Bee THK HKK: OMAHA, FRIDAY, NOV TILE WEATHER. FaTr w lx i ii . n RXAL ESTATE LOANS t AND m"4 for limn on boat class city residence In amrunts $2 w up. also farm loans. ReaannaMe rommtMlons FETER8 TRUST CO.. 122 Karnam Pt OMAHA home. Kaat Vebraaka farme. O'KEEFE REAL. ESTATE CO.. IH8 Omaha National. Phone Douglas 371&. MONEY on hand for city and farm loana H. W. Binder. CitT National Bank Rlilg. tic. CtTT LOANS. C. O. Carlberg, u U Brandaia Theater Bid Iia. HEAL ESTATE FARM RAM II l.A.MJn FOR BALE). Florida. FLORIDA Any one winning a large ranch for stock ralalnx and tocd nK. ad dress Taveau, Altamonte .-sring, Kla. -o -T- Mlnnranta , JO r lHO acreg good heavy aoll, well settled part of Todd county, Minn rood roads, schools and churches. Price, 115 to IM per acre. Terma. $1 per acre caah. balance 11 per acre a year; 3,0u0 acre to select from. Schwab Hroa.. 1028 Mlaaoarl. 160 Acre Missouri farm, house, barn, orchard. Terma $4(10. Farm list free, tain Home. Ark. RS cultivated; spring. 11,010. Ward, Moun- Wlironla. UPPER WISCONSIN Host dairy and general crop state n tha union; eettljrs wanted: lands for aale at low prices on easy terms. Auk for booklet 34 on Wiscon sin Central Land Grant, excellent lands for atock raining;. If latereated In fruit lands ask for booklet on apple orchards. Address Land and Industrial Dept. Boo I.lne Railway, Minneapolis. Minn. Miscellaneous. HAVE YOU A FA KM FOR BALK? Write a good description of your tana and send It to the Hloux City. (Ia.) Jour nal. "Iowa'a Most Powerful Want Ad Medium." Twenty-five words every Fri day evening. Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday for ono month, (riving sixteen ads on twelve dif ferent daya for 12; or GO words, ft, or 73 words 36. Lartcet circulation of any Iowa news paper. 0.000 readera dally In four great state. FAEMS FOR RENT FARM FOR RBNT-150 acre, about 55 acres in alfalfa. Inquire Wal. 1.312, or apply to J. C. Root. REAL ESTATF NORTH SIDE Omaha Bowlers Fail to Make Big Scores In Five-Man Events Luxus Team Shoots Into Ninth Place Total of 2,633, Other Locals Fall ing Behind Them in the Race THIS IS GREAT DAY ON ALLEYS NEW BUNGALOW 1I0ME Five-room, has oak Mulch. In three rooms, ono a sunrooin; beam ceilings; bookcases', window seat; fine Urge kitchen with convenient pantry and Ice box room; furnace heat; cemented base ment; fine lot; paved street; clone to car; located near 19th and Laird Sts.; easy terma or lot taken as first payment. RASP BROS., 1 McCague mart. Douglas 1653. Glose-in Bargain 2614 Chicago St. An 8-room, all modern house, with full lot, 66x146, only short distance from Crelghton college and high school, and walking distance from center of town. With $100 ape-it in repairs, this house would be easily worth 33.000. We are athorlzed tou sell It. for a- few dnys. at a real sacrifice 12,400; W cash and monthly payments to suit. The Byron Reed Co 1-rTE.XA.X UAOUt. Ttm- City. Score, Jaok PtnJels. St. Ionia S.7S0 Palace Cafe. La Mara 9.704 Aioea P ran a, St. touts a,6S WishlaBtona, St. Louis S.eea r-ilstaffa, git. Louis fit. 1-vcIm Sosdals. St. Louis 8.65a Dutnat Powder Co., St. Louis... . 8.951 rtata, Minneapolis 8,633 TWBITIDTJAX ITIHT. , Xerrasc Brugg-eman. Sioux City... CS. Al Wrrohow- Omaha . t K. L. McCoy, Omaha Jul Kclmltt. St. Louis "84 FTred Schlappc'iL St. Louis 693 X. H. fctlmnas, St. Joseph 681 Osorcrs Toman, Omaha 0- J. T'tgeiald, Omaha 601 Lew Waldeoker, St. Louis euj W, nr. Schoesman. Omaha 4-08 TWO-MEM 33V333CT. Bran vtrrett-Cbarlsy Houssr. St. Ijnls M8 W. K Zfadler.Oust Tolniea. St. .Tossrh 1,12 Kenneth Solpls-Olyde Ooohren Omala ..1 1.133 J. J. Wshxls-J. L. Sohaefer. St. Lonlc 1.16 O. 4.. Vaadewater.rred Utley, .St. Loili 1.1M Ted laeale-Frank Ooarad. Omaha .1,143 Ired Sternagle-Jake Pfluager, St. Loile 1.143 Frank Janosh-l". Frits. Omaha 1,144 CUnt Cile-WeHer Bhea, Minneao- Ua 1.113 Carl Cc-u-E. Terrell. Omaha 1,118 AXIi ETEITTS. Brace Jarrett, St. Lonls 1.7V J Ancn Jedllcka, Bralnard. XTeb 13J Lew Waldecker. St. Louis 1,738 H. it. Blnmica. St. Joseph 1.717 Her an i B ruff are man, Sliux City.. . .1.733 One of the largest crowds that haa witnessed a bowling; match In Omaha, for many