THE HKK: OMAHA, . NOVEMBLK ,jyio. 1 k a t t t I l t ft i 1! H m ti 11 Vt .M 0 fj '1 4' n 5 I iti f ,v I! 1 T.l n at ; ; t Hi - H 1 ; i 1 1 I 1st 1 t en in u (. M ! I ' I J h Al V C I 1 r N WANT ADS Want ads reewlved at any time, but to fneure fmir classification muat ba pre erted before It o'clock noon for nln ed'Men and 7:46 p. tn. for morning ami Pundajr 1ltiona Want ads received efter such houre will be under the beading, loo Lata to Classify." CASH BATE. . BVen MMKutlx Unm, I cant a word earn Insertion. Two or asora conaecntlra tlmea, Itt cent word. One tin, t ewnta a word. CTIAROB BATES. ew consecutive tlmea, cents a Hns each Insertion. . ,, . Thro conaecutlve time. 1 etnU a lint ach Insertion. Cthi tlm, it cants a Una. Count (Is average wonli to a line. Minimum charge, N ewnta. . . An advertisement Ineerted to ba I?" until discontinued muat ba .stopped by written order. . All claims tor imn muat ba made within fifteen aya after the lat Inser tion ot tba advertisement - Ton ran place your want ada m Tha Baa by telephone. TELEPHONE TYLER 1000. CARD OP THANKS. IT IS our desire to ahow our appreci ation and thanka to our many friends for their kind aympathy and many beautiful flowers during our lata Bor row. Mra. Aleg O. Knapp, Mra. Cora K. pat ton. Mra. Bella O. Hhiimaker, Arthur W. Knapp, Walter C. Knapp. William If. Knapp, Kdward A. Knopp. TODAY'S MOVIE PROGRAM EMPRESS lT& Douglas THE PITPALU TUB COUNT. HBARST-SEL.TO, NO. J. princess; iaii-19" doUgCasT Conatance Crawley and Arthur Maude, famoua atage atare, in Vhe AlternaUvu, a beart-grlpilng drama. In 4 parte. Tt.ft Hutler'a Coat, an unuaal drama. 1 lie PoKtmaater of Pineapple I'lairia. com. North. GRAND, 16TH AND BINNEY. Tbankaglvlng apecial matinee, 1:15 p. m. Tho ( loalng Net, & reela. featuring Father Mllford and Kathryn Lrker Hrown. LOTHROP, 24TII "ANDLOTilh5pT Paramount preienta John Harry man in tho War From Menlco, In 5 reela. vatkT " APOLIX), .2824 LEAVENWORTH The Little Angel of Canyon Creek, t-reel feature. Waat. MONROE, IS5S FARNAM. Today-Ontlnuoua 1:SA to 11 r. m. IIo barth Hosworth In Broadway feature, "THhe Bearlet Kin." a alrong play. gaata. glaa. BE8SE. 24TH ft N. f perlal holiday bill. 1 erpetual plrturea today. OKPUEUM. 24TH AND M Ianlel Prohman preaenta Margarita Clark In "Oretna Green," In I reela. MOVIES FEATURES TODAY si APOLLO. 2824 LEAVENWORTH The IJttla Angel of Canyon Creek, (-reel feature. LOTHROP. 24TH AND LOTHROP. John Barryman In the War From Mexico. In 4 reela. GRAND, 16TH AND BINNEY? t he Closing Net (-reel feature. PRINQESS. XJ17-1. DOUGLAS. Conatanca Crawley and Arthur Mauda In The Alternative, drama. In 4 parts. MONROE. 25TVAR7NA5r ohart Boa worth In 'The Scarlet Hn," ORPHEUk. a4THNDM: Panlel Frohman presents Margarita tlark in "Uretna Green." In I reela ANNOUNCEMENTS a-XKRClBB at f- M. C. A Buaineae pxa" Bava Money. Home Milliner. Red TiiiT AUTOMOBILES Whenever you ara eonaiderlng snlllng or juylng a used oar and you want full value for your money or you want people Who ara willing to pay for what they ere Eetting you will have no regret If you uy or ad venue through the used car umo 0 The Bee. Pb.ina Trier loso. Jw MIL1L8 of mileage In your oldUrea (Rebul.t). Send tnein to DUO TIHU CO 111 Chicago tit KKHUBKA Bnltk Service ktatlun. lalt pl rnoM i.Kugiaa Tsx. tnduatrtal Garage Co.. ioth Harney Bta Overton a for leaky radiator, (uo. deulara or by mall pus-t Ave.. Co. Bluff a. la. AUTO, clearing house. Buy. aell and cnange u: sd cara tMg r ai nam D. Hi XtKTROITKK tourtng car, elecirto IKhts ana innrr, ruuy equipped T j Northwail Company. Hit Junes fct Tela phone Douglas 1.0,'. lit HEWAKD for any magneto we can t mwymtr AHm repq. ttaysooriei. 110 rf. 1Mb. UaateS Aatoiaubilri. BRST roadater I can buy for 150 rash; need not be in running order. O. Bays- Motorcycles. ONK 4-H. P., high apeed, motorcycle type gaoltne motor ai.J Klnxion carbure- lor, rirei-ciaaa condition. Price : origl rial coat M. Iclepbono WaL I1O1. ItrsINESS CIL1NCE3 if your Buatneaa CTiaooe wfll atand inteaiujaiiua a no is just what It la ao vert toed, or If you ara looking 10 atart a buslrw-aa for youralI you will ba Dec laotlr aallafted If you uaa the Ruaineee " column 01 ine Ilea. When buy- a v i.iie m puwdpp 11 una lyier UMk LAHUti wU eatabluhod, and profitable ciau wan paper ana oevuratuig liuel reka, ror aale, lit pruaoorous city of tb.'n). LuHjonlinuiiig retail Ui'iariinrut to de- voie enure lime to wholesale bualneas. A real barKSin and Wonderful ouuortun. Ity. For teriua and particulars, address 1 1 o. iee. A KINK. 1 yrr -tblil.d wlioicaale and l-etall coiifertiuarry with all new and u MixlftU flxturfa: elvolrln t.lMnn- liuinufucluiiiiK plant fully equlppru lor tusking- imly. Owving to rlealli ot hue- aHi ana my falling health will offer r ijuuh sale at. tU.M. Addreaei Y lti. fcl. olN Us Mac a. utud. t r.f pivpvrty kaiutiad, all ataiaa Jim U ray. tbu Ol'FlTH for iral tl.l or Io.ji miria lioor Ss oln.