Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 30, 1915, Image 1

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    Omaha Daily
Advertising is the pendu. Mat keeps buying
and selling in motion.
v f
VOL. XLV NO. 141.
Treiaa. at Hotel
If swt Steads, eta M
4 .
Erglisli Compelled to Give Up Posi
tion! Near Bagdad and to Re
tire Farther Down the
Tigris Valley.
Constantinople Report Asserts Over
One Thousand Corpses of Foe
mm, AMSTERDAM (lVa London), Nov.
29. A victory over the British in
the Meopotamian campaign la re
ported by the Turkish war office in
an official statement received today
from Constantinople. The British, it
Is declared were driven out of Turk
ish positions which they had pene
trated and suffered heavy losses.
Obliged to Iletreat.
The statement says:
"On the Irak front on November 25 by
strong attacks latslng until evening we
ejected the enemy from points In our ad
. vancej position whloh they had pene
trated. "The enemy was obliged to retreat
hastily, leaving behind a great number
of wounded dead men and animals, to
'.ffcether with war material of all kinds.
jfiWe counted more than 1,000 corpses and
vaptured three machine guns, one flag
. and arms and projectiles.
"A portion of our fleet sank In the
; northeastern Black Sea four Russian
- ''. sailing vessels and forced Russian oil
vessels to run ashore."
' 1
i IlrltUh Withdraw.
LONDON, Nov. 29. Major General
Townshend, importing on the British cam
paign in Mesopotamia, sends word that
fter having successfully removed his
uncled and prisoners fater the battle '.
f CtesiDhon. he has withdrawn to a posi-
tion lower down the Tigris river, the an- ficlal statement Issued today at the head
proach of Turkish reinforcements being quarters of the general s'.aff. The text of
reported. This announcement was maAe tho communication follows: i
In an official statement tonight, which j "In tho mountainous sone of the theater
V"eads: i of operations, tlie very rigorous tempera- ,
"The enemy's strength at the battle of iure nas not lessened the activity of our I
Ctesiphon Is estimated at four divisions. ! troops. Along this front the action of our j
One of theso is stated by prisoners to j Hrtlllery continues. In the Fellxon valloy
.have been practically wiped out This is of tensive Is develooimr reeuUrlv.
confirmed by .our own observations, but
the approach of Turkish reinforcements
as reported.
"Genocal Townshend, having success
fully completed the removal of h's
wounded and prisoners, has withdrawn
his force to a position lower down thai
Orient is Refused
Permit, ta. Make
Bk Stock Issue
Tor-KKV Kan Nov " "9 -Ueorganiza-
tlo7of the "Kansa; CMy, Mexico Orient
Jlallway company, based upon the isau-
onco of $71,000,000 worth of securities vf ll
rot be permitted by tho Kansas Putl c
Vtllltlea commission, it was announced
today. Tho road will be allowed, how-
ever, to file a supplemental petlticn pend-
Ing which the commission will hold a
foimal order on the original application
ci-miniBHion mat uie ruM'rtn; i
J iirilnnilv alllsihlA in tt'U
.... J !
lart the approval or mo issuance or me
feecuritlera asked. Even when proposel
irnprovemrnta are completed the tolal in
vt ttment of the roa4 will aproximate only
$.'8,000,000, he ald.
Quarter of Million '
Pounds of Wool Sold
DOUGLAS. XVyo.. Nov. 29. (Special.)
A quarter of a million pounds of 1915 wool,
v.hlch has been atored here awaiting an
Improvement in market conditions, haa
1 eon Bold to the Chicago, little. Fur and
Vool house for a price not announced,
ut aald to be close 'to 25 cents a pound.
'I he deal involves 80,000 pounds owned by
John Morton, 65,000 pounds owned by the
Tool Live Stock ( rompanv and 110,000
j oundu owned by the Morton tc Jenne
t hfpp company. About 3fi0.000 pounds' of
H15 wool remain In storage here.
The Weather
Forecast till 7 p. m. Tuesiay!
r Omaha, Council Blurrs anil vioiniiy
-i'alr: wanner.