moons, assembled at the Famam alleys last night to watch the home con' tlngent strive for a place In the five man event of the Midwest tournament. The Omaha bowlers were as a whole out of luck and did considerable less than was expected of them. The Luxus, Jetters Old Age (South Side), and Far- nam teams did the stellar work of the evening, and nosed ahead of several who are among the near leaders In the race. Fall to Meet Hopes. It was confident ally predicted and hoped for by tho big crowd that one of the local quintet would surpass the COLUMBIA. Mo.. Nov. featnd Missouri today, pour of rain. The heavy field was a vantage for Kansas, whose heavy hurled themselves at the Tigers' llm J brought the ball close enough to ! sourl'a goal for Lindsay, tha Kansas m hack, to kick two field coals. The ! Jayhawkera' count was a anfety I hfc h...r m.rv f s.TSo. made by the I first quarter. Missouri'! only fount Jack Daniels team of St. Louis. That ;ln the third period, when Captain ti failed even coming cloae to thla man recovered a ivanaas lummr sped to a KANSAS HUMBLES MISSOURI MW. r ii ii J ii JL 14 U , U if -OA. 1915;i:K taoks. Oa Tralaa, at Vote! ffewa Stands, aOn So, SINGLE COPY TWO. CENTS. Jayhawkf ri. With Heavy Baokf RkTe AdvanUg-e in Gam Played in Downpour. FINAL SCORE IS EIGHT TO lov. SR. Kansa j . I to , In a dj Douglas 297. .412 ' 8. 17th et. REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE New Home For Sale, Easy Terms House, full two stories, frame and stucco, Flrenlace, sleeping porch, oak finish, 7 rooms, most conveniently ar ranged, exceptionally well built. Can take good lot or acreage as part pay ment. 362a California at. Trice, George & Company Douglas 756. 902 City National Bank 4ldg. REAL ESTATE 81BIRBAJI Dundee. Dundee Lots $1,250 Each We are offering for aale 2 choice lota located on Nicholas St., between 50th and 6lst, for tl.250 each. The location ia about the highest In Pundee; good surroundings all new houses; on paved street; sewer, walks and city water. Will make terma. Pee us about them at onco. HASTINGS A- HKYPKN. 1614 Harney St. ITS BRAND NEW Beven-room bungalow; all modern; oak finish; large living room; rooms all new ly decorated; screens, window shades, water meter, full basement ; fine do-foot lot; paved atreet; located In the heart of Dundee. Price right. Terms easy. RASP BROS., 108 McCague Bldg. Douglas 1663. New Dundee Home at Cost New 6-room, strictly modern home, ad ditional euu room and sleeping porch; oak, mahogany and white enamel fin ish; south front, high and sightly loca tion; want offer. Call Walnut 1431 or Douglas 7&6. REAL ESTATK INVESTMENTS they la amply proven by a glance at tho scorte. Walter Ooffa Luxus looked like the real McCoya for a time, but eventually drifted behind and out of the ruhnlng but still ahead of their competitors for the even ing. It it likely that the Jack Daniels crew will gallop home with the rocks, although there is still a alight chance that they may be topped by an Omaha team. Crowd Stays Loyal. While the reault was disappointing to the home rooters, nevertheless there was some extra good bowling and averal brilliant hits brought a good hand from the crowd. The teams went through the evening In double-quick order with the reault that the games were finished ft a oompari tlvely early hour. Today the Oman crowd" will flcliver their share of the two-man and Individual events. They will atart at 8 o'clock In the morning with the two-men events, the last of these being set for 1 o'clock In the afternoon. Following this, indi vidual events will comprise the program. One C'banee Remain. In the evening the five-man events will be continued, starting at 8:80 o'clock. It Is here that tha Omaha fans place their last hope of victory In the Jetters Old Age squad. They will be forced to compete against auch strong opponent as the Chalmers club of Pueblo. The latter poases Wallle Pierce, the champion ten-pin artist of the country, who last year bowled the phenomenal figure of Til, the world's reoord at the A. B. C. tournament, at Peoria, Uood Work In glght. The laat mentioned teams are expected to open the eyes of the throng, and It