-e: Lli?) Icel, fJu, IU SINKSS CHAXt'KS THKATKHS-Huy, (an or sell your the ater, machine ami supplies throurl Theater K-xch. Co. Iia Farnam D l ASK lor my Heal Eatai H'lllelln. It Includes lar.ct ami lcit Hat of bar rain In 31 ttntes. W. U. Templcton, tul 1" I' A LIMITED nmoutit of 7'4 pr rrnt pre-ff-rrfl atorK, rumulatlva and nnn- lipHoat 1, In NrbranVa. Omaha corpora tion at par. $10o per ahnr. If you have atirHua fumla and ara looking for a food. af lnveimint thnt will nrt 74 Pr cent, at'drM Hnx t.', Omana, Neb., or tela phona IoiiRlaa TO StLI. or buy a bi'alnna. call nit Ruar), r Korahoff. Fraotor Hlk. t. Ulfc TO JKT In or out of bualneaa call on OA NOKiffAl), 422 Ilea UM. Iwua;. if. 6EK Omaha Thratir Bupply Co. for bar alna In eatatllahd ahowa. D. (f. KOIt AI,K Hotlllnn Worka located In Iowa, town of J., two roarta to ahlp on. Rood reaanna for aeillnir, will li aold cheap. If aold hy Jan. lt. not all caah required. Adlreaa Y 1W) He. A HA H K ("IIANCK TOIT CAN 1NVKHT from tlWI up In A auhatantlal Induatrlal bualneaa, now bulld IiiR that will yield aood returna on the Inveatment and employ when completed from l, to 1,:ViO people. Opportunity for t'lerka. Saleamen. Htenofcmphcra. Hkllled workmen, etf. Kutther Information upon requeat. Adilreaa K W. I?e. o EDt'CATIONAL llie VAN SANT SCJIOOL BTENOOKAPH T BOOKKEEPINGS fay Bcbool for Younc Woman. Evening bchoul for kounf alaa and Women. baturday mjrnfnc elaia In typewriting, lona C Duffy. Owner and Manager. SOC Ko lith St. Omaha. bAl'KKT laly atmugrapher will tako puplla; ahonhand, toucb typewriting, apelhng ami punctuation taught Indi vidual instruction. 4WI Douguia tit 1L Walnut 2XTI. UAr bClioOL. BOYLW COL.LbaB N1UHT le-'ilOOL. Every day la enrollment day. Hook keeplng, hhorthand, httnoijpy. Typewrit ing, Telegraphy, civil Hervtau all Com mercial and iviigllali branchea. Catalogue POTLES COLLEGE, lath and Harney Hta. Tel. Dougiaa 1M. Hoylee Bldg. Tel. V. l', Omaha, Neb. ("OH aale, the following acholarahlpa In a flrat claaa Omaha Bualneaa college: One unlimited combination bualueaa and rhorthand courae. One unlimited sienograpnie eotiraa. One three-montba' buslnese or stano grarhlo courae. win pa eoia at a aisoount ai me 01110a Of The Omaha Pea. HUSlNESa COLLEGE STUDENTS SAVE MONEY UN COURSES. For aala, with good reaaona for telling. variety of couiaea In a reliable Bual ueaa Hcbool, one of thn leading buatneaa collegee o4 Omaha. Will ba aold very rvaaonable--away below regular price. If you are considering taking a courae IDVektufate Una at alnce Fall tana begum aoon. Call office. Omaha Baa. FOIl SALE r'arnllare, llonerbuld tiootta, Ktc. BAKUA1NH IN FURNITURE AND IIAKUWARK, 1K N. MTU. WEB. 1807. FOK aAi.fat Here la a olaaatncatlon that la of the utmoal liuportagce to every reader, as thla column otfera aoma excep tional opportunitlea every day and a email want ad will sell your article at It full value. Phone Tyler luOO. Ilnal'fc bought and aold. J. C. Reed, i-'tOKO Ja,,7 K.rilfc)J1 8t Douglaa U144. e OA LAND heating atove, burns hard or soft coal. 1&. Inquire at 3ul2 8. 'M h. Hill RENT Wheel chair. Doug. 4IWI. Ilurare and Vvbtelea, FARM wagon, li; harneaa, t; both new. Jobuaon-lianforth Co., ltb and Clark Ma. I'onltry, Kxxi and bappltea. MXD grain. I On lla. tl.TS. Wagner, 101 Nil. STEItEOTV Phi malrtoea make tne best and chaapeat lining for poultry houaaa. They ara 17x21 Inches, atrongar and mora durable than tarred felt and piactloally arepiuor. 70 a nunorea at too iaa oicioa. KVKHAL led and while thoroughbred U-ghorn cock a. verv cheap If purchaaed t once. Doiik'laa R70O. 1 ypertrttera. TYPEWRITERS for rent. Bee Rldg. RELIANCE RlhlHin and Carbon Co., car- Don paper and Inked rlbhnne. D. V Y I'I'JW IUTKIU sold, rented, repaired. 1 . .. I m . . 1 1 . I. .a. V.. . 111' 1 hi 1 rn:nini . . a . , t.i r mi III. III. at UerliaMeaa. 8EAT8 FOR CHURCH OR) CHAPEL IN UOOD CONDITION, M. 442-BEE. olumlilan dictaohoue. tnml nmt complete aet; j price. 6S3 Brandela Bldg. a I MMnnil.ll.nd mia-r. - LNcW lagnetoa, eta, mechanical ... . " . repaire. 14 iiri ron kleolrlu Worka. W 8. Uth St FOR BALE CHEAP Rlielneea College Courae. Full and COlnuleta acholarahln In Ana Of tba test Omaha buatneaa achoola Uood reaaon for selling; perfectly relia ble; worth full price, but will be) toll very reasonably. If I nt area ted investigate t once, because fall term heglne aoon. Tbere ara a variety of courses for aala. For particular, luqulie at tba efftoe of The Omaha Hea. Coal t baskets delivered, II. 8. Rosen thal, lti 1 1 !avenworth D. 6131. I electrio motora. Room t. Bee Bldg. FOR 8AI.K New and second-hand carom and pocket MKlafd tsbles and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixtures of all ainas; easy taymenia The Brunswick,- lialke-.:oilendar Co.. 4uT-ua . 10th Bt. FOR BAI.E New and aecond-hapj carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling Heys and accessories; bar fixtures of all lnls: eaay payments. The Brunswick- Ha) ke-Col lender Co., 4(7-4o 8. loth Bt. Wales add. macb.; aood eondl. C 8.K1, lie. CO OAu,(,'n v" Whisky, 4 full rh.l Xllquarts bottled In bund, pre Yu,"u.iiiI, Cackley Broa.. Omaha. CONCRETE mixer for sale, or will trade lor lain model, s-paasenger rorn; muat be In tlral-clasa condition. C. la. Lum ferry, Phoue M-t. Craig. Nob. II KU WANTKI) FKMALK t lerlral aad Office. 