Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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Tuesday, November 23, 1915.
OClETY editors everywhere are commenting upon the great numbers
of enagagemenu announced, the short engagements following. and
the Increased number of weddings for the coming ssason.
The engagements usually announced In the autumn are the
weddings of June. This year all seem going to tbe altar before Christmas.
We have heard of "marrying men" and "marrying parsons" this Is
clearly a "marrying" year. The spirit of the year seems affecting the
most confirmed bachelors and the men who are becoming benedicts ars as
much a surprise as the year Itself. Three of the most set bachelors of St.
Louis are soon to be led to the altar, and every town reports commotion In
the clubs at the surprises of engagement announcements.
Some lay It to the war no sooner was peace broken than that old
philanderer and bachelor of the world, Mr. James Gordon Dennett, took
unto himself a wife.
No man could be relied upon after that.
What Is going to happen. In Omaha this "marrying year There are
some very hardened bachelors here, but no more so than other towns boast.
If the craze has already struck Chicago and St. Louis and appeared In spots
farther west, Omaha Is surely In line to watch It, too.
WU Vinsonhaler'i Debut
This afternoon the third debutant of
th acaoon waa presented to the social
world, when Mrs. Duncan M. Vlnsonhalor
rwve a comlna-ont tea for her daughter,
Ixahrl. This la the first of the two tnaa
to be given ti honor of the third bud!
The second tea will be given tomorrow
afternoon and will be a counterpart of
the first.
Only the mother and debutante daugh
ter were In the receiving- line In the liv
ing room of the Vlneonhaler home. The
hour of the reception were from 3 until
o'clock. The living room was decorated
In a color acliama of pink, carried out In
Mrs. Yinaonhaler wore a handaome
gown of black velvet, trimmed with arold
lace. The aklrt waa made short with net
tunic, and a blue-beaded girdle gave the
costume a distinctive touch.
By Mrs. Vlrvionhaler her daughter stood
In a gown of orchid aatln, the skirt short
with panniers, and the bodice ahort
walattU. with square neck and trimmed
with allver lata and net. Miss Vlnson
haler carried a bouquet of orchids and
lilies of the valley.
Mlsa Marlon Towle, the debutante of
last week, wore a gown of yellow em
broidered chiffon and yellow velvet,
trimmed with aeal fur. The skirt waa
short-fashioned, with four velvet panniers
and Inserts of chiffon.
Miss Helen Ingwerson wore a gown of
white fUet net over a petticoat of white
chiffon, banded with ribbon.
Mlsa Louis White wore her special
maid's gown for the Ak-Sar-Ben ball of
green chiffon, with French flowers.
Assisting Mrs. Vlnsonhaler In receiving
William K. Hurley,
W. D. McHunh,
C-harles offutt,
F. A. Oalnes,
J. H. Butlor.
Beauts Allen,
Ioulae White.
Helen Infwerson,
Haiion Towle,. .
Robert Dempster,
Henry F. Wyman,
David Hum,
J. W. Towle.
fP.ella Thumrnel,
llladya Peters,
Daphne Peters,
Mildred Butler.
Christmas Bazaar.
All Saints' Altar guild of All Saints'
church wUl hold its annual Christmas
. Memorial narlah house
on Thursday. December., t. from 10;I0
o'clock until the rlfta are eold Thle year's
basaar Includes fancy articles, cans ana
fruits and home mad candles.
Mlsa Franoes Hochstetler la president
of the guild. Among those assisting are:
Aliases Misses
Eleanor Mackay, Mary iUchardson,
Helen Clarke. l.uolle Bacon.
Isabel Vlnaonhaler,
Ixiulae Hlors,
Olaa Melx.
Melva MacAuley.
Kenneth I'atcrson. :
Olsdys Peters.
Mildred Butler,
Olga Mors.
Mary Megeath,
Marv Reynolds.
Harriet Meta,
Mesdames '
Charles E. Mets,
Kane-Murray Weddin.
Mlsa Mayme Murray, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Anthony Murray of O'Neill,
waa married to Mr. J. P. Kane Monday
morning at the Holy Family church, the
Itev. Stephen Dowd officiating.