Hours. te-
6 a. lit zS
6 a. m II
7 a. m 21
8 a. m 21
9 a. m 22
10 a. m t....:3
11 a. in 2
J2 m 2!t
1 p. m M
2 p. in 32
S p. ni 3:1
4 p. in 3J
0 p. in 31
H p. m Ill
7 p. in 3)
t P. in. 2)
Lui'itl lircorti.
litlS. 114. 1913.
i',3 il 0
2) 39 i
2.i 43 4S
.00 .01 .Si
Highest yesterday.,
IOvent yes erday...
tan temperature..
Temperature and
precipitation depart
ures fioin tue normal
Normal temperature 32
iHflcleicy for the day
T.ital deticiency since Marchl Ill
r.ornu.1 p. ecipiiaa.-ii 02 Inch
I"ellcienov for the day 02 inch
Precipitation since March 1 26.74 Inches
I'efidency since March 1 1. to Inches
L-. flci ncy ior cor. e iod, 'iil4.. S u I iches
l-Hlclnuy for cor. period, 19.3.. 7.3i Inches
fta I n nd Slate
fem'i. Huh. Rtln.
of Weath -r.
Clieyenne clear
B senport ir
I p. m.
.... 31
e t is. I.
44 .0)
24 .0
f2 .00
25 .10
4li .0
4i .
40 .00 :
3 .00'
3 .00
:-4 .00
40 .00
41 .0
30 .00
32 .00
36 .Oj
jwnver. ciear
Lra Molne, clear
flioi ge City, clear
I-.nder. cloud
'nh I latte, clear
fVomas, clear
l-i.eblo. cle ,r
lUiid City, clopdy it-e i it v, ciouay.
h.-ii ta re, clear
thrndan, cloudy
M ux City, clear
Valentine, clenr
1 A. WKLfcil. Locai Forecaster.
Son of G. W. Noble of Omaha Chosen
by Chancellor Avery to Go
v to Europe. 1
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Nov. 29. (Special Tel
egram.) William F. Noble of
Omaha, the son of O. W. Noble, was
chosen by Chancellor Samuel Avery
tc? r'epresent the University of Ne
braska as a member of the party
which Henry Ford is taking to
Europe on a peace mission.
The chancellor today received a
telegram from Mr. Ford, inviting the
Ilusker institution to be one of the
fifteen big state universities to send
representatives with the party. He
made the selection immediately, Mr.
Ford specifying that the choice
should be made on the same basis as
the Rhodes scholarship.
Noble Is a senior in the University . of
Nebraska and has, established a remark
able scholarship record. He was also
prominent In all student activities as a
members of Innocents, Phi Kappa Pal
fraternity and a number of other organi
zations. He will leave at once for New York
Following the receipt of a second In
vitation from Mr. Ford to Join his party,
Governor Morehead today announced that
he would decline. He will give his rea
sons In g. public statement tomorrow.
Italians Report
Further Progress
On Carso Plateau
ROME, Nov. 2S. (Via Paris. Nov. 29.)
Further progress has been mado by
Italians northwept of Gorisla, near Os-
'ava, on the carso plateau, says ine 01-
During an attack on Mrzli, on the 26th,
we captured a machine gun from the
enemy. - j
"On the heights northwest of Gorizla,
our attacks continued successfully. After i
taking by st6rm Htrong trenches of. the
I enemy east of hill No. va, we made
J prisoner 11 .iuen three of wbom were
' officers. .
) "In the ne'ghborhood of Oelavla, after a
, severe stniggle, we conquered a slope 6f
I the mountain to the northwest. It waa!
' 1 . . V. 1 1 . 1 . . . i I
ion m
siuuuuiiiiy ueit iiuBu ay ine enemy, wno
our hands, act prisoners, four of
whom were officers. In the Monte San
I M,chele "ector, our troops repulsed the
attacks .nfilctlng upon him
oa-e- and Uklng additional prl
one. including two officers,
"On tho remainder of the front, namely
"n the Carso plateau, our advance has
made still further progress."
j KarnTl (lO LfiOTin fl
in I"
Smiles as He Sees
- Message on Peace
Karon Louis de Leopold of Paris is of
Karon Louis de Lepolld of Tarts is of
l he opinion that Henry Ford and asso
ciates will not make a dent in the ptacs
movement in Europe. '
' If tho pope cannot wield his .influence
toward peace, what may be expected of
Mr. Ford's mission? Mr. Ford is to be
commended for his efforts, but his mis
sion will te fruitless," said the baron.
