THK BKK: OMAHA, WKDNKNPAY, DKCKMIIKR 1, ini.". HARKET CONGRESS TALKS OFSELF HELP Sir Horace Plunkett Describe! Re' suits Attained by Hundred Thousand Irish Farmers. STATE AID OF LAJTD PURCHASE CHICAGO, Not. SO. Declaring that America should launch a citizen chip movement for the organization among farmers of self-help, the Right Honorable Sir Horace Plunkett, K. C. V. O., of Dublin, Ireland, tonight addressed tha opening session of the Third National Conference of Mar keting mnd Farm Credits, speaking to delegates from forty states. ITe speaker came arross the rsn to address It as the first of a writ of talks a.n-1 conferences that he will hold throughout the United Ptatss, with the end In view of organising American 'agri culture. He was tha first . minister of agriculture of Ireland . and railed the 'father of the Irish co-operative move ment." wMh has under Its wlnga IOT.,000 Irish farmers organised Into I.ffio co-operative societies. . Weak Spot ' Raral Kronomlra. He descilbed the w?ak spot in Ameri can rural tconomlca as being a lark of tusineea organisation among farmers. He delt upon the rhaotti conditions that , accompany the marketing of farmers' I'loducts and the purchasing of farmers' supplies. He showed how the cities of An erica and other nations have been de veioped at tha expense of the country trie. He declared the time la ripe for sll public spirited persons to Interest themselves In the fundamental develop ment of agriculture. 'They muat get together." he said. 'They must eliminate waste or America ill fall behind more competent nations." "Allow me to utter -the warning which will have to be faced in the United States and Canada, aa well as In the United Kingdom, In France, In Germany and In other countries," he continued. "This re lates to the very vital problem of co- per alive finance, both what Is called long term' or 'real credit,' and "short term' or 'personal credit.' Finance Is, Indeed, a vital part of the co-operative criranlsm. "There la nothing more vital for the ro-operatlve movement than that It should clearly sound also a note of self help. Looking not only to the future of . merlra, but ai the " movement In the old world today, thus I see stirs the depths of my feelings, ' that while the t-inte must give its aid to tha co-operative movement, It must aeek to obtain for It the greatest possible freedom." Stale Aid of La a 4 Parehsute. How tha hugest rea4 estate deal In ths Iiialory of -the world was consummated by the British government buying out the Irish landlords and reselling the property So the .tenants1 Wss'told by Heeretary Charles W. Holms n of ths National Con ference on Marketing and Farm Credits to that body. In session here. "In state aid. of tand purchase," he raid, "!); tjiej. Immediate hope of the American farm tenant, for by that means only ran w hope for a quick action to ) stem the growing fide of landlordism." - rietretary Hotman credited state-aided j Und purchase in Ireland with these ben efits: ' , . The Industry of occupiers has Increased; farm houses and (arm outbuildings have Improved; the tendency to sell) Interests In laud has depressed; the tendency to ne or two had eyes blown out and sev sublet and ' divide holdings hss become ! r lost an arm or leg. Physicians almost dormant; the solvency of the oc cupiers hss Improved; there Is a feeling cf contentment, a prevalence of law and order .that did not exist under landlord and tenant relations. Tenaaey aa the laereaae. "What a contrast this affords against the Amerirsn movement toward tensncy,'; the speaker said. "In Illinois, Iowa, Han ts i, New York, Ohio and Pennsylvania tenant farmers have Increased by 121.187, Vhlle the number of boms owning farm ers has actually decreased by J 915. But In Texss and Oklahoma we find about tm- saddest dlalllualonmrnt of American hopes for home ownership. Forty years aso Texss had 5,M tenant families. That number comprised I7.S per cent of aU