12 Mr. Jack Was r r oh: WAITER! VrVTl it HAVE METCALFE WINS WITHJ. BLOUIN pair of Chicago Bowlrrs Capture Doublet Event in the Midwest. CHET WEEKES IN THE MONEY Jlmmv Blouin n1 rtlltv Mi.)r nr Chicago won the two-man event In the ninm annual Midwest Dowlinu congress tournament, with a ieir of 1,215. Itlouln and Metcalfe turned In this count last week and the pin tumblers who took the alleys Sunday and thia morning failed to beat It. The Windy City cracks drag- down 1135 prize money for the victory. "Joe Snyder and Harry Welch of Bloux City won second place and 1121 with a nor of 1,231, Just one pin behind the Chlcajtoans. Another Chicago to Km, Ird. I Clenn Planer and Nick Bruck, wa till with 1.21. Third place wins 1110. John Wald and Mannn Averlll of St. Taul were fourth, with 1,3. Vina was the tHKt of the 1.34 .ore, all of the j Other bowlers falling below tli.it inu.k. . l-'ourth place lakes lluo. I The I. IjjIm l Onmhn bn ci la ".he Joublej e.cnt vas ChU V.'ecl.i h, n it 1 tcai.nd v !t!i tj.uv ;t l.o.vo ..J .. ;if. 'f' City. Vtcl; ii rid Uw ..nilc flrv itli' place, with n tot! I of 1 .171. mul v.i,i Si:,. Kenneth h,i, i rr.i o. ii- . .. . SS tho IICt rif t fllti'UKtc (Ira l:i team. Rclle nru o nr. n ,o toil iiih bylace ami :i vltli mrB of I ,ljd. Seale tni rmi.k iniiiuil of Uniuhi ou ..... jwenty-flrst fl...-. . .U ... I .... nd Jarosl, a... J. Pin tun. il. n v . . i two-man ceo.. v. a.. ii1sea wo.) a n- um I'ORlt'on. team. v.lj. 1 Hlonln nnl Mei 'a f cao J -uyuCi uou At. en, Cliv J Klxher ami llriick ram 1. . r. , Ch.- ' 1, I.: .Jj. J j I 12 t hl- ...i.:w 110.'.) I'M'.O. : 4 Aveiill ai.u Wa d. t. l'.iul..,.uj t i-i-ns and hlianr.oii, CUI cso 1. ia t .lairett mmiI lliuwr, til. I.ouls 1.1' M-ilmll'r end Witter. Ft. Louis 1.1W .lollnmHii hdI hamplrs, Kansaa t'.ly 1.17 -l.i.liy slid l.H.rinHarten, Chl.nso 1,17 10 (ilwin and Osrland, Mli.no apolis 1.171 11 I. owe and Wcrkes, Oinnha.l.Wl 12 Moore and l.amrus, lies Moines l.V 13 Naillf-r and To'.""". PI .losellh M.OI 70 .00 6.1.0" W.OO :.(i . 2C..'0 I K.-iO j w .nc I 14 Kelpie end Ochrsn, f tmaia.1.1.i erlilt ke and l'aeta, t'hl ciun 1.17 ISWehrle and Scha'fer. St. lx.nls IT-Vmidr. i.ler and 1'tley. M. I.o-la I.1.M n-j Mo'c-. Ies M 'l..e 1.152 V- er -nd l.r iniiuhl. t'hl cso 1,151 -' c t rl n -''Stein, 81. I'" ill 1.147 ;1X, I.. ,j Cne,. (1Bb. 1.145 Ii le- nuule and Tfleuger. BL !nls , 1.148 W Jaro'h an. Vf'tr mnahs .1.144 :4-Ameinn and Ttsnoall, Kt. lxiila 1.11 25 Cole and Hhea, Minne apolis 1.143 Ji Thomas and Dietrich, Teorla 1,130 f7 Shepherd and Riley, Kan sas City U ? Makeneace and Ilium, Kan sas Cltv 1.135 VaMei-ker and Banders. ft. IXHli. U34 SO Il&minel and Martin. Pes 20 (K) 20.CO IS.09 1S.00 11.00 15.M 12.(0 12. M 13.50 10.00 10.09 10.00 10.00 10 00 WW 10.0s 10.00 10.00 10i0 10.90 10. AS 10. 'i0 lrt.'O lO.'O Monies 1.134 ;; l'l.iv. and Dlion. I'ochlo.i.m 12 VVlike and Kelmer. Minne apolis f 1.123 SJ Neblelt and Sower, Mar shalltown 1.132 S4 Wetwelller and Ryan, St. Lu!a 1,131 JS -Thompson' and Albera, Sioux City 1.1 So Ford and Rup, Fort rol;e 1.130 $7 Zulauf and liarrlnger. St. iyuia y ULki.tn mnA 1m I'lilrsu. 11-11 J J3 cn.sndler and Winters, St. rul 1.128 4 I-.hlman and Mrosek, Chi cs so 1.12J 41 Hldeli and Banks, Un coln 1.115 43 Clayton and Hedenslrom, fit. Paul 1.121 4 Coffin and Stlveis. !ce 11.(0 I 10 ! j Wolnes ...1.123 44 Stiles and Morrison. Ies Moines 1.121 45 'isrrlson and Thlcine, j Peoria 1.120 Weher and Kranch. L 10. Oil l'l.oo Mars, la .!' 