1 STENOGRAPHER Su 8TENO c CLERK M BILL CLERK I THE t'ANU AOENt T, ) BEE Bl.IKl. Factory aad Trades. OIRL to learn halrdresalng. Oppenhelna IUakrtprn aad Dowealtoa. THE bervant Girt Problem Solved. Tba Bee will rua a Servant Girl Wanted Ad fltk-B until you get the dealred reaulta hla auoliaa tu reaUlcnta of Omaha, buuth Omalia and Council Bluffs. Bring ad to 7 no nee omce or luiepnone ivier iuvw. ill'DLE-AUKD ladv to helo with llaht houaework and to be companion for aa elderly lady; lust one In the family; no wagaa expectej. Wel. stiaa. Iini Urand. WANTED Ulrl to assist with houseworg and care for amail child; one attending echool half day preferred. Phone llaxooy ItoK. COI.OKED womau wanu day work. Web. .M. WANTtU-A young girl ta eaeutt with the care of a baby. liar. loil. 406 N. 4h 8t. WANTl.I Young white girl, or woman, to assist with general housework and take care of children; small horns. Col fax SV.4. llol.'oKKEKPER wanted at ouce. Doug. 674. 8. C. Thoina, WANTED White girl for general housed work; small laiully. Jo-J Pacific bt. Parr.ey S3. W ANTEl ExierU ncvd girl for upstairs aork. Mrs. Jowph Baiker, laul ti. klb. Douglas !-". W ANTED Competent cook; $ tn faintly; references Ifjulied. 6o7 tf. lilb 81. Har ney &tj. WANTED A good girl for general housework; Lohemisn preferred. H.1 No. &th M. Call after 8:30. n AN I hi A colored housemaid, clly references regulled. Uui W oolworltl Ave iiarney ;ut Kill general housewoik. No lavadry work or COofclll. i:allluiDla IIKM WAXTKI) FKMAl.K llna-r kreprra aad llomrXIra. WANTKP A girl to aaelet with houae work. l.-.N. ih St. Weh. 1319. WANTKD A T'otnM!tent white alTj For 'rteral houaewftrk. No weaning. Mra. W. I. Hoaforil, fJ6 S. 37lh Kt. Harney 314. WANTKlJ J.ri for general housework; innet he giod rk; apply Apt 10, the Knickerbocker, 3Mh and Jones Bta.; phone Murrey 41W. M'acellaaeoaa. WOMEN WANTED Oo.ernment Joha Llet free. Write Immediately. Frank lin Inatltute. Pept. KM J. Horheater, N. Y. VOL' NO wolix-n coniliig to Omaha aa atrnnccra era Invited to vllt tne Young Woinen'a Chrlatlan aaaoclatlon building at St Mary a Ave. and l"th rit., where they will U directed to aultable boarding placea or other lae aaclated. lxok for our travelera' guide at Union atatlon. HELP WAXTEII MALE Clerical itad Ufflce. rtnleaman, city, exp. .1100 ManaKer lumber, lmplementa. etc.... 10) HtMikkeeper exp 75 hteno. dralny, rapid to HaUaman young man MnltlKraph optr., expd. 60 Mul'iKraph optr WK8TKK flKK. & BOND ASSN. INC. Originatora of the Hcference Hualneas. il Omaha National Hank Hilg. HKill-OHAUM commercial poaltior.a WEST. RF.FKRENCK aV BOM itl Omaha Nat Pank Bldg. BTIONOOKAPJIKIt WANTKlt Muat be experienced; dictaphone operator pre ferred. Permananent poaltlon and good aalary to the right party. UL'KNKY HKKII A N8V. CO.. YANKTfJN, 8. DA K, Aaewta, Haleamea and gollcltora. COAL, agenta anted In every town; Kt a trial car. I. M. Cox. No. Platte, Nab. UOOD opening for experienced, Induatrlal Inaurance aaleaman; no lapae debit; apply at once, I4 Hrandela Ildg. Faetorteo a4 lraMa. WE need men; had to turn down two Joba por week lately: get In; learn by our method: get one of tueae Jobs. Cata logue I). B. free. Nehraxka Automobile lichool. :406 Ieavenworth Ht. Drug ( tore StiKpii, oha. fvneiet. Bee Hlrtg. MOLEK BARBER COLLEGE LEARN the barber trade by our eyi tem of expert Inatructlona and free clinic. Positions waiting. Call or write for cata logue. Omaha. Neb., A. B. Molar, Pres. LEARN THE BARBER TRADE. Trt-t'lty Barber colleae: low rate tuition. Including aet of . tools; wages paid; elee- ino massage, nyarauuo cnaira; catalogue free, 1IH4 Douglaa Ht.. Owaha Mlacellaaeoas. RATLWAT mall clerks wanted; S7S month; Omaha examinations coming; sample questions free. Write Immediately. Franklin Institute, Dtp t t.l J, Roches ter. N. Y. GOOD MEN WANTED at once to learn auto work ta fill positions which wo have open right now and ara waiting for com petent men. Learn by our system of actual work on autoa, tractors, elec. starting- ays. Free catalog at once, AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE. 1O6I Farnam fit. Omaha. Neb. 10u CORN pickers at 4o per bushel room and board. Perl rand Bhlpplng Aaaoclatlon. Bert rand. Neb. WANTED Names of ambitious men. IS or over, wanting railway mall clerk positions. S7&.0U month. Answer Immedi ately. Y 1, Bee. SITUATIONS WANTED CAHHILR Competent lady with wit years' experience In department storo and other caahler Work In Omaha wlanea poaiuon; Pest ot r-rerenoes; reasonable salary to atart; picture ahow work con sidered: no objection to evening hrs. A 1 dress at once, O. M. F., 1!W3VN. 24th for Interview. A RELIABLE colored woman wants work in rooming house or notel ns chambermaid or work In small family, tall Webster 7122. Mrs. Bailey. NICK set of bonks a keep evenings. Ad dress ISUO 8. lllh 8t. COIXUIED man wants poaltlon aa cook, porter or work of any kind. Web. Hon. FAMILY washing. Harney J19J. Work guaranteed. SITUATION wanted by a young man, 29. Uood laborer. Ulve me an opportunity to demonstrate my ability to work: will take moderate salary to start. Address Charles Larvler. care Ueneral niivru Oinnha. UIRL, speaks French and English flu- cmiy, wauia poaiuon as housekeeper In hotel; 1st class references. Address f rench. general delivery, or call h',il Reed. WANT poaltlon as cook, private family, hotel or sanitarium. Pleaan statn i paid; references. Address Mlas Mali son. 627 8. 