The bride wore a golng-away gown of
blue broadcloth trimmed with seal and
wore a corsage bouquet of bride's roses.
The bridesmaid, Mlsa Mary Hanley, wore
green broadcloth with marten fur trim
ming and carried K I Harney roses.
A wedding breakfast Was served the
bridal perty at the Hotel Ixjral after
the church ceremony. Only near rela
tives of the fsmlllna were present.
After an eastren bridal trip, Mr. and
Mrs. Kane will be at home at Cedar
ltaplds. Neb., after January 1.
Children's1 Party.
Mrs. J. J. McMlllen gave a birthday
party Monday afternoon In honor of her
eon, James, who completed his eighth
year. The table held a huge pie, filled
with Thanksgiving favors. Those pres
ent were
James MrMullen,
i tarry Morehead,
itoy Auaiin,
Hunter Heott,
William Poppleton,
Hilton Fonda,
niiiun rwnun,
II -l.l . . . .
. "-i nm u , , nniMKitrn, jonnnin 1'avifl,
Kdward Hosewater, Franklin emllh.
Mlinn Br.nMln .1111..-. T i I -.
.'I nm i i .tnjriy,
Leonard Hpauldltig, Harold Magrew.
Mlsa May Axtoll.
Charity Concert at Auditorium.
Society will attend the second of the
series of municipal charity concerts at
the Auditorium this evening when
Qeraldln Farrar will be the attraction.
Indications are that the house will be
sold out. although 300 additions! general
admission seats and 200 seats In the rear
of the boxes were placed today.
Among those who will have guests In
their boxes will be Dr. and Mrs. B. B.
Davis, who will have with them Dr. and
Mrs. II. M. McClanahan and Dr. and
Mrs. A. II. Iftnake. With Mr. and Mrsr
Louis Nash will be Mr. and Mrs. George
B. rrlns and Stockton Heth.
Miss Loretta Dellone will also have a
box party for some of her pupils with
Mrs. Joseph Ackerman of Carbon
dale, Pa.
With Mr. and Mra. J. E. Oeorg will
be Mrs. George's brother, Oeorg Mc
Henry. and Mrs. Mrltenry from Dennl
son, la., who are guests here.
Dance at Prairie. Park.
The Prairie Park club gave Its regular
week-end dancing party at the club
house Baturday evening. Those present
Meri. and Mctdsme
II. C. Fiarton,
K. C. Cnnley,
W. A. Smith.
H. i. Hesnnell,
C. c. I (syncs,
W. U Hisckett.
K. it. Bmlnerd,
K. O. King.
J. M. Morrt.
M Ixses
Ituth Key,
Mayme 1-atta,
A. . Hunt.
J. K. H tlnger,
H. H. Iwl
O. II. Rheum.
'. D. I'ennlster,
A. A. Wedemeyer,
J. W. flardner,
M. I.. Kent.
)l. J. Fl- kler.
P. K. Duncan.
Oraoe Hunt. .
h'adle I .at! a.
Albert Wedemeyer, William Conkllng,
J. J. Itnssliack, n. F. Morrison.
H. F. Wallace.
School Party.
Miss Mary Grove entertained d num
ber of her friends of the High School
of Commerce at her home Saturday even
ing. The evening was spent In dancing
and games. Those present were:
Misses Misses
Elnor Lloyd. firace rttenherg,
Ixiretta Urcn. Mary drove.
Bernl-e 1,iiiImm,
.Messrs. Messrs.
Hslph Whitney, Harold Miller.
Walter K. Johnson,
Farewell Party.
A farewell party was given Miss Helen
M. Cook at her home Haturday evening.
Several musical numbers were given by
Miss Father Swansf.n. Miss Cook Is soon
to make her home In Fremont. Those
present were:
Misses Misses
Mamie Kyseln, Gertrude Bastlan,
fcther W. M. Law-Hedwlg Hasllsn.
son, Kva Coleman,
Lllllam A. M. Law-Daamar R. Cook.
F rances j. imiin-
Alma Anderson,
Margaret Malloy;
Helen M. Cook.
Margaret C. Cook,
Otto Olsen,
Bernsrd Probst,
Dr. Delmar A.
