Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 01, 1915, Image 1

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    Omaha Daily Be
The Dee Is The Paper
yon uk fori If yo V
bat mor thaa f rw 47,
bar Tb B ulM t rem-
OMAHA, AVE 1 )X KSl) A V . MOKN I X (1, 1)1XT,M BKK 1, 1!)1.V-TWKLVH PAOKS.
h Train, at Hot!
rwe Stand, ate, M
Mysterious Blast of Pour Tons in
Company's Plant Near Wilming
ton Fatally Injures
Seven More.
Flesh of Victims Found Hanging to
Trees in Neighborhood of
Disaster. I
WILMINGTON. Del.. Nov. 30. t
Thirty workmen were killed and
Boven fatally injured today in a ter
rific explosion of about four tons of
black powder at the Upper Hagley
yard of the DupoDt Powder company.
It was the worst accident that has
occurred in any of the company's
plants In a quarter of a century.
The cause of the blast is not known.
According to a statement issued by
the company the origin "probably
will always remain a mystery." Nev
ertheless a most severe investigation
has been instlttlnl by the officials
of. the company, and every employe
who was near the building that was
blown to pieces was put through a
thorough examination in the hope
that some clue as to the cause might
be learned.
There was the usunl rumor afloat that
some outside agency fay have caused the .
explosion, but Dupont officials said to
night the? - waa not a ah'vd of evidence
upon which to hang any theory.
Nearly All YonnaT Men.
Nearly all the victims of the blast
were young men between IS and 21 years
of age. The greater number of them
lived In and about Wilmington.
The explosion occurred In a packing
house where black powder pellets are
prepared for shipment. xThese pellets arc
used for rifle and other purposes, much j
2 :r:."r- s?cc i
house waa situated in a valley alon the
,,.,,, ni- ,.. nnn I
historic Brsndywlne creek, and was one i
or a large group of small Duiidings wnicn
make up the Upper Hagley plant of the
Dupont company about three miles north
west of the city.
It was 1:30 o'clock when a slight explo
sion waa heard in the neighborhood, fol
lowed by another one a trifle., heavier,
which was quickly succeeded by aterrlflc
blast that not only rocked the whole
valley, but shook and startled Wilming
ton. . Workmen ran from every building I
. .
and shack In the wide
area which- the
company s plant covers.
of smoke rose from the soot where the!
packlng house stood and when the cloud j
disappeared there was only a big hole I
in the trmund i
in the ground. j
. Flesh llaaglng from Tr. !
Workmen who survived the tremendous
blast said the scene was one of horror, j
From every tree left standing in the ;
netsnnornooa mere waa ... k ,
pieces of flesh or parts of clothing worn
by the unfortunate men.
Twenty-six men were in tne pacKing
house when the powder went off and not
enough of any of thent was left for
identification, with the exception of
Allan A. Thaxter, the foreman. whose
home Is given as Portland, Me. He was
torn to pieces and a part of his body
was found hanging on a tree acroaa the
creek. It waa Identified by shreds of
For more than a quarter of a mile
ahnut the scene of the explosion the
ground was strewn with arms, legs and
bits of flesh. Even the trees across the
I'randywlne were hung with ghastly
fragments. One workman who rushed to
kman who rushed to
helj. at whatever rescue work there was
to do spied an arm floating down in the
rapid current of the creek and fished It
c.dt with a stick. Two horses caught In
the blast were torn to pieces and one
large section of one of the animals was
hurled fore than a quarter of a mile,
Coar Blown In Plecea.
Four of the thirty workmen killed were
Vlown to pieces while at work outside the
tacking house. They were Mace, a
. '
(Continued on Page Two, Column Two.)
The Weather
r a. in..
a. m..
7 a. m. .
X a. in..
9 a. in.
10 a. m.
11 a. m.
12 m....
1 p. m.
2 p. m.
3 p. m.
4 p. m.
6 p. ni.
6 p. m.
7 p. m.
i f
3 i-
x p. m.
1!15. j14. UX W"
JfUhest yesterday W 4
Iowest yesterday L'4 43
(Mean temperature 31 4n
1'recipltation 00 .0!
