THE HKK: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY. N'OVKMnKIl 24, 1015; GREEK PORTS ARE NOT JLOCKADED London Statement Taken to. Mean that Kitchener'! Conference with King Brought Remlti. ATHEITS REPORTS PREMATURE lU'LLKTIX. SALOKIKI, Not. 22. (Via Paris. Not. J.) The resignation of I're niler Skouoodls of Grr-ece, according to reports in circulation here, Is ex Jifcted momentarily on account of difficulties between Greece and Great Irltaln. . LONDON, NovT 23. The foreign office states no Greek ships are being searched or held up In the ports of the United Kingdom and that no blockade of Greek ports has been in stituted or Is in force. No amplification of the foreign of fice statement Is obtainable in of ficial quarters. The universal de duction Is that the Greek govern ment has satisfied the British de mands submitted by Earl Kitchener, secretary for war, who was in Athens last week, and baa furnished guar antees of the safety of the Anglo French expeditionary force. It la belifvr-d that the announcement from Athena concerning- a commrrclnl blockade of Greece were premature, In that they presented the provisional Inten tion of the entente a'lies aa accomplished facts. , Ttecent dispatches from the near east have stated that the Ilrltlsh sovernmene ifl Inaugurated a "peaceful, blockade" Of Greece. The purpoee,' It wa aaid. was to Indue Greece to guarantee Immunity to Serbian. French end British troope Which nilfht be forced Into Greek terri tory from hoatlle action by the Oreks. ENTENTE HOPES SERBIANS WILL . HOLD MON ASTIR (Continued from Page One.) artillery la tuny on the weatern front, where the only other activity of late baa been mining and aerial operatlona. . Roumanla again f'gitrea In news of the diplomatic situation. It la reported that the central powera are about to make a formal request to the Bucharest govern ment to maintain Ita neutrality, but are offering certain conceaalona If that na tion will intervene In the war of their aide. ; lirraana Official Report. : BERLIN, Not. 23. (Via Wireless to Hyvlle.) An aerial battle, In which a French biplane waa daahed to the ground. (iuarters in today's official statement dealing with operations on the weatern front. Artillery duela took place In aev eral sectors of the Franco-Belgian Una, .the report states. 'The text of the official statement. Is sued today by the German army head quarters, follows:' '-..."western theater: Favored by clear weather, there a ere lively artillery duela at various places on this front. Tha activity of other kinds of fire also con tinues. . "In Uo Bole La frete sector two nemy mine exploalona -were unsuccessful- "A French biplane, after an aerial flht Ht-r Aure. In the Champagne, fell to Hie earth. Fastern theater: There Is nothing to report. '"Balkan theater: North of Mltrovltsa ml north and northeast of Trlatlna, the enemy was thrown bark In rear guard battlca. Bulgarian forces, flehtlng rt-uihaast of mUn. are victoriously ad anclng. In the region nenr I'rlatlna 8.019 Serbians were made prisoners and twenty-two machine tuna and forty, four cannon were-captured." CAPTAIN BOY-ED IS . NAMED BY LAWYER (Continued from Page One.) money In two New York hanks and soon after Captain Boy-ed came to him and told him that the money waa to be spent under bla (Boy-ad's) direction. We shall show that MJO.000 to SSOO.000 of thla money was sent to Ban Francisco, where It waa pent to charter and supply three ships with coal and provisions, and that theee veaaels sailed out and met the German cruiser Lelpels and perhaps the Dresden. "One hundred and thirty-five thousand dollar of this money, we shall show. waa spent for the purchase outright of one of these three vessels and all of the waa spent under Captain Koy-ed'a personal direction and Instructions. Many Bhlea Charter. "Sixteen or seventeen ship, were used," Mr. Wood continued, "by tha defendants to carry coal, water, wine, sauerkraut and other needed suppllea to tha Lelnzi Iresden, Cap Trafalgar, Elba, Banta "Lu cia, Eleanor Woermer and other Ger man men of war. These steamers all carried aupor cargo bearing sealed In structions, which were opened after the vessel ateamed away, sometimes within the three-mile limit. 