The baron smiled when he read a dls
tatcli from London stating- that Austria
would seek separate peace. He regarded
such a situation as almost Impossible.
lie regarded a revolution in Russia as
r.omethlng which would result in peace
nnd eventually mean advancement for
that country.
"The Advance ef Nations and Mainte
r.Qice of Power" is the subject of an
Illustrated talk the baron will deliver this
cnlng t the Auditorium. He promises
to relate some interesting details concern
ing the commercial history of England,
Gel many and the I'nited states. '
Britain Restricts
Sale of Liquors to
a Few Hours Daily
LONDON. ,Nov. 29. The new restric
tions on the sale of liquor became effec
tive today.
Subject to the unusual exemption for
residents of the premises and to special
provisions for Woolwich, Greenwich, the
district around Dartford , and certain
wharf areas, it is made an offense pun
ishable by a fine of 1600 or imprison
ment for six months to sell or supply
intoxicating liquors for consumption on
the premises except between the follow
ing hours: -
Week days Noon to 2:50 p. m., and :30
to 9:30 o'clock in the evening.
Sundays lto 3 p. m. and 6 to 9 p. tn.
Spirits for home drinking cannot ' be
purchased on Saturday or Sunday, nor
on other days except between noon and
130 p. m.
Chief of Police is
, Held to Grand Jury
ST. LOCIS, Mo., Nov. 29. A coroner's
Inquest today ordered William Street,
night chief of police of Madison, 111.,
held to the grand jury for the murder of
his fe and Charles Barmeier, a St.
Louis patrolman, last Thursday nlht.
Patrolman liarmeior jumped from a
street car and ran into an alley in which
he saw Street dragging his wife. Mrs.
Street and Barmeier were both shot
American minister to Bel' 1 id Mrs. Whitlock photo
graphed upon their .. vlew York. After a short
visit in America ' v,;ck will return to his post in
the war zone,
. . . .
Conflagration is Kaginjj in Princi
pal Town on Santa' Cata
lina Island. .
LOtf ANGELES, Nov. 29. More
than half the town of Avalon, on
Santa Catallna Island, waa de
stroyed by fire today. The fire
started about 2:30 o'clock this
morning and destroyed the two prin
cipal hotels, a number of business
blocks, the bath house and clubs, and
damaged the pier and frelgh houses
before it waa brought . under con
trol, about 4 o'clock. Estimates of
loss run as high as $1,000. Prac
tically all of Avalon was owned by
the Banning company, which also
owns Santa Catalina island.
t Inhabitants Slumber.
The fire, which lighted the twenty
three miles of channel lying between
Santa Catallna island and the mainland,
began before 5 'clock while the Inhabi
tants still wore asleep, but no lives were
lost, accordlpg to latest available, wlro
less reports.
From the higher points In Los Angeles,
nearly fifty miles from the island, the
glare was plainly visibly before dawn.
People thought aqme great ship was in
The wireless operator at Avalon sent
out calls for help. One flreboat already
was at the Island. Another Immediately
got under way from San Pedro, with the
steamer Hermosa, owned by the Manning
company, which also owns the town of
Bandits Lock Bank
Cashier in Vault
MUSKOGtE. Okl., Nov. ?. Three
white men and a negro rode into Fort
Cibeon, eight miles from Mr.skogee, thli
afternoon and robbed the Farmers' Na
tional bank of several thousand dollars.
The bank cashier and the bookkeeper
were held up at the point of guns,
marched Into the vault and locked in,
while tho three white rob. ers took all
Ccard on the outside.
After tho robbery the four rode out of
town. Organised posses went in pursuit.
CRINNELL. Ia.. Nov(. 29.-(8peclal ) -Finator
W H. Kenyon addressed the !0)
Older Boys of Iowa assembled at Urlnnell
in their eighth " annual conference at a
monster banquet Saturduy evening. The
sttject of his speech was "Men Wanted."