tha farms in the state. In uie the truant farmers had Increased to 219.571, which made S) per cent of all the farms In the state,.. "In Oklahoma M.I per cent ofths state Is In the hands of tenant farmers, and In the forty-aevsn counties where tenancy Is highest ths percentage runs to 6S.U. "If we take the twenty-ftve most pros rerous states of ths unionthe states that produce the greater part of the cot ton, corn, dairy products, wheat and the fruit stuffs of the nation we may easily estimate :, 400,000 homeless fsmllles who have not survived tha competitive pres eyre for land ownership. la these same states the concentration of land owner 'Hp Is progressing at a speed that is no luss than traalc. Qarattoa Caaaat Be Bvaded. "In the southwestern states the rate of tenant Increase over the home owning increase la two to one. In ths middle western ststcs of Illinois, Ksnsas. Ne-' Iraika. Ohio and Iowa tenants are be coming more numerous then home own ers.. . "AmerU-a csnnot evade this ' growing land question. The American people must recognise that ours Is the last of ths f:rt-clasa countries to recognlss ths need of fixing upon a sound land policy. How to redistribute the population upon the land, how to care for the lnewarmtng Immigrants, how to readjust the relation ot city to country must oe the great Issues oX the Immediate future." Heaalla la Wteraaala. Charles A. Lyman, chairman of the lea-. lilatlve committee of the Wlaconsln Bo ck ty of Equity. In his address described " the egrlcultural cc-operatlve movement In Wlaconsln as a movement of 'the usages. He. said In part: "Average farming condltlona must be Improved at the same time that we ere I rovlding for thoae who can now avail toemalves of the teachings of science, ter all the wlfare of the maeaea Is hat commutes the welfare of Uie state. "When the fanner hss learned to conl ruct the bualnaa of farming successfully li.rougu hi co-operstlve society and or tanixatlon he la then more ready aad Hilng to accept the teachings of science, and to ei predate the value of the agrt :i.l;ur,l college. Drought into co- curative movement becauae of kls tra nslate nted for a way to make or to ate an additional dollar he has beeo tat. lit many thing, about bualncae nth . ard tie ifl K.i.erally more ready and Iftt.-r "'ii-'iM to apply a hat arU.ul nn.l ! s can cfier and to succeed 1j u.v timt4 aorIX" Our Honored Guest, POWDER BLAST ' KILLS THIRTY IN DUPONT WORKS (Continued from rage One.) driver; Hanrahsn. a carpenter; Pleas ton, a fireman, and Oliver, a machinist The work of gathering up what was left of the deed was a gruesome tssk. Bas kets and boxes were employed for this (vrpese and the .men searched tha grounds for bits of flesh as though they were picking mushrooms. Home climbed trees and brought down other parts of humans and pieces of clothing. The Pellet peeking house was a one ttory fram building, 18x20 feet, and was divided Into sis rooms. Not a single part it It was to be found. Nearby buildings vero badly damaged. A fence waa blown fttvay and telegraph and telephone wires which were strung near the scene of the explosion 'were ripped from their fasten' inss. Company officials (aid there was about ,00o pounds of powder In the pack- Ing house at tha time.. The property loss, I'upont officials said,, was small. Ths men Injured were outside the plsnt They were struck by mils of machinery, lying bodlea, rucks and other debris. stated they ware so badly Injured that not one of them Is expected to survive. SuMrk . a. l aa. One theory advanced by workmen at the yard la that ths explosion may have originated In a spark from a hor eshoe or from a spark rauaed by a small car running over some spilled powder. A workman- tald that juat before tha ex plosion occurred a car In which there were several thousand pounds of black powder had been drawn by two horses along a narrow guase track to the 04V at Orchard & WilheWs 'Everything is in readiness