'The defendant. Kotter, wa ahall ahow. signed letters which the super cargoea carried and these letters, addressed to the captains of the steamers selected to supply German warships. Instructed the captain to obey the super cargoes and tromlsd them liberal gratuities for dolmjr so. "We shall ahow that after these vea aels sailed for. Buenos Aires. I Guayra, Cadis. Morovla and other destination the euper cargoea Instructed the captains te go elsewhere and that the captains In obeying these instructions took their ves sels to meet German warships at sea and to deliver to the warships the supplies aboard. "Wa shall show that these defendants conspired at various meetings to do all these things; that In so dclng they rough-shod aver the laws and treaties of tha United States, as contemptuously as If thoae laws and treaties had been mere scraps of paper. Mr. Wood address lasted less than forty minutes. foaitaa mt Defease. William Kand, counsel for the defense. opened lib theae words "hn far aa certain facta are concerned we concede) that they are Juat as Mr, Wood stated them to fee," "Waf concede that certain ships sailed ROBERT LORAINE, the actcr-aviator, well known in America, has received the military cross for gal lantry fcr attacking; a Ger man Albatross at a distance of fifteen yards. from American porta to supply Gorman warahlpae and admit that theee ahipa were outfitted by Dr. linens and the oth-r iWomlnnta, but deny that the acta of the defendants oonetitute conspiracy,'.' Mr. Hand added. "On or abuut August 1, 1014, Dr. Hums reoelvcd from his home office In Oermany ordera by cable directing him to charter a number of stesmshlps here, place provlslona, coal and other sup plies aboard and send thorn to a dvalg nated place In the Atlantic, there to await ' the appearance of German war ahlpa, to which tho supplies were to be delivered. He was acting on those legiti mate orders In chartering these veaaels." HAUSER HERE; MAY CONFESS SMITH MURDER (Continued from Fago One.) (.gainst tho fellow, although the attitude of a number of men waa anything but reassuring. After Mid speedy run from Albright the prisoner waa landed In the cell room without mishap, and Maloney heaved a vlitlblo slff.l of relief, emphat ically refused to talk and went home to dinner. Both he, Hauser and Finn showed the strain of the flftr n-hour ride on tha cars. . Glad It la Over. "I'm glad this part Is over." said the prisoner Juat before the Iron bolt of his cell door fell Into place with a clang. Maloney has sent for those believed to be' Haiiaer's victims, who did not make the recent trip to Wichita, when Itauser waa Identified, and they will hear him speak, get a good look at the man. and. If possible, add further to the chain of evidence which Is designed to send Mauser to "the chair." (lad lie Is Dronaht Hack. Upon learning that Captain Maloney 1 ad arrived in On aha with his prisoner Miss Grace Plater, who waa Smith's com panion the night he waa murdered, said: "I am glad he has been brought back here, and I hop Ms trial will come up soon. I am sure my statements will be substsullated either by a confession or testimony at the trial." W. F. Hauee. whose home at 3328 Pins street, was held up by llauaer while a house party waa In rrogreaa, aald: "Ton can bet your sweet lilt I'm glad, they've got him here. Tho worst la not too bad for that fell the I latino holdup. John T. Tales, sovereign clerk of the Woodmen of the World, by whom Smith waa employed, aald: "I am pleased to find liauser has been brought to Omaha, and I hope he Is gl 'en a speedy and fair trial ao justice can be dono." TOD SLOAN ARRESTED ON DEPORTATION ORDER LONDON, Nov. 21. -Tod flloan, the former jockey, was arrested here to day on a deportation order from the home secretary, under the defense of tha realm act. He will bu sent bark to the United Statea immediately. The explanation given by the home ofll e fo- designating Tod Hloan as an umlcalrat Ir alien ' that he has been maintaining a gambling house. It la presumed here that Tod Sloan's deportation from Ktmlruxl was ordered because he recently had been In Oer- many. No official report on tha caae has reached the titate department. IFTEEN MILLIONS IN GOLD COME FROM LONDON NEW YORK, Nov. H Two shipments of gold valued at I16.750A10 which ar rived here on board the steamers Lap land and 8t. I'aul, were landed today. ) The Lapland brought t7.0W,uoo while the Ft I'aul carried Kt.