Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1915, Page 7, Image 9

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    TirK BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. XOVKMREIi 26, 1015.
ome Maaziiie Pa
oe Bees
sr -y I
Editorial for Women
Idle Gossip Ruins Many
Ice-Skating Rage Brings Novel Styles of Dress for Rink and Lake
Satin Bids Fair to Supersede Velvet as Winter Fabric for Gowns Gay Colors Favored for Evening Wraps Furs Not So Popular
A Wonderful World
: ....
k Killed by Idle gossip." was the verdict
ught In by a coroner's Jury In an
Illinois village the other day, after In
vestigating the suicide ot a beautiful
young woman who
had shot herself.
It is a pity that
the Jury could not
have gone a step
farther and In
dicted for murder
nil wno nta Dsn-
round the
false and malicious
stories that had
first slain the
young woman's
reputation and then
slew her. Certainly
every scandal mon
ger among them
was accessory be
fore the crime of
her death.
"Killed by Idle
gossip!" How often
that epitaph "might be . written over a
ruined life or a broken heart, and how
few of ua can hold up clean hands and
wear ourselves free of blood guiltiness!
We may not have originated the black
tory that blighted the career of a fel
low creature. Wit we listened to It. We
4iod by and held the garments of those
vino stoned the Innocent
Vur attitude toward gossip Is passing
strange. We admit that the good name
Is the most precious possession of a man
or woman, and that to rob them of this
Is to make them poor. Indeed. Tet we,
who would not take a penny from their
purse, have no hesitation In filching their
reputation from them. We, who are
punotltlouely honest and would scorn to
pass on a dime whose value we even sus
pected, pass on a scurrilous story with-
stopping an Instant to investigate
5 truth.
We. who are tender-hearted and could
rot bring ourselves to Inflict the slight
est physical pain upon another human
being, have a ghoulish delight in tearing
to pieces the character of even our
riends. though there is no other torture
I hat the victim would not rather underso.
There is nothing sacred from idle cos
rip. Nobody exempt. It is rarely even
intentionally malicious. It is Just an evil,
Plasmatic wind that comes from nowhere
nnd blows everywhere, poisoning all upon
whom It breathes.
A man and his wife live happily to
gether, trusting each other. Idle gossip
logins whispering over the teapots or
through a haae of cigar smoke some
vague suspicion of husband or wife that
prows into a iimor, that spreads Into a
rcnort. that crystallizes into a helno.u
charge, and a home is broken up by 1L
A boy does 'something wrong in ino
lolly of his youth. He repents, and Is all
thr better and stronger man for It. But
CO where he will. Idle gossip tells over
the story with a thousand embellish
ments, and shuts every door of oppor
tunity In his face
A girl Is silly and Indiscreet. Nothing
Is really wrong with her, but Idle gossip
blackens her name until It drives her Inti
I becoming the thing It calls her.
Why should we hurt people with our
or.gues that . we would not Injure with
ur hands? Why should we blacken their
haracters when we would scorn to throw
lnaTid authority for everything else de
mand none for injurious stories concern
ing our neighbors?
Idle gossip does more harm than any
thing else In the. world, and If the ladies
'who are so fond of reforming things
really do want to start a reform that will
to more for the happiness of the world
than anything else, they will inaugurate
an antl-goeslping crusade. And they can
lgln it in their own proper persons, for
(die gossip, like charity, begins at home.
Aft U r wear l a novel ly . ' ""'e
'Jfej I ' '. r s ' V. , v - ' I Thsss models I ry - . , . S I
JiWv it" X " X 1 show some of the VI, A 'N ,1
J:,; '!::l XM -T' 1
-Uit y.;.? in-.-' l If
W ? i f ", - f j v l.v .xt I
efi A very smart, close fitting ht for K. X , K r' ''Jr
f skating, motoring or country use, a k U' 7 ' S j&
y It fits the head well and requires do y -s' J pk
fyk elastic or pins to Keep it on me neau. rr ;, Jrjssf YT
Can be maile of kid of any attractive r'fy X , 'J
v materials in most any color deiflred. )fw tfj0t!dfr -yis V ry
The Ppcnlinr PrtnrHt4
Which Exist.
Smart, skating rap, made of Inns
hrouck, combined with .Engladlne.
There Is an earlap on left side of
hat, which can be faatenexl down to
protect the ear. The scarf Is at
tached to the cap, and when not In
use can be tied up aronnd the cap.