Ke emplifcbiioj the need for (h l.tiui
men In this ape to lead the great move-J
ments of all kinds for the betterment of:
C 1' T
oucn is j,ove
Title of Today's
Nell Brinkley's
See Magazine Page
! . VV-.- 1
- 1 f
S ,; . ' - J
V w . ' .A.-r--, 'UX ifl
Negro Prfsoner at Joliet Convicted
of Murder of Wife of Former
Warden Allen.
JOLIET, 111., Nov. 29. Joseph
Campbell, a negro convict, was today
found guilty of murdering Mrs.
Maizic Odette Allen, wife of former'
Warden Allen, in the warden's apart
ments of the state penitentiary here.
The verdict fixed the punishment
at hanging. It was returned after
forty-four hours' deliberation by the
Mrs. Allen, a former musical comedy
rtnr, was found dead in her bed In the
warden's suite at tho state prison on the
morning of Juno 20 last after a fire which
was supposed to havo been started by tho
murderer to conceal his crime, was ex
tinguished Her skull had been fractured,
and this led to tho murder theory.
Suspicion fell on Campbell, a negro
trusty serving an indeterminate tentence
for the murder cf a Chicago negro janitor.
Ho was the last man in the Allen apart
.mcnls, and he testified that an hour be
fore the fire he took Mrs. Allen the morn
Inn papers and removed her pet dog for
an airing.
Allen introduced the honor system Into
tho Joliet prison and owned a testimonial
of gratitude from the convicts. He had
befriended Campbell
As the. law would not permit' him to
live elsewhere and continue In office he
resigned as warden so that ho would not
have to reside in his old quarters.
Freight Wreck
Delays President
Wilson's Train
PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 29.-Traffie on
the New - York division of, the Pennsyl
vania railroad was blocked many 'hours
today and the train on which President
Wilson returned to Washington from
New York was one of many diverted to
other routes as a result of a collision be-
1 1 ween two freight trains at 11:30 last
nlirht at I 'nrnwolli mtrhitxn mil.. ...I
o one was hurt Failure
of one of the englnoers to obey signals
was the cause.
Thirty freight- cars were damaged and
plied up over the four tracks. The wreel
badly mixed the ' road's schedules. Tho
president's train along with a number
of others waa diverted to the Trenton
Illinois Solons
. Threaten to Strike
SPRINGFIELD, III., Nov. 29.-A lsgls-
In live rtrlke was threatened today by
down state members of the Illinois as-
I They threaten to hold up the work of
i lie si eclal session whl h has just been
tailed by Governor Dunne for the enact
ment of appropriations for current ex
linwi until the governor agrees to rail
a supplemental special session to ens t
pi I roprlations for payment of foot and
ifiouth disease claims.
1 ltepresentatives Gregory, Pace, Kcssln
yet and Dudgeon are leaders in the strike
movement, p ouecution of which would
; n fan that the strikers would not vote on
j administration legislation.
Tribuna Says Dual Crown is En
deavoring to Come to Terms
with Government at
Thousands of Women Gather Before
Castle and Demand Return
v of Husbands.
LONDON, , Nov. 29. Th Tribuna
asserts that Austria is attempting to
conclude a separate peace, according
to a dispatch from Uonie to tho Ex
change Telegraph company.
Illodnt In llrrlln.
LONDON, Nov. 29. lleutcr'n Tel
egram company's Amsterdam corre
spondent forwards the following:
"The Telegraaf Js informed on
good authority that serious rioting
took place in Rerlln last Saturday in
which several thousand women gath
ered before the imperial castle and
demanded the return of their hus
bands from the front and improve
ment in food conditions. The crowd
finally was dispersed by the police."
No confirmation of this Amster
dam dispatch has been received
Panama-Pacific .
Exposition Will
Close Thursday
SAN FRANCl?CO. Cel., Nov. JO.-Tho
. anamn-Paelflo exposition lias entered
tlie last week of Its existence and. ac
ot ding to the official program, It will
I one of the busleat In the ex OMitlon'i
history. Continued Interest In llio big
: low was emphasised by tho report
tiday that the s'tendsnce for yesterday
had exceeded lfi.'.OiiO.