47 Clara- and "letn. Mt. liu's 1 US 10 IX) Two Teams Are Tied In a Snecial Match In A apeclal match s-ame between the Morrison Taxi Co of s Moines and the SletropolHans, rolled on the Metropolitan drives, the teams tied with a tnl n 2 Ho'fmelsUf waa star for the vis trs with 2 and Stanley was hlifh ffr the l"C! trllie with Sores: OBRISr) TAX CO 1-t SMles !' lfrtffnfifer 2 l 1 njureman '74 "mll IS' Var'ln 17 Ql r ? AsoALASi r J jiMwm V ) 1 . ' nm 1 t ?4 1 '4 11 in i" m f iss in sis ' WJ 2?1 AN 8. 1 M Totet 178 lT ft 14 4 2"1 til if ir,i r. 17S A ht s fin To'alt M KTUO PO ' J T A K H. 1-t. ii us 'S 171 IK 1I-. Ixy -lafijey . l ih 1 ounifr Totals S61 a Little Bit Too Anxious Wv HAVE ooij. -SIR', A, tTEA; "rVCD POTATOCS AND A CLASS OF MLK - Leaders in Midwest Bowling Tourney ALL ETEMTI, Olena Tlsher, Chicago l,81t Bob Warner. Chloaco 1,817 Jimmy Blouln, Chicago l.bOa rred Beimer, Minneapolis 1.7B4 Braoe Barrett, Bt. tools 1,773 Harry Welch, ions City..... 1,771 Meary Ehlinen. Galea"' 1,769 r. Shepherd, Kansas City 1,763 A. Riley. Kansas City 1.748 Chlea7o. 1,748 1.748 J. Ylaolha, Chleaa-o 1.744 1 Myron btuns, Omaha 1,743 IST DIVIDUAL ETIHTB. rred Kelmer, MtnntajOla 060 j Bob Wasner, Chicago 60 1 Kerman Brusgeman, Btoas Oily... 654 Al Wartchow. Omaha 843 Vat Kelson, Bt. Paul 047 Milo Wlesaer, Chicago 64S H. It. MoCoy, Omaha 63a M. Albera. Dea Molnea 831 Olenn rtaher, Chloar 030 O. Tladha, Cbloaaro 699 Hank Marino, Chloaro 0-J5 CHICAGO TEAM IS MIDWEST WINNER Bcwlers' Journal Quintet No. 1 it Victor in Five-Man Champion ship with 2.812 Score. . riZ"XL22 GET SECOND MONEY , , .,.1V. .. , ,tiJ , n'o wiiiiiini Rimwm ngwuni C(,Hlx,(11 lounmment heM at th, F. llull, HUry,. The f,v..-mB .vent was concluded at 8:3o this morning and when all thu scores wer turned In and to taled It was found the total of S.S11 ' n.arked up the Wind City pin tumblers i tupped the fluid. L- wliiiilnu first place In the tourney th Howlers Journal squad drags down I tlin ktiug sum of S2Ii0. and each man on ihe UK i ii ge.s a gold medal. 'IM i. L L.iii.ar. n f n.ln.an w.n aAeAffid nruu mid the sum of 12. with a total of i 4. The llck Uros. gulntet of Kan ass City was third ai.d draws down a prise of l-iio. ' 4 linlmer' Are l-'ourts). The ChHlimas of Chicago, the team on fto 00 i which the great Jimmy Hlogln cracka i thu luintier, nmdo fourth position, with iV'S ''t' '' ; The int.li omi.iia team of tho tourna XtM ' iiient was t'ie Jetteis' Old Age siiuad. Ihis crew wo.. I. 111. plate and S1S0 with a totul of i, " "i . 'lh 6nly other Omaha team to land il. I lie money was the luxua squad, lli.s iiutntct landed In thirtieth placa and gets 2j. An Omaha loam also haa the distinc tion of making the lowest five-man score In the tournament. The Corey McKensle team la the booby prise squad. A score of 1,811 cams this honor. The total prise money for the five man event waa 12.2&0. The teams, which rolled at the unearthly hour of S o'clock thla morning, almost put a crimp In the high Chicago totals. The Wild Rosa of Marshalltown. the Morrison Taxla of Dei Moines and the Bhorta .and Klemana of Bloux City all had a chance, but blew on their last games. stralaat I . The Shorts and Klernans rolled 1,908 In their first two games. Their first game score waa KJ and their second game tc). A concluding came of SOS would have tied them with the Dowlera' Journal team, but