the past reoorda of the members are any basts for prediction, they will equal, If not surpass the Jack Daniels figure. An extra big throng Is expected to attend, in fact indications last night were that many fans would be dissapolnted through lack of seating accommodation. SERBS CHOOSE KOSSOVA for last stand just where 500 years ago the Turkish sultan, Amurath I, overwhelmed the Serbians. OMAHA TEAM GOES INTO THIRD PLACE Ken Sciple and Clyde Cochran Get Into the Money by Rolling 1,158 Score in Double. NEALE . AND....C0KRAD SIXTH Kenneth Sciple and Clyde Cochran went Into third place in the doubles' event of the Midwest bowling tourn ament yesterday by marking up a count of 1,158. This score places the locals four pins ahead of Wehrle and Schaefer of St. Louis, who previously occupiod the third posi tion. Bclple was the chap who turned the trick. He blasted the lumber for 627 pins. EYANS WIKS FIRST IN CROSS-COUNTRY Ames Entrant Victorious in Annual Y. M. C. A. Event, in Which Every Starter Finishes. NLBBASKA TEAM TAKES T0HY touchdown. Kansas won the toss and rhosfcg wert goal, with tne wind at Its The game began In a downpour of Woods Retarne the Ball. Orovea for Missouri kicked off yards and Wood returned the ball ft. Reber failed to gain around right Llnriaev nuntod fort vards. Pitt am a long forward pass, which Wood fN cepted and ran back ten yards. Ka! ball on Missouri's forty-yard line. Steady plunging carried tha Jayr era A th tMrtv.varrf line. Wwwf away around Missouri's left end t Tiger ten-yard line. Kansas waa putjit to the twenty-five yard line on a peg. A forward pass. Llndaey to Wood, g from the twelve-yard line. It was a touehback for Missourlif Tigers put he ball tn play on k,i twenty-yard line. On a punt the Ml''f j center made a had pass, the ball r I over the Missouri goal line, whereO- sourl downed It for a safety. Bcoreid i Kansas, 2; Missouri, 0. j' ' Drops the Ball. 1- 1 Missouri put the ball back In ple the twenty-yard line, where after t Ineffeotual attempts at the KanaatAl Pittam runted forty yards to V Twice forward passes, Lindsay to l' gave Heath a clear stretch of thetd but he dropped the ball each time, at sas recovered the ball on Mlsein twenty-yard line, where the q ended. Score: Kansas. I; Missouri, Llndaey wicked off forty-flva ys, Slankoaky, who returned twelve ir Fast recovered a Missouri fumbej Missouri's thirty-five yard line. Kix hit the Tiger line Ineffectively andat sourl took the ball on downs. Kansas was penalised five rait offxide plays. Rider made flva j Missouri was penalized fifteen yar holding. Pittam punted twenl yards. Gains Klaht Tarda. , A forward pass, Llndaey to (g gained eight yards. IJndsey klcl field goal from the fifteen yard 11 Lino plunges took the oval to tt0, yard line, where Llndaey dropped ,a and sent another field goal betwee,y Missouri goal poata as the period ,e Prore: Kansas, S; Missouri, 0. m After a few plays In the third qua Specimen, Missouri's captain, recove. a Kansas fumble and raced thirty-five yards for a , touchdown. Tha goal was missed. Score: Kansas, t; Missouri, . Fourth period: Olltner replaoed Clay. Missouri made thirty yards on a forward pass, Collins to Olltner. Leppy replaced 4 -prairie rjn 5 Q y ro W SV I lf?Tftl 1.1 t fcriUlU TBAAflC v T R OOPS . k. . . nail rw.A f-. PEACE SHIP PLAN IS NOT RECOGNIZED No Representative ofr the United States Will Accompany Tarty to Europe, TIME NOT YET OPPORTUNE WASHINGTON, Nov. 26. Presi dent Wilson will take no part In the campaign to bring about a peace con ference now being carried on In this and other neutral countries. While ho will interpose no objec tion to the unofficial movement, he has heard nothing from Europe which leads him to believe that the time Is opportune for him to take any steps. Henry Ford's peace ship wilt not carry any representatives ot the American government to Europe. The president Is not expected to make ny official announcement regarding iha -eac plan "un.i-A.i!rva' vAiic e in t Game by Thirty-three to Seven. GERMAN CRUISER FRAUENLOB SUNK Protected Ship is Reported Be stroyed Off South Coast of Sweden by Submarine. IT CARRIED CREW OF 275 MEN John