The two big events of the week will
be a prosperity ball to be held Wednea
day night, and a celebration, which will
extend through the week, of the triumphs
of electricity.
it is planned to have closing day, De
cember 4, celebrated throughout the
world by a chain of notes to be ex
changed by radio, telegraph . and cable,
A big military pageant is on the pro
gram. MluX salutes will be fired from the
harbor for this and front the warships
In the bay.
The public schools have been closed
for the week to give teachers and pupils
opportunity to see all they desire of tho
Montana Mike
Denied Judgment
Against Bankers
LITTLE ROCK, Ark., Nov. IP.-John
H. Rumplng of Helena, Mont., today was
denied a county judgment of ;i,7Nt
ssalnst the Arkansas National bank of
Hot Springs, which ho claimed he lost
In the "fake horse racing" schemes op
erated three years ago.
Humping put up a draft Tor .&
on a horse entered in one of tho fake
races, made payable ti Ed tyiear, now
under sentence l federal court for
fraud. Spear collected tho draft through
the bank.
The supreme court affirmed a verdict
of reoovery against Spear, but held that
the bank was not cognisant of the fraud
at the time of the payment of tho draftt
Water Sells for
One Dollar a Barrel
in Alaska Town
PKWARI), Alsska. Nov. J.-As a re
suit of cold weather, water was selling
at tl per barrel at Anchorage, the new
town established by the government as
j construction headquarters for the
Alaskan railroad. If purchased by the
bucket, the price was IS cents, or two
buckets for a quarter. Pending the com
pletlon f the water system, which the
government engineers hope to have
working within two weeks, all water!01 ln "innipeg uram exenange were
for domestic purposes is being taken ",le(1 wlth " nlus throng of grain
from holes chopped In the ice on Bhlp '"vator men, and transportation
Creek. j (Continued on Page Two, Column Three.)
Hundreds of Thousands Are Near
Starvation Point
WARSAW, Nov. i:.-(Vla London, Nov.
29 ) Hundreds' of thousands of the civil
population In the Warsaw district of
Poland are suffering for want of food.
A considerable percentage of this num
ber still are homeless, living in. huts,
caves and abandoned trenches.
The situation Is more serious because
of the Immense number of persons
thrown out of work by the almost com
plete paralysis of Polish Industries.
Kome workers have emigrated to Ger
many, where employment Is plentiful, but
Ihe great majority prefer to remain near
their homea In the hope of better days.
Prominent Polea In all walks of life
maintain that draatlo relief measures are
necessary If wholesale deaths from star
vation are to be prevented.
Buch flour as Is now on hand Is being
distributed by the Germans under the
bread Card system, but only potatoes are
available in quantities, while there is an
acute shortage of dried vegetables, meat
fats and condensed milk, prices all over
Poland have risen to unprecedented
heights, but cannot be checked by the
establishment of maximum pri' e, it is
claimed, because, of the fear that Impor
tatlon then would cease altogether.
Tlie country districts of Poland are
Chicago Market Opens Higher and
Excited on Account of Seizure
of Grain by Canada.
WINNIPEG, Man.. Nov. 29. Trad
ing In wheat futures will be re
sumed tomorrow on the Winnipeg
Grain exchange. President Mllner
announced tonight after a conference
that the council had decided to open
the market touiorrow for trading In
everything except November wheat.
CHICAGO, 111.. Nov. 29. Wheat
jumped in plica today as a recult ft
the Canadian governments aeUure
of 20,000.000 bushels. Predictions,
however, that a 6-cent advance would
be added to values here right at the
start were not verified, the extreme
opening changes being 2 M rents.
The market opened excited, with
December delivery at $1.05 to $1.06,
as against 11.034 at the close Sat
urday, and with May at $1.07 to
1.0S',4. as against $ 1.06 T 1 .06 4 .
Commission houses and shorts were
the most active buyers.
Sellers were scattered, although one of
the largest firms boldly took the position
that the action of the Canadian govern
ment meant that Canada was to have
pit foretice In filling foreign requirements,
this meaning a falling off In United
States exports.