they went straight up In the air and rolled but 790, with the result that their total waa 2.699, which only gave them sixteenth place. The Wild Rose turned in the high total last night with J.'iw and got eleventh money, while the Morrison Taxis were one pin behind, which gave them twelfth place. A gallery of over 100 bowling fxna re. maltud at the alleys unt'i the flve-maa teems were through, and the rooting was the best of the tourney. Kverybody was pullli for somebody to lieat out Ch. caito. and for an hour It lo iked Ilka they Mould have tlielr wisli come true. But It .,' I.. t A I The winning teams, their scores n4 j the prise money they won are as follows: Position. Team. City. Score. Prise. 1 Hornier Journal No. L ChtcnKn u I Klrnners. Chli'RKo 2.M4 Dick Bros., K minus Clty.,..I."it 4 Chulnurs, 4'hleago 1.7'JI & Jutters' Old Aiee. Onuiha. .l',77 6 Centrals, Minneapolis 2 TM 7 Jack lianiela, Louis. ...2.7W s ntniniots, M, Paul 1.742 t n.on soaas, M. LmiuIs. 9 7 -IK lo I-arys. chl. -so !!t'?:a ,11W"1 UoM' M""town. 1! Moni'sun 'Taxlii'Viea Moine'sija '3 Howlera Journal No. 2. Chicago ITU 14 Palace Cafes. I.e Mars, la.. 1704 If Mtnerallte. Chlc0 t,7uu 14 -Hhorts and Klernan. K.uui City 2.6.10 17 Your Hosom Friends, Kan- sn Citv t i iMnelilbo-hs. Ksnssa C1ty...liT 'lsrk Pure Rye. I'eoris....! 7 ft Msrtln Hotels. Sioux t1ty..t.S ?1 Iindcers. rV.rt "odse. la 1.676 23 Alrln Hrau Champs, St. I-oi'ls J M S r. r T-ft Co.. Ih-s Moines I H 'nhlnet-n. St. IxUlS....t --KHlfl.f. Kt. l.lll. .4 - s l o.il. epee'als. S lul. l " Itwell ClntHen. et Pul....t ST Ti.iPont Vowilers St. Ixmls 2 Sf. -eit. MlnneHpolls I s4 f4 4S 40 ss J) 1 VI 2 H-Ii I" Orhs f S i Acqii'lns. St. 1'sul !- 1', Total .'...., "0 rJHi; HKK: T" SAY WAITER - VHAT i r - j rv iii -v i - v i w - ill i if Fulton to Be Willard's First Opponent " . I P f I v - . 1 I Fred Fulton, who will In a 20-round bout at New Orleans during Mardl Oras week, have first chance at Willard's title, Is a giant from Oklahoma who haa come Into prominence only within the last few months. lie Is several yeara younger than Trial of Alleged , Yellowstone Park Bandit is Started CHEYENNE. Wye, Nov 29. Edward F. Trafton waa to face trial In the United States district court here today on charges growing out of the holdup la the Yellowstone National park July 20, 1914. Fifteen roachea were held up and pas sengers robbed of $5,000. Trafton waa arrested May 14 last b'y James W. Melrose, special agent of the Iiepartment of Justice, in connection with the robber y, and subsequently eight In dictments Were returned by the federal yrand Jury at Cheyenne. The defendant irevlously served sentences ill the Idaho and Colorado penitentlariea. "When court convened the Trafton case waa postponed. It was understood It would be called for trial Thursday, De cember t. American Geologist Kills Self in Brazil RIO JANEIRO. Not. Orvrne a. Derby, tbe widely knowa American geologist, committed auk;ld bere Satur day. The reason for hi act U Dot known. Air. Derby haa served tha Braalllan government for many years aa a geolo gist and haa been chief of tM Service since VM. lie first went' to Mouth America in 1K7S from Cornell university, where he had been an Instructor Tn f"wr.' n ' 'r . r - ' take Laxative Promo Quinine Tablets. Drut-slKts refund n.cney if It fat's to cure. E. W. Grove'a signature la on each box. 2wc. Adx eriLseiueut. OMAHA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1915. Copyright. 