal that is at once nutri
tious, easy to digest, easy to prepare,
satisfies the hunger and the daintiest of
appetites and costs but a trifle.
Cook a whole package of Faust Bpa
ittl for ahnut III minute Wlttl to..,a
.toes aad-aerve pining Jut ,vnth grated
With bread and butter this dish la Jus(
about as tasty aa you could wish for
there's a fine racy smack to it that 1s
really enjoyable. Made from Iwrum,
wheat, Ffcust Spaghetti is a highly glu
tinous rooo coniuns me itoo unncnii
that males fnr muacla and tissue. Comes
In large loo packages and should b'e fre
quently served aa a partial substitute
for meat and as a whole meal.
St. Loois, U. S. A.
am Tm is here. Tou will re
ceive handsome Christmas presents,
and you will want to make equally
beautiful ones. Don t tninic you must
forefo this Dleasure because your
ready money Is limited. By opening a
charge aooonnl with as you can grati
fy every wisn ana oe saustiea wun
vour sifts, while at the same time
they will be easier to pay for than
trifling ones where you have to pay
cash. We susgent a Deeuurui Dia
mond Rlnr. or a La Velllere. Brooch.
Kar Screws. 8tud, Hcarf Pin. Bracelet.
wrist Watch, unain. Charm, open
Face or Iiuntlna- Case Watch, etc..
Come in and see our marnlficent
mammoth assortment of all kinds of
jewelry, and make your selections.
This Handsome Ladies
lottis Belcher Diamond King
ki justing
Terms I
3 a
sas. This
arnlit XiOftlS
--l wmm4v vu spe
i . i .. i u a nil, , n inn
Dlamond looK larger
nail; la
cut seaximna
lactal aaJua la inn
uma rlna ai " -
Creais Ttraii i
$3 a laoata
Cold Filled Thin Model Watch
,17-Jewel $10.75
Wo, IS Genuine Elgin,
wait ham or Hampden
Watch In 24-
year guaran-
d double
ronism &
til yeara
Opes very Brealag Vatll Ctuistoaaa.
rail ar writ tor lliuairataa rataloe Ko. .
phoaa Dees- 14 aaa o "l-imaa ll ml
C. edit Jeie irj
iffWM, li
i X.'r,. v
f Elgin
v v .u affv;
, every day, and six and a half years to
decline again to a minimum, when for
J months In succession the sun's face ts as
, clean as a polished mirror. Vpon the
whole, the heat on the earth, taking Its
entire surface Into account, and baa ng
the observation on the temperature of
the atmosphere, la about one degree and
a quarter of the Fahrenheit scale lower tit
sunspot maximum than at sunapot
This cannot be wholly duo to the dark
ening of the sun caused by the presence
of the spots, since, as Mr. C. U. Abbott
of the Smtthaonlnn lnMtutr his fhiwn
the amount by which the temperature is
lowered Is five times too great to be ac
counted for in that way.
But there are other ways in which an
Invasion of a horde of spots on the sun
makes Its effects felt upon our globe.
The most conspicuous of tl esc Is In con
nection with the earth's magnetism.
The earth Is a great magnet, and the!
sun appears to exercise a direct in
fluence upon Its magnetic state, that
Influence varying with the condition of
the sun as to spottedn'us. When s'inspots
are at a maximum, magnetic storms of
great violence occur, during which the
electro-magnetlo excitement of the earth
la vividly manifested In the ."tmoaphoro
oy imposing displays of the aurora.
borealls, ahd In the earth Itself by
vagabond currents which Interrupt tele
graph and cable communication, and
sometimes . leap Into .. .visibility and
audibility In the form of crackling sparks
and electric flames playing about the
Occasionally It has been possible to
trace Phenomena of ' this kind to the
Influence of individual sun spots of unu
sual magnitude and activity. It is like
the transmission of a shock from the
sun to the earth, across a gap of 93,-
000.000 miles, supposed to be filled with
nothing but the invisible and intangible
Exactly how the forces that produce
spots upon the sun affect the earth's
weather la an unsettled question. Tt)ere
is - a considerable ' amount of evidence
for saying that such storms as our west
ern tomapoes, the hurricanes of the West
Indies and the typhoons of the China
seas, are, far more numerous during sun
spot maxima, and especially during the
time that spot are Increasing In num
bers. .It has also been thought that wet
and dry seasons are connected In some
way with the sun spot cycle, but on this
subject the evidence is contradictory.