D. Evans of Ames was the first of twenty runners to finish In the fifth annual cross-country run ntUm. 1AnAtey ,ntereepted a Missouri i.naer me auspices or tne Omaha ; forward pass and it was the Jayhawkere' young Men's Christian association He covered the course of about fifty one blocks, or more than three miles. In 19 minutes, 344 seconds. The Voting Men's Christian association LONDON, Nov. 26. The German protected cruiser Krauenlob has been sunk by a submarine ot the en tente allies, according to a semi official announcement made at l etrograd, says a dispatch to the Central News Agency. The Frauenlob Is reported to have been sent to the bottom in the same locality whore the German protected cruiser Undine, a sister ship of the Frauenlob, was lost. Tho Frauenlob waa a protected cruiser of 1,872 tons and was built In 1801. A dls patoh published in the Polltlken of Copen hsgen. on November 11, said a. report I had been . received .thai tha Viienlnh au ni iii vr ..J" 11- BianKea Dy iwioik ROUMANIA NEXT STORM CENTER OF WAR IN BALKANS German Efforts to Secure the Help of the Kingdom is Largely Off set by Russian Army on, Its Border. CZAR IS READY TO INTERVENE Large Rui, Army Will Be Thrown Into Bulgaria Within a Week, Says Rumor, FALL OP O0RIZIA IS IMMINENT LQNDON, Nov. 26. Greek affairs having emerged from the uncertainty' which for some time has been a po- tent menace to the allied campaign In the Balkans, Roumanla's problem, now commands chief attention in Furope. Although Roumanla is be ret with difficulties somewhat slml-' lar to those which caused Greece to hesitate, It is not involved in the same political turmoil and Its situa tion Is expected to mature more rapidly. Whatever German efforts have been made In Roumanla, It Is believed her.i that they have been largely offset bv the presence of large Russian fon-ea close to the frontier and the now rapidly developing Russian preparations, with Odessa as a base, from which n. oihr Inference Is possible than Its Immcdlito entrance Into the Halkan conflict. t'ar Makes rVntular. Emeperor Nicholas Is said to have prom ised the appearance of Russian troops In Bulgaria within a week. There are in creasing Indications that this ranipslKit' will be launched by way of lt,oumnl. and It Is reported that conferences are now being held between representative.! of Russia and Roumanla to obtain the latter'a consent to thla move. This con sent, as Intimated clearly by Roumanla n statesmen. Is dependent on whether the allies gain a proponderence of forcis In the Balkans. Roumanla gives evldem o of being Impressed strongly by the con centration of 250, UX Russian troops at Ismal and Rent, near Its border. No Important achievement has been recorded oa either aide since the Uermau announcement of tha fall of Prlatlna and Mltrovllaa. With only small strip ot territory left to defend, Serbian's loaders deolara It la unbeaten and can slut harass the Invaders. General Buyadjleft, the Bulgarian commander, says, on tho, other hand, Uiat King Peter's troops w 111 DESPERATE PLAYING FEATURE WI8NER, Neb.. Nov. :s-8peclnl T l gram.) The Wlaner cornfeds today de feated the frashmen of the Nebraska university," 20 to 7. The game was the most gruelling and hard fought that I ai ball on tho Kansas thirty-five yard line after an exchange of punts. Kansas pushed the ball to the Mis souri's twenty yard line on straight foot I ball. There Llndaey missed an attempt at a field aoal. With only two minutes cup, awarded to the team making the to play Mmpson, Missouri's champion best Showing on nolnts. Went tn tha 1 hurdler, went tntn tha nu MU.nuH and only aome bad brkJn thlrd j University of Nebraska, whose comi j punted out of danger. The ball was In mldfleld when the game ended. Final score: Kansas, S; Missouri, C vented him from turning In a higher ! TetltOrs won second, third and fifth Ken's second game was his big score, one. with a 249 count. Ted Neale and Frank Conrad, another Omaha team, waltzed Into sixth place by rolling 1,145. Conrad was high tn this team with 631. and Neale rolled an aver age game of 564. K. Jaroah and Flti were Just one pin behind Neale and Conrad and thus