and Santa Claus himself is there to greet every Omaha boy and girl in person. And the wonderful things he lias brought with him a whole world of things to delight the eye and keep happy fingers busy. And he has a big surprise for the children, too be sure to come Weduesday and learn all about it Mr sr,(l Hss, Furniture Gift pieces in great' variety assembled on main floor -the new, the novel, inexpensive and useful pieces of furniture far ahead of anything heretofore shown are here for your inspection -your choosing. Cheit (like Cut) Heavy scroll design, best Tennessee lied Cedar, heavy sides, top and end . . .V " fpr entrance of the packing house to he prepared for shipment. The powder la packed Into boxes holding about fifty pounds each. , v Dome or me powaer, it waa said, may have been spilled from the car. Either a horseshoe or the wheel of a car could have ignited tha stuff and caused a flash to reach tha powder In the cam ebplodlng It and the powder In the house. , The list of killed waa given out aj follows: Tha Dead. james baird. 1 iu:njamin harber. MAROK MRICOTTl. CUMPTON. JAM Ki ENOER. HARRV KLUOTf. KLMKRKOX. - NORMAN FISHER. JAMFJ4 GEMMILi. NELHON HOU1ATE. JAM KH HARRR. KHKII JKFFERT. BATTIE KEM.EHER, KIWAIU) K1N. , J JAMlX MAL1:Y. ' ' BRYAN O'CONNOR, I' HAHHY PI.ACK. OIMI PI!A'f:sTI.' PHIL SMACK. JOHN KMACK. WKSLKY SIMPSON. . K. SPRINOriFLI. ALLAN A. THAXTER. IESI.IE TTMMONS. W. W. KIN. ELMRR MACE. PATRICK HANRAHAV. CLARKNCE PI.BA8TON. WILLIAM OLIVER. ONE MAN, NAME UNKNOWN. The Iajared. The Injured are: Lotila Walker. Edward Da via. . . F. F. Ware. P. J. Blkea. W. ft. Oliver. J. R. Meredith. One employe, not yet Identified. Coald Not Walk with Rheaenatlant. A satisfied patient writes: "Sloan's Liniment cured nty rheumatism; am grateful. I can now walk without pain." Only r. All druggists. Advertisement Tomorrow---Wednesday Santa Claus Comes to His TOYSHOP" Cedar Chests Jor ' Gifts Our large; new line on display, fifth floor. ORCHARD & WILHELM CO. 414-416-418 South 16th Street SERBS RETIRE IN GOOD ORDER FROM MONASTIR fContlnued from Page One. tue B la-Van coast and on other parU of the German western front, destroying a German submarine on the Belglsn coast, and raids on an aerodrome and ammuni tion factory behind the German lines. French troops, fighting in the Bouohes district succeeded in driving the Germans from a crater made by a successful mine explosion recorded In the German com munication of Saturday. nrllh Full Back in Tlsrrla. The varying fortunes which have at tended General Townsend's Mesopotamlan positions have not yet been recorded here In sufficient detail to make the situation entirely clear From the late official statement It doea not appear that there has been any further fighting since the British advance upon the battlefield of Cteslphon, but the British troops have fallen back to the Tigris, having been outnumbered by the Turks, and are now occupying more positions In the rear of the former line. In the north Poland front, after crush ing German attacks the Russians have succeeded In making local gains In the neighborhood of Illoukst, occupying an eastern suburb cf the town and advanc ing to the German trenches south of this point. ' Her Ma. Corernment Seatarl. PARIS, Nov. SO. Arrival of Premier 1 schltch and other members of the Ser bian government at Scutari, Albania, Is snnounced In an official statement by the Montenegrin, war office under today's ilste received here. The statement Bays: "On November t the enemy succeeded In retaking Foftcha Mttelka and Pliepoll. There Is no change on the other fronts. Premier Pachltch and members of the Serbian cabinet arrived on November 28 .it Scutari, which will be 'the seat of the government. flreeee laalsts ?eatrallty. LONDON. Nor. 0. "The basia of Oreece'a reply Is a neutrality which wilt continue benevolent to the entente so long aa the sovereignty rights of Greece are not Infringed and no restrictions