191ft, International News Service. THATS ALL EOT TELL THE CHtr who t An HE KWOVt) ME AiiO f4.GYf OUST WHAT I WAITER! LIKE ! the champion, but almost as large only two Inches shorter and some twenty pounds llgHter. Fulton has been taken seriously only with the last month or two. Within that time lie knocked out in quick succession Terry Kellar, Arthur Pelky and Andrew Anderson. Duck Hunt Fatal to Officer of Big Oil Corporation NEW YORK, Nov. .-WMlam EX Bemls, second vice president of the Standard Oil Company of New Tork and Identified with (standard Oil lor thirty three yeara, died suddenly today at his summer home near Port Jervls. He con tracted pneumonia while duck shooting last Friday, but hia condition had not been thought serious. Standard Oil's great foreign trade Is attributed largely to the work of Mr. Bemls, who spent much time In Asiatlo and European coun tries developing It. Several German PapersSuspended LONDON. Nov. 28. According to a dls latch to the Exchange Telegraph com I any a dosen German newspapers haw Iter auspended for discussing the food out stlon. In his newspaper. Die Zukunft, Maxi milian Harden is quoted aa saying: "We must confess . that the German people for the moment are su.ering great wunt." Barllaaloa Aftoraovs. Local Trala, Ko. T, Later from Omaha to l.laeola. Commencing November 2S. dally except 6unday, pasaenger train No. 7 for Lin coln and Intermediate points. Including the connection at Ashland for the Bloux City. line, will leave Omaha at 1:10 p. m.. InaUkil of 1:20 p. m.; It will arrive at Lin coln tit 130 p. m., inatead ef I, IS p. m. A 'Vor Mle" ad will sura aeeond-hanJ 'v. 1 I turn 'A ire into casn. Drawn SIR! FEDS' NEW YORK PARK THE LARGEST Playing Field of Independents in Gotham Biggest Major One in Country. COSTS MILLION AND A QUARTER NEW YORK, Nov. 2D. Announcement was made at Federal league quarterJ here todiiy that the. grounds secured fir .the New York Federal club cost $l,2"i0, Ol and were lucated at 14.1th street and !nox avenue and extended to the Har lem river. Tho names of the financial barkers of the club. It was stated, will be withheld until the annual meeting takes plare. The plot covers an area equivalent to 1K city lots. It Is bounded by 246th street on fie north, 142d street on the south, the Har lem river nnd Fifth dvenue on the east and I-enox avenue on the west. The playinn field. It Is said, will be the largest major league park In the country. A distinct feature will be the distance from the home plate to the boundary 1 1 j fair ground in any direction. I The distance from the plate to the cen ter field rence will be over 45 feet, and to the right or left field fences 3X8 feet. Plans have been perfected for the erec tion of a pontleas, double tier grandstand capable of seating 3u,0o0, 1 arsons and eventually seating accommodations will, be arranged for 2O.0U0 more. The park alte Is easily accessible from ail points In the Bronx and Manhattan boroughs. ' as there are excellent facilitlea for tians portatlon. Work will be begun Immedi ately to clear the property and the en- ; tire plant Is expected to he In readiness for the formal opening; of the season of 11 next April. GOPHERS FAVOR KEEPING SUMMER BASE BALL RULE MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 29. In a special aesion today the University of Mlnneaota Athletlo Board of Control voted to