Some statistics ahow that dry seasons
accompany son spots, -and others that
wet seasons accompany them.
But all of these things are really ot
little account In comparison with the
great question of the effects produced
upon the sun Itself. The earth ts a speck
In the infinite vault of space, we are
animated atoms living for the fraction
of a moment upon that insignificant
speck! Of how great consequence in
the vast scheme of the creation can the
little questions that relate to our ephe
meral comforts be? It a sunflame
should lick us up our disappearance from
the universe, physically considered,
would be of less importance than that
of the minutest drop of water from the
ocean. But li tna sun anouia aisappeax
there would be a star gone from heaven,
A part of the universe, at least, would
notice its absence. Whatever, threatens
the existence of the sun, then, has an
appreciable Importance. The astronomer
finds that the sun spots are sympto
matic of progressive changes which will
eventually bring the sun's career to an
end, and so he studies them, not for the
sake of finding out merely how they
may affect our petty affairs, but In or
der to trace, for his intellectual satis
faction, the grand phenomena ot the life
and death of a star. And In. doing that
he Is pursuing the only oourse which
can rescue man from oblivion, offsetting
his material insignificance and nothing'
ness with the relative greatness of his
1 Advice to Lovelorn .
Iavlte Htaa te Yaar Hoaae.
rv. Miaa Fairfax: I am a girt of 1.
Six months ago I met a map alx years
my senior. I am an orphan, but be la
wealthy. I did not pay any attention to
Mm when he told me or nis love ior me.
ti il I LMna An talllna me Of htS IOVS.
mJT ml. iTairtax. I am beginning to
like this young man. He keeps asking
mo to introduce him to my uncle, but
my uncle is very strict Now do you
think I ought to tell him the olrcum
.tanoes and ask him up some evening
my uncle will be out and my aunt will
be home? ORPHAN.
By all means Invite this yeung man up
to meet your aunt. He ahowa a very
nice spirit in wanting to know your peo
ple, and by this very attitude proves his
respect for you. If you think your uncle
would not be cordial to him, have him
meet your aunt. Don't sacrifice a friend
ship because of a silly unwillingness to
confess that your uncle Is rather stern to
you. Perhaps when he sees what a fine
young man your friend is your unole will
respect you all the more lor having won
the friendship of such a worth while
young man.
A Case of rrssksm.
Dear Mlas Fslrfax: A gentleman has
an appointment with a young lady. Al
moat at the last moment the lady finds
that she will be unsble to keep the ap
pointment. The gentleman then calls on
another young lady who is willing to take
hi. the a root rumen t. The second lady
then inds. sfier keeping the appointment. :
that the gentleman had the appointment I
with ii.. firat vtrl. Haa tha aecond Kirl i
rl ln.i,llatrl I
Xlbx brice.
Few girls like to feel that they are
"second choice." This Is a petty feeling
that might be eliminated by any man
who would frankly state the cess. The!
4-.l . 0 aulauM S.AU SSItakatW K a. A MA AS II SXA
0111 Ul W I.UIII f Wa apfve. av v aa .- j
to fMl InJulUd but you might bv j
ved her from this feeling of tight by I
starting out with the assumption that shs
was a good enough friend of yours to be
milling to go with you even though you
had on this occasion happened to ask
another girl firct.
"Let'i ee." Tha man leaned back, rubbing his ehtn, that looked
a bit wbltbered In tba upward glimmer of tbe firelight. "I was
20 by George! When June came along. 'June came along.' I
mean when June bloomed Into my life like a glad, golden poppy
so tanned she was; swirled Into my life like a, strong, soft, weat
wind. And went winds breathe of free things and are rich with
song! And that was June she had a voice she sang like a lark.