&'iO.ouO In gold specie snd M.WO.OUO In bullion. Most ot the gold was consigned to New York banking houses to pay for war munitions ordered ty the lirttlsti government. Tlead Them Every Hay. It Will Pay! Tbe Bee Want Ada in The Bee. YOUR BROKCHUL TUBES When a cold settles ia the bronchial tubes, with that weakening, tickling cough, immediate treatment is very important The breath seems shorter because of mucous obstructions; usu ally fever is present, your head jars with every cough and your chest may ache. This Is no time for experimenting or delay you must get Scott's EmulMon at once to drive out the cold which started the trouble, and it will check the cough by aiding the healing pro cess of the enfeebled membranes. II you have any symptoms of bron chitis, or even s stubborn cold, always remember that Scott's Emulsion has been relieving tris trouble for forty years. It is free t'rom alcohol or drags. Refuse substitutes. uutt ft Vw. SlaosulMld.rt.I. 1S-U I Jt.I. SEVEN KILLED AND FORTY-TWOINJURED Special Train Carrying Circus Col lide! Head-On with Passenger Near Columbus, Ga. SEVERAL REPORTED MISSING COLUMBUS, O., Nov. 23. Seven persons, at least, were killed and forty-two injured In the wreck near here last night, when a circus train .collided head-on with a passenger train on the Central of Georgia rail road. A misunderstanding of orders brought tho two trains together On a straight track and much of the wreck age was burned. At least six persons were burned to death and a seventh died in r. hospital. All the dead were members of the Kennedr Carnival company, which was traveling on a train of twenty-eight cars. None of the injured will die. The owner of the show eatlmeted that eighteen were killed, but a search of tho wreckage today gavo no trace of that number. All tho show animal were hurticd to death and there Is a possibility that several showmen, of whom no rco- ord was kept, were also lost. The known dead and Injured, except for trainmen, were persons traveling with the cnrnlval company. The list of dead follows: MR. AND MRS. FRF.D 8. KEMFF of Khiisbs City. A HUOWMAN. known as "Whltey." O. H. HAWKINS, Peoria, III. GEO RGB CHADWICR, address un known. JOHNSON, address unknown. Hawkins, Chadwlck and Johnson were employed by thn carnival company. The engines of both trains were de molished by the Impact The passenger train carried three steel coaches, all of which escaped serious damage. The cars of the carnival train, however, piled up on the englnea and immediately caught fire. The chief performers of the car nival company rode In twelve coachea which made up the rear end of their train and none of them suffered more than bruises. Throws Cllrl front 'Window. Mr. and Mrs. Kempf and their young daughter. Hazel, were In one of the cars near the front of the train. When the car caught fire the woman tossed her daughter out of a window, the child es caping with cuta arid trulses. Mrs. Kempf and her husband were burned to death In the wreckage. It was said tonight none of the animals except some horses and dogs escaped being burned to death. There were about 40) people attached to the carnival company, which had been exhibiting In Atlanta during the last w-7k. The train carried a lion, two beara, six camels and a number of trained horses and dogs. Southwestern Iowa Fruit Men to Meet ATLANTIC,- la., Nov.' SI (RpeeiaD Tho forty-first annual aeealon ot tha Southwestern Iowa Horticultural society will bo held at Atlantic. November 30 to December I The exhibits will be made In Masonic Temple building. Officers of the association are: Presi dent, M. 3. . Worth. Mondamln; vice president, I. N. Brown, Atlantic: treas urer. J. r. Hess, Council Bluffs; secre tary protem. W. M. Bomberger. Harlan. TANK SCRAP SUIT AGAINST PURDUE IS DISMISSED LAFAYETTFX Inl.. Nov. 23,-Judge J. Caldwell In tha circuit court today d missed the 2T,,O0O .iamnge suit against Purduo university brought by Abraham L. Ohonchaln of Fouth Whitley, Ind., whose son .was killed In the Purdue tai lr scrap of September 19. 