Suffered Everything Until Re
stored to Health by Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound.
Florence, So. Dakota. "I used to be
(err rick Yery month with bearing
own pains ana
backache, and had
headache a sood
deal of the time and
very little appetite.
The palm were so
bad that I tued to
it right down on the
floor and cry, be
cause it hurt me so
and I could not do
any work at those
I timea. An old wo
man advised me to try Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound and I got ft
I1 1 tie. I felt better the next month so
1 took three more bottles of it and got
well so I could work all the time. I
hope every woman who suffers like I did
will try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound. "Mrs. P. W. Lansenq, Box
8, Allyn, Wash.
Why will women continue to suffer day
In and day out or drag out a sickly, half
hearted existence, missing three-fourths
(f the Joy of Hving, when they can find
ealth in Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable
For thirty years it has been the stand,
ard remedy for female ills, and has re
torea me neaiu oi thousands of women
ho bare been troubled with such all.
If yea wast special aarice write to
Lydia E. Plnkham Medicine Co. (coafJ
deatlal) Ltbb, )f aaa. Toor letter will
he epcaed, read aad answered by a
veaaaa aad held la strict confidence
K coat of blue cloth is cut In three,
quarter length and trimmed with
white caracul fur, white buttons and
dahlia colored velvet.--From Frank
L. Cole.
Characteristic of the afternoon cos
tume of black satin is the shallow
cape bordered with fur (at the top).
From Oppenhelm & Collins.
It is astonishing the progress that satin
Is making as a winter fabric. In a way,
It bids fair to supersede velvet, and It is
onsldered more elegant In appearance
thun the soft woolens and worsteds whl;li
f rcry one Is agreed are fsr more attrac
tive this year than ever before.
Much ot the Utter materials are used
In skating and other outing costumes.
Ji'rt now skating Is all the rage, and
hats and caps and scarfs which combine
I oth style and comfort are being shown
In varied designs and in all colors.
An effort has been made to popularise
certain of the cordod silks, but somehow
they lack the distinction and the youth
giving charm possessed by their rivals,
I ho satin fabrics. Orosgraln silks, such
04 poult de sole, faille Francalne, gros de
1 .ndres and kindred weaves have all
teen tried out with varying degrees of
success. Maybe we shall see more of
them when the deml-season models are
rhown, but the shiny type f silk has the
li ed at present.
Velvets are far and away the most fash
ionable thing for evening wraps. The
Ruyest colors are exploited in these.
Geranium la a favorite tone, and so is
eld rose. Even white-haired dowagers
rre af footing velvet wraps of crimson
hi'e, toned down with dark furs, and
through the kindly aid of the latter made
ically very becoming. Less blue nuances
rre seen this year than for several sea
eons. The ' liking for high colors Indicates
probably that fashion's pendulum Is
swinging In an opposite direction after
a season or two of dull, sober tones. No
matter how one may attempt to account
for it, the fact remains that the In
herent love of color la allowed to express
Itself quite freely this autumn.
For daytime wear there are jaunty
skirts of velveteen, black, plum or brown,
which are completed by leather coats In
contrasting color. Green kid, purple kid
and the natural shade are very much
admired. In length these coats are about
thirty-two Inches. The generality of
Tuxedo skating act. Hand-knit woolen acarf and hat, with colored
borders; very attractive and very original, and may be had in any color.
From Abercronible & Fitch.
them are single-breasted, but there are
exceptions to this rule which shpw the
double hue ot buttons down the front.
The smartest models dispense alto
gether with fur trimming, and It must
be confessed that there is something
absolutely unique and attractive In the
smart untrlmmed lines of the kid coat.
There Is, to be sure, no law to prevent
a woman wearing a fur scarf with such
a coat, but edgings, bandings and such
everyday application of fur seems to b
tabooed In so far as the new coat is
At the Yale-Princeton game last Sat
urday ever so many whit cloth and
white corduroy suits were noted. The
majority of Instances showed them
trimmed with otter or with sealskin.
They were worn by young girls whose
costumes were completed by a toque of
while with fur bands of pompons as
trimming. As extra precaution against
penetration of east winds, many of the
sisters, sweethearts and cousins of the
Yale or Princeton men wos angora
scarfs in the colors of the college
Despite the edict that dark shoes must
be worn with dark costumes, women
cling to the spat effect, particularly
where the latter affords a note of re
lief from the duli tone ot the suit. The
casual observer would declare that Just
as many white spats are worn now as
one year ago. There are. It is true, fewer
tan colored effects In footwear. For one
thing the tan vogue has died out. and
with it the ralson d'etre of the tan gaiter
or ahoetop.