Temperature and precipitation
urea from the normal:
Normal tempernture
I tendency for the day
Total deficiency since March 1..
4 31 .
4K 44 ,
.ij .0; ,
depart- j
fturmal piecipuatiuii 01 inch
1 leflclenc '"r 'lie dav inch
loiai rainrau Kince March I. .21.74 inchet
Deficiency since March 1 1 10 inehea Bancroft, president tf the national as-
Deficiency for cor. period, 1!4 3.10 metier ' , ,, , . ,,.,, j ,.,,i. v y -Deficiency
for cor. per od. 11U 6.81 inches ; sociation of Red Polled cattle. K. . Rus-
Heporla from Statlura at
7 l. M.
Station and State Temn.
of Weather. 7 p. ni. e t la I j
Cheyenne, anow 21 42 .()
Siavenport. cloudy i! :ii
lenver, clear 42 .mi
lle Moines, cloudy.. ?4 3s . 0
Dodne City, clear H 42 .(
3 j oiler, clear it .w .0i
North Platte, snow :s 4; .10
Omaha, clear 33 IS .01
Pueblo, clear 40 51 .on
Rapid City, clear .i 4; .t,j
Salt Lake City. pt. cloudy 44 4i .0'
t-nnta Fe, clesr 4i hi
ttheridan, anow Ml 1; r2 ;
B oiix i.'.ty, clear ?S J .11 I
ttUeiitine. 1 Pur M 4; .)
i Wr.LtU. Lwcul Fjroc aster. 1
it r i
li u
cT22 Qrirtnell
Grand Island Fire
Cracker Damage
Qni4- nATnnvnmiciQrl
IjUll UOinprOIIllSoU.
GRAND ISLAND. Nov. SO. (Hpeclal.)
Tlie ici ent S10.0"X) damage anil aga n t
Axt Paulsen, owners of a o a'
sa'oon, has been settled by Hie defend
ants for 12 m. and the costs. $ '5. The
tuns wu a u mtlier necultar one. On
jf Ju ft yfRf (evere of Uie
latrtrn of the saloon began fthrowln f
fire crackers. The owners rf the saloo i :
stepped It, and cve.t s nt thj you-a:
men, who were thug celebrating, cut of '
thir place of business In a manner n
clcatin; tl at' their return was inleslr
ntlrv i
There is In force a c ity ordinance pro- I
hlhltlng the sale of crackers more t""an
three Inches In length, or one-half Inch I
, dttmPter. One of the youn,g men con-
oprned( howevcr, rcturned to t'.e saloon
; zzzxxx
' . f t f . strangers
tnrew. the sme In front or two strangers,
. h . . , th , .
otn(r polnt m th6 Bt(4,e wnere theJP nRd
been working . in the harvest field. The
cannon cracker exploded immediately in
front of these mep, rebounding, and on)
of the men, Mr. Bergman, was struck
in the eye with the wooden base of t e
cracker; and the eyrTCas-'sarrnjured-thal
it had to be removed. While the name ot
the man who threw the cracker.'and was
thus entirely responsible for the tnlury,
u Lnaivn fKM a. , never an pffnrt In i
- , ; " " ""f
ascei tain from wl om . he bought the;we have killed twenty of the neighbors '
stacker, tior wai there any prosecution
for the ot throwing ,
The damage suit against the salmon j
men and their bondsmen was once tried j
court tne jLry du.
..,h It i. ! that ten of the Aurora
were for a verdict of no cause for no-'
tlon, while two were in favor of n Judg-
ment of $2,ouo. The s-iit was to le trletjmy neighbors tor rive mnes arou.m iiir
haJ n(W tf
f0H ' '
Scores Are Missing
After 300 Entombed
By Mine Explosion
BOOMER, V. Va., Nov. 30. Rescue
parties worked deaperately tonight to
penetrate the workings of Mine No. 2 of
j the Boomer Coal and Coke company,
j where an explosion caused by a blowout
snoc occurreu ner VUuj-. u..-
miners were ai worn n mo uum,
mine officials declared that all but forty
had been accounted for. Other reports,
however, said that more than 'twice that
many had been trapped by. the blast
Ten miners were rescued rrom a sud
entrance to the mine at t o'clock this
j evening in a semi-conscious condition.