Reactions from top Initial figures
quickly took place. Hulls were to a largo
extent held In rherk by op'nlons Indus
triously circulated that the Kngllsh gov
ernment would probably do all, or nearly
all, of the nrltlsh, .French and Italian
(loalfsr Prices Firm.
After ssrglng a little further the mar
krt tightened again on the view that an
enlarged demand on domestic stocks of
v lit at mlrlit be ultimately unavoidable.
Word was received that export sales for
ihlpment by way of the Gulf of Mexico
had been made today amounting to 800,000
( loping prices were firm, 2t to 2V4 to
i't rents net higher, with December at
)I.CT and May at tl.OOVi.
No confirmation waa obtainable here
that the selsure of Canadlun wheat was
largely for Italy's benefit.
Assertions that mora than J12.000.000
worth of wheat had been bought In Chi
cago for Italy were vsald probably to
mean the whole United Slates.
Hundred Million llHshels Available.
It Is estimated that there Is still tn the
hands of farmers and dealers In western
Canada about 120,003,000 bushels available
for export out of a total crop of about
2uO,000,000 bushels In the Dominion.
George E. Marcy, president of the Ar
mour Grain company lioro, predicted that
tho Canadian government's action would
roleaso greater quantities Of wheat for
Immediate delivery and thereby bring
about a drop. If anything. In prices.
Experts said the price of grain had
been kept down, so far this year, for two
reasons. The first, they said, Is the
enormous supply both In the United
t-'tates and Canada, and, second, the ab
sence of competitive bidding. Most of
the supplies tor Groat Britain and li
allies havo been purchased through one
agent, they asserted.
Views of lUa Dealers.
"Evidently the action of the Canadian
rov eminent Is just a move to get hold of
the wheat and ship It to the seaboard he
mic the price rises, and before naviga
tion close for the winter," said Mr.
Marry. "The grain was held by shippers
and had to be moved out of the elevators
to make room for winter wheat coming
In. The embargo mi y mean that pressure
Is to be brought to bear In certain quar
tero for political reasons possibly in
Franklin M. Crosby of Minneapolis, a
well known miller, was quoted as saying
that the action "does not concern the
American milling Interests to any extent,
as there- is no Canadian grain coming In
on purchase and very little In bond for
reshipment." The amount commandeered,
ho added, was comparatively smalt.
Crest Britain, it was pointed out. Is
40,Oi blithe Is short of Us needs as
compare! with lsst year, and the pur
chase of 20,000,000 bushels at one time up one-half of the shortage, v
Wlnnlprg Nnaprnds Option Market.
WINNIPEG, Man., Nov. 29.-There will
be no option market here today except
for coarse grains.
Long before the trading room was
thrown open for business, the precincts
in Russian Poland
battle-scarred anif barren. In the War
saw governmental district alone It is
estimated that 4.000 villages were burned
by the Russians. Many of the inhabi
tants who at first fled with the Russians
later returned and threw themselves upon
the mercy of the Germans.
Thousands already have died of starva
tion and disease. In Warsaw and Lod
women rise at S o'clock In the morning
to get good places In the bread lines.
The horror of the situation Is Increased
by a serious shortage of coal.
Lods is trying te feed guO.000 of its half
million population. Homeless peasants
are being given lumber and tools to erect
houses before winter, living meanwhile in
dugouts near their old homes. The city
is paying pensions to the wives of re
servists on the chance of being reim
bursed later.
Statistics that appear to be authorita
tive show that from &0,0uo to K0.0U) per
sons are being supported In Warsaw
alone. This number Is steadily Increas
ing. Meanwhile funds raised for chari
table purposes have been virtually ex
hausted. These funds, amounting to sev
eral million rubles, were given by Polish
and Jewish organisations, neutrals an'l
the Russian government.
Entente Expects to Land Enough
Men to Resume the' Offensive
Before the Invaderi Con
solidate Positions.
Northern Serbian Army in Two Sec
tions is Retreating Into Monte
negro and Albania.