went Into seventh place. Jarosh and Fits started out like "a young hurricane and It looked like they would set up a double mark which no team In the World could places Fvery one of the score of starters fin Uheii the complete course. With Dure Lefts. Omahnna who were abroad on the fc'reets were given their annual surprise when they saw twenty youths, bareleggad linn wearing only thin and abbreviated tuning suits, dashing madly through the downtown streets of the city. A course northwest from the Young Men's Chris tian association and back to the starting place was laid for the runners. beat. JaroHh cracked the lumber for I5T "'r y. an umana nign scnooi ' vnrnnT Tin ,un. rnn.rn , i vv, m . m -VA..a Men's Christian association secured sec ond place In the teams' contest. The fol lowing runners held the first seven places In the race: John D. Evans, Ames, time 19:84. Kmmett Garrison, Nebraska, time J9:5SY Harold E. Oribble. Nebraska, time 20:11 Walter Malsey, Omaha High. . Make Offer 44 ft next First Naticnal. $46,000 asking price. Make offer. Harrison & Morton REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS Sheriffs Sale To be sold this week, corner lot, 70x 140. with three cottages; good location, and all rented and bringing In good rev enue. For full particulars regarding this aale, call Douglas 498. FOR SAL Modern house. Doug. 4o02. REAL ESTATK VACANT LEAV1NH City, 1 owe M on my lot at Itith and Dodge. Make oiler fur niy squlty at onec L-144 llee. Apartments, flats, r.ouses and cottages can be rented quickly and cheaply by a Bee "For Rent" LEGAL NOTICES Notice is hereby given that sealed pro posals wUl be received by the Board of Directors of the Bhort Line Irrigation District at their office in the VUluaa of Bayard. Neb., for the purchase of fif teen thousand five hundred ihty-twn dollare fi- value of the t per cent serial bonds of eala dlntrlct until l-jt o clock p. m. on ti e 7th day o( December 1914; said bond are indued under and b virtue ft an Aot of the legislature of tha ' atate of Nebraska, approved March 26tn! Ia6. Session Law. Mi. Chapter 10 ni Vfl amendment ti.ereto and pursuant to 1 tors of said diirlct. The Board pr;,.fy reserve tne right to reject any and all bids and wl'l tn no vent aoll any ot sVkJ bonds for less than nlnety-flve p it the fare value thereof. By ord.ref the Board ot Directors " (Hlgned) CATHERINE ROBERTS Secretary Short Llue Irrigation District and Fits tumbled !09 pins. And then they1 blew. Jaroah did fairly well In his second game, with lltt. but Fits split 'em wide open, and barely registered 152. In the third game It was Jarosh who split 'em wide and he only made 144, while Fits picked up a bit and scored a 187 game. Other Ten ma Fall Down. Cain and Terrell and Looney and Hall were the only other Omaha teams to roll 1,1(0 in the doubles event up to 1 o'clock. The remaining teams fell down hard. Apparently the alleys on which the tourney la being staged have annexed the "goats" of the Omaha trlble. Yeaterday such crack teams, as Huntington and Jimmy Jarosh, Martin and Toman and Teal and Fanton rolled 9u0 counts. When I such teams as these fall below 1,100 tl.4) H, B. Pascale, Nebraska. L. O. Griffith, Omaha Toung Men's Christian association. I. W. Scott, Nebraska. NEBRASKA AGGIES TRIMMED BY NELSON COLLEGE TEAM NELSON, Neb., Nov. 2S. (Special Tele gram.) The Nebraska Aggies were de tented hAra tndav Kv h V .1 i.u. only logical explanation is that the alley, j a c Tnl w are too fast and there Is no question but ! , . . HKtiifj ever Hrn what tht condition, Farnam drives are In superb BEAVER CITY CLAIMS TITLE IN SOUTHWEST NEBRASKA The lineup: MI8SOITRI. Speelman Ilrnvea ,, Vuniltna flftmiltuu , Prmtnn MrAnnw (llllimr . Ptankowiky . ... ... Plttini (nlllni Rider ,.U. R.. ..LT.lM.T... ..LO.IR.O... ....n.l? .R.a.lLO... ..K.T.II..T..., , R K.IUK... ,.Q B.IQ R-.. .I.H IR.H... ,.R H it. II... ..f.b.If.b.... KANftAS. Haath . .. rrrnt .. Ruhla Kaallns .. Ooft .. Jamas .. ltabar . .. Wooil Btrothar ... Fort .... Kaal I Washington Crushes University of Colorado SKATTLE. Wash., Nov. 25. -The Uni versity of Colorado was hopelessly over matched todsy by the University