When revived they said they had seen
many men apparently dead a short dli-
j tance from the point where the exploalon
' occurred. Early report said that fire
wa, raging In the mine, but rescuers d-
..... . - . . A,4 1.1
nlea mis. , ine iana - .
the explosion ana are iwm tn
John Bertalle, one of the rescued mln1
era, said that seventy-five men were
working near the place where the ex
plosion occurred. He was badly bruited
by flying debris; but waa able to nvike
his way lo a aub-enlrance.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN Nov. 30. (Special.) Secre
tary William R. MeMor of the Hite Board
of Agriculture. vio la president of the
National Association ot Fairs and Ex
loM'lons, left Lincoln today to attend
the annval mcet'ng of V at tpdy In Chi
cago next Monday. He was accompanied
ly Hiram Myers, superintendent of con
cessions of the state fair and was Joined
In Omaha by President Jos?i h Jtobert of
the fair association, who lives in Fre
mont. 1 I Others who will attend the allied agrl-
li3 cultural meetings in Chlrago are Senatoi
I .1. A. Oil's of Ord, m -mber of the execu
tive toard of the fair; ('bail s Graff of
1 sell of Omana, treasurer 01 11. e ixiuoini
Diroc Hreedera' at-sxlatlun anl others.
(Fro a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Nov. 30. (Special.) Gov
ernor Morehead, not a governor, but as
pres'dent of the Nebraska Red Cross kv
clety, has appointed Congressman Dan
Stephen of Fremont as a delegate to the
national Red Cross congress, which meets
lu Washington December t.
Anti-Sa -ffue Delegates Are
Ready Ask Contention to Go
Record for State
Wide Law.
Odell Tells Women to Stay at Home
and Attend to Babies and Leave
it to Him.
The bomb has been set and the
fuse lighted for a statewfde prohibi
tion resolution to be introduced in
the Nebraska Farmers' congress
during Its present session at the
Hotel Rome.
Woman suffrage Is also to be in
jected into the convention in the
hope that a favorable resolution can
be passed for this propaganda. Suf
frage workers among the women are
not on the grouiyl, however. It is
understood that a delegation of
women wanted to appear and make
a lot of speeches, but that Frank G.
! Odell told them to remain at home
attending to the wants or the babies
'and i.ave the suffrage cause in his
I The National Farm congress, in ses
sion in Omaha a few months ago, did
pass resolutions favoring prohlb'tion and
woman suffrage both. Thia waa somewhat
of a surprise to many at the time, and
now It is a mntter of conjecture with
'many whether the same aucnrsa will be
met by these rer.ilutions In the. state
. Farmers' congress.
4ttl nn llanal
I As for prohibition, the signs are on the
surface. A (1. Wolfen'oarger of Lincoln,
prominent anti-saloon league man, la a
delegate and managed yesterday to gel
himself heard on a number of subjects,
though thiia rar ne nas avoiuea me sun
Ject of prohibition
F. A. High, district superintendent v
!tho Antl-loon lesgue for Nebraska, was j
5 !
ld n5t de,nand the floor' fpr he has n
crwJentlaU and la not a farmer.
Support for and against the two prnpo
slt'ons is being marshalled among the
delegates against the Oay wnen the reso
lutions are to be introduced.
Objects to farm lotr,
A aerious indictment agnlnst farm dogs
. waa.nddurin-th. ftrhonMkaWif
py w Q whltmore of Valley. ShP and
.kinrr does were under d seusslon.
whltmora declared that he had taken
'advantage of the law that sanctions the.
1 1 1 1 . a j . . i . 1. 1 1 1 ' T iiaUva
idogs." he said, 'since we hnve been rals-
mB sheep. Oet a gun. and put guns in
the hands of your men w tlh instruction.,
to the men to kill any dogs seen in the
pa8turell. why a do(r la a nul.anc on
the farm as compared to domestic anl-
male, end I amllllng them without any
hesitancy. I served notice years ago on
I woUld kill any dog at any time seen in
any- one of my forty pastures. And I
have done so. The law permits It. Do it."