"When she opened her clean-cut, red, sweet mouth and tipped
back her ruffled bead her voice rose and knocked at the doors of
paradise a sliver messenrer! Tbe me&dowlark on the telegraph
pole leaned and burned and ruffled with envy when June sang. And
June had character she was no shadow girl. She was as real all
through as the smooth strength of her brown arm. June was a
blonde, sun-smitten to gold. I was suddenly gone blank where the
mystery of my 'golden eyes' was concerned my mind simply falleu
to remember her and my whole heart turned back to the pal-need
of the days of Ivy.
"But June was a woman, too. June was a peach really, truly;
peach-like In her gold and red, peach-like for sweetness, peach-like
for wholesnmeness and bloom. She was a lithe, stroag person, al
ways laughing, alert, appreciative, patient, with a mind like flame
to the tender of my brain that wa growing and thinking. She came
from the west from the prairies; and sometimes I could see tbe
width and vastness and tbe breathless beauty of them In her eyes
when she looked past me. June's eyes were gray. The color of the
raindrop that runs down the crystal of the window-pane wltb black
I What Is Love?
"A man friend of mine says that love
Is a form of jealousy, -and he adds that
affection and love are the same thing.
kjw t iika a a-iwat man v BeoDie. but do
not love them, and feel that Jealousy
would follow love rawer nm.a n"
Jealousy. "Won't you explain the matter
to me?" writes Edith.
What la love? la a question that has
been asked almost ever since the world
began. The answers to It are about as
numerous as are the individuals mat
rn.ii.ta tha earth. Even the ideals of
love differ according to climate, race and
creed. A very clever man recently saia
to me, "Love Is a matter of geography."
Love Is a matter of all sorts of externals,
which It would I hsrd to dflne. But
In an ideal state love ought to be and
mean and stand f cetaln very definite
First of all, love ought to be unselfish
and seldom 1st Real love ought to con
sider the happtness of Its beloved, as well
el Itself. It ought to be faithful and
tender and true, and because It la these
things In Itself It ought to believe in
them In Its beloved.
.'Jealousy "is not part of love It Is love's
eruelest enemy, and It slsya real love. . If
you cannot trust." you do not love and
make 'up our mind to that. '.
, Emotion and love are often mistaken
for each ether. Emotion may oe a wild,
turbulent thing of feeling and desire. It
craves posseaaton and resents the thought
that its object can find happlneas away
from It. It la Jealoua, exacting, fever
Ishly onnappV in Itaelf, and all toe likely
to produce a similar effect In the person
It honors with Its dangerous dsvotlun.
Ixve ought to be honest, congenial
friendship, plus healthy normal human
vjuollrm. It has been defined as "friend
pupils that widened and spread when she listened Intently and she
listened a heap oh, dealer In romance! For I talked a lot then.
And June put her strong shoulder to the underpinning of the castles
I bullied.
"Her face was cleverly modeled) with a strong chin and wide
brows and her browny gold hair blew across her cheeks, like corn
tassels across the reddened ears. June and I swam one long sum
mer through together fighting tbe toppling green and cream surf.
June had almost as good a stroke as I but not quite and I waa
Rlad about that. So had my Ideals changed since the first pal, Ivy.
For I was tlad, with an exulting leap in my heart, when June tired
and floated, with a hand on my hair.
"June taught me gayety, courage and valiancy. She seared out
of my heart what lurked there of unwholeaomeness in my love of
mystery. Because of her and the unchangeable worship of sane
goodness she bred In my heart did I Inter tear out of my life
a flame that thrived on sunless things and grotesquerle!
"June burns bolden a flame that has not ever completely died
down In my life. The clasp of ber strong, pretty fingers Is printed
on my hknd for keeps.
VOnce I kissed June. In the canoe. In a purple twilight when
all the sound water and the air was a swimming flood of wine color.
And that I will not tell you of.
"I know June still. You see, June was a trifle older than I
and she didn't wait for me. 'Which.' says she, and I don't believe
ber. 'was a very good thing, dear boy.' " NELL BRINKLEY.
ship plus flowere and veil."