1913, Ms neck belig broken. It wss alleped In the complaint that the school authorities Induced Fran cis W. Obenchaln. 30. to enter the fWht. and tht the fight w-is conducted and en couraged by tha university. The case wis dismissed because of a lack o prosecu tion. Hundred Persons Drown in Sicily ROME, Nov. 13. (Via Ixmdon.) One hundred persons were drowned today by the washing away of a bridge over tho Balso river, near IJcata. Blclly. f'rap Uasue I'rovea Fatal. MASON CITY. Ia.. Nov. .-Spee1al Telegram.) -Jamea K. Wilson Was shot snd killed while engaged In a crap game at Manley. Bert Thomas Is under arrest and Is reported to have confessed to tha shooting, but claims self-defense. 1890 1915 DIAMONDS Essentials of a High Grade Diamond 'lUue- White In Color. Free of Imperfections, Correct Proportions. Proper llaclng on of Facets. The two last mentioned mean "UrOUanrr," providing material la not smoky or cloudy. Our lVrfect Diamonds have all above ruent tuned attribute, and we have them In all elia and In gutHlly numbers cor rectly priced. Irt ns ahow thetn to you. 15 -& DODGE WANT FRAUDULENT ADS SUPPRESSED n, .. . . . Advertising; Clubs Ask Federal Gov eminent to Take Jurisdiction Over Them. PRINTED LIE IS A PUBLIC LIE WASHINGTON, Nov. 23. Repre sentatives of the Asnoclated Adver tising Cluhs of tho World appeared today before the federal trade com mission to urge the comniisHlon to take Jurisdiction over dishonest ad vertising as unfair competition within the meaning of the federal law. "We feel we are a natural ally of the . commission with our 14,000 members, embracing fourteen meth ods of advertising," said Herbert S. Houston, president of the clubs. "In addition to our national vigilance committee we have In each state ippatVe vigilance committees, and they come In contact with many interstate cases which we thin might well be laid before this ccmmlsslcn by ua." I'rlntrd Me la Public Mr. James Keeley, editor of the Chicago Herald, presented tho view of a Inrste number of advertising aRencles that dis honest advertising was unfair competi tion. "A spoken lie may be a private matter, but a printed He is a public lie; It con cerns th public and Is a question for public treatment," said Mr. Keeley. "Publishers deal In the sale of white space and the value thereof depends upon the confldonce of the public In which It has printed therein. To print a crooked advertisement In that space Is to assault public confidence. To depre ciate the value of advertisements Is to Injure one of tho greatest ot public utilities." Many Inataneea Cited. H. J. Keener, secretary of the national vigilance committee; William H. Inger soll, a New York manufacturer, and Charles H. Porter, president of the Chi cago. Advertising association, cited nu merous cases of misstatements In ad vertisements which they urged came within the Jurisdiction of the commis sion. E. P. Meredith of Ues Moines, la., estimated that the association could present (,(100 such Instances. At the end of the hearing Chairman Davles suggested that the association present specific complaint In writing that the commission fnUht tako up and act on tha question of Jurisdiction. Mr. Houston said that would be done imme diately. CONVICTION OF SLAYER OF ANNA AUMULLER UPHELD ALHANY, N. T., Nov. 23. The Judgment convicting Hans Schmidt of the murder of Anna Aumullcr was upheld by the court of appeals today. Schmidt, who was performing the of fices of a priest at St. Joseph's church in New York City, was arrested Septem ber IS. l!:t. and confessed to the police that he had killed Miss Aumuller, whose dismembered body had been found in the North Wcr. - , Tha first frlal resulted In a disagree ment, but a second trial ended in a con