Profv H. F. Williams In charge of farm j
MnnVAmAn atifVAva tnt Wehrnflka. oft
the Vnlted States Department of Agrl-
culture, illustrated profits and losses on
1,. f.,. jurUi ih ifinrnnnn teaalon
by the use of the charts he has made up
(Continued on Page Three Column Five.)
Helen Keller to
Come to Omaha
After Peace Trip
The announcement that Helen Keller,
the celebrated blind deaf girl, was to
mil with the Ford Peace party, caused a
little stir of excitement locally, since Misa
Keller Is scheduled for a lecture at the
Boyd 'theater January 23. It was feared
Uhat she would not return In time to keep
her lecture date.
Late Tuesday afternoon the following
communication was received from her
manager: "If the Peace Ship does not
ttfike a mine, Helen Keller will be ready j
fcr her January appointments. You may
piisure the public that she and Mrs. Anna
l.ulllvan Macy. her teacher, will be in
Omaha at the appointed time."
This message was received by Miss
( lara Mason, principal of the Train
fchool, who Is managing the local end of
the lecture for the Teachers' Annuity and
Aid society. v '
(From a Staff Corresondent )
LINCOLN. Nov. 30. (Special.) "He
who fights and runs away may live to
light another day" is a saying pertaining
to war. and It may also apply to a cer
tain motorcycle rider alio ran Into Col
onel J. H. Preston of the governor'a office
et-terday afternoon and ran away with
out slopping to see how much of the
dignity which is carried around by Colonel
Preason, because of his connection with
executive headquarters and the fact that
he is a preacher, was ruffled.
The colonel, though passing the good
ripo age of 75 summers and showing all
the appearance of only half that number
of winters, is a pretty spry sort of a per
sonage, but he was hardly quick enough
to set out of the way of the motorcycle
I "end ? w" struck In the region where
Ms lunch reposed and was ttirown to tne
Several ' people ran to his assistance,
but he arose to his feet and. without
stopping to answer questions of whefher
lie was hurt, demanded that aMistance
be rendered. the motorcyclist. However,
he was not In sight, haying passed around
the next corner, going severity-five mile
s.n hour. Aside from being a little lame.
Colonel Preason Is not harmed and waa
on duty this morning, but still wonders If
be knocked any paint oft the motorcycle.
FIANCEE, taken at entering:
Navy foot ball game last week.
Outlawed Chief, His Army Defeated
and Scattered, Said to Have
Lost Mind.
NOG ALES. Arts., Nov. 30. His
forces defeated and scattered by the
Carfanza army of Oeneral Dleguee, at
llernioslllo, Francisco Villa, the out-
jawed Mexican leader, has gone n-
;gane according to reports received
, General Obregon. The
. ' '
I report, based apparently on atate-
! mentS Of DrlsOnefB. 8H0 Sayg that
Villa's present whereabotus are un
known. '
ticneral Pleuguex's victory at Ilermo
slllo is said to have been complete. Three
lundred Villa soldiers were found
Aounded after the battle. Six hundred
ere- eald to have surrendered south of
I Magdalena. while 200 more gave up their
j rmr Vday at Llano.
The remainder of V
illa's forces, except-
I l"R those commanded by General
Hodrlgiiex, are declared to be demoral
ized and are surrendering In small groups.
Their trains with two locomotives were
reported to have been abandoned at Mag
dalena, fifty-four miles south of Nogali-a
rnd 122 miles north of Hermosllla.
High School Spirits
Must Change Name
The High School Spirits, who were
r u y i-JF""
about to give a dance,' must change their j ownership, of the same by aliens was
name, or they will be very much "In evidenced today when Governor More
bad" with Superintendent Graf and other ! lieed received a communleaUi-n from Sec
school officials. relary of State Lansing stating that the
At a meeting of the teachers' commit- 1 French, government desired some lnfor-
tee of the school board last night Mr.