of Washington, which piled up a score of 4 without special effort, while Colorado felled to score. A night and morning of rain had made the field sloppy, and rain and sun alternated during the game I in mis section or tne state and waa wit nessed by a record-breaking crowd In spite of the misbehavior of the weather j n an. j The ball was played most of the game t In the Aggies' territory. The Aggie BEAVER CITY, Neb., Nov. 25. (Spe- , their only opportunity to score cial Telegram.) Beaver City High achool j when they fumbled on the Nelson's five won the championship of southwest Ne- j ytra ine n,. visitors outweighed tho l.ra.ka from the McCook High school ; ,. nege Dy flve pounaa to tWe man In the this afternoon. 1J to 7. McCook made a , ,ine but tne pMd of tha colles-e h,cl. touchdown In the first quarter on a fake ; tJelc- wai too much for tha Aggies play. Beaver City followed with a touth- v, ...... -.,.,. . "., ' MINERS AND AGGIES ARE GRIDIRON VICTORS DENVER, Nov. SB.-The curtain rung down on Rocky Mountain confer ence foot ball for the sesson of 1916 to day with the defeat of Colorado college by the State Hchool of Mines, f to 8. In Denver and defeate of Denver university at Fort Collins by the Colorado Aggies, 34 to t. The Aggies have gone through the season undefeated while both the Mines and Colorado college have suff ered two defeats. The Mines eleven proved too strong for the Tigers, making consistent gains through the line almost at will. It was a case of brawn against speed and brawn held the balance of power. GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. Nov. .-(Spe- 4'lnl Telegram.) Grand Island college de feated Des Moines college. 33 to 7. With the opening of the game Des Moines re ceived and made steady gains down the line, the first Indications being much In its favor. Grand Island held on the twenty-yard line, got the ball and ro-1 versed the order or things,, the Iowana tolng unable to hold the heavier Ne bruskans In straight foot ball. The lat ter put the ball over for the first touch down In the first quarter. Grand Island repeated In the second quarter, but the first half ended with loth sides using the forward pass for their greater gains. CI rand Island again opened out strong in tho third quarter and went right down the Hue for, the third touchdown, hut failed to kick goaj. Both sides were fighting herd, but Orand Island made two big gains on forward passes, the second resulting In a touch (!owr. and goal, making the score 27 to 0. Grand Island again went through the line after this, completing with a for ward pass, but failed to kick goal. Des I crate playing followed in the last ten minutes and Des Moines worked Its Ut rial passes and was once very near tho goal line when Grand Island blocked all I lays and worked the ball back to the twenty-yard line. But again the lateral passes won territory for the lowans and resulted In a touchdown and goal four n Inutea before the end of the game. Vbb of Des Moines waa injured In tha first quarter, but not seriously. Jones was substituted. NORFOLK. Neb., Nov. t5.-M8peclal Telegram.) Falling In all efforts to e ecute their favorite fake forward pass and finding the Norfolk line impregnable ever been aeen on the Wlaner gridiron, the Omaha Bouth High school team lost ' Although defeated the freshmen aooom thla afternoon, 33 to 0, lo Norfolk High, pllshed a feat that no other team has A cold blast from the northwest did ! ever done against Wiener' In the last tw. not check the enthusiasm of the fana years, scoring a touchdown. This wa who choked the side lines and cheered I done at the beginning of tho seco.t I vigorously. The first quarter was evenly quarter. divided, and probably In Omaha's favor, but the other three quarters belonged entirely to Norfolk. Captain Schelly, who Is practically as sured a place on the All-State team, was easily the star of the game. He dupll- The second quarter started with thi ball on W'lsner's threo-yei n Wlaner held their worthy c i(s fr three downs, hut on the fo r'h r'o vrt the .freshmen pushed the bull over hy Shout two tivhea. Wlsner waa unahln to Creighton High Loses to Nebraska