rec ommend that Minnesota's vote In the annual Big Nine conference meeting next Saturday be cast In favor of retaining the present" amateur codo which forbids playing of summer base ball by confer ence athletes and which resulted in the dismissal of 1-orin Solon from the Min nesota foot ball eleven. The action by the board came as a sur prise. A few weeks ago the student body voted in favor of abolishing tho present amateur cods. It waa thought then that the board, being largely composed of ath ltea, would be overwhelmingly In favor of abolishing the rule. Are Voa Constipated f Why suffer? Take a dose of Dr. King's New Life Pills tonight, you will feel fine tomorrow. Only 25c. All druggists. Ad vertisement. Noted Pitcher Weds. SACRAMENTO. Cab. Nov. . The marriage of George ("Chief") Borchers, veteran ball player, and Mrs. Ada Bnr- o.ck waa announces nere toiiay. i nici Borchers waa a pitcher of note with the I Chicago Nationals under Adrian C. j ("Pop ") Anson. He later managed teams 1 dairyman. PLUG CHEWING ' A WHOLESOME HABIT In No Other Way CanTou Get All the Richness and Flavor of the Leaf "SPEAR HEAD" DEST CHEVY Many prominent physicians declare chewing to be the most wholesome way ol enjoying tobacco. . "I began chewing some years ago," said one, "and I soon found that it is the only ivay to get the benefit of all the rich juices stored up by nature in the tobacco leaf. I refer, of course, to the plug form of tobacco, which is the most natural and the cleanest form. "Chewing good tobacco like Spear Head makes the salivary glands more active, which in turn has a beneficial effect on the whole system. Add to this the sweet, mellow, delicious flavor of a chew of Spear llead, and you have the hiphest possible degree of tobacco satisfaction. "1 mention Spear Head because I have found that this brand is exception ally pure, being made in a factory that's run strictly according to pure food rules." Spear Head is made of nun-ripened Burlcy, which is acknowledged to be the richest, mildest, .finest flavored to bacco iVaf in the world. And it is produced by the latest processes, which develop the quality and luscious flavor of the choice Burlcy to the supreme do gree. A chew of Spear Head has a whole some relish that is not found in any other chewing tobacco. Try a 5c or lite cut, Advertisement, for The Bee by CWTCR W TELL WHO I AM - THEY l m i r KMOV MP , Scarcity, cf Bes'; Material in East In Picking Teams x-r. '"vnv " "' . el me o' the eastern foot call senao.i finds a wldo nrl:ince of nplti 011 nmons foli iwers of Intercollegl itn play reganiin:; the final, rating of thj lending e!ewr and tho players to be selected 'or tlvr inythlonl all-eaRtern. team. Certain iiliiyc-n, such na 1-arrc't o!' Corm 1! nn.i M ill n if llir- noslt lnr a half dozen cardula'ei are put forward, all having txc!li;t clnlms for coiiridcratron. TMkIi class back field -..Ttorlnl wa abundnnt ns well as heavy, Pwrrful men for the center of the line, "vt t.ere was n scarcity of brilliant ends and quarter lacks. Policy, Harvard; I.nml.erton, Princeton: HlgRlns, Pennsylvan'a State; Fhelton, Cornell, and Stew.nt of ColK-ue, all have thrlr backers for the wing tip jioflttons. At tackle Gilman of Harvard Is the popular choice, with Abell, Col nate; Srlu.lt, Wastilnp'.n. and T.ee; Farnam, Prown; Nash, nether, nnd Mc Aullffe of Dnrt mouth in tv! running. For guards, .Spear, Piii-tniotith. White and pchlachter. Syracuse; Ho-jfC. Prince ton, nnd Black of Yale er" tho le.idlnar rand'datcs. At center. 