22d Bt.. Omaha. Ne). COLORED man wants position ss Janitor or cnauiieur. liar. nw. COLORED man, first-class cook, for boarding house or cafe. Web. 1100. WANTED-Light work by young man; would work board and small wages, close In. O. W. Johnson, Douglas 7131. MAN and wife wlahea poaltlon as cook in or out of town. Phone Harney W17 or address 2814 Farnam. MIDDLE aged, colored man and wife desire position aa cook In or out ot town. Phone Harney 1006 or address 816 hcuth 2Mb avenue. OOOD. reliable man Is looking for posU tton aa janitor, noueeman or ao; steady and sober- go out of city. Write to A. H., ito3 wiiuani Hi., omaha. LOST a.nd Fonro Lost or Found ads In Omaha's Lost and Found mediums means tha Immediate re turn of that article It advertised la The Bee, the Lost and Found paper OMAHA 4k COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COM PANT. Peraona having loat aoma article would do well to call up tha office of tba Omaha & Council Blurfs Street Railway company to aaoertain whether tbey left It In the atreet cars. Many artlcloa each day ara turned la and the company la anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Cel Doug. 44 BTRAYED or stolen, black and white llolatein row, one Hack yearling heifer. Addresa 1804) pierce St. LOST-An old-fashioned gold bar pin. Re ward. Finder please call Walnut HI. LOST In bualneas district, $5.00 In cover of check book. 11. 7K9. Reward; EoST-On"l8th street, blue alk'f'or dress; cut and partly made. Return to Bee. LOST 1-arge package containing pea cock rlnna. V'lnder please call Doug las Reward. LOST Small dog, brown, female; an swers to name of Wop. Reward. Re turn to J. D. Uraham. 1318 8. Slat. liar. 3M. PERSONAL) THE Salvation Army Induatrlal home ao liclta your -ld clothing, furniture, mage- Ine a We collect. We d.strlbute Phone Douulaa 4186 and our wagon will calk Call and Inspect eur new home, lUO-llls- 1114 DMlg Ht. Invalids Need Pensions (.090 St'SBSCRIPTlONS EARNS $3,000. For the Invalids' Pension association, Tba I-adiee Home Journal, $1 60; Satur day Evening Poat. 81.60, Country Qentle- nian. $1 9k s needed la November. Tour enter or renewal Contributes 60 C nls. Please phone Douglas 7lol or addresa, GORDON, Tae MsKaxlne Man. Omaha. YOUR fumaca cleaned. 81: work guaran teed. Central Tin bhop. Douglaa 4. YOUNO women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the roung Women's Christina association building at 17lh 8t. and Bt- Mary'a Ave., where they will ba directed to aultable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Ixok fur our travelers guide, at the Unlsa atatloa. SWAPPERS OOLCMJI Al'TOMOUlLE, 1914 Model Mitchell ape cUl, t7-h. p., 7-pas., i cylinder; run lo.uun miles; electric hsnt; electrio starter one year old: cost eleaant sliaoe anap for small car; lota, diamonds, claar laiiu or giiM-ery sitca. B. l. 4.4. tiee. GH1 sealng mac) Ina and l.ebox; mill tiede tor! davenuort. 8. C. sis. HWAPPEKS COLUMN Wanted to Swap. Why not advertise something that fou no longer have any uae for and get something you really need? it coats you nothing to loin the Pweppers' club and you alii find It lots of fun swapping things. Write Rooru 104. Bee Bldg.. or phone Tyler 10oO AUTOMOBILE! For other automobile bargains sea the "Automobile" classifi cation. GOOD oak, six-foot, extension dining table, lr n bed and spring: want email range. A. lores 8. C. o. Bee. GARDEN" toOU'Cipada, x anovela. I rakee, hoe and grasa knife, to trade for 4 mlnute Edlcon records, or anything. Ad dreas S. C. S34. Leo. tf I HAVE a harp that anybody ran play, doea not require knowledge of music; tl when new; must sell, or will ex change for anything 1 can use. Call Mr. Denthan, Tyler loOO. HAVE a buggy, good ss new, coat tlM. would consider a late model motorcycle or what have you? B. C. 617. Bee. I HAVE new full leather 20-volume aet of "Meaaagea of the Presidents" to swap for diamond, or what have you to offer. Books can be seen and examined. Address 8. C. 3fA. Bee. 4-MONTH scholarship, value (30; to ex change for something of equal value. 8. C. 61. Omaha Bee. PIANO Hamilton piano In tip-top shape; black walnut case and cost $l'0. Trade for clear lot or lots In Omaha or Bluffs. S. C. M. Bee. PAINTING Will exchange first-class painting for plumbing work. Address P C. S4. Bee. bMALL soft coal heater for dresser, In good shape, or what have you? 8. C. W. Bee. 7-ROOM, modern house; hot water heat; 8340 8. 