Dr. Roy R. Dooley,
John Malloy.
Walter Bsstlsn.
Kdward Chrtsten-
Harry K. Cook,
Uus I. Lawgon,
Entertains for Son.
Mrs. M. A. Bradley entertained at her
home In honor of her son, Mr. A. L.
Bradley, Sunday evening. The evening
was spent In sinning and dancing. Those
present were:
flaaos Misses
Father Connelly. Frances Psrker.
Mereta Mathews, Veronica Bradley,
no Irinnburar. Frances Bradley.
Genevieve Droas, Margaret Mathews.
Kva Bradley,
Messrs. Messrs.
Muri' HnwnriV If. H Huffner.
Carmen Mathews. William Haapke,
Jarnea L. Iowry, a inert iwaner.
C. Flannlgan, A. L. Bradley.
J. I Nvgard.
Messrs. and Mesdames
L. J. Bradley, M. A. Bradley.
F. H. Parker.
Tresdsv Bnd$e Postponed.
The Tuesday (debutante) Brlilpe club
has postponed It weekly meeting until
next Tuesday.
TMnlmnwinij Gneit.
Mr and Mrs. William Hill Clarke will
have their niece, Miss Florence Clarke,
a guest for Thanksgiving weelc. Miss
Clarke Is returning from California to
her home In Tlffon, O.
Debutante Off to Exposition.
Miss Mary Megeath. the debutante
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Megeath,
left Saturday evening wllh Mr. and Mrs.
Windsor F. Megesth for the Pacific
coast. Master Windsor Megeath was also
of the party, which intendo to spend
about ten days visiting the exposition.
Hiking Trip.
Miss Madeline Owens chsDeroned a
number of young people on a hike to
Calhoun Saturday. They feasted on
toasted marshmallows and roasted frank
furters. The party was conveyed back
to Omaha In autos. The party con
sisted of:
Mlses Misses
Madeline Owens, Cecilia V. Fox,
Marcella Kennedy, Catherine Car
Rita McVeigh, vllle.
Helen Foran. Mildred Fltiwll-
Madellne Moyian, Ham,
Dorothy Moyian, Margaret McF.ll
Catherlne Owens, got.
Messrs. Messrs.
Franrla It a mac- Harrv De Voe,
clottl. Frank Sturgeon,
Stanislaus Gor- Bryan Rellly.
man, Kugene McArdle,
Thimble Club Meets.
Mrs. W. O. Templeton and Mrs. It. D.
Miller were hostesses this afternoon for
the Thimble club. The guests of the
afternoon were Mrs. W. W. Johnston and
Mrs. Carl Stein of Lincoln. The mem
bers of the club are:
Mesdsmes Mesdames
A. L. Patrick. J. p. Dallev.
J. F. Carpenter. Arthur Ixickwood.
Oenrge Barker, 1r.J
Archie Carpenter,
Russell Harris,
J. H. Dumont,
J. O. Phllllnpl,
W. O. Templeton,
I. W. Carpenter,
Frederick McConnell,
Francis White.
J. A. Sutherland.
O. W. (iabaugh,
R. D. Miller.
Bert Carpenter,
M. C. Ramsey,
George Ol.more,
O. 11 Kdgerley,
Roy Ktitherlnnd,
A. O. Buchanan,
L. D. Carrier,
Ralh Klewlt.
Arthur D. Smith,
Marlon Carpenter,
Bertha White.
Mary I'hilllppl,
Gretchen McConnell,
Bess Dumont,
Alice Buchanan,
Birthdav Surprise Partv.
Rom twenty friends of Mr. Georgo
Sugarman arranged a surprise party
Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Martin L. Sugarman, complimen
tary to his twenty-fifth birthday anni
versary. Mrs. Ward roses were used fn
th decorations and Mr. Sugarman was
presented with a token In celebration of
the event. Mrs. Sugarman gave several
vocal selections.
Thanksgiving Wedding.
The marriage of Mlsa Carol Clark
White of Lincoln to Mr. Crawford J.
Mortensen will be solemnised at Lo
Angeles, Cal., Thanksgiving. Mlsa White
and her mother, Mrs. C. C. White, are
spending the winter In Los Angeles.