Emotion la not a thing to be despised
or hidden. It is a beautiful, human ex
pression that too many of us pervert by
constant usags.
John meets a charmingly attractive
young girl; she appeals to his senses and
he Imagines hs loves her. lis goes
oitedly whirling through an amorous ad
venture he calls a love affair. He de
maiwls loyalty and devotion, and alnce he
cannot command them through faith and
trust and well-balanced congenial attract
tlon, he Is miserably Jealous and suffers,
and causes all sorts of doubts.
Nslthsr John nor his charmer knows
anything about lovs. They are having
a facile, feverlih affair In which youth
Is calling to youth and emotion Is ex
pressing Itself without a background of
understanding and respect .and con
geniality to make It worth while.
True ve longs to give happiness- It
. K
: 11,
believes In the kindly Intentions of Its
beloved; It has' faith when all the evi
dence points to unfalth. It has sym
pathy for palm tsnderness for weakness;
hope tor strength, and above all the
splendid desire to be fine and worthy,
and to make life more worth while be
cause It has come Into it.
, Love knows bow much more blessed It
is to give than to ' receive. Love - is
gracious and long-suffering. Love takes
on the Interests of Its beloved. It cssts
out Jealousy and duubl. and bitterness,
and all harsh Judgment. It does all
these things if it is Ideal love the sort
we all long for and do pathetically little
to deserve. ,
There Is one thing we all owe to love
that Is a high Ideal of it, an ideal that
will keep us from accepting cheap Imi
tations n Ideal that will mike us long
to be worthy of the promised land we
can vision and may enter if we choose.
The winter constellations are com'nj
nto view. Oilon Is very consnlcuous in
thr southeast In the early evening, and
ell the great planets are viable, Venus
Jupiter, Paturn and Mars, along wi lt
fclrlus. procyon, Aldrbarcn. and many
ether first-magnitude stars.
On the Rd at M p. m. the sun reachri
Its farthest south and enters Capricnrn.
and astronomical winter beglna Tiiat
'; la the shortest of the year, nine
hours and eight minutes.' ' This length
aries scarcely more 'than a quarter of
SB hour the- whole month.
The standard times of the rising, me
ridian passage or southing, and settlnt
el the sun and moon at Omaha during
the month are given In the following
Nona IPal.l tHW.
Hlaa Stl!hl Sal.
7 i2
11.1.1 4. o.'.,
1 IS I Mi,
U14 4 M
11.144 mI
7 Mi
T (HI 12 M 4.Mi.Ved.
1M4 Ml.
1117i4.f .
7 41
11 17U.Ml.8un..
11.11 4 MIMon..
7 41
7 4
7 441
1M4 Ml.Wed. J
7 46
111M M. Thu.
11.) 4 64 .Frl..
U4.6A Bat..
7 4
7 4
7 47! irill4.MI.Sun..
7 471 1171l4.Mil Mnn.
7 4M 1I.21l4.MI.Tue..
7 4H 13 .12 4 Mi. Wed.
.l 7 401 11 .! 4.;i.Thu.,
24.1 7 4t ll.ni4.67l.rrU..
S&. I I MM 11.14 4.Ui.Sat...
7 Sol It.N.M'.Siin..
7 611 U K 4.60'. Mon.
7 61' 12.!'V4 KW.Tue..
vl j aria, Aril. Wed.
IM.I 7 Ml ll KT6.01l.Thu.,
U.I 7 611 lia7 6 0-ji.Frl..
? he dot or perloebetween the hours and
minutes Ind'ratss p. m. tlmes. The times
not so marked are a. m. The sun is fast
on sun dial time from the 1st to the 2&th,
and slow the rest f the month, the exa"t
sr ount in mlnutea being the difference
between 24 and the minutes given after 13
In the "noon" column.
'Venus ts well visible In the southwest
rftet sunset. On the 16th It sets at p.
M. Jupiter U still In full brilliancy. It
sets at midnight on the 11th.
Haturn la In tne position near Castor
atic. Tollus In the Twins. It souths at
J:6S a. m.