18th 8t. Will take 6-paaeenger car or lot In Carter l.nke club aa part payment. Phone Webster 3961, or address C 436, Bee. TWO-CYLINDER gasoline engine, good as new. Will swap for anything I can use. Motorcycle pi ef erred. Aduresa 8. C. i7. Bee. TO SELL or trade your shotgun or rifle. Bee FRIEDMAN. 1ZU 'wugiae. VACUL'M cleaner, cleans runs, curtains, wall paper, etc. Went second-hand typewriter. Address S. C. 368, Bee. WILL trado $o cornet or Clark Irish harp, value, for diamond. 8. C. 076, Bee.. AUTO Light weight, 1915 model, perfect ahape, fully equipped, new Urea, to swap for fotrr or five-passenger car. Address B. C. VX Bee. tf ADDING machine; cost 1300.00 new, ex cellent condition. Want Jewelry, book cases, filing cabinet a, automobile. Uood stock or anything of value. Address 8. C. 06S. Bee. TWIN Ex-motorcycle, In good running order, to swap for diamond ring of value not less than (Its) or of equal value. 8. C, 677 Bee. W ANTED Middle aged lady for general housework, in family. Douglas 4612. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; no washing or ironing; good wages. S315 Burt at. ELECTRIC AUTO HORN Motor driven. vibrator type; cost $10.00. Will swap for assortment of late Edison (Amberol) records. Address 8. C. 833. Bee. tf TRUNK Have extra large trunk woWd like to exchange for medium alia or smaller one. Address 8. C. 170, Bee. WANT gas engine In exchange for V. 8. government wireless set. lending radius lOu to 200 miles. Receiving radius, 1,500 to 2,000 miles. Pet In first-class condi tion; just overhauled by riml-class elec trlclitn. Addreea H. C, 872 Bee. WANT small gas engine in exchange for bicycle, shotgun, camera, or large candy making outilt with gas and gasoline I f urnace, and 60 worth of candy making reel pes. Address 8. C. 371, Bee. WANTED TO TRADE Good painting ana papernanging lor a Buggy, f irst class work. 8. C. 620. FOR KENT Apartments aad Flats. ini r or jneni aa verxisemenc appearing m the For Rent column of Tha Bee dally - . " . IU.J l.l.l T. Ill JIISBH and fill the needs of any one desiring to rent Phone Tyler 10 WINTER 18 COM I NO. STANDARD FLATS THE GOOD 6-r., high grade, steam heated, modern apartments; close In; with janitor service; at reasonable prices. T. J. HOOK, 1101 No. Mth 8t. SPLENDID NEW FURNISHED FRONT APARTMENT will be vacant Thuraday. Excellent view. NEW Traverton FIREPROOF 24TH AND LAN DON COURT. Catering to people of refined tastes. Apartment is completely equipped for housekeeping; up-to-date and comfort able. TRAVER BROS., Tel. Douglas 1163. 706 Omaha Nat. Bank. Phone Webster 4sy evenlnga or Sundays. "The Drake" Apartments Beautiful Only 'two of those beautiful 6-room apartmenta at $'-d and Harney for lease. iirge living room, anting room, kitchen, pantry and refrigerator room on first floor; three bedrooms and bathroom on second floor. One room a combination bedroom and aun room. Every modern convenience, including gas range, refri gerator, curtalna, rods, vacuum cleaner, hot and cold water year round, vapor vacuum heat, large laundry, all at the most moderate rental of any apartment of this clase and slxe. Call us today. rue Jiyron iteed (Jo.. Phone Douglas 297. 213 80. 17th. APARTMENTS. FOUR ROOMS. "Athlone." Nth and Douglaa. $37.50 tin. FIVE ROOM 3. "Georgia." 1040 Georgia Ave., 837.H. "WlNONA"-I8th & Dewey Ave. Six rooma. $47.60 year round. 6even rooma, 8'R 00 year round. PETKIW TRUST COMPANY. Id Farnam St. Douglas 898. o FINE 4-room apartment, Nathan Apia, Sherman and W illis Aves evervl hlim first claas; nice largs rooms; oak finish. rany leasing tnia apartment leaving city. See Janitor. Apt. No. 1, or call office, Doug. 1009. 8COTT at Hi I.I. CO. FOUR modern excellently furnished rooma for housekeeping. 2808 Howard. Red 8168. C.N'E 8-Room and one 4-room brick flat. moaern, except neat, warning aiatanc. 1232 South 13th atreet. J. J. Novak. ST01 Blnney 6-rm. brick flat. Web. 731. 114 NO. I2D 4-r. flat, eteel range gas stove, sucnen cabinet, water paid, !. RASP BROS.. DcITGLA8 1SU3. 6 ROOMC-816. Fine (-room St. Loula flata. In walklna dlatance modern; Snelby court. 22d bL block aoutn of Leavenworth St., $16. PKI'KIIS Tltl'b'r COMPANY 1621 Farnam St Doug. &. o Har aaa ksaau. Fvrnlshad Rooms that offer every mod m convenienoe and vomfort In lrtvate families or boarding houses of tha high est claaa will be found In the Furnished Rooms coluiaa of The Ilea. Pbooe Tyler luuO. ' NICELY furnished room with excellent board. In refined, private borne; reas onable: cloae In. Tyler 2U'4. BOARD and room; new mod. home; two men or man and wl.e. Wal. '6. HAKNKY ST.. 16w-Nlce. large aoutheaat room for man and wife or bualneas peo ple; flrst-clsas home cooking a specialty. 1 hone Dnuitlas 6:92. BOARD for two; private family. .14 Cap. LADY of experience would like to open up buains men's home or club. Those Ir.lereatel call Douglas 6521. N. 2.1. 614 MiKlern rouin. IKiuk. latil. 