On the Calendar.
Mr. and Mrs. David Baum will enter
tain a family party at dinner Thanks
giving day.
At Excelsior Sprinr.
Among the arrivals at Excelsior
Springs from Omaha are Mr. and Mrs.
A. F. Peters, Mrs. C. n. Toung and Mr.
H. E. Meld pen.
In nvi Oif of the Bee Hive.
Miss Mildred Rogers returned Monday
from a several week's stay In Chicago.
Bridge for Guests.
Miss Verna Klrschbraun entertained at
bridge this atfernoon for sixteen guests
at her home. The guests of honor were
Miss Flla Joseph of Chicago, guest of
Miss Mildred Rubel, and Miss Rosalie
Schmuckler of New York City, guest of
Mrs. William Holsman.
Omaha Women Are
Again Helping the
Belgian Sufferers
Mrs. Warren Rogers, president of the
Franco-Belgian Relief society, ani Mrs.
George A. Joslyn are hard at work
soliciting contributions for a Christmas
offering to be sent to Miss Grace Zor
baugh. general secretary of the British
American Young Women's Christian
association at Paris, who Is In active
charge of relief work there. Miss Zor
baugh Is a former Council Bluffs girl
and visited In Omaha last summer.
Shoes, underwear, sweaters, socks,
trousers, coats, scarfs, petticoats, woolen
caps and woolen undergarments for
hsbles are among the things needed by
the Belgians.
A meeting of the society will be held
at the home of Mrs. Arthur Crittenden
Smith Friday, December 1".
Miss Jessie Millard la vice president.
Miss Helen Scobie treasurer and Mlsa
Mildred Rogers secretary of the Franco
Belgian Relief society.
The city council adopted a resolution
directing the chiefs of fire and police
departments to file rharges against em
ployes who are negligent In paying their
Just debts. Various claims filed at the
city hall prompted the adoption of the
An Ideal Remedy
for Nursing Mothers
Car Shortage Not
as Bad as It Was
With a slight letup In the movement of
grain to market the freight car shorter.
Is not quite as acute as ten days ago.
though none of the roads H overstocked
with cars. Freght officii Is assert thut
should there be a bulge In wheat and
other grain prices the car situation would
be the worst in the history of the west.
Right now, out at country stations in
Omaha trade territory, wheat prices are
considerably below $1 per bushel and con
sequently most of the farmers are hold
ing onto the crop of th' year. Should
the demand be sufficient ao that wheat
goes to $1 or better railroad nien expect
to see the demand for cars unprecedented.
Compound of Simple Laxative
Herbs Safe for Baby
and Mother.
Constipation Is a condition that effects
th old, j ouiib and middle-aged, and
most people at one time or another need
help in regulating the action of the
bowels. Harsh cathartics and purgatives
should not be employed to relieve con
stipation, as their effect Is only tempo
rary while they shock the system un
necessarily. A remedy that can be used with per
fect safety for the tiniest babe and that
la equally effective for the strongest con
stitution Is foumi In the comolnstion of
simple laxative herbs known as Dr.
Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin and sold in drug
stores everywhere for fifty cents a bot
tle. This is an ideal houaehold remedy
and should be In every family medicine
Mr. F. 1. Baraolow, 18 Leslie St.,
Holyoke, Mass., wrote to Dr. Caldwell,
"Syrup Pepsin certainly Is fine. 1 gave
It to my baby, Evelyn, and also took It
myself. It is the only medicine I have
been able to take without affecting Baby
in the nursing. I have used It for all
.:.t r)
four children and It Is fine; they like It
and ask for It."
A trial bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup
Pepsin can be obtained, free of charge,
by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, M
Washington St., Monticello, 111.
0 ItEEsis-S r"fr:3a-ia'B- Erstrange Is Demonstrating -i r' "--l Braf)
M bj- 3 brrrrrf Flelsher's Yarn on the Third Floor.5ggl lLll' 3 M
, ft .