Graf reported that the spirits had ad-'
mltted violating a rule of the board that
dances must not bear the name of th"
hlcli rchool, and tho committee iiihed 1
him when he declared he Intended to take I
drastic action.
Protest Made by
Fruit Prolucersi
A committee of twenty producers anil
fruit growers of various parts of the
state met at the Rome hotel yestcrd'iy
afternoon and decided to have a sub
committee draw up a formal protest to
the State Railway commission ' against
the arbitrary ruling of the IJurllnjliiii
and Union Pacific forbidding peddling
from freight cars.
C. H. (lustafaon of Meade, representing
the Farmers' union, wss chairman of the
Omaha extends a cordial
welcome to the delegates to
the National Farmers Con
gress. Omaha is the mar
ket town for the most pro
ductive farming country in
the world and appreciates
the value of everything
that helps for agricultural
their auto at the Army and
rii1 f
Court Rules Against Al Motions
Made in Behalf of Four Men
Charged with Conspiracy.
NEW YOrtK, Nov. 30. Counsel
for the four Hamburg-American Una
officials on trial for conspiring to de
ceive and defraud the United States,
assailed by legal argument today the
case which the government has pre
nented by witnesses against them,
and lost every point of their conten
tion. Federal Judge Howe, presiding at the
trial, heard tho argument In the absence
of the Jury. Judge Howe dcn'ed tho de
fendant's motion to strike from tho
record all testimony concerning the
' , ' v j
ua J H
(hiirtcrlng and movements of the steamer j WASHINGTON, Nov. 80.-The Austro
Marlna Quesada and, nn hour later, over- 1 Hungarian government has Informed Am-
ruled a motion to dismiss nil the indut-
The mot 'on to dismiss de nied, the de-
fenre opened Its case at the beginning of
the afternoon session.
French Government
Asks About Land Laws
And Aliens in State
(rFom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Nov. 30 (8jclal Telegram.)
That the French government la Inter-
! ested in the land law of Nebraska and
nuitlon along that line.
The matter wa turned over to Secre
tary 'of State Pool, who will cnd the
Information, which i found In' tha stat
utes and other state documents.
The Day's War NewM
ni 1 sn on,
I.O SH TO the Albanian
border nnd last of l&e Important
Xerblnn towns In the path of the
Intnder pashlna; tbn - Serbian
westward, bn been raptured by
lb Ilolanrlana.
O'fll'ATION 4K MONAHTIH by tbe
llalnnrlana .-1 esperled shortly.
1 Tbn Serbian government . I now
! Installed at Hcntarl, Albania.
Crrman position nn tbn Belgian
const, from Zrebrugss to Ostend,
by n Hrlllab sqnadroa la reported
In a new nsenry dlspalrb from
TOTAL, LOSSES nt tbe Hritlsh In nil
fields of tbn wnr slura tb bea;ln-
slsg of hostilities total approxi
(,Hi:b(K IS AWrriMJ reply from
lb entente powers I It proposal
tbnt tbe rrsprrtlte arenrrnl staffs
! define tbn military features of
the nlllea' rraulremr nls, 'rurillsg I
' to an Athena dlapaleb.
' r'lr.LU MARSHAL Karl Kllehrner,
I the HrllUb secretary of slate for
j war. Is back In London front bis
I extended trip to tb near enst.
iQllKT II AS PltKV All-Kll on bn
j Franro-Belsjlnn front, srrorsla to
kill JOHN IHKM II, rommander of
tbe HrllUb furces on the western
front, lnld on of bis rnre alalia to
London yesterday nnd conferred
with- I'rrmfVr Alth.
Berlin Report Says British Earl and
French Minister Presented Two
Propositions to Greeks.
ltKULIN, Nov. 30. tUy Wireless
to SHjville.l Differences of opinion
arose between Field Marshal Karl
Kitchener, llrltlsh secretary for war,
and Penjs Cochin, 1'retnh minister
without portfolio, when they met In
Athens recently, the Overseas News
agency says. A press dispatch from
Athens, by way of Iludapest. given
out by the news agency, asserts Karl
Kitchener desired Greece to enter the
war with the allies, where M. Cochin
merely asked safe passage for
French and llrltlsh troops which
might retreat from Macedonia to
Greek territory.