1S10 Blnney; bd. and rm. $i week. W. Uil I rm. ( week. M IN MOPKI bOAhli AND ROOM IN V.olKRN PRI VATE HOME, TO REFINED LADY OR GENTLEMAN. REASONABLE. WEBSTER 79M. 2JU So. 2nh Good room for lady, two meals, $IH mo., family priv. liar. 86X1. sairalabed lloaaea. UP-TO-DATE furnished house or apart ment for the winter; must ba first claas. Addresa O 4t Bee. Karalabed ! ass, TWO mod. furnished rooma; close In; hot u.t.r. 21 lx Davenport. Tvler iJu-V. FOR HKXT Karalabrd Hooana. NIfE fur. rma. with breakfast. II. 1!TS. ROOM for rent in furn. mod. home; mother nnd daughter or man and wife preferred; have use of houae. Colfax NICELY furnished room, modern. Ml 8. ZLM St. cloae In; all THH MILLER HOCriE. 21n2 Mt. Mary s Ave., excellent rooms by dav or week: tn fine location: handy to business dls- I trlct. Pniiirlpa 4iV2. I West Farnam Large, nicely furnished room; modern; hot water heat; private; walking distance. Phone Harney 3012. S14 DOUGLAS Newly furnished rooms. Furnace heat Cloae In. Red 55l. HPKCIAi. LOW KATfcs TO PERMANENT QUE8TS. HOTEL PAN FORD, 1th m l Farnam, HOTEL HARLKY. 0th and Farnam. ROOM for one or two gentlemen, 1613 Chicago Bt. Apt. A, Doug. 7319. MODERN front room; 231a Dewey Ave., Jouglas 0M. t afarnlahed Rooms. 8 MODERN, well-heated rooms; private family. alU I'avenp' rt. 1 ylcr 243H-W. THREE unfurnlahed rooms for rent; clean and modern; also have Bleeping room with private entrance. Benson Zi'i. TWO unfurnished roma on first floor; private entrance; electric lights; sink with running water. 2577 Hartman. TWO unfur'd housek'pg rms. Web. 740. Haste keeplax Roomi. FOR RENT Strictly modem, newly fur nlwhed rma, heat turn.; private. H. 31 !g. DAVENPORT. 21K-TWO OR THREE NICELY FURNISHED HKPO. ROOMS, REASONABLE. tlvnaea aa4 lwtiaca. Knrth. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE! Very choice nearly new, 6-r, all modern cottage. 3718 N. 20th St., rented at hut will cut j 10 any rea.aonau:e auin lor goou icnum ni once. 6-r.. 2:fl 8. ISth t-t . $12; 6-r., mod.. 24t.2 8. 17th tl.. 116; 6-r., new flat. 2J0 N 2Zd St., 130; several others Vt mont i tre McKltrtck It. E. Co., D. 14, Ty. 214-J. 6-ROOM cottage; modern except heat. Ap "ly SHIO Hamilton 8t. K RENT 4-room house, all moaern convenlencea, H block to car, 1 3 N. 3Sth St. M. A. Past. 461 N. 38th St. Phone Colfax 1173. 222 BURDETTE 8-room house with bato and furnace, 130. Call Webster 4o4. SIX-ROOM cottage modern except heat, 2243 N. 19th St. Phone Webster 3232. FOR SMALL FAMILY Entire upstairs of residence; I nice large rooms and bath; modeali except heat; dean and comfortable; 110. Web. 6080. RENT FREE FOR TWO WEEKS Nice eight-room house; newly decorated; modern except heat; atorra windows snJ doors; price reduced to $18. Web. 6000. Rent Reduced tfloa (-room houae, modern except heat, atorm windows: arranged for two faml ilea If ao desired; rent l-X 2ull Corby ot Tel. Web. 7KZ. 7 ROOMS. 2427 Charles, $l. Wal. 2405 EMMET, 6-r. cottage. W. lun FOR RENT 5-nom. new, modern, up-to-iate brick flat. 22'.3 Willis Ave. Rent $25. Tel. D. 1030. BEMIS Park. 7-r.. modern, ."215 Cuming, $2i; '4 block from car. Co I fax 1:49 5-ROOM cottage, newly decorated; rent $12.60; modern except heat; storm win dows. 8120 Corby St. Web. 1346. nnta. MODERN 7-room house, jilt Park Ave., $30. Prone Harney 15". -UOoM, modern, a6. Poppleton Ave. 6-HOOM cottage. Ill ti. !ia 81., tli. Vater paid. RENT free until Dec... -r., mod., oak, house; easily heated; close tn. Wal. ar17. NICE 6-room cottage, part modern, big yard. 2335 8. 11th. 3032 MARCY. 7-room house, atrlctly mod ern, with garaKe. $30. Harney 2706. Weat. 8-ROOM house, new, modern, ready now, 600 N. 41st ft.. 135 per month. Address W. J. Keane. 1001 ltn Kt., Des Moines, la. 4-ROOM house; lul basement: all m 1 1- ern except heat; 814. 4vi2 Iavenwouh FOR RENT. 2133 Harney 8t., modern 10-room brick house; hot water he it. Inquire T. J. O'Brien. Tel. H. 1084. D. 121U. NEW HOUSE FOR RENT. $40 per month; 3K.6 California street; 7 rooms; sleeping porch, fiiepiace, extra value. OEORGE COMPANY. Phone I-7j6. 902 City Nat 1 Hmik tildj;. a flaVOO 6-ROOM lower flat, gas, electric light, rurnare, nam, on car line, aoui Leavenworth liar. 312S. fcKVEN-ROOM modern house, Dundee., 401 Capitol Ave. Phone Walnut Ixvl. SI taeellaneoua. 114 8. 29TH. 7-r all mod. houae, newly painted and papered; close 111: $.'.. ai N. 27th, 6-r. cot., mod. ex. ht.. $12.50. 3";t 8. liith, 6-r. cottage, part mod., Ilo. RASP BROS. Ituuglas lHt3. TWO (-room, modern houses, 2710 De catur St.. $J3. 1908 N. 28th St., 824.00. Harney 6432. Ilcmsou Crelgh Sons & Co.. Bee Bldg. nouses , aU prt, of th ctly FOR RENT, "-room, all modern brick residence, newly redecorated throughout; oak floors, new plumbing and electric fix tures. 12o8 8. 2sth at. Rent, $30 per month. 7-room brick residence. Just completed. Finished In mahogany and oak. All new modern Improvements, including built-in bookcases, sun room. eto. Northeast cor ner 41st and Farnam ats. Rent, $45 per month. A little more for your money at either of these places than you can get else where. BENSON 4V MYERS CO.. 424 Omaha National Bank bldg. Phone Iouglas 744. HOUSES. APARTMENTS. FLATS. $1S 5-R., 3321 Ohio St., partly modern. $a -R.. 2S24 Ruggles St.. modern. t.1.l&- 6-R.. 604 S. 24th 45t.. modern. $.tO-6-R., D40 8. Ave., modern flat. $40 7-R., S25 California: new. $42.60 4-R. apt.. "The Harold," 27th and Jackson Bta. 8.VO-7-R.. 21S S. S7th St.. modern, hot water heat; garage. 