:tatf :'? .-Mt Viff
r v.-
a i' y"
a. vt- , . ......,
A very high class piano
with a medium price
& Bach
is our
A. ..0Sp8 CO., 1513-1515 Douglas St.
Extra rharg
mads for al
ters! tens, bnl
same will be
dellrsred from
workroom for
T h nksglvlng
t'""1"1-"" 111111 '" " i-ihii.iiii. ihiliiMmI .UMiblyM ...i....:?.;...; I ;..:h..,T!.j..":i
N apprsTals
c. o. n.'s
K mall or
telephon r
ders accepted.
A New York Dress Manufacturer's Sample Line and Surplus Stock
Evening, Street and
Afternoon Dresses
Absolutely amazing values Here are hundreds of
smart Afternoon Frocks and beautiful Evening Gowns
selling Wednesday at less than half price. The dresses
in this assortment are sample garments, also a surplus
lot, from a maker of 6ome of th5 smartest gowns worn in
America. ,
Velvet Dresses
Charmeuse Dresses
Crepe de Chine Dresses
Crepe Meteor Dresses
Plaid Silk Dresses
Taffeta Dresses
Serge Dresses
The values in this sale will be the talk of Omaha
"Wednesday. There is everything in this assemblage that
a woman of good taste would choose for her afternoon or
evening wardrobe. The dresses are new, the styles the
latest, the fabrics, trimmings and workmanship are the
most desirable, and they are all beautiful.
A new party
dreaa for the
T h anksgivlng
dancing party.
Combination Dresses
Dainty Party Frocks
Pretty Dancing Dresses
Smart street
dresses to
wear with the
new winter
A new frock
to wear at
T h anksgivlng
Dresses for ev
ery occaelon
and for all
hour of the
Smart Street Dresses
Classy Afternoon Dresses
Nobby Bridge Frocks
Street and Afternoon Dresses worth from $15.00
to $25.00
Party' and Dancing Frocks in the daintiest
leu your O'Otar to be SUKt
) ood th ADVO fiRAUD
j a yon nn4 1i Bf 5T
Art Lovers,
You are urgotl to visit the Whitmoro Art Galler
ies for the purpose of meeting Mr..Yamada Baeke,
the celebrated Artist. Mr. Iiaske has an extensive
ami very impressive exhibit of his most recent and
best work, over seventy-five paintings. adorning. the
walla of one of our exhibition halls.
Mr. Baske's ivaintings have received the commen
dation of many of the greatest American and Eng
lish artists. In Water Colors and in Oils he has
brought for your enjoyment the sunshine and the
flowers of beautiful Japan, and throughout his work
runs that elusive mysticism, which is one of the
most enchanting qualities of far Eastern art.
However, the purpose of this announcement .is
to impress upon you the desirability of coming at
once so that you may have the pleasure of meeting
Mr. Baske, himself. He is of a very pleasing person
ality and will talk entertainingly 'of his various
Japanese landscapes, telling many interesting btories
regarding the subjects depicted in his paintings.
Art Dealer and Importer.
A Special Lot of Fine Exclusive Afternoon Frocks We have assembled a great many of our choicest models, some
tnai nave no duplicates, including everytumg in tne very newest ana smartest models and fabrics.
Many axe sample frocks, and worth double. Our price
Exceptional Values in Very Late Shoe Styles
All Blue Kid or All Gray Kid Shoes, new
styles, silk fitted, curved heels, all sizes.
Wednesday, pair
for women, patent leather or dull
calf, lace style, all sizes. Wednes
in patent leather or dull leather, cloth or kid
tope, button or lace styles, Cuban or Louis
heels. Handsome dress shoes. Perfect fitting.
Every size and width. Special, pair
A splendid line of these desirable
winter slippers. All colors. At
98o to
I "
Some Delicious Sweets for Thanksgiving Dinner
That Are Sure to Please the Entire Family
Glase Maroons, As
sorted Fruits and
Assorted Qf"
Nuts, lb...""C
Our Homemade Full Cream
Caramels, vanilla, chocolate,
vanilla nut, chocolate nut and
cream roll. Special,
Our Fresh Cream Wafers,
mint, wintergreen, clove, choc
olate, pistachio and cinnamon.
Special Wednesday, 0J
pound uOC
Our Ices, Ice Creams and
Frozen Puddings and Egg
Nogs are delicious, and we de
liver to all parts of the city.