"This explalne why Premier Skouloudls J
bus dwelt upon Hie iym.'nlhy which
tlieece feels for France." the news agency
continue!,. "ICarl Kitchener, considering"
that tbo game was lost, went M Italy td I
raciueat a.Mstanco for the British In
1 Kgypt which now seems to be the only
country which Interests Kngland, after
the llalkan failures."
I Klnar I iinatunllnr OelendeH.
The position taken by the entente
J allies aa reflected In the semi-official
statement Inmird In rarls to the effect
that the landing of troops nt Kolonlkl
was not a violation ot Greek territory,
in contradicted by the Overseas ..ews
agency. .
"Hcporta from various sources concern
ing French and Itrltlsh threats against
tlreeco full to cle-r up the situation,"
the agency says. "However, the general
lone of the newa from French" and llrlt
lnh sources Indicates clearly that CJreece
has been asked 'o renounce Its sover
eignty. "Attempla of Justify this course are
all In vain M. Venlseloa, the former pre
mier, bad not the right under the con
stitution to sanction the landing of troops
nt Kalonlkl. The Greek constitution states,
In ilmno U9 that the parliament la tho
only body which possesses the right vo
decide such questions. Therefore King
t'onittantlna la merely defending the In
tegrity of the constitution against a con
spliacy, which showa that reproaches
directed against htm have no Just basis.
The French and British attempts to
compel a small neutral nation to con
sent to the measures taken, prove that
the entente thinks might Is right."
Ureat 1'nreat In 1'ersln.
HERLIN, Nov. 80. By Wireless to
Ti-rkerton.) "Great unrest Is spreading
throughout Persia, according to the latest !
reports," says the Overseas News Agency.
' Numerous tribes are marching lu the
direction of Teheran In order to- protect
the shah against Iluaslan brutality.
"Grand Duke Nicholas la reported to
have ordered th aldvance of Kussian
troops against Teheran and plans to ar
issr all rationalist member! of the Per
sian Parliament and Swedish officers
commanding the Persian police because of
their loyalty to the Persian' ruler."
Austria Asks Time
To Compile a Formal
Report on Ancona,
bassador Penfleld at Vienna that It do-
sires more time to compile a formal state
ment tegardlnff tha sinking of the Italian
steamship Ancona, Advice to the State
department today say the Austrian gov
ernment has encountered difficulties In
obtaining a statement from the com
mander of the submarine.
The statement of the Austrian govern
ment will contain answer to Inquiries re
garding the circumstances of the disaster
which Ambassador Penfleld submitted
upon instructions of Secretary Lansing. v
Officials of the State department make
no attempt to reconcile this new develop
ment with the formal statement issued by
the Austrian admiralty, which waa pre
sented to the State department several
day ago. It wa. however, taken by of-
flclal ot the State department to mean
that complete and detailed Information
had not been received by the admlralfy
when the recent statement was issued.
Dyras Made Colonel
To Aid Hun at Front!
- (From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Nov. 30.-(8peclal.)-Hy the
Issuance of a commission a colonel on
the staff of the governor of Nebraska,
this state will have a representative at
th front In the European war In the per-1
son of Victor Hugo Dyras. author, law-!
yer and publicist, who wa orn In Wll
ber In lws), graduated from the law de
partment of the University of Nebraska
and of Columbia university, and who
studied at several universities In Kurope.
He wa Judge of the Crlxtobal district
court of the Panama canal sone and
vice consul to Russia In 1I4.
Ill his request for a commission he asks
for a captaincy in the National Guard.
v.i if. instead the governor makes him a I
oolnnel on his personsl staff. He glvea
as hi reason for the request that he de
sires to go to the front aa a Journalist
and a commission as a military officer
will glv him prestljje and open the way
to a better service. He calls attention
to the fact that other state have com
missioner men along the same line.
ti. commission 1 on It way to Khar
kov Russia, where Colonel Victor Huoj
Dyras now resides.