City NEBRASKA CITY. Neb., Nov. 85. (Bpeclal Telegram.) The game between Nebraska City and Crelghton was devoid of spiced plays. Crelghton could not play a a team. Nebraska City won easily, 4 to 0. Cambridge filrla Wlaner. CAM BRIDGE, Neb., Nov. 2& f Special Telegram.) The Cambridge High girls ahui out the Oxford girls, IS to o. In ati li.teieatlng tasket tall game. L. Hhtiman i; laved her usual star game for Cambridge. . Omaha Five-Man Team Scores me IBBl on HUH uuena. ncuurr warn; ,r,nr- ,... .,... ... OOff ... . made a successful forward pass. This i : " . .,7" hue v., V i McCarthy e.m. give. Boaver City a j, - r "y .. plonship. having won from Cambridge, I .. Learn Oxford. Red Cloud and McCook. They J 1,18 ,thre minute, of play ,x"rn t,-v. not been defeated bv a southwest i """" r e..on scoopeo up a fumulo , Total LL'Xl'S. ' 1st. 2d. lMt V .213 176 .u! 147 ..72 144 '.1BK 1. 3d Tot. H6 110 182 .71 Imj Ml I bJ Nebraska team. GOTHENBURG COMPLETES LCNG STRING OF VICTORIES GOTHENBURG. Neb.. Nov. 26. P pe dal Telegram.) Gothenburg High de feated Cozad High here today, 22 to 0. Oothenburg's goal never was In danger. Basklns and' Halllgan, both of North Platte, were referee and umpire. Gothen burg haa defeated Curtis. Hastings. Broken Bow, Scott's Bluff, Kearney Nor mal seconds, played an unfinished game with Lexington and lost to North Platte. punt and raced thirty yars through the crtlre Aggie team for the only touch down of the game. The plaMng of Captain Owens, Bltteu flld and bcoune raptured the game. Loth team played a remarkably clean gi-me. neither side being penalised for holding or rough playing. Falrharr Heme tiaarda Wla. FAIRBL'HY. Neb., Nov. (Special Telegram.) Fah-bury Home Guard de feated Belleville, Kan., In a shut out game, li to 0, here today. Liverpool (.rfcta Market. LIVERPOOL. Nov. 25. WHEAT Huot steady. No. It hard winter, new, 11 2 ad, old, 12 3!d; No. i Manitoba, lis 6d; No. 3, 11 'd. CuKN tipot, firm; American mixed. La I'Uia. as i-t C old Blaat t a Srlatlea. Sloan's Liniment will help your sciatica. Get a 25o bottle now It penetrates, kill the pain, stops many aches.. All drug gist. Advertisement. .M4 813 Kl t 31 .11 li l.l il .IV 148 1-)S Ii"4 .15( 1HI 21 i Ht .121 M .leii 1-0 14 M Frit -her karb,ig llainin .... fteiin . Fltsgerald Totals " 4621 MKTZ. let. d. 3d. Tot Bowers H4 170 1 4J ja h . ... -13 1. Ii 4M llunt.ngton V4 t'oi.rad 1&5 j 1 Totals ...75 371 113 3S W ROTH'S CAFE. 1st 2d d Tot. Thomas ....171 1 Wl 4: Llndaay Itl'lW 143 M iuiimo w 171 211 m Teal 1&7 176 1 & Fanton ....13 174 173 ft TotaU ...M 36s 854 tbH Martin . Toman Cain .... Sdpie ... Cochran STOR2 1st 2d 3d Tt. ...,1M 11 1M 4K2 ....170 19 163 3 1 1W 12 610 ....172 lhj m .37 ....172 23 164 441 Totals ...M! (ti 861 2463 ALL STARS. 1st 2d 3d Tot. lefcrio ....171 107 17 M Cox lbi 170 173 62 Ixney ...123 178 148 443 Hall 17 M 171 313 Kennedy 174 178 613 Totals K44 341 261 LEIST BREWING C. 1st. 31. 3d Tot Hameatrom IM) 1M ISO 316 Jaroah 163 If 1x7 tM Powell 1K4 138 144 4 3 Maurer 187 ldl 11 5'9 Frits 173 1 44 131 4-10 Totals ...K4 777 itTJ 34 MIDLAND PAINTS. 1st. 2d. 3d. Tot. Morgan 142 2"2 127 471 Olaon 14 1-2 l f. 1 U7 Chrlstenaen 134 1 2 170 4 Johnson 178 132 1st 161 Weeks 12 174 162 4& ToUlS ...77 a 787 347 rated Omaha's efforts at the fake for- 'core during the first half and the half ward and went around Captain Botta' I ended with the score 7 to 0 in favor of left end for a sensational forty-five , the freshmen. ' yard run for a touohdown. j Wlsner started off .with a rush In tha '' second half and on the second play com- plnted a forward pass. Franks to T Kane, who made a forty-yard run for a touohdown. In the fourth quarter E. Kane Inter cepted a forward pass and went for a touchdown. Shortly afterwards a for. ward pa, Franks to Breelskee, who made a great catch, resulted In carry. Ing the ball over for tht laat touchdown. Wlsner feel eluted over thi victory i" 1 1 run man team nas nam tne re j nowned Cornliuskcrs to many a low I score during practice. Wlaner goes In Omaha next Sunday ami play the Nonparella, the champions of that city, a post-season game. This feame will drop the curtain for the Wie