of i a military character are Imposed," tele graphs the Athens correspondent of Reu ter's Telegraph company. "Greece argues that with Salonikl and Ita railway communications In the hands of the allies. Green forces will be de prived of their only adequate provision ing base. There Is no Indication that the entente will modify Its original demands. but both thh government and diplomats are hopeful of a satisfactory result." Pllea Cared 1st tm 14 Daya. Druggista refund money If Paso Oint ment falls to cure Itching, blind, bleeding or protruding plies. First application gives relief. SOc. Advertisement. t DEATH RECORD, Daaeaa Llvlaarstoa. FREMONT, Neb., Nov. 30. (Special.) Duncan Livingston, 52, member of the Dodge county Board of Supervisors and a prominent Fremonter, died at his home early Monday morning. Mr. Livingston 1 had been suffering with Brlght'g disease. For sixteen years before retiring six years ago and entering- the grocery business, 'Mr, Livingston had been In the employ of the Northwestern as yardmaster at Fremont. A wife, one son and one daughter are the close surviving relatives. Tha funeral was held this afternoon at the Flrat Presbyterian church. Cleanse the Blood and Avoid Disease When your blood la Impure, weak, thin and. debilitated, your system be comes susceptible to any or ail diseases. Put your blood In good condition. Hood's Sarsaparllla acta directly and peculiarly en the blood It purl. lea, en riches and revitalises It and builds up the whole system. Hood's Sarsaparllla ,hag stood tha test of forty years, pet It today. It la sure to help you. Advertisement Rocker Value This Rocker or Arm Chair,' large, full alia, hit h grade tap estry upholstering, mahogany frame. You really must see this to fully appreciate the extra value, price each $23.50 4f sssaaV3affs Official Language of University of Warsaw is Polish BERLIN. Not. .-(By Wireless to Payvllle.) Publication of the new charter of Warsaw university, shows that under German control the official lan guage of the university will be Polish, In which all lectures must be delivered, the Oversess News agency announces. The use of foreign languages Is sanc tioned only In cournes of Instruction In them. There has been added to the curriculum a preparatory medical school. A com plete department of medicine and theo logy la planned. HYMENEAL Thorntoa-nialr. FALUS CITY, Nov. '30. Special. ) Miss Sylvia Balr snd Mr. Ernest Thornton of Hastings came to Falls City, and were married by the County Judge Wlltse on Monday afternoon. The happy couple re turned to their home after the ceremony to surpriao their friends.. Mr. and Mrs. Thornton are ( employed at one of the state institutions In that city. feed Whenever tatalae la Needed, Doea Not Affect the Head. Because otslts tonic and laxative effec". laxative Bromo Quinine will be found better than ordinary Quinine, for any purpose for which Quinine is used. Does not cauae nervousness " nor ringing in head. Remember there Is only "yie "Wrrtmo Quinine." Look for signature of VX W Grove. 2c Advertisement. Department Orders. WASHINGTON, Nov. . (Special Tel egram. Charles H. Rogers of Oakland, A. H. Hover of rYemont county, Iowa, snd Oeorife' W. Foard of Omaha have sll been appointed guards In the United Statea penitentiary at Leavenworth, Kan. The comptroller of the currency has re ceived the application of the Ijovell Klate bank, lxvell, Wyo., to convert Into the First National bank of Lovell, with a cap ital ot K&.0O0. A "Made-for- you" overcoat will add just the right touch oC distinction, yet the cost here is moder ate. Exclusive fabrics inimitable tailoring here, too! $25 to $50 Perfect Fit Guaranteed. 81 MacCarlhy-WilsonTiiUringCo. 1 . 815 South 15th Street. 