viction. I-alcr Schmidt repudiated his confession and the case was carried to l'n cotrt of appals on the ground that Miss Aumuller's death waa the result of an Illegal operation. Department Ordera. WASHINGTON. Nov. St. (Special Tele gram.) Iowa rural letter curriers ap pointed: Keystone. James L. Morrison; Mount llamlll, Jumca S. Talin; Mount l'leasunt. Clarence V,n Tuyl; Pack wood. Krnest l. Clark; Sallx, Stephen Cleary. A civil service examination will he held on. January 8 fur rural letter carriers at NVIIkIi and Stockvllle, Neh. W. C. Werlenbrush of Sioux City. Ia.. has been appointed a clerk In the Inter state Commerce commission . The comptroller of the currency has approved the apnllcation of the Oreyhull bank at Orevbull, Wyo., to convert Into the First National bank of Ureybull, with a capital of .i0.mO. The AEOLIAN VOCALION ,.. -' Vm' "" ""T ' hi" fpiiliMfll'f ' fill' i t!;,i !' : ''i I1 ! . .'. i. ..:' :'WiiM'-k "tmiLoi.icJl A New Model Slyle "ti" ; $100 Bold on Small Monthly Payments. Allow amen ou I'honutfrupus of Other Makea. sirtnl and 6tart it playing. And the Wonderful Graduola which confers the wholly new phonographic privilege of perfect and artistic tone-control. It lets you play the phonograph with all the musical feeling you possess. Demonstrations of this new Aeolian Vocalion, as well aa other models, cheerfully givon to the merely curious as well as intending phonograph purchasers. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. 1311-13 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. Exclusive Aeolian Vocalion Distributors for Nebraska and Western Iowa. Desirable territory open for Re liable Dealers. Store Closed All Day Thanksgiving Day. Burton's Name on Republican Ticket For Coming Primary Matthew J. Grcevy of Omaha yes terday filed In the office of the secre tary of state at Lincoln a petition nominating Senator Theodore K. Burton of Ohio for president on tho Nebraska republican ticket, he an nonuced in a statement Issued last night. "The petition was signed by thirty six republican voters who are repre sentative of the rank and file of re publicans in this state, rather than of olfice holders, or office seekers," said Mr. Greevey. "Among the signers were a dozen members of the Ohio club of Omaha." Senator Burton recently visited Omaha and was greeted and enter tained here by hundreds of republicans. Convicted of Shipping Whisky in Coffin CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., Nov. 23. The Tennessee Coffin anl Casket company and Frank Fox, Its rhlpplng clerk, were convicted In the federal court todny of shipping whisky In coffins Into adjoining states without proper labelling. T. C. Hetterton, president of the eom pny, who also Is poilce chief of Chatta rtoogc; L. C. Myllus, superintendent of the company, and A. G. Smith, a sales man, were acquitted. Betterton denied Knowledge of the fact. Thn government contended it waa the compnny's custom to enclose tot tics of ahlsky to those whj bought coffins. QUR LABEL is p-7 inside, but the appearance is visible to the mist casual observer. Yes, it pays handsomely to wear a suit made here for you at $25 to $50 Terfect Fit Guaranteed. MacCarthy-Wilson Tailoring Co. S15 South 15th Street. REMEMBER-- ' When You Really Know You Will Want It It adds to the dally food purs fruit-derived ele ments necessary for health and strength, and causes such ailments as a weak stomach, conitt- patea Dowels, run-aown nerves, to pass sway use mist before the sun. You need It. - The morning drink will do for you what no physic, pill, mineral water, oil or enema can do. It Is ss different from such things as day is from night. It means active functions, sound digestion, pure blood, wholesome Skin, restful sleep, strong nerves, a clear brain. You can expect those results. They will come. It Is Just What You Need Your druggist ct grocer can get Fruit Visor for you i per Jar. But If he won't, send X for an ar, or S3 for four lara, to be sent prepaid and guaranteed by us. STEWART FOOD CO., 489 Seearity lldB.,CHICQ0 Though of such moder nto cost, .this new model contains all the