On the other hand, so long as white
Gloves are the ruling thing with the
tailor-made, and white hats frequently
(Hill I Hiu I I . Il I lU
, i jr- mi. ,. in i
wmm i
Old School Books Bring Back Memories
crown the costume, there Is a logical ex
ruse for the maintenance of the white
spat. This year It Is cut mmh higher
than its predecessor of several months
r.go. Pome of them are trimmed with
black, but the majority are without trim
mlrg. The small muff Is the rule this season.
t ometlmes the muff Is ridiculously tiny,
but on the whole the average woman Is
carrying one of the medium slse that
teems to fit in with the new silhouette
and to give the completing touch to one's
street garb. There never was a season
when muffs could be made from almost
rny fabric, and by the mere act of ac.
companying a neckpiece and a hat of
matching materials be considered abso
lutely appropriate ana modish.
Velvet Is a favorite material for muff
and scarf composition. The clever girl
can buy a muff form and cover It her
11, and the matter of the scarf requires
a shaped foundation on which the ma
terial may be shirred or smocked, or
plaited. It Is quite essential that a little
lur be used, but there la no prescribed
rule for Its application. Hand-made flow
cis of either silk or chenille are liked,
and In some cases these flowers are posed
on the small hat.
The muff and scarf may be.. made of
satin, of chiffon cloth or even of the
woolen stuff of the suit. Much depends
mi the shaping of these places and also
un the woman who carries them. Every
ore knows that there are some type ot
vomen who Impart distinction to any
garment they elect to wear; while others,
unfortunately, seem to detract and make
even a good-looking accessory appear un
worthy Its place In fashion's category.
C Advice to Lovelorn
Do Not Annoy Her.
Dear Miss Fairfax: I hold a nesltion a
clerk In a large department house, snd
for some time i hsve been paying atten
tion to a girl whom I have loved from
the first day I ssw her. but she doe not
sm-in to encouraaa me. I am terribly
wrnugnt up and don't know what to do.
Her family seems to favor me. rthould I
keep in letting her see that I prelVr her
to any other women friends, or rhnulu
we part company? i have tt.ouifh money
tn get married on and would lN to do
so, but would like your advice.
If the young lady has shown that she
does not care for you In a pos'tlvc man
ner you are foolish to force your atten
tions on her. Why not ask her plainly T
If she does not care for you treat her
with the same courtesy you bestow on
your ether friends.
Food German chemists recently de
vised a means to make bread from straw,
and now It Is announced that a proce.
has been Invented at the Institute f ir
Fermentation Industry at Perlln whereby
albumin, or protein, can be made from
sugar and ammonium sulphate. The Ides
ot straw powder to act aa food origi
nated in this way. Prof. Boruttau an
nounced the "discovery" that vegetables
ran be reduced to a fine powder which
could be used for food. Hence it oc
curred to him to powder such substancci
aa bran and straw. These were mingled
with pure protein matter, probably pro
cured from sugar.
Among the products of peat are peal
are peat fuel and peat charcoal, wlih
such by-product:, as naphtha, sulphate
of ammonia, acetic acid, tar and paraf
fin wax, but there are also muss unci
already an Important industry on t lie
continent preservatives, shevp dips, pa
per, cardboard and millboards, disinfec
tants, artificial wool, surgical wool and
filtering and absorbing material. Though
supplying antiseptic wools and dressing,
the special medicinal value rests tn Hi
use for peat baths.
Lightning Is of three kinds ctg-isg,
and sharply defined at the edges; in
sheets of light, Illuminating a whole
cloud, which seems to open and rsveal
the light within It; and In the worm of
fire-balls. The duration of the first two
kinds scarcely continues the thousandth
part of a second; but the globular light
ning moves much more slowly, remain-
j Ing visible for several seconds.
The yate, one of Australia's numerous
hard woods, seems to be the strongest
known timber, with an averago tensile
strength of 14,000 pounds to the square
Inch and a maximum aa high aa 3a,a0
about equal to cast and wrought iron.
Two surfaces of amber may be united'
by smearing them with boiled linseed
oil, pressing them strongly together and
heating them over a clear charcoal fire.
To keep the parte in firm contact, it may
be well to tie them with soft Iron wire.