1 ID) ftTTrhiskeyiSrhag supreme quality, rich mellowness, deli cious flavor and popular demand for over three fenerations. Made in the good old fashioned way to satisfy the tastes at the most critical. Bottled la Sold fMrrurAere Becaaea Dtmtmdud eyAsv 1MIIEMEKTI. TUinD BIG WEEK OCfh Performance Tonight Speaks for Itself! Still Playing to Crowded Houses, D.W. Erifiith'i World Sensation, 00,1 Ul First Two Weeks! DID YOU? You Can't Afford to Hiss It! ansa told as last alaht that ha had arises 100 a to see this Picture, an that was wobtk ixr OUat. IX Mat. Daily, S:15; Evening, 8:15 PRICES f.hlinees. 25c to $1 Evenings. 50c to 52 HIPP OoBtlaaoaa sa. All Sets lUC LAST T1MXS TO OAT VICT OK mwRE la "CW.1MM1M raXSXaT OUT WEST" THOflPSON-BELDf N 6CO. The Fashion GjiiferoPlIre Middle WesK Established I88&, Orders for Embroidery This is the last week we can take orders for embroidery work, and promise them for Christ mas delivery. ' Place your orders now and be sure of getting them in time. Art afsedlewOTh Peyt Id Tloor. The Prudent Woman Need Wait no Longer To Select Her ( Christmas Silks Nothing to gain by wait ing, but much to be gained by choosing now, when the Silk Stock is fairly bub bling over with newness and beauty and wonderful variety. We are better prepared than usua). The Fur Shop Offers a Host of Gift Suggestions ' real Diamond is the finest gift in the world. And there is positively no way in which you can go wrong if you select your Diamond from our magnificent stock. Even other dealers admit that I have better buying connections and can consequently sell for less. Twenty-five years spent in buying and selling Diamonds at thia same location is my best guaran tee of value and fair dealing. But, I needn't tell you this ask your friends! If it is someone to whom you do not wish to give a Diamond, perhaps something else from our stock would be very nice. Naming a few : BRACELET WATCH. LITTLE FINGER RING. CHIME CLOCK. A PIECE OF HAWKES' CUT GLASS FOR TABLE OR DRESSER. Or Perhaps Some Item in GORHAM'S SILVER. Newest Designs in Rich Jewelry. AMUSEMENTS. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, It la anticipated that (as. in other towns), thousands of people will congregate to view the "INDIA KL'IiUElt GIANT," who will arrive In a two-foot square box and opened in sight of the assembled crowd. la genrrallr quiet at this time of the day. This will give the Public a better opportunity of seeing YUMA arrive by express, and opened In front of the EMPRESS, which WILL BE Specially Guarded by Tollee Officers. The Kihlbitlon will aim be given at each performance for the? last half of the week, at the EMPREH8, by this Hnman Mystery and Elastic Adaptation is Indeed wonderful and also Incredible. The Management have arranged for the wagon containing YUMA to be s omasa's rtrai ciam Dally Kate -- lS-SS-eO-TSe Tka She We aj oud Is Hste Bart Baker Bon Tons BABE UT03I MrVlo.4. Hon. How Port 8a Hruoa. Suttr.u Brus SaoS taa Bl Ssatilr Chants. Cow bni Bmtt Sakar It. T.aJla' Dims Week Says. I BOYD "K2 Me: Nlkla Ms-She. Diinaows. I la U p. sm. aVOHL'AT KOESOST ta -- cava MAST." Teaacrreer tslnhar tom la tlT- TnreaAs AmousT ta OsU." BatnxOay MoraiaaT, 10io o ss s tsaisr rjumy rw frr s3m THE OMAHA BEE THE HOME PAPER New Figures for Old and Young. Too Discard your old figure. It '8 out of date. Put on the youthful lines of the new fashion. There is a special model for you. Don't buy the first corset you look at. Make your selection wisely, by al lowing our Corsetiers to as sist you. They arc always at your service. Prices upward from $1.00. Corset Section Third Tloer. 15? & DODGE. AHIIEDKNTI. By Order. Fhone Sons'. 4M TW ot VsswWrllls. rjsllr MsHnx. t Is. Mshls. 1 . Otbor acts: WIIU HsU rfllfD I W.l.fUld. Prsak SIHiau rUUC I iwlaaa Ststars: Tarn j M1U BSOt. KiUfwh H a r m o u . srno: Wtbn Eiiiui Vas A ball: Orsatuu Timl WMIr. Prteaa: sfallsas, ssllarr. ISc: bast Mis (sus x Sstarosr sae suds. m. Hlchis. Iws. tic. s c aaa Its. KRUG NORTH BROS. STOCK CXJ. Mats. Thursday. Aetorder AI.X, WK . THE THIRD DEGREE A lsw M SSe. ai. .aate ssu . ed onaaaa bust show aamosisr eat Waak TM1 Ttmtl HUitLES A aUvvtua- (Ku4 Cvmedy. m