8ii0 8-R., 3324 Ilamey St., modern, first class. $76 8-R.. e Farnam St., eTtra fine. GEORGE COMPANY. Phone P. 768. 901 City Nat l Bank Bldg. nnn itv FFiTAL h'HIi'H . . . Pbona Douglaa 188 for eompleta list of vacant houses and apartments; also for atoraae. moving. Pith and Jackson Sta WANTED To buy on monthly payments. small store room, with living rooms above. In Central echool district. Phone Red TKA. Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, packs, ships: 8-boras vaa and 8 men, $1.86 per nr.; atoraaa (2 pes mo. ftailataaiton guar. u. 4X Ty. :m IFR the Central Furniture Stole s FHEB RENTAL LIST Gordon Van CarS DI N. Uth SL Tel. D 84 or Ha r. lsgf. Maggard's vaa aad tftoraae Co. Call us for ea tlmstas for nut- tag. paean iMf iMoglae lias. $6 iW DAVENPORT, ( rooms, mo-i., ne-. .6 161 8 Mary's Ave., 13 rms., turns cm. 6..1 8. t ill. rooms, mod. I.-5 .11 K. ISth, ( rooms, bath. $1S 1 Seaard, 6 rooms, barn. $141606 N. 20th. 4 rooms, toilet. 12 60 2-'20 Clsrk, 1 rooms. R1NGWALT. Brsndsis Thea. Bldg. JC Reed t&lnafe aVragt V''N '.art Kamam D. tlet FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE SEPARATE, loeked rooms, for house hold goods and pianos; moving, packing ana si.ipi-big. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 4 8. lth bt. ' !oug. 41.4 blares aad Offices. CORNER FOR DRUG 8TORE A un usual good location. Sea T. J. HOOK, 1101 N. 1Mb St.. about It. READY Dec. 1st. small office on 17th street, 2d floor, 270 s1. fU The Bee Bu'lriinv. Office Room ltd. (CONTINUED ON COLUMN UEVEN. THIS PAQC) Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer will please the most critical. ABSTRACTS OF TITLB. RFTFD ABSTRACT CO, oldrst abstract office In Nebraska, fns Brandels Thea. Kerr line uuimnin inn sriirmi Co., modern ahstract office. 806 8. 17th 8t Phone D. Mt.7. ACCOl'JITA NTS. E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A. 4-t3-4Tr Ramge Bldg. Phone Pona. 74QS. ALVERTMIJIO NO VELTIKS. M. F. Bhafer Co.. 12th. Farnam. P. T4T4. AMATEIH F1.MII1.0. FltM cleveloned' free If ttirchised from Photo Ciaft Shop. 418 Bee Bldg. Dept. D ARCHITECTS Everett g. DorWs. 81t Patten Blk. I. MSI. ATTORNEYS C. T. Dickinson, til Paiton Rllr. p. IW4, AtCTIOSEF.nJ. Dowd Aoctlon Co.. lllS-IB W O W. Tt. XM AUTtl INSURANCE. A0,0B'J MUTUAL INSURANCB I 1 . I lrttl arias a tn A Al TO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co. jn?9 Far. D. 0ni BATHS, BATH-214 Balrd Blk.. 17th and Douglts. Mbs5h-ArXE? f Por ,na ""xJ-rri Turkish ett2nrt ,!Y".?" nd ntleman: lady ll hlr !2.rt,Mk SwexllBh mussage. Earnam St. DmiElas 3437. UtKEltlES. g. H. r.FEDKR ljN. lh. Web J?97. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. 17th and Martha 81s. CARPENTERS AND CONTR ACTOR s7 STEVENSON. 823 "tTaa. Douglaa 6631 Leaeard Bon. uos Cap. Are. T. 13J. O W Hokanaon, 25-16 Lvnwth. Ty. 2192-J. CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJVJgTS Dr. J. C. Lawrence. I Balrd Bldg. D. 846i. KiSEHSX?? aftoTach 1 "ordera Consultation mi. KNOLLKNBERO, 312 Bee Bldg. Tyler 19)6. CHIROPODIST. Cr.rrle J. Buford.jgo Pax.k Red COFFEB ilif MAIL. rrtf-foa Fae mover. Uae wUllce Zottf 15 lbs. high m.6o. W. a. AiufirtL p?s.e better araila Omaha. Neb.' nrpn. VOHSMts. NuBone corsets. Web-Sun, bk. Red 4392. UAMl.tu ACADEMIklb FALL term open at Mackle a Doug. 6444 DB LUXF. ACADEMY. Ill S. IRth St DREBSMAK1NU. Terry Dreaamak'g college. 0th & Farnam LADIES JACKETS remodeled In the lat est style; reasonable price. 1911 Far- owm ot. rnong jougias xzs. DRESSSIAKINO ColLbGK. Kelster's Dressmaking Col., 1628 City Na. DYKRS AND CLxCAN KB8 STATE Dry Clng. Co.. 120 N. 12th. D. 6072 DETECTIVES. JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Block. Evi dence secured In all easea. Tyler 113 DETECTIVE Fifteen yeara' experience. commercial and private cases; lady as sistant. Addreas B 434, Bee DBNTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain, til W.O.W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Fickle. 724 City Nat Bank. Taft Dental Rooma. 1517 Douglaa D. 2184. DRUGS. DRUGS at rut prices; freight paid on $t0 orders; catalogues free. Sherman a M. Connell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. tCLtfiCTHOLYSIb. Uloa Allender. 624 Bee Bldg. Red 106. ISVKRYTIIINU FOR WOMX5N. ACCORDION, aide, knife, aunburst. bog pleating, cove.wd buttons '"; stV ls ; herosii t Ichlng. Sd8lni,dlna" broidery. beading, braiding. cording, eyelet cut worx outlonholcs. pennants. !ul Waatto" Co.. 2vv Doutflaa Wock, Douglas 1W. . Fli KNACKS ANO TIN WORK. HABERSTROH. 4020 Hamilton. Wal. Tt rbuHIITt. BATH'S, florists, lsot Farnam St D. HMO. U HENDERSON. 1814 Douglaa. 01258. Meoi bar Florisla Telegrapn Del. Asa a. HESS tt 8WOBODA. 1416 Farnam at A. DONAQHUE. lqijiarney- Doug. 1001. riHsUKU. BAM KNEETER. 1920 Farnam. Red 6SJ1 H. Rothholx. 2X18 Lesvenworth. H. 2763. 8ITO4Aa. voei WAlES. Tttw laraest stwk of masquerade and TM targea . country. Trry"lM4iiow.rd. D. 4115. lNSTRUCllON. English, French Inatructlon. T6 Lyric Bid. JUSTICE OF TUB PkCAtsS. H H CLAIBORNE. 