important scientific discoveries and inventions that make the Aeolian Vocalion the greatest phonograph the world has ever known. The Sound Box . which produces a rich, mellow and rounded depth of tone wholly new to the phonograph. The Sympho netic Horn which pre serves all the suhtle tonal characteristics of differ ent instruments and voices. The Automatic Stop a new triumph of simplic ity and efficiency; only two movements are ,re quirad to 4 'set" the record to stop at any place de- TKONPSON-BELDEN The Fashion Gcnler ofe fliddleWcsf. Established m.j Coats, Suits, Blouses Specially Priced Second Floor Dainty, New Embroideries For infants' and Chil dren's Dresses, the edges finished with narrow ruf fles and venise lace, $1.25, $1.53 a yard. New Plaid and Our buyer, who is now in New -York," writes that he has been fortunate in securing these highly de DON'T POD LTif At the AUDITOR. USY3 November 24 to 28, Inclusive See 2,000 of Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, South Dakota and Minnesota's best birds. Prizes given on admissions each day. ADMISSION 10 CTS. THE CENTRAL'S Big Toy Department OPENS Friday, November 26th Our enlarged toy department enables us to display the largest and most com plete line of foreign and domestic toys, dolls and games that we have ever shown. In thla Mg department can be found any and eveiy thing In the way of mechanical or Iron toy, beautiful dressed dolls, dolls with kid bodies and character dolls, and all at a price which will mean an abso lute saving to you of from 10 per cent to 60 per cent. These low prices are made possible on account of our Inexpensive building and location and a very small operating expense. AMI'S KM KIS'TS. race: Don't Miss This Musical Treat DAVID BISPHAM and an All-Star Cast in "THE REHEARSAL" and ADELAIDE at the AUDITORIUM Monday Night, Nov. 29. Second Popular Price Municipal Concert Seats, 50c to $1.50. Make Your Reservations Now. Box Office :en. TBI BEIT IN VAUDEYIX.I.E Uly Mstm , Svory Klglit. 8:15 i other scu tsu JACK CLIKr OU Vi J U Mlry. Arnold a Ethel o:ir: broaa a U wk; I'oiTtsas A YltiQ; or bum Travel Wkl.. Price.: Ml! liiry. luc bi-at seats leac-pt Saturday and Sunday). c. Nlshu. Wc. Ue. 10 and Tie. Oaa JIAU rUst CEITTZB" Dally Mat s..l 8-95-80 ETnara l &--oo-yss six" cJt rnt-t week lb Conjunction With Cay New Yorkers ,5252 Doll MorrtsMv. Gt r.1c-ln l os -"it rttcartsisva award tar to patron. Mayb you'll sot n. X&Ua Pl-i UUiu Wm. Bays. TOMIOHT. V. W. OOLK. Manar. 11 UI HI V IU .S I'KC 1 A lll.K Til QBEAT JOHBT OAVTOaT Matinf-s: Ttiurn. Pt. All Beata 10c. MOBTB BIOI STOCK CO, tafaar btan.larj Flays at II If Neit Wnk: "TUb: TH'IKl) nKOREE." Iteaorved beats at Uux Orfic 6 CO. For Baby's Bed The dnintest, most at tractive things you have seen in many a day; Silk (guilts, Eiderdown Blank ets, machine or hand made Sheets and Pillow Cases, Knitted Cotton Sheets, Quilted and Eiderdown lied Pads. All at Pleasing Prices Infants' Section Third Floor. Striped Silks sirable 30-inch fabrics. They arrived yesterday $1.50 to $2.25 a Yard MISS THE u,..,.gy. jUUiUMMSa I ni'-Aiie ViHn AMI $i:mk.t8. BAH DEI THEATER 2H? BIG VJEEH D. W. Griffith's World's Sensation SMlnJ You Can't Afford , to Miss It- y ASK ANYBODY Matinee Dally, 2:15; Eienlngs, 8:15 nnipCQ. Matinees, 25c to $1 rniULOi Evenings, 50c to $2 1 3 WINSCH & POORE, In' 'No Trespassing". Chas Chaplin, In a 2-Baal Blst, Admission 10 Kad. Beata, 10o Extra Fhoaa Doug. 999. "A NIGHT IN THE SHOW" AT THE BOYD Zast Times Doday, "THE RAVEN" BIUL1B D1XB TTOHt. fcvprano, Sings at 3 p. m. and 9:14. Tomorrow Thanksgiving Bnsrnremsnt Extraordinary, HEW YOU TABKIOir SHOW," "Mrs. Whitney's Styls Show," "aTovci and Boclsty." "Kentucky Derby." Also Living Models. S!j,rv fl&tnrdav. 10:30 n Snnn 5c Kiddies' Komady Pictures So H HIPP Continuous from 11 a. ni. to 11 i. m AU Bests lOo, both Afternoon fe Eva. 'X.AST TIMIl TODAT. Pauline Krederick "BELLADONNA" ROLLER SKATING Chambers' Academy Bntranoe 1434 Tarnam Eyery AFTERNOON and EVENING AdmUxion and bkates. 23c E-ourlas 1871. 9. K. TELTOH. Mfi. Rent Your Vacant House by Use of Bee Want Ads