A mirror Is mounted on the back of a
recently patented motor headlight to
enablo a driver to see vehicles approach
ing the back ot his car.
Yellow pine and oak are the best wood
to resist the action of steam with Iiim
least amount of warping.
i . ....... .
Do you tell your family trjublrs on:
ilile your home?
' The fact that you hsve home dlf.'l.M.
lies makes Juat the i'Ubt surt of a moi
sel for gossips to appreciate.
Dear Miss Fairfax: I am In love with
a young man and know my love Is re
turned. However, he keeps assuring me
that I can go where I please and he can
do likewise. Do you think It Is because
he never Intends to hsve any serious
thoughts with me? He has often spoken
ot marriage to tn.
Thle man probably does you the honor
to trust you. You ought to appreciate
that and try to have the same confidence
in him.
It Will Eur Haplala.
Dear Miss Fairfax: I have had'a quar
rel with my sweetheart and find that It
was my fault after thinking: It over, Is
there sny way that 1 could explain to
her that I am sorry and would Ilk to
oome back to her? J. V. D.
Write to your sweetheart or go to see
her. Phe will probably be willing to for
give and forget with the greatest gen
erosity. -
the cheeks
bis mother
of the
say to
Stopping to pass away an hour In the
N'ew York Publio library, I was delighted
to find an exhibition of old school books,
some of which were used by our grand
fathers, some by
our fathers and
mothers, 'and some
by the generation
to which I belong,
when it was young.
There were the
"readers" thst I
so well remember,
"first," "second,"
"third," "fourth."
"fifth." "slat h"
(there was a tradi
tional "seventh.",
like Mohammed's
topmost heaven, to
whose sublime alti
tude I never got).
What pride flushed
boy who overheard
a neighbor; "He s In the sixth reader!"
And there was the "primers" and the
"A B C books," which did not disdain
pictures wherein the letters of the alpha
bet sometimes had legs and gambolled In
a manner to make them forever memor
able to the Infant mind; and the "spell
ers," bringing reminiscences ot boys
with "roundabouts." and little girls with
' gllng rows and laughing at one another
efforts to spell "tislc" (p-rt-h-l-s-t-c);
and the "arithmetics." which brought
glory t the natural calculator and de
spair to the mathematically blind.
The pictures In those old books, which
gave them half their educational value,
were "made by hand," true wood cuts,
doubly Interesting and Instructive be
cause even a boy could see how the artist
gut his effect and was often led to Imi
tate them; but how could anybody eae
any art in. or get any Inspiration from
a modern "processed" picture? Th
human element was " left in thos old
school book pictures, and th artist him
self spoke tn his work. For that reason
every child pored over them and got "th
good" out of them. They were ladders
for his climbing mind, whose construc
tion he could understand.
Although the books In the exhibition
are Jealousy and suspiciously locked In
glass-covered cases, so that nobody can
mercifully relieve their faded and yel
lowed leaves for a few momenta from the
strain of their fetter, I oould ae that
they contain the fine old "pieces," whose
selection from the really best literature
did so much credit to their compilers
and so much good to the minds of their
I very seriously doubt If the practice
of today putting "edited" edition ot long
literary work into the hand of school
children Is an Improvement upon the old
method of the "reading book" and
"speaker" which gave greater variety.
In smaller compass, and Uft th broad
fields of literature to be eultlvated after
ward by those who had th taste, ability
and time to enter them.
la those day there were no book
"trust," exploiting the public school
on the modern commercial principle,
whose keynote 1 "Don't let the product
stagnate; keep changing It In order to
promote more frequent demand." A whole
generation, then, and sometimes two gen
eration, used the am books, whose
nam became household words: "8and
esr." or "McOuffey"," or "Town's read
er," "Webeters spelling book," "Bing
ham's Columbia Orator" survived the
reigns of many ueoeaiv schoolmasters
and Inspired th mind of youth for
many consecutive decade, but now such
thing are changed often.
One of the most pleasing feature of
th exhibition 1 the . collection of an
tique Dutch school book, used In th
fay when New York was New Amster
dam. Here the display of pictures Is
exceedingly quaint. Some of the title
pea and Illustration are gem of the
engraver's and prtater arts. .One envies
the children whe had such books to study.
sV WIliU 19 V . J. eVeVB a' bV ia.1U'kw
....... i M MJ I llm If " Ar .'ek arm . j-"-"ir
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Allspice, Cloves, Pepper, Paprika,
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