1 IOWA CITY, la., Nov. .- Social Tel
J igram.) President Thomas H. Macflrlde
I of the I'nlverslty of Iowa ha refused to
snd a student on the Henry Ford l'eace
expedition, according to an announcement
here today. President MacBrlde gave as
hi re a so .1 that the space of time was too
short In which to select a man.
Ldard Adams of Algona, la., who last
s immer took an active part In the Car
legle Peace movement In this state, was
today Invited by Henry Ford to take the
FR07.1 MOtlASTlii
Amy Evacuates the City Practically
Intact After Covering the Re
treat of the Civil Pop
Although Teutons and Bulgars Hold
Nearly All Serbia the Army is
. Still Unbroken.
nt M.KTI V
BERLIN (Via London), Nov. 40.
The capture of Prlsrend, In west
ern Serbia, near the Albanian bor-
jder, was announced today by the war
off ice.
LONDON, Nov. 30. MonaMlr, in
ollf nrll o-phi,, hn heon vaeimteil
Slan troops having accomplished
ineir purpose in delaying the ene
my's advance until the civil popula
tion of the town had time to escape,
have now left the city, and according
to reports are retiring In good order,
Bulgarian occupation of the town is
apparently a matter of only a few
Though the Austro-Oerntan and Bul
garian campaign in Serbia Is described
by the central powera a finished and
though practically the whole ot Serbia is
In their ! Ion. they have not Ac
complished, according to the general be
lief here, tho more Imnortant aim of en
tirely crushing the Serbian army. Though
defeated and worn out lit their conflict
against overwhelming odds, the Serb'an
forces are said to be still unbroken and
undomorallsed und are reported to be
reorganising their units on the Albanian
und Montenegrin frontiers, preparatory
to fresh action.
Either bitter winter weather has re
tarded the central powers in their pro
posed new enterprise against tho Franco
llrltlsh troop In the Strumlts region, or
the rapidly developing Rusalan menace
from the direction of Houmanla has
caused them to abandon It. In any event
their campaign has recently come to a
Aetllty nn Other Front.
Other front during- Ui last forty-eight
houra have shown generally revived ac
tivity. Sir John French, commander-in-chief
of the Mrltleh forces In Franca and
Belgium, reports aucconsful British air
attacks on the German positions along
(Continued on Pago Two, ColunurFoiir.)'
President Writes
Toast to Panama
Pacific Exposition
SAN FR.ANCI8CO, Cal.. Nov. SO.-Prest-dent
Wilson's International toast to be
offered at the adjournment of the
"Gathering Nations," at noon on closing-
dsy December 1 at tha Panama
Paclflo exposition in the Court of the
Universe was made public here today.
Efforts aro 1 nder way to have the toast
given simultaneously In various parts
of the United States and In many cities
of other part of the world at 12 o'clock
noon San Francisco time.
The toast follows:
C The Panama Pacific International
Which. In Its conception and successful
accomplishment gave striking evidence
of the practical genlu and artlstlo taste
of America:
Wbl' h, In It Interesting- and unusual
exhibits afforded Impressive illustration
of the development of arts of peace; anil.
Which, In It motive and object was.
eloquent of the new spirit which Is to
unite east and west and make all the
world partners In the commcn enterprise
of progress and humnnlty,
President of the United State.
As the president' message Is read to
the assemblage wireless flashes will be
I sent out from tha exDoaltlon wireless
tower, notifying the world. President
; Moore will then telegraph President Wll-
sun an appreciative response.
Bow are you fixsd for furaiturs?
Toti'U find bargain vry day
So If anything- you're needing-
Look ovsr th Want Ad way.
Tou'll find moat anything you, want.
If yon look at th Want Ad oage.
Ton'U find 3ia ral rood t1vjs
And it wont tak all your wag.
Furniture can b quickly sold by niaU
Ins; your announcement through tin
"Furniture l-'or SaJe" column of T,i
Omaha bed.
Call Tyler 1000 and tell th Want A'l
department what you have for sate, an
we will aeaist you in writing an al
which will quickly sell your furniture.
Telephone Tyler 1000 and put your a
r CAN CETJrtW. 1 rf.r,r-
&00D SEC0NDWfc