Mara rises on the 16th at 10:01 p. m.
The time of rising and setting of the
planets may be found for other days by
adding four mlnutea per day before the
l.lvtn date and substracting them, after.
The moon la new on the th at 12:01 p.
m., In first quarter on the llih at 6:31 a.
til., full on the 21st at :"! a. m. and In
Inst quarter on the 29th it l:5S a. m. It
Is In conjunction with Venus on the 7th,
Jupiter on the 13th, Baturn on tha 2U1
and Mars on the 2Gih.
Start Tomorrow
and Keep It Up
Every Morning
Qst In the habit of drinking
glass of hot water before
We're not here long, so let's make our
stay agreeable. Let us live well, eat well,
digest well, work well, sleep well, and
look well. What' a glorious condition to
attain, and yet, how very easy it Is if
one will enly adopt the morning Inside
Polka who are accustomed to feel dull
and heavy when they arise, splitting
headache, stuffy from a cold, foul tongue,
nasty breath, acid stomach, can, in
stead, feel as fresh aa a daisy by open
ing the alulces of the system each morn
ing and flushing out the whole of tho
Internal poisonous stagnant matter.
Everyone, whether ailing, sick or well,
should, each morning, before breakfast, -drink
a glass of real hot water with a
teaspoonful ot limestone phosphate In
It to wash from the stomach, liver and
bowels the previous dsy's indigestible
wests, sour bile and poisonous - toxins;
thus cleansing, sweetening and purifying
the entire alimentary canal before put
ting more food Into the stomach. The
action of hot water and limestone phos
phate on sn empty stomach Is wonder
fully Invigorating. It cleans out all the'
sour fermentations, gasee. waste and
acidity and gives one a splendid appe
tite for breakfast. While you are en
Joying your breakfast the water and
phoaphate is quietly extracting a large
volume of water from the blood and
getting ready for a thorough flushing
jot all the Inside organs.
Tlis millions of people who are bothered
with constipation, bilious spells, stomach
trouble; others who have sallow skUis,
blood disorders and sickly complexions
are urged to get a quarter pound of
limestone phosphate from the drug store.
This will cost very little, but is sufficient
to make anyone a pronounced crank on
the subject' of inside-bathing before
breakfast. Advertisement.
To Have Perpetually
Wavy, Curling Hair
Perpetually wavy, curling hair ia now
within the meana of every woman to
pusausa. All one need do is to gel a few
ounces of plain ILiuld silmerlue at any
drug store and apply a little of it oc
eaalonally. Thta ia remarkably effective
in producing a beau.lful curlineaa ajid
satiny aloaa which ar no evidence of
aillflclul making. It is neither sticky
or sreaay. and it will not streak, alatn
or injure hair or acalp in the leaat.
After one trial, the scorching, halr-de-strovlns
curling iron will never more be
uaed. The bt way to apply the allmer
ine la wl h a clean tooth brush, drawing
this through the hair from root to tip.
If this l dona before retiring, a look
Into the mirror In the momliiK will af
ford a moat agreeable surprise. Advar-tlaenient
I IM .7311 11k .1
3 I X I I t J .1
1(1 101 1J0 .1
ill UK I I.0S .4
11 OT 1.401.5
t 4s mi 4( .
tb 170 B.M .7
164 IT T. I
10 40 1.27 1 21 1
11 14 4 .21 I M .14
1141 6.11 10.06 .11
11.07 .IM 12.00 .11
11 41 Mldn .11
13 61 7.28 106 .14
114 I t nt 1 II 1.18
189 161 111 1
107 in 4 1 .17
141 1 10.37 617 .U
.lo! 11.17 Ml .IS
4 07 fMldn 7 17 .20
6 01111071 17 .21
4 01 116 160 .22
7 01 1 4 -1 27 n
i n 1 16 I .24
S OS 1 20 10 H .28
. io n 4(W lenl.M
. IMS 4 4 110117
. MMn 6 11 (0 -W
. 11 tl 1 11 11 66 .29
. i it 69 lti .m
.1- 1 41 7 80 13 49 .31