LONDON, Nov. 29. The British
publio Is not Inclined to grant the
Oerman contention that the Serbian
campaign of the central powers has
been brought to a successful conclu
The hope is expressed here that tha
wintry weather will give time for re
Inforelng the Anglo-French troops
until they are strong enough to as
sume the offensive before the Invad
ers have consolidated tlVrlr positions
in Serbia. Russia- also Is counted on
to play a part in these operations.
In the meantime the only active mili
tary operations seem to be cenlerliftf'
around Monastlr, the fate of which Is
obscure. The many contradictory re
ports on this subject vary from the as
sertion that the city Is still In the hands
of tho Serbians to the claim that tho
Kutgnriatis, accompanied by detachment
of Austrlans and Germans, have occupied
tho city.
Farther to the north. It la reported ,
that the Serbian armies, divided Into
two sections, are retreating Into Albania
and Montenegro. It Is not yet apparent
whether Austro-German forces are to bn
sent against the Anglo-French lines north
of baioi.UHt, bui n i c ne
the Ilalkan front the Montenegrins are
expecting a heavy attack from the Aus
tria ns. y
The entente mlnlstors at ' Athens are
said to have received the reply of
Greece to, their second note. Greece Is
reported to have promised to meet all de
mands which do not threaten to ' com
promise Its neutrality. 1
An unmistakable luM prevails along tha
astern front. From the west coma of
llclal reports of a lively air and sea
skirmish off the Belgian coast.
Kern Again Chosen .
Head of Caucus of
Senate Democrats
WASHINGTON, Nov, 29. Senator Kern
of Indiana was re-elected chairman of
the democratic senate caucus and floor
leader by unanimous vote today at tho
conference of senate democrats.
Senate Pittman of Nevada was elected
secretary of tho conference to succeel
Henator Saulsberry of 1 Via ware, w ho
wished to relinquish the office.
Selection of a vice chairman, president
pro tempore of tho senate, committee
assignments and the report of the special
committee on revision of the rules were
postponed until Wednesday.
Henator Kern was authorised to name
a new steeling rommittlSe of eight mem
bers to be approved by the conference
Wednesday. '
Chairman Owen of the special com-,
mittee to revise the rules will submit a
report Wednesday, recommending a modi
fled form of cloture on debates. Upon
that a division of opmlon is expected.'
and discussion may prolong -the confer
ence several days.
Before the house ways and means i
committee Republican Leador Mann ap
peared and stated what tha republicans
want in representation on committees.
In view of the Increased republican
membership It Is possible they will be
allowed ona more member of the more
Important committees, although demo
crats are opposed to Increasing the num
ber of republicans on any committee
which deals wlthf party measures.
it waa decided to leave elections ti
Mr. Mann himself or the republican
caucus, ine repuDiicans will caucus
Thursday night and the democrats will
pass upon their own selections Haturilny
Governor of Ohio
Orders Inquiry Into
Alleged Lynching
COLUMBUS, O., Nov. 29. Governor
Willis today ordered Adjutant General
Hough to go to Gibsonburg, Wood,
county, and rigidly Investigate the in
verted lymhlitg near there Saturday
night of John llonry Wtlley, aged
Willey's body was found hanging, on a
farm six miles from Gibsonburg Sunday.
The sheriff of Wood county said it was
a case of suclde, but Willey's attorneys
In a recent case when lie was convicted
of assault on Ma wife's grandmother, M s.
Kva Kimble, say he had been threatened
with lynching. '
Mrs. Kimble died from tho alleged as
sault. Willey's convfctlon did not lonif
stund, aa tha court set aslda the' vei diet,
ordered a new trial and released him oit
Wife of Preacher -Drops
Dead in Church'
AURORA. 111., Nov. 29. -As Itav. J. II.
C nson, pastor of the Wheatland. I'll ,
Kootch Presbyterian church, announced
t.'.e last hymn at the morning service
)isterday, his wife, the leader of the
choir, stepped forward to begin the an
them and dropped unconscious to the
floor. She died almost Immediately of
AsirrlcSB tOxyrras Urrlsrra l' !
NEW YORK. Nov. S'l.-The An-erl a i
KxpiCHS company today de lu ed a i!.i
dend of II.' as a"t vt th prevluu
ijuarterly payment of II pur liure.