ner team for this aesson. Brown Overwhelms Carlisle Indians PROVIDENCE. R. I., Nov. 28,-Brown overwhelmed the Carlisle Indiana' foot hall aggregation today by a score of 39 to 8. The home team had the upper hand throughout the game, rushing the hall around the field at will. Carlisle's only score came In the final per'nd. when F. Broker booted a field goal from the twenty-two yard line after three attempts to gain tnrougn ine line naa tanea. lap tain Andrews and Pollard starred for Brown. MERCERSBURG ACADEMY WINS CROSS-COUNTRY RUN PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Nov. J5. Mer cersburg academy of Mercersburg, Pa., today won the cross-country run for the tnterscholaatlc championship of America. E. M. Shield of Mercersburg finished first In the record time of 21:43 for the four and a half mllo course through' Fair mont park. The previous record waa &:67, made by John Gallagher of Phila delphia in 1309. e . TRACT BROS. "POLO." . lt. 2d. 3d Tot. t-nmeau ....178 181 1 HC 6.S3 Wexner 1M 117 144 87 Holllday ....174 173 10 MM Amaden .....163 lb3 Itiu 476 Kent 180 1M 104 624 Totals ...811 823 miTtS FARNAM ALLEYS. Rarthol 1S2 303 ' 181 CM Shields ....Wl 1K1 JU 6tt i Ooden 1H 1J3 13 481 Terrlll 1st lb 1.S4 Wl bchoneman 142 187 184 4S3 Total 8G& 42 KM 1601 MURPHY DID IT. Jldllcka ....131 300 18 657 McCal.e ...1.1 180 'l 6.8 bell well ...119 18 141 4W Dil-er 138 1U0 1" 6ir7 Flegenshuh 148 164 148 4x0 Total 7fc8 02 865 3M6 W ABASH. Lyons 177 14 W 41 CHICAGO UNI PLAYERS LEAVE JAPAN FOR HOME MANILA, Nov. 25. The University of Chicago base ball team, which has bee.i touring Japan and the Philippines, all"l for home today. The players expect to reach Chicago late In December. A 'aria crowd gathered to see them off. The team has won thirty-three games mil lost seven on Its tour. Eight games were played in Manila with six vt '.oilc for Chicago, one defeat and one tie. Potter .. Perrinet Howell . Yousem Total .., ll 143 ....I7T 161 177 144 IM 144 177 611 W 4:5 m mi 1(4 6u8 .J0 724 bog 3,(10 LCS ANGELES HIGH SCHOOL TEAMS HAVE TWO FIGHTS GALVESTON, Tex.. Nov. 38.-H was learned today that the commission for relief In Belgium has chartered five steamera whlh will carry cargoes of wheat from thi port within the next few weeka. The first of these ships, the steamer Photlnla, docked today. Earl Cooper Victor Upon 'Frisco Track SAN FRANCISCO, . Nov. I5.-Earl Cooper woon the 100-m!le dirt track au tomobile race at the Panama-Pacific ex position today, making the distance In 1:48:87. The prise was a 35.000 mine. Barney Oldfleld led until the ninety. eighth lap. when Cooper frgoed ahead to a victorious finish. It waa a close race throughout .and the racers were bunched until the ninetieth lap. when Oldfleld and Cooper went Into the lead to fight It out. The racers wlnUhed In the following order: Cooerp, Barney Oldfleld, Cliff Durant and Teddy Tetxlaff. Lincoln Overcomes Chicago Lane Tech, LINCOLN. Neb., Nov. 25. Lane Tech nical High school of Chicago was over whelmingly defeated by Lincoln High on the foot ball field this afternoon, the final score being 83 to The visitors were outweighed and made no showing in offensive play. Bout 4 ailed Off. SHRP:VEP0RT. La.. Nov. 28. The flf-ten-roun'l bout between Hobby VN'augh of Fort Worth. Tex., and Joe Mandot of New Orleans, which was to have taken place in the open here today, was post poned until tomorrow night on account of weather conditions. ihrara Beats Wsgser. NEW YORK, Nov. 35. Young Ahearn, l(ca' heavyweight, conceded aix pounds to "KH" Wanner of Wllkeabarre ant eaaily defeated him In their ten-round brut In Brooklyn today. Wagner was outfought and outpointed throughout. SHENANDOAH ALL STARS AND FONTENELLES TIE. 0-0 SHENANDOAH. Ia.. Nov. H (Special Telegram. )The Fontenelleg of Omaha held tha Shenandoah All-SUr to a core let tie In the Thanksgiving foot ball game here today. t'anibrlda la Victorias. CAMBRIDGE. Neh.. Nov. JS (bpecl il Telegram ) Cambridge High won from Oxford, 4t to 13. Oxford secured Its toi c x-r-t-ans on a fumble and a fluke. By par tnirslon Oxford used town playera A Room for the Roomer, or a Roomer for the Room. Bee Want Ads Do la Work.