511 Taxton Blk. Red 740L Notary public. depoalUon etano. C. W. BRITT. SOlJiaker Block. IXfiliTINU FIXTURES, WIHIMi. nTTTJITTM Thomaa. Douglaa S.18. JJUiviVXiX J228 Cuming bt. LTvb stock'commission. MARTIN BROS CO. Exchange Bldg. MASSEURS. Masas ge. women. Call D. 822T for apptmt. MOTORCYCLES. HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargain In used machines. Victor Rooa, The Motorcycle Man." 17u8 Leavenworth. MOVING FICTU'RtS MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Mo- nvn yiw. .i i i m..w ...... . OCULIST. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can. Dra McCarty. 1111 W. 6. W. Bldg. OSTEOPATHY PHYSICIAN. JOSEPHINB ARMSTRONG. (II Bee Bldg. riTBHTI. Pi O. Bamell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red Tilt FATfciNTS. H. A. Sturgea (36 Brandeis Theater Bldg PILLOWS AND OMAHA PILLOW CO.. Mattresses mad to order or remade, 117 Cuming. l. 2ibi. FLUMES C LBV AN ED. CURLED, dred. D. IStsela 11241 CltT NaL quality and expert service that y TIAKOS FOR MENT. a 1 WW) rtr month A. TTonr. IMS Pou!. PRINTING. WATFRS-PARNHART Ptg. Co., oualltf Printing. Tel Doug. 2180. 624 8. lith 8b CENTRAL Printing Ca. DOUGLA8 17S4. POrOI.AS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 84. SCALE HEPAIRINOi Om. Standard Scale Co.. (11 S. 12th. D.tfll SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair, til a Id Hailav Shoe Rep'r. Co.. 1XM Farn'm. R.IMS SEWI.N'O MACHINES. WP Mnt, repair sell needlea a sat parts for all sewing machlnaa I 44MICICEL,S,, NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Harney. Douglaa 16Q, STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company. 116 8. 18. STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, abate Ing, etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Flxtura A Bupply Co.. 414-18-18 8. 12th. Doug. 1724. STOVE AND FURNACE BBPAIBkr" ALL REPAIRS Water fronts, furnace colls, etc. Quick aervlce. Omaha Stove Repair Wks. 1206-S Douglas St Tyler 10. 1 ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRING. CAHILL ELECTRIC Co.. Bea Bid. D. TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 8. Uth. D. t TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FRELINO & STEIN LE, 1808 Farnam St TYPEWRITERS FOR RRNT. RENT an Oliver typewriter 1 mo. for 88. Oliver Typewriter Agency, 1905 Farnam. BUTT'S Typewriter Exchange, 811 8, HI St All wakes for sale or tent RENT a "Remington " not Just a type writer. Low rent. Call Douglaa lasi. VACUUM CLEANERS. ALL makes. E. B. Williams. 308 8. ISth, Tyler ion. WATCH SPECIALISTS Christiansen. Id fl. Paxton Bk., 18 yr. aaa. WEDUINQ STATIONERY. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Oa WINES AND LIQUORS. ALEX JETES. 101-1 8. Uth St Wines, liquors, cigars. Plate dinner 11 to 8, 10a. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUfMS, 16th and Capitol Ave. Tan-cent lunca3 BUT your family liquors at Kleln't Liquor house. 622 N. lb to. Douglaa 10. MEDICAL I PILES, FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry curea piles, fistula sal ether rectal diseasea without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book o lectal diseases with testiraonlala DR. E. K. TARRY. 140 Bea Bldg. RHEUMATISM treated successfully, rs sults RUarsnt'd Dr. Bowser. 8)4 Bee Uldg RUPTURE cured In few days wlthou t pain. Call or write Dr. Wray, 806 Bea Bldg.. Omaha. Established 164. -a WANTED TO BUT WANTED To buy feature films for on thj road. V. 11. Crowell, Cambridge, Nelx . WE are on the niuXiet for 100 carloaus of country-mix- scrap iron. Write for prices. A. B. Xlpern. 7th snd Douglas. WANTED to Buy Second-hand Ford car. Address by Friday P 444, Bee, orj call Room 322, Wellington hotel. WE pay Chicago prices for aluminum reran caatlnsje. Paxton-Mltchell Co. Strlctlv hlR-h rracle Mann. Web. 872.. OFFICE furniture bought and sold. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. Doug. 6148. J. Yale buys everything Id hand. Web. 4904. FOR RENT Stores and Offices. For Rent Choice Offices e t in Brandeis Building Being released by grain dealers moving to their new building February First. Can make reserva tions now by applying to F. P. Manchester, Secre tary, Omaha Grain Ex change, 755 Brandeis Building. Phone Douglas 6733. STOKES FOR RENT. (10 20i6 Ames Ave., 10x14 ft. II& 114 N. lh St., 2ox60 ft. $;t2 2jug Cuming Ht., 20xiio ft.; basement 140 2otb and Ames Ave., lx4o ft. ko 707 6. ltii h tit., 20x00 ft.; basement. 126 liOl Howard St., 20x60 ft.; fail basement; steam heat. 1160-62 8. ltitb bt.. 600 block. 20x0 ft I steam heat. l6 2210 Farnam St.. 2'xlJ2 fti eteam heaL GEO ROE COMPANY. Phone I. 7FA. 02 City Nat l Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE LOANS. 1'4 TO 110,000 made promptly. F. 5! W ead. Weed Bldg.. Uth at Farnam Sty I CITY and farm loans, 6. 6. ( per ceoiAV k J. H. Dumont ar Co.. 416 Biata Bank. "Ui A "For 8ale" ad will turn iwoond-hand furniture Into cash. CITY property. Large loans a specialty. W. H Thomaa 22li 6tate BankBldg. (CONTINUKD ON PAGE ELEVEN. COLUMN ONE.) )