1 cit, Tlttshurgh. Ib the player most frcqqcmly mentioned, aithough Cool, Cornell; a-t.nei-t, Pilnce ton, and McKwan, Army, itlso aro the reipie-l- V V "le'd, Barrett of Cornell, Is the loirlcil quarter back, while Mahan of tlm-vanl lon-Ja In !' ru-'- r I . p,.e f, 1t th same unanimous opinion regarding 1ha two halfbacks. Hastings. Pittsburgh; Wilkinson, Syra cuse; Ollphant. Army; IC.ns, Harvard Tcdman, Rutgers: Ferryman. Pennsyl vania State; Rose, Syracuse; Scovil, Vale; Glllo, Colgate, and many others aro offered as suitable material. While " 1 M . -1 1 l 1 1 r 1 ., asr "w T- 1 t r iJS J i' . 15 ma. !,!,:, i -si 1!, .ffi K.. Ull,';!;,!' V''!i-.'i.:i,! . l'!ll-lirH.li::"'-!l.Mil;i,:!:;l,llli'!! lllli:.,.:!''!-:!!!!'!! , ,:I'V'! .Ijlji'll! Si! Il' , IlliiS Chicago & North Western Ry. Via CHICAGO Jacksonville, Fla $50.68 Jacksonville via Washington $59.88 Tampa-St. Petersburg, Fla. $62.28 ill !:! 'lil'i Palm Beach. Ma St. Augustine, Fla. . Ormond, Fla Kissimmee, Fla.. . Miami, Fla. Key West, Fla.. Augusta, Ca. . 7 Daily Trains to Chicago 7 tm i. I raja4Ssr-saC-- I I 1 - XVA till IS J. Swinnerton oil those who have prepared at"-e.sTn ten ma have not been heard from, the consensus of opinion to date e1iovs th 1 low Ins players in the lead: Knds Soucy. Harvard, nnd Higgirs, i mn y vani S ate. Tacl lcr tollman Harm rt, nnl Ab 11. Ci liat. .luards Spear, Dartmojtri, inl Yhlte. S.sricse. 1 enter Pe-k, Pitt hn all. Quartei bnck Parrel t C lrnell. liaif! neks Wllri'ison, Syracuse, rnd Hus 11 s. I It's urgh. 1 ull I't'.i-k Mahnn, Harv.irl. DEAVER CITY COMES BACK AT M IN DEN FOOT BALL FANS HFAVER CITY, Neb.. Nov. 29.-fSpe-l il Telegram.) In Sunday's Bee, Minden claims the championship of southwest J.fbraska on the ground thst it wis the only team to beat Beaver City. M'n'ei never claimed to b; in southwest Ne lrfka and Beaver City was the cn'y 1 Iph school team I liygl by that team In this district. MI'iden hfat Beaver City or, some fluke fumbles. When Pea e City won the championship from Mc Cook it put in a claim in spite of the iact that it was beaten once by Frankll i rcademy, whom fceavcr City beat e.si y y the score of SO to 0. ;NEW YORK ANTI-ALIEN j LABOR LAW IS VALID I WASHINGTON, Nov. 29. - The New Y.iik anti-alien labor law of V09. - ndcr vlilch It was made compulsory to employ only citizens In the construction of ; 11b- llc works, was today held constitutional I y tho supremo court. 1 ALBANY, N. Y Nov. I9.-The ar.i I alien labor law, which was held con 1 stitutlonal by the United States auprerie I court today, l8 not In effect In this sta'e tcday. Shortly after the state court of appeals held It constitutional last lh ruary, the legislature passed an im.ini ment which permitted the employment of aliens on public works when Amerl I can cltlsens were unavailable. ma .1. 'Il;i?, m 1 '""v:'.""'"-- a 1 ."" mi, ,,'l',lsvssi'l M ,' j . . J : 4fcUirW '. .r!K, H '!p"-4H' Jfl "t I !'l i ! I1 111'''! il" T " Jby.18 .$52.98 $57.08 t $59.68 $72.78 $83.78 ....$49.78 Charleston, S.C $50.68 New Orleans-pass Christian $41.18 Havana, Cuba $87.18 And Many Other Points If i.i I"' Double track and automatic electric " safety signals all the way. , Tickets, reservations and full infor mation may be) obtained from I MF.LLEN, G. A.. 1401-03 F.rn.m